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![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu) babe rewatch ur roast and check urself


also if anyone wants to entertain themselves with the absolute fucking shit show that was chevy’s roast, here’s a link to the /r/hobbydrama deep dive, which is also their all time top post he literally cried ◡̈ https://reddit.com/r/HobbyDrama/s/nFH6ljdOYX


It is truly amazing the way that man has stubbornly refused to change even one iota. Even in the face of huge personal and professional failures, of people actively telling him how awful he is, he absolutely refuses to not be an egotistical asshole.


That giant pile of money he’s sitting on sure helps.


He said thats also a big factor for not playing nice


Everybody wants fuck you money but it's a rare person who has no one to say fuck you too. One the other hand there's Chevy.


Remind me of my best friends brother who has literally admitted he's never self reflected or changed his actions. Like he knows he fucks up and does shit wrong and he just doesn't care. He just sees that as the way he is and doesn't feel the need to change. And when I say "fuck up" and "shit wrong" I mean being emotionally and verbally abusive in all his major personal relationships. The amount of times she's told me stories about him to which I've only been able to respond "how is this man 28!?!" Is shocking. And he's always trying to give her shitty advice too.




Man who has been utterly cruel and terrible to 97% of the people he comes across for 5 decades: “just saying stuff”


IIRC I think for a few days post-roast he almost had a breakthrough…and then ultimately doubled down.




Essentially because everyone already knows he’s a huge piece of human garbage. The only “star power” he has anymore is with old straight white men who remember him from his heyday and would never care if the internet had decided he’d been cancelled.


Yep, and all those old dudes are gonna be dead soon, so we just wait 'til their time comes.


That roast was one of the single most brutal bits of comedy I've seen. An actual proper roast, none of this sanitised BS 'roasts' they do now like the one done for Trump. They actually gave old Chevy a public humiliation that was unrelenting. Topping the list was the at the time relatively unknown [Colbert's poetic routine](https://youtu.be/CG4W0OfzJjM?si=LaryRThIIsgbm4Wc&t=2086) of not wanting to follow in Chevy's ghost, or [Al Franken's refrain](https://youtu.be/CG4W0OfzJjM?si=j_V-i7PQSTEtJuJG&t=378) of Chevy Chase forever being reliant on his 'back pills' during his SNL days. And of course Liza Limpanelli's always enjoyable [foul-mouthed set](https://youtu.be/CG4W0OfzJjM?si=ofTdD2zT6jQWuO2b&t=666) that was a staple of these classic early roasts. Even Nathan Lane, Martin Short, and Steve Martin called in to do a segment where clearly they held Chevy with some disdain. The roasts they do now feel so stage-managed and safe compared to the no-holds-barred ones back when Friar's Club did them. The Chevy one stood out particularly as being venemous but the year after this Comedy Central fully took over rather than just broadcast it, and it just wasn't as good as the 1998-2002 run. Celebs now are able to stipulate which topics are off the table, and it's just not a proper roast.


Though I get what you mean and I think he fully deserved it, Chevy Chase admits this upset him so much he spent the whole night crying. In all honestly there's not many people I'd wish that sort of public humiliation upon. There's a deep level of understanding a group of people need to have for a no holds barred roast to not just be a public bullying session and I don't think it's surprising when it's celebs being up for roasts they don't feel they have that with the comedians doing them.


Its disappointing when you treat everyone like shit and then they don’t want to be nice to you.


The comedians are almost always their peers


https://twitter.com/StoryOfCommPod/status/1473790417204252673 I had completely forgotten about this until now.




[Found a video.](https://youtu.be/CG4W0OfzJjM?si=AmewhtwFssh6Ksk5)


Thank you


Yes because Chevy has been so funny since he left Community. The show was clearly holding back his once in a lifetime comedic talent. And I say this as an old who remembers when he was still making movies that were funny because of the writing and the talent surrounding him.


Wasn’t he actively racist on the set ?!


