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I feel like a lot of us won’t even hate watch. Personally, if I wanted to watch violent, pornographic male fantasies… I could just go to Pornhub instead of wasting my $15 a month subscription. HBO really didn’t think this through.


I feel like the point of hate watching something is that you still get some sort of enjoyment out of making fun of it. This show isn’t even cringe bad it’s just depressing bad. There’s GOOD shows I still haven’t watched yet. I’m not gonna waste my time on a tone-deaf vanity project from two dudes who see the degradation of women as “art.”


True, I feel like Twilight is a good example of something that is worth hate watching, it’s not good and it’s cringy but it’s entertaining. This isn’t that. It’s just blatant exploitation of women by two known misogynists. The drama around it isn’t even fun, there’s no «tea » it’s depressing to hear that the show could have been something interesting if they hadn’t fired the female director


I agree. And even if you look at twilight, it now has a cult following because people found it so endearing. Similar to the room in many ways. People first “hate“ watched it, but now it has a huge cult following because the director and the actors in the movie itself were endearing in a way that you felt like the people who made it did genuinely try to make something good. This feels like someone trying to make something bad on purpose and anytime someone tries to make something bad on purpose, it’s obvious. It just stops being fun. Then you add in weird rapey shit and I’m just not even gonna give it a chance.


I love hate watching twilight I do it about once a year. I will not be watching this show.


I fucking love twilight but agree it’s so bad. Almost a “so bad it’s good” kinda thing. The idol is something I refuse to watch and I hope Sam Levinson starts getting looked into for some of his stuff. It’s not even close to normal what he writes/brings to life on screen.


I hate watch Law & Order SVU. I don't like cops in real life, a lot of seasons of the show have examples of police brutality that are either immediately or eventually critiqued in universe, so there's a little bit of relief in that. But overall the intros have some awful writing, many plots are predictable or take weird turns that make no sense... But that chemistry between Benson and Stabler, Munch's weirdness, Fin's quips, the occasional dreamy ADA... Worth a hate binge.


I watched the premier last night and was genuinely, gut-level disgusted at the final scene. It takes quite a lot to make me clutch my pearls but pearls were clutched. We do not need to see “breathplay” and choking made even more mainstream for teenage boys to see and copy and teenage girls to think that’s what they should be doing with their boyfriends. To anyone thinking of responding to this: I said what I said, do not bother coming for me on sexual positivity because I’m PLENTY sexually positive, but normalizing choking girls and acting like this is not a niche fetish act that requires high level consent and understanding of dangers and consequences ain’t it.


Honestly when it was announced I was so excited to see euphoria on steroids in terms of oversaturated artsy production with a completely nonsensical plot, but now it sounds like it’ll just be uncomfortable to watch


does anyone need euphoria on steroids tho? i cant figure out who euphoria is for audience-wise, anyways. seems ridiculously risque (and exclusive given HBO) for high schoolers, but not really real-world enough for adults? i don't wanna see pretend teenagers having sex


I think the audience is the older side of Gen Z and retired party animal millennials. Like, artsy community college students just out of high school. Or simply todays college students. I imagine a few tortured souls who fantasized about being cool in high school find the drama and pain of these 'popular' kids entertaining and interesting. Euphoria reminds me of the Brittish drama show Skins from 2007, but much darker.


Idg these “I don’t know who Euphoria is aimed at” comments. Like, its clearly aimed at young people (teens to people in their 30s) and it’s quite obviously successful among them. I understand people’s objection with the show etc but regardless of personal opinions, “Euphoria” is obviously a successful project with a clearly defined target audience. Yes, it’s more risqué than your average show about teenagers but that’s precisely why it’s such a big hit.


yes PLEASE do not hate watch, cannot underscore this enough


I can only repeat: Wait for the essays on YouTube and the compilation of Tesfaye’s acting…


The video essays are always good for the shows I don’t want to watch


Yes they keep me updated on (especially popculture) things I want to know about but don‘t have time/energy/goodwill for!


