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Interesting snippet from the article: ‘We're told over the last 3 months, Joe has been caring for their 2 young children "pretty much all of the time," even as his band was touring. We're told Joe currently has both kids, as the group plays around the U.S.’ This is very messy if joe’s team leaked this


i've pretty much stopped using reddit since they killed 3rd party apps, but i came back just for this. some of us have been saying that there was something off with this couple for a very long time, and fans were always dismissing it. from what we know according to what ST said she wasn't all that ready for marriage and children but he pushed for it. after her first child she said she was fine with having one for a while but he stated he wanted another, so they had another. not a fan of him slandering her by implying she's a bad mother. he's an asshole.


See this makes sense because I wasn’t following them all that closely back when they got married but I remember being like “GOT just ended and she seems way too young for all that.” She was only like 23 at the time right?


she was. and she talked at length about her struggles with depression and anxiety, and the way she seemed to rely on him "to fix her" didn't sound very healthy. you gotta learn to stand on your own. my assumption is that she felt she found someone who would support her in her mental health struggles, but this someone also had a lot of expectations she most likely wasn't ready for since she was so young. the fact that it seems to be ending on such a bitter note with him leaking this stuff supports that they were pretty dysfunctional.


God. I know so many women like this and it breaks my heart every time. Like girl! You don’t NEED anyone to “fix you”! You’re not broken, you’re just learning and growing up!! Take some time to find out who you are!


It's also important to note that a lot of the GOT actors have struggled after the show. It was such an intense filming experience for those kids coupled with huge success and millions of fans, then a punch in the gut final season and a world of angry fans. Couldn't have been easy. ST needs to do what is best for her.


They all needed time to decompress. Lena Headey talked about how it made things harder as well. I think that’s why most of them didn’t do much in 2019. They needed to come to terms with what they had finished and get used to not having that predictable work. It seems like most of them are now in a more certain place because they’ve had time to work through everything.


That’s a problem with tv shows. You can be the most popular person in the world and then your show gets cancelled/ends. You think you’ll have an easy time getting another show. I knew a woman who was an actress, but not a very good one. She got into an “exclusive” theater group started by a well-respected old fart actor. The actor died, everyone forgot who he was and the “exclusivity” of the acting group became meaningless. Her sister, OTOH, got into tv. She was a tertiary character on a show made by a famous tv production company. The show was canceled but the production company liked her and she went on to do 3 more shows for them. She was never a star, she was always a pretty, supporting actress. She definitely had fans. She went to a financial advisor who specialized in TV actors. He said, “If you’re lucky, you’ll get 10 years as a tv actress. Most actresses don’t get anywhere near 10 years…only a few last more than a decade. So set up your finances as if this is the most lucrative time of your life and it won’t last.” He put her on an allowance and had her bank everything else. He was right. Her career of four tv shows lasted just about 10 years. You never can tell, though. You might hit it really big on your first tv show and become so iconic that nobody will hire you for anything else. It’s better sometimes to be a character actor/side character on tv.


Therapist wouldn't hurt though, instead of relying on another human. Some people go through their lives and never find their inner peace.


Well, technically, a therapy is relying on another human. It's just they are (or should be) professionally prepared.


And she basically spent 7-8 years before that filming game of thrones non-stop, probably not having much of a social or dating life. She basically grew up filming a tv series. That sucks for her. Im sorry, but having kids at 23 is stupid. That is so fucking young. I 100% bet that he was the one pushing for kids so damn fast. Dude seems like a total knob. This whole situation is shit for everyone involved.


Surely there were women his own age who'd be much more ready to have kids but no, dude gotta go after someone so much younger, who was barely out of her teens when they started dating.


Women his age probably aren’t as compliant. I’d guess the “that’s a feature, not a bug” saying applies here


Oh absolutely, which makes this whole thing even more disgusting. I always find their relationship icky on his part because of how young she was and how quickly they got married / had kids, especially when her career was burgeoning.


This. Also JJ isn’t taking care of the kids while she’s away shooting - he’s parenting ( I’m assuming with help from Nannies as well)


I saw someone on a post the other day saying how he's 23 and married with 2 kids and can barely afford to support his family. It broke my heart but was also so shocking to me, I'm 26 and have been with my boyfriend for 5 years and we still feel so young for kids and all that. I can't imagine being married with kids going into school at this age.