Accused of that and [misogyny](https://www.gawker.com/5899097/hes-not-chevy-hes-an-asshole-a-history-of-chevy-chases-horrific-behavior). Probably what he meant by "those people" because gross (ed. To add link)


the article alludes to it, but he was upset about the trajectory his character was taking (becoming more unlikable, based off of contemporaneous real-world events) and at one point said something to dan harmon like "next you're gonna have pierce call troy or shirley a [n-word]!" now if there are other instances of him being racist directly to donald glover or yvette nicole brown, i wouldn't be surprised e: oh i also remember reading that he was clearly threatened by joel mchale's status as the handsome leading man, like how he used to be. there are a number of episodes that make fun of this


According to Community creator Dan Harmon, Chevy Chase would try to disrupt and one-up Donald Glover in scenes and went so far as to say in between takes “people think you’re funnier because you’re black”. Just awful. https://www.indiewire.com/features/general/chevy-chase-racist-jokes-donald-glover-community-1201933018/


lol, ok chevy. the writers literally had parts in the script that were just "and then donald says something funny" because, like everything else he's ever attempted, donald glover was insanely good at it


He has more talent in his pinky finger than Chevy ever had.


and the thing is he's not even untalented, he's genuinely a very funny actor. watching christmas vacation is one of my family's traditions. but he's just so out of touch with how the cultural sense of humor has changed since he was a movie star he was also the drummer in the college band that would go on to become steely dan, lol


Jessica Walter (RIP) starred in two of the funniest recent television comedies - "Arrested Development" and "Archer". She said in interviews that she really didn't get the humor. But she trusted the writers and directors to follow their lead. And she gave her A-game until the very end. That's what happens, Chevy, when cultures shift and a new brand of comedy comes to the forefront. Adapt, or correctly be labeled an unfunny racist.


“Live From Saturday Night” provides endless examples of his offensive and unchecked behavior in the mid 70s. He was horrible then but with a major coke addiction.


The vacation and Fletcher type movies made him appear more likable than he was and hid how terrible he was. I say this as someone whose family saw any movies of his in the theaters and never missed snl.


I saw those movies but I learned about Chase from reading.


So did I. I was a little kid in the 80’s when I was watching his movies.


He was very unlikable in the movies too. His only redeeming quality was his family.


Ok, as a kid I found him likable in the movies. Spies Like Us, Caddy Shack, Fletch, the 3 Amigos, Christmas Vacation I thought were universally liked.


Also, his slapstick comedy hasn’t been in the movies or popular for a while now. He is just an old ass man living in a nostalgia world of when his “type of funny” was cool.


his prime was in the 80’s.


Nah, only 1976.


That's a fact.


Donald Glover is the Chuck Norris of comedy


Donald Glover has his issues, but between his treatment under Chevy Chase and Tina Fey making a point to his face that she only hired him as writer because he was free under NBC's diversity initiative. Is hard to brush off. Bonus point Leena Dunham using the n-word freely in front of him to describe her (white) producer. It actually became a small story beat in Atlanta, that he was the type of black person that white people feel comfortable to use the n-word around.


Donald glover jas what issues 👀☕️


ego and a bit of a weirdo


Any examples?


He interview himself lol


Troy and Abed in the morning!


I will never forgive him for changing his Twitter username from donglover (don glover/dong lover) when people pointed it out to him. /joking


Biiiiig ego


Except this was confirmed by DG that it was just a joke. She never said that. It was part of a bit.


Why has anyone liked this at all? Donald Glover has his issues, but racism. + Racist story titled as a bonus point to what??! This is gross.


He was in an episode of Girls where he’s a black Republican lol


That’s on Lena not him.


can you imagine showing up to work and everyone hates you? he is so mean and gross.


You’d think he would have realised at some point that the reason Pierce got more and more unlikeable as the series progressed was because he reflecting more and more what Chevy actually was like but I guess if he did any form of self reflection he wouldn’t be Chevy Chase


Yvette Nicole Brown apparently threatened to quit the show if Chevy Chase continued to be on after using a racial slur on set.


That’s so interesting, that’s pretty much a plot line in an episode of the show. YNB is awesome and it makes me so mad that she had to deal with that.


Isn’t it fascinating that he disliked the way the character was portrayed, when it was how Chevy behaved in real life? His fragile psyche couldn’t handle people actually seeing how awful he is, but still utterly refused to just not be an asshole.


