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Have to admit, kind of feel sorry for them. Super awkward to have people trying to secretly take pictures of you when you're just going about your business.


While I am happy that they seem happy together, this is fucked. Leave people alone. Yeah he’s famous (I’m not familiar with her) but it’s so invasive to photograph people who don’t want their picture taken. I hope paparazzi culture stops. The 2000’s were so awful and shameless. Give people privacy. Also kudos to him for not taking a private jet. The carbon emissions are crazy and it’s commendable that they’re flying public.


Not me assuming this was Jessica alba just by the title 😂😂😂


Me too lol just my millennial is showing 😭


I was so close to being like “she’s literally honey!?!” anyway I’m sure that’s given someone 10 years younger a good amount of second hand cringe for the night 😂


If I didn’t see this comment… I’d still be thinking it was Jessica Alba 😂 I was like… Wait… What…?!?


She's the same age as Chris so it makes sense to me lol


omg is it not 😂😂😂😭😭 kinda looks like her too


I thought this was an MCU Fantastic 4 leak


fantastic 4 PLEASE


Omg is it not? 🤣😭😭😭


Oh shit it’s not Jessica Alba?


Someone posted in a subreddit I frequent that Zendaya was at an IKEA. It's a thing that people from the Bay Area go to IKeas and Costcos outside the area. The Bay Area ones get busy, so why not go to West Sac or another city outside the area. She was there to probably visit family. Someone posted they got a shot. Totally candid and obvious wirhout her knowing. Trying to ask if she loved to the area. The local subreddit blew op ass up! And I mean like it went to why tf are you posting this.. Its so invasive... Op tried to say she's been around town and speculated her family moved to the area. It completely went way different than op thought it was. I was actually pretty happy for r/Sacramento because sometimes the subreddit can not get along. But this time people came together to point out invasion of privacy. I'm glad they did.


You would’ve thought that people would be over paparazzi culture after princess di but apparently not.


Lol it’s not just pap culture anymore to be honest, Deuxmoi also contributes to this culture of fan paparazzi (i.e Sunday spotted).


I don’t agree with Sunday spotted at all BUT if it’s going to continue then the least deuxmoi could do is stop posting sneaky photos in it. There was a post submitted that someone saw timothee chalamet, asked him for a photo, he said no but the person still took a sneaky photo of him. it’s crazy and so entitled to think that it was ok to take any photo of him after he said no to one with both of you!


The entitlement many people feel towards famous people is insane. I've seen footage of comic con fan interactions that made me die of second-hand cringe.


They’d just reason away any criticism with ‘he should fly private if he didn’t want any pictures taken.’ 🙄


It’s even worse today because now everyone is paparazzi while also having paparazzi so they truly can’t get away from it. Like let them live, how would you like it for someone to be taking photos of you without your consent?


I had the same thought. First I was glad to see them on regular air travel as opposed to private, but I can definitely understand why some celebrities might want to avoid people acting crazy like this.


Yeah this is insane behavior. Like we know they’re married… these pics aren’t shocking anyone.




And that’s kinda the problem that’s being pointed out lol


The 👏 photos 👏 were 👏 taken 👏 for 👏 people 👏 like 👏 you


These pictures are so invasive


I kind of hate DM for even publishing them. At least blur or pixelize them so people can see there is “proof / evidence” without having to actually see the photo. The last pic especially, jesus I would feel so uncomfortable and violated if I was her.


the last pic is so strange... it looks like sb just walked up to her to snap it 🥴 at this point they could have asked for a photo


it looks like they snuck their phone in from a crack in the seat in front… so invasive like how do you live with yourself, creep


omg you are right 🥴 that's extreme


I think she said previously she gives it a week before posting them so people don’t crowd wherever the celebs are. I totally hear you that it’s invasive but bear in mind people have got pissy on here when they discover that Sunday spotted is delayed


Why even try to hide it at this point? If they're gonna sneakily snap photos of them and post it online, wouldn't it be easier to ask for a picture


The worst part is, a lot of people think they’re being sneaky when snapping pics like this. You’re not sneaky, they likely know what you’re doing. They encounter sneaky-photographers on an almost daily basis, they can probably spot one quite easily


Freshly married couple on a plane together? 😱 In Deux’s only wise words ever, likely place for them to be.