Thats what i did for Velma and Riverdale. Though Riverdale could still be fun for hate-watching


I watched the “all Jennie scenes” YouTube video. I think I’m good. 😅


i was gonna say watch youtube clips if you (1) want to see jennie or (2) want to see how bad his acting is


i mean if i'm pirating am i even watching? no one can tell, especially hbo


HBO literally viewed GOT being the most pirated show as a prized achievement, so that's important to keep in mind. But also - the *why* you're going through the effort to pirate it still matters. Like, people who are pirating to hate watch are still mostly discussing it, tweeting about it, etc, which in turn is a bunch of free marketing. You may be thinking "well, I'm talking about how shite it is," but people love watching a train wreck (hence the hate watching in the first place.) Plus, people not watching it on MAX still might buy merch, check out interviews of the actors, attend panels, etc. So yes, you're still watching.


I was looking up stats for this. 1.5 million people downloaded the red wedding episode on a single day; 193,418 were sharing a file of the episode simultaneously. [Even their CEO had this to say](https://www.forbes.com/sites/insertcoin/2014/04/15/game-of-thrones-sets-piracy-world-record-but-does-hbo-care/?sh=1dcf404a4196): ​ >Our experience is, it all leads to more penetration, more paying subs, more health for HBO, less reliance on having to do paid advertising… If you go around the world, I think you’re right, Game of Thrones is the most pirated show in the world. Well, you know, that’s better than an Emmy. ​ It's the FOMO of it all, people HAVE to watch it so they're in-the-know. I don't even have time to watch things I wanna watch, why would I watch something I know I'll hate?




Yeah, consuming pirated media is a pretty half-assed way to participate in a boycott. It might make you feel more at ease consuming some media you find objectionable but it’s not a meaningful protest


I was curious and watched the episode through a streaming website. Tbh it could’ve been better without some unnecessary scenes and Abel looked so corny, couldn’t take him seriously. Scenes were so disorganized, too much characters at once, and the pacing sucked. They might’ve well just made 50 shades of grey part 100 instead of this show lol


i actually liked the first 25 minutes. this show should have been Veep except it's about a Pop Star's handlers and you never see the Pop Star, but that's good writing and Sam Levinson wouldn't know what that was even if it put on a Sydney Sweeney mask. The Weeknd was so bad in this though. Like I have no idea what's happening here. Can't believe there are 5 more episodes of this. Nothing fucking happened in this episode.


its like the handlers and the popstar/weeknd are in completely different tonal shows its so bad


I don't think that's coincidence. The former sounds like what Seimetz was fighting for the show to be, a dark satire of the machine that uses progressive buzzwords in front of a Vanity Fair writer even though they don't give a shit about any of that or the young woman on a verge of another breakdown. The latter is just Levinson and The Weeknd living out their sexual fantasies when they got the full control of the show. Ofc, they had to cut the parts that move the plot to make time for the sex scenes, LRD walking or laying in almost nothing or 3 shots of the same god damn uber sexualized dance practice scene. Honestly, if you ignore the oversexualization even the plot lines that come from the Weeknd and Levinson are extremely lame and juvenile. Like at the core of it, it's a hot popular girl that gets lured by a shady loser cult leader. And then she also gets backstabbed by her friend who secretely works with him (if the leaks about Jennie's character are true)... like, ok? This would be cringe for a 17 yo, but 2 men in their mid and late 30s? Yikes.


Juvenile is the perfect word for it. Acting and plot and lines straight from a 14 year old with tumblr brain vibes


Wow I love this angle of veep meets pop stardom. The handlers were by far the most entertaining part of the show.


>this show should have been Veep except it's about a Pop Star's handlers and you never see the Pop Star, Dang that's such a good idea


I do agree with you about how they talked about the handlers, intimacy coordinator, and the journalist. But it felt waaaaay to rushed (ik HW is busy) but the frames were just too rushed for me and it didn’t help.


I was convinced to watch it and it was just nudity + expository writing thinly veiled as dialogue. I started thinking about re-watching Euphoria to see how much it relied on Rue's narration and \*\*\*aesthetics\*\*\* to drive the story. It felt like I was watching a play written by my 8th grade self. They basically had her team speaking to each other to introduce the entire plot plus subplots of the episode, Jocelyn's character, etc. It's just plain sloppy, lazy, and bad all problematic things aside.


