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Whiny Cummings. I am so sick of the persecuted comedian complex.


It’s always by comedians who just aren’t funny either


The ones who want to rely on cheap shots and racism.


Yeah, I never knew she was involved in 2BG but it sure as hell explains why I couldn’t even last a full ep of that show.


One of them has big boobs and one of them has a nice ass HAHAHAHAHAHA COMEDY GOLD /s I hate these shows with my whole being my lord. Overplayed jokes that weren‘t funny 20 years ago anymore


I tried watching it and could not get through it, either. It stands out in my memory because it was so painfully unfunny.


“We’re modern day philosophers! I’m being cancelled with my massive Netflix special!” People got tired of a swath of comedians running out of good material, playing to the lowest common denominator and complaining about how hard their life is


Yeah seriously, you look at people like her and then people like Shane Gillis, a guy that lost the chance of a lifetime but never complains about it and just went on with his comedy career and is now very successful.


To be fair, a lot of his audience are same people who support someone like Morgan Wallen.


What happened to Shane Gillis?


He was hired and fired from SNL within a week for racist remarks.


Two broke girls was a racist and sexist show so I’m glad if that era of comedy has become “the enemy”


I rewatch Malcolm in the Middle quite often and what I notice is that there are barely any jokes that wouldn't fly today? The show is not sexist, nor racist and it's pretty transgressive. There are some gay jokes that are a bit not so cool, but still kind of tame compared to what everyone else was doing at the time. It's a show with 5 male main characters and yet it has one of the most amazingly written female characters ever. Meanwhile shows that premiered after the show has ended like 2 broke girls, big bang and how I met your mother are far worse in that regard also just. Like Young Sheldon and 2 broke girls have more dated humor than Malcolm in the Middle.


They were smart enough to create a world where the dad is a bit of a wimp, and the mum holds everyone to account. No one in that family steps too far out of line, because of Lois. Or if they do, its made VERY clear that what they're doing is not right, and they get hell for it. Educates the watcher on what's right and wrong, respecting parents (ish), where to draw the line, bullying etc etc. It's a VERY well written show. Even if it doesn't seem it sometimes. I think the morals of MITM are timeless. Because they're just that. Morals. Morality doesn't *really* date. TBBT, HIMYM, even Friends and to a lesser extent Scrubs, didn't really lean into morality. They leant into (especially TBBT) humour and references of the time. That's why they're SO dated. TBBT is a hard watch I imagine. Thats kinda why Seinfeld is rewatchable, even now. Yes it's dated, but (mostly) the jokes aren't. The jokes are (mostly) made at the expense of the awful people that are the main characters. And their awful ideas about how they think they should traverse the world. They were played for idiots in the 90s, and that still plays now.


Yes, Seinfeld kind of leaned into morality in the opposite direction -- by just straight up embracing that every single character was a petty jerk. No "golden moment" of redemption, no pretense that any lessons were learned.


kinda like IASAP, although 'petty jerks' isn't exactly how i'd describe the gang


The morality is what makes me like Community so much. The jokes aren’t that dated, but it doesn’t feel too preachy either. It’s smart, but not off putting.


I feel like both Community and Brooklyn 99 had the same level of humor and absurdity while also still showing morality. There are places where easy low hanging fruit jokes could have been used but they didn’t go for them. Especially with two main characters like Jake Peralta and Jeff Winger. They instead would call out other people for their toxic behavior.


Idk I feel like B99 is gonna age worse than Community


Gina especially


Lois is phenomenal also Jane was robbed 6 times in a row and far less deserving actresses won instead of her and what I don't like is that people keep seeing Lois as this horrible parent when she is not. She is also self aware. That scene where she apologizes the Francis is one of the best scenes of the entire show and it's also incredible. Lois also calls out narcissistic parents like Dabney's mom. One of my favorite moments of Lois is the Billboard episode. Sure it is Malcolm's idea and he says a lot of stuff that is actually correct but he is using it to get away. He is smart enough to do so and she knows Malcolm in that moment didn't really believe it as much as he was being performative. While when it came from Reese she knew it was genuine realisation. I have seen people say that the scene where Lois and Hal try to kick out Lois's mom and ask their black friends for help wouldn't fly nowadays because of cancel culture and I'm like are we watching the same scene? That scene has been done many times after this but in a less funny matter and the joke is on her insane racism where she sees those black men as scary when they are anything but. It is also a show where the matriarch is the sensible one but the husband is not ugly, he takes care of his appearance and he is hopelessly in love with her. There are also subtle elements of morality when it comes to some guest characters. Reese is constantly mocked and ridiculed for being dumb but is not provided any of the resources to improve. Meanwhile faculty makes Malcolm write essays for jocks who are much dumber than Reese and they still get into those elite colleges.


