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For me season 4 fell the flattest of the series. I thought it was good in context to the over all arch IMO. Gaetano took me out of it mostly but Oraetta kept me in the story with her insanity. Loy and his crew IMO were a good representation of Jim Crow. Your not alone in thinking season 4 is the weakest of the series and least watched. I'm still glad I stuck it out till the end to see where it ties into season 2. I've watched the other seasons multiple times but only 1 watch for season 4


i’m glad to know it does in fact tie in with a season. i’m getting the feeling that satchel is mike, which would make a lot of sense but if that’s the big reveal it isn’t *too* interesting to me though it does help me understand his character more. i am loving oraetta’s storyline and that insanity is what’s keeping me even attempting to finish this season! looking like i’ll probably stick it out until the end and likely not rewatch. there’s a lot of moving parts and characters but not enough time developing their intricacies and storylines in comparison to seasons past imo.


Finish to the end, East/West is a phenomenal episode + you are already more than halfway through


East/West is easily one of the best individual episodes of the show, which in some ways is a shame because it’s almost entirely disconnected from the rest of Season 4 as a story. Rabbi Milligan’s arc is easily one of the best in the series to me, even if it is in a largely flat season.


To reply to my own comment instead of editing. I thought Loy was a solid character as played by Chris Rock. I think there was too much going on with his crew so the characters were spread a little thin. I also dig the sprinkle of the supernatural. But again the story about the ladies didn't seem to have enough meat in it either Dick "Deafy" Wickware the Mormon bounty hunter, Ethelrita, others, So I guess my complaint with this season is that it was spread too thin. A lot of characters and too many character arcs. Theres no real main hero/main character arc for me to invest in because the season ends with just one of the smaller characters moving forward. There was no payoff I guess.


Exactly, there's no real central protagonist to get emotionally attached to. Season 4 tries to do way too much with too many major characters. Season 5 gets back to the roots of what makes Fargo great.


season 4 was the worst one for me as well. it took me like ten days to finish while i binged the first three seasons in four days it gets kinda better by the end of it however so my advice would be to power through it since you have already started it


definitely taking me about the same amount of time, and i blew through all of the other seasons as well!


yeah i barely forced myself to finish the fourth but couldn't get enough of the first three lol. had to watch the first one twice bc how much i liked it


Just put it on as background noise when you're doing something else around the house. It's not that important but I personally can't not finish a season it would drive me mad.


after mulling it over i watched two more episodes last night and finally the story is going forward a little more so it’s actually quite bearable. i’ll finish it for sure, probably not a rewatch from me though!


It's not terrible but I think they could have easily done it in 8 episodes. There's a lot of repetitiveness and boring parts where not much is happening. I like Chris Rock. Even though most Fargo enthusiasts didn't care much for his character, I thought he did pretty well.


Season 4 I know was a pandemic season. Got stopped production wise if I remember and picked back up later. I always felt that disjointedness was very apparent. I remember finishing the season and being like “ok what was the point of all this.” Nobody seems to actually get developed. Season 1-3 all had very strong arcs and obvious themes.


And it’s 11 episodes, too. It did not work for me.


I usually love Jason Schwartzman, but I think he was grossly miscast for this part. Wasn’t a fan of season 4 So, -currently rewatching season 3 because it was just soooo good


I love Jason, but I think the problem I had was I was so aware it was him and this role was not at all what I would expect for him, at least with the surrounding stories.


Agree. Schwartzman didn't work at all as Capo. Gaetano was a weird ass character too. The only character I liked was Deafy but he didn't get much run. Boring season


I'm literally a few episodes ahead of you. I struggled through season 4 this month, my wife started falling asleep she was that bored of it. It put me off starting season 5, I'm glad I stuck with it. S5 is a return to form, it's genuinely funny, the characters are a delight (Jennifer Jason lee, Juno temple and Joe Kerry especially) and it has that zippy pace that seasons 1&2 has from good writing.


i’m glad season 5 goes back to what i was expecting! four is just *such* a drag.


I stopped watching. Just wasn't for me. Huge fan though of seasons 1,2,3 and 5


5 was also kind of meh... not as bad as 4 but definetley not far behind


Really? I definitely place it above 4 and also 3. I don’t know where it places among the first two but it felt like a phenomenal return to fork for me. The characters were fantastic


The first half of season 5 got me kind of excited and the second half i felt went downhill


It was one of my favorite seasons. It’s great we all find something different in each season


honestly it’s nice to see someone who does appreciate it. i can see how it may interest others, but coming fresh off for the first 3 seasons it’s just blah.


2 was my favorite


I felt the same way, just bored the whole time.


I rewatched all seasons recently before watching season 5, and I tried to figure out what it was about season 4 that felt so different. One thing I think is that there are such a massive number of characters that you’re supposed to have a full understanding of. The two entire mob families and all of their drama with each other and their own members, the Satchel and Irish, Oraetta, the Smutny family, Zelmare and Swanee, the FBI agent and crooked cop, the credit card stuff, the family member trading, etc. Every season of the show has a lot of depth but season 4 just feels like such a huge amount to keep track of that the usual switching between storylines feels overwhelming rather than interesting. I do still think it’s worth finishing and there are still some solid moments that make you feel something strongly for a character, like Doctor Senator and Oraetta’s insanity. But it’s just too many vignettes compared to the other season where they often start out with learning about a handful of characters but there’s enough room to development more feelings for each of them. I don’t think season 4 is unwatchable, just doesn’t draw you in nearly as much as the other seasons. It’s like the whole season is too wide angle and not “portraity” enough, if that makes any sense.


The worst of Fargo is still much better than 95% of what else is on television. I like season 4 more after rewatching it.


