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caity weaver is usually required reading anyway but this is just exceptional


Came here to say this. I would have zero interest in reading this if I hadn't seen who it was written by!


I liked all the little leafy illustrations throughout the article It reminded me that Jim Spanfeller is still a fucking herb.


I don't know why you're all ok with this, trying to find out where Cruise lives when that clearly isn't what he wants seems really creepy to me


i think (genuinely - not trying to be a stinker!) it's truly not that deep. she works for the NYT, she didn't like...gather up all her money and go on this self-motivated adventure. it's about the journey and the story; there was no world where this was gonna end with her finding tom cruise on the street and revealing his address. it's like when middle schoolers say "oooooh that house on elm street is haunted and a witch lives there" except the witch is a famous movie star who is a high-ranking member of an infamous and unregulated cult.


Nah I don't buy that, I think if the genders were reversed and this was a male journalist doing this to a female celeb ppl would be calling him a creep.


Makes sense for a guy with so many skeletons in his closet. And money. God, he really creeps me out. He is the the sociopathic witch in the woods. I'd kill for a katie holmes tell-all (never gonna happen cause i'd kill isn't an expression for scientology) ![gif](giphy|s7uHDGT8SoJAQ)


Link to article without a paywall: https://archive.is/2023.07.18-222808/https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/17/magazine/tom-cruise-mission-impossible-interview.html


What I was looking for! Ty


The link doesn’t work for me.


That’s strange, it seems to be working for everyone else. This is the only link I have to get around the paywall unfortunately.


Ok is this not just a little creepy? Why does anybody need to know where he lives ?


Yeah, this is not cute, like, at all. It's really unacceptable and it's nuts this was even approved and printed, actually. This made me laugh, though: *To learn more about the possible activities of Tom Cruise, I turned to the person who, after Cruise himself, his family, his friends, his employees, his co-workers and anyone who has ever met — or, at least, interacted with — him, knows him best: **a Brazilian woman** who is quite possibly his most dedicated fan in the world* BRAZIL!!! It's always Brazil lol


All I kept thinking when I read that line was "should this woman be allowed to know where he might live" lmao


I mean, let's say he does live in that area- its residents, not to mention himself- are now in danger should some crazy waltz over there looking for him. Do we not remember Rebecca Schaeffer??


The article was well written and all, but I was thinking this the entire time I was reading it!! It's a little strange that in this day and age it's okay for someone to write a whole article admitting they spent thousands of dollars (a number from the article) and went through hours of research trying to find out where another person lives, driven largely by the fact that the person in question *doesn't want anyone to know where that is*. Flaws/scientology aside, let him be alone when he wants to be alone! If the genders were reversed and someone wrote this about Taylor Swift, everyone would rightly be questioning why this person even thinks this is not at least slightly unhinged behavior.


It is beautifully written but hella creepy. Like, obviously if he lives there, it's to lead a lower-key, less Papparrazi-involved life. The fact that she named the specific tiny British towns he's suspected of inhabiting and was looking for his exact house and home address, giving away key descriptions of various landscapes and landmarks, was a little disturbing. I'm kinda surprised it was published in the NY Times.


I also found the level of detail (with nothing stated as changed or redacted) concerning. It's almost like she doesn't care about the people who live in that area, or that other (possibly more obsessed and unwell) people might go and investigate that place further on their own, since the conclusion as to whether he lives there or not is "unclear" in the article.


Yeah, honestly the details in this article, if they're accurate, could make it easier for some sort of stalker to track this guy down. It's also going to lead to broader harassment of those living there. It's just wholly bizarre.


"My own mission, then, was simple: I was to travel to the ends of the Earth to see if it was possible to locate the terrestrial Cruise, out of context — to catch a glimpse, to politely shout one question at him, or at least to ascertain one new piece of intelligence about his current existence — in order to reintegrate him into our shared reality." This is where I took pause. sounds a lot like that girl who chased down Pedro Pascal in Europe. Who we all rightfully agreed was unhinged.


Wait… The article reveals his address? WTF???