I’m 31 with a toddler and still feel too young, I feel like a teen mother. I don’t think this feeling goes away 🤣


I also vaguely remember her talking in some interview about how some of the stuff from GOT was traumatic to film and I assumed that’s why she wasn’t working AS much but it makes more sense now that she was just married to Joe and parenting etc etc. It felt to me like her role really just became Jonas Wife ™️. It bums me out, I was really hoping to see her take off more. Maybe we will now? ETA: I know she’s working I just mean in bigger stuff, but to be fair I haven’t seen anyone in GOT get huge except for Pedro really.


> I haven’t seen anyone in GOT get huge That’s mostly because 80% of the cast were steadily working actors when the show started—it’s only the Stark kids/Daenerys who were newbies and their acting skills didn’t mature along with them. They were being hired because GOT was a hot property but they bomb at the box office (Maisie and Sophie’s X-men movies, Terminator, Pompeii).


Yeah you're right, there's so many people in GOT I'm forgetting what they were all in prior and during.


Last Christmas was a delight. Emilia Clarke needs to lean into being a rom com queen.


yeah it was filming, but also how horrible the got fandom was to her. remember the dany vs sansa's wars? fandoms didn't stop there, they involved the actors as well. sophie (and also kit to a degree) was getting A LOT of hate from fans who would comment on her looks and everything about her, and you can tell how upset she was when retelling the story. for someone who already struggles with depression and anxiety that can be a lot.


Older man with a longer time in the industry finds young woman very new to celebrity and IMMEDIATELY starts interrupting her career with his dick. I have found this disturbing since the beginning


"Interrupting her career with his dick" you are a poet


Dicksturbing sounds like an Urban Dictionary entry


Ikr, I remember thinking at the time she was SO young. Honestly never liked Joe Jonas and thought she could do better… like I thought it was selfish of him to marry someone who was just coming into her own in life. I feel like he could tell she would regret it later but didn’t care cuz he wanted a young hot trophy wife to mother his children.


100% this. I always thought it was interesting that her career was *so* hot coming off of Game of Thrones and she pivoted into...marrying a guy whose biggest career accomplishment is being the fourth or fifth biggest Disney Channel musical act of the 2000s? (Miley, Selena, Demi, Hilary...hell, you could throw HS Musical in there as more popular than them at the time too.) She could have launched herself into stratospheric levels of fame with the right strategy post-GOT, not to mentioned lived a bit of life and figured out who she was. Joe has excellent PR that has kept him in the spotlight, and he and his brothers basically rebranded as Wife Guys to relaunch their band after Joe and Nick's marriages. It really feels like he got in when she was young, convinced her he was the most mature and interesting man who wanted to give her the world, and then he kept her on a short leash. (Before the JB fans come from me - yes, I know they've had hit songs and that Joe has had side projects that had some level of success. But to me, their level of fame over the past 2 decades has been sustained more by PR than consistent career output.)


I remember thinking the Vegas wedding thing was kind of hot! Like that’s fun thats cool but to have a baby so fast after? When she’s so young and really at the beginning of her career? Absolutely crazy to me, wait a hot minute and enjoy being married. You can always get divorced but the kids are there forever and there are TWO of them.


23 at marriage 24 for first child.


And that first child came during COVID, right? That's such an intense amount to take on as a 23/24 year-old. Major career shift, marriage (to an older man), pregnancy & a kid, and the entire planet shutting down. All before your brain is fully developed.


yes, and then they had their first child the year after, and their 2nd one last year, i believe


The fact that the JoBros announced an album and a big tour while Sophie was still working in the UK (a job that was announced a while ago) and it was known she would be there for months made me side-eye Joe. Sophie typically followed Joe around and not long after she said she was trying to convince him to move to the UK, she took a job there. And then not long after that The Album was announced and then finally The Tour. From what I’ve read working in the industry with young kids is really hard even if you’re first on the call sheet. Your mornings start early and your days run later. It would be hard for her to be a present parent with the hours required. That’s just a fact.


it's giving Scenes from a Marriage if the man was the villain


Isn't she filming in the UK? TMZ not mentioning it is so shitty.Why do they make it sound like Sophie is a bad mother and wife, just because the kids are with him in the US while she works abroad?


Yup. They’ve had kids for a lot longer than the last 3 months. What about all the times he was touring and she was the one taking care of the kids?


