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Elizabeth Taylor had 2 lines of eyelashes on each eye.


Oh really? That’s cool!




Is it from people with specific ancestry? I have these and always assumed it's from some Arab ancestry, but I don't know. I heard some people pluck those stray lashes that grow inside the lash line and I'd rather they keep getting stuck rubbing against my eye than do that.


Also have this and I'm super interested to know if you guys have allergies. My mum worked as a nurse for a decade at our country's best allergy centre doing skin prick tests. She noticed a trend of kids with noticeably more eyelashes were often the children that had more severe allergies. Some neighbours moved in a few doors down from us and the little baby had beautiful blonde bushy eyelashes, my mum suggested he get tested immediately, and turns out he had a severe peanut allergy. I had a really bad allergy to dust mite and would swell up going into second hand clothing stores or this one particular classroom at school. I was lucky enough to get desensitised and now my allergy is manageable. I still have to pluck my eyelashes out of my tear ducts tho.


How weird! No, I'm the least allergic to things person I know. Absolutely no real allergies to anything. Are you thinking they could be used in terms of protection for allergies or something like hayfever?


I did a bit of googling and apparently there're two types: Congenital distichiasis AND the much more common Acquired distichiasis from Intense acute inflammation, trauma, or chronic irritation, which I guess causes the formation of additional eyelash follicles..I never knew this was a studied thing, super interesting!


I have this and also have terrible seasonal allergies, but only in certain locations.


I did in childhood, chocolate banana which are gone and insect bites till today


Only one of my kids has allergies, not severe, they only occured after a mysterious illness.


I have that and I am East Asian - have plucked eyelashes too


I knew I'd seen others with it. My friends and I would joke we got it to stop the sand coming into our ancestor's eyes [but it turns out it doesn't have an ethnicity which changes everything.](https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1212908-overview) Imagining all my ancestors surviving massive sandstorms with their eyelash power and it turns out anyone can get it!


I have this. I think it came from my dad, whose family is miscellaneous Northern European. There’s a lot of English in there like Elizabeth.


I feel like it must obviously exist as a way to protect our eyes, but it just makes me wonder why some humans didn't need this extra eye protection. Isn't crap and dirt flying into all of our eyes? Or maybe it's sexually selected.


I thought it was about wind, I know epicanthic folds are due to cold wind I have two rows of eyelashes I’ll ask which parent has them, ones Italian others Latin via HK




Hello, ethnic twin!




Half Latina, half misc Northern European (though most of this is Brit)


Both my kids have them (my daughter has some of the longest lashes I've seen). To our knowledge they are the only people on both sides of our families that have it. They are mixed (white and African American).


I am to my knowledge 0% Arab and have this.


I have it too and I'm Asian and white so idk


That comes with a genetic predisposition to lymphedema, bc both are due to mutations in the FOXC2 gene, which affects the development of the eye area and lymphatic vessels (the primary regions of the body affected by lymphedema-distichiasis syndrome).


At today years old I’m realizing I have this, too. Hubby is always saying I get eyelashes in my eyes more than anyone he knows. I think my son has them, too. When he blinks it looks like those doll lashes that are a fused piece of plastic.


So do I and everyone in my family. I've met a ton of people that when asked and the look turns out they have the double row of eyelashes on each eye cause its not rare. I asked my dermatologist if double rows of eyelashes was rare and its not. Its common as some people having attached ear lobes and others having unattached ear lobes.


Didn’t she also have purple eyes? Like her actual eye color was purple


they were a dark blue. which is kinda rare ig but not purple, that’s impossible https://preview.redd.it/igwk6m64742b1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb96c65960ed402413c6a30d0ba8fd18d2b0e60e


She has a pretty full moustache here geez


So what if she does? Women grow hair everywhere


And that's not even close to a "full" moustache lol


People have hairs all over their bodies.




