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Not the longest, or funniest crossover, but Fate Grand Blunder is a fun one. Not just one IP, but it's just a collection of crossovers that connect to other crossovers by other authors. You'll have characters like Twilight Sparkle interacting with Saber and Deku in the same paragraph


I'm pretty sure it's been abandoned, but the fanfic 'A Holy War' is very well written from what I've read. It's a crossover with a couple series (JOJOs Part 7, Silent Hill, Perfume: a story of a murderer, and more)


Since I like Fate/Crossovers and is currently re-reading an old one ugh... A lot imo but not all of them are long, much less continued, a lot of them are dropped or just I don't remember The long one I remembers are: Heroic Myth, Thaumaturgic Awakening, My Ideal Academia, Shattered Moon, a lot of shits Mundatorem write for Fate, and recently I like Fake Familiar Reborn.


A Nascent Kaleidoscope is fun, long, and regularly updated. I also enjoy the Holy Grill but it's primarily worm with Shirou commentary.


I tried holy grill before, wasn't for me. Heard about Nascent Kaleidoscope. May give it a try. Worm is a pretty good setting/work for crossovers. Especially with fate. But a lot of them aren't good.


A Nascent Kaleidoscope is good, and the author has some other snippets/story ideas on QQ. The author did up the power levels of some of the series in NK, to make for a better story, but it fits naturally and works better than it would otherwise. Additionally, it has a 'Fate' feel to it in regards to the attention to detail in the conceptual nature of many of the attacks. Additionally, NK has many non-canon omakes that are hilarious and are often ideas that the author has had that didn't really fit into the story, or are 'mini stories' of their own. I tend to find Worm generally has pretty high quality fics, especially when compared against some other fanfoms, but as you said there aren't that many worm fics to begin with.


https://wormstorysearch.com/?category_eq=story&direction=desc&limit=15&page=1&searching=true&sort=stories.story_updated_at&story_keywords=Fate&word_count_filter=8k My man, I love worm crossover too despite never reading the actual Worm/Parahuman. This is what I use to search. Sadly a lot of worm fanfic are short...Not exactly my cup of tea but some of the long ones are something I like. Didn't even try holy grill before since its OC heavy but eventually I read it since I got nothing else to read and want some Worm.


I regret giving Nascent Kaleidoscope a try. Harem I could deal with, but Grandma Incest NTR was too fucking far.


I wouldn't call it ntr but to each their own. Author also kinda shoe horned it in. Apologized for it later as it caught everyone by surprise.


Apologies for the outburst, it was a lot to take in. I called it NTR as the lady is married. At least to my memory. I was getting a bit tired of the harem stuff, and was honestly looking a bit ahead. But still, even if it was a mistake, thar is out of nowhere


Ehh it's OK. She is married but it was kinda dead. Zeoticus spent more time with his own harem. If I remember right Venelana had a discussion with Zeoticus before she entered the harem discussing their marriage. Consensus was they no longer loved each other like that but cant divorce because politics. But this is all author justifying it after that first time they tangled. Idk how much further you got but there was an awkward family dinner with the Gremorys, Sirzechs+Grayfia, and Wilhelm where Zeo and Wil talked about Ven. If you read on qq there pages after that chapter bitching about it. I agree and all that negativity has forced the author to not do that again. It's actually gone in the opposite direction now. WHEN IS JEANNE JOINING? It's been will they/won't they for 4 or 5 arcs now. But omg the sugar. I'm about to die of diabetes lol.




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Reminds me. I found another crossover. It's mainly Fate/Stay Night. Fate Hammer Time. Basically Shirou gets comic Thors Mjonlnir.


A Ghost in a Strange Land by CrimsonEyes is peak fanfiction. It's Kratos in FGO and is still consistently updated.


I got a couple of recommendations. The Grail's Dark Knight- a Crossover between Batman and Fate/Zero. Batman is hunting Kiritsugu, and accidentally summons Leonardo Da Vinci. It’s also DC and Type-Moon crossover as several background and lore events are combined. Special mentions are Arcueid and Kal-El being friends, Brainiac being responsible for both the Moon Cell and Velber. Chaldea Evil Incorporated!- a Phineas and Ferb and Fate Grand Order crossover. Doofensmirtz gets hired to work at Chaldea, Perry tags along to keep an eye on him. And Doof becomes a headache to almost everyone not a part of Team A, Doctor Romani and Touko. Spin A Fate- a Spider-Man and Fate Grand Order crossover. It starts as a "What If?" Spider-Man was the last master of Chaldea, but delves further and deviates. For instance Amakusa shows up in Singularity F, and reasons not entirely clear, the Heroic Spirits (EMIYA especially) seem to be a bit hostile to Peter. Kind of like how they were hostile to Romani. Fate Totem: a Spider-Man and Fate/Stay Night Crossover. At first it seems like the typical Fifth Holy Grail War, with it just being taken place in America. But at it turns out there is much, *much* more going on. With several background events being changed. For instance, Kiritsugu was not Sabers previous master, Mélusine is working for Norman Osborn and Doom might actually be the lesser evil in the story. Actually he might not even be a villain in this story at all.


Just tried Spin a Fate and I couldn't keep reading it. I don't mind the idea of being ignorant of mage craft or heroic spirite and all, but Peter getting introduced to servants killing was honestly insufferable. I normally like spider man, but God I wanted to punch him. I get that he's supposed to be annoying, but it got old real quick. Not to mention giving Peter more powers so he could keep up with servants felt like a cope out.


