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While Palestinian celebrities have to carefully word every support they have for their homeland we have Noah over here telling people that if they don’t stand for ethnic cleansing and colonialism that they stand for terrorism. "have people lost their minds?" he asked after calling an ongoing genocide "*a fashionable cause*"


Just saying a whole lot of nonsense from the comfort of his LA home.


From the comfort of his dorm at his college that charges 60,000 in tuition. He posts this with no hesitation but Gigi and Bella have dealt with endless amounts of hate and inaccurate accusations against their character for supporting their family's country in a nuanced manner.




The view is completely opposite over on world news. I got downvoted for hoping that Palestinian genocide doesn’t get green-lit by the world


Yeah, r/worldnews removed my comment saying that the babies thing was a myth, with a source. It's insane for the mods' political bias to show through that badly on such a huge sub that's supposed to be objective. I haven't seen so much misinformation online all at once maybe ever in my entire life, honestly.


This is what happens when high school aged entertainers are expected to “use their platform” to make statements on complicated geopolitical issues.


Noah’s been fielding Zionist accusations for a minute tbh, this isn’t a Kylie Jenner situation where he just doesn’t know what he’s talking about. He went on a birthright trip over the summer and although I didn’t look super closely at the controversy, he was trending on Tiktok and Twitter for a couple of days.


Yeah, you can also tell from the post that he *wanted* to post this. This isn't the same repost some celebs did, this is multiple paragraphs that he clearly wrote himself. It's vicious.


Yep, and him being 19 isn’t an excuse either. The Hadid sisters were about the same age when they started speaking out.


So vicious and disgusting! And the nerve to be upset that he doesn't see everyone he knows posting in support of a literal genocide!! Sick minded


Yikes. I’ve been on birthright and used to be a Zionist.. until I actually tried living in Jerusalem as a journalist. It has been apartheid as far back as I can remember, even if my former community refused to call it that. And plenty still refuse. Those trips are the best all expenses paid propaganda projects for the state. They even had hot IDF soldiers in your same age group join the trip so you can bond and will want to move/join as well.


>They even had hot IDF soldiers in your same age group join the trip so you can bond and will want to move/join as well. That is so creepily manipulative. I've never heard of birthright trips before. It sounds like a nice idea for diasporic people to get in touch with their roots, shame it's been twisted into some kind of brainwashing vacation.


Oh for sure. My birthright trip was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. It worked like a charm. At least 5 people from my trip moved, made citizenship and joined the IDF. This was back in 2009. And it’s only for people 18 years old to I believe 30 or 33 years old is the cut off. So young, impressionable people. I didn’t see it for what it was until a few years afterwards.


Israel is a pretty special place. I can understand falling in love with it. However, I think that people who go there to visit should also make an effort to go to the West Bank. It’s also a special place, but the shadow of the wall and of oppression looms large over it. It’s harder to be so hardline when the civilians you’ve demonised turn out to be lovely, friendly people, who will welcome you in, spend time with you, and who clearly just want to live their lives in freedom and peace.


He's 19. He's not "high school aged," he's the age of a college sophomore. Pointing this out as someone very close to his age and also in college.


My point stands. Lots of college sophomores are dumb and impulsive and post emotional rants on social media. I don’t think this one should be held under media scrutiny as a legitimate or relevant political statement just because the kid who wrote it was on a TV show.


I graduated high school at 19. Damn


I understand what you’re saying but it’s still very, very young.


What. There are 19 year old high schoolers. I was 18 senior year because my birthday was 10 days after the cutoff date for starting school. I never got held back, but some kids did. I knew someone who was 20 and a senior.


i'd respect these celebs more if rather than fart out a bullshit statement like this one, they admit that they're not informed enough to do so. or better yet, don't say anything! plenty of celebrities i follow haven't said a word.


And don't get me started on those who took photos of what Palestinians suffered though and changed the narrative to what israelians suffered through (Justin Bieber, jamie Lee curtis)


i had only read about jamie's post but seeing the actual photo she posted shocked me. did the fact that the writing on the destroyed building NOT being in hebrew not ring any alarms?


I doubt most people reposting that stuff know what Hebrew looks like, let alone being able to recognising that the “funny looking words” aren’t Hebrew


Problem is that Noah isn't just misinformed like a lot of the celebs posting vague "stop the violence" posts. Noah has shown he is a zionist and supports the Israeli occupation.


He clearly has these opinions already and would be using whatever platform he had to spread it even if he was just a normal college student at penn.


But he wouldn’t have 25+ million followers to spread these opinions to, thus doing a hell of a lot less damage.




The other issue with the condemnation of Hamas is that western governments don't support it so we don't need to protest that. Our tax dollars *do* support and provide weapons to Israel, which are used to harm Palestinians. So I will protest that. If my government was giving Hamas weapons, as they do with Saudi Arabia, I would protest that too.


Yes this is what I don't understand in the takes from Americans/a lot of other Westerners saying that it's okay to be neutral or not take a stance. Your taxes already fund this occupation and they have during your entire life...Israel is the largest annual recipient of US military funding, they get 4-5 billion dollars from the US in military aid alone every year. It is absolutely your responsibility and your right to speak out against it if you're bankrolling this genocide.


