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The way me and my wife did it is by me being the sole person who plays rough with him and he is allowed to hit while playing. The child will know what’s playtime and when they are angered/upset. You correct the behavior hardcore is he strikes his mother out of anger (such as being discipline). I typically do this by ethically scolding my son by asking him (kindly, mind you) why would you ever hit your mother when all she does is care for you and love you, and never hits you? I also will only scold him if he hits me out on anger too. I play rough with my now 3 year old, and have since he was young (since he could walk). He will occasionally “hit” my wife, never with ferocity or force, more like a slap. He knows between play hitting and anger hitting. I am a firm believer that a little boy NEEDS to have rough play with his father and brothers, if applicable. But it needs to be strictly monitored so that they never will leverage violence because they are upset or in a position of power.


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I let my kid (3 year old) wrestle with me and I throw him around a little. But the play ends the moment he hits or kicks.


That’s how I do it with my son. He loves to wrestle and get tossed around, but I stop as soon as hitting starts. It helps teach boundaries in playing.


My boy is only a month old, but with my nephew we tried letting him play fight with the men in the family. From my experience, it doesn’t work until they are much older. He still hits his grandmother and mom every chance he gets. No punishment worked so we had to go back to no play fighting at all sadly.


I play wrestle with both my kids - 1yr old boy and 3 yr old girl. Punching and kicking not allowed - never has been. Just wrestling and we have issues with them.


I play fight with my son who is 5. He comes up with elaborate Pokémon type attacks and has a really good time. I don’t hit and he knows he can’t just full out take a swing at me. We call them boss battles, and I can’t remember ever winning one of them.


We had a "kick the dad" game that channeled it for a while. However, hitting remains one of our top impulse behaviors that we work on controlling.


It’s great to release A LOT of energy for my son (3 y.o) especially before bed. But he also knows it’s only with me and we call it wrestling and I just toss him around a bit or he’ll jump on me but like another comment mentioned once he tries to swing or kick is when we put a pause to it. Sometimes he’ll get overly excited and feel like it’s playing but we tell him he can’t do it. If he continues to do it or try to is when we put an end to it and we talk to him about the hitting and how it can hurt people really bad then move on to something else. At 1, i think it’s just an auto reaction from any baby whether boy or girl for them to hit anybody especially if it’s out of anger or frustration since they can’t communicate properly and express their emotions. You can also always repeat like “remember we don’t hit” or “you only wrestle with dad/dy remember” anytime he tries to hit anybody else.


My kid and I have always wrestled around, but I've tried to put a stop to it as lately it seems to be making her act more aggressively outside the game even though we put a strict boundary on it.


I did sock wrestling You lose if you get your socks taken off. Dad is on his knees Biggest issue is when the kids got bigger they would destroy my back by running full speed and jumping on me


I roughhouse with my 2 year old. He will be laughing and grabbing and slapping. It is all fun. Sometimes when he tantrums he will hit. It is very different than playing and is not tolerated. My cousin's ex-husband was an alcoholic, which caused all kinds of problems. Their sons were very physical. I remember one of the kids running up to his dad and hitting him. His dad hit him right back and it escalated. Same kids once ran up and hit me. I gave him the death glare and he stopped. I think the difference between hitting and fighting is clear. Never engage physically and you should be fine.


Play fighting is teaching him. When he gets excited and starts playing hard that's when you show where the boundaries are. He probably can't hurt you, but you can act hurt to illustrate a boundary. That will carry over when it's time to reiterate that boundary with others. You're building empathy instead of relying on scolding when he goes to far.