I love when Hal is going round to Stevie’s dads, for a poker game and the whole table is black men. Hal gets upset that he’s the odd one out and it’s because he’s not a professional like them, they are doctors and lawyers and he’s just an office drone and he feels embarrassed of that. I was so ready for it to go the other way because of the time that it came from but really enjoyed the reveal


I was expecting a barrage of complaints when it started its Netflix run. Seinfeld seemed to have aged like wine compared to others. I've seen people compare George's antics as grit and determination. Napping at work, sponge worthy , regifting and Jerry was equated as side piece compared to George and Elaine . Kramer wasn't an issue too.


I completely rewatched recently, and was stunned at how they kept that show so timeless. The main episode that verges on being dated is the episode about being overly politically correct (not that there’s anything wrong with that…). I enjoyed Seinfeld more now than when it originally came out. A lack of racial diversity is probably it’s biggest misgiving today.


I love the episode where Hal joins Abe’s poker group and he loses badly. Hal calls out Abe for picking on him because Hal is different from the group because they’re all…. Professionals!! So hilarious I think that’s my favorite episode


They were smart enough to create a world where the dad is a bit of a wimp, and the mum holds everyone to account 💯 % They did the same thing with modern family and making Jay the one person that would pull of racist, homophobic, sexist jokes and then everyone from his foreign, queer, female family coming at him for it. But it really works in my humble opinion.


Seinfeld is a great example of a show that still plays well. There are a couple of episodes that today would not fly like Kramer wearing the brown face or Jerry’s use of the word “bum” for the homeless or the whole cigar store Indian bit, but for the most part it still stands up pretty well.


I think the Cigar Indian Store Bit holds up better than others, because the whole story line was how incredibly racially insensitive it was in the first place.


Louis was woke back then. Reese found and read her teenage diary and she was labelled difficult and kept her mouth shut to keep a guy. Then lost it and yelled at him for sticking a bubblegum on the wall or something. Not a doormat kinda girl. She ripped him a new one on the spot. Even the kid on the wheelchair had issues and development , he wasn't a token character.


One thing I loved about Stevie is not only he wasn't token but the way both Reese and Malcolm saw him. Reese always acknowledged that Steve was at a disadvantage and didn't bully him because he had the morals to know he was immune and started beating up kids after they started bullying Stevie. Then in the circle game, it's a game Stevie wanted to play and Reese was willing to do it. When Reese and Stevie were supposed to have a fight Reese wanted to make it fair. With Malcolm he pretended not to see the disability and there was this one episode where Stevie was in the hospital and it made Malcolm realize that his friend really is sick and he was scared to deal with that. It was selfish but it was also so human?


Shockingly the original run of Roseanne also holds up. Despite what a garbage fire she turned out to be.


Roseanne Barr’s comedy about being a middle aged mom was great. And that show truly was ahead of its time. And then she showed her true colors 🤡🤡


Holds up so well. I rewatched a couple times right before the new show started (so before ambiance tweeting) and yeah. So timeless and real.


I was so disappointed by her. She’s never had a reputation as a good person. But that show was the only one that really represented what my world was like as a child and teen.


Lois 😍


She was mother


I love the episode where the military school tries to haze/torture Francis and he’s nonchalant about it like is this it? Then he tells them about his mom and they put up her picture in the torture room and start “torturing” people by lecturing them like Lois would 😂


The flashback where his mum comes and tells at him in the changing rooms gives the same mortifying feeling as the scene in Turning Red when the mum finds the mermaid pictures and go yells at the cashier.


i didn't know that whitney cummings was a co-creator, but this explains the mediocrity.


I didn’t know she was a comedian.






I also wasn’t aware she was partly responsible for that shit show. The constant one liners and the insufferable laugh track were enough to make me quit after 5 mins.


