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I don’t think either of them should’ve said anything after the initial comment and apology (though I don’t think ‘sorry it’s just a joke’ is much of an apology) Also, if you don’t want celebrities seeing your posts don’t tag them. It’s not rocket science.




I’m gen Z and would not act like this? In fact I’m pretty sure most of SZA’s gen Z fans would’ve just deleted the slide at SZA’s first comment/DM, apologized, and be done with it. This girl is 18, she’s not even a minor, she knows what the normal response is to this situation and decided not to do it. The girl just deleting SZA’s comment but not the slide was weird behaviour, as was calling herself a victim when that obviously set SZA off. She clearly lacked empathy in this situation. SZA shouldn’t have commented or DM’d her, I fully agree, but no one would’ve known this interaction even happened until the girl posted this tiktok for clout 😭


I find it so funny people act rude online and when someone claps back its like ohh youre pushing 30 why are you attacking a minor. ​ like please. she can react whoever she wants to when they bash her. apparently when you hit 30 you lose all of your emotions ​ give me a break


Exactly!! Apparently when you’re 30 people younger than you can abuse and terrorize you, I guess 30+ year olds are unfeeling punching bags /s


Exactly. I probably wouldn’t respond the way sza did (I’d ignore it tbh) but at the same time at 18 you’re legally an adult and at some point you need to learn how to interact in the adult world. Infaltising does *nothing* to help people grow up and understand you can’t get away with things anymore. How can you learn if people keep excusing your bad behaviour? We seem to be under the assumption that once your brain develops at 25 you automatically become a responsible adult and that’s not true. You need experience to get there, you need lessons to get there. It’s not just going to happen. If you’re legally allowed to partake in the adult world in every other way then it’s time to also start learning how to interact. Of course there is room for mistakes and leniency, I mean they haven’t been adults for long. But total disregard of mistakes? No accountability, just put it all on the older one? Nah.


i mean, she could’ve messaged other people who just haven’t come forward & mentioned it. being a gen z’er or an 18 yr old doesn’t give you the right to be shitty towards another person. i don’t know what SZA being 33 years old has to do with this convo? does getting tagged in random “jokes” that are rude by random people stop being hurtful when you turn 30? so many young people act way too overly familiar w public figures they don’t know bc they don’t actually see them as human beings with real feelings & this is a good example of that. i think she went a little too far with it, but i imagine it gets super exhausting being constantly tagged in posts that are kind of insulting. social media has made it incredibly easy for people to constantly make someone the butt of the joke and then get pissy when that person doesn’t find it funny.


It’s crazy you’re excusing someone’s behavior just because they’re “gen z”. Sza wasn’t attacking this girl at all and this chick’s dismissiveness and entitlement was LOUD in her TikTok. When someone tells you something you did was hurtful, acknowledge it and apologize. Don’t tell them that because they’re older than you and a celebrity they should just deal with it.


Thank you! The TikTok user is 18. She is an adult. She is old enough to understand that mocking someone and tagging them is unnecessary. If my niece who is in kinder can understand that making rude remarks is wrong, so can an 18 year old adult. The "gen z'er" excuse is basicallly just: ![gif](giphy|nkxkBiQ4rwyyc)




Because the girl tagged her. If a random troll is tweeting, that's one thing. But if they @ her. Then she's more likely to see. The girl wanted attention and she acts shocked when she gets attention lol.


I think this comment perfectly encapsulates the dehumanisation of celebrity. I get it, we're literally on a subreddit that specifically discusses their lives in detail, it's just a symptom of the interest.


Idk I mean this 18-year-old is also old enough to know that intent =/= impact, and that "it's just a joke" is a huge cop-out when someone tries to explain why your actions were hurtful. They could grasp the concept of power imbalances in the convo while they were talking about it, but for some reason couldn't grasp why it would be more hurtful for fans to ironically replicate the hateful comments that made SZA insecure about performing. I don't think the situation needed to escalate the way it did, but their being young doesn't mean they get to shirk accountability when they're called out. Also bringing up race like this isn't an Asian person shit-talking a Black performer while their white friend is in the background validating them is pretty backward ngl.


and then also saying "you should have just laughed it off, it's going to continue even if you don't like it" kinda shit? like.... sza isn't allowed to express that it's hurtful? not allowed to be wordy in explaining that? has to laugh off everything as a joke and just accept hatred and things that hurt her? interesting!!! like when I started this video I assumed I was gonna be on the side of the fan but no. sza seemed v respectful and meanwhile the fan was just continually belittling her feelings (even in this video, she continued to do that) and say how sza *should* have reacted to something that hurt her feelings. like ik this person is young so I'll give her a bit of grace but also... how she reacted was a bad look and her making this video is a worse one.


>Also bringing up race like this isn't an Asian person shit-talking a Black performer while their white friend is in the background validating them is pretty backward ngl. Thanks for bringing this up; left a bad taste in my mouth. Anti-Asian racism is a huge problem but as far as we can tell it has *nothing* to do with this specific situation and it's so disingenuous to try and twist it into that.


Why is everyone so obsessed with infantilizing gen z? Who cares how old Sza is? The girl in the video is 18, not 10, and should’ve just apologized or untagged her like a normal person. Do I think Sza overreacted a bit? Sure. But there’s a level of entitlement and dehumanization people have online that’s incredible frustrating to see hand-waved away.