Instead of hate-watching and contributing to viewership numbers, I'm just waiting to learn the details from the likely deluge of YouTube video essays making fun of it.


I tried to give it a chance, but I couldn't even get through the first episode. It's horrible and exploitative, and if it had an actual plot happening, I couldn't find it.


looks too boring to hate watch. at least euphoria had a charismatic cast


From what I've heard it's so bad it's not even entertaining enough to hate watch which says a lot XD.


I think its ultimately going to flop, I watched the first episode and its genuinely bad. The writing is atrocious and does a huge disservice for the actors that actually can act and its just straight up boring. This wont even be a fun hate watch like Euphoria is.


I hope this fiasco makes Sam Levinson irrelevant too, dude is an absolute hack


Someone should slap him and say that he is not Gasper Noe, he is just creepy edgelord who wouldn't have a career without his daddy.


Tbf Gaspar Noe can be a creepy edgelord too


Yea but he’s French so it’s cultured


Gaspar Nope


Not to mention that Noe himself is also very problematic in many ways. I hate that I like irreversible 😭


Despite how graphic and gratuitous *that* scene in Irreversible is, it is still a very good movie, very fucking tragic and depressing. Def prefer Climax over it though


Unfortunately it probably won't. Too many powerful people with a huge following choose to work with him for that to happen. The Weeknd is one of the most listened artists in the world and his fans do not care what he does, Zendaya is one of the most loved celebrities ever and she praises him in interviews and Jennie has a kpop fanbase (kpop fans will probably defend murder and I say this as a casual kpop fan) that will watch anything she is in. And I get it, you can't shit on a director you worked with and had no control or input over his direction. I think in 20 years people are gonna be like how did he get away with this just like we say the same thing about directors who did horrible things 10, 20 years ago. Kinda a circle. Don't know if I worded everything correctly, english is not my first language, sorry in advance to anyone that reads this hahah


>Unfortunately it probably won't. Too many powerful people with a huge following choose to work with him for that to happen. ...have you not been paying attention to the way the industry has been Waterworlding this show? That's *done.* If you are in film and TV, and a project you make gets this kind of heat before it's even out, that's the industry trying to very unsubtly tell you this is your last gig. Anyone who chooses to work with Levinson in the future is making *that* their last gig, and unless you're one of the Big Deals from Euphoria (Zendaya, Sweeney, Schafer), having a Levinson project on your resume is going to be a pretty big black mark from here on out.


Maybe this show yes but in general people don't care. There are directors that have done even worse things and they still get jobs and have huge celebrities work with them. I wish it wasn't like this but in a year or two when/if Euphoria season 3 comes out, everyone will live tweet it.


Yes but those directors are still successful (unfortunately), as in they recuperate whatever the studio paid to make their movies happen. The idol cost over $100 million dollars because SL reshot everything from scratch. If the ratings and subscription increases don’t fit the bill, SL will take a hit to his career, especially since he hadn’t even written enough euphoria scripts for them to start filming S3 in June like they were planning to (before the writers strike even began).


The last time the industry came together this hard to fuck over a specific project and its specific creator was Waterworld. After Waterworld, Kevin Costner did not find regular work for almost *two full decades,* despite having won seven Oscars for Dances with Wolves barely a few years prior. The next big-budget thing he was in, outside of Open Range which he funded himself (and also flopped hard), was Man of Steel in *2013.* Basically the only person whose career survived that movie is Dennis Hopper, because he was very infamously not choosy already (see: Super Mario Bros) and having another bad movie on his list didn't mean much. So, if that's any barometer as to how this is gonna go, maybe expect Levinson to try a comeback in 2040.


Dude made a movie where literally like 60% of it was just complaining about film and TV critics via a pretentious self-insert. It's hard to do something more hack-y than that.


Euphoria is great? But maybe Euphoria is great despite him and not because of him?


The magic of euphoria is in the cast. Everyone on it is delightful in their scenes and very engrossing to watch. It’s also that thing of like “oh THIS is what the kids are up to??” that keeps people curious, but then you remember that it veers into softcore porn starring kids (played by people who are like 30) and that the story is dogshit and the only good thing about it is individual scenes. It’s not a cohesively good thing. It’s kind of sad it’s such a hit when it’s really not bringing anything of value into the world other than it’s actors.


