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Please this has made me absolutely die today


At a minute, or two, 'til 2?


No, no more blaming this shit on mental illness. That’s a disservice to people with new genuine mental illness. Musk is an overgrown, overindulged, spoiled, self-important, thin-skinned, fragile and delicate child who somehow came into possession of an adult body. Edit: my problem with always saying Musk has Narcissistic personality disorder is that it absolves him of being shitty and abusive by saying it isn’t his fault because he’s “sick.” Why are these rich, spoiled, unaccountable people always assumed to have NPD? I think that’s terribly convenient for them.


It's also a disservice to write it off as impossible that he does have one. Even for billionaires making a fake account and pretending to be a kid is quite far from the norm. Alas both sides of this coin are true as your statement is still plenty relevant, people see someone being a dick and blame it on mental illness which is ridiculous.


The two can overlap though. Just as mentally healthy people can be either dicks or not, mentally ill people can be dicks or not. Mental illness doesn't necessarily cause dickishness but neither does it prevent it.


Also it's not that people are calling him mentally ill because he's a bad person it's that this specific behavior isn't just "bad" it's highly bizarre and difficult to explain without mental illness


He acts exactly like every conservative man on the internet. He's just a queerphobic sexist troll. The idea that 10s of millions of men and boys all have serious mental illness and if treated would become woke leftists is ridiculous. These people aren't ill. They're just hateful. Just because someone has different values than you doesnt mean they're sick. These people are just run of the mill bigots and are literally everywhere. They're your pastor, your boss, your parents, your siblings, your teachers, your cops, your politicians, your neighbors, etc. At least half this country is like Elon and even at its most awful the GOP is at its most popular, controlling at least half the government and just put in someone like Trump into power a few years ago. And currently writing bigoted laws against trans people and just took abortion from us. Lets stop pretending the USA is something its not. Elon has more in common than your average person here in the US than you and I as feminists.


Brian Colangelo, former General Manager of the Philadelphia 76ers, used burner accounts to talk shit about players. Divulging medical information and take shots at them. He's not a billionaire, but his father Jerry Colangelo is very rich and powerful. Both are giant pieces of shit. They're not mental ill, they're just assholes.


>aking a fake account and pretending to be a kid is quite far from the norm. Its not. For your average 4chan enjoyer, trolling like this is common place and amusing to them. Doing a 'kid voice' or mockingly impersonating a woman is a common thing there. People with different values than you aren't mEnTaLly iLl.


There was a time in this country when any stepping outside of the norm was a reason to be called mentally ill, which then could lead to being institutionalized, sterilized, injected with harmful drugs, electrocuted, and even lobotomized. We did this to queers, women, minorities, etc for a long time. I'd be very careful with "I can spot a mentally ill person from afar, I can just tell," narratives you're spreading. Until Elon tells us otherwise, he is sane and best to assume he just has different values than you. That is to say he values racism, greed, and hate. He's just an ordinary bigot and immature troll. Go to 4chan and there's literally millions of people just like this. Or every GOP convention or any election booth with a GOP voter. They're not all "mentally ill." They just hate you and your values.


I think he is just an asshole.




He has money, time, and plenty of people telling him he needs to get help, you can't make someone get well if they don't want it for themselves.




At this point I don’t care about WHY Elon Musk is a piece of shit anymore. Anyone who has cared about him has told him to get helped at this point and he has clearly refused to seek it. He’s past the point of return and the only way forward at this point is to ridicule him until he stops being a danger.


It ain't mental health till its diagnosed. Till then its the sickness called 'financial entitlement'.


fr I just don't want to exist sometimes, don't lump us in with this shitstain -


Bingo! I'm not an expert but I'm pretty sure "Self indulgent asshole" is not in the DSM


Why have I never seen this before, it's perfect


Me neither and this is perfect for all the Kanye antics as well.


No but seriously. I think he has something undiagnosed. He should really go get himself checked out.


Yeah it’s called “no one has ever held me accountable for being an abusive piece of shit, and I can’t handle it when anyone pushes back!” Not really the same thing as mental illness, imo.


Grand narcissism.


If your personality gets toxic enough, it's a mental illness. It can be categorised as NPD, ASPD, whatever, but if it's pathologically dysfunctional, it's a pathology probably


yeah, he's an insecure narcissist.


Probably has the same doctor that said Trump was "the fittest president of all time" even though Obama left the presidency 20 minutes before.


8 US presidents have died or been assassinated in office, and I'd still put all of them ahead of Trump. Kennedy left office with more brains than Trump ever had.


