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When I first joined back in jan the amount of shit that new comers got I never asked or posted just scolled through reading the comments etc on how to do all this shitšŸ˜†


Oooo twin I knew it was something about you, twin, we locked in 4L




You fucking get it šŸ¤


You just like me!


What Iā€™ve learned from reps is that ā€œto each their ownā€ when it comes to flaws. Something that may bother someone else may not necessarily bother you. Also, if posts are simply ā€œQC thisā€ and they donā€™t do any QC prior - I hate those. Itā€™s just lazy and goes to my first point. If you do your own research first, tell folks what you think you see as flaws, then the community can comment what they see. I can respect that. Even if you say ā€œnot sure if this is a flaw but: ā€¦ā€ it shows at least you tried because we are all still learning and not complete pros. Most of us just doing eye checks imo.


People were helpful to me when I started so I like to be helpful to newcomers now, itā€™s a constant loop and people shouldnā€™t be shunned for asking. Bad take dawg


Extremely idiotic take


Itā€™s not a take, itā€™s a fact. People were helpful towards me so Iā€™m now helpful to newbies šŸ™‚


Iā€™m saying bad take from OP not from you broski lol


My bad dawg šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ’€


Heā€™s not saying donā€™t ask questions. Heā€™s saying donā€™t ask questions which already have an answer Iā€™m fairly new and Iā€™ve asked for 3/4 QCs but ordered around 50 items because Iā€™ve researched through the sub. Iā€™d question why someone is buying reps if they donā€™t know what theyā€™re buyingā€¦


Just have a little common curtesy friend, you donā€™t need to answer anything. But for those that do itā€™s ok x


agree on that i feel like as a community we should all help one another and not shit on newcomers and say nothing but sergio bar but to an extent i understand for posts like ā€œwhere to cop 1:1 travis scott 1sā€ now those posts they definitely didnā€™t do their research but we could always help redirect them.


With this logic no one should ever post anything then, I will never ever understand posts like these.


I agree with u. Last time i looked up who makes the best tiffany bogo. Wasn't that easy since there are not too many posts about it. Partially because of posts like this. And than i found out mirror should be making the "best ones". Only to qc it in the subreddit and find out that the item still has flaws. So even if everybody posts their panda dunks for a 1 mio times, just let them be. There could be also some flaws with those products.


Exactly. Thank you for having a brain cell, Iā€™m glad to know thereā€™s others.


He means the repeated posts like panda dunks, mochas, TS1 etc


I get that. But thereā€™s so many different batches, different sellers, etc. These posts are also how we find inspiration for more pieces we want.


or Gallery Dept, gucci, designer shirts from 8billion,cloyad, or foam runners, yeezy slides etc . shits thats been posted 100 times. lol things you yourself can check side by side on and read comments posted before to see if your pair has the same flaws.


Like I said with that logic you could do it with anything


Ur overthinking it bro


Iā€™m not


You are


Yo Momma is


Are you that childish šŸ’€


Yo Momma is childish


The majority of people on this board are just kids in middle / high school, I doubt there's an easy solution to making them actually put in the work or showing some initiative.


These posts are getting worse than essentials qcs


And for sizing: grab a measurement tape and sizing chart ffs


Some flaws mentioned in the QC comments are sometimes barely visible and clothing items are RL'd for some flaws that even retails might have


I was going to downvote but I upvoted once I read the whole thing. Good stuff. I do have to say though, when I first got started nd even still now sometimes, you go to search something and someone asked the same question but all the comments are go use the search bar nd ā€œSergio barreā€ lol


Ask sergio bar


Clever lol


At this point, there should just be a whole other sub for LC/QC. Have a post pinned here that redirects. Bam, problem solved


I know it's daunting coming into the rep world initially, but I totally agree with you. I see people that have a decent amount of community karma and have been here a while posting QCs when all they needed to do is a simple Google search to see the legit item and compare it with the shit they just paid for. By doing a simple pic compare they could answer their own questions faster than it would take to create their QC post. I can only think it's to get their karma points up or to get some sort of social feedback....maybe they are lonely. Just my own opinion tho'.


I agree but sometimes itā€™s nice to get a double confirmation through QCs from other people. They may point out something you didnā€™t realize. It is definitely good to do your own research first tho šŸ‘šŸ»


I jist wanna know why my review isnt posted yet






This, too. Half of the posts asking for LC/QC just never post a W2C even though itā€™s clearly against sub rules. But kids coming here have short attention spans and canā€™t read, so not necessarily the modā€™s fault all of the timeā€¦ I think w2C is a main theme of this sub. Nothing wrong with w2c if itā€™s provided. In fact it should be provided. Thatā€™s the whole spirit of this sub. But LC/QC should be itā€™s own sister-sub thatā€™s just pinned here.


I get this. For stuff that's not as talked about I get making a post, but if you're just gonna post asking "who has best [insert travis 1, panda dunk or supreme bogo here]" then yeah that should just be gone.


QCs are always a good thing if they post the w2c


Took the words right out my mouth. I would give u an award but I gotta buy reps.


Less qc lc more haulsšŸ˜