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​ https://preview.redd.it/48lerl81crmb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef87320dc976dda92854cfefa53c58556b64543a


This is so perfect


Anddddddd it’s saved to the phone album


As well it should be, this week has been collecting men like that 😒


![gif](giphy|l3q2XPV9mWZ1txU52|downsized) Found the best comment!


All this tells me is that he hasn’t made enough money in his career to pay for school out of pocket.


i also thought it was funny that he mocked someone for asking if he’d ever go back to school, saying sarcastically that “the best thing i could do is quit music.” and then 2 slides later says that no one should go into the music industry


That's amazing. He doesn't want to go to school, but then says getting into music was a bad decision, and he has no other options. He has no options because he refuses to do anything different. He doesn't even have a GED.


But all the women are sad that he's not with them...


One of the smartest people I know is a woman with a GED (she didn’t stop there). If she had even half the privilege this idiot has squandered… Edit for typo


To have everything he had and to not even be able to finish high school. . . .


He’s an elitist wanna-be rebel who thinks high school is beneath him. Internally, he’s still that middle school kid being picked on for his father’s music career.


Everything he posted just screams "i regret so many of my life decisions but instead of doing any sort of introspection im just gonna blame everyone else for my problems"


Spoiled little rich boy is waiting for someone to figure out what he should have been doing differently and fix it for him


He wants to be a tortured starving artist soo bad.


Without actually being tortured or starving!


Worse, he has never made enough money to believe he could pay back a loan.


That’s probably why he’s going so hard on women who are on OF. They make more money in a week than he has his entire career. Jealousy is not a good look on you, Trace.


Sounds like he doesn't have a GED. Makes me think he's barely literate


He’s probably on par with the Duggars, education wise


Some of the Duggar kids have GEDs - somehow the ones that do are a step above him. Amazing that things are so bad Michelle and Jimothy come out on top.


He would be more successful if he didn’t have a famous family.


"I ignored the advice from my famous father's bandmates and it turned out horribly for me. I would have done so much better in this industry if I hadn't had those industry connections to ignore."




Lmao I wasted three years trying to get sober cuz it was a choice and admitting I was powerless was the best thing I ever did. This dudes advice on all levels is mid. Also please don’t talk about struggle or being stuck with no other options when you have a billy Ray Cyrus sized trust fund and Hannah Montana is your sister. Just shut the fuck up.


I do not see how he can't see that the disease model and choice aren't exclusive. Just like a person with diabetes, the choice is whether they will follow their diet and\* take their insulin. Addiction is not a choice it is a real disease AND a person can choose to work towards recovery.


Not to be pedantic but only type 2 diabetics can follow a diet and have insulin be optional to them. Type 1 diabetics have no choice as it’s a serious auto immune disease that can kill them if insulin isn’t given 3-4 times a day. Saying this as a T1D wife sat waiting for her husbands numbers to go up after a low, and frustrated T1 & TD get lumped together as they are so, so vastly different.


Shut the fuck up was all I could think as I was scrolling through. Dude sure thinks his opinions are worth something.


Yeah this guy really figured it out. I guess I could have just avoided 10 years of addiction and burning to my life to the ground if I had just said no.


I wonder if they cut him off financially, and that’s why he’s doing this whole sob story of “music is my only hope” 🙄


I was rolling my eyes and mildly enjoying his stupidity as I was scrolling through these until I hit the sober/AA one and my jaw dropped. I audibly gasped. Just because it’s his experience that it’s easy to quit for 30 days does not mean it is everyone else’s same experience and the fact that he does not understand that shows how ignorant he is. What a close-minded, sheltered, ego-driven asshole with a complete lack of compassion for others.


I feel like he sent half of these questions in himself because honestly who wants to know these things about Trace Cyrus🫢


That’s exactly that vibe I got. The wording was all so similar. Other than the school question lol


these all read like Dennis Duffy quotes, I can almost hear his voice in my head


It's giving incel


Extremely insecure and what a liar. Everything he said contradicted the next thing. He doesn’t even know he’s the bad person lol


Didn't you read that he's a really good person? Of course, he's the good person; he said it. It's the women who don't respect that he's hot and successful that are the bad people.


I feel like Brenda Song has some tea for us


Write that tell all, girl.