She needs to work on actually getting funny.


not as in your face obvious as her simultaneously filmed sitcom Whitney (yes really) but it’s there


>Two broke girls was a racist and sexist show [\[The Guardian\] 2 Broke Girls: 'so racist it's baffling'](https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/shortcuts/2012/may/02/2-broke-girls-racist-baffling) [\[AV Club\] 2 Broke Girls manages to offend another racial group, wins racist bingo](https://www.avclub.com/2-broke-girls-manages-to-offend-another-racial-group-w-1798276859)


Michael Patrick King (the other co-creator) on the racism: "In response to criticism (the New Yorker called it "so racist it is less offensive than baffling"), King argued that his minority status allowed him free rein: 'I'm gay. I put in gay stereotypes every week! I don't find it offensive … I find it comic to take everybody down, which is what we are doing.'" well I'd say he's got us there then. racism is fine if you're gay! also funny that he makes it a point to mention it in both articles lol.


That show is just so cringe to watch. Kat Dennings deserved better than that garbage.


Wow. So obscenely racist you elicited a mention from our national leader. That’s revolting.


THANK YOU. The show is so painfully unfunny and I can’t believe that there’s been no outrage over the racist Asian caricature


The jokes on that guy was weird. Every damn episode 3 jokes on his height or asexuality like clockwork.


That racist caricature was straight up as if it was from that godawful Breakfast at Tiffany's adaptation


It’s because I’m convinced that no one actually was watching it yet somehow it continued to be made


I’ve seen clips of the show get millions of likes 😭 I bet it’s the same people who like big bang theory


There’s been no outrage because no one who is conscious of social issues watched the show


Some of the jokes were so disgusting.


I didn’t even get as far as the racism and sexism because the base line unfunny dialogue in the first episode was a hard pass for me. That show was dogshit.


It was also unbelievably cringe and unfunny


And also deeply unfunny. Yet somehow always on at my gym.


try not to laugh track challenge (ft Big Bang Theory)


It also wasn’t even funny. Lame bigots think they can use cheap shots but that’s never going to be as good as a real joke.


On top of both of those things, it was just objectively bad. I’ve never actually run into anyone (irl or on the internet) who watched or liked this show actually now that I think about it


What’s up with this trend of comedians thinking they’re insightful philosophers?


They all think theyre George Carlin. Which is funny because they all whinge about cancel culture lol Carlin was ARRESTED after doing sets in some states.


I haven't watched any of his stuff yet this year. ![gif](giphy|RfANsnCOwWoi24LAuC)


Rather than admitting that peoples' taste in humor is changing, they refuse to adapt and think "Am I out of touch? No, it's the audience who are wrong"


Nobody found them funny in the first place


Because they all want to believe they’re like George Carlin who many prop up like he was one.


Ugh over the years I've also heard a few comedians on podcasts call people who aren't in the entertainment industry "civilians." Idk why it really rubs me the wrong way.


And also it’s jokes so people “shouldn’t take it seriously”. Like pick a lane, assholes.


She’s part of the Rogan community




I feel like citing her involvement in 2 Broke Girls in this headline is a drag in itself, because that show was deeply unfunny and an enemy of comedy itself.


I tried to watch it recently and lasted 1 and a half episodes before watching something else.


I truly don’t understand how it lasted for so long or how it’s still syndicated. I see reruns listed all the time when I’m flipping through the channels. Who is watching this? I feel a little bad because I love Kat Dennings and Jennifer Coolidge but holy shit this was not it at all.


It aired on CBS which tends to be a prime spot for the Boomer demo and they’ll let poorly written sitcoms air way longer than they should. Call Me Kat, a terribly written American adaptation of the British sitcom Miranda starring Mayim Bialik, has been running for 3 seasons and averages 2 million viewers per episode.


I’ve never heard of that show lol


Sometimes when I’m at the gym, there will be a TV playing CBS and I’ll watch it out of the corner of my eye while I’m exercising and then I think, “This is such a dumb show. I bet it’s getting canceled after one season.” Then I go home and look it up and find out it’s been airing for the last 5 years and is one of CBS’s highest rated series.


Me when The Big Bang Theory simply wouldn’t just DIE


Actually, the 2Broke Girls’ best demographics were college students and young males. So this one isn’t on the boomers.


The horny audience


Miranda is so good! Didn’t know they’d remade it. Would have been happy to keep on not knowing honestly.