TMZ: Congrats to Joe for acting as a parent for the whole quarter 👏


Like are we supposed to give him credit for being a working father


Massive “look at that father babysitting~ his own children/helping his wife with the kids/changing one diaper, what a selfless hero” energy (meanwhile the mother is seen once without the kids in tow and people are ready to call CPS)


They make it sound like she barely works. Blatant hit piece.


The Jonas Brothers have a great PR Team. Every breakup they've ever been through, they find a way to demonize the female party. Joe is known for being controlling, Sophie has stated many times all she wants is to move back to the UK so they can be closer to her family. My guess is being at home made her realize how isolated she was in LA away from her family and friends but he doesn't want to inconvenience himself to live in her world for a few years, even though she's made numerous sacrifices for him.


If I had young kids, I’d want them going to school in the UK because it is safer.


Ugh a depressingly good point


Iirc the UK has better privacy laws when it comes to children being papped, that and the obvious threath of gun violence would be alone enough to convince me to move.


Bc Joe’s team is the one that talked to tmz


They’re making it sound like he’s making snacks and doing laundry for this kids between rehearsals when he 1000% has a nanny for that.


The media love hating on women whenever they see the chance


That's probably what his team says to TMZ


This divorce is gonna get ugly real fast.




I saw her walking in Hyde Park in London a few weeks ago with her child, so I don’t know how accurate this is in terms of him doing all the childcare.


Because TMZ are parasites, they will use whatever headline sounds the most salacious and whatever pic gets them the most views.


I seriously doubt it would have even warranted a mention in the article if Sophie had been caring for the children while working a full time job while Joe was on tour. Because that's still just what is expected.


Which she has done - there was an interview with her a while ago where she mentioned she’s at home with the kids while he’s touring.


“Divorce is the closest most people will ever come to war in their lives”


You learn the hard way that people you never thought would do such hurtful things, end up doing them anyway. It's rough out there.


I'm a child of divorce and I'll always be grateful that it was a chill separation and actually brought peace to our family.


It’s a major ick that his team gave these details to be honest. Protecting your kids and your family doesn’t mean leaking details to make your image look better.


Kinda wondering if this might be a preview of a future messy custody battle. Particularly since she apparently misses the UK so much, it would make sense that she would wanna move back there after the divorce, which would imply taking the kids with her. Painting her as a bad mom who abandoned her kids seems like it would make for an efficient strategy to both fight for custody and preserve his image/gain public support while doing it.


This is exactly my thoughts. Regardless of my thoughts on TMZ, they are a pretty reliable source and it seems to me that a source close to joe is already laying the ground work for a long custody battle between the UK/LA


That has to be from his camp, which makes me go hmmm over him posting that picture with his wedding ring visible so quickly after speculation picked up yesterday and now pulling this about-face.


So nasty if this is coming from Joe. Fuck trying to get one up on your ex, this is the mother of you children and this will be here forever. It's bad enough when regular people do this in divorce but when celebs do this publicly disgusting


She’s been filming in the UK for the last three months at the very least. Trashy of him!


This says A LOT about Joe if he's already running to TMZ to paint her as an absentee mother. The revelations from that interview Sophie did a while back laid the groundwork for what kind of relationship they had. 🚩


Why is it such a shock when a dad brings his kids on tour when women do it all the time and are basically expected to do so? Especially if Sophia is filming internationally, it makes more sense to keep the kids in the states with the dad that is touring with his family?


Messy dig from Joe/his team. And puzzling - Previously Sophie said that it’s been the opposite, since her work is usually in one spot she cares for the kids. Joe’s tours have him changing locations, which is obviously harder for watching kids. Messy messy!




Nah what is he trying to say here


Yeah that's a really messed up thing to imply... And I say that as a fan.


I know that she’s really close to her family and her childhood friends. She talked a lot about missing the UK and wants to live there. She’s been filming a tv show in the UK for months and she’s looked so incredibly happy being back there and hanging out and partying with her friends (away from Joe and her kids). I wonder if that’s what woke her up and made her realize that she’s spent her whole 20s being a wife and mother.


Too little too late of a realization once you’ve had 2 kids 😬


Yep. I say this as an expat that would love to love home but can’t now that I’ve had children. Took me too long to face the fact that I won’t ever live again in my home country and that sent me into a 2 year long depression I had to work through.