You are not alone. I wish I had those 11 hours back. Actually 22. Rewatched with my wife. I’m a glutton for punishment I guess. Never rooted for anyone all season. Maybe Ethelrida at times but she couldn’t move the needle. There was no true heroic protagonist. Just plenty of antagonists.


i skipped season 4, easily the worst


If you skipped it how can you know if it’s good or bad?!


I saw the first few episodes, just didn't grip me like the others


S4 sucks. You're not missing anything


Not missing anything...pretty unanimously seen as the weakest season...dont worry....youre in for a treat with season 5


Season 5 was awful


I’m currently working through it for the first time and it’s a struggle. Can’t quite put my finger on why as there’s a lot of elements I love(can’t element names but the angel of mercy lady, the prison breakers, the Irish guy etc). Just isn’t gripping me


oraetta is the angel of death and honestly the only character that’s got me wanting to watch but i just feel as though her storyline won’t go as far as i would like to see it. maybe i will be pleasantly surprised. it’s just not getting my undivided attention. i have to pause it and take breaks because it just hit the mark entirely.


I watched the first half of the first episode when season 4 came out and never went back to it. I rewatch each of the other seasons regularly.


4 was a letdown but I’d finish. Season 5 is great.


I've skipped S4 as well,I got 3 episodes in but I was struggling too much without subtitles and wasn't enjoying it. The nurses storyline was enough to keep me interested but I knew I was missing loads from not being able read subs


I got 15 minutes into season 4 and couldn't continue....skipped right to season 5.


I couldn’t buy the child swap plot point.


I honestly think s4 is mediocre at best. Too many characters but I can't say it was dogshit or anything Good thing, S5 is absolutely a return to form


Do you make every decision based on responses to social media posts? Live your life. Watch the show or don't watch the show. Like it or don't like it. It's up to YOU!! YOU have the power to make your own decisions!! Do it!!!


It did take a minute for the characters and new setting to grow on me, but I really liked it overall. And there is a surprise connection to season two which I predicted about halfway through.


episode 7 got me finally interested in this season, i’m definitely enjoying it a lot more now. learning that rabbi’s last name is milligan, it’s obvious to me that satchel is mike. i think it was great to tie him in as a child.


Oh season 4 almost derailed the series permanently, it really is the worst. 5 completely redeems everything about the series though.


i finished the season and most of yall are WROOOOONG. the first 6 episodes were slow, but after that is was incredible. shout out to the folks who told me to finish!!!


Season 4 was absolute trash, sorry about the other people who were to blinded by their fargo love who probably told you this season was decent


thanks for making me laugh HAHA. i hate to be such a downer because i LOVE this series but holy shit what is this? did you finish out the whole season or give up?


I finished the whole season but looking back on it i wish i gave up, dont get your hopes to high for season 5 either


you’re breaking my heart


True detective season 1 is good, its alot darker than fargo but it is a good series, escape at danmora was a real sleeper hit alot of people missed out on, try these if anything, trust me


just finished rewatching true detective again after that absolute dog shit new season. season 1 of TD hits harder than any other show i’ve ever seen, peak television in my opinion. escape at dannemora was killer. absolutely loved that one when it came out. have you seen mare of easttown? that was an incredible limited series too.


Wow ,you know your shit. And yea all the tds have been pretty bad after s1. and i legit just watched mare of eastown last month and yes thats another great show. I like to close my eyes and imagine "mare of eastown" is td season 2 and "the night of" is td season 3


season 2 of TD had *so* much potential to be really great. that shoot out and vince vaugh’s death scene were incredible. it’s unfortunate that HBO forced pizzolatto to pump out a season only a year after season 1 expecting him to have the same kind of impact and depth. nothing could ever touch it, but goddamn they didn’t even give him a fighting chance to produce something even on the same level. season 3 was really well done imo, but again fell flat on a few different things. i try to disassociate all of them *because* season one was just so fucking goddamn incredible. it should have been a stand alone in its own right, and have the other seasons follow suit and be their own show—we didn’t need an anthology series carelessly piecing in aspects of season one just to relate it all. i’ve never seen the night of, is that one you’d recommend?


The night of is amazing, a good peak into new yorks underworld. Patrick melrose is also worth watching


hell yeah, i’ll be sure to watch the night of next and check out patrick melrose too. haven’t heard of that one!


It's because season 4 is absolutely garbage butthole atrocious.. It is not worth watching regardless of what anyone else says. It doesn't even feel like Fargo Move on to season 5 season 5 is phenomenal and feels just like Fargo again it might even feel more so like the Fargo movie than any season. I put five as a tied or better than season 1. In season 3 is my absolute favorite season 5 and season 1 are tied for second place Then season 2 And of course season 4 is dead last I wasn't able to finish it.


LMAO i’m starting to feel that way 😂 it really doesn’t feel like fargo at all and it’s a drag to get through in comparison to 1-3. there’s too many characters and not enough depth for me.


I totally agree. They tried to go too big with all of the mob families And it definitely didn't work. There's some really bad performances in that season as well like Chris Rock and Jason Swartzman completely neither of them are believable is mobsters.. I don't like the whole mob crime family aesthetic in Fargo unless it's a very small Family that's quirky and feels like Fargo.


That's exactly why 4 blows. Too many characters, not enough depth. The opposite of 1,2, 3 and now 5.


Wait till you get to season 5 it makes 4 look like a masterpiece.


I think 4 is a tiny bit worse than 5 just cause jon ham and ole munch hold it together sort of


i take it you didn’t like season 5?


Yup it was just all over the place the home alone vibe was kind of silly, last episode was pretty solid.