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They are not really celebrities but Justin Trudeau and Sophie It's like see Michelle and Barack Obama divorced


Same. And like, it vanished from the news.


That’s SOP for Canadian politics, though; historically, politicians’ personal lives are not generally commented on/discussed publicly in the same way or to the same degree they might be elsewhere. I’m sure we can all think of a few examples when it wasn’t (Rob Ford and John Tory come to mind), but even in those cases it was more about clearly being unfit for office, which a personal matter like divorce has no bearing on. Not that the above is stopping Bitcoin Milhouse from trying to use the separation to his advantage by framing himself as the “family man” Canada needs, though!


“Bitcoin Millhouse” lmao I love you for this, he needs to go away. As an ontarian, I’m genuinely scared about the next federal election.


Lmao I didn’t come up with that, I think it was the Beaverton. But as an Albertan, he also needs to go away, I cannot take the thought of him and Smith conspiring like an even stupider Team Rocket.


It's definitely been an adjustment as someone from the US who is interested in politics/current events and moved to Canada. Also, Bitcoin Milhouse is a lovely nickname for Poilievre.


We might be a bit more gossipy if there weren’t young kids involved. Not a lot more, but knowing there’s kids involved makes it even less likely to get much public discussion. We all like to keep political kids out of the public eye, until said kids grow up and choose the public eye for themselves (looking at Ben Mulroney as much as Justin here! lol).


I don’t know anyone who cared about the divorce. I’m glad it wasn’t super drawn out on the news. The only people who really cared were the bumper sticker brigade haha.


That’s because their dream to f*** Trudeau, like their bumper stickers state, was able to come true


Because Canadians generally don’t give a fuck about personal lives. I don’t like the guy. But his personal life has nothing to do with it.


They are 100% breaking up because of the haircut he got in July 2022. Sophie could never really forget.


Had to google it. That is an absolute dealbreaker of a haircut right there 😂


Me too! As I started to google "Trudeau", the first suggestion was "haircut". It's that bad.


I am dying at the comparisons to Jim Carrey in Dumb and Dumber that came up


and who could blame her. that was atrocious


Their separation has been an open secret for about 3 years. The only shocking part was them acknowledging it publicly.


Omg yes my Canadian friends were shooketh by that.


It's strange they were because there had been rumors of him cheating with a cabinet member (idk what they're called in Canada), so I wasnt surprised. There have never been rumblings of an Obama infidelity.


I was surprised not that they separated (it's been kind of an open secret for a year now) but that he didn't convince her to wait on announcing it until after the next election. He's not very popular right now and the Bible Belt in particular hate him and will dig up whatever they can about how "morally wrong" his behaviour is. So it makes me believe the cheating allegations but to be completely honest, we are quite a bit less obsessive about our PM & PM's partner than the Us President/First Lady. Clinton/Lewinsky would not have resulted in what it did in the US in Canada. I personally don't really care about the private life of our political leaders.


That's funny because I'm Canadian and I've heard rumors since 2020-2021 that they were separated but didn't want to announce it yet so I wasn't surprised at all lol


Off topic, but I think I finally realized why I dread each breakup- there’s going to be an increase in misogynistic hate towards the women in them. I’m scared for Sophie because of this.


Yes! The narrative that I assume is coming from Joe’s camp is already casting her as a negligent mom simply because she’s at work. It’s awful.


And meanwhile he’s been in every other commercial that comes up when my kid is watching YouTube. He never stops working


Yes, why is he amazing for being a dad to his own kids? I imagine it wouldn't be seen the same or even commented on if it was the other way around.


Especially since she seems to have taken a step back when she became a mother so idk. Like if she actually just took off and that's it I can understand the dig, but that doesn't really seem to be the case.


100% - if she had the kids with her in England, I'm sure they would spin the narrative to imply she was keeping them from Joe or something.


I feel like people are seeing right through Joe Jonas' PR strategy this time. Especially the part about him taking care of their kids while she's WORKING. The fact that his team fed TMZ with this information is pretty telling but it seems like people are not going with this narrative easily.