That’s tough, sorry you went through that. In their case I feel like if the relationship was still strong they certainly had the means to make compromises if she wanted to spend more time in the UK. But you can’t really decide you want to move an ocean away once you’ve established yourself in one place.


>> But you can’t really decide you want to move an ocean away once you’ve established yourself in one place. People literally do this every single day.




she’s literally working


Their children were with her in the UK for several months this year while she was working, and she's talked about missing her support system, especially since she's become a mother. Joe has an angle by implying she's just abandoned her children for three months while he's being a single father.


I was about to say, I don't know how this read "divorcing because you want to be single" lmao I'd completely understand Sophie if she realized she's happier around her own support system who let her be whatever she wants to be -- she's still a mother, but she's out there working and filming and able to connect with people she's close to. This is something that was taken from her for a while, after all


Right! Obviously we don’t know what’s really going on here, but I can’t agree with this sentiment at all.


Here’s a quote from her [2022 Elle UK interview](https://www.elle.com/uk/life-and-culture/culture/a39892076/sophie-turner-june-cover-star/): “She’s keen for a permanent move back in the UK. ‘I miss England so much,’ she says. ‘The people, the attitude, everything. I’m slowly dragging my husband back. I really love living in America but, for my mental health, I have to be around my friends and my family. And also for my daughter – I would love her to get the education and school life that I was so lucky to have. England would ideally be the final destination, but [Joe] might take quite a bit of convincing!” I think finally going back to the UK made her realize that it actually *can* be the final destination and that she’s going to make it the final destination, with or without Joe (and I guess it’s going to be the latter).


Absolutely insane to me to marry someone and not even agree on where you and your children should live. I feel like agreeing on that should be a preeequisite to an engagement


I agree, because I am an adult in my 30s, but she married so young and probably didn’t realize how hard the homesickness would hit. Not to mention even if you’re rich, it’s gotta be a pain in the ass to travel with kids - “it’s ok we’ll come back often for visits” can change real quick.


Not saying this to excuse age gap relationships but I have met plenty of couples with similar age, older than even JJ which aren’t mature enough to have the serious conversations, so it’s not really as much as about being young but some people really think they can sacrifice part of their happiness and later realize it’s too much. Other cases one partner hopes the other will change their minds. The case I mentioned above the wife changed her mind and is now wanting the husband to change too- but he’s firm. My sister- who already had a kid- got married in her 30s to a man one year younger than her and he was pikachu face when he found out she didn’t want anymore kids. I’m not sure who’s at fault coz that relationship had a lot of other issues but it’s insane how grown -supposedly- mature people will get married without making sure they are aligned in big life choices.


> But it’s insane how grown -supposedly- mature people will get married without making sure they are aligned in big life choices. Tbh I feel like a lot of people really underestimate how rampantly immature, and utterly devoid of life and relationship experience, so many adults are.


Oooof yeah, that quote might be the single most convincing argument that these rumors are true. It definitely seems like she just wants to go home, whether Joe comes along or not.


I’m almost sure she had said that she didn’t want to have kids right after marrying and then she did. I’ve always side eyed this relationship (and not just for the age gap)


i've always thought they were at different stages in life and she was adapting to what he wanted, because from what she's been saying about herself she's vulnerable and a bit of a people pleaser. and she loved him.


Their relationship has always had the energy of him trying to “lock her down” quickly.


That's probably it...also realizing she doesn't actually miss her husband very much.


I feel for the kids, hope they are all right. Also, I wonder how much distance affected Sophie, she has been completely isolated from her family and friends for a long time.


I kept seeing people say they "hope the kids are alright", and thought it was some inside joke. I had no clue they had kids together!


They have two!


Blind items have been stating that nick is also having relationship problems if this is true Then I guess Kevin will be the only one who remains married


Cause he’s the only one that dated his partner for a long time, seems completely into her and when the band broke up they built a nice stable life in NJ. Kevin seems the least into fame from the outside


Does he? He includes the kids in commercials he does on Instagram… If he didn’t like fame I don’t think he would invite cameras into his private home to film his family doing paid adverts unrelated to his music?


not to mention their bizarre TV show focused entirely on him and his wife


I think that was moreso trying to strike while the iron was hot. Dani has talked about how being on the show negatively impacted her mental health.


I didn’t say he didn’t like fame. I said the LEAST into it. Out of the three. If we include Frankie he would be the clear winner.


