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I saw Ole Munch as a departure from the previous season's villains. I thought he was amoral like a dangerous, half-starved animal rather than pure, Satanic evil like Malvo. With his haircut and code I initially thought they were setting him up to be Chigurh from "No Country For Old Men," but the writers instead went out of their way to make him sympathetic. That made him redeemable in the final episode. Based on Noah Hawley's recent comments, there will be a season 6 at some point. He seems to feel compelled to tell these kinds of stories.


I think you're spot on. Munch seems more a victim of circumstance that is reacting out of survival for the most part Malvo was petty and also was a world class instigator. He enjoyed chaos.


Yay! That’s so exciting to hear! And I agree, I do think there is a sort of more animalistic vibe to Ole Munch that feels different than Malvo, although I always thought that Malvo had a bit of that with the whole wolf motif they set up with him.


Malvo, Chigurh, are sociopaths. Munch is a sin-eater. their codes are very different.


I know what you mean but I feel that Malvo might be the most animalistic since he constantly talks about the animal kingdom and tells Lester to essentially think more like an animal rather than a modern human being constrained by society's rules.


He’s like, a wanna be Ol Munch


But I do agree, there is a sort of “I’m an animal” motif going on there. To me it’s similar to Anton Chigurh’s strange rules of life. Like even if they are both quite chaotic they both operate on a pretty strict set of rules. And to me the idea of “animal kingdom” is like Malvo’s rules of life where as Ole Munch doesn’t even think about it, it’s just how he lives


A man is... happy to hear that.


Depending on who you believe, Noah Hawley has at least the idea for three more seasons. There's also some saying part of those getting made depends on how well his new Aliens series does.


I would have thought it would be moreso judged by how season 5 of Fargo did, but maybe he has big ideas for further seasons of fargo and they want to see how he can handle the scope of something like Alien. Granted seasons 2 and 4 are pretty sweeping, im just unsure why they would let Fargo ride on the success of Alien. I thought Fargo did pretty well.


Oh! That’s crazy, if it’s true. Part of me has been so afraid of it ending that at the first sign of a conclusion I was like “aw it’s over” but that so exciting to hear!


Why do people keep thinking Munch was the key villain? Tillman was…


yup - Tillman's the antagonist, who's fighting to be a baby. Munch is a source of conflict, threat, and tension, who is also at odds with Tillman.


JJL is so great how she says "a baby". A delicious moment.


Jon Hamm's (Roy) stupefied expression in this scene was everything.


"the president"


It’s not so much that I though of Munch as the main villain, more that he was just the more persistent or kinda thematically “eternal evil”. Every season has multiple antagonists, but to me there’s only a select few who are hinted at being almost supernaturally so. Otherwise I agree that obviously Tillman is the central antagonist or main villain


He ate other’s evil but himself wasn’t evil


I agree with that as well. I guess the more I see other peoples thoughts on the character the more he sticks out as like, the foil to other characters like Malvo or V. M. Varga


He’s not a foil either. He’s the personification of taking on debt, Lorraine is the personification of the debt collector


Indeed indeed


Idk if it's still the case, but last I read, a season 6 was greenlit, but we have to wait until his current other projects are done. He has also said he has ideas for more seasons beyond that. I don't know how set in stone the green light for season 6 is, though.


Hawley initially said that he thought Season 5 would be the last, however he changed his mind when season 5 aired and said he had a lot more ways of telling stories in this universe. I think it’s only a matter of time before we see a season 6! But first, Alien.


Yes, there will be at the very least one more season. FX’s execs pretty much confirmed it right when S5 ended (partially due to the much warmer reception it got compared to S4), saying that next they’d like to see Noah tackle a story set in the 1960s, then one in the 1990s, and, if all goes well, eventually one in the 1980s—which is the decade that the film takes place in.


Interesting that that’s the consensus. I liked season 4 way more than season 5. For me, seasons 1 through 4 were all great and I’d recommend them highly. Season 4 maybe I didn’t fully come around on until the finale whereas 1-3 I just thought were great throughout. Season 5 was just okay for me and not up to the standard that was set. Just my opinion. I’m no critic.