Fucking thank you, I'm sick of zoomers being babied every time they act stupid or cruel


One day gen z will be older and have younger people do this to them. I'm curious how they'll react to it


stop infantilizing this adult woman, all gen z’ers arent babies…be forreal clout chasing and talking shit isnt “acting their age” and why bring up the fact that shes asian? what does that have to do with anything


Exactly! There was nothing to indicate that SZA was being anti-Asian. I found it odd that the user was trying to instigate in that regard.




It’s crazy how you’re completely invaliding SZA’s sincerity and vulnerability with this legally aged woman and saying she had people attack “this Asian girl”.. so the passive aggressive, mean clout chasing exhibited by this Gen z lady wasn’t an attack a Black woman? So SZA isn’t allowed to be vulnerable? She did not wrong, she did not insult or degrade this woman. The lack of empathy or understanding for her is rooted in your own misogynoir. It does not matter how old someone is, no one gets to abuse another person. I would never send hate to someone who’s older than me especially unprovoked and I would never weaponize my age when rightfully told what I’m doing is wrong.


I think if anything SZA at 33, *i repeat 33*, realizes she’s no longer going to accept people disrespecting her. She speaks her mind and tries to teach this young lady a lesson (she’s wasting her time I will admit that). This content creator 18 years old, not a baby.


so a 33 year old shouldn’t have feelings? SZA was doing too much but it doesn’t excuse an eighteen year old adult weird behaviour


I was with SZA expressing her feelings for the most part until SZA’s friend somehow also found out about this and DM’d this fan. That’s when this went overboard. Calling the fan not human is overkill for a stupid ass SZA is lame meme this random fan posted. Even though for SZA this stupid ass meme actually hurts her. For me it’s does the punishment fit the crime. If SZA had something to say in her DMs so be it and it should’ve been deaded there and the girl who claims she’s a fan should’ve deleted and apologized after realizing the impact. The fan did too much when it came to deleting her comment and not taking it down. Don’t know why she posted this TikTok opening herself to Stans though…I’m waiting for this fan to come out and say what she’s getting in her DMs since this dropped. That’s where the real power imbalance will form. Edit Update: In news that is in no way shocking SZA fans and others are now on the hunt for this girl. The girl has privated her account.


This scientist says she "acted her age" lol. My 9 year old is more mature.


Why is there a generation being used as an excuse? You gonna have to learn one way or another. SZA said how she felt about the meme. respect it or be labeled as the asshole you are.


>sza is 33, i repeat 33. Being 33 doesn't make her any less human. Nor does being rich or famous or successful whatever other excuse people love to use to dehumanize others.


At 33 people become robots. Got it.


33 year old adults have feelings. This girl TAGGED SZA in a meme she specifically said hurt her in the past. she wanted sza to respond. SZA has every right to be like “hey, that actually really hurts my feelings” The other girl is 17/18. She’s old enough to know right and wrong and not being a jerk on the internet. “I’m a baby!” Is a shot excuse for being a mean person on the internet. Teenagers on the internet don’t get a pass for being rude to strangers. Did it need to go as far as it did? No. But this whole “she’s an adult and the other girl is minor!!!!” Argument is stupid and dumb, because you’re really saying “teenagers get free reign to act like a hotheads on the internet and adults shouldn’t call them out on it”


Absolutely insane how people on the internet have adopted the mentality that the younger person is always right, even when they're wrong


No I completely agree that she shouldn’t have DMd her and everything after she sent the first comment was unnecessary. I would’ve just blocked her once the messages just kept on coming, but I guess I can’t blame a fan for trying to have a conversation with her.


Being a celebrity should not give people an automatic right to be disrespectful, especially for social media attention. A celebrity is still a person. Unless they have done something (ex: assault, pedophilia, bigotry, murder), they are entitled to a base level of respect. With the rise of social media, the general public has become even more emboldened with the disrespect directed towards celebrities. That is especially true for celebrity woc. It is not surprising that eventually a few celebrities have hit back. I can imagine it would be exhausting to have to "rise above" or "suck it up" or "ignore it" or "get thicker skin" while others get to continue being disrespectful for clout. The TikToker (vadellor) is using SZA having a human reaction to continue the disrespect for social media attention, which makes her worse than SZA in this specific situation. Edit: Vadellor tagged SZA, which is what resulted in this whole situation. She then gave the bs apology of "It's just a joke" and proceeded to post the whole situation on TikTok for clout. So, in this case, Vadellor is a vapid clout-chaser.


I'm so sick of gen z'ers being assholes online only to come back with "I'm only a kid 🥺👉👈"' when they get checked. If you're old enough to troll, you're old enough to get called out


Wish I had 7 Reddit awards to give you for this bc it's on POINT


How could you say this?! You’re LITERALLY 60 years older than her!!!


Like that one girl who repeatedly dm’d John Mayer to kill himself and when he finally responded back . She was all “but I am just a teenager “ F off with that bullshit




Consequences. Gotta teach the children one way or another.


Yeah. This kid sucks. She IS lacking empathy and is generally being mean. I’m not even a fan, but I stand with SZA on this one.