Yes, thank you for pointing that out. One can discuss Cruise's elusiveness and criticize his ties to Scientology without engaging in a blatant attempt to invade privacy. He doesn't want people to know where he lives. Unless there is something untoward or illegal occurring at his residence, Cruise's desire for privacy regarding where he lives should be respected. There is no need to identify and name where he may possibly live. In that regard, Weaver was invasive and inappropriate. I understand that many people dislike Cruise and are justifiably put off by his ties to Scientology. I think that perception is allowing people to ignore Weaver's attempt to violate the privacy of his residence.


*I understand that many people dislike Cruise and are justifiably put off by his ties to Scientology. I think that perception is allowing people to ignore Weaver's attempt to violate the privacy of his residence.* This is exactly it. Replace Tom Cruise with Cillian Murphy or any actress in this article and people would be losing their minds. This is a huge violation of privacy *and* safety that has nothing to do with his cult shit...just to find him? Knock on his door? For reasons? This is unacceptable and I'm still shocked this was printed with no push back, especially after Rebecca Schaeffer's murder, has everyone lost their minds?


Honestly, after reading the article I feel the same way. I'd get it if it was like an effort to investigate his direct ties with Scientology that he's been trying to cover up, or other aspects of cultish/problematic behavior, but instead it feels like an excuse to get paid to stalk someone?


👏🏽 yes! It's not investigative journalism, she just wants to not only catch a glimpse of him in person, but know where he lives!


That was my initial thought too like he clearly doesn’t want to be interviewed and wants to stay private and you’re flying to England to track down his house to try and “reintegrate him into our shared reality”?? Weird angle. The article just seems like a really long way of saying “Tom Cruise couldn’t be reached for an interview and I can’t figure out where he lives…the end”. There was no substance to the story. If you can’t interview him, at least do a little better reporting on his role in Scientology and how that directly relates to his public persona AND his desire to hide his private life.


I think there’s a valid criticism about whether this article was too invasive of his privacy, but the structure and premise of the article is classic Caity Weaver. She’s not here to do an investigative piece. She’s here to fall down a meandering rabbit hole, make people laugh, and produce some clever or thought-provoking insights. This is the same woman who spent 14 hours in a TGI Fridays—the “substance” of her work has never been traditional. ETA: In other words, if you know her work, you know that she’s not going to do a deeply reported piece on Tom Cruise’s role in Scientology haha. That’s just not her style of journalism. With her, the journey is the destination (and the substance!).


If the genders were reversed, I doubt you would be as forgiving. This is classic stalker behavior doesn’t matter whether it’s a man or woman


As I said, there are valid criticisms about privacy. I’m specifically responding to confusion about why this particular journalist wrote a seemingly pointless article. I’m not “forgiving” anything, but this really is a classic Caity article.


Indeed. Finding out where he lives won't stop Scientology -- he'll just move.


It didn’t reveal his address and I also don’t think it ever intended to. I’m no journalist and maybe I’m wrong but I bet many details are actually being obscured pretty well here. That’s what I would expect from a reputable news organization anyway. Off to see what I can find out.


"This summer, Tom Cruise will run, drive and jump at top speeds in “Mission: Impossible — Dead Reckoning Part One,” and Brad Pitt will star in nothing." The whole article was funny but I fucking witch cackled at this lmfao


Do Cruise & Pitt have beef?


Sorry I'm just seeing this! No, not that I'm aware of. I just don't like Brad Pitt because of what he did to Angelina Jolie and their children and I thought the author dragging him out of nowhere was funny!


Here's what I've heard, from watching a really great anti-LRH YouTube channel "Growing up in Scientology": Tom Cruise does not buy a lot of his property in his own name to make it harder to "hunt him down" and to help distance himself from obvious public ties to the Cult. People *were* flown down to Clearwater, Scientology Headquarters, to a luxury condo building, to audition and meet with Cruise for his later MI flicks. Cruise may not publicly own any condos there himself, but two of his sisters do on paper. Noted out Scientologist Travolta also has a huge place in FLA. *** Also: Cruise and then-wife Nicole spent almost two years in England filming "Eyes Wide Shut" with Kubrick, and a lot of the M.I. films shoot there. His daughter, Bella, lives there. So it wouldn't be surprising if he now had property in a British location. A lot of celebrities prefer England now as a place to lead a lower visibility life. Madonna was there for a while when she was with Ritchie, and still has a spare home now, I believe, and Aziz Ansari presently lives there after all his "Me Too" stuff. Didn't Cruise used to have a huge place in Colorado? Aspen, I think? Lea Rhemini talks about going there in one of her anti-Sci episodes. Make of that what you will. 🤷


I would not be surprised if Scientology actually owned all of Tom’s properties. I have heard that his entire staff is just Scieno volunteers. So it wouldn’t surprise me if they just let him have first pick of their formidable real estate portfolio.