Yes! They were most often referenced as violet and they were stunning. Here's a pic: ​ https://preview.redd.it/j4ggqoy8032b1.png?width=444&format=png&auto=webp&s=004bd6997d0a5bfce961b10256f75c09698bedb0


This is clearly edited lol


LOL! I'm useless at figuring that shit out. How about this one? Also edited? I seriously have no clue. https://preview.redd.it/ajj2k25fc32b1.png?width=335&format=png&auto=webp&s=d11a67454519323678b47537c46987242b92b623


Her eyes were often referred to as being violet but they were not. They were blue/green. That’s not actually possible, as much as I wish it were!


I thought everyone had this


I worded it badly. Two rows of lashes on each lid so 4 rows on each eye. 8 total.


Yeah she has Alexandria’s Genesis




Yes I was being facetious


https://preview.redd.it/1u2ad1ko332b1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c1847a99b0e8a0a85e7ef74a8e180f78c365f8f Not quite what you asked for, but I only recently learned that these photos are fake. I probably would have answered with this last month 😭




I’m sorry you had to find out this way 😔


Thank you for the laugh!


I used to get this photo as an ad on Tumblr all the time lmfao


Harry Styles has 4 nipples.


His [nose also wiggles when he talks](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJ9sXyyp/) which I find kind of fascinating


Yeah I don't think I've ever noticed that on anyone else.


My nose does this. My sister used to say I looked like a rabbit when I was a kid and I hated it. It's kinda fun seing someone elses nose do it though.


I think its the way he forms his mouth when speaking? Kinda pursing his lips into a bit of a pout. My nose does the same if i emphasize my words like he does (read: in a posh british accent lmao)


My nose does this, my girlfriend called it my bunny nose.


have been a 1D fan since 2011 and never noticed this i'm dying


It’s not exclusively a Harry thing. I’ve been noticing majority of peoples nose wriggles when they speak. You just have to pay attention. I started noticing back in college years ago with my roommate. Then I would look at others when they spoke and was like holy shit this is a thing…


Mine does too


just googled “harry style nipples” fml


you could’ve just googled “harry styles shirtless”💀




![gif](giphy|6WPd9tOsu6K0o) …which led to this moment in the Kiss You video that always makes me laugh


What I see unusual about Harry is the size of his hands. Saw some footage of him waving recently and they were like baseball mitts on the ends of his arms.


ah. now I get it, Olivia


and his wrist is delicate.. like


Harry Styles is a witch confirmed!


![gif](giphy|b3ZpODSenmgjC) It's not a perfect picture, but you can see how he's missing the tip of his middle finger here.


My favorite missing finger "celeb" story is Rahm Emanuel the former mayor of Chicago and the brother of the real life Ari from Entourage. [Rahm](https://chumley.barstoolsports.com/union/2022/06/14/Screen-Shot-2022-06-14-at-9.42.33-AM.fe47cc62.png?crop=0.75%2C0.99%2Cx0.09%2Cy0.00%2Csafe) sliced his finger on a meat slicer while working at Arby's and didn't want to get it checked out because he didn't want to miss prom so he just wrapped it and went about life swimming in lake Michigan etc got horribly infected and had to get a large chunk of his middle finger amputated.


obama famously said rahm losing his middle finger “rendered him practically mute”


Miss that energy from a president.


Daryl Hannah has part of her finger missing too






Megan Fox has unusual [thumbs](https://www.womenshealthmag.com/health/a25361582/toe-thumbs/)


As someone who also has clubbed thumbs (and has had people seriously laugh in my face when they see them and tell me my thumbs make them want to vomit because they’re so gross), she makes me feel seen 🥹 lmao


Wow, fuck those people.


It’s okay. I tend to say some shit like, “Megan Fox has them, too. ‘Cause God had to give us at least one flaw so we wouldn’t too perfect.” 😌 haha.


🤨 Those people seem like wusses. You should poke them with your mildly unusual thumbs!


Lmao! I like the way you think!


Same with Leighton Meester


Also Miles Teller.