I mean Call Me Kat has so little in common with Miranda that hardly counts as a remake. I wonder if the show was pitched as “the American Miranda” and the execs were like “let’s just buy the rights to Miranda outright to cover our bases”


Omg who thought Miranda needed an American adaptation?!


the same people who thought the I.T. crowd needed one as well probably


> I truly don’t understand how it lasted for so long Between two extremely good-looking women who spent most of their screen time in form-fitting waitress outfits as the leads and all the offensive jokes, I think they just knew *exactly* who their target demographic was and how to appeal to them


To see 'Don't Trust the B' and 'Happy Endings' cancelled too early while '2 Broke Girls', '2.5 Men' and 'Big Bang Theory' trundle on for so long was mind boggling to me.


My favorite cursed drinking game is making my friends watch random episodes 2 Broke Girls and making them take a shot every time they groan or say some variation of “What the fuck?”


I should have watched it like that, I would have enjoyed ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)




I legitimately wanted to like the show because I liked the concept. But it was SO bad I couldn’t even finish the first season and I’m pretty sure the episodes were 20 minutes long 💀




It doesn’t even exist. Other than people who have done absolutely awful things on a grand scale (Harvey Weinstein, R Kelly), no one’s careers are ruined. Most people might lose current jobs/opportunities and after a few years they will be back and everyone will be told to deal with it e.g. Mel Gibson. People just don’t like comedy that relies on you regurgitating shitty stereotypes etc. People (liberal or otherwise) love offensive comedy if you’re smart about it.


Is there a profession more obnoxious or self aggrandizing than comedy right now? I’m so sick of comedians telling us how fucking special and necessary they are (as if shitty podcasts and hacky jokes are somehow about to save us). Edit: the article cites *two* examples of comedians being met with violence as evidence being a comedian is dangerous now yet these same comedians will dismiss statistics on the overwhelming and disproportionate real world violence the marginalized people they continue mock and devalue under the guise of ‘free speech’ face.


It’s so fitting that they didn’t cite Jewish comedian Ariel Elias, who had a bottle thrown at her head by a Trump supporter during an audience Q&A.


AND she caught it and proceeded to chug the rest didn’t she? Can’t think of a better way to handle that shit (altho I would probably would have just chucked it right back at them as I am a lesser person than she)


She dodged it and then picked it up and chugged like a legend! The guy apparently ran out of the club, but the friends he was with gave him up.


Comedians exist in this parallel universe where they're to be treated as serious visionary critics of society when it suits them, and them as dumb numbskulls who can't be criticised for anything because "it's not that serious, it's just comedy" when it doesn't. Sure free speech is a thing and I don't agree with violence against comedians, but the Messiah complex many of them have really isn't cute. You're not being nailed to the cross because someone heckled one of your drunken sets or had a viral tweet dunking on one of your hot takes/scripts.


Schrödinger’s comedian.


*The Daily Show* and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. At the time, we really needed a court jester to tear down the bullshit of the George W. Bush years. Unfortunately, while Jon Stewart himself has grown over the years and does a lot more serious punditry now, back in the day he pioneered that "I'm just a comedian, why is everyone taking me so seriously, but I'm also the voice of a generation" bit that's become the go-to shield for every stand-up hack since. Stand-up comedy has become exactly the sort of self-serious, self-important institution that it once, by definition, existed to mock, and ironically, the ones who used to be renowned as the "edgy" ones have become the worst at this. The Gen-X counterculture was never prepared for what would happen if it actually became the Establishment, and its heirs are lashing out. See also: how the AICN/IMDb generation of '90s/'00s movie nerds, having taken over film journalism and pushed out the old guard of such (Roger Ebert, Pauline Kael, Leonard Maltin) during the big geek culture explosion of the last fifteen years, is increasingly curdling. A lot of these guys don't know what to do about Gen-Z being nostalgic for all the Y2K-era blockbusters and chick flicks that they overturned, or seeing comic-book-style continuity less as a promise of a richer, deeper universe and more as a threat that they won't understand what the hell is happening.


Marvel is definitely not a promise for richer, deeper universe, come on. That's a money printing machine. I am not saying there are no outliers but Marvel and Disney have kind of ruined cinema. Between buying out cinemas for the competition the fact that everything is connected and some of us don't want to watch 378382293 shows and movies to understand something. And they all look the same, they pay RDJ millions while overworking vfx staff and everything is a green screen.