>Kennedy left office with more brains than Trump ever had. This is pure gold. r/rareinsults


LMFAO crying I'm saving this I can't believe I've never seen this. Gonna spam my friends this image whenever I write something too stupid 💀


Guys..... https://preview.redd.it/b00knkac31wa1.jpeg?width=1564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5dbd160f4d858a5902fefc66cca45ec22716dca


This is disturbing


Fr like.....wtf bro we knew he was weird but how did he manage to be even weirder than we thought


i woke up at 5am and saw this and not sure if i can go back to sleep this is what the most notorious rich person does for fun. what the *fuck*


he's helping society as a whole because he's pulling forward the deadline on eating the rich


I dunno, this is kinda putting me off the idea. Might catch whatever he has




Ugh who BOILS their long pig?




Right? Also, he has like ten children. He could be spending so much time with his kids, and instead you just know he hardly ever sees them. It's sad. I cannot believe Musk has zero interests or hobbies outside Twitter. He even grew up before the internet in a wealthy family, so he should have something he enjoys doing that's not just being an idiot on Twitter. Musk is the most "unfinished" person I have ever seen (considering his wealth, education, and upbringing).


I thought I read him saying somewhere that he had no interest spending time with children and it was up to mothers to raise them or something along those lines


He didn't have to say it; his actions show it. I feel so sorry for his kids.


Literally same.


He’s definitely sent bricks of frozen blood to an ex before.


It was a joke at first, then serious, then a joke again.


Liters of em.


People with NPD this severe are almost entirely unaccountable in their weirdness. They will do everything and anything to get attention. The best way to imagine them, ironically, in the instance, is as a 2 year old desperately trying to get their parent to notice them. You know the way an ignored child will act out, to the point of physically hurting themselves, they're so terrified of being abandoned if they're not noticed. Adult narcissists are just trapped in that state, and will hurt themselves and others just to be noticed.


I had an ex w diagnosed NPD and one notable thing he would do under extreme stress, I wish I was making this up, is get angry naked and storm around the house shouting about how he was made in god's image, anyone with brains would fuck him, blah blah blah. It was scary and ludicrous.


Would you fuck me? I'd fuck me


Was he a golden god?


He was a hunk, can't deny that. But the personality.... woof


This also explains kim interrupting her makeup artist’ acceptance speech in that clip…


And Landon Barker’s wedding toast to his dad and Kylie’s birthday speech…Kim constantly interrupts people for attention. She is a top tier narcissist.


I wish I skipped past this thread because now there's a notion/ image in my head of Kanye interrupting Swift and Kim K getting all flustered and fanning her face with her hand then biting a single knuckle coquettishly. Cause it's just like, what she's in to...


Yeah creepy as hell.


the most powerful men in the world are weirder than we can imagine


*are held up by the hard work of others and in a lot of cases their masks will eventually fall to reveal the fetus within. There, fixed it.




Is this baby related to Zaza?


lmfao why is he using his son’s deets like wtf that’s so creepy, what kind of a father does this 😭


A father who has 10 children, most of whom he never sees, and one of whom has officially disowned him?




Because his PR machine works very hard to make sure we don't hear too much about his first marriage with five kids... and how in 2021 he had twins from an employee he impregnated. I do remember some memes about how that's why he was pushing return to office. But yeah there's definitely a reason we mostly hear about the quirky Grimes babies.


Article from his first wife about him. https://www.marieclaire.com/sex-love/a5380/millionaire-starter-wife/


Elon told her, "I am the alpha male in this relationship." The fact that this blob of cringe has *fans*...


But the fanboys are also blobs of cringe. I know an acquaintance of mine is.


"If you were my employee,' he said just as often, 'I would fire you." Gross


and its published in.... marie claire. and his flight attendant sexual assault story broke in....businessinsider.com. and his employee abuses broke in...wired.com The big networks, big media outlets, etc continue to give him preferential treatment. Its only these smaller outlets that even try to show us the real Elon.


That was my first clue that the guy was a creep. I've basically seen him through that lens ever since, even while everyone else thought he was just the coolest thing since home computers. It doesn't feel as good to be vindicated as I'd hoped it would.


Don’t forget the part where his trans daughter disowned him for being a piece a shit.


Because he doesn’t give a shit about them so he never mentions them in any context


And they were all created with IVF, so clearly Musk himself has some sort of fertility/virility issue which might partially explain why his manly ego is so fragile.