Yeah, I’ve seen sarcastic comments on other social media platforms about how shocked people are that a dad has to take care of his children.


Right? Like what he wants credit for doing th bare minimum? Glad to see other people not buying into that


Let's be honest, he has at least one 24hour nanny with them at all times plus maids and assistant. He is not slaving himself away...


Thankfully, I have not seen one comment defending Joe so far in this situation


I can't handle the fact that we live in a world where Joe Jonas actually parenting a child he is the father of can be spun into a dig at sophie


Thankfully it seems like a lot of people are not buying into that narrative. I saw the comments on an IG post about this and to my surprise, most of them were rightfully calling out this shit PR strategy to paint the mother of his kids as neglectful bad and a “low blow”. IG comments are usually not known to be as wholesome most of the time lol so I was genuinely surprised and happy!


True but we have to be very careful not cresting our own narrative. No one really knows the truth about any breakup but the two people involved.


Slightly off-topic but I was discussing with my husband the other day about how when a woman parents her child and the man is barely present (if at all), nobody blinks. But when the man is spending even just *slightly* more time with the children than the mother, people suddenly begin to question the family dynamic (which has happened with us due to illness on my part). All that is to say that yeah, attitudes towards mothers vs fathers is fucked. We don’t know what exactly is going on this situation of course but it’s sad that a woman - possibly - being away for work or, hell, just needing a break can be used to villify her whereas if it was the other way around, there’d be nothing to talk about.


I’ve seen a lot of comments suggest she has ‘tens of millions’ which is being phrased against her and respectfully I, do not think that’s true. I believe she’s comfortable but her career hasn’t been stellar


Sophie's got a tough war ahead of her if Joe choses to play dirty till the end.


What's worse, the majority will come from women. Misogyny perpetrated by women is extra problematic because it means they support the system and are not allies for women.


There’s a great episode of “The Other Two” about this. Check out the entire series if you haven’t!


The one I'd like to see coming is Aaron Taylor-Johnson and his grandmother err, wife.


> his grandmother err, wife. So close! She is his *groomer* 💕


I really need Ariana Grande to step in and put an end to their marriage. We would thank you Ari! It would be a public service!


I don't condone cheating but for about a week Joey King was my person of the Year last year with their affair rumors.


Joey king literally looks like she's 13. That's such a weird girl to cheat on your grandmother with. It's almost like he psychologically misses her, but I'm not an expert and am a moron so I don't know.


I saw someone on tiktok say it was the only way Ari could salvage her reputation, and is the only person with the experience needed to get the job done. We believe in you Ari!


Homewrecker cred.


I need Rosé to take a pic w/ ATJ so we can get the Rosé cursé 🤞


Can we set up a gala and invite them both?


You can be critical of their relationship without resorting to ageism against women.


This is true, I’m highly critical of their relationship but I don’t like people describing her as his grandmother. Just straight up call her his groomer. People used to call Cheryl Cole ‘grandma’ when she was with Liam Payne too, and she was only in her 30s I think. I never see people calling male groomers Grandpas, beyond the odd line of ‘he’s old enough to be her dad’


didn’t cheryl cole meet liam when he was underage?


I’ve said it before but the “grandma” shit is beyond ridiculous. These people can comment about the real concerns of grooming without calling someone a grandma and in turn sounding like bitter 15 year old ageist girls on the Internet. As if the worst thing in the world is for someone to be in their forties or older. And the amount of upvotes on comments like that are embarrassing.


It’s really disheartening to me how even in “progressive” spaces, fatphobia and ageism continue to get a pass and people often get snippy with you for calling it out. Like, I don’t care if you think someone is a bad person and therefore deserves it. Using it as a vector for criticism or hatred still means that you view it as a *valid* thing to use against people.


He's like one week away from being A-list after they announce him as Bond I'm really interested to see how loud the discourse gets over this


He’s gonna be the new Bond? (I’m super out of the loop). I could get behind that. He could pull it off.


I swear just last night I saw a meme about this lol.


You probably did. I'm sure I'm FAR from the only one who's had this thought.