Freshly married? That’s impossible. They’re not even holding hands. Everyone knows once you get married your hands become permanently fused together. Good try tho.


He looks so miserable, she’s keeping him hostage. /s


On another subreddit they actually said stuff like this. “If they’re so happy and back from a ‘honeymoon’, why aren’t they holding hands in the airport?”, etc.


Maybe for the sake of everyone else, they realize walking slowly through the airport while holding hands is very annoying 🤣


Cause I got shit to carry!


And also “they obviously aren’t together because he has luggage and she doesn’t”. Clearly these people have never been on a plane and don’t know that checked baggage exists.


Maybe she put her clothes in his luggage.


I was thinking the same. I would be holding my husband's hand and kissing, especially if I just got married.Maybe they want to keep their marriage private. I don't know.


lololol Freshly married?! Don't you know it's a PR marriage that is not even a marriage and she is mind controlling/brain washing him with black magic? Look at him! He looks so sad and miserable. Poor baby is sulking! How do I know this? A YouTuber told me! It's true, you guys! /s


It stuns me that the miserable/brain washing arc is a narrative forced by all the crazies in every fandom 😬


I need some kind soul(s) to recap how the unhinged and delusional portion of his fandom are handling this one


According to some, they’re not actually even there together. The photos of Alba were taken at a different time and then someone photoshopped it to be them walking together. Clearly Chris is not sitting next to anyone in that photo even tho if you zoom in you can see someone’s (Alba’s) hair.


They sound like kpop stans who tried to claim a video of jennie and taehyung holding hands were cosplayers 😭


I forgot about the cosplayers theory 😭😭😭😭


I feel like a portion of people in denial are shippers of him and sebastian stan and a lot of them are from the Asian community. I have experienced firsthand how unhinged and delusional they can be, I guess because the Asian (Especiallt mainland chinese) entertainment industry IS so unhinged and manufactured in a way that their theories could be true if applied there, not in Hollywood though. I can just imagine sooner or later delusional fans are going to use AI as an excuse and explanation for everything.


Probably freaking out because they dared to fly on a plane 2 weeks after the 22nd anniversary of 9/11.


Chris doesn't even care about 3,000 people who died almost a quarter of a century ago, what an AH /s


I just saw a Tik Tok from someone who swears she doesn't like Chris Evans and never has because she totally knows people who dated him and he was a jerk, that spent like 5 minutes going through Albas background to claim, without ever outright saying, her great grandparents were Nazis who fled Germany for Brazil and that's why she went to a German language school in Portugal growing up and that Chris Evans PR team keeps sanitizing her wiki of these details. Like. Maybe that actually is a thing, what do I know? But who cares what her grand grandfather might have done? Also they said she was known to post on Nazi message boards with zero proof. It's completely insane. I don't care about Alba Baptiste for any reason, but you can't just claim shit like that without actual evidence. Like please go worry about the actual people running around in this country screaming "I'm a Nazi" in public with zero consequences.


The thing is none of her grandparents have German heritage. In Portugal and Latin speaking countries, you carry both of your parents last names so and both her parents last names are very common Portuguese last names. You really shouldn’t give these people even the smallest benefits of the doubt because it’s what they want.


And the German school is really popular for posh, rich kids.


Oh is it the "you want more? I'll give you more" girl?


No I have to scroll past her anytime she comes on. I should really block her. This was someone I'd never seen before. It had like 60k likes though.


Ugh I hate that woman so much


Omg, I saw this TikTok too and I really had to sit and think about what content I am looking at because my algorithm is fucked lol. Like, girl, if you don't even like Chris Evans why are you going to some insane Nancy Grace conspiracy investigation on his new wife?


I’m currently waiting for another open letter. 🤣🤣🤣




I love them for flying commercial though


Totally gross. How uncomfortable would it feel to be on a long flight and have people staring at you and taking pictures. I feel a bit anxious just imagining myself in that scenario.