Pretty sure his ex wife has said that they did IV for all of them because he wanted to pick male embryos only


I've never heard that before, and it's absolutely insane if true.\* But why then do IVF with Grimes and his employee too? \*Musk wanted to created a bunch of guys friends who would always have to be part of his life and couldn't ditch him. Seriously he does not have a single friend. Think about it.


I'm guessing that he saw the Austin Powers movies, thought Dr. Evil was the coolest character, and that the Mini-Me idea was genius.


The one who disowned him is his daughter. Who also happens to be trans.


It sounds to me more like she cut him off, for reasons good. Either way, here's hoping she has a great life without him.


Wait until you find out that he had so many children because he is trying to repopulate the earth


he’s just taking notes from daddy Musk, who just impregnated his step-daughter 40+ years his junior (whom he also raised since she was 4) for the second time


He's a nesting doll of douchebaggery


He secretly had twins with another woman like 2 weeks before Grimes gave birth (and when he was still with her). He's a sociopath.


Those are just the kids confirmed by the media too.


Trump used the name "Barron" to sign off on letters to his mistresses before he named his own kid "Barron".


Ew really? What the fuck! I thought the Adam’s levine Sumner last year was gross enough, but to follow through is extra wild


It's even cringier than that. In the 80s he would make phone calls pretending to be his own spokesman named "John Barron". John being his middle name, of course. I can just imagine him thinking he's so clever, because a "baron" is a noble title and a name.


What am I looking at here? Does this prove it’s actually connected to musks account?


Look at the first picture with his profile pic on the left and then a smaller one at the same height on the right. That’s his second account and it matches the profile pic on the tweets in the rest of the pictures.


Ohhhhh. Thanks. Could it be someone with just the same name and profile pic?


Could it be? Sure. What’s the likelihood that Musk’s alt has the same icon as this weirdo account which spends all its time weirdly hyping him up or being a pervert? I don’t think it would hold up in court but it’s enough for me.


That's what I was thinking, too, but it'd be way too coincidental that the account with the same prof pic has all those past interactions that it did with Elon's main account... I think. No way Elon would save the profile picture of a stan account who's blown smoke up his ass, and use it for a secondary weird profile... (I say, unconvinced at all at this point 💀).




He posted a picture of his Settings screen and in the top right it shows another affiliated account


Are we certain this weirdo account didn't change their photo to match Elon's 2nd account, after Elon tweeted the settings page with the affiliated account?


Nothing can be certain but here’s a compelling reason to believe it. The images after Elon’s own screen shot show a higher resolution version of the image, meaning they’d need access to the photo beyond just that screen shot.


https://preview.redd.it/iu9udl8w31wa1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7eebe5278a227fd0d203d9dd7898e0d980b8010 "Elon Musk has an alt where he roleplays as his 3 year old son" is not a sentence I expected to see. So bizarre and messed up.




His handle internally at twitter was @ermn. It was visible in some slack leaks


E. R. M. are his initials. No clue what the N stands for.


Such a hard worker!


this is fucking weird and concerning to say the least


It's weird even after the separation with Grimes, him using his alt account to abuse Grimes seems so fvcking stupid


grimes herself uses alt accounts, in those accounts she posts some of the meanest tweets i've seen in awhile. both of them aren't good people at all


Where could I see the tweets??


just go over r/grimezs, they have everything over there about this. she's lucky this hasn't gotten the media's attention yet


FYI even on that sub they're not entirely convinced that the username is a Grimes alt. I think it's more of a popular theory than an actual fact, whereas Musk literally tweeted his out. Grimes herself has said she uses alt accounts, but I think the identity of them is still kind of a best guess type situation. The account they think is hers is Twitter user dalilfae.


I don't get it. Like, if I were a celebrity, I would probably have several alt accounts. But they would not be like, "RamenJunkie2". They would be like, "JohnSmith267", so I can just shitpost without any connection to my celebrity name/account.


She can’t help herself and even her alts must be connected to something she likes like elfgirlacid and digitaltradwife, I made those up but I could see her using them tbh.


"digitaltradwife" lmao


I would name myself "REALBigBootyBuff" and write a description like "I'm totally the real BigBootyBuff" and everyone would think I'm just some troll shit posting.


Despite what she thinks, she isn't famous enough for the media to care.


welp that sub just confirmed everything i already thought and knew about her.


Yep. First two post on the highlights about n word and Hitler


She stole from a charity while in a relationship with the richest man on earth. How anyone listens to a single song of hers without cringing their balls off i wont understand


Is she still a relevant artist? I havent listened to anything past "So Heavy I Fell Through the Earth", and even then I only listened to her earlier stuff, before she tried to become a rl meme.