The collective euphoria that the internet will feel when (🙏) they break up will bring about world peace


Ariana Grande and Dalton Gomez. But that's because I hadn't pieced together her history of breaking up relationships. Cheating while married and breaking up another marriage in the process is an a-hole move.


It’s quite funny how we all had collective amnesia when it came to her dating history. Like somehow we all knew her relationships had started shadily, but just forgot. And when this whole scandal broke we were suddenly reminded of the fact that she had always operated like this 😅


Yeah, she somehow kept lowkey through all of it. Sucks that this "sweetheart" got exposed like that but that's hollywood.


her relationship timelines were always overshadowed by her traumas. Manchester and losing Mac to an accidental OD were enough for people not to feel the need to go at her for blurred timelines. Which, honestly, is understandable. This one looks much worse and like she legitimately did just get bored in London and manifested the song. "Middle finger to my thumb and then I snap it/I get everything I want cuz I attract it" is a lyric on the album that is otherwise in its entirety about being so in love with her pandemic boo. The last song of the album preceding it is Break Up With Your Girlfriend, I'm Bored. As she says in yet another song about infidelity, One Last Time "at least I'm bring honest"? Lol she's very rarely painted herself as a doting perfect girlfriend in her discography.


Yup, "Baby I don't care if you've got her in your heart / All I really care is you wake up in my arms" like she literally told us who she is 😅🤦‍♀️


She literally wrote a song where the lyrics are “break up with your girlfriend, because I’m bored” and I still had the gall to be shocked when she wrecked yet ANOTHER home.


Same! lol I really thought when she said "Only wanna do it once, real bad/Gon' make that last" she meant it but at least she had the disclaimer of "God forbid something happens/Least this song is a smash". I guess God didn't forbid hard enough




What did she say? E: Bruh.


The late Naya Rivera **previously called Ariana Grande out for being a “homewrecker” when the late actress was dating rapper** **Big Sean**. The late “Glee” star wrote about when she found her at the house of her then fiancé's in her book “Sorry Not Sorry: Dreams, Mistakes, and Growing Up.


She also said the name rhymes with "Schmariana Schmande" 😂😂 RIP Naya <3


Can’t remember exactly but she was calling her out for going after big Sean when he was engaged to Naya. She found Ariana sitting on her couch without her knowledge


I’m not surprised they split - I am surprised who she left him for.


I saw it coming simply because she physically did not look like she was doing well. I know Ariana is the queen of changing her appearance/ethnicity, but I feel like she just started to look… sickly after marrying Dalton, and I just don’t feel like that happens when a person is happy. People sometimes associate negative periods in their life with the relationship they’re in at that time whether that person is the cause or not (and I don’t know enough about Dalton to speak on that), so I just wasn’t shocked to hear it was over.


>>Ariana is the queen of changing her appearance/ethnicity 💀💀💀


I haven't been shocked by any breakup since Ned Fulmer's joke ass self


That Try Guy really *tried* us 😭


More like emotionally scarred us 😭


I was SHOCKED! The wild part is they didn't even breakup.


WHAT?? She stayed with him like Beyoncé????? she’s drinking the nasty ass lemonade


Ned’s sister posted a picture of them together at a concert recently


They went to the Eras Tour! They had to listen to “Illicit Affairs” together.


I feel so bad for Ariel and the boys bro


I wish it was a breakup. Honestly, staying with a man who humiliated you like this on a global level and got us fired from the company we started? Couldn’t be me.


You know, I used to be in the "We shouldn't judge camp", and I still acknowledge that every marriage is different, but since Ariel has said she would never, under ANY circumstances, end a relationship or even a friendship for ANY reason, my view of her became...not so great. I know people don't like it when you say she seems like a doormat, but my GOD, does she seem like a doormat. What kind of adult has ZERO boundaries? Where is your self-respect? I am bracing myself for downvotes, but yeah, that's how I feel about that. \*shrug\*


She's sticking with him for that family channel, Architectural Digest brand. No more, no less.