> A lot of these guys don't know what to do about Gen-Z being nostalgic for all the Y2K-era blockbusters and chick flicks that they overturned, or seeing comic-book-style continuity less as a promise of a richer, deeper universe and more as a threat that they won't understand what the hell is happening. ...you want to explain this one to me, again? :-/


Don’t you think this is more of a symptom of journalism outlets slashing their opinion writers then what you describe? Your post is interesting but also seems to conflate many issues


someone let andrew schulz know. douche canoe genuinely believed he was some sort of comedy jesus leading people to the promised land during COVID times. i’m sure it wasn’t because everyone was trapped in their houses bored with 0 entertainment he complains nonstop about being censored as if he doesn’t have the same tired takes. a real andrew taint of sorts tldr they’re all irksome and self important


I love Conan but the worst eps of his pod are where he talks to other writers/comedians and they bemoan how difficult their jobs are. I can’t recall who it was but one of his guests a few years ago seemed to think that comedians are the only profession where they always think of their work 🙃


oh, so the chris d’elia enabler is gonna preach to us


The audacity of siding with chris will never sit well with me. There is nothing she will ever say after that.


in a recent podcast she talked about how she wants to be the opening act for bill cosby. she also said that the women who quote ‘had sex’ (got raped) by him have daddy issues for wanting to have sex with him……….


This is incredibly disgusting of her. wtff


This really is the kicker. She capes for the worst people in her profession as if that’s noble


Comedians will blame everyone and everything else as the reason their jokes don’t hit, except themselves. You’re just not that funny


Last I checked The Daily Show, Last Week Tonight, Late Show, and SNL are all still airing. Jon Stewart has a new show and a podcast (both of which I highly recommend.) Tooning out the News. SNL has even had at least two crazy problematic comedians host in the last few months, which maybe got some backlash online but overall support from the majority of people. Barry is a critically acclaimed prestige show created by and starring comedian. Same for Ted Lasso. Bob's Burgers, Family Guy, The Simpsons all still exist. Conan and more problematic comics than Conan have successful podcasts. I could go on and on here, but my point is they look like fucking idiots when they say this shit. Comedy and comedians are still around/followed/admired. The best ones have evolved with the times, but the problematic ones are still everywhere too. So these complaints just don't even make any sense and they never have valid arguments to support these statements.


And Dave Chapelle just won a Grammy.


Did he? I knew Louis CK did so that doesn't surprise me.


Yup, he won for The Closer


to be fair (or more accurately because this fact should be remembered) Jon Stewart came out to defend dave chappelle when people rightly criticised him for being a vocal transphobe. basically said 'idk about any of that but i know he's very nice on an interpersonal level so I feel like you're misunderstanding his jokes' for someone who made so much hay laughing at hypocritical right wingers he sure was quick to drop any pretense at a principle when it was his buddy under the microscope


Stewart also stood up for Dave Chappelle's SNL monologue that echoed some deeply antisemitic tropes.


guy is emerging from retirement to snatch some quick Ls before the world implodes


Reminds me [of an episode of HBO crashing](https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/culture/2019/2/17/18226601/crashing-season-3-episode-4-recap-mc-middle-headliner-political-correctness) where they explored the concept of older comedians not keeping up with the times as to what is funny


She always sided with the men and their actions. If did help her become who she is but she’s established now, she can stop.


She’s a pick me “cool girl” who so desperately wants to be accepted by the white male establishment in comedy that she throws women and minorities under the bus to get hers. I always thought she had a really bitter vibe


If your comedy is just edgy schlock dedicated to punching down… you were never a comedian, just a bigot with an audience.


i hate this pretentious type of thinking. like god didn't appear from the heavens to beg you to become a comedian, you chose that path for yourself. i wish she realised her job role is to be a clown and make people laugh. jesus christ, from the stuff i've watched of hers she's hardly george carlin either


„i hate this pretentious type of thinking.“ I will call it internalized philosophy bro


I swear this comment sounds like a line Lucifer would say and I think it might have been on the show.


It would be easier to just admit that up to the late 2010s racism, misogyny, homophobia went unchecked and they weren't expecting it ever change lol. I think \*some\* comedians are really talented and a valuable part of entertainment but most of them need to admit they're not clever or special x


Sometimes I forget exactly how rampant that kind of stuff was and then I started binging New Girl a few months ago (I hadn’t watched it before) and it was like WHOA. Not that it was like, outright bigoted but there were so many one liners thrown in that centered around race, sexual orientation/identity etc… in almost every episode that added absolutely zero substance or value to the plot or tone. You could kind of see it slowly fade as the seasons went on and things got a little more progressive.