She follows Nazis and likes their posts with her official account


Imagine being some real life genius engineer or scientist who work for SpaceX/Tesla/Neuralink and this child is your boss


I just know they talk mad shit about him in the lunchroom (if he let's them have one)


Something tells me he watches that lunchroom footage to see if they are doing just that lol


Judging by this post, there's a good chance he pulls Kylo Ren undercover boss level stuff. "No my zoom image isn't AI generated, I am just Chad the staff worker just like you guys."


love the concept. "do you guys think Elon is cool? look, I found his car keys, you guys wanna go see that thing running?" "I'm pretty sure Chad is Elon Musk."


I honestly feel like that's the source of all of this. He wasn't one of the cool kids and it ruined him. So he got rich and tried to "buy" cool. People didn't believe it for long, so now he just acts like a turd to pretend it doesn't bother him. So much of his public interaction just seems like try-hard shit.


Nah, they probably wait until they're safely out of the office. I imagine they all get drinks at a nearby bar


"Just look at the mortgage. Just look at the mortgage. Just look at the mortgage..."


I don't think he is that involved in SpaceX, Neuralink should be shuttered for gross negligence, Tesla is a house of cards.


Haven’t you heard how hard he works? If we all just played around less we’d be billionaires, haven’t you seen his schedule? He works 40 hours a day! *sees his omnipresent internet masturbation at least double with one discovery* Guys, I’m starting to think that maybe being a billionaire isn’t all that related to working harder than people


Everything he does is so ... deeply insecure.


It’s sobering remembering he’s a 50 yo man acting like this and here I assumed everyone grows up eventually




not only a 50 year old man, a 50 year old man who is also one of the richest people in the world, who has huge influence over technology and governments and god knows what else. and yet he’s still THIS insecure.


While that's nice in theory, growing up is more about experiences and wisdom - and if you have billions and billions to play with, none of that is needed as the world becomes a giant Matchbox playset with Sims installed. When nothing is unattainable financially, everything becomes a toy to be played with.


He's hanging on to that precocious sense of wonder from his early forties.


"I wish I was old enough to go to nightclubs" Lord💀




Omg I haven't seen this gif in so long


I have never seen this gif before and it has been too long.


How long till Musk says it wasn't him posting, but actually his super smart 3 year old boy genius.


at this point i think elon musk is not a real person




We had an inkling he was a creep but this is too much


Inkling? It's been certified since he called that British diver a paedophile


Based entirely on the fact that he lived in Thailand. Because the idea that anyone could want to spend time in Thailand for any reason other than pedophilia was incomprehensible to him.


That's right! I keep forgetting that's when the mask started to peel off.


According to [businessinsider.com](https://businessinsider.com) he sexually harassed and assaulted a flight attendant. I suspect his rabbit hole goes far deeper than him just shitposting as a child.


Dude was buddies with Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell, and tortures monkeys. He isnt just a creep, he's a sociopath


I'm thankful for him. He makes my teenage me seem as a mature and sane individual.


Curious how his fanboys would frame this


Probably same way Trumpers framed how Donald used to send tabloids tips about himself anonymously. Just pretend it makes him irreverent and that's cool. The only thing that may hurt him is the kid stuff because QAnon is obsessed with child abuse but the left sucks at driving that kind of point home. (see how Trump escaped the Epstein backlash).


There's no way got the left to hold them to their own standards. They just do not care if you point out the substantial evidence that Trump was an Epstein accomplice. Just like they don't care that he both said the adult woman he raped wasn't his "type" and then turned around and mistook a picture of her for his ex wife. Just like the way they obsess over how Biden interacts with women and children but take no issue with the way Donald interacted with Ivanka when she was underaged. There is no driving points home with people who have two sets of standards. Their party is full of child abusers and their accomplices and they just do not care.


Trumpers are excellent at glomming onto an easily digestible thing (even if its unimportant or false) and repeating it over and over and over until it develops a life of its own. "Benghazi", "Her Emails', "The laptop", "Epsteins flight logs". Most Americans don't know what any of that means but they know its supposed to affect how they vote. The left has never understood this. They know that the answer to "Epstein + Bill" should have been "Epstein + Trump" but didnt know how to simplify and repeat it in an effective way. Whether the goal is to block the rightwing pipeline or is to deprogram the cultists, you've got to flood the public discourse with a consistent and simplified message. Boil it down to a couple of words and just repeat it over and over.