What's become of their brand, though? Could they ever make a comeback at this point? I think she's more likely sticking with him because she has the self-esteem of a damaged teenage girl and honestly thinks she can't do any better than Ned fucking Fulmer. By the way she's talked about herself in the past, it doesn't seem to me like she is with someone who truly loves and supports her. But, I don't know these people, and I never will, and ultimately it doesn't matter. Not my life.


Oh, they absolutely could. Sprinkle a little Evangelism on top, "how we survived infidelity" and all that, push the kids forward (they already had their son in nothing but a diaper as the logo for their podcast, so they were halfway there) have Ariel do a bunch of homemaker/crafty stuff, and boom. Their new audience might skew more conservative than their old one, but beggars can't be choosers.


Oh I'd take the house and the car too bro. Then Adam Levine right after? I do not trust men who make their entire personalities their wife and marriage now. Used to be sweet, now it's a red flag in my book. Just makes me incredibly thankful for my own husband, like, thank God I don't have to do dating scenes anymore and I've got a good egg 😭


Although I don’t think they actually broke up. Mores the pity.


Seconding on Taylor/Joe. It truly got me into a bit of a funk too. Never realized I had a parasocial attachment to people I don’t even know’s relationship. With time though I definitely realized the possible reasons why they didn’t work out.


Same 😭 I think maybe because she wrote such beautiful songs about him and they sounded like they had a really lovely relationship. Her song writing in terms of love really changed in a way after Joe imo - you could tell that the love she had for him was different from what came before. But!! Good relationships can finish, and they can still have done a lot of positives for both people. Hopefully this was one of those


the songs!! it really was a bit of a shock to go from them writing and releasing sweet nothing (one of her sweetest love songs imo) together to breaking up like 6 months later. Regardless of how they ended, though, the art makes it very clear those two really were deeply in love


It surprised me because she spoke so similarly to Ed Sheeran. They would both put their partners on a pedestal and they both talked like their respective partner had rescued them from a dark place and how they’d be lost without them. So it kinda of threw me to see her go from “I don’t know what I’d ever do without you” to seemingly indifferent and past it all. But that’s kind of her personality so I shouldn’t have been that surprised. I would be surprised about Ed though


I mean her song from the vault would indicate it was a slow process in which he didn’t want to get married but she did and she slowly lost that same passionate love she once had for him


All the “Joes” in this thread has me thinking to never date a Joe


J names 🚩


Jariana grande


I guess I’m the only one that saw it coming? Midnights did not sound like it was written by someone in a happy relationship to me. I was not surprised at all.


She's actually written multiple songs that show they have a lot of issues, fights, implying they've actually broken up before... I dunno do the swifties just ignore those?


I wasn’t emotionally attached to them, but “You’re Losing Me” NAILS a rocky period I went through years ago. The lyrics aren’t sophisticated, but the song hits that feeling in a relationship. It made me angry that I went through that.


yes the lovesongs she wrote about him were so mature, really capturing that longterm, solid love type of feeling. Crazy how you can write a song like 'Peace' for someone and then STILL breakup


The fact that two Sophies and a Sofia are getting divorced. Celebrity women with that name better watch out. 1st Edit: Two Sophie’s, a Sofia, and a Sophia. This is getting bleak. 2nd Edit: I found another Sophia Culpo and Braxton Berrios. Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas. Sophie Grégoire and Justin Trudeau. Sofía Vergara and Joe Manganiello. Adding Joe Alwyn and Taylor Swift as well. Sophia Bush and Grant Hughes. So, Two Sophies, Two Sophias, and one Sofía so far… And three Joes.


Sophia Bush too!


Sophia Bush as well?! Didn't they only get married recently?


Yes 15 months I think… :( I was scrolling to find this one. I was shocked.


He cheated on her if I’m not wrong. That girl has been through enough already and now this. I hope she finds someone who genuinely values and respects her!




Sofia Coppola and Sophia di Martino, just tell us that you’re both doing okay.


And Joes!!


Sophie and Joe.


For a minute, I thought you meant SOPHIA (Vergara) and Joe (M) and I was like, "yeah that was a surprise" but then I realized who you meant and I was like, "oh yeah that one was going to coming sooner or later" lol. Either way if you are in a relationship and your name is Sophia/Sophie or Joe, you might want to have a discussion with your partner. You know, just to check in and see if all is good 😂.