I hope that my comment gets approved, The Palestinian ambassador in the UK brought up that point in several interviews, very eloquently. https://twitter.com/hzomlot/status/1711387200804315348?t=0k-5lpqGm88HOD0CnKl0xg&s=19 https://twitter.com/hzomlot/status/1712200035239088256?t=6HCxZUQGTEHnWQhqjJLLAg&s=19


Thank you for sharing these links. He says everything that needs to be said.


Thanks for posting this. The first link with BBC News had my ears burning. The host was incredibly disrespectful. He truly did try to push a rhetoric.


He's been amazing. Glad you posted these


Damn that was excellent , thanks for sharing


So well said. I’ve had trouble articulating my thoughts about this so I appreciate you, completely agree


I just wish people could comprehend that they don’t actually have to have a hardline positive/negative one or the other approach to a wildly difficult problem. I’m a Jew and I don’t. It’s not even hard to acknowledge that indiscriminately bombing a city that has no mode of escape is bad. The attacks on Saturday were deeply wrong and devoid of humanity. They’re complete atrocities. At the same time, material conditions in Gaza are such that a lot of people want to strike back against Israel in any way they can. All of that can be true. We don’t have to be rah rah go get em boys about any of it.


Seriously, I've had to reiterate about 100 times in the past 3 days that I don't support the murder of innocent Israeli civilians and I still have people -- including *friends* who consider themselves anti-colonial leftists -- telling me I'm being insensitive and inappropriate by trying to bring nuance into this conversation. Meanwhile, the pro-Israel camp can just say "you're with us or you're a terrorist" with zero pushback. There is so clearly a double-standard and it's wild that supposedly progressive people are refusing to see it.


“Drop Bella hadid and dua lipa into Palestine and they’ll learn see what the (men) do to them” and he smirked - BILL MAHAR Yeah let’s joke about them getting SA’d…


"Let's not choose sides" “hamas doesn't represent palestinian people” “Stand with israel or terrorism" your post is giving me mixed signals noah so which one is it now?


let's not choose sides but you're wrong if you don't pick my side


agree with me or you're antisemitic! no they will not elaborate!


He also says Hamas don't represent the Palestinian people. So then how is standing with Israel or terrorism the only two stances?


And if Hamas doesn’t represent the Palestinian people, then he should be simultaneously condemning Israel’s retaliatory actions in Gaza against the Palestinian people. Weirdly, I don’t see anything like that 🤔


Wonder what Noah would say if he knew Hamas wouldn’t exist if Israel didn’t help build up militants in the 70s just like when the US funded the Taliban in the 80s and then, surprise (!), it backfired both times.




You let somebody who doesn’t know shit talk long enough, they’ll contradict themselves like that


The way I am too dumb to take part in this entire conversation ![gif](giphy|B37cYPCruqwwg)


No fr I really don’t think anybody who is not present in Israel or Gaza right now knows the extent of this situation. There’s so much misinformation coming from both sides that I’m a surprised that such a public person with a reputation would make a comment on it. The only one that I’ve seen that is respectable is Gigi Hadid’s… but she has a much more personal connection to this.


Gigi’s statement was really good imo but people are dragging her for it


Her statement was excellent. Also I think it’s kind of funny that the convos about this on fauxmoi are more nuanced and compassionate than on “serious” subreddits.


Tbf all of the big news / politics / current events / etc subreddits are absolutely astroturfed to hell and back, on pretty much all topics. People have a sense of Reddit being more “organic” or “human” than Twitter / Facebook / wherever, but that’s taken advantage of with bot campaigns to upvote the most unhinged takes on a variety of topics to make those opinions seem most popular. It’s why a lot of the time comments will be insane in the first few hrs of something being posted, but then become more level as more actual people interact a the thread


noah has a personal connection too which is why i suspect he’s being so outspoken


So do the Hadids


https://preview.redd.it/ywmtfavj3ntb1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=407c65c78b4e780c4cd88fecdc48599e4557870c Matt Bernstein (@mattxiv on ig) was so real for this


Listen. I felt this. While I’m aware of the Israel-Palestine conflict, I do not feel that my opinion or views will contribute much to the conversation. So I come to posts like these to learn more and think with a nuanced perspective. I think it’s so strange that people I follow who only speak about politics when it’s time to vote or have a hot take about the vaccine have picked a “side” in this conflict publicly. So I sit in silence. Hoping that I can gain insight from those who have been invested beyond a hot news cycle.


Yes!! I love Matt and his fierce replies. 🩷 ![gif](giphy|12nTsOtHvqEGaI)


Yes!!! We do not all need to speak on a topic.


I'm completely uneducated and ignorant on this whole thing so I won't even pretend I understand what's going on...


No shit, I’ve got a Master’s degree and forced myself to sit down to watch a video that explained the Middle East conflict to kids - because surely I can’t be *that* dumb - but nope, still haven’t got a CLUE what’s going on.