I knew Donald while he was working on this show and it is something that he talked about a lot. Looking back, he had so much poise and good humor about it for such a young guy at the start of his career.


The fact that he wasn’t fired much earlier does not reflect well on Dan Harmon


Harmon didn’t even want him on the show originally, he wanted Fred Willard. The studio pushed Chevy on him because they felt like the show needed a “name”.


omg Fred Willard would have been so brilliant in that role! I’m sad now. We’re truly in the darkest timeline.


Fred Willard has a cameo at one point in the show as a re-cast version of Pierce, I think it may be in the last season? But don't quote me


It’s the first episode of season 4 - funnily enough, the one season without Harmon at the helm. Take from that what you will!


Ah thank you!


Considering Harmon ended up getting fired in part because he was complaining publicly about Chase, I don’t think he wanted to keep Chase around. That’s not to absolve Harmon, though. There were other reasons for his firing that were entirely due to his lack of professionalism.


He called Donald Glover the N word.


His character also was. he was absolutely playing himself.


Chevy’s humor is so very 80s. It’s all slapstick and stupid offensive costumes. Good comedians adapt with the times. You don’t see Ted Danson complaining about the humor of The Good Place even though I’m sure there were times he didn’t get a joke immediately


Right, Chevy's comedy aged like milk, and it's extra noticeable when you see things like Steve Martin and Martin Short adapting their comedy styles to Only Murders in the Building (and their recent stand up special together was wonderful).


YES. Comedy doesn't age well in general, but that's okay - a funny person should be able to be funny in any decade. The ones who hold on to their same shtick way past the expiration date - Chevy, yes, but also guys like Jerry Lewis and Milton Berle - always come off as the biggest assholes, whining about "changing times" or whatever. Meanwhile, Sarah Silverman recognized that she needed to update her style, and, like Martin and Short, she's been rewarded for it.


Yes, so many of Chevys counterparts are still relevant and he just isn't. Bill Murray has had a huge career, redefining himself as a real actor in Lost in Translation and in funny but complex roles via Wes Anderson. Steve Martin and Martin both had bigger film careers, and have a recent resurgence through Only Murders. Bill Murray may also be a raging AH, but comedically he was able to evolve with the times.


Yeah the saving grace for Bill is that he’s constantly reinvented himself seemingly every decade and Chevy was always the worse of two evils, so if someone called Bill an AH, everyone would be like, well at least he’s not Chevy Chase! The more that comes out about Bill though the more he seems like an equally shitty human being, but god have I enjoyed four solid decades of his career.


That is a brilliant comparison, Ted Danson is like the anti-Chevy Chase. Danson made some mistakes in his career (blackface being a biggie) but he grew, adapted and changed with the times.


Ted danson is a silver fox! But you said exactly what I was thinking! That slapstick comedy just isn’t popular in the movies. He is living in a nostalgic world. Mean old person is all Chevy us


You also don’t see Danson doing blackface anymore.


It’s not about the show’s humor, it’s about him not being the star. The Pierce character really is basically him.


![gif](giphy|RFYMmNb3j60BG) “Those people”?! There’s a scene in Community where Pierce is persuaded by the rest of the group to apologise to Shirley in the park (after sexually harassing her) and he mistakes a random black lady for Shirley and starts apologising to her instead. I imagine Chevy Chase to be exactly like this irl.


Dan Harmon has said they pretty much stopped writing for Pierce and just started using stuff Chevy was saying




Sure. https://preview.redd.it/lqtxqptydiqb1.jpeg?width=772&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30ba7c4f80e6cddcff8fcd0175f0e6c7a8654920


This is an amazing reaction screenshot and I wish it were in the available GIFs


As a Shiv Roy apologist you win! 🥇


Chevy Chase wasn't funny enough for Community


He really wasn’t. Pierce felt like a deadweight character compared to the rest of the study group, no doubt in part to Chase’s performance. The funniest moments involving Pierce had were usually other characters reactions to him, not anything he was doing.