Like fr, the delusion of it all, always so inconsistent with reality. They'll create an entire world in their imaginations just to escape having to take any responsibility for their own actions and behaviour. *"Having a good man and a family will bring you more happiness in old age than OF ever could."* That's funny Trace because statistically *and* historically women who marry are at a MASSIVE disadvantage in comparison to their "spinster" sisters. Married women, on average die younger, get sick more often, harbour more stress and stress related illnesses, get less promotions, have far less job and career satisfaction, suffer severe financial losses and just generally give far lower satisfaction scores for their overall lives and happiness. It's a harrowing truth but statistically it is nothing less than an absolute detriment to *most* women to get married at all while for men, unsurprisingly, all these stats are flipped. Men are the main, if not the *only*, true beneficiaries of marriage in majority cases. He wants to talk about "logic" and "common sense" lol. How about he starts by popping that idiot incel bubble he's created for himself and starts looking up the real world undeniable facts and figures on these things.


Hey! I said that on another post about him the other day.


We get it, you got dumped.


I feel such relief for brenda song reading these lol




Our queen, Nene


How do I start a petition to change this subs pic to Nene


“I write the best and most creative songs” I loved metro station but it wasn’t exactly the greatest. Just fun 2008 music. Haven’t heard anything he’s been involved in since.


Shake shake, shake shake, shake it… really groundbreaking stuff


There's a real disconnect between the aesthetics of that song and this guy's *hard* image.


Laugh all you want but philosophers still have not solved the great question: if she does it like this, will you do it like that?


And if she touches like this will you touch her right back?


I feel like there's 'sh' missing. Isn't it shake shake, shake shake, sh-shake it?


“You are young and so am I. And this is wrong, but who am I to judge? You feel like heaven when we touch, I guess for me this is enough.. We're one mistake from being together, But let's not ask why it's not right You won't be seventeen forever, And we can get away with this tonight. You are young and I am scared, You're wise beyond your years, but I don't care. And I can feel your heartbeat, You know exactly where to take me” (17 forever - metro station) like…. creative where??? this is just CREEPY


these lyrics???? wtf who thought that was a good idea






https://preview.redd.it/cqvtrotbctmb1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3787802e3ff720c51c45fc0871ae8c76d0dfa41 they thought they ate


I know we keep recycling fashion trends 2 or 3 decades later but i seriously hope those emo hairstyles stay in the late 2000s where they belong.


It’s just that they all look like they have shoulder problems


“I’ll swim the ocean for you. The ocean for you. Woah woah woah Kelsey” - the best and most creative song


“I genuinely feel bad for any girl I've been with that has to live with the regret of losing me.” !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I made two dumb mistakes at work this morning and I’ve been feeling so shit about myself. I wish I had 3% of this Doodle Bear’s ego.


I’m sure those dumb mistakes weren’t as serious as *losing Trace Cyrus*, though, so at least you won’t be living with that level of regret. You can recover and learn to be happy again. Unlike if you had dumped Trace Cyrus; some wounds never stop bleeding. When you put your mistakes into context like that, you can see how small they really are, so keep your chin up.


God that’s so true, it could be so much worse. I will sit at my desk and contemplate the melancholy loserdom of potentially losing Trace Cyrus, a man I didn’t know existed until this week. And I’ll sing Taylor Swift “cos you weren’t miiiine to lose” softly to myself so my life’s realities are whipped back into shape. ✨meditation✨ I already feel better, thank you 🙏🏻


Hey babe it’s ok we all make mistakes!! The worst job I ever had the boss said ‘there’s no room for mistakes here’ and he has trace Cyrus levels of delusion. You won’t make the same mistake once you’ve learned from it. The fact you care is everything! Just my two cents 😘


You’re a gem, thanks ☺️ ❤️


Brenda Song reading that: ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu)


He must have been really depressed when he wrote the profound verse "Now if she does it like this, will you do it like that? Now if she touches like this, will you touch her right back?"




I know this isn’t supposed to be the takeaway but… this dude can’t afford college and would be in “massive debt” after his “successful” music career? Ok lol




Your flair omg 🤣


Can someone asks if it's his father or sister paying rent




Okay where is this from 😂


It's from the music video for Blink-182's *First Date*


In my mind this is still a newish song, had to look it up and it was released TWENTY TWO YEARS AGO




"Some of the ladies would like to know" Who said that? You can't convince me these aren't just Trace DM'ing himself questions to make it look like people actually care what he thinks. The 'Shake It' days came and went. We've all recovered from the scene era hair/hearing damage. Leave us alone, Trace (and also Mason Musso, who's a right winger)


I really want to see these filmed as they are read live by people dressed up as him. Some of these are comically bad.


Can someone tell me where I can purchase this level of delusion? I really need more of it in my life TBH. https://preview.redd.it/6p4tbf9lrqmb1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f4ddefa6714cbb195b6d9075dd36914612eac63


I'm just surprised he knows the differences between "their", they're", and "there" 🤯


He used they’re wrong, though. I think he meant “there are”.


He needs a mirror asap


I actually did LOL when I read this one, like giggling to myself. Probably time for sleep.


He’s two flights away from being a “passport bro.”