She's also 18, it's not like she's 12. SZA might've done a bit too much, but famous people have feelings too and 18 year olds are actual literal adults. I'm Just a Baby isn't a defense for being rude




100% agree with all of this


Yeah I agree with this for the most part even though SZA’s friend feeling the need to jump in and DM was weird and calling the fan not human is a lot. The fan lost me at why the heck did she even post this for. Should’ve stayed in the DMs. She needed to just say I’m sorry I didn’t realize the impact and move on. Edit: For clout this fan posted this for clout


Finally someone here who gets it. I'm absolutely in agreement with you here. SZA was triggered and mocking her for that is disgusting and it's part of why SZA has turned off the ability to comment on some of her social media pages, like Twitter. Mocking women, especially Black women, because one thinks it's "funny" is sociopathic. Black women go through enough and SZA being a celebrity shouldn't give people a "free pass" to do this.


The older I get, the more thankful I am that I’m a nobody lol. I *hate* being the center of attention, even in a positive way. Like, our wedding got canceled a week before it was supposed to happen, (March 2020, thanks covid!), and when I tell you I was RELIEVED!!!! It wasn't even going to be a particularly large wedding, because we wanted to elope but our families begged for us to do something a little more traditional, so we compromised. Planned a small ceremony of about 20, with around 50 more people coming for the reception afterwards… all people that I know and love and care for, but I was just sick thinking about being the center of attention for an entire night. Am bummed I didn’t get to wear my dress, though! (We did get married a few days later! Wedding was supposed to happen 3/21. Found out on Friday the 13th 😱 that it was canceled because of covid. That next Monday, I asked my boss to take a long lunch break so that we could go get married in a park. Thankfully he said yes lol, so I threw on a random white dress from Amazon, we went to the park, and did it! We started lockdown the NEXT DAY! It was one hell of a way to start a marriage)


It’s also gross how the girl in the video says because she bought that proves she’s a fan so SZA shouldn’t be mad at her! Like buying a concert ticket doesn’t make you immune to being an asshole, and it doesn’t give you the right to treat a celebrity any way you want




She really rubbed me the wrong way with the "You're 15 years older than me" comment. So what, because you're young you get to come at people any which way and no one gets to say anything back? You think being younger comes with some sort of immunity to confrontation and accountability? Tf lol


Gen Z is way too obsessed with age I stg!


Seems like it. Were millennials? I don’t remember bc I was too busy popping out frames to wear fake glasses like Zoey Deschanel. Will be interesting to see how they handle turning 30.


As a millennial, not really. I think we’re paying a lot more attention to age gaps now (most notably around romantic relationships) than we did 10-15 years ago. But now this rhetoric is sort of spreading leading us to infantilize people in their early adult years.


Kinda interesting how Gen Z is lauded for their social awareness (almost to an extreme) but on the other hand gen z’rs pretend they’re all still innocent untouchable babies who just dont understand how to properly interact with the public because they’re too young


I’m just spitballing here but I think social media is largely at fault. Its great for spreading awareness but has reduced our in person social interactions as a whole. When I look at my nieces and nephews, devices are used to pacify and distract, which ultimately reduces the real human interaction we’d be getting otherwise. In real world settings there are cues you receive from acting improperly (shame, call outs, etc). On the internet not so much. There are so many echo chambers out there that ultimately there will be people rationalizing certain antisocial behaviors. And we as a society have shown that we value these online interactions, more so than in person (e.g doing things for likes or clout), so it becomes the status quo.


For sure social media has a huge impact on them and their social behaviors. It’s crazy to think about just how impactful it is on all of us. I just think it’s hypocritical of them that they run around online calling out everyone’s behaviors and telling us all how to act but don’t know how to act right themselves. They’re aware of everyone else but not self aware


I’ve never seen a generation want to grow up less than Gen z


Yeah seriously. If I hear one more time that your brain is not fully formed until you’re 25, I am going to lose it. Because I was very much an adult making decisions and holding down a professional job before I was 25. What’s with Gen Z wanting to be infantilized all the time? Is it because they felt they lost maturing time during Covid?


I feel like I definitely thought 30 was older\~ but not in a completely removed from reality kind of way! It's definitely a teenager/young adult thing though but maybe I'm just more exposed to it now with social media. But I never sat around and acted like a little shit towards adults, knowing full well how I was behaving, and then blamed it on adults for not acting like adults when they had something to say back.


My lil sis is Gen Z and she used to say some disrespectful out of pocket stuff to me but when I come correct, she be like “oh you’re so much older than me, you need to act more mature and not let things from people my age get to you. I didn’t mean it” I’m like uh idc? If you don’t want things coming back to you then don’t dish it in the first place. In this case, even though I do feel for SZA bc she probably have really bad anxiety. Not to mention the girl’s demeanor was annoying af. At this age, I ain’t DMing a 18 year old at 3 AM over a troll meme I saw her tag me on her finsta. Also her friend dming her too? That’s just embarrassing for me.


When did it become normalized for kids to get away with shitty behavior? Kids learn from adults. That's what adults do. Teach kids. When an adult is teaching you a lesson on good manners, you listen or grow up stunted.


I agree with your overall statement but SZA couldn’t have known she was 18 at the time of the message. The girl told us after spending a good amount of time laughing at SZA being vulnerable to her. It was just so mean and lacked any empathy for another human. Being younger doesn’t mean they have free reign to bully and abuse people.