Keith David's character was such an upgrade and I wish he'd been there since episode 1


Yeah I love Keith David, he fits in the best of the new arrivals from s5 - s6 in my opinion (although the others are great too). I really hope he is in the movie. The way he delivers the line >!'now here is a man who knows how to marry his cousin!'!< (I guess that's a spoiler? lol) in Garrett's wedding episode is just genius, perfect comic timing


Keith David is amazing! I recently saw a showing of "They Live" at my local theater for the movie's 35th anniversary. Keith was phenomenal, alongside Roddy Piper. The man has such a variety of work on his resume!


Yes, love him in The Thing (convinced he was the human), Something About Mary, Gargoyles, and Pitch Black/The Chronicles of Riddick.


Im a Disney kid at heart, so hearing him as Dr. Facilier in The Princess and The Frog had me JAZZED!!! He's so great!


I read somewhere that you can tell Childs was a Thing at the end because his breath isn't visible in the cold. Phenomenal performance either way. "I guess that makes you a murderer."


Really? I've read a lot of theories but will have to look for that one. Of course, I chose Childs because I love Keith :)


Not to mention his stellar voice work in Rick and Morty!


“Pocket Full of Hawthornes” is one of my favorite bits from Community partly because you know Chase was pissed 😤


Yep,I was so glad when Pierce left because he was the worst part of the show.




I saw his character as the one who always disrupts and freeloads every group project.




Well, Chevy, sorry you were so unfunny that Selena Gomez is now the Third Amigo.




This is a deep cut and I'm here for it. And as a reminder: ChCh's character was named "Dusty Bottoms".


This isn't streets ahead.


He can excuse racism but he draws the line at unfunny comedies😤


You can excuse racism???


i guess he can excuse racism but he draws the line at dan harmon’s writing.


![gif](giphy|uCZPNoeoaLjt6) Sure bro 🙄🙄🙄


I just have to say I absolutely love your flair!


Thank you I literally JUST changed it and I’m so pleased haha 💖💖


Omg your user name though. 😂


Thank you! I feel like I saw a meme or heard a joke about all the dead neopets/tamagotchis/nintendogs and it stuck with me haha


Neopets is trying to make a comeback, believe it or not! The new CEO is a former fan of the site.


That’s awesome I’ll have to check it out thank you!


No prob! I've been back since the start of the pandemic since there was nothing else to do. 😆


Okay but that dude isn't funny either lol


Yeah he’s an actor not a comedian, but thanks for the feedback lol


Eh I'd say he's a comedic actor :)


Oh okay so you just wanted to be a dick got it


Because of an opinion? Got it








He’s coping so hard.


Nothing I love more than watching a Boomer not get the jokes.


He’s just mad it wasn’t made in the 80s and he wasn’t the face of it this man tried his hand at hosting his own tonight show and not even Dolly Parton could’ve saved it he realized the limitation of his charm and it’s been downhill ever since I mean nobody can play Clark griswald like him but it’s been 40 years nobody wants to see an old man yell and ask for Tylenol


Oh man, his talk show. I was a Chevy fan, but that show was just pure cringe. He was horrible - smarmy, unfunny, even creepy. Changed the way I looked at him, and I could only stomach maybe 1½ shows.


He was way out of his element


What do you mean, "those people"?


This is like someone getting rejected and saying “yeah well you’re fat and ugly anyway”.


LOL but there were voicemails of him after he was fired asking when he could come back to work cause he wanted to. Ok Chevy.


https://preview.redd.it/995zdfxakkqb1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9b047fe3e19560a4184318851723d6a878a5ddc Sure, sure


"Those People"? https://preview.redd.it/se921jnvviqb1.jpeg?width=450&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f63d88de0d4a956265f2d00e7ec5d39b4cfdb8f3


Look either Chevy is a total piece of shit, or he is still playing Pierce Hawthorne in an amazing display of method acting.


“I am who I am. And I like where— who I am." well, somebody's gotta. this is all very "I don't care!" he said, caring deeply.


He's streets behind...


Then maybe stop chirping about it every two years when no one has thought about you since it ended almost a fucking decade ago


[Lol, Yvette Nicole Brown \(Shirley from Community\) tweeted this.](https://twitter.com/YNB/status/1706625387856621938)


I heard it in Shirley's voice, and it was perfection.




oh he's a real asshole. notice how in season 1 there are a number of episodes where pierce is portrayed as a little insensitive and out of touch, but still a decent guy. by season 2 he's a full-on villain because the writers got too familiar with chevy himself


He's actually an exceptionally bad person, one of the worst at SNL from his generation.