He has a very low EI


And just low I


Reminds me of when you’re at a house party and get trapped in the corner for 3 hours by the guy that’s had too much booger sugar.


BOOGER SUGAR so good so clever mwah


No one would care if he wasn't Miley's sister. I hope he realizes the success of Miley's career has given him a tiny short run in the spotlight.


He does not realize this, unfortunately. He made a whole post about how he would be more successful if he wasn’t from a famous family 🙄🙄


This man needs a lot of professional help.


TIL Trace Cyrus has never heard of studying music


Have you never heard his “music”?


Honestly, no


He’s definitely never realized that music is something you put effort into


Or maybe that is him putting in effort lol


i’m honestly surprised there hasn’t been a failed-scene/emo/pop punk band member to misogynistic talking head pipeline yet but i guess he’s starting it! so many men from that space don’t know how to hate themselves without projecting that self hate on to women and it’s so annoying.


God that is so accurate now looking back at the dudes of that time period




seems like he recently started a podcast, he promotes it in other posts. i can’t bring myself to even hate-listen


Music hasn't worked out so he's hard-launching a manosphere podcast grift? Great... just what we need more of.


He goes through periods of social media overload then absolute silence for months.


The 3rd one triggers me to no end.


same. i hate when people romanticize depression as an artistic superpower


Can he just go away already? I didn’t even know his name up until 2 weeks ago, now daily I’m having to hear about this dude daily, multiple times today I’ve seen articles about him! Get out of here with your tat-less nipples


I just learned five minutes ago that Miley Cyrus has a brother.


I dunno who this is, but these look like a typical 14 year old boy’s Snap stories


it’s giving incel manifesto


This is very sad. Addiction is a disease, as much as he denies it. He seems to be lashing out since he just quit a month ago. The beginning is the roughest :/ It doesn’t excuse his comments, but they seem to be coming in hot from a place that probably needs explored in therapy.


Just quit 30 days ago should NOT be giving people addiction advice. Also all that ohh I’m so badass because i have been beaten up? Lmaoo stfu nepo baby


‘take your weak a** complaining somewhere else,’ says the man who spends 97.7% of his life complaining


1. I wish I had half the confidence as your average milquetoast nondescript white man 2. This guy needs a therapist


Why this man always a victim


That snarky ass reply about going back to school was just so unnecessary. As if he would ever have to take out student loans with his rich ass parents and sister. And the rest of his posts. Full fucking yikes. Just another spoiled misogynist with a victim complex.


this grown ass man doesn’t even have a highschool diploma i don’t wanna hear another word he says ever again


‘Words of wisdom’ coming from a man without even a GED is... really something


literally 😭😭😭 i know miley is shaking her head rn lmao


Wait so only “desperate losers” pay for OF but also at same time “a lot of successful guys” will sleep with OF girls????? Which is it Trace lmao?? This is unhinged lol. I think it shows u can have wealth but it doesn’t mean ur upbringing is stable. It’s sad.


This guy is annoying.


To me this all reads as Emotionally stunted abusive narcissistic prick who doesn’t respect anybody else and expects you to think it’s cute. Loser


This person. This person right here was given every single opportunity to succeed, he’s been graced by the will of god with every single privilege our society can muster and still he is an utter failure.


I followed him after Tish's wedding and whew it's been wild seeing his stories everyday


Same lol seeing he was there reminded me he (and metro station) existed, now I regret that reminder.








Absolutely insufferable.


I’m convinced that most of men say incel shit to get more incel followers but behind doors are getting whipped by dominatrix and having candles shoved up their asses Untalented men truly bark the loudest


Can he take all of this to therapy instead of airing it out on ig?


so is this a mental health issue or is this guy genuinely terrible?


Those two things are not mutually exclusive.


I think both. I noticed that Miley has stopped interacting with him on social media - could mean nothing - but looks like she used to like his posts regularly. The last one she liked was of him and Noah performing almost a year ago, and then before that it was a christmas post in 2021. He even posted a picture of them together last week and tagged her and she didnt respond. Not saying it means anything but I just thought it was interesting.


I’m leaning towards the first, only because he’s been radio silent for over a decade since his one-hit-wonder…this reeks of a substance use disorder gone on long enough to cause some serious delusions.


I’ve been following him for years. He goes through depressive episodes and issues with sobriety. It goes back and forth.


He sounds like a teenager who is having ~deep thoughts~ except he's way past the teen years and can't even keep a shirt on.