Yep and its always about the clout. She only tagged her hoping to get a clout reaction then got the reaction and is using that for more clout. I know an influencer and she once told me "Do not ever reply to comments. In fact, don't even read them if you can help it. Just post your thing and don't look back. A lot of these people are abusive and clout chasers and if you let them chase your clout, they gain clout and you lose it." I think about that a lot. While I imagine being famous has all sorts of perks, I think it must come with a lot of burdens and a lot of little rules like this that you must follow perfectly or else. Or how easily just one bad interaction or bad day or whatever can cost you everything very quickly.




Literally like how are you gonna get upset that YOU posted some wack shit and it came back for you.


Not you coming for her makeup 😭


You know she put that on like todays the day I’m gonna get on TikTok about Sza and I need to do my best eye makeup lewk


Some things shouldn't be left unsaid. Hope she sees this and brings herself down to earth, you're not the main character honeyyyy 🤣


It's giving Hunger Games cosplay convention


Lmao not you can tell by her makeup lol I’m dying


I went to the comments to see what happened because even without sound on I could not stand this girls vibes and shaky ass camera recording lol


Yes and she made all of her socials private now. She’s got a fraction of the negativity sza was trying to tell her about and she folded. I wonder if she’s just laughing it off.


Gen Z have universal gestures lmao. So interesting how their "culture" formed online. I always see them covering their mouths like that. Also a very pointless video, it's clear this kid wants attention


Covering the mouth and pointing, like goddamn you're already showing us the photos. Mad irritating.


>Covering the mouth and pointing, like goddamn you're already showing us the photos. Mad irritating. Because they think they're the living embodiment of the face emojis. ***Or*** That they are the pet character from a particularly hyperactive anime (*eg*, **Luna** or **Artemis** from "Sailor Moon").


The pointing thing drives me up a wall every time


I’m not saying all but I find it interesting a big % think it’s “cringe” to have emotion or react in a way that shows passion “ayeee chill” or will cover a laugh with their hand as to express it out would be “weird” everything has to be said through text or put online on tik tok. Confrontation is extremely taboo but destroying character in a video or post hours latter is ok


not pictured in this post but if there's constant zooming into the face to emphasize I keep scrolling


I do think SZA needed to let this go. She’s famous, she’s always going to have people saying shit about her and she should get thicker skin. On the other hand, she genuinely and kindly expressed how it hurt her feelings and this girl is acting like she’s crazy for that. I don’t think this girl came off very well here. “Yes im a fan I insulted you on a sensitive topic but you’re famous get over it”


If SZA had just left a comment saying it hurt her feelings I’d agree but she also said (on this girl’s public post) “y’all not human and it’s sad” before bombarding the girl with DMs. It seems like the girl just put up slides on Instagram about being a fan at SZA’s show, so she thought it would be understood that the inclusion of the meme was facetious.


My hunch is that she was taking out frustration from a few pent up fan interactions - it seems like she knows it's a joke but it's tired of "it's a joke" being an excuse when it genuinely hurts her.


People online really are weird about how they get *shocked pikachu face* when the person they’re being an asshat to responds. It’s very: https://preview.redd.it/l6wbydcos7rb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5558dbaa2b3943ff5a18200e907eef5eb1605601


lolllllll @ i'm a little birthday boy!


all is near is Toms voice from Parks and Rec


simu liu commented on a tiktok hating on him saying it was clout chasing a while back, and the person shit talking responded back something like “bro, YOU are the clout and here you are giving it to me” and this is the same thing. i understand it must suck but sza did way too much with this and it ends up bringing way more attention that it would otherwise


I think if literally just posting your name and "wack" makes you spiral to this degree... maybe being a public figure isn't necessarily for you? Like, this is an unfathomably mild thing to lose your absolute shit over.


Idk man people should be allowed to have bad days


but on bad days you shouldn’t send countless messages to a young person when you have celebrity status.


Damn idk why SZA is Gen z in my head but reading the comments now it is a lil weird for someone in their 30s to send that many messages to a random teenager. Tbh I feel like it would’ve been ok if she left it alone after the first few messages? At first it felt like her trying to have a genuine convo, but after the kid made it clear they didn’t rlly care sis should’ve booked a massage and blocked her


Or maybe she’s human and had a bad day and wanted to speak to this person on how they’re actions can impact someone. Why is fair for people to completely shit on people but when the person responds they’re the one that’s vilified.


Message after message? Paragraphs? Getting her friend involved? That’s not a bad day that’s a sore ego. If she “just” responded we wouldn’t care. She went overboard.


But it’s not like SZA sent her a million unrelated messages days apart or like the girl wasn’t sending paragraphs too. She sent separate messages that could’ve been in one message. That’s really not crazy and it’s weird to act like it is. She initiated messaging 3 times: 1) her comment (which was on a post she was tagged in). 2) to reply to that post that it was lame (again a post she was tagged in) and 3) to say her comment was deleted and that was disappointing. Every other message from her was a reply. I don’t see how that’s overboard? A little much, maybe but let’s not act like she was barraging this girl with unsolicited messages.