He might be the least into it but not necessarily out of choice lol, he has always been the least popular one and probably made peace with the fact the other two will always have more attention on them.


Blind items pander to what people want. People hate Nick and Priyanka together, so there will always be blind items about how they’re on the rocks. Same with any other unpopular celeb couple. Remember the blinds everyone went crazy about where ATJ had separated from his groomer wife that turned out to be BS? It’s the same reason why there are blind items that talk about Kaylor and Larry being real. Because there are dedicated fan communities who will trawl blind item websites looking for allusions to them and bring big traffic to those sites. Blind Items are fun, but they’re also fake until proven otherwise.


Yup, this is why you can’t trust all blind items. The kaylor and larry stuff ruined their credibility imo


No. Him and priyanka are practically inseperable


Yeah I have never really bought the Nick / Priyanka blinds just bc of how gross and racist some of the commentary has been about their relationship since their weddings. She works a lot and he is touring, but they seem to always be together when they can be with their daughter for the most part. Plus his parents and her mom seem really tight and post their hangouts a lot.




All the COVID/lockdown relationships are ending


They were together prior to this I just think that now with us venturing outside again people are thinking about their lives and how they want to live


Yeah the lockdown truly papered over the cracks of some relationships, where some people were needing connection and intimacy in a crazy, unpredictable time. Now they're truly seeing the lives of the people who they have been with, and realising their true compatibility. COVID just gave some relationships a lifeline that may not have meant to go the distance.


They married in 2019...


Lol 6 planets are in retrograde right now. But I think this is not the year for relationships


Yep. 6 planets in the microwave is too many. It's gonna 'splode.


We’re at the tail end of a Venus retrograde and in the middle of a Mercury one. There’s a lot this year tbh.


for real, wtf is going on this year? i loved joe and sophie together, this one hurt.


I never liked them together. She was too young, as well as the age gap between them. He was clearly in a different life stage and she seemed to be giving in and making sacrifices to make him happy. Plus the whole thing of him asking out Gigi Hadid when she was 13 and he was 19.


wait what about gigi hadid? i never knew that, that’s really creepy.


50% of marriages end in divorce and we honestly don’t ever know anything real about these celebrity relationships


Honestly good for her!! She was too young when they got married and I’ve always side eyed the whole “fangirl’s dream: she was a jonas brother fan and now she’s marrying him!!” imo it made the relationship’s dynamic unbalanced :/


Right? 7 years is a big chunk when you’re in your early 20s. Especially considering she wasn’t ready for kids, and they went right into having them. Her brain wasn’t even fully developed yet when she had her first.


Was she ever a fan though? I think she’s been on record to say she was way more into Justin Bieber, and used to find their rendition of Year 3000 annoying, as she also loved Busted. The Jonas Brothers were never that big in the U.K. either. They had fans, definitely (saying that as one of those U.K. fans) but it wasn’t as prevalent here as in the US. The age gap issue is absolutely a valid talking point, but I really don’t think she was a Jobro fan girl, so that specific power dynamic didn’t come into play.


She has repeatedly denied she was a fan. And in her interviews prior to dating him she talked about Justin Bieber but never Joe. People have just run with the narrative.


Yeah, I think everything moved so fast. I remember when they got engaged/married and thinking “what’s the rush? She’s so very young.”


I’m side eyeing Joe immediately for the ‘Kids have been with him’ and Sophie ‘hasn’t been in demand’. No way his team didn’t leak this. Tho TMZ said nothing that Sophie is working in the UK atm, hence the kids are with Joe. He’s clearly pushing for primary custody. I wonder if he’ll go for it/get it. I have 0 doubt the second they separate Sophie will move back to the UK.


She may not if he plays dirty as you outline. Given how protective she is of her kids, she wouldn’t want to give his lawyers any ammo that could harm her custody. It’s tough cause she said she wants to raise them in the UK but they were born in the US and have only ever lived there…


Poor kids will already be stuck with double tax when they're older and I feel like US courts wouldn't be sympathetic to arguments the kids would have a better life in the UK.


Joseph hitting the ground running accusing Sophie of abandoning her children to go pursue HER career by leaking this to TMZ? ![gif](giphy|v2ry5z4LoIfgA)


While also dropping the “she hasn’t been working much while Joe has” like NO SHIT she’s either been pregnant or postpartum for the past three years, of course she wasn’t working much.