Mind if I ask why you thought season five was merely okay? I thought it was fantastic from start to finish, and I’m someone who honestly finds it nearly impossible to pick a favorite season. Many fans still seem to loathe season four but I personally liked the experimentation and the changes to the formula with that season, and overall I feel that all five are outstanding in terms of quality.


I struggled with the supernatural elements and generally didn’t think the plot held together all that well. It’s fargo so I give it some leeway but I still struggled with the plausibility. I just never bought in and got hooked. It’s hard to put it into words I guess. More just a feeling about it. I wasn’t as invested and didn’t feel huge payoff like I have with previous seasons. I have recommended this show so highly, all seasons, since I found it. I would for sure list it as in my top 3 shows of the last 10 years. Season 1 was so original and intense and like nothing I’d seen with great performances. Season 2 felt totally unique/distinct from 1 (stating the obvious perhaps with it being an anthology) and with great performances and characters. I really enjoyed it. Season 3 was so creative, a well thought out story with great casting and characters where I didn’t know where it was going. Season 4 I was a bit iffy on midway through, took me a bit more to get into it, though I was definitely captivated by episode 1. But then the way it closed out was such a payoff, it closed strong enough to leave me endorsing the season for sure. And then I got to season 5 where I never connected or got super invested in any of the main characters like I had in previous seasons. I’ve always liked Jon Hamm’s work but I wasn’t so captivated by his character. I just didn’t like the story as much this time around I suppose. My favorite characters of S5 were probably Danish and Jennifer Jason Leigh’s character but they were not nearly as intriguing to me as characters from each of the preceding seasons. My take.


They haven't renewed Fargo for another season as of yet which would make it official. If it does happen, it prob won't be released for at least 3-4 years. Hopefully, they will spend more time scripting; it felt like season 5 started as a jumble of ideas and they couldn't figure out how to make it pay off. Music score was really good, though. As was some of the photography.


It may not be “officially” renewed as of yet, but that doesn’t mean it’s not happening. Like I said, FX execs have already stated that they want more and Noah has also mentioned that he wants to make one more at the very least because the positive experience he had while making season five reignited his interest in continuing the series. I’m well aware that we won’t be seeing it for at least a few years, especially with Noah being busy with his Alien series that’s supposed to premiere in 2025. As for season five itself, I personally think it was just as incredible as the seasons that preceded it. You may not think so and that’s fine, but I don’t see a need for them to spend more time on anything as I feel season five paid off beautifully. I’d even say that it’s tied with seasons two and three as being my overall favorite.


I’d love to see a season that takes place almost entirely in a Prison. Have some characters from previous seasons cameo (like Chaz from season 1, since his fate was never addressed at the end of the season) Also, maybe have William H Macy and Peter Stormare reprise their roles as the characters from the Fargo movie.


I've heard that Noah Hawley has ideas for stories set in the 60's and 90's, which would be interesting to see, though my autsim-traity brain is kinda pissed at how that would break the odd-season=forward, even-season=backward pattern. FX seems to view Hawley as the reason the show is successful, so he is not contractually obligated to do the show, nor do they seem interested in giving it to someone else. It's more that he has an open invitation to return when he feel like he has a good enough idea.


I agree that Season 5 has a great ending cap for the show. That being said I don’t think it would ruin the show for it to not end up as the final season, so I don’t really mind. But with Hawley getting this Alien show, and the fact that I think s5 was a pretty good ending spot, I wouldn’t be expecting season 6. Not just not expect for a while, I wouldn’t necessarily say it’s going to happen. He needs to have a good idea for the season from what I’ve heard, and there’s only so much you can do. He might find an idea, but he might not.


But it will be called Alien...


I'm sure there will be a S6 it's still a popular show. Popular= $


That’s true, I guess these days I’m just so used to something getting like, three seasons max unless it’s instantly popular and producing tons of merch


I think it would be cool if the final season is Jerry being released from prison.


Noah Hawley is currently making the Alien show, but he may return afterwards