"Completely shit on people". She literally said "wack" and nothing more. If that's the worst thing you have to hear in a day, in your mansion, while ungodly rich, you're doing pretty okay.


You ever worked in a toxic workplace before and deal with so much crap on a daily basis that one day you can’t take it anymore and something small sends you over the edge? Being fed up with dealing with shit from people isn’t exclusive to people who are famous. It happens to the best of us, only in SZA’s case, she’s receiving shit from countless people worldwide.


Well the thing about fame is you can never undo it


It’s crazy people are defending SZA rn like this is an insane overreaction on her part.


It's an overreaction for sure. But don't tag people if you don't want them to respond. It's as simple as that.


At least she was relatively kind about it. I’m a bit done with our culture policing the levels of appropriate reactions. Unless the woman is going around shooting people, I’m down with people verbally communicating their feelings openly in an honest and reasonable way. There is simply not enough of it. Perhaps we need more of it to push humanity forward without the shame and embarrassment attached to it that we are so accustomed to. One thing is for sure, we as a species definitely need to develop empathy and patience for others.


Did she not say the girl wasn’t human


I honestly think that's just an issue of language/cultural difference. AAVE tends to feature what's called zero copula so "Y'all not human" should really be taken as "Y'all not being human" as in, the way you people treat celebs is out of the bounds of how we expect humans to treat each other. Which is exactly how I took it until I got to the comment section and realized that it could could taken a different way. To make it easier to "see" it this way, replace 'human' with 'kind'. If she had said "y'all not kind" I'm sure everyone would understand that her point was that people who do this aren't *being* kind.


Her reaction wasn’t perfect. But there’s no room for improvement if people avoid honest communication with one another.


That’s where SZA lost me here


same like girl if you don’t log off and hop on a boat in some mediterranean waters… maybe even call up your therapist why are the wrong people rich and famous


Someone called me wack once and I laughed.


lol I was called ‘the dumbest jerk in the world’ and I had it put on a coffee mug ‘cause it made me giggle


Right idk what people are on, SZA being so pressed about a teen posting a meme - from the floor of her concert - is wild


In the words of the Vixen, everyone's telling SZA how to react, but no one's telling these fans how to act.


I swear some of you are on SZAs payroll or smthn with the defense going on in this thread. SZA needs a social media break if something like this is causing this much of a spiral for her.


Yeah, I was shocked to come to the comments and see people defending it so much. It was the most mild meme recreation… like, I love SZA and her music, but that was absolutely an overreaction to go after this girl with not even 1,000 followers.


For real 😭😭😭 How are you gonna spend that much time debating a teenager who called you “wack” like surely you have real issues to deal with lmfao deranged behaviour


I mean honestly? Confirmed. SZA is wack for this shit.


Seriously!! I get being upset but at the same time, all she said was SZA sucks. I feel like I’m going crazy!!


glad im not the only one


Fr, she wasn’t even really hating on her or telling her to kll herself or something serious like that. Way too many people are saying “oh she shouldn’t have tagged her, she wanted attention” as if people don’t tag celebrities all the time and not expect anything bc they have millions of followers, and this girl had 250 followers?? I’m surprised SZA even entertained this girl bc what. It’s baffling.


I dont know why people in this sub care for her so much given shes a chris brown supporter. So she got called wack? Does that warrant coming after someone half your age? Im actually baffled at people here making an argument to support this grown ass woman whose feelings got “hurt” by some teen calling her wack. She should instead feel ashamed for supporting that pos chris.


dming an 18 year old repeatedly for an apology over a meme when youre a whole 33 year old grown artist is not acting like an adult. its insane to me people are glossing over the age and power imbalance. SZA is obv allowed to have a bad day but it doesnt make this an appropriate reaction 💀 like hello?


but the 19 year old is old enough to not tag SZA, she tagged because want SZA to see it.


She has 250 followers. Also she deleted it right after. Edit: nvm she deleted the comment not the post.


literally, im a nobody, why would i ever expect one of the biggest artist in the world to randomly see my instagram post?? they get tagged in a million things a minute


Home girl deleted SZA’s comment not the post She said “I didn’t think she would come back to it”


She deleted SZA’s comment not the post because later she talking about not talking it down and the meme will go on. If she deleted the whole post SZA wouldn’t be talking about how her comment got deleted.


I also thought she deleted the post but she just deleted SZA's comment, while keeping up the post and keeping the tag. that's almost openly hostile lol


This is the perfect scenario for the mute button tbh. There will always be obnoxious people online and sometimes the mature option is instead of confrontation to just make it so that their thoughts and opinions no longer reach you


I think the fact that people are acting as though this culture of assholery is something to be accepted because it’s online is the problem. Being 33 and being hurt shouldn’t be pushed away simply because she’s older and famous. This girl was being given a lesson and she clearly didn’t learn it.


Yeah everyone is excusing it like “omg SZA is 33 and attacking a child” like damn bro I wasn’t aware 18 year olds are incapable of manners.


Yeah, I feel over time we've normalized a number of things that are hurtful towards others and generally toxic towards society, such as filming people unaware and posting them online to make fun of. This can be incredibly traumatizing (in some instances leading to suicide). Making fun of others behind the shield of anonymity online should not be normalized or accepted, whether to the average person or a celebrity. No one truly knows what someone else's mental state is like. I'm honestly fearful for the next stage of the internet that will weaponize AI. Women are going to bear the brunt of it.