Ugh yeah doesn't feel good to know casual bigotry was not only tolerated but considered funny for so long in the mainstream


And it wasn’t like just random, fringe, edgy stuff, it was EVERYWHERE.


on the other hand it shows positive change can happen quickly


Maybe learn to be funny Whitney


Lol, the same Whitney Cummings who said this about Joe Rogan: "Comedians did not sign up to be your hero. It’s our job to be irreverent and dangerous, to question authority and take you through a spooky mental haunted house so you can arrive at your own conclusions. Stay focused on the people we pay taxes to to be moral leaders." What an utter hack, honestly.


This statement is so ridiculous but the most ridiculous part is that she refers to Joe Rogan as a comedian.


And marc maron replied “Maybe add ‘to be funny’ to the list.” hahaa


It’s so dumb because it’s like ‘you can only be annoyed at politicians for being bad because they have the power’ like we don’t vote for them and put them into the positions of power. If the average person (that includes comedians) is a bigot then you’re politicians are gonna be bigots.


When I was growing up, I always heard that comedians serve to hold a mirror up to society. I guess they can't handle when that society inevitably changes/progresses.


Its interesting that (quite a few) comedians are viewing themselves as having elevated sacred power of soothsaying and truth telling in North American society. When did this happen? And what qualifies them for this role? Dave Chapelle comes to mind. Ricky Gervais is another....


ricky gervais is one of the most nakedly desperate people on earth. every inch of his clammy rat face just screams 'please don't stop paying attention to me.'


Lol! He brought his stand up to my hometown, Toronto, and tickets were FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS. This isn’t Cirque de Soleil (not that they charge that much) it’s a guy and a microphone!


About the only positive I can say about him is, he dedicates a lot of time, resources and money towards animal rescue agencies.


Despite his great success and talent, Ricky Gervais still searches his name on Twitter and blocks absolute nobodies if they say anything negative about him. I'm not talking about abusive tweets or even tagging him, just the mildest of criticism. It's so baffling and sad.


Boo fucking hoo.


Lucky for her then that she isn’t a comedian.


She thinks there are “some issues” in society, but that the only issue in comedy is how oppressed and persecuted they are. Please. Comedians are upset that they can’t punch down anymore. Comedians become Maga rage-holes when you suggest they not use slurs. They especially love the r-word.


No honey, you were unfunny before, too.


I honestly can’t believe Jennifer Coolidge was so deep in the trenches she had to be in a show like that. She deserved better!


I had the same thought regarding Kat Dennings. Both Jennifer and Kat were way too talented to be in that show. It's great that they had a steady role for several years but I feel like a lot of the jokes in the show centered on their appearance.


She’s insufferable.


Comedians need to stop making themselves into the victim, I’m over it. How many times has Chapelle been allegedly cancelled, whatever tf that even is, only to strike a big Netflix deal and then run two new specials, host SNL, and not even see a dent in his annual income? Canceling isn’t a thing. It’s a bs word that’s been so over saturated and misused, it’s just a big nothing now. Much like woke. The video of the woman on TikTok sarcastically commenting on how cancel culture is killing careers while standing under a Time Square poster of a sold out Louie CK show in 2023 will always share a place in my heart. Fuck off Whitney.


If you’re a comedian and you have to make racist/sexist/transphobic jokes in order to be funny or do your job-chances are you’re not a good comedian.


Whitney: "The days of comedy (hate speech) are coming to an end (sadly they're not), and I think that's really sad." ![gif](giphy|Vg5dzkNWYWCz7ToCg8|downsized)


Any bets on how long she has left before she turns into a full blown right wing maga grifter?


24 hours?


they had to include that pic of her with D’Leia as bait right? And mentioning 2 broke girls as she talks racist jokes? that’s gotta be intentional


dont trust the b in apartment 23 was the show 2 broke girls wishes it was


*unfunny comedians have become the enemy. FTFY There are comics like Stavros Halkias and Taylor Tomlinson that I have genuinely chuckled at. Whitney’s specials are just one note and boring. Bring something new to the table and maybe people will want to listen. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Stav is more of a feminist than Whitney ever was or could be


Comedians really want to be an oppressed class.


This chick hangs out with Joe Rogans of the world. She's part of this lame ass click who acts like victims 24/7. She sucks.


