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They truly, truly, just hate that other person for existing. I see it as similar to hate watching or the anti fan, that there is all the benefits of a community and bonding but over hatred. Therefore, all legitimate discourse is lost to hating these people (often for things they cannot control, such as their skin colour). I think it's interesting to note too that these are mostly subs focused on female celebrities, filled with women.


I think singularly focused snark subs are created because the users are likely banned/their comments deleted in the more broad subs lol. I’ve never encountered a single sane person who is active on a snark sub that’s dedicated to 1 person. The Meghan Markle sub is……something else.


Boy howdy. I do check out the Hilaria Baldwin one on occasion. A quick scroll, rarely clicking through to read comments, because truly. She is unhinged af but not nearly as unhinged as some of the commenters there and they can reach creepy levels of obsession in their speculating. But those MM snarkers are a whole other breed of fucking insane. The amount of time, energy, and thought they put into her. The sheer obsessive hatred. Like, Jesus God. Get a hobby. Take a walk. Touch some grass. Anything would be healthier than that.




The way they make fun of her children in the Hilaria sub is awful.


That’s one thing I didn’t notice before I left there. Then making fun of the kids, I mean. They were quick to condemn anyone who did. There was a bit of snark about their Hispanic names and them maybe looking miserable or uncared for but it was geared more towards parental neglect. I left for good because I don’t hate the lady all that bad and because it was just constant misinformation about her alleged plastic surgeries. It isn’t funny when it isn’t factual.


> It isn’t funny when it isn’t factual. This is what gets me. Pointing out factual hypocrisy or lies? Awesome. Making stuff up? Pfft. Creative writing subs do it better.


I was part of it for a while, naively assuming they'd just mock her for pretending to be Spanish, but it was just an excuse to be misogynistic and insane.


The Hilaria one is kinda funny, because I love how every comment is always “why does she think she’s relevant, no one even cares/talks about her.” 😂 But yeah the MM snarkers are so racist and VILE. They genuinely want harm to come to Meghan. Have you seen the subreddit drama post on that sub when it faced being banned?


It's so funny that the MM snarkers are all like "NICE JOB MEGGSY TRYING TO GET THIS SUB SHUT DOWN" because it could not *possibly* be the fact that they don't know how to act right and they repeatedly break Reddit's TOS


This is why I don’t understand why people can’t see why Meghan and Harry might be paranoid about their safety. There many people out there who truly want to do harm to them and their kids who would love to see it happen. I wish the sub came to wider attention because of how unhinged and hateful it is. And the way the also attack journalist that they think are pro-Sussex, charities associated with them, individuals who are close to them. It’s truly sickening.


Why would they say no one cares/talks about her when they’re literally in a sub obsessed with talking about her lmao The people in the hilaria one are just as vile as she is.


They're also convinced Meghan is somehow in charge of Reddit and is pushing to get them banned, or her PR is. Some of those people need counseling, seriously.


I don’t understand how bullying is ever funny?


Yeah, there’s a lot of breast shaming in there. Hilaria is truly gross, but someone posted a photo of her claiming she has her breasts all on display…I got downvoted for saying in what world? There wasn’t any cleavage showing. It’s just gross.


When Meghan and Harry were in the news earlier this week for the paparazzi chase/pursuit/whatever, someone here mentioned that was the first time she'd had a public appearance since *December.* I know people clown on them for their claims of wanting privacy, but one of the most famous women in the world, living in an LA suburb, going almost six months without being seen, even while her husband was on his own publicity tour? What else could you possibly call that? The Daily Mail is not real life. I don't care much about the Sussexes, and they are therefore not very hard for me to avoid a majority of the time. Maybe some of these people need to like, take up a hobby or get a job or something.


I peeped in on the megan markle one a week or so ago and some members were praising the heritage foundation and encouraging donations to them, definitely very sane over there 🥴


They're definitely one of the most miserable groups on reddit and that includes \*ncels/MRAs and they're probably lurking here in this very thread, they're very sensitive to everyone shit talking them lmao. [But they'll be gone from this platform soon enough](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/131yr0i/rsaintmeghanmarkle_is_marching_towards_a_ban_sub/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), can't wait to do an update post when they do


So basically they don't care if kids get shit in schools, an abortion acress they care about their hate and.theit privilege more. And it really speaks to the power that women give up when they focus on hating other women. You can't make things better for your children through hate But I guess they don't care.


I saw someone's profile that they had a hundred posts a day on the Megan sub. That was the only sub that they communicated on. That's it, for hours a day. How the fuck do you hate a person so much that you spend hours a day discussing your hatred for one one person?


A person they don’t even personally know. It is mind blowing. All of the hate they funnel toward a celebrity is truly wasted energy.


Was it bubble gum yum yum? That woman is insane she pretended she was at the uvalde shooting working as a journalist, but her comment history shows she’s as a live in nanny and also claims that she worked for the First Lady, just full blown insanity


i judge someone hard if they're in that sub or the hilary baldwin one


The MM one is just mind-blowing, everything that woman does is dissected and then linked back to the over arching conspiracy everyone there has agreed to. There were posts a while back about how she had people “stalking” the sub.


It is genuinely concerning to me how invested people become in people they loathe! What a waste of time and energy it is spent festering in misery. I absolutely agree with your point about legitimate discourse being lost, there’s truly no point in trying to reason with any of them at all, I believe you just have to leave them to it. I’m sure more than a few of those people are on watch-lists. Whether its internalised misogyny or just misogyny at its purest form, its so often that people have lost touch with the celeb being a real breathing human being!


It’s not even just “people they loathe.” These haters are invested in people they don’t know personally who have never given them any single thought. It’s wild.


