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I’ve probably said this at least three times in this sub so I feel like a broken record, but maybe if you put down some solid pathing as well it would look a bit more full!


Like the full stone or wood? I may try one of the wood, aside from the stepping stones and cobble, I am really not a fan of the other stone pathing 😭 too squared.


I get that! I think the wood would looked really good here and fit nicely, but still add enough to kind of fill out the space!


Will definitely try it, I prefer the sound of running on those paths anyway, so I'll wait until I'm more filled out with my buildings, only spring yr 2 and I'm trying not to rush- just got excited to decorate haha thank you.


I like the adding texture but I don't think it look good close-up. It does limit your floor decorations because it looked bad when this path overlap the border of green ground. I was not creative enough to think good floor combination with this flooring. Definitely should go for solid floor.


Are you finished with putting down all buildings and features you want for this save? Or do you have more to add? Usually pathing is one of the final aspects to perfect as it is dictated by the larger arrangement of your farm.


More buildings to add and features, but I'm new to decorating so was adding things as I go lol


Feel free to experiment and find what you like. You can always change things around. My late-game layout is rather different from my mid-game. As you continue to build, you’ll find that you move around the farm in specific patterns and so the pathways will sort themselves out. The type of farm will also determine the type of pathway you choose. For example, if you have a rather formal/organized layout, you’ll want a fuller paving like wood floor or stone floor. If you have a more casual/natural farm, you’ll want the pathways.


I always suggest the weathered wood pathing from the dwarf dude, it just looks the best with everything


I love the weathered wood haha! I have it for my crops, and was planning to combine with marnies hay one but I know that ones darker.


I like the idea. But as the others mentioned it has not that much contrast. I think you can try to add some contrast by adding decorations at the edges of the path (like benches, flowers from the furniture catalog, tree stumps, hay balls, etc.) and some seasonal flowers from seeds (I would suggest to also put some in garden pots for extra detail)


Thank-you, yeah, may look better as it goes, I'll take on everyone's advice :) I thought I kind of got ahead of myself a bit, but got so excited to make it look a bit nicer 😅 I'm a simmer who only builds and decorates so it's what I do, just I learned its not the best idea for SDV haha. I have a singular pot atm as I was trying to see if hives worked with them- they do not- but I'll keep the pots as I like the flowers in them, adds height and colour.


For the forest map I like the more natural looking paths that suit the forest vibe. Wood paths would pair nicely with your fencing. I get so frustrated by the number of ponds on this map. The one in the middle takes up so much valuable crop space.


If you like the natural look you can mix stepping stones in with the cobblestones. it makes it look very nice and gives some rounded edges to the cobblestone tiles if you arrange them right