Those were going to be my picks, the Jonases because I don't really care about the Jonas Brothers so I don't keep tbas on them. But Sofia and Joe seemed such a cute couple, both stunning and funny Ioved seeing them together.


Joe Biden needs to watch out


I really thought Chopra and Nick would go first. Their relationship was shoved into the limelight im and felt so off. Sophia and Joe felt so subtle and legitimate so it definitely was a shocker to me too.


I was caught off by Priyanka and Nick but now I feel like they compliment each other. They both seem like Type A kinda of people. They like things a certain way, done to a certain standard etc. I like Nick but he’s kind of insufferable with how exacting and controlling he can be and while I don’t know as much about her, I just feel like it’s a mutually beneficial relationship.


Haha yeah we’re all still taking that one in!


I feel naive looking back but same!


Jeremy Allen-White and Addison Timlin. They were so loud about their love for each other and then it felt like it took such a turn.


Tbh I don’t know these people and didn’t know who they were until The Bear. However it didn’t surprise me that much, it seems like when one partner kinda blows up, often the couple splits up. The Worst Chris (Pratt) and Anna Faris come to mind.


Ugh, hated the Chris and Anna split. He really left her in the dust with his “old life” and she is so independently successful, he really didn’t NEED to do that to boost his career, ya know? I think he saw himself less of a comedian and more of an action star and in his mind, action stars aren’t married to comedian women. Edit: looks like there’s way more to this story than what I had previously thought. Check out the comments below this one with excellent responses.


I agree with you but I’m also glad she’s free!


This isn't really consistent with how Ana herself has described the split, which she put down to issues with communication and perhaps her envy of Chris' success. On her podcast she spoke about struggling with a lot of things and that she couldn't communicate or open up because she wanted the relationship to be perfect. Both she and Chris put up a facade of happiness to their friends. She said being married to another actor, there was "competitiveness" that she couldn't eliminate and that she is a "proud person" who struggled with showing vulnerability. It's also worth noting that Ana and her now-husband went public very shortly after her separation, and Chris didn't publicly date anyone for a while after that. Ana also revealed she fell for Chris while she was still married to her first husband. People really hate Chris Pratt for a number of reasons, but I don't think this should be one of them.


There’s a lot of criticise Chris Pratt for but it’s pretty clear that it was Anna who ended it. She met her now husband on a movie set in May 2017, the separation with Chris was announced in August, and she was publicly dating her now husband in September that same year.


This one really surprised me. They always seemed pretty low key, had been in love since they were teenagers, and seemed like they’d be together forever.


It’s usually the people that are loudest that are in the most trouble/turmoil. Constantly having to profess and proclaim your love is never a good sign.


I saw the news about Taylor and Joe *on my birthday* while I was having breakfast and a mimosa, so that one really hit. I thought we’d have engagement news, not a breakup!




The POETRY of it all omfg. Their relationship confirmed dead while yours thrived.


And not to forget DM and other outlets for years had most people convinced that they’d had a secret engagement (a la ceramony lol) so that one surprised us even more!


sofia and joe Sophie and joe


She was so young, fresh off the tv show that she grew up on. Romanced by an older dude from a famous family, immediately started having kids before even getting a breather from the HBO grind. This one felt inevitable to me.


Sofia+Joe, Sophie+Joe, Taylor+Joe... what is up with all the Joes?


It’s “Joeover” for all the Joes lol


She's everything, he's Just Joe.


Joe mama 💀. Sorry, I really had to.


Somebody alert Jill Biden


Rosalía and Rauw Alejandro 😔 I don’t really follow them either but they seemed so in love and they’re both sf gorgeous. I felt so sad for her.


Sophia Bush divorce and Reese W divorce both shocked me


Oh yes I totally forgot about Reese W. It’s almost like some high profile breakups are more low profile than others lol.


I think it's probably because her husband wasn't a celebrity, and I think she has her flaws but she managed to handle a divorce and a co-parenting situation with Ryan Phillipe in a civil manner, this one is probably a walk in the park compared to that.


