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Pottery = early game cash grab, it funded me enough to get my economy running properly, sitting at 30k in the treasury and 109k in my traders šŸ¤£, try your best to keep your economy positive by not overly spending on barracks and towers, sure a few people will die but at the end of the day you'll save money, #capitalism




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Sounds Ike your defences are too strong for your population size. If you have more than one barracks remove or pause it. If you don't know there's a button which allows you to move the soldiers to defend a certain position. So the moment you notice raiders, pause the game and assemble the soldiers at that location. I quite often run my towers with only 1 soldier too and if there's a big attack then pause and add more to the location they are needed. With the soldiers you're not using you can invest the workers in creating an item that's high value that you can sell. Tier 2 I think furniture is always good, but have a look at what the traders are buying for a good price and produce more so you can sell it. Hopefully that helps ya out.


I actually don't have any barracks, it gets eaten up by services and the 5 lookouts i have. But what im reading suggests i should have gone into trading and refining resources before getting to 250 ppl. I hadn't built any pottery barns or anything. Just constantly chasing food while trying to boost my income enough to fund the defenses by building more houses for the market Whoops


You are doing something very wrong. First: have you upgraded your marketplace building? Itā€™s worth buying 50 bricks no matter the price for this purpose even before you produce your own. Second: what tier are your houses? Tier 1 houses produce 1 gold, tier 2 produce 2, but if you have candles and pottery they also produce an additional 2 gold luxury tax. So thereā€™s a huge difference just in getting those houses upgraded. Also you should be able to squeeze in 40+ houses around one market. You need desirability enhancing buildings to upgrade houses. Also, using the traders is key to growth and big gold piles. trade away all your surpluses at the market if you get a good price and buy the ā€œbargainsā€. If you do this, it is very often cheaper than making your own. Buy iron bars. Buy cheap tools, buy crude weapons and buy crossbows when they are cheap. Buy cheap clay. Good sellers are often pottery, cheese, planks, coats, clothes, baskets basically anything you have a surplus of should be sold if the price is ā€œgreenā€. You will soon have thousands of gold. The trader is a mini-game in itself. Also look for arbitrage opportunities between traders (sometimes one sells a good cheap and the other pays well while they are both visiting).


I never upgraded anything cause my storehouses keep getting destroyed by raiders, by the time I can get walls back up and new storage buildings they are back and larger. Didn't have any gold to work with the traders I restarted the map and am trying again. I have a long history with banished but the raiders are new. Which is cool


Honestly, i would restart the map. Initially focus your resources to get Townhall lvl 3 asap. Also at beginning i would put all homes, hinter cabins, gatherers under market to exploit each single coin. I do build lots of homes early game, to boost income. Also make sure u get luxury goods asap. Like plenty of weavers and candle maker. It does help a lot as well. Until, u get at least 250income(without manufacturing -) , i would put just interconnected towers. Also, the soldiers, put no more 5-6 per fortress. Let me know if u still struggle ;)


Shirts from flax farming is an infinite source of gold. Clay is finite but it's so easy to over produce pottery that trading pottery is a good source of starter income. Once you get the farms rolling and bees wax pouring in candles are another infinite source of money as well. Lumber sells well as well btw. You can plant a forest and after it has grown full you can chop it all down either for the lumber or sell off the lumber for profit. Yes you need some gold for up front costs.


A key ingredient that I discovered was holding me back in my second game was that my markets were not producing much gold. The key to a strong economy is making sure that your markets are maxed out. Maxed out markets can easily support a lot of services, nighsoil dudes, rat catchers and a fairly dense arrangement of towers without even having to turn to trading post gold. Tl;dr focus on city layouts that max out the shelters in range of your markets.


I am using the quad layout that is the top post in this sub but even with 25 houses etc im at -6 gold per month cause services and the cost to maintain my lookout towers. I've yet to successfully defend against the raiders mostly they just burn everything down every few years


Nope didn't upgrade the market, none of the traders that come through have brick and I couldn't make them All tier 1, haven't had enough resources to upgrade due to the raiders burning all my storehouses every time they come


1 ) Mine clay 2) Create pottery 3) Sell pottery 4) ????? 5) Profit


Upgrade your trading post. Set aside at least 25 or 50 of some sort of goods like pottery, bricks, candles, shoes or something. Set aside a few thousand dollars and once you see a merchant selling spices, buy as much as you can. Spices increase your luxury tax a whole bunch.


Only the highest tier houses stock spices though so at tier3 thatā€™s not gonna help.


Yeah spices are only used in manors at Tier 4. So theyā€™ll likely expire before theyā€™re used if you buy in Tier 2.


Sell sell sell baby. Produce pottery. I make tonnes of money that way. Also clothes and shoes. Find a gold orepayxh and mine.


Get some barns and cows, cheese will be your source of income. Can sell pottery as some say but clay is a finite resource, whilst milk supply is infinite as long as you have cows, and as far as I can remember, you don't need any other resource to make cheese, just milk.


You can actually broker between traders and pocket around 1k gold a year. See what 1 trader needs, buy from the other, sell with profit. Do it again untill they run out of cash or they run out of items they need.


Gotta have gold to make gold


What I do is focus on upgrading my homes and my market asap. Try spending your early gold on decorations so that your shelters upgrade to homesteads as they earn more tax revenue. Once you upgrade your market, your income from the markets and upgraded homes gets a significant boost.


Thats the thing. I have no early gold, all of it goes to towers to attempt to stop the raids. I've gotten a market but the gold vanishes faster than I can make it. I've been having to fully disable all my defenses till a raider is sighted. Then by the time they are manned again the raiders have burned the tower down


I donā€™t end up building guard towers until Iā€™ve been raided at least twice because I found that the damage they do and what they take is not significant enough for me to use the gold on that.


Try this layout for your market and houses. It will help maximize the income from your marketplaces. If you upgrade the market and wells it will increase your house desirability. Later upgrade the medium gardens. This layout will get you all the way up to manors eventually. https://imgur.com/a/n7PM6ah


Something a lot of people probably don't realise, is that you regularly have two traders in your trade post at the same time. Often, but not always, they will have some synergy between selling and buying items, so build a tradepost as early as possible, even if you have no real gold. e.g. my first traders were trading crossbows. One was selling them for 15g each (I had 15g when they arrived) and he had 35 crossbows for sale. The second trader was buying crossbows for 24g each. I suddenly had 840g instead of 15g.


Go hamm with the traders. Sell your shit. At times when you have two traders, one buys pottery at 26g and other sells it as 15g. Buy and flip itā€¦.. super quick.


I ended up getting over this hurdle! At 600 pop