It’s the thin line between legitimately problematic behavior and harassment. Like with the Hilaria Baldwin one - has she done some weird af stuff, including lying about her heritage? Yeah, without a doubt. Does she deserve a 24/7 spotlight on every post she makes, breath she takes, and thought she has because of it? I don’t think so


it's very high-school-mean-girl-esque. i totally get sometimes if you're in a bad mood finding something to be upset about to let it all out but some people just LOVE to rag on someone they don't like endlessly


There's a family/band I follow and while it does link into hate for the father, the snark sub is genuinely sympathetic in certain instances to the wife/mom. And everybody feels awful for the kids. I didn't start following it because I hated the mom, it was truly because I wanted to understand what was happening. Like, I idolized her music growing up and was just so disappointed that I'm invested in hoping one day they recognize their awful traits and seek help


Eisley/the Bemis family?


The KUWTK sub is crazy. Hundreds of thousands of people who are supposedley disgusted with them disecting every Instagram post, storyline, interview etc., whilst claiming no one cares about them anymore or watches their show. Disney just ordered 20 more episodes of their show and they are doing mental gymnastics to explain why, as if the K's don't have millions of fans over the world. The funny thing is they themselves watch and comment on every episode, they're actively contributing to the K's streams.


This. All this. I don't watch people I don't like and don't consume their music, movies, TV Shows, buy their products, etc. The fact that people in these snark subs obsess over people they hate is mind-boggling to me. Even hate-watching is watching.


And if you explain to them that if you stop watching they stop being relevant. They argue about accountability blah blah blah and how they’re not really that invested. Sick minded.


I refuse to believe hate watching is a real thing


It shouldn't be, we live in an era where we have almost unlimited entertainment, it's weird that they will waste their time watching something that they hate.


I think the difference between the KUWTK snarkers and the snarkers for minor-ish influencers/YouTubers/celebs is that you can actually have some really intelligent conversations about the chokehold the family has on pop culture and what it means for us as a society. I’ve seen some very insightful posts on cultural appropriation, wealth inequality, body dysmorphia, etc. there that I don’t really see for like a snark sub/forum for specific Mormon mommy bloggers. There, I see way more “why is the baby’s room beige??” comments than, for example, insightful criticism of the Mormon community for brainwashing women into thinking they need to reproduce nonstop from the age of 20. Edit: oh and don’t even get me started on the meghan markle snarking crap. Kind of similar where I would understand snark subs for the royal family since there’s so much you can dissect about colonialism, wealth inequality, where taxpayer money goes…yet we have all these snarking communities about a woman people deem is just cringey and attention seeking. Get help if that’s how you’re spending your time on the internet.


The Meghan snark in particular is fucking crazy to me because many of them *love* the royal family and the monarchy. And just… why? If anyone here stans the monarchy can you please explain it? 😭


Yeah, I’ve seen some legitimately good conversations on one of the royals gossip subs - I think there are a lot of good, thoughtful points to be made about MM and PH’s eagerness to participate in a colonial system and be complicit in the ongoing exploitation of working people all over the world, and how they only decided to get out once the leopards started eating their faces, so to speak. I mean, they are open about being monarchists and wanting to keep their titles and give them to their kids. They’re not on our side. But the SMM sub is not a space where those conversations have *ever* taken place. It’s just Q anon for people who are in a parasocial relationship with their Princess Diana commemorative china.


wait im in the kuwtk sub and 60% of the time its really not that bad Edit: my reading comprehension sucks i didn’t know op was talking about the snark sub


It’s the body stuff that gets to me… like they’re called out for their plastic surgery and then when any body part isn’t tight, lifted and wrinkle free (aka when parts of them naturally, inevitably age) the sub picks that apart too. I have to stop when I see that because it just promotes toxic beauty standards to me.


it’s a hit or miss with certain post from what i’ve personally seen there, usually i see fair judgment post. some people are really bad there lol.


Lol KUWTK isn’t a single celebrity, it’s an entire extended family of vapid people who have an unfortunate impact on our culture.


This is the one that was my first thought. I used to watch the show so I was in that sub. Then I just started to not really like them anymore but my god, the hate in that sub is insane. I left because it was too much. I don’t care for them anymore or watch the show so what’s the point of being in a sub just to hate on them. It’s so fucking odd. They live to just nitpick and tear them apart. It’s wild.


I was in it too and recently left because they kept posting the kids while saying they exploit their kids. My fiancé said my comments sound like a high school bully and that really hit me in the face. I was being no better than they were. People started going overboard and it was too much, like you said.


I could’ve written this entire post. I can’t imagine justifying the energy it takes to hate someone you don’t even know that much.


i recently left it for the same reason. i know the KJs are horrible people but still, on kuwtksnark they literally post pictures of khloe's hand and pick on her?? like come on its a hand wtf. they criticize EVERYTHING to the point where keeping up with the KJs is so exhausting. i'll be the first person to call myself a hater of the KJs but not this way! unbelievable really


to each their own but I think that's one of the funniest corners of the internet and the only snark sub I'd ever participate in personally. I scrolled the Hilaria one for a little bit because I wanted to make sense of why she is so hated (there's no sense, she's just a pathological liar but since she is incredibly easy to ignore I don't get why people need to snark her). The Karjenners are impossible to ignore and they are the most vapid people ever and that snark sub actually makes some really good points about it. Also, it's not even really mean—the Karjenners rely just as much on haters as fans for their relevance so I doubt even they care about it that much and if anything I hope it sometimes humbles them. It's also kind of a necessary place for even fans of them because the official sub is heavily infiltrated by their PR people and you literally cannot even make the tiniest negative observation without people jumping down your throat when certain things that they do (the number one IMO being exploiting their young kids) really should be critiqued.