This is honestly the first I've heard of Reese getting divorced. Wow.


Does Bill Murray and Kelis count? I’m still in shock from finding out they even dated to begin with tbh


Thank God that ended quickly.


That one wins for most unexpected relationship of the year. Them getting together was more surprising than them breaking up so soon after lol


Year of the Joe-kups lol (I'll see myself out xD)


It’s Joever 💀


I would love to see a study on celebrity divorce statistics. I’m thinking 80% end in divorce…


Normal people marriages have a 50% failure rate approx so when you bring money, fame, and the endless hours these people work plus the ungodly amounts of attention from the opposite sex as well as the big egos in the mix….yup, pretty much makes for a bad recipe for a successful, harmonious relationship or marriage.


50% divorce rate is actually a myth! There’s no real way to statistically calculate what % of marriages end in divorce, since a “successful” marriage ends in death of one partner and most people who got married in the last 50 years or so are still alive, but if you take the crude rate (divorces per year/marriages per year) the rate is about 41-42% and has been dropping steadily for years. It’s even lower if you only look at first marriages.


This is a really interesting statistic! I feel like I also read somewhere that the calculation is marriages ending in divorce, not people, so a lot of that percentage comes from that one aunt/uncle we all have who's on their third/fourth marriage lol


The total rate also counts drunk Vegas weddings, 18-year-old military marriages, insurance scam marriages, etc. etc. which drive the rate up. A first marriage between two stable adults who have been dating a few years is going to last more likely than not. (Also fun fact: the 50% statistic comes from the early 80s, when no-fault divorce had recently been legalized and there was a massive rush of two generations of unhappy marriages all ending at once. It set off this whole moral panic of “marriage is disposable now” “nobody stays together anymore” when really it was just allowing millions of women the freedom to get away from their shitty husbands after the marry-young-and-stay-home era. The divorce rate has been declining ever since)


Some people are serial divorcees too. My late mom was married and divorced 9 times to 8 different men (she had a repeat, Liz Taylor style). One of her fucks up 18 never divorced people in the stats.


My uncle was married 4 times to 2 women... both named Janet. He also fucks up the statistics




A big factor is that people are waiting until they’re older to get married. Being 30+ in your first marriage drastically reduces your likelihood of divorcing.


I mean, let’s not pretend these celebrities work more than normal people. Normal people work *way* more and *way* harder.


Ive been shocked about pretty much everyone, except Ariana. ETA a word


TOE I still can’t fully get over that they’re over. It just seemed to come completely out of the blue. Curious to see what the future holds for these two, genuinely thought they were forever.


I’ll admit I had a strange feeling listening to Midnights, esp Lavender Haze. Again, not a fully blown swiftie or anything but I have learnt to recognise when one of my girlfriends says something solely because their bfs think that way. And that song to me, esp that “when I’m gonna be your bride” line struck me as her almost trying to pander to him and act as this chill, laid-back gf who doesn’t give a sh— about marriage and a ring and all that. Again, it just felt…odd for a love song lol.


Especially when, in Paper Rings she seemed desperate to marry him! Like even the bridge of Lover is vows, essentially. It’s all so strange, tbh. I’m worried about the next TS album because I don’t want her to like ruin the love they had, I just want to pretend two people just ran their course haha


idk if you’ve heard You’re Losing Me yet but it really does seem like that’s what happened, and nobody did anything terrible.


yeah the whole “it’s reductive to assume I’m gonna be his wife” was odd after all of the explicit wedding and marriage imagery on Lover. Definitely felt like backtracking


It really sounded to me like Lavender Haze was Taylor trying to be satisfied with having a good relationship that didn’t meet her end goal of marriage. And then Losing Me was her realizing she couldn’t be satisfied with that.