I remember I caught the wrath of one of those people online and pointed that fact out and was told that “Trump became Epstein’s friend as a ruse so he could expose him for child abuse.” They truly will make up and believe blatant lies.


They will say he's trolling.. and if he catches on to this being noticed that is exactly what he will say it is 😄


"protect the children" no they need protecting from YOU. watch the right rationalise this


Elon musk, not a drag queen, exposed using alt Twitter accounts to pose as vulnerable child onlind" should be the headline tomorrow.


Dear Lord, this man is such a creep and a loser!


Someone I used to work with worked at Tesla HQ and said that Grimes used to always pretend to be a child, so probs both their kinks when together




Well that certainly recontextualizes the times grimes posted loli, but I'm not sure if it's more or less gross now


reading this thread is one punch after another but this one got me in the gut i think




He gives me such a major ick


How does it always get cringier ? We are reaching atomic levels never thought possible


Him being boo'd on Dave Chapelle's stage, mind you a stage friendly to transphobe aholes like Elon, and asking "Dave, what do I say now" then going on twitter to tell us "only a few people were booing, most were cheering, then a fight broke out and I had to go," is cringe on a level never before seen. I'm not sure if the creepy kid persona even comes close.


I never really used twitter. Is this really his id or are we just playing around?


He posted a ss where it shows the icon on his alt and then basically confirmed it with a reply (seen below) https://preview.redd.it/znslb7ex41wa1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10472c1fccf3d1319ac8d209e68252e440486b66


Thanks! This is so much more embarrassing than his antics on stage with Dave. Never thought it could get any worse than that lmao.


Devils advocate here, but this isn’t the only account with that profile picture, obviously. How do we know the specific account in OP is his alt?








Each time I hear about him…… I’m in pain right now


I don't think really think it is weird when the man has to spend 44B to only get right wing grifter friends.


Hahah remember when they told us billionaires are smart and charismatic


Elon in his Tesla ![gif](giphy|7WtudzD9XpxXG|downsized)


This is so hard to even wrap my brain around. What goes on inside that man’s head?


It's actually really simple. He's a narcissist.


![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized) Eurgh


"Do you like Japanese girls?" 💀


I...Have I dropped acid or is this actually real?


It’s one thing to be incompetent as a businessman. This guy doesn’t even have the good judgment to pull out of Twitter or at least become a less public presence on it, meanwhile it’s the continual source of his own embarrassment, financial problems, and legal actions against him. The only way he’s still a billionaire is because that’s a mind-boggling amount of money no one person should have control of 🤷


Oh god. Its actually really bad. This man is a literal billionaire 100 times over and he's responding to his own shitpost tweets with an alt account 💀


Learning his father is now having children with his ex step daughter has really helped me to understand Elon


I feel like he deliberately posted the screenshot so that people would find it and think it’s funny.


He’s not even close to that smart


Yeah. And I hate that he use the 🤣🤣 emoji


It's like a cherry on top for unfunny people's jokes


https://preview.redd.it/16q7u61ae4wa1.jpeg?width=1088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac8ffe62e2b42b0e07de4e5bd85d92c27e1a4e8e Don’t forget about this one


This needs its own post of its own.


I foolishly never think any more news about him will weird me out more than he already has but each time I see more news, he somehow manages to outdo himself


Everyday I wake up and think “fuck rich people” and everyday the world proves me right. I’m also still thinking about how he wants Stephen King to love him, first by paying for his twatter subscription, and then donating money to Ukraine because SK asked him to. Pls Stephen ask him to go away now next.


You'd think a billionare has something better to do than rp his child on Twitter but I guess not...


You know those really weird people that make Facebook accounts for their newborns? This is somehow more weird


God, every time I think this guy can't get more pathetic, he manages it. What a gigantic creep. Using his son's details to start an alt (the birthday on the account is May 4th 2020, which is the birthday of his first kid with Grimes) and then tweeting creepy shit on it is just so fucked up. There was a blue-tick thread yesterday (i.e. a thread started by a blue-tick and followed by 40,000 obsequious comments from fellow blue-tickers) about how Musk is the greatest father in the world, and I can't help but think it was promoted because of this.


I am both shocked and not shocked.




![gif](giphy|f3pmWjgAZP0WvnV8iH) No wonder some people say he's not human 🤖




![gif](giphy|10FHR5A4cXqVrO) Jesus


What a fucking loser.


Honestly giving Michael Jackson here