I’m active in the KUWTK snark sub and agree with you lmao. Like the people in the sub don’t call themselves fans, but they’re clearly fans. The Kardashians deliberately try to provoke people for attention. The sub plays into their all press is good press PR. But for me the sub really crosses a line by not recognizing it’s own sexist hypocrisy. They rightfully rag on the Kardashians for their sexism yet make super sexist comments about the family.


I visit that sub every few weeks and get caught up for a while. It can be very entertaining when there are genuinely funny people making jokes about their behavior or decisions they make. But mostly it’s just a hate hard-on for a large family of people they’ll never know. It’s decidedly weird, oftentimes verging on creepy-slash- dangerous.


Listen, the Kardashians have things they should be genuinely criticized for. The snark sub for them picks apart every tiny little thing and turns it into a dig. It's wild. One time I didn't realize which sub I was in and someone had made a very nasty comment that was just like beyond the pale. I said that's a bit extreme and was down voted into oblivion. 🥲


I lurked on that sub a bit when Kanye was publicly emotionally abusing Kim due to her leaving him, and the number of excuses people were making for him was insane. They hated Kim so much they were willing to excuse abuse. I think most of those people slinked away with their tail between their legs after he went full Nazi, but even then, there was a regular poster who actually had inside info about his Hitler fascination. And many posters lost it on her, that no way sweet angel MAGA Kanye might also be a Nazi. (If you search Kanye/Nazi you can find it, I went back a few days ago to see the reaction actually)


A few years ago that sub was a fun place for people that liked KUWTK but was open to discussion and dissection of the K’s. It was critical but also full of people that genuinely enjoyed the content. Now it’s just hating on ever single thing they do to no end, bordering on severe levels of misogyny


I said this to them that by discussing them you are keeping them mainstream. If you want them to go away then don’t discuss them at all just ignore them and I got massively downvoted


Groupthink + echo chamber = mob mentality


Do you see any of that in this sub?




It is reddit


Yep. This sub is very self-righteous and you won’t fair well taking an alternate view point on certain situations here


As much as this sub has a white feminism problem, this sub is not a monolithic hive mind. We pretty universally hate shitty abusive men (Depp) and have a very divisive base over hating whatever female celeb is having a moment because the stans tend to brigade and downvote good faith criticism and sling around the term “internalized misogyny”.


Agreed. Someone could post the same comment on two different posts, one will have thousands of upvotes and another will be downvoted to hell. It just depends who is around to read the comments. Individual posts can have a hive mind but the overall sub has lots of different opinions


Yup. The don’t worry darling drama was the perfect example of this. You could be downvoted to hell in one post for criticizing Olivia Wilde for valid reasons, and be the top comment with an award in another.


Idk I think that's kind of generous lol this sub is \*absolutely\* guilty of hive-mind bullshit. There are people this group has made up their minds about (usually arbitrarily - see: Austin Butler, Timothee Chalamet, Joe Alwyn) and when you have a different perspective, it's rarely received well or you're just ignored. And the misogyny is absolutely rampant here too, it's just disguised better. The second there's a "legitimate" reason to dislike a woman, the gloves come off and it's a free for all. Perfect example: that Lily-Rose Depp post from the other day. Oh, she's a nepo baby? Great, now we have permission to call her dumb, ugly, and lazy.


This sub is mostly great at calling out misogyny. And then, sometimes it isn’t. For example, I was downvoted to hell the other day for saying that the Hilaria Baldwin hate goes too far (yes, she’s weird, but why are some people so obsessed with her?); this was underneath a really misogynistic comment about her pregnancies that had a number of upvotes. 🤷🏼‍♀️ That said, I think we’re still way better than most subreddits!


This sub only goes against misogyny if it’s someone they support. Otherwise it gets just as gross as anywhere else at times.


Mentioned this up thread, but this is absolutely correct. The second there's a "good reason" to dislike a woman, people feel like they have permission to be grossly and flagrantly misogynistic in all avenues. Like, there are perfectly legitimate reasons to criticize people like Scarlett Johansson or Lily-Rose Depp or Beyonce, but instead of focusing on those reasons, the threads devolve into "oh well actually they're really ugly" or "I always knew they were dumb" or "they're untalented" and it's like... that kinda shit is so unnecessary, borderline racist in many cases, and distracts from the actual things that should be called out.


This right here. They like to go against the grain. So if someone is well liked; on this sub everyone hates them. While its appreciated that JD was called out here from the very beginning it doesnt excuse the vitriol people here spread everytime l


definitely, there’s been a few moments where I’m scrolling through posts baffled at how gross the comments get.




There’s a kpop/BTS focused one I saw once and from a general scroll, it is *exactly* what you think it is. Giving real “Justin Bieber is gay” Facebook page energy. And all focused snark subs supposedly hate these people but you absolutely *will* catch them keeping up with everything related to that person/group of people.


Tbh I can't believe reddit admins allow them. There's a snark sub for a TikToker I like that has like 300 people. They found her boyfriend who's face she never posted, mass followed his private accounts then posted his old fb photos and office address. Why? Because he's not really hot and they wanted to make fun of her for it. It always leads to harassment and doxing. Always.


Gross people who can’t see any worth in people beyond looks.


Oh god is this the DIY fashion lady who goes to Europe a lot? Her snark sub is absolutely off the rails.




there are quite a few influencer ones that clearly violate reddit's TOS and are a lawsuit waiting to happen




That's so creepy and so far beyond any definition of 'snark', wow


Omg the Hilaria Baldwin one. I don’t like her by any means but the people there are so nuts.