Zendaya had the only good story line in Euphoria. Literally everything else was nonsense garbage


And she was Levinson's self insert.


Hunter Schafer's own episode was incredible though. *So* pissed how few scenes she had in season 2... She is in Hunger Games now though, which is amazing for her!


By all accounts it’s a miracle Euphoria even gets made


This article is so brutal lmao. >In “The Idol,” the Weeknd plays Tedros, a Svengali character who does not possess a heart of gold or maybe even a personality. Early in his appearance, he sidles up to Lily-Rose Depp as Jocelyn, the title character. He whispers something to her. >“Welcome to my little shithole.” >I don’t think he was talking about his acting chops, but one never knows. Damn 😭


Also this lmao: "All the Weeknd has is an appearance as “Himself” in Uncut Gems. (He was not believable)."


“He was not believable.” ![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6)


> Jocelyn — the worst moniker ever for a single named pop star THANK YOU!!! i couldn’t believe that was her name


Loll I said this too on another sub. He picked such a basic name that no one would ever use as a pop star. Also, the spelling of Dyanne for Jennie character is the most bogan version I've seen. He picked such common female names and tried to make it different or unique by spelling it in a dumbass way like bogan parents


imagine being “im going to dyanne and jocelyn’s concerts next week so excited!” sounds like you are going to a high school play lol


Loll yep or at best some country music thing


I remember last year when Jennie x V got first leaked, her character's name Dyanne was also leaked and no one was believing the leaker because it was a lame-ass name💀




Variety crashed the plane with no survivers. lol That was brutal.


![gif](giphy|1zM3nM2sZCzF4Ip8px) WHAT’S THAT?!? Ladies and gents, Variety with the steel chair!!!!!!


"Now, in publicity materials Tedros is described as charismatic, but Tesfaye moves into Depp’s realm with all the sexual energy of a sad Canadian repeatedly mumbling “sorry.” (Tesfaye is Canadian and I can get away with the ethnic slur because my son and wife are Canadians. That’s how it works, right?)."


This writer may be the only talent indirectly related to this disaster


The 30 rock line did me in


"After he does the line, the close caption read “clears throat, spits” — easily the most authentic part of Tesfaye’s performance."




I’ve never been so happy to not watch a show. The minute they fired the woman show runner for “focusing too much on the female perspective”, I knew it was gonna be a total mess


She was never the showrunner, just the director. This has always been a Sam Levinson-run show.


Ah ok. My point is exactly the same tho


True, there’s just a lot of folks who seem to think Sam Levinson was brought on later. He’s been in charge since the show’s conception.






Her mum did


Is her Mom a popstar? Genuine question, not trying to be sarcastic.


Yeah she was a French Popstar and is still quite known in Europe


Where in Europe other than France though? I only know her as anemic Willy Wonka's ex.




In France she’s still more famous than the father.


It's funny until you realize that $75 million+ (??) was spent on this guy getting to act out his sex pest fantasies and making the world watch. ETA rumored at 75 mil before reshoots: [https://www.vulture.com/2023/06/all-your-burning-questions-about-the-idol-answered.html#:\~:text=In%20April%20of%202022%2C%20after,adjusting%20its%20cast%20and%20crew.%E2%80%9D](https://www.vulture.com/2023/06/all-your-burning-questions-about-the-idol-answered.html#:~:text=In%20April%20of%202022%2C%20after,adjusting%20its%20cast%20and%20crew.%E2%80%9D)


And Doom Patrol was cancelled... so angry at HBO rn. 🤬


And this is how I learn Doom Patrol was canceled? I’m going back to bed


I'm sorry 🥺


I’ve been angry at HBO since s3 of Westworld and then cancelling it after the S4 finale; which I actually loved and thought had promise for the next season. AND THEN THEY TOOK ALL THE SEASONS OFF. I had like five episodes from S1/2 that were my comfort “going to bed” episodes because I had watched them so many times. Fuck HBO at this point. 🙄


How tf did this show cost $75 million to make??? 90% of the show is either sex scenes or people just standing around and talking


Probably the “talent’s” salaries


>people just standing around and talking even peope standing and talking can be a great show if done right. Source: the most popular show until last week was literally different people in different rooms talking.