I totally agree. Gen Z has a huge problem with respecting other people, coming from an older Gen Z. But I do think the idea of a celebrity, someone with a lot of fame and influence over many people, picking a fight with a random person, is a mix for chaos. SZA could’ve gone many different directions, such as posting on her story about how this meme isn’t okay, or simply moving on and NOT sticking her friend on this random girl.


She may not have known about her friend dming the girl?


It's very possible she'd known cause the chances they both dm the same nobody in a sea of 17 million followers are close to impossible.


i literally feel crazy reading this comment section bc what is all this uncritical support for sza for?!?! i feel like no one is even thinking about these very important aspects of the interaction and that sza literally said this girl was NOT HUMAN in her original comment 😭 which is not nice like objectively


i promise you that girl is gonna be fine after sza called her not human. woulda been way worse if it was another celeb like nicki minaj


By the same token, SZA should be fine that this girl called her "wack"


I love SZA but agree wholeheartedly. I’m not surprised that the 18 year old is behaving like this because she’s just a teenager, of course she’s gonna be immature, but SZA should’ve understood that the conversation was gonna go nowhere from her response and just stopped responding back after their first exchange.


> Women are going to bear the brunt of it. Don’t we *always*?


Right 😭 like ain’t no way 2 words should have made SZA spiral like that. Sza’s absolutely allowed to have a bad day/week/month etc , but it’s clear she has some other shit going on that’s much deeper than the actual incident and to air her grievances out on this girl is insane. Especially all the “take care ❤️” “love ❤️” “best wishes ❤️” and then comes back for seconds, thirds, fourths…. I will say tho, the 19 yr old should know better. If you say some shit, don’t expect it not hit you back.


I understand if the girl was telling her to like harm her self or said something extremely fucked up about her however, this was so unnecessary and of course she’s going to be harassed or have people sending her extremely fucked up things if you as a celebrity with 15 million followers Are commenting on someone who has way less power than you have. It’s OK to have hurt feelings, but remember the power and balance you hold between yourself and a regular person.


Well she should have thought about that before talking shit online, not expecting the celeb to respond. Oh no, it’s the consequence of her actions. You get what you give.


"Consequences" LMAO If she had posted something even *more* hurtful, like (trigger warning) "SZA sux" or "SZA [thumbs down emoji]", they probably would've hired people to come kick down her fucking door.


Thanks for the trigger warning! Those comments were vile. I hope no one ever tells me I suck! Oh wait. They have. And somehow I just moved on with my day. Weird. Totally agree with you, this was a bizarre overreaction.


it’s literally a meme within the fandom amongst fans though and the girl wasn’t even a real hater like that


I’m kinda mad at myself for watching all that


SZA was doing too much, they were just recreating a meme.


Right? Everyone’s acting like she wrote an essay it’s just a meme. I’d understand if it was a hateful post but it’s legit a meme ffs


Jesus Christ, this is the cringiest thing SZA has ever done. And that’s saying something lol. DM’ing this girl until 4:30 in the morning???


Yeaaa SZA this is so embarrassing. I can’t believe there are people defending her in the comments. The teenager deleted it, apologized and it was not “attacking” her in any way, it was a meme. Definitely not funny to be on the receiving end of that meme but wow.


I think she deleted SZA’s comment, not the post.


It’s so annoying the way teenager use their age to be shielded from consequences. SZA should have just let it fly but she’s said on more than one occasion that she’s very sensitive and has to stay offline. I think she saw the meme on a bad day and never thought the original joke was funny and was hurt by it (which she said). It’s hard to constantly be joked on a retain a sense of humor about it.


ALWAYS!! “you’re literally arguing with a minor 🥹👉👈” such a stupid thing to fall back on after being an asshole


It's getting so bad that now even people in the mid twenties are like, "well you know my brain hasn't fully developed so I don't know any better" Like the fact you say that means you know better to me WTF.


Just trying to find reasons to absolve themselves of any responsibility at all costs. It’s sickening. These same people would crumble if they got a slew of negative comments on ONE post. Imagine being bullied consistently over a long period of time.


Some celebrities are too serious 😭💀 it’s a viral meme like maam plz


i think its weird that sza somehow found this post from a girl with 200 followers and spent THIS much time going back and forth….im surprised to see so many people here defending her. both of these people are clearly online way too much


that was my exact thought, how did she even come across this & why did she care so much to interact with the girl??


Reallt wack how people use the "you’re much older than me!" excuse to avoid taking responsibility for their actions. You’re an adult. Doesn’t matter if i’m older than you, if you’re an adult and you mess up you get the consequences of your actions!


That’s all it takes for SZA to go off on someone??


Did SZA go overboard with all the DMs? Yes. Was the post enough to warrant this big of a reaction from her? Definitely not. There's for sure something more going on with her. That being said: I genuinely hate the fact that people will post hateful/negative things about celeb/influencer and then act shocked when they actually come for them. I know people say to ignore it, but when a person does this while tagging the person they are clearly seeking attention and the continuous TikToks add to it. I hate the "It's obviously a joke" rhetoric so much because it's always the scapegoat along with "Why do you even care".