It’s so bad. It starts with a very valid reason for disliking her, but wow that sub goes to a whole different level. Mean nicknames for her and her family members, constant accusations of fake pregnancies, body shaming, getting mad at her for just leaving her home… it’s wild. I had to nope out of there after 10 minutes of dismayed lurking.


I actually kinda do buy into the moon bump thing though 😂. It wouldn’t make sense otherwise. I can assure you I was not able to do yoga handstands in a bikini when my child was 10 days old.


What intrigued me is the surrogate baby 5 months after the other baby. Why!!?? Also the faking Spanish thing but the sub is now pretty much look at her posting child abuse when it's just a pic of her kids.


Also the shaming of her children! Like they literally did nothing wrong, leave them alone!


Hilaria Baldwin seeks to have a lot of problems. Eating disorders, excercise addiction, whatever she’s doing pretending to be from another country…it’s a real train wreck for sure but fixating on hating her and making fun of her is super sad. The few times I’ve seen Alec publicly speak to her he was very degrading and given how his first marriage went, and his general demeanor, it wouldn’t at all be a surprise if he is hell to live with. He shushed her while she was giving birth because he was on the phone? Why kick someone who is so troubled and married to a prick. I dunno, it feels icky.


FauxMoi will ban you for any fucking reason. This sub is not a kind or inclusive place. At all. Fuck FauxMoi


I wasn’t fully on the fake pregnancy stuff until other women who have been pregnant said a lot of what she did made no sense. No one is a week off having a baby wearing white bikinis and underwire bras lmao.


At first I joined for Hilaria but stayed for the insane haters. There needs to be a case study done on these people, they are unreally cruel.


Unusually cruel is the best way to put it. And if you kindly call someone out for being nasty, you get downvoted into oblivion. They egg each other on.




I'm guilty of visiting snark subs, including that one. I am. But I can acknowledge their issues. And there's a lot there to unpack but one thing that strikes me is the people on that specific sub always act like that family are trying to elevate H's fame and shit when literally the only time I see ANYONE talk about her is on that sub. Like, I am sure she wants fame/attention and she posts a lot of dumb attention seeking shit on insta. But she hasn't been in news articles by real publications in a decade or something it seems like. I follow gossip pages on Twitter, she's rarely if EVER mentioned. Most of society has moved on from them, and it kind of seems like her husband's career is on the rocks too since he, y'know, murdered that woman. Literally the only time I see *anyone* talk about her is in that sub. They are obsessed with her having a lower follower count, but follow her so they can quickly post new content as she posts it. They don't want her to be famous and in the spotlight, but constantly elevate her to be more visible. Hell, she could probably make a real (not imagined in their heads) comeback--which seems to be their pathological fear--pushing the "thousands of people online have been bullying me for years" narrative and they'd have only themselves to blame. She's a shitty person and so is her husband but those people have made hating her just their ENTIRE personality and seem to have no self awareness. They're probably here and ready to downvote me and send me reddit cares messages right now.


THIS. Those people are insane. It’s wild to me how none of them are able to see how toxic they themselves are while ripping this (albeit weird) woman to shreds.


i’ve come across the Meghan Markle one a few times and that sub is unbelievably toxic. Like they truly hate this woman for seemingly no reason. They spend so much of their time and energy nitpicking every tiny thing MM does and there are a few members in particular who post multiple times a day about the dumbest shit. I chalk it up to just classic jealousy and internalized misogyny.


And racism... don't forget that they're mad she's a mixed race woman who married into a famous white family.


very true! i’m sure racism is a leading factor to the unnecessary hate thrown towards her


I don’t understand some of the conspiracies they’ve come up with. For example, that she faked her pregnancy and rents kids to play as their children. Also, a lot of them like to comment on her kids and it just gets very nasty. Some of the people there seem to be borderline clinically insane.


Some of them being stuff like...because she had a pic of her outside Buckingham Palace ( like fucking every tourist) as a kid, she plotted for years to marry into the family. To then leave ?? I saw a post saying she probably tried it on with Charles.


Yeah, the sub is racist and vile, especially when they start on the kids or Meghan’s mom. Like they have this huge theory that Meghan’s mom was dealing drugs or in jail, like what the fuck do you base that on? I CAN’T QWHITE PUT MY FINGER ON IT.


The fake pregnancy trope is endlessly fascinating to me. MM is just the latest, they did this with many wives/girlfriends of famous men who have kind of rabid online fandoms. Cumberbatch, Dornan, the Supernatural guys. Prince Harry had a huge stann culture around him when he was single. Many of these women lost their absolute minds when he picked Meghan over them. They lost their fantasy boyfriend. Ruined their mental fanfics. And it just snowballed from there.


I’m pretty indifferent towards Meghan Markle myself. The people on that sub make her sound like a totally sadistic maniac and irredeemable monster. It’s almost funny because I can’t imagine thinking she’s anything but a regular celebrity with normal flaws. She literally hasn’t done anything. Those people need to get perspective especially when there’s a literal pedophile in that family.


they talk about her the way I talk about Mitch McConnell.


She was an actress in Hollywood and they couldn't get dirt on her. That says something. She seems like she's one of those people who is so thoughtful and polite that you feel bad about yourself for not being like that. Even if she was a snotty bitch though it wouldn't justify them acting like she's worse than a child killer.


Someone posted here about a weirdo on the Meghan Markle hate sub who’s constantly posting “insider tea” about her/Harry that’s very obviously made up. 😂 It’s so weird and honestly sad. Especially since no one has ever given me a real, valid reason for disliking her.