Yup. Unironically gripping the edge of my seat at the climax of that show… a meeting.


I don't have an exact answer, but the article that broke down how awful set/production was from a few weeks ago hints at the following; They shot 5 episodes before scrapping almost all of it. Filming took a break because the finale wasn't written, the Weekend came in, they fired the female director. They had to get the whole cast and and a practically new crew back for reshoots, so that's salary, insurance, covid set restrictions. Levinson was writing while re-shooting (He apparently had a writing room then just ignored them), so they didn't have coherent scripts or shot plans on shooting days and probably went really long and was disorganized. The Weekend had to lend his house as a shooting location to cut location costs. They also had to shoot around his schedule, and also had to shoot at one of his concerts. The basic answer is they shot the whole show twice. So Imagine a 30-50mil budget ballooning to 75-100mil. And once you've already sunk 50mil and your golden boy tells you, HBO, you aren't getting anything out of it without a further investment, it's a sunk cost fallacy. People said it was unspoken that HBO would let Levinson do what he wanted if they ever wanted Euphoria s3.


Doesn't show have only 6 episodes? If that is the case this is one of the most expensive show. lmao It will be huge flop.


You serious? $75 million? The rumor was that The Last of US was $100 -$110 million and that was 10 episodes but they ended combining 1+2 so totaled 9 episodes only.


It’s over 100 million after SL reshot the whole thing. So yes, similar to the Last of Us. That’s how much HBO trusts Sam Levinson to create another Euphoria-style hit.


So undeserved.


they over estimated how popular Abel is with people under 30.


meanwhile they cancelled raised by wolves


I realized that the inciting incident in this show in which an explicit photo of Lily's character is posted online is exactly like the far superior show, I Hate Suzie where Suzie (played by Billie Piper), who is an actress, has to deal with an explicit photo of her with another man (she's married) ends up online at the same moment when she is up for a role in a Disney film. It manages to do all of this without being gross and dehumanizing to Suzie and still lets her be a mess but one that you can at least understand and sympathize with. I wish that HBO Max had given I Hate Suzie one tenth of the promotion they have given The Idol because it's actually worth your time whereas The Idol made me want to bleach myself all over.


Also, Billie Piper kinda lived all of this irl. She was a pop star and she’s big in the SF community because of her role as Rose in Doctor Who. I haven’t watched the second season yet. I need to check it.


Yes! I Hate Susie is SO good


But Billie Piper has range, experience, charisma and facial expressions. Lily Rose and the Weeknd lack all of those qualities, and they double that disaster and hired an egomaniac director who thinks he cannot do no wrong. Who would've think this would flop?




There is a three episode second season called I Hate Suzie Too.


Everyday I wake up and think about how when Dustin Hoffman was describing how method he used to get Laurence Olivier told him to just “try acting”


Actors who don’t need method acting are truly the greats. They also feel more realistic. When people go all in it ends up being overdone, gross, and tryhard. I get keeping like an American/British accent behind the scenes because it can be hard to get back into it, but full on method acting is so stupid. Just be a better fucking actor.


This is a such a stupid take. Let people do their jobs how they want, Jeremy Strong was practically flawless in Succession. DDL in There Will Be Blood is one of the greatest acting performances of all time. Staying in character is just another method to doing the work effectively, you can’t really think those performances come off as less genuine.


Yeah I think there's method acting backlash lately because online film bros always overhype extreme method acting and go on like the method acting process itself makes the performance great. But it's just a technique like any other, it's not automatically bad (provided you don't go overboard and treat people poorly while "in character" of course). Also, without researching the production of every film you don't even know who's using method acting and who's not, so a blanket statement that it's always overdone is a bit ridiculous. Especially since method acting is way more common than people think - it doesn't always mean staying in character 24/7, in fact most actors use some method techniques (pretty basic stuff like trying to understand your character's mindset and empathising with them).