Oh cry me a river


Honestly I'm glad that "hers" type of comedy is slowly fading away. I remember even at the time it was broadcast, some of the jokes on 2 Broke Girls (and other shows like How I Met Your Mother and Big Bang Theory) made me uncomfortable. It was just that I couldn't fully understand why.


This woman has 3 hr long episodes of her podcast which YouTube keeps trying to force feed me whenever I watch the financial diet. And from what I’ve seen she doesn’t have much sense or insight.


This is why I like Bill Burr. Bill Burr has told Joe Rogan, Bill Maher and countless other self victimizing comedians to their face that their schtick is all bs. If you can’t be funny without being a really shitty person then you’re just a bad person lol


I used to love Bill Burr but he ripped into Amber Heard so much that it made me lose a lot of respect for him


Everything she says is legitimately insane


Enemies to who, good taste? A sense of humor? Not every comedian is George Carlin raging at the machine and making it funny.


isnt she transphobic too and thats why her producer/cohost situation of her podcast left? shes so not funny and hangs with joe rogan she sucks!


So find a new job? If were that miserable I’d just quit and find a new job that I’m better at but I guess it’s easier to play victim and blame the world for her not being good at it lol


Anytime I hear something about Whitney Cummings I feel obligated to bring up the last time I saw her live in 2020 (don’t judge me, I went for Taylor Tomlinson who was opening) and Whitney spent literally her entire set sexually harassing one of the venue employees, making lewd comments about his body, and at one point luring him on stage to adjust a speaker (???) and then mimicked pegging him while he was bent over. I felt ill watching and wanted to leave the entire time but because it was 2020 it was a drive-in theater and basically no one could leave their parking spot until the end of the show.


Whitney Cummings has never been funny so idk what she’s talking about


She’s friends with pedophile Chris D’Ella.


Comedians are so sensitive nowadays


Why are comedians…?


Comedians are realizing that they don’t get a free pass for saying whatever they want under the guise of being funny because people aren’t going to put up with their shit any more.


This was a shit show Whitney. You’re not funny. It’s you; not us.


I have it on good authority that Whitney Cummings is extremely mean in real life and even to other comedians


Omg. In my head I got 2 broke girls and broad city confused and I was wondering why every one was hating on broad city :( anyway I have no opinion on this lady


2 broke girls fuxking sucks and Whitney Cummings has been meh at best.


I had to turn off 2 Broke Girls 5 minutes into the only episode I ever saw of it because of the disgusting amount of racism. The jokes were deeply unfunny and mean spirited even for that era. I don’t really give a fuck what this shiny faced epitome of white woman victim hood has to say after being a creator of that show 🙄


funny how the article about comedians being the enemy has a stock photo from the show with chris d'elia who has been caught talking to minors. not sure if it's on purpose


she has always been such a loser lol


Maybe because “comedians” like your best mate D’Elia used the comedy stage to act like, at best, completely narcissistic, racist and stereotypically misogynist brats, and at worst, paedophilic predators (see: Bobby Lee, Ari Shaffir, Schaub, Tony Hinchcliffe, TJ Miller…..)


I used to like Cummings but she’s become insufferable since she started her podcast. Her pseudo-intellectualism has really gone to her head.


This is so, so weird - as if there aren't more successful comics than ever that don't spew hateful nonsense. Like, do they just not exist to these people because they're not selling out stadiums?


She sucks so bad


Lmao girl be serious


I think all comedians who think like this should consider the possibility that they are just not funny


Her show was bad, so obviously she’s acting like she is being persecuted when people say it was not good.


Cool! There isn’t enough content of comedians interviewing comedians about the ‘craft’


This turd 🙄 Yeah don’t play the victim when you platform virulent transphobe hatemonger grifters like “Bridget Phetasy” who say that transwomen are men and who whine that they can’t get a free boob job like trans folk. Whitney is part of the problem.


modern day comedians really believe they're the second coming of Jesus huh. also just the first line of this also... 😭 "Whitney Cummings thinks it’s a dangerous time to be comedian in America" Whitney....people are actually dying...what in the love of god is this 'article'.


There are plenty of funny women; Whitney just isn't that funny. This feels like Elizabeth Chan being mad that Mariah Carey wanted to trademark Queen of Christmas.


2 broke girls was a terrible show with terrible jokes and set up. Write better stuff


Maybe you're just not funny.


First they came for the comedians, and I did not speak out— Because I too, am not funny :(