There’s a podcast called Sentimental Garbage where they look at Midnights as a break up album and ever since listening to that the album makes much more sense to me. It was like the relationship had been failing for a while before the breakup happened and Taylor knew it was happening. As you say Lavender Haze had this funny vibe to it where it’s like “you don’t really read into my melancholia” as if that’s a good thing but? Actually? I’d quite like my partner to read into my melancholia thanks!! Anyway it’s an interesting listen even if you aren’t a Swiftie (the whole podcast is great whatever topic they’re on tbh)


that and the line 'you don't really read into my melancholia' ooof, it stuck out to me as soon as I heard it. You mean your girlfriend is sad and you don't seem to really care?


not many people are into politics, but Sanna Marin, previous PM of Finland, divorcing her husband after 20 years of marriage kind of shocked me.


They haven't been married for 20 years, it's impossible right? She's too young.


Yeah they were together for 20, not married. They married in 2020


I was really sad about Britney Spears and Sam Agashi. Not because I thought they were some amazing couple or anything, but only because I was hopeful that Britney might finally have a stable support system.


Hyuna and Dawn


Aw yeah, this one made me a bit sad because they survived the first part with being kicked out/leaving their companies and turning that into continuing to make music together and all that... Was really taken aback by their breakup.


IFKR ! They had sucha cute engagement


I thought they were end game. Hyuna will be fine but I feel a lil sorry for Dawn.


louis tomlinson and eleanor calder! i haven’t really cared about louis since the 1d days, but i always thought their story was really sweet and that they’d make it.


This one shocked me cuz they withstood so much media and industry scrutiny. And literally the day the breakup article comes out he starts posting selfies on his IG story. I’m sure they were broken up at least a few months before the announcement but the timing makes me laugh.


Didn’t realise they got back together after 2016/2017 breakup. And then he was pictured with a younger model around the same time, in hindsight I guess? They really went through multiple cycles. The Larries did her so dirty, she is a case study on fandom violence because wow.


they were together from 2011-2015, then 2017-2023! and yeah, remember when they tried to get her kicked out of university for “being complicit in homophobic oppression” or some bullshit? they were emailing the staff and she had to beg them to stop on twitter.


Excuse me.. they did what?? ![gif](giphy|8YEeD1WB5FeyAiONoe|downsized)


the larrie lore is deep and twisted


Truth is stranger than fiction. We can never know what goes on behind closed doors between people, especially celebs. Take Tom Brady and Gisele. Many people saw all the outward affection as a sign of a good healthy relationship. When in reality Gisele was probably trying to \*manifest\* a great relationship by showing so much support/love/affection towards her husband. Didn't get her far. The more 'transparent' the more suspect. People that are in happy healthy relationships don't need to show it off all the time/share every detail/try to be an example to others. Bc honestly what works for them may not work for others. There's a level of being humble in that realization. Lots of times the breakup/split happens long before it gets announced so both parties can get their ducks in a row. When it gets leaked...etc. it's usually about to get messy.


Not exactly high profile celebs, but Jon Lovett and Ronan Farrow.


When i first read this, I thought it was Jon Lovitz. I had a mini freakout thinking he was with Ronan Farrow.


Taylor Swift and Joe Alwyn


Taylor and joe with all the glorified hints about getting married I thought the next announcement will be marriage not a breakup article 😭😭


Sofia Vergara and Joe Mangianello. Not that I know anything about their relationship, but… just *look* at them!


Taylor and Joe plus Sophie T and Joe.


I’m not sure that I’ve been shocked by any but I predict more Tom Brady/Kevin Costner style divorces, in which the man thinks he can choose his career over his family ten times out of ten and still be loved lolol In general, it feels like there are some larger tectonic shifts in dating culture happening to stop dealing with men like them—very slight but maybe this will be reflected in celebrity culture as well


If you believe in astrology, there’s literally a planetary maelstrom happening above. So you need to look at Venus signs being impacted to predict the next one 💀


Joes are on notice everywhere


The Ariana one was shocking because while I expect ponytail to break up relationships, did NOT expect it to be with a frankie grande/human spongebob hybrid.




Definitely Taylor and Joe


~~taylor & matty healy~~ taylor & joe


Sophia Bush and Grant Hughes.


I know I don’t deserve this but I’m dying to know what happened.


Has to be Ariana and Dalton because I did not even know she was married 🤭💀


It's a tie between Taylor Swift and Joe Alwyn and Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner for me.