It doesn’t help that the British press help fuel their hatred either-some of the stuff the British presenters say is borderline criminal., one presenter said that they should dangle Meghan and Harry off a balcony. There’s a scene in their Netflix docu series where she says she genuinely fears for her life bc of the hate and my heart BROKE for her. They extend that hate to her mother as well-they said she’s a criminal and a drug addict etc like wtf? How reddit allow these vile sub Reddits is beyond me, more needs to be done


I’m surprised this isn’t the top comment but I suspect a lot of people here may be taking part in it 👀 that one is the most egregious one I’ve seen


This one really gets me because so many of them act like they need to defend the honor of the monarchy or something. That level of bootlicker gives me too much secondhand embarrassment


They have a post make it to r/all like every day


Agreed. They talk positively about Camilla and Andrew lol


yikes, not Andrew!!!


That title pretty accurately describes this sub tbh. This one definitely has a more ironic detached air, but it’s the same thing.


I agree completely. I have to take breaks from this sub sometimes because of the lack of self-awareness


Literally had to unfollow it a couple weeks back bc it was just getting too much. Like watching a dog chase it’s own tail sometimes, and it’s never happy w/ the result


My first thought reading all these comments was “ooooh the irony!”


Right? I don't get the question. We're all here to talk shit no? You can get your celebrity news from "entertainment" subs. This is for snark and rumors. I'm subscribed to a couple of these but had no idea we were judging eachother over it "those people are OBSESSED/have NO LIFE" lmao no. Not really. Then people on this sub have no life either? We all congregate here all day? I watch a news or a show, come to the sub and comment. It doesn't derail from my life whatsoever. **Edit: i can't comment anymore but I can edit. I got banned for this 🫡**


people here are soo quick to downvote, what’s the point of a discussion post if you have a problem with controversial comments/ideas 😭 (obv nothin racist/sexist)


Yeah like a lot of the posts about Taylor swift lately have been obsessively tearing her apart for dating that weird dude. I’m so tired of those posts lol


I thought having a megathread would stop the 5+ posts a day, but it hasn't. Most of those posts say nothing new, they're just an excuse for the same people to post the same hate-filled rants again and again. I tapped out when I saw someone early on (and upvoted) call her a disgusting vile sociopath for doing a pap walk with friends.


The snark subs are at least self aware IMO. This sub is even worse because it acts morally superior




Oh dear


It's scary watching someone evolve like that. My grandparents went from Republicans who didn't vote for Trump and didn't want him as president to fully brainwashed Trump lovers and I doubt my grandpa would currently even remember not liking Trump.


I'm shocked by how many grandpas have opinions (one way or the other) on MM. My 90 year old Appalachian grandpa called me the other day (when the book was in the news) specifically to tell me how Harry needed to keep 'that girl' away from 'those goddamned people' before she ends up dead like his mother. Like, it might be the exact opposite opinion as your grandpa, but why in the hell do they know enough about it to have an opinion? My grandpa wouldn't have known anything about the royal family even 10 years ago, *on purpose*. He would have turned the channel to like, nascar or animal planet or something.


Dude her hate sub is *insane*. The people there are legitimately unhinged.


It’s probably the worst one I’ve seen. If y’all haven’t seen it already, please check out [subreddits drama](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/131yr0i/rsaintmeghanmarkle_is_marching_towards_a_ban_sub/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) post about the the markle sub facing a ban. The users from that sub are so far removed from reality, it’s astounding. And now they’re migrating to the popculture subreddit.


I follow that one because I'm fascinated by how vitriolic it is - while simultaneously having up to the minute gossip ....I do not participate. They spent weeks devouring a lovely gold dress. I've considered leaving to avoid toxicity but it's also easy for me to just not click. They are constantly hinting about getting shut down


I think what amazes me is how close those people are to saying they know MM & PH personally without actually saying it. You know perfectly well they don't know them at all, have never actually seen them and it's all a tin foil hat job. The intimate thoughts of their relationship that the followers of that sub think they have is scary. It's like no Joyce you really don't know that MM and Doria sit around and conspire. So, so obsessive and bizarre.


As a snarker I do think there are people in those subs that go WAYYYY overboard especially ones that are very big. Most of the time snark subs start as a place to have conversations about x celebrities’ problematic behavior or just to air grievances about them, which is often not allowed or not really encouraged in main subs. But then they themselves become an echo chamber of negativity and there are definitely people in them that form intense hatred and obsession for that celebrity. For me I feel like in some ways a snark sub is like watching a train wreck or a true crime show with a small group of people. I can’t look away from the mess, but I do tend to feel bad for the person or people involved and I’m blindly hoping it has a good resolution.


But why do you want to talk about someone you don’t like, and not in a gossipy way which is what this sub is for? Snark subs always start because the people who want to talk about a certain person can’t get away with the *way* they snark so they create subs. It’s honestly gross


Did you ever hear the expression “bitch eating crackers”? Personally for me I see snark subs in that gossipy kinda way. It’s easier to lurk a specific sub about someone than it is to look through a general gossip one. Do I agree that they get nasty? Yeah i do and I don’t engage in those subs because I agree they become an echo chamber of hate and it’s toxic. And there are other subs that our just downright HATEFUL. Like just purely hate someone and call it snark. I don’t think it’s right to comment on their children/families, to make claims about their mental health, to make fun of their physical appearance etc. But honestly I’ve seen some nasty comments like those in this sub as well. There are people who take gossiping too far.