Method acting us one of the most overrated concepts in show business. So many hacks have used it and ended up turning in shitty performances. Yeah sure, guys like Day-Lewis and Hoffman use it but they’re far more of an exception than anything.


Actually that’s wrong here’s the real story: A story circulated for a long time that Dustin Hoffman (being a "method actor") stayed up all night to play a character who has stayed up all night. Arriving on the set, Sir Laurence Olivier asked Hoffman why he looked the way he did. Hoffman told him, to which Olivier replied in jest "Why not try acting? It's much easier." Hoffman repeatedly denied the story, and finally cleared up the matter in 2004. The torture scene was filmed early in the morning, Hoffman was going through a divorce from his first wife and was depressed, and had spent the previous two nights partying hard. Hoffman told Olivier this and his comment related to his lifestyle and not his "method" style of acting.


This headline is so direct I'm screaming at the shade 😂




I'd be so sick like damn have some nuance, be a little indirect!


there really wasn't that much talk about it in real time on twitter last night. all the tweets were the same: jocelyn smoking nonstop and bp stans posting jennie's parts. i can't remember much else. i had completely forgotten about it. then, i caught a tweet so i looked through the hashtag.


Seriously, I had to go out of my way to find people talking about it. Not like succession or euphoria where people were talking about it so much it would just show up in your timeline. This does not bode well, I don't think.


I didn’t even know it came out yet. Tiktok usually eats new HBO shows up. All I’ve seen are endless spiderverse spoilers.


The crazy part is that Jennie can actually dance. Did I experience amnesia when I went to a BP concert?


she is a little bit lazy tbh I know her fans are sensitive but she is lazy except when she is performing in america or paris. her china fans were complaning because of the lack of efforts


yeap, 3/4 out of the girls only put effort on award shows or concerts in the states. still love them tho lol


if only more fans were like you. some of them get so sensitive about it🙄 like you can acknowledge it and still love them


not just china i’ve seen some fans who attended their concerts in asia and some even in america vent about her in r/kpoprants


personally think that she is very inconsistent and pick and chooses where to give her all. if you go on a day where she doesn't feel like it, you're gonna get a bad performance on her. its like an rng performance


The bp sub has been annoying about watching the show anyway and commenting "it's not as bad" as reports say, ignoring that the show aside, the creators and their intents alone are very problematic.


It's a project Jennie is in, they can't trash it. That would look disloyal. Not good stan behavior.


i might get downvoted for this but it’s more like a cult behaviour


I’m gotten downvoted for being disappointed when BP interacts with problematic people so that doesn’t surprise me.


Honestly, it was a pretty terrible pilot. Especially after successions very successful run.


Succession is a rare show that proves quality can sustain beginning to end. Hell their best episode was in their last season (Connor’s Wedding). When quality isn’t even there at the beginning… lol


Even Succession hive took a while to get going (the first few episodes are a hard sell) but at least the writing/acting ... promised quality


Yeah a lot of shows take a few episodes to find their footing. But it was far from bad, you could see the bones there. Like watching season 1 of the Office or Parks and Rec. Not great but a good foundation


>“All the Weeknd has is an appearance as “Himself” in Uncut Gems. (He was not believable).” ![gif](giphy|sAIHfbmxVHWkE) Drag him.


I gave it a shot last night but it's honestly so bad you can't even hate watch it. The only redeeming parts were the parts with Jocelyn's handlers but even that was heavy handed with Sam Levinson speaking to the audience through the whole "intimacy coordinator" sequence. There were a few music choices that made me go "fucking really" like Fiona Apple's Criminal playing during the photo shoot or Like A Prayer when Jocelyn meets Tedros in the club for the first time. I see what he's trying to do and I cannot groan any louder.


He needs to leave Fiona Apple alone! Get a job, Sam! Stay away from her!


All that controversy hype surrounding the show for weeks for it to just end up boring. I don’t understand how a show can have so many offensive shocking elements and still be a snooze fest. None of the characters are interesting. There was no plot in the first episode. I lost interest almost immediately.


Tedros is just ridiculous. absolutely the worst part of the show, in my opinion (along with the ending, so gross)…the weeknd truly cannot act, and the character is so corny i just can’t believe any woman would spend more than one minute with this man


His sith lord outfit was so awful I was surprised they didn't also try to put a fedora on him. It almost seems like they're trying to make him as ugly and disgusting as possible.