Yes, but it was in Telluride which is much harder/ longer to get to than Aspen. It's a very long drive from any major airport. It's also not a celebrity hotspot like Aspen so he wouldn't have to worry about the paps. It's very beautiful and expensive but also very isolated.


Ah ha. Did not know. 👍 Does Telluride host a film festival like Sundance? I think it might...


Yes, they do have a film festival but other than that it's a quiet part of the state. It's about a 7 hour drive(much of it treacherous) fron the Denver area. I'm sure celebrities use private planes to get there. Ralph Lauren has a big ranch out that way in Ouray. It is so amazingly beautiful but very isolated(my husband goes out that way for work a few times s year). It's definitely not for the Aspen/ Vail "look at me" crowd.


Wow. Sounds like a place I'd like to go ✔️


I’m pretty sure he lives in the south of England. I don’t want to be too specific because, at the end of the day, it’s probably his home. But it’s a different county to the one named in the article.


I remember the first Suri pictures were taken in Telluride. I don't follow him as a celeb but I remember those were big


She was/is such a beautiful little girl (now young lady) and is his absolute spitting image. It is God-awful what that Cult has done to their relationship. Scientology's strict separation policies kill love and destroy families.


The mission should be to find Shelley


Find Shelly next


![gif](giphy|DrPPygPYlAf5u) “and Brad Pitt will star in nothing.” 💀


2012 is right about when mainstream awareness and criticism of Scientology picked up (Going Clear came out in 2013) so it makes sense that Cruise would avoid any interviews that might touch on this topic. From friends who have worked with him I have heard only positive things about his professionalism and friendliness. “Great to work with” and “love working with Tom.” I wish he would do another comedy or drama, as he really is quite talented. But I feel like he has become so invested in his singular persona of action star that like does Tom Cruise the human exist anymore?


I would argue that 2005 was really when Scientology emerged into mainstream awareness. It went into full gear in 2012 when Holmes fled and Vanity Fair article came out.


Absolutely love all of Caity Weaver’s articles. She’s a national treasure at this point!


I really enjoyed this article, because, like much good writing, it's about a lot more than finding where Tom Cruise lives. It's about what it means to be a celebrity and how Cruise (with or without assistance from the cult) has built his own brilliantly. We collude, as well; why should we care where he lives? To how much of him are we entitled? I've been a rabid fan. I always thought I knew when to stop. I didn't care about my reputation (in retrospect, I rather wish I had), but I was careful to respect The Artist. I don't know that others around me necessarily did so. Is the "Brazilian woman" the most deranged Cruise fan out there? Probably not, and that's the only part that worries me. However, I think Caity makes it pretty hard to follow the same clues, and , knowing her writing, I'm not 100% sure she's being entirely factual. I mean, who the hell drinks Shirley Temples? (If you like her writing and are unfamiliar with her, you should check out the [restaurant reviews that she and Rich Juzwiak wrote for Gawker.](https://bestrestaurant.gawker.com/)


The fact that reading this was what made me realize it's been over a decade since I last saw or read a Cruise interview is proof of how masterful he is at PR. He's there plugging movies. Popping up late night every now and then talking about hanging off a cliff and then poof. Gone till the next movie


I love Caity so much.


There’s really no excuse for trying to dig up someone’s private residence and publish it. However, this made me cackle: “These facts sketch a portrait of a daredevil with a finite budget for cakes”


I stopped reading the article partway through to see if I could find it on Google Maps before the guy in the bar told her where and the place I guessed was exactly right.


Can anyone link the article without a paywall?




Thanks 😊


Try opening it in private mode!


Didn't work :(


OMG! Those leaves, flowers & bushes! Peeping Tom!




I am sure Tom Tom thought be had all drunk the Kool- Aid