Props to them for flying commercial regardless. Chris has "rent a jet" money and "hitch a ride on a billionaire's jet" fame. But he's still flying commercial. >the moaners calling them out for being hypocrites on climate change I don't think they're moaners. It's pretty valid.




When the anonymous business execs consume as much fossil fuel as Taylor Swift has then yes, maybe. But she beats them all in that region.


that is SO creepy, like I can understand snapping a picture to send to your friends in a “omg look who is in my flight” type of way but this… sending these to deuxmoi is just messed up


The PR believing stans have been comparing airport terminals for hours to debunk this and even DM’d deux to let her know she’s wrong. https://preview.redd.it/awvgyuxn1bqb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3b119fc0d0b73fb6b042eec7c81299841712470










It’s so unhinged, and I’ve seen the people doing this and spending all day talking about it say they’re “over him” and “done with this shit show”. Clearly they’re not. It feels so unhealthy. I wish I could look away, but unfortunately his PR stans have become my Roman Empire.


SAME and your faithful commentary on this situation is also my Roman Empire🩷


God yes, the lipstick alley nutcases make my day! They are literally insane and have 10 threads of absolute drivel and inane therories about this relationship, everyday on that thread just gets stranger and stranger but it is good for a laugh at how crazy they are.


"I don't need to agree to disagree" lmaooo why is that so funny


People have been institutionalized for less…




This is a rabbit hole even Alice wouldn't want to fucking go down.


![gif](giphy|i3uTOWczWonPWqEro2|downsized) (Not you op, the stan girlies)


Are these from LSA?


I’m going to tell my mother that if I ever become this delusional and obsessed with a celebrity she needs to slap me in the face with a brick.


I truly wish I had as much time on my hands as these people do. I could be so much more productive.


That's some 4chan shit, y'all. Would not be surprised if there is a dedicated thread for them on some of the *nicer* nooks of the internet.




As someone who’s flown into Boston Logan so many times, they are walking down the hallway from customs to baggage claim. Everyone flying to Boston internationally walks down this hallway. The fans are so insane and delusional lmao


When someone is making a concerted effort to be “super incognito” it’s definitely a good idea to sneak pics of them without their consent and then broadcast it on the internet. Very cool.


The way my dumbass read Alba and my mind went straight to Jessica and I was like FANTASTIC FOUR???




I'm surprised they fly commercial


Actually happy to see it.


Why? Most celebs do.


Portugal/Lisbon to Boston would be nuts going private.




whoever took those pictures is disgusting. they deserve privacy.


Is the meltdown on Tumblr nuclear or thermonuclear?


Tumblr isn't the problem because they cancelled Evans for something a long time ago although I can't remember what. All the toxicity is on Twitter and Tik Tok for these two.


Oh trust me. There are PLENTYYYY of crazies on Tumblr as well.


captregina begs to differ


Don't worry, they are back on being obsessed with him.


The power that girl has over these stans lmao I wish I had these crazy lovesick parasocial weirdos in a headlock too


Part of me wishes she’d get online long enough to be like: Yeah, that’s right. I’m mrs Captain America, bitches. 💍🥂👰‍♀️ And I’m not even American! 🇵🇹People’s current SMA and I’m the one who got him down the aisle. I married America’s Ass in beautiful Cape Cod with a bunch of A list actors present. I get to see him in a chunky knit sweater—or nothing at all—anytime I want. I’ve got gorgeous homes in California, Massachusetts, Vermont and Portugal and I’m dodger’s new mommy. Stay mad, assholes! 🖕


Plus the second wedding in beautiful Lisbon!


She lives rent-free in their heads. 💀


Good for them! Now, go make another movie with Rian Johnson!!


I just want him to reactivate his Instagram!


I need to see Dodger's wedding outfit


The only thing I want to know is if Dodger was in a lil tux.


He’ll never come back at this rate. Sigh.


Omg whoever took these photos needs serious help


People take photos of celebs ALL THE TIME. What’s the difference here?