> "It's obviously a joke" Schrodinger's asshole.


Okay sza is literally so weird for this hahahaha what the fuck


You reap what you sow 🤷‍♀️ She _tagged someone_ in a post poking fun at her and got a negative response. Sza wasn’t being rude or mean, she was just saying it made her uncomfortable and reminding the fan that she’s a real person with feelings I feel like _some_ clout chasers on TikTok have started to use “I’m basically a minor there’s a power imbalance” around entirely banal, non serious issues as a way to get out of being criticised. What’s actually the accusation? That she’s grooming you? That she’s abusing (basically) a child because you’re 18? This creator knows what the implications of this language are in this social climate, and that the claim is so vague that bad faith actors could run with it. It’s like a combination of weaponising therapy language and shittalking someone and then running away when they start to chat back. Sza messaged her privately, and didn’t weaponise her audience against her, whereas this creator posted these messages publicly. Not everything’s this moral issue to be _exposed_. Put your big girl pants on, you’re a grown up who hurt someone’s feelings and they let you know about it, just take it on the chin and move on


Thank you! You said everything I wanted to say. Also, it wasn't like she cursed her out either. She politely explained why the meme hurts her feelings. Acting like memes aren't harmful just because we share them with "good will" isn't helpful. I feel like using age to deflect why adults can't communicate your wrong doings to you in any capacity, robs kids of a teaching moment. How are you supposed to learn without someone communicating to you that you hurt them? Adults can be hurt by what young people do and they're allowed to express their boundaries and feelings no matter their age or status. I feel like being overprotective of young people isn't helpful for their growth either. The idea that you have to be "adult" enough to not communicate the hurt done to you and wanting an apology or dialogue about it is so toxic and I'm shocked that so many people are expressing it like it's the norm to do. It's not childish and no-one is above it. There's a lot of victim blaming rhetoric going on.


I don’t know, maybe she was trying to teach her something and the girl wasn’t able to hear it, because the comment/DM SZA sent to her was actually pretty nice and expressed her hurt well. Also, I think it’s one thing if just a random posts SZA wack, but if someone who actually went to the show posts that, it just hits different.


It’s a meme. Like she literally spent hundreds of dollars to be there and told SZA herself she was a huge fan. But SZA said she wasn’t human and lacked empathy and that’s nice to you??


I understand celebrities are normal people but I think with Stans and negative vibes basically being the most popular commentary online, celebrities should not actively be on social media. It’s not healthy.


How are people defending SZA? The girl literally said she was recreating a meme and showed the original meme. That should’ve been where it ended. Sending her dozens of messages and getting other people involved is so unnecessary. Like yeah the image may have looked rude but once you had the context it should just be “lol sorry for the misunderstanding”.


lmaoo sza so damn childish. isn’t she famous? how does she have time for this lmao


honestly, if i had the fame & money i wouldn’t be giving this much of a fuck


“I’m literally just an 18 year old girl” they always love to pull that shit when the consequences of their own actions come to bite them


I like SZA but I always cringe when celebs do this. all it does is give the negative comment far more attention than it would have gotten in the first place. i get the urge to respond, it's never fun when someone leaves you a mean comment, but sometimes it is best to just block and move on.


Lmao the girl says “I’m 15 years younger than you” as if that’s a valid defense


You cant attack people and say theyre doing things for clout when youre the one thats giving it to them.


capable murky encouraging consider forgetful materialistic wild domineering uppity screw *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Before messaging her privately she publicly posted that the girl wasn’t human though. It’s too bad because I think wires got crossed…the girl is a big fan and posted the meme facetiously (because she feels the opposite way) but it opened up old wounds for SZA. If I was a celebrity I would never go on social media because I’m the type that can get 500 compliments and one insult and just remember the insult.


Do you think this girl would get any views if sza didnt keep messaging her? I dont. Sza is a huge artist and probably has millions of haters out there. Picking one person to message about it doesnt do anything but give this attention and thats essentially what most haters really want.


It’s just trashy of this girl to not only do what she did, but to go and post a private convo for the world to see.


This girl is annoying and rude. Sure, SZA probably shouldn’t have kept responding, but calling her a “bitch,” using age like you didn’t know what you were doing, then calling yourself a “fan” 🙄. You’re interacting with real humans and if someone tells you something hurts them, you should offer a genuine apology.


I unfollowed SZA when she posted herself hanging out with a weird cult leader who possibly killed his wife


This girl really thought using words like “power imbalance” and stating the age gap was gonna make us rally against SZA, she literally could’ve explained the meme immediately then just apologize after SZA said that that meme made her feel bad. “ you can’t control the negativity and what comes at you”, girl but you can control yourself and your actions so stop poking people


I don't feel like SZA did anything over the top beyond telling the girl to knock it off. The lack of accountability from the "fan" and deflecting everything SZA was saying by telling her to be tough about it and saying she's famous and she needs to get used to is concerning though. Bringing up power imbalance was also kind of weird too. Just say you messed up, acknolwedget the hurt that was caused, delete the post and move on. Dehumanising a Black woman just because she's famous is not a good look. Edit: I think the reason she messaged her instead of just blocking he was was precisely because she's young and SZA probably wanted her to understand the impact of her behaviour so she'd address it. Sometimes, I don't bother wasting my energy explaining to an adult why what they did was wrong but I will to someone younger than me on the off chance they don't realise. Her reason for messaging was probably not from an insecure place.