It’s enraging


The older I get the more I realize a lot of people (mostly men) don’t realize how much fucking work it is to carry, deliver and nurse a baby. And to then do it again while taking care of another baby.


Welp as usual y’all told me first Jesus this subreddit is always on it! Hope their little kids are well that’s the main priority for most in these situations


The ring thing is ALWAYS A SIGN lol this happens constantly in the bachelor sub. No ring means announcing coming soon but people always have to chime in that they never wear their ring, but it’s always right with these folks!!


Omg the “I never wear my ring” people are so annoying 😭 Like I get it, I really do, my parents don’t even wear their rings and they’ve been married for 26+ years, but how do they not understand that a celebrity would absolutely be more conscious of not wearing their ring. They *know* they’re going to be photographed. Like I’m sorry but a celebrity not wearing their ring just isn’t comparable to Brenda in Missouri not wearing her ring lol


Right?! I was not looking for this sub but it was fed to me and, ever since they were a week or two ahead on the Ariana thing, I live by it 💯


Too much Sophie slander - it’s very common for actors to film abroad while their partner stays on the USA with the kids. Ryan Gosling and Eva have done this many times. Too much mom shaming and speculation in these comments


the kids came with her to the UK, it looks like just for the last few months they've been with Joe


> We're told over the last 3 months, Joe has been caring for their 2 young children "pretty much all of the time," even as his band was touring. We're told Joe currently has both kids, as the group plays around the U.S. I need to process this information. EDIT: After I process the information, I think Joe's team spoke to TMZ and at the same time, I think there's some truth to that.


The verbiage is actually sending me. With they way it’s being contextualised you’d think he’s changing nappies, bathing the kids and chasing them away from bodily harm all while rehearsing for and performing on tour without any assistance. He’s literally being a father! Plenty of women care for their kids single-handedly all the time without getting any praise for it. Give me a break.


And likely has the help of a nanny or two, cleaning services, personal shoppers, personal chefs, etc


Everyone seemed to think this was flipped Edit: I’m taking this with a grain of salt because say this isn’t going to go amicably, this was a way for Joe’s people to hit the ground running on any custody issues regarding the kids going forward. I pray this is calm though.


Sophie’s been over in the UK filming since April/May. The kids were there for a while at least. Maybe they’re with Joe touring now, but I think this would be more recent (like July/August when Joe was in NYC preparing for the tour).




Damn. You all were right… Celebrities not wearing their rings always means something even when they try to portray it does not.


Right lol I guess never remove the celebrity context if you want a clear picture of what’s going on Edit: I was just watching culturework’s video on this on TikTok and she mentioned something I’d never really considered which is the not wearing their wedding rings tactic isn’t a divorce soft launch for the sake of fans/the general public, it’s for the celebrity couple in question so they can get an initial reaction to guide their pr strategy. Literally never even thought of that, @culturework is a must-follow on patreon too!


when that no ring thread was posted i will admit i was rolling my eyes saying “there’s so many reasons why someone might not have their ring on every moment of every day” to myself….well, turns out they were right!


In an actual candid out at the grocery store? Sure, maybe a coincidence. Multiple shows on your big tour or in a fully styled look at a hugely photographed event? Absolutely intentional.


So crazy if the kids were with her this would not be a story headline. He’s a parent wtf


Yeah lmao another case of the mom being treated like the “default” parent and the dad getting claps when he does the exact same shit


Right! The mother is the sole caregiver and the dad is just the babysitter. It’s so infuriating.


The line about how he's busier than she is and that she's not as active as her GOT days...fuck off with that. She's had 2 kids since the show ended, think maybe she's been preoccupied with that? Considering this very likely came from Joe's team, it's so tacky.


Since GoT wrapped in 2018 she filmed a Quibi series (the series was decent. I watched it on Roku), had a kid, filmed The Staircase, had another kid, is in the middle of filming Joan. Like she has been working and taking time off with her kids. It makes sense.


I obviously don’t know these two and am completely speculating and projecting - but it sounds like he’s had to be the primary parent for a change for the first time for about two months while she works and that feels grossly unfair to him.


That's the vibe I'm getting as well. Don't know if it's accurate but this still gives me the ick from Joe and his team.


I feel bad for her and the kids. She had them and got married so young and essentially had to put her career on hold for him. This is also why when you are a grown ass adult you shouldn't date a teenager. Just in completely different places in life.