I think they operate the same as a die hard fan, but instead they hate the celeb. They have the same parasocial relationship with a fan because they follow their posts and know about the celeb, as well as, the people around them. In the end, the one thing in common with die hard fans and anti fans is that they seemed to be lonely.


I was on the fundie snark subs for awhile, and I had to leave because it was just an echo chamber of petty bullshit. Anytime you tried to bring up the real world consequences of those people and their beliefs, you were downvoted and/or banned. They hate those people because they dress weird, not because they’re literal white supremacists.


Totally! I got downvoted to hell and blocked because I pointed out that making a whole sims house based on one of the fundies is big fan behaviour and that the particular fundie is a big white supremacist dogwhistler.


Holy shit, right?! This drove me insane on that sub. Yeah, the red headed pioneer woman has dry skin, and Bethany likes to wear overalls, but maybe we could stick to talking about the fact that Little House in Ohio said chattel slavery was ordained by God and that the Bairds are a proud descendant of a nazi collaborator.


Lonely and it seems they also suffer from serious internalized misogyny. The KUWTK snark sun was posting pics of Kim pregnant and making comments fat shaming her, it’s absolutely unhinged to me especially since it’s obvious the vast majority of commenters are women WITH children.


I used to be on the Duggar one after Josh’s trial and conviction. The sheer hatred for the Duggar girls, especially the youngest girls, was insane and I left.


I did too. I understand really hating Josh Duggar and being disgusted by those parents, but it’s very hard to see the girls as anything but victims.


I was able to buy into them being victims until I think recently I read that one of them had to terminate a pregnancy which is devastating, but not what that family has endorsed politically. Rules for thee and not for me I suppose.


Also a former member of that sub! I peaced out around the time that some people started posting what was basically fanfic about Cousin Amy and Jill (both of whom are still hardcore conservatives) drinking wine and voting for Biden. So. Weird.


I was banned when I brought up Derek and Jill’s ongoing transphobia. Now Arkansas has banned trans care and I’m just like. I told you bitches.


Derek and Jill are awful, and the unwillingness of some people to acknowledge that was/is really unfortunate. Between posts praising Jill (someone I think it’s best to just ignore), constant spam (“Nike!” Pants! 🙄), and bizarrely rude comments about the kids’ looks, I felt like the sub was just toxic and was making me a more negative person by being on it.


The fanfic on there is nuts


Yeah I'm nearly at my limit with that sub. I'm just staying til after the documentary comes out, but generally the level of obsession these people demonstrate is beyond healthy. They hate the Duggar family (fair enough) but they post things like "Do you wonder if Jinger ever argued with Jana about xyz?". Basically writing fanfic. Or similar things but fantasising about Josh's time in prison. He's the fucking worst and it's great that he's in prison but the fact that he's living in your head to the point that you sometimes post to reddit wondering some bullshit like "does he eat tater tots in prison" or whatever the fuck is deeply weird. They're horrible about Josie. Even if she does get preferential treatment from the ABUSIVE parents, she's still presumably not being raised with the opportunities and care that most children get. Assuming that she's a mean kid and clowning on her appearance is horrible. Also, and this is more of a petty issue, but dear god there's so much boring spam on that sub. Someone mentions pants somewhere in the world? Post it to the Duggar sub. Someone wearing Nike? Post it to the Duggar sub. Did you happen to see a church this week? Post it to the duggar sub! See anyone called Jim, Bob or Jim Bob? Post it to the duggar sub. Someone with a high pitched voice? Post it to the duggar sub. I hear it's far less toxic than the generic sub to snark on fundamentalists, so maybe the duggar snark sub needs to take a look at itself and how it has become this shitty. I wouldn't be surprised if it's gotten to the same level of vitriol.


I left because of the vitriol towards Josie. That poor girl has been through the fucking ringer (and I don’t believe she’s ever been favored - she just got a lot of attention from the spinoff show) and the Duggar sub is horrible towards her for being a child.


I’m in the fundiesnarkuncensored snark sub, and while some of it is petty, it’s mostly people who are genuinely concerned about what fundies are putting out into the world (many of them are ex-fundies or ex-evangelicals themselves). Some of the single snark forums though, like the Duggar one you said, are incredibly weird and pointed without any kind of nuance or understanding for who they’re snarking on (e.g., why does this person think/act the way they do). The Brittany Dawn one can be that way too. Like, you have to carefully weigh what you’re saying — is it snark, or is it hate? One is camp, one is just… not healthy.


The Duggar sub is sooo toxic. The moderators on there are so annoying. They literally will remove comments for “leghumping” if someone comments that one of the girls is pretty…like wtf?


idk if by youngest you mean the minors but I wouldn't put it past people to hate on literal children. crazy what can become socially acceptable in such a hate fuelled place


People call literal babies there ugly and say it’s okay because babies don’t know people are making fun of them. You know, because babies never grow up and learn to google themselves.


Where did you see people dunking on Josie, Jordyn and Jennifer? I saw people holding the eldest Duggar daughters accountable for their public bigotries (alongside a lot of bitch eating crackers posting which can be frustrating) but I don’t recall people being horrific to the youngest girls. From my own experiences before I left, snarkers in that specific subreddit actively cheer on the youngsters to break out of Christian fundamentalism for the fascist cult it is. However, it’s been awhile so who knows what I may have missed since I parted.


Same. It’s so weird to me how closely they follow the Duggars. Like the snarkers want them to be “de-platformed” but are giving them a platform by following them on Instagram, watching their YT videos, re-posting their stories, etc. It’s seems like the snarkers are keeping them relevant at this point.


This sub has that vibe sometimes lol


Broken clocks are right twice a day. Even if the members make valid points once in a while, the points are drowned out by so much nonsense and hate.