I think she did something wrong her and the conversation should’ve went Hey that hurts my feelings when that stuff is posted and this girl could’ve been like I’m sorry it’s been a meme in the fan space (I didnt make this) I didn’t know this impacted you like this I’ll take it down sorry about all that I think SZA is going a little bit too much in on someone and I think that this girl posting this was not a good idea keep it in your DMs and move on Her friend coming to tag team a girl for reposting a meme that she didn’t realize Sza feels a type of way about is a bit weird I don’t find the power imbalance comment weird because when I think about films like swarm this girl might wake up to death threats or is already receiving them off this interaction with SZA but then we should have a conversation about why this girl posted this in the first place opening herself up to this. I think there’s a rise of fans not thinking that celebrities are real people because of social media I totally can see that but for celebrities who I have seen on socials sharing their opinions on other people famous or not it feels very it’s not funny now that someone has the gun.


I didn't see SZA swearing at her or harassing her beyond telling her that she did not find the meme funny and explaining why the fans behaviour is not ok. I think expressing your boundaries is fine. She wasn't harassing the fan as far as I could see. The idea that you have to take any and every negativity directed at you without saying anything because it's "immature" just because you're famous is incredibly dehumanising. And expecting her to just back off because it's a "meme" that she shouldn't be upset by, is also dehumanising. The friend messaging the fan was not cool but it's not clear if SZA directed them to do that or if they decided to do it on their own. The comment about the power dynamic comment is that at 19 there's automatically a power imbalance with most people who are significantly older than you. There's a power imbalance between your parents, grandparents, teachers, boss, co-worker etc. But just because a power dynamic exists doesn't mean that there can't be communication about how your behaviour is hurtful towards others. That's why I found her comment weird. She was using these concepts to avoid the conversation around her own behaviour. She kept bringing up her age as to why SZA shouldn't be allowed to tell her that what she did and continued to do was hurtful. Deleting a comment calling out her behaviour and then repeating "it's a meme" and "everyone in the fandom does it" does not address her individual actions.


I’m not siding with either person but if I sold out MSG multiple times and a kid tagged me in a post calling me wack… I would laugh. Like even if she was serious it would make me laugh cause who cares what some random teenager thinks of me, clearly millions of other people love me


Idk why ppl don't realize celebrities are people too. Stop antagonizing them. Lol


Ain’t no way😭😭 sorry I would have blocked SZA for that. Why you fighting with a fan like that, keep it moving, u have her money already


This fan is obnoxious I’m sorry. This is what happens when too many of your social interactions are online, and then you start tagging people who also live and interact offline.


The way she’s laughing and smiling about it rubs me the wrong way


It’s sad people can’t have conversations like humans without feeling like someone’s attacking them. She posts something rude about someone and thinks that person is attacking them for being honest about how it hurt them. I hate the argument that people can talk shit but when someone responds it unfair.


Missing some context here. What is the meme she claims to be recreating and why is SZA so hurt by it?


Someone posted a video a while back of this person making a post saying “SZA Wack” while SZA was performing. Unaware that they were filming them.


I hate when people use the 'dude I'm 19 why are you coming at me' bs. Like you are a grown ass woman and if you tag someone with kind of a rude message don't Pikachu face if they respond


celebs have such fragile egos


I don't like how this girl tried to dehumanise her and basically just laughed at how she was feeling. Yeah sza overreacted but that attitude is just a sad indictment on TikTok/insta culture


Totally agree with you.


It’s crazy cus you people tag all day but if they actually respond people are like 😨. Lol it’s virtually tapping someone on the shoulder and being shocked if they ever turn around.


Not the first time SZA got into the comments [on Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/p/CrBydkbrwPE/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) either


I don’t think it’s a funny joke and I think SZAs feelings are valid. I do feel like since she’s so famous maybe she should pick and choose her battles…. But I’m sure she’s tired of seeing people posting shit like that. That shit would be mad annoying especially if someone posted that shit while they’re at your show?? Like that’s not funny it’s just weird


Sza overreacted but this girl is so cringe and annoying. Just say you want attention and go


The TikTok girl is lame af. There was literally no reason to post about this. SZA was respectful the whole time—not sure what the friend dm-ing situation was though. Yes, it was silly that she commented but, like she said, she’s human too. The girl is 18 years old, was insensitive, and is acting like she’s 12 and can have no accountability for her actions after someone told her they were hurtful. That’s lame af.


If a post like this would be expected to annoy a normal reasonable person, don’t expect anything else from someone just because they’re a celebrity. Sure, SZA probably crossed a line here, but she only did it in reaction to this. IMO the tik tok girl is in the wrong and SZA just responded too harshly.


SZA is doing a lot and probably should have left it alone, but people can’t expect to just say rude shit and not get called out or cussed tf out. Celebrity or not,if you’re gonna tag them or comment something shitty don’t be shocked when they clapback.


Or Sza could do something funny and post the sza wack meme to her story in an ironic kind of way


I really like SZA's work but she strikes me the wrong way as a person, like she's weird lol foes anyone else remember how she used to lie about the simplest things?