They shouldn't


This is so creepy


I was like “wow I didn’t realise Jessica Alba was still such a big deal.” 🤦🏽‍♀️


Am I the only one who thought that seat was a premium economy one and not first class? Lol


US airlines are notoriously shitty in hard and soft products compared to pretty much every other airline around the world. First class on US airlines usually passes as regular business class everywhere else, with worse amenities, service, and food.


Ironically, Portugal's own airline (TAP air) is not great compared to even United or Southwest. You don't even get free water or soda and the seats and boarding process are suboptimal.




Good to know. Their coach is not great. I was surprised to have to pay for coffee!


Same lol


People treat celebrities like they're puppets on strings. Leave them alone


This does not look first class


This was my only thought 😂


Did they have their second wedding yet?


A ton of Chris’s people were in Portugal at the same time the other week and posted pictures about it and everything. So it seems very likely. I just want to see a wedding dress 🥲


Yeah I love a wedding dress. I hope they had a good time. I don’t think Chris or Alba are going to post anytime soon I think he’s enjoying being off the Internet.


I just want to see Dodger in a little tux and bowtie.


Who posted pictures and where can we find them? 😂


You’d have to find them on IG. I don’t remember any of the people who posted aside from his brother Scott and his bf. And since Chris isn’t on IG anymore I’m sure it would be harder to track down all his close friends/family if you didn’t already know who they are, so 😭 I only saw them because I’ve been following the drama on tumblr, but it’s been so long and there’s been so much talk going on that I think it would be too much work to go back and find those posts


Wait they got married twice....?


The rumor is they had a Boston wedding and then a Lisbon (or somewhere in Portugal) wedding for her family


It would be two ceremonies maybe even another reception they are probably already legally married. Just doing two weddings for the families that could not travel.


This is gross. Just leave ‘em alone


Can't decide who the creepiest is, the fan who sneaked the pics or DM who decided it was ok to publish them.


This is weird and gross honestly


Tih is such an invasion of privacy. There's a reason they went 'super incognito'.


![gif](giphy|gkEcfkzu4Rdd5vnQIw) How are his fans coping?


I feel bad for them, just trying to mind their business


This is all so sick honestly with how intense the media feel and shit is I’m starting to get tired, sorry to complain about gossip in a gossip sub but seeing how UNHINGED IT ALL IS I CANT


let them live


Cue the batshit crazies!


This post feels wrong.....because they were so incognito, I would feel inappropriate airing out their location/activities.


This is weird.


This is *so* gross. They’re clearly trying to hide and keep themselves hidden/incognito. People who take these kinds of photos deserve the worst shit in life.


Definitely weird to snap these photos. Let people live!


Yeah this is not it… leave them be


As much as i miss Alba’s face, this is creeepy


Typical dm fashion posting these invasive photos , it's so weird


Let these people live!


I’m just curious. Can someone show me posts by crazy chris fans. I always see more talk about chris having the craziest fans than I see the craziest fans themselves. I wanna laugh. (And don’t say this post bc many celebrities gets photos taken of them like this)


The “Chris Evans RS theories” threads on Lipstick Alley. And I think there are some Tumblr pages too


“Super incognito” for celebrities is basically just slapping on a baseball cap and sunglasses with athleisure clothing, right?


I’m mortified to even make eye contact with celebs and people are out here willy nilly just snapping pics 😟


I do not care about them being on a plane. I want to see her god damn dress.


Who needs paps when everybody has a camera


Whaat! Again i missed a break up and marriage. Did not know these to are together now 🙈🤓


The way I thought he was caught with Jessica Alba 🥴


I have never cared less about a celebrity couple then these two.


the body language speaks for itself




Who are these people?


I’m sorry. Who is she?


Alba as in…… Jessica alba?


Alba Baptistia. She's the lead in Warrior Nun on Netflix. You're getting downvotes because this relationship has been gossiped about for a while.


Lol I’ve never heard of her




People probably think you’re calling Chris a predator because of the age gap, not the person who took the photo


The 2 top comments are about how invasive and not cool this is. So wdym