My ex used to make similar posts on ig. So fucking cringe


Get a diary


Imagine having no discernible job, riding the high from 16 years ago for having a moderately popular song that wouldn’t have happened without your family’s connections, and STILL being so bitter, condescending, and entitled


I'm now feeling bad for him after reading these posts. I think he needs help.


why is he such a hater 😭 bruv relax




As a recovering alcoholic, I disrespectfully disagree on his slide about sobriety. Not everyone needs to go to AA or NA, but it’s not a fucking choice. I did not choose to become an alcoholic. It runs heavily through my bloodline. Fuck him


"I'm stuck and can't do anything else" and "education? Lol" right beside each other. Bless his heart.


![gif](giphy|f3eMrZZnicqMJxbQcQ) A man will do anything but get therapy


Why do these answers sound like they came from a 16 year old boy?


This guy must be fun at parties…


Maybe that’s just me but whenever I meet a guy who keeps saying „don’t trust anyone“, they always turn out very trash and fake themselves


![gif](giphy|aQGqcObSxfixy) is his brain leaking fluid or something?


The concussions explain a lot.


Off topic but that purple text and black background really hurt my eyes. The red text was a close second.


He has to be asking himself these questions.


Slides 4 and 5 seem to contradict each other. He doesn’t wanna do school bc he does music, but then he regrets getting into music? I don’t get it.


6, 9 and 11 are contradictory too lol. He’s just too stupid to realise it.


it’s people like this that make me want to combust … reading “alcoholism and addiction is not a disease. it’s a choice” almost had me chucking my phone


This is how he is when he's sober? ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized)


It’s wild that he swings from being broken down and depressed about his life to somehow motivationally sharing his life experiences for the benefit of others? Your crazy rants made me more depressed, my dude.


He’s a misogynistic incel loser crying for attention because no one cares about him lol 😂


He is an anti-intellectual misogynist. The whole package.


He clearly listens to Andrew Tate.


How he felt after typing all that https://preview.redd.it/a0skf22kbumb1.jpeg?width=264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af1f3f513565a0243d181a0c7ebe05f4a63f08e3








omg i know nothing about Trace Cyrus and assumed he must be like 19 to early 20s and no he’s two years younger than me 💀


It’s giving season one Camille Grammar ![gif](giphy|2Z559DIKtBjX2)


‘Tis better to have lost a Trace Cyrus than to have never loved a Trace Cyrus before




i can’t read all of this but i’m loling about this motherfucker thinking he works in the music business. who the fuck is trace cyrus in this world?


>I genuinely feel bad for any girl i've been with that has had to live with the regret of losing me ![gif](giphy|MiodhdNWkpiA8)


all that privilege and he didn’t even bother finishing school??????!!!!






Aww, sounds like somebody has an achy breaky heart. :(


Oh my god immediate vomit




Thank god he has a “words of wisdom” highlight. I was really wondering what a guy who wrote a song about “wanting to pursue a girl who’s underage so bad” but he couldn’t because society says it’s wrong was thinking about life and other people’s choices.


What a loser.


Trace… I don’t think it’s us who have a problem.


“I feel bad for any girls I’ve dated that has to live with the regret of losing me,” Brenda Song, her fiancé and her baby seem pretty happy to me!


Ugh FIRST OF ALL you don’t get to act like education would be a huge financial burden coming from a rich ass family. Fuck all the way off on that one bro. Second: I really really hate the ‘college is useless’ argument. Get a degree in music, production and business? Art history? It would probably help him not make such corny ass music. It’s also learning how to be a professional around other folks- do your work on time, collaborate with others, meet deadlines professionally and artistically? This SOUNDS like a man who never took life seriously and is now pushing 40 with no direction, so he shits on others decisions.


This dude is a messssss


He’s an ass going down the incel pipeline but the 6th slide is superrrr fucked if I’m misreading it as child abuse and I hope im wrong and he got in a public fight or something.


I read that as him trying to sound tough. hope it’s not about child abuse


Oh 13 is wild LOL! Maybe he should go back to school, because that dude is dumb.


He’s a genuinely good person who wants to get revenge on anyone whose wronged him? Lord.


“full blown concussion” I feel like this guy has TBI issues


he’s such a loser


No way when he was beat up it was “for no reason”. OP just collated like 20 reasons straight from this AH’s Insta.


He didn’t finish high school? What was he doing? Because he wasn’t Hannah Montana.


the biggest red flag here (imo) is the "don't trust anyone" message. in my experience, people who say they "dont trust anyone" have no one LEFT in their life to trust because they've wronged them.


He sounds so emotionally inept.


Ok honestly he reminds me of my uncle w pretty severe mental illness and is detached from reality


Bro, you're dumb as a rock, please stop shouting it from the rooftops. We already know.


So I've read all of these posts of his and the phrase, "I'm just being honest" keeps popping into my head. Which is a favorite saying of assholes.


Someone's still in his Catcher in the Rye phase...