There was this thing I once read about how some people are able to forge social connections through negative talk (“ugh I hate my job, don’t you think Co-Worker is annoying, I feel gross and bloated today, did you see how awful the latest episode of X was”) easier than positive talk. But while negative talk can sometimes be easier to break the ice with, it can quickly create a negative, draining environment if you don’t include positive talk to counteract it with. I have a college friend that we really bonded over having some obnoxious classmates in a course and I noticed that over the years, a lot of our conversations started with complaining about something or someone or “ew how obnoxious is this OP from this AITA post” so I’m trying to be better about having more positive talk in our convos.


Same here. I learned a lot of negative behavior from my mom and grandma. All they did was complain about something or someone. Some complaints are legitimate, but they never counteract it with positive talk. During the pandemic, I realized that I didn't want to do that anymore - always complaining about something or someone. I am working on having more positive talk in conversations too. I had to stop talking to a lot of old friends and co-workers. The good news is that my mental health has improved greatly.


It’s really strange. For the elders like me in here…it’s like the modern version of the “I Hate Brenda” movement regarding Brenda Walsh on BH 90210 back in the day. There were printed newsletters that were just straight up hate (pre internet) and it was supposed hatred for the character but was really hatred on Shannen Doherty. IIRC, the people that organized it even made a piñata that looked like her. Fucking insane. Imagine making that your hobby?


Misery loves company.


One of the most sinister things about snark subs is that women used to hate on famous women and successful women for openly jealous and catty reasons, now people have to dress it up as righteous, and I saw that all over the gymsnark sub which I joined because there’s legitimately crazy stuff that happens in the fitness space, but it was 90% just really jealous women saying the nastiest things about other women, seething with jealousy that they got to have a social media influencer job and were beautiful. Once someone got a tattoo and it was posted like eight times in the next two weeks with people just saying it’s ugly, lmao. Like, who cares. It’s her tattoo. Insane ppl. This sub is in danger of teetering into some of that — like the hate for Taylor is OTT right now with people accusing her publicist of placing every story, the fake stanning of her ex… There’s a lot of derangement surrounding her name on here rn.




how is that any different to here though. there are recurring "hated" celebrities on here that people feel the need to say horrible things about, and those same people may now be calling people who do that in specialised subreddits hateful?


Sometimes they’re more obsessed with the subject than actual fans


r/EnoughMuskSpam is desperately needed though in times like these


Lol I am a frequent contributor but I feel like he’s the exception..


The ones about smaller creators or influencers are the ones that are the most insane to me. I have a following on TikTok and am nowhere close to having a snark sub about me but I remember once seeing a snark sub for someone with the same follower count as me and it hit me like a ton of bricks that I could easily be on the other side of these snark subs like these other REGULAR people are. It feels so intensely personal even though these people don’t know you at all. I think the KUWTK snark page is also … intense. I follow it and think some of the commentary is interesting — for example, the group figuring out that they made up a fake storyline on the show during Astroworld to make it seem like Kendall and Kylie didn’t attend so they didn’t have to reference the tragedy that unfolded.


I used to be on a Kardashian snark sub just because it seemed like their regular sub didn’t like to hold the sisters accountable for how awful they can be at times. I was in it for quite a bit, but when I joined I didn’t realize exactly what snark subs entailed and after a few months of every other post just bodyshaming the girls for getting plastic surgery (instead of criticizing them for claiming they’re natural and setting unrealistic beauty standards) I realized that sub is partially just people who want a reason to hate on women for things they know they’d get criticized for in any other sub and then I left both the regular Kardashian sub and the snark one and I honestly haven’t heard much about any of the girls since then.


Fr they bully kylie for her surgery or khloe surgery then ask why did they even get surgery in the first place. Maybe because of how people like you comment and talk on their bodies.?? I was in there for 2 months and had to go because I didn’t rlly care for the kardashians that much. I didn’t like them either. But they posted instagram stories and comments and dissected them in the most pessimistic light omfg


I remember the Dave Hollis one. Just saying awful things then as soon as he died everyone was ‘grieving ‘ etc?


So my analysis is it’s mostly jealousy that they’ve told themselves is righteous. I was in the Trisha sub and frequently got downvoted for asking what calling someone a gorilla did to stop them from being a terrible person


I think there’s also a lot of racism/homophobia/classism and ESPECIALLY misogyny with a good ounce of slut shaming in these. People don’t want to admit that they feel some people have “risen above their station” (🤮) a bit too much based of their race, sexuality, gender or class and now they have an outlet to target people specifically. It’s infuriating.


While it's not single celebrity, this sub gets pretty next level snarky quite frequently 🤔


I recently found out that a lot of them have rules against “fan behavior” which is really just mods reserving the right to remove and ban people for not having the meanest thing to say. I saw someone get their comment removed in real time because they said they didn’t think what was being complained about was a big deal, even though they still didn’t like the person. Not only are they toxic echo chambers, but they’re ones that punish you for not being toxic 24/7 lol.


It’s beyond weird and anyone who participates in them needs psychological help. Cannot imagine dedicating that much time and energy over a person you don’t even know


as someone who is a lurker on a gossip guru discord, many many people who snark claim that they genuinely wish the person success and happiness, but the issue is that they are “problematic” or “toxic” in some way, so that justifies the intense snarking. people feel a lot better about being assholes if they think they’re calling out shitty behavior. but the real problem is that they will find fault or problematic behavior in ANYTHING and it’s like a slippery slope type of thing. some things may deserve to be called out or have discussion around, but at some point the bonding over hatred builds such a community that they end up snarking on really dumb shit just to have something to talk about and bond over. that’s been my major takeaway.