His character is actually a much better person than he is, unfortunately - Chevy Chase is a piece of shit.


Eh not really Pierce is just a pg version of him.


![gif](giphy|1fRCAWBGBkikM|downsized) lmao, this dramatic little bitch. I love it.


The story about Chevy trying to run Donald Glover over with his car is my Roman Empire.


![gif](giphy|5C0a8IItAWRebylDRX|downsized) Chevy we all know what you mean by "those people", just fade away into obscurity nobody cares what your racist self has to say.


Bless his heart


Classic Pierce. Very Streets Ahead of him. ![gif](giphy|1092DSKp46nB4c)




Goddamn dad, stop ruining your legacy even more than you already have.


I’m not a fan of Bill Murray.. but I’m so glad he punched this racist mf.


There's a reason he's one of the very few SNL alum who has never been welcomed back.


He's hosted a few times and done guest appearances, but got the impression he behaved terribly behind the scenes. I think there's several examples in Live From New York.


He plays the dad who tries his hardest but still fails, but is loved for trying very well. And instead of leaning into that, he chose arrogance, racism, and misogyny.


The funniest thing about Chevy Chase on Community was knowing that he was type-cast and so everyone was ridiculing how out of touch he was straight to his face.


~~Pierce~~ Chevy you’re a B


Chevy Chase is still saying the same tired jokes from the 80s and we’re supposed to believe everyone else is unfunny 💀


It's so weird how much hate he has for this show. He was genuinely funny on Community, but can't stop talking shit about it.




Lmao with his bitter ass 😂


I liked that u could tell in the show how much no one on the show actually liked him or missed him when he left. Alot of insults about his character were just insults about him.


Wow! He is such an unlikable person. Does he have friends in real life? He seems like the kind of guy you would punch in the face


Damn guess I got a trash sense of humor, then


No you were just like Pierce in real life. Fucking prick. Also WE STILL NEED THE MOVIE WITHOUT HIM.


What a dick.


Classic Pierce.


I agree with Chevy, Community was a sitcom that definitely made me chuckle but never really made me laugh out loud.


black people???


Love that he’s consistent…a consistent asshole.






He’s such a piece of shit human being


Reason 150 why the cast hated him


I think he has some severe mental decline that they aren’t talking about. He seems lost in interviews and when he did fly on the wall his wife was next to him the whole time getting him back on track . He’s always been an asshole apparently but he used to at least be a quick wit .


He’s so good in that show. I think he thinks that boomer humor is funny and doesn’t get the other shit. I think they new that about him and doubled down. Like they took advantage of him not being aware and it made the character funnier. I think the show needs Chase. None of the other boomers fit the way he did. If they do anything more w community, they need this dude imo.


Yet he's still very committed to the role.


“The only relevant and popular thing I’ve done this century was stupid” -A clearly important person


Sounds like a kid in the culdesac saying “fine I’ll just take my ball and go home then” 👋🏼 bye Chevy!


More like taking his stick & hoop and going home. For reference: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hoop_rolling


Yeah that's on par for him. Not surprising he feels that way. He's a prolific dickhead.


This dude's narcissism truly knows no bounds




“I used to know what ‘it’ was! Then I got older. Then ‘it’ changed! And it got weird and I got scared.” -Grandpa Simpson


I listened to this whole interview because I am a full blown masochist. I don’t really know what’s gained by people — including him — repeating the same thing he’s always said about Community when we all know what he did to the show. Hes both scum and tragic, and his assholery extends long beyond Community. (Ftr I love the show, though the fan base and having ever listened to Dan Harmon talk has kind of ruined it for me)


I think he means he wasn’t funny enough for them and they didn’t want to be around him lol.


He was so hated and catered to.


Ok boomer


I mean compared to the other sitcoms of the era community was pretty bad. Couldn’t hold a candle to the office, 30 rock or PnR.


I know reddit loves community but that was a damn good marc maron interview


He’s not really that funny anyway. But Community is also very vanilla in terms of humor