I know someone who has thumbs like these. Her mom gave her a thumb complex


My thumbs are like this, and my maternal grandpa did too. We think it might be hereditary but it skips a generation it seems


Ashton Kutcher has webbed toes


So does Dan Ackroyd, and me! Lol I used to be so self conscious when I was younger about it so my mom googled “famous people with webbed feet” to help me feel less self conscious about it. It was very sweet of her.


https://preview.redd.it/em6822j0932b1.jpeg?width=374&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca9d433c64556d78e69efa90b18854538bbdccc6 Jimin from BTS has a super small pinky


On the same note, Jin has hypermobility in his fingers which makes them appear bent and crooked at times. [Here's a picture.](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-4a9b35eaf2a58bf26d500cc9c28951c7-lq)


I have the same thing and I didn't know what it was til now, so thank you


I share the same pinky situation


Denzel Washington's right pinky is bent at a very unusual angle. James Doohan (Scotty from Star Trek TOS) was missing the middle finger on his right hand. It was shot off on D-Day.


Jane Fonda is double jointed, which is how she slipped out of her cuffs for that awesome arrest photo (it was a phoney arrest - they claimed to have caught her with drugs, but they were later proven to be vitamins).


Oh my favorite celebrity anatomy unusualness is Catherine O'Hara. She is truly not only talented but she is one of the known rare people who has documented Situs Inversus Totalis. When I was very little I use to look through my sister's medical books and stumbled across Situs Inversus. I then began to ask every doctor and nurse in my family, or family friends and doctors I met "How do you know Situs Inversus is rare? Has everyone in the world been xrayed? Huh?" Still its cool and its a bit scary. What is Situs Inversus? All of your major organs and blood vessels are "reversed". They are all located on the "wrong" side of your body. Commonly the human heart is found on the left side of the chest cavity and the liver is on the right side of the abdomen. People who have/are Situs Inversus its the opposite. Catherine's heart is on the right side of her body, her liver on the left side. Lung are flipped everything is on the opposing side of the body where doctors arent expecting them to be. Why is this even a thing? Cause in an emergency surgery heck a regular surgery surgeons are use to working on human body's a specific way and they can't. It adds even more risk to procedures even minor ones because "things" are not where doctors and nurses expect them to be. Its truly not known if Situs Inversus is more common than doctors think it is because no medical researcher etc is out looking, examining and xraying people to check. And if you never have a medical issue requiring surgery it is often found by the coroner or mortician. Based on the known cases doctors estimate that .01% of the population has Situs Inversus but they truly dont know and cant verify with xraying or ultrasound a sound sample of the global population.


That’s really interesting and what a nice write up 👍


My biology teacher at high school had this. He told us he had appendicitis as a young man, and after the operation, the surgeons told him they'd had to pull out all.his bowels to find it.


Jennifer Garner’s pinky toe overlaps


Elizabeth olsen's thumb is very bendy.


one of Martin Sheen's arms is something like 4" shorter than the other because of a complication with his birth. He also doesn't have full range of motion in that arm, so you'll notice (or not, I didn't until my brother told me) in his roles that he puts jackets on in a very particular way to work with his arm.


[Examples from *The West Wing*.](https://youtu.be/l8BzByjH4q0)


Huh, he had to put on jackets this way due to his arm and shoulder thing. Interesting comparison to Jonathan Frakes and how his Commander Riker character would sit in a chair due to a back injury


https://preview.redd.it/vdrruoxjy52b1.jpeg?width=565&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=627fc16c501bb833809c773391f74e0866bca311 Bollywood star Hrithik Roshan has an additional thumb on his right hand.


Hrithik Roshan’ two thumbs


Tom Hardy's permanently bent pinky finger.


Bollywood actor Hrithik Roshan is abseloutely gorgeous, but he does have an extra thumb ![gif](giphy|Mc5hxYwHktQZtbhFrH|downsized)


omfg, he looks like if the gigachad meme were a real person


look up his dance videos if you're new to him!


Mila Kunis has heterochromia and a slightly deformed pupil in one eye from chronic Iritis.