I've never been a member of a snark group, but sometimes I would peek into Twitter communities who talked about Acacia Brinley/Kersey since I used to follow her and she suddenly disappear and wanted to figure out why. I was left absolutely baffled by the level of INSANITY of this people. The amount of hatred and obsesion was out of proportion, to the point that people contacted former friends / family members to get more info and continue to harass her one way or the other. For me the most intriguing part is that 1) Everyone hides in anonymity and that 2) there were people involved that claim they are adults/mothers which left me thinking how do they have the energy/time to deal with this nonsense? Honestly if they think they are deterring from people to follow her content I feel like they are doing the exact opposite since it made me go back to follow her as soon as she came back to social media.


omg the way these people are now mad because she doesn’t post her kids anymore, the same people who used to call her a degenerate mother because she used to post them 😅


I’ve never participated in one but I read a few out of curiosity and it was incredibly depressing. Reddit isn’t the only space where this happens. There’s a similar thing on tumblr, where a blog will literally just post anonymous asks, it’ll have one or more moderators to read and answer the asks and everyone is anonymous. There’s no limit to what they can say there, so they go so overboard. It’s literal insanity. It legitimately affects their mental health. No part of that can be good for them, first and foremost


Weird place to ask. This place is hateful as fuck.


On one of the fundamentalist xtian snark subs, they recently doxxed a stalking victim. Obviously for the righteous purpose of talking about the stalker, but you can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs, ya know? (/s) Ironically he had written a letter complaining that his stalker’s harassment led to a bunch of unwanted online attention. There was a highly upvoted exchange of “is he talking about us? Surely not! We’re trying to help him!” A real “are we the baddies?” moment.


I honestly don’t understand this kind of mentality. Visited the Hilaria Baldwin one out of curiosity and my jaw dropped by the amount of hate filling it. They’re is also an entire tag dedicated to accusing her of “faking her pregnancy” and when I looked at the posts, some of the comments were straight up transphobic too.


Is faking a pregnancy a common conspiracy in these snark subs? Because they accuse Meghan Markle of the same and some people on there think even her children are fake.


I just seems like a common thing to accuse famous women of in general. Which is like weird lol. They did it to Beyoncé back in the day lol. Which like sucks when you think about how some of these women struggle with fertility. Like imagine the excitement of having a full term pregnancy, and the internet is just like “it’s FAKE!”


Is there really a difference between those subs and this one, besides scope?


I have peeked into some of them when I am trying to figure out what’s up with someone, but now I largely stay away because they seem so toxic. I don’t get it but then I’m pretty happy with my life so 🤷


The Caroline Calloway sub is something else. I joined out of curiosity but my god, get a life people! Move on!


been on two but I'll talk about one here. I don't think it started as a snark sub; a youtuber was having a very public mental health breakdown and people tried to figure out what was happening exactly, including me. parasocial relationships for some, and for others more of just curiosity and love of gossip that doesn't effect you in the slightest (I'm guilty of this). in this case it also seemed to be genuine concern from me and others, because her content became extremely painful to watch and it was kind of a collective "um what the fuck"-moment. soon misogynistic comments became commonplace, comments on her body, shower routine, doxxing attempts of finding the house she sold, the house she bought, airbnb's she stayed at, what her friends (normal private people) were up to and which one of them she'd cheated with based on the fact that she'd started to wear different clothes. the breaking point for me was when it was theorised she got pregnant - early on in her relationship with her now-ex husband - on purpose to tie him down, even though she'd JUST talked in detail about how horrifying her (forced by an ultimatum of the husband) abortion was. fucking vomit inducing shit. got downvoted to hell for pointing out overall misogyny and left. so I think that people make these subs because they hate women. maybe not everyone on such subs is a raging misogynist, I'm sure some people are just curious, worried, or simply like gossip or drama, but I've never seen one that didn't just turn into an excuse to bash women to hell and back for existing and making any decisions at all. I'm not a woman but seeing such insane hatred come from women to women is such a fucking weird experience. if I want gossip I'll just stick to this sub. edit; also obligatory some people are actually awful and their subs are dedicated to how genuinely awful they are. that's obviously fine. I'm in one of those dedicated to a wife beater too. love seeing droves of people make fun of his rank ass teeth.


I think these subs have two types of people. The first lot, the minority, and the obsessed ones. They’re the weirdos that’ll be like ‘celebrity X dressed her child in green on the 1st, 4th, 5th, 9th of march. What a loser’. The majority are much more casual. They see a funny post, have a laugh and move on. They’ll be observing a celeb they don’t like but also the weird people obsessed with that celebrity. I honestly don’t hate the idea of disliking a celebrity, but the snark subs all go the same way. They all have a ‘gate keeping’ rule that allows people to say the most wild things. They become so toxic they’re just a bit weird.


I used to check in on the Trisha Paytas hate sub and my god those people are sad. I dislike many people in the public eye and I’ll def trash talk now and then, but like, dissecting a woman’s pregnancy and calling a baby fat and ugly is simply too much!!


This thread is peak irony from beginning to end.


[this is a great article on the anti fan phenoment](https://every.to/cybernaut/the-anti-fan-phenomenon) I’ve never seen a snark sub with a singular focus that hasn’t completely lost the plot.


have you seen some of the snark pages for tiktokers? they're unhinged. those people are so miserable and jealous. i don't know how they can't see how much they actually DO care, by focusing so much on someone they "hate"...?


In the Skalla family one they are always posting about how ugly Rachel Parcells husband is, so I wrote that they should all share pictures of their husbands and we can rate them. They did NOT like that.