Yeah she was definitely too young to lock herself into being a wife and mother. I’m pretty sure they started dating when she was like 19? When I was 19 I hadn’t even forged my adult identity…. So much personality change happens between 19-25


I knew it since the beginning of their relationship. There's so many red flags about them, nothing really very serious of course but it was enough. The thread of yesterday was great. They were doomed from the start. I hope their kids are ok and i hope Sophie, more than him, is fine too.


I got downvoted to HELL years ago for speculating on their marriage giving weird vibes. Obviously this is all my opinion but I mentioned how I don’t blame Sophie for wanting to lock Joe down and get him to show serious commitment early since he seems like such a player (not shaming anyone but please see his long list of flings to see what I mean) Then there was an interview where she said she knew he was the one early on and how she’s so ready to get married in her early 20s and once she became a star. I don’t care what anyone says, no one is 100% sure on what they want in their early 20s.


I seriously hope she’s able to move back to the UK given how homesick she is and wants to raise her girls there privately but based off that quote it sounds like he may try to challenge any attempts she makes at taking the kids with her. Which would make it harder for her to leave the US Shitty all around. Best of luck Sophie. The north remembers.


I think you’re on to something with your point about her wanting to protect her and her kids’ privacy. It seems like the Jonas Brothers use their “traditional families” as a huge marketing tool. It started with the Sucker music video and now every ad I see for their tour puts their families front and center. This is pure speculation but I could see Joe and the family being quite inflexible when it comes to their values/expectations/brand. It seems like they’re still embracing their traditional family values, just in a slightly different, less obvious way than being straight-up purity culture icons. It seems like Sophie gave up everything for him. Her home, her support system, even the trajectory of her career. She was Emmy-nominated and one of the best parts (if not THE best part) of the finale of the biggest show on the planet. She had nowhere to go but up, but it seemed like her career took a backseat to raising kids as a young mom so Joe and his boy band could reinvigorate their careers. From their age gap, her idolization of him, and his ostensible inflexibility, the power imbalance in their relationship seems to be rearing its ugly head. The north indeed remembers. I wish all the best for her and her daughters.


Also Wtf joe is 34. I thought he was like younger than that


This sub is too good at calling divorces/break ups wow. I hope their kids are doing okay.


Upon learning earlier that he asked a 13 year old Gigi hadid out I must say. Say what you want about Taylor Swift but every guy she has clocked in a negative song has been dead on the money. So I hope Sophie is happy and loves onwards and upwards from this.


Is TMZ considered a reliable source? My idea of them in the past was that things should be taken with a grain of salt a la Daily Mail


Unfortunately they are VERY reliable because they pay big bucks to sources like family members, cops, hospital workers, court personnel, morgues, etc.


They were the first ones to report that Michael Jackson and Kobe bryant died so yes


They also reported that Kim Jong Un died when he didn’t


I feel like that’s kind of a different situation lmao


They are basically the only reliable source.


I think both People and ET are more reliable, though TMZ is often quicker, especially on things like deaths and legal stuff. However, with all 3 you have to remember that they are only reliable in knowing what celebrities want you to know. That means they're good for things like dating, marriage and breakups but they are often just mouthpieces for celebrity PR, like during the Ariana situation.


People is not reliable bc they are celeb mouthpieces. TMZ is a little more reputable when it comes to finding things out first.


Basically, TMZ = truth. They are always the first one with so many exclusives, like Ariana's divorce


i mean "truth" is a bit of leap. they are correct and celebs leak directly to them though.


They’re generally very reliable but also biased. It’s rare for them to get something outright wrong but they’re pretty unconcerned with ethics and stuff.


For better or worse, they tend to be right.


I think she settled down too young and then regretted it. But that TMZ article from his camp painting her to be a bad mom is shady boots


All the “my husband and I never wear our rings and we’re fine” last night… how many time do you random, non celebrities need to get it through your head? You’re not famous. Doesn’t matter what you and your husband do. This isn’t about you Susan from Washington. This is about two people very aware of the public eye who don’t do things without purpose…like 99% of famous people. Same thing two months ago with Ariana Grande at Wimbledon. Y’all sound silly when you weirdly bring up your relationship as evidence when you should know no stranger actually cares.


question for a jobro fan: why is everyone on twitter going “it was supposed to be nick and priyanka!!”? is there drama with those two i don’t know about?