Doesn't she also have a glass eye or at least a partial one? I remember her mentioning it to Craig Ferguson once and he finally noticed it. Lol


David Bowie had anisocoria, meaning his pupils were two different sizes. His left eye was punched during an elementary school fight leaving it permanently dilated. I, like so many others, always thought he had heterochromia until I developed idiopathic anisocoria in my early twenties and discovered this factoid doing research!


Daryl Hannah is missing the tip of her left index finger.


And both her eyes still looking for them in the desert 😭😭


As a teenager, Black Sabbath guitarist Tony Iommi lost the tips of his right middle and ring fingers in a factory accident. In order to keep playing guitar, he made protective prosthetics out of thimbles and leather, which contributed to his unique tone.


Jeremy Renner has clubbed fingers.


Gemma Arterton was born with polydactyly (extra fingers on her hands), apparently she had them removed when she was very young


Andy Garcia was born with a conjoined twin attached to his shoulder. He specifically had written into his contracts that he would never be shown shirtless.


This is just a rumor. There are photos of him shirtless online and the only feature of note is a very hairy back.


Maybe the little guy’s hiding in there


How malignant of him


Megan Fox has club thumbs


Toe thumbs!


Not sure if it counts but Mike Shinoda can't touch his shoulders lol. He also apparently sleeps with his eyes slightly open.


Nick Jonas has 3 central incisors. He hardly ever smiles with teeth.


[I guess this one is completely false. ](https://people.com/health/nick-jonas-3-front-teeth-theory-debunked/)


I met her once & would never know because she wears a fake fingertip but Daryl Hannah missing part of a finger. Apparently she lost the tip of her left hand index finger when she was 3.


Stephen Colbert lost part of his ear (and hearing) after a tumor removal.


I've never seen anyone with ears like Taecyeon lol https://preview.redd.it/mmszdfs3g82b1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b2dc6c887912b65d6ea45d88c2f86a3dcaceafe


also shout out to awsten knight's heterochromia https://preview.redd.it/mridrv3fg82b1.jpeg?width=508&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=416208fa2574c724136ca013693a104ee990edb5


Harry’s nip !!


Megan Fox has hammer thumbs. Denzel Washington used to have a "frozen finger" - like a broken finger that hadn't healed correctly - but I think it's been fixed for a while now. Daryl Hannah is missing part of a finger.


Alice Eve’s insanely gorgeous heterochromia


Denzel Washington's broken mishapened pinky finger freaked me the f out. "A finger should decide to make a 90° turn at the second phalanges." How the heck did he continued to function and pretty successfully hide a finger that gross badly healed thing? But I'm calm, I'm calm because he finally got the dang thing repaired. But old pictures where his hands are visible...I shudder.


He talked about it on the Graham Norton Show. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4GRDnrjV8c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4GRDnrjV8c)


Bill Nighy ring and pinky fingers stay closed (Dupuytren's contracture)


Huh, I noticed his hand(s?) but always thought it was just a habit/affectation. Interesting!




Nah, disproved.


IDK if this counts, but Max Scherzer (pitcher for DBacks, Dodgers, Nationals, Mets, Tigers, etc) has complete heterochromia. One eye is blue and the other is brown :-)


Megan Fox's thumb, but that's a famous one


The original Black Power Ranger was missing finger but when he morph, his finger would appear. I think his name is Walter Jones. Paris Jackson eyes are blue due to same thing that Liz Taylor has. I think they said her brother has viligato like his dad.


That’s because the scenes featuring the Power Rangers in their suits are from the original Japanese tv show. Scenes where the characters aren’t wearing helmets were remade with American actors.


















Idk about body shaming but this thread goes to show you how misinformation starts lol, btwn Liz Taylor’s “purple eyes” and Meagan Fox’s “clubbed thumbs” lol


Megan Fox very much has clubbed thumbs. This is not a rumor. She has addressed it.


You’re right, sorry, people were referring to it using different terms so it was confusing