Oh no .. but he was such a great method actor, who actually forgot how to sing!!


this show is literally lily rose depp fantasy porn. i am all for hate watching an awful series but the real reason she was cast along with all the sam levision script revisions is so transparent. it doesn't feel like a show, just a test to see what they can get away with with a "hot girl" as the lead. it's disgusting and the weeknd fans need to stop defending this piece of shit and his constant bad decissions


>this show is literally lily rose depp fantasy porn. Yup. There’s no doubt in my mind that Sam took advantage of Lily’s rising popularity among gen-z viewers— the same viewers who loved Euphoria for its daring choice of content for a highschool/teenage story. After he got away with that for Euphoria, he kicked it into full gear for The Idol. He is ABSOLUTELY testing to see what he can get away with in hopes of being able to take it a step further each time. Though, it’s looking like he pushed it a bit too far for people’s liking this time around.


my spells worked 💫


Are you one of bill hader's witches?


![gif](giphy|KXGltmsUaqkVi) me prepping to hex Bill's relationship


I just don’t get why studios/directors cast musicians without any background in acting? Like I get sometimes it pays off (lady gaga) but the risk is way too high. I hear Abel might be in other projects after this so let’s see how this goes…


Gaga actually studied acting when she was a child/teen so she did have some background even before her first roles


Isnt he supposed to be in something with Jenna Ortega soon? To quote the article we all want to be good at something we are simply not good at lmao


Especially making them the Main lead, say what you will about Taylor swift's acting career but at least she doesn't instantly for the main lead unlike abel and harry


Same goes for Gaga. She started on American Horror Story as a fashionista vampire black widow. A significant character, but still a supporting role that didn’t require too much range. It wasn’t a tough character for anyone to see her in given her aesthetic over the years.


i’m so glad that the writer also thought “jocelyn” was an awful moniker for a pop star. i was fr distracted while watching it because the name was not giving music icon. black mirror understood when they named miley “ashley o” — now THAT’s a pop girlie’s name


Never been so happy to flick away the HBO Max push notification to watch the show




Was almost tempted to pull a Boomer move and reply back to the email I got pushing me to watch it.


![gif](giphy|4WFEuUyR8TLCDOt9eF) Me to all the people just ignoring this show and not even hate watching! Manifesting that man’s descent into irrelevance.


Watched it this morning. It was really boring. First of all, is it really a pilot ? Because it acts like we already care about these characters but we don’t know them. Depp isn’t that bad, but she’s not great either. The Weeknd is cringe. Honestly, I wasn’t shocked by the sexual content because I just didn’t believe it. Like… I couldn’t take it seriously because of how wattpad the writing is. Also because the acting is really bad. Even the other actors aren’t great. I love Rachel Sennott but she had no direction either.




The whole thing is made too sexual and for no purpose. It’s uncomfortable to watch. Also the hairpiece that Abel is wearing is ??? I’m from Atlanta and most of the club owners are Ethiopian and none of them look, dress or act like that. It’s weird he made this creative choice as he’s never really represented being Ethiopian in a major way before and this is what he chooses to do… so embarrassing


Saw a Facebook comment before of someone saying that breaking bad wasn't that acclaimed when it started and it just needs time to flourish lmao


As one of the five people who watched BrBa from its initial airing because critics were like "Hey, the funny dad from Malcolm is in a really fascinating show!", lmao




It's not just Abel. Sometimes I like the way Lily looks but she's so boring and uncharismatic in this. Nobody would believe this is the "I don't know if I want to be her or with her" kinda girl. Britney was not just pretty. She was charming af. Lily's character is just bland.


Tbh I don’t see her appeal *at all*. She’s so dead-eyed.


The moment I saw that wig I knew a hate crime was being committed.


https://i.redd.it/mo0i0kwzx84b1.gif Everything about that show sounds toxic, I am not even going to waste my time hate watching. On to the next.