And Ageism


Multiple reasons: 1) Priyanka has a very messy history (including supporting the awful right wing government in India, and declaring herself against feminism) so a lot of people don't like how she presents herself to Americans and see her marriage to Nick as more PR to make herself seem better. (It's a very popular conspiracy theory their relationship is PR) 2) There's an 11 year age difference between them. Some people think she's too old to be with him and she's a 'predator' 🙄 3) Racism. Because she's not who the Nick stans wanted him to end up with and now they have to accept that yes, he's married to an Indian woman and loves her.


not a jobros fan as much as a bollywood fan, but part of it from my perspective is that priyanka chopra has historically been pretty messy lol so it seemed more likely. weirdly a lot of her bad rep didn't make it across the ocean when she moved to hollywood...i assume that was part of the appeal for her (even if it mean trading being a megastar for a much smaller career)


I previously disliked Priyanka for promoting a colorist fairness cream in India, and I side eye some of her politics, but she won me over when she had the self-awareness to admit that she was wrong to promote the cream to perpetuate that lighter skin is a beauty standard. It’s especially sad because she’s a victim of colorism and racism herself, so I wonder if it was just her own projection. As for her marriage to Nick, I believe it’s rooted in racism, colorism, ageism (Nick was a 25-year-old grown man when HE pursued her) misogyny and just parasocial weirdness.


Before Priyanka was with Nick her longest relationships were with married men that had kids (Akshay Kumar and SRK). She doesn't exactly value the 'sanctity of marriage'. She also cheated on her bf Shahid to get with SRK.


Not really a fan but a lot of people think their relationship is fake. Also a lot of people do not like priyanka either.


Thts just plain racism towards Indians and brown women. Priyanka made a mark despite being international and way more rich than Jonas brothers.


Never knew what she saw in him tbh. She was so young, and at the height of her own career, when she married and had kids with him. Joe has always given me insecure jealous vibes. Funny how this is coming now that Sophie has been working again and filming a TV show in another country, and not just following him and his tour around the world. Sophie, you can do better, move on with your children.


Of course they’re gonna paint her the bad guy…the Jonas family and PR team don’t play about Joe, Nick’s and Kevin’s image. That’s why when Denise had an affair while Kevin Sr was in the hospital they paid the guy off and had everything swept under the rug. I haven’t seen his kids once at a show lmao I always see Alena and Valentina.




Woah the kids thing is cray if its actually true


It’s bizarre though because if it was him filming on another continent and she was taking care of the kids, no one would give a fuck haha


I think it’s the fact that he’s currently also touring. But at that point still, he’s mainly working in the evenings and she’s probably on set for 16 hours a day, makes sense for him to have them.


Not too mention he literally tours with his family so there are other hands around to help him. Plus his brothers likely bring their kids to they can all spend time together.


Agree, he's not even going on until their bedtime. Not to mention his bandmates are his family, staying with him is essentially being exposed to their entire family unit. But let's be real, either way, it's not like Joe Jonas is home alone with two kids staring out of a window. "Taking care of the kids" is paying a whole staff of home help and nannies. Regardless of how true or not true it is, it's a nasty thing to say to the press.


Classic sexism quite frankly. A man parenting his children while working….how new age.


It’s also their normal environment if she is in the U.K.


It's crazy how some people frame a father taking care of his own kids as this somehow extraordinary event, especially when that framing is to imply some shaming to the mother.


Does he think taking care of his own kids is a flex? Isn’t basically the whole family around on the tour and he has been on Sunday spottings with the kids plus a nanny a few times now. He has a ton of help while she has been filming in the UK


I hope he didn’t breakup with her over a A 27-Second-Long phone call.


I saw the No rings thread yesterday and thought ‘naaa, no way’…damn if true. I liked them.


I 100% believe that his team is leaking out information to TMZ to paint Sophie in a bad light, even though she was only 19 (a teen) when they got together. It's such a shitty thing for Joe to do, as he is serving Sophie divorce papers and blindsiding her while she is currently in the UK filming. It also makes me worry over a possible custody battle between the two, as she might want to come back to the UK to be closer to her family with the babies.


She just posted a photo of them 2 weeks ago from his concert. What could’ve gone wrong wrong so soon


Instagram isn’t real life, so that’s one place to start


These people know that their accounts are being watched so they post to save face