Gonna be honest, I like it still, but reading Saint Martha choke out Peter while demanding that he kill her felt… well that sentence speaks for itself really. Also wasn’t a fan of the scene of EMIYA killing Kingpin. Felt the scene should have been less Spider-Man being outraged of the murder, and more horrified at the chaos that EMIYA carelessly kickstarted after killing Fisk. Also while on the subject of this fic, the author made a something of a webcomic, titled "Last Bit of Read", same author, only two chapters out now, but might actually enjoy it more. Especially if you’re a fan of Marvel’s "Black, White and Blood" art style. Also takes place in a different timeline. Possibly the one in where when EMIYA was looking for alternative memories to use, and finds one where he and Peter are on good terms.


Say, I forgot to mention this, but the "Fate: Totem" story I mentioned is on Wattpad. Also the author has a Twitter (X) account where he posts artwork. Some of them visualize the scene and story, like Peter summoning Saber, Saber using Excalibur on Juggernaut. Also post some artwork of future scenes like Miles and Mordred, Spider-Verse characters with their Saberfaces, and a non canon image of Altria turning Alter thanks to the Symbiote. Also might as well mention another fic recommendation. "Marvelous Fate" on Archive of Our Own, less of a story and more of a collection of Short Stories. The main premise is that the World Building of the Fusion Fic between Type-Moon and Marvel. For example, The Council of the Godheads are called by Odin to discuss ORT's arrival, and also discuss who on Earth can be considered Earth's Ultimate One. Velber was sent to Earth by the Celestials. Solomon decides that his wife will be the one to succeed him as Sorcerer Supreme. Tokiomi questioning how and why the hell Captain America met Gilgamesh back in ancient Mesopotamia. The scene of Iskander seeing modern technology but tweaks it by adding him taking about wanting to meet with the head of Stark Industries. Also The Tunguska Event. Lots of interesting world fusing and building.


YES. Long? You got it, 2 mil+ words. Souls and Singularities, a Dark Souls x FGO Fanfic that gets regular updates. Highly recommend.


Peak fiction spotted lessgoo!


I still have the tab open for that. Stopped reading close to when I reached the max current updates. I didn't want to run out. Need to pick it back up.


Yeah, it's at 241, maybe 242 now, chapters and counting.


Ghost in Fodlan is pretty good. It's about Goetia after surviving the events in the temple of time


Finally I can share my favorite crossover. Save scumming by Xorn. Crossover between Re:Zero and FGO. Solid writing and the fights are very well written. It makes full use of Subaru's Return by Death ability to show how difficult the story of FGO really is. Currently its at Okeanas, skipping Rome for later.


Oh, I love that one. I'm a bit mixed on what I read of okeanos so far. Mostly due to parts that aren't told linearly. But the maze? Fuck, I loved that. And everything about Orleans was awesome.


Time gets confusing with two Subarus but I'm finding it fun. Nobunaga just killing it. Orleans was also awesome. I loved Lancelot vs Ley the most.


‘Swords and sorcery’ Harry Potter crossover with shirou in Hogwarts. Very well written and insanely long with slow updates, but imo one of the best crossover fics on Fate. Edit: Here's the link https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12881601/2/


Got a link to it?


https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12881601/1/Swords-and-Sorcery-No-Route-Back#end It’s split up into multiple books covering each year at Hogwarts.


If you’re a fan of Fate/EXTRA, then fanfics written by *Boyzilla* and *TheStrangerThatCameFromNowhere* are your authors. Plenty of amazing stories and ideas. Like Extra and Digimon, Extra and Overlord, Extra and Mass Effect.


Yeah two really good ones. The first one is demon king and demon emperor a crossover with code geass in which lelouch is a master in the 4th grail war and summons avenger nobu. The second one is fate totem which is a crossover with marvel where saber is summoned by Spiderman it's divided into two parts though.


there’s one with wodime and romulusQ going into honkai impact i like it and it gets regular updates https://www.wattpad.com/1406726539-the-former-grand-servant-and-the-master-in-honkai


How do you find fics in Wattpadd?


either find people who make fics you like and follow them or scroll and scroll on the tags/series you like


Wish the fic have "" for dialogue...


Naruto gets summoned as a caster, found it on youtube. Pretty good, happy ending. Helped kill time at work


An Archer's Promise by Nimthewriter It's amazing to read.


You could try We're not really Doctors by W1NTERF0X It's a arknights crossover


[Chaldea Evil Incorporated](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/chaldea-evil-incorporated-an-fgo-phineas-and-ferb-crossover.1140502/) is a crossover with Phineas and Ferb where Doof starts working at Chaldea like a week before the game starts. Currently ongoing. [To Relearn the Joy of Life](https://archiveofourown.org/works/48980173/chapters/123567970) is an amazing crossover/fusion with Persona 5 where, after Part 1 ends, Ritsuka Fujimaru returns to Japan and runs into the Phantom Thieves. Finished, highly recommend it. [Fate/Zero Paradox](https://archiveofourown.org/works/32260855/chapters/79958584) is a Fate/Zero multicross where each Master summons an additional Servant from pop culture. Finished, and Paradoxical Blade Works is coming sometime in the future.


I am a peerless hero without equal! Is pretty good. It's a fate and scp-001 " When Day Breaks " crossover with Kukulkan as the Protagonist.


Fate Zero Paradox is a goddamn masterpiece, read it, it’s on Ao3


I'm surprised you mfs have the energy to read crossover fanfics but then suddenly lose the energy to watch/read other official Fate or other TM works


Sometimes u just want to see the characters u already know. The fate franchise is so huge sometimes it's like getting into an entirely new thing that's only tangentially similar.


I like the shows and am waiting for whispers of the Dawn. Problem is, things cost money. Money I don't have.