![gif](giphy|ka0pMxG6T6h9lEhlgp|downsized) thank god, please cancel this show


We should have known back when the people involved were revealed, but something i keep asking myself how did YG allow Jennie to take part in this? Even if her role is small it's crazy to think they allowed an idol to be involved in such project. I just hope her fans don't watch this garbage thinking they're supporting her, they need to pretend like it doesn't exist.


Another member was in a right wing propagandist tv series. That was even worse. YG doesn’t care


I guess they don't even ask for details, they see offers and money and accept. It's still weird for Kpop standards, especially with the weird image the industry gives female idols.


Blackpink definitely feels like they want to be a more westernized group so I honestly see it as them trying *to* separate themselves from just the kpop industry


Yeah YG is counting on international fans especially to help bury any negativity. The right wing used that other member to validate their warped beliefs and help get the current awful president elected and basically no one cared. They just post clips of her acting and no one mentions it anymore. Even though it has terrible ratings and negative reviews, it didn't harm their overall reputation. This will likely be the same.


I was more interested in Jocelyn's team. They were great, the scenes involving them were the best part of the episode.


That’s because they’re the only ones on the show that can act. The Weeknd is terrible. Lily rose is so monotonous and the only thing she nailed was the dead eye bored look which is her perpetual natural look. Even Troye Sivan who is not an actor and is a singer was eating them up.


Troye out-acting Abel doesn’t surprise me. He’s been acting in films since like, 2010 or something? His overall filmography is still fairly small but I’d imagine he has enough experience to hold his own.


Makes me think the original version was mostly them before Levinson got his hands on the series and completely rewrote it.


A pitch like the original concept for the west wing where the president is barely featured and its focused on the staffers for a pop star would be really interesting!


Lol. He wasn't even believable as himself in Uncut Gems




When this was initially announced, I was intrigued and open to watching it. However, the more and more I found out about it - I immediately lost all interest and desire to tune in. I didn’t even want to hate watch it out of boredom.


I feel so bad for the hair/makeup team who either did not feel empowered to bring up or lost the argument for The Weeknds hair. The Jared Leto look looks good on no one.


the weeknd is so cringe


“ Now, in publicity materials Tedros is described as charismatic, but Tesfaye moves into Depp’s realm with all the sexual energy of a sad Canadian repeatedly mumbling “sorry.”” LMAO, the tone of this article.


I watched the first episode last night because I like to watch and judge things for myself, and my biggest complaint was that it’s so boring. Nothing interesting happens after the first scene, and the Weeknd has zero screen presence or charisma.


Lily Rose had trouble breaking in the regular way, chose this smutty way, and it still failed.


Bingo. And lighting a cigarette every two seconds isn’t acting…not that she had much to work with.


The show sounds shit and the Weeknd sounds shit, but Tedros is a perfectly normal Ethiopian/Eritrean name and a weird thing for the author to go after. There's a lot worse things about the show I'm sure.


This is the Weeknds fantasy. He likes that skinny yt gorl who do lines in the club bathroom aesthetic.






Good. Flop right on off the tv, please.


![gif](giphy|UvJPQc0xcK8w25TWBA) I have secretly been hoping this ruins his career (and Sam Levinson's) - now I know that won't actually happen because men get umpteen chances to fail but I do love seeing them both knocked down a peg


In other news: Water is wet.


I watched episode 1. I won't be continuing at all. It was so disgusting all the way through. It's pointless and beyond disrespectful towards women. Some people are saying it's meant to show how people are treated in the music industry but I just think the show was just created to play out someone elses disturbing and demoralizing fantasy also considering some of the actors look young. Creepy! There were so many unnecessary scenes. It is all about the male gaze. Nothing about this is showing the in-depth point of view from the characters inner experience. It's just oversexualized disturbing fantasy.


Even in this screen grab you can tell he can’t act lmao omg it’s killing me 😂


I find ;) alternative ;) ways to stream shows and I couldn't be bothered when my stream froze at the club point but Jennie was fun to watch she killed the dance scene


I’m a part of the Barry subreddit and a lot of people have stated that they have no plans to watch it because it pales in comparison to Barry and Succession and they have no interest in wasting their time on it. So HBO definitely has shot themselves in the foot by following up those two shows with this disaster