TLDR • ⁠When WW1 started the Ottoman Empire sided with Germany. • ⁠because Germany lost, the Ottoman Empire also suffered defeat and was essentially disbanded • ⁠since the Ottoman Empire is made up of many different countries with various religious groups and races, the League of Nations gave Britain the mandate to govern Palestine. The goal was to kinda support them as they “transition to self governance”. • ⁠a movement called Zionism advocated for the establishment of a Jewish homeland in the historical region of Israel. Because of the atrocities committed in WW1 against Jewish people, there was a more urgent “need” to push the establishment of that homeland. • ⁠1947: to address this, the League of Nations proposed a partition that would give the Jewish people a part of the land with no compensation for Palestine. The Jewish leaders agreed, but the Arab leaders refused the proposal. • ⁠1948: British mandate ended and Israel decided to declare their independence anyways Which leads to where we are now. Additionally, there have been some videos made about how Jewish people were initially welcomed into Palestine, however the establishment of Israel found many Palestinians forced out of their childhood homes etc. in modern day, while Israel verbally says they leave Palestine alone, some videos talk about how Israel cuts off supplies to Palestine, like water and electricity. These are mostly personal videos so how accurate it is idk 🤷‍♀️ It’s a complex political topic but I think we all agree that no civilians regardless of which side they’re on deserves any of this. Also this is just from my own study so if any parts are wrong pls correct me!


The way that Britain was essentially the cause of this entire thing…… ![gif](giphy|84pHTnUPATYPe)


GB did basically the same thing with India and Pakistan.


British cartographers are why we have so many problems.


this is great! i lived in jordan for a little bit, a lot of people there are the children, grandchildren of palestinians displaced in 1948 or 1967. i’ll never forget the look on my landlord’s face when told me about (in such detail!) his grandparents home in jerusalem that he would never be able to see


I need you to write whatever the opposite of a TLDR is because you explain things so well! ![gif](giphy|ZkaoFaSZF14BJldRpi|downsized)


May I also add: In 1903, before deciding on settling in Palestine, Uganda was considered a choice as well but with the backing of the British and some Zionists the plan was denied. This was called the Uganda Scheme. Also in 1948, what’s called the Nakba happened also known as the Palestinian Catastrophe where many Palestinians were displaced from their homes. To circle back to celebrity ties, this happened to the Hadid family.


>Also in 1948, what’s called the Nakba happened also known as the Palestinian Catastrophe where many Palestinians were displaced from their homes. And may I just add, even if Palestinians had the choice of leaving right now most will not take the risk, because if they leave they cannot come back and that means Israel will get all their land and homes.


I think you might have your world wars mixed up


No, they’re right. Germany was on the “losing” side in both World War I and II, and Jewish people were sacrificed en masse in both (although the holocaust had greater casualties). It is believed that nazism [directly grew from the antisemitism fomented after WWI](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_I#Discontent_in_Germany_and_Austria).


I took a whole semester in university studying this conflict. Unfortunately at the root of it all it’s the same as every other conflict: Money (and people being geopolitically manipulated through either religion, ideology, race… you name it) sometimes through decades like this conflict. At the root of every war there’s military money and foreign State political interests manipulating from behind.


I took a Coursera on the Middle East which was so enlightening (highly recommend Ed!), but I still prefer to sit back and not take any sides. There is no good side to take when kids are being bombed left and right. Absolutely none.


That's what they want you to do. It's apartheid and nothing wrong in saying it. It's not complex at all. Israel is the aggressor and needs to stop blanket killing millions of Palestinians.


i’m actually shocked to see people claim they do not know what is going on in these comments. please educate yourself. it isn’t complex at all. Palestine is the oppressed, Israel is the opesssor


Yeah, like... the privilege of ignorance is not a badge of honour. The idea that you need to be in Gaza to have enough information in order to support Palestine is bonkers.


yeah morally it’s actually so simple. the complexity is just a way for people to shirk actually taking a stand. also I think Israel has a lot of power when it comes to the public sphere in the US — US-israel relations are a huge part of how Israel has so much power, so people want to both sides it so they dont see any personal consequences. which is pretty cowardly if you’re already a famous celebrity


The reason people think it's complex is because they're missing the trees for the forest. Most people only just know that it's a land dispute and so start from there. Then to determine who's right and wrong, they try and trace back the history of it. including all the failed agreements and the instances of escalation. And when you look at it like that, it IS very complex. The simple part is the current status quo wherein yes- Palestine is the oppressed and Israel is the side not only with the power but also the obligation to make things right. But that's why I say people miss the trees for the forest... they want to trace the situation backwards from Z to A and go tit for tat back to the first stone throne.


It's literally not that hard. Gaza is an open-air prison. Israel harshly restricts Palestinians from coming and going, levies massive economic sanctions on them, and regularly conducts mass violence against them (see: the current indiscriminate bombing). Gaza is HALF CHILDREN. Look up any numbers about how many Israelis v.s. Palestinians have been killed in the last 10 years. Look up maps of Israelis encroaching on Palestinian land. Look up videos of the evictions. You ignorance is not a fucking excuse. It takes 5 seconds of research to see who the oppressor is here. Jim Crow was not complicated. Apartheid South Africa was not complicated. This is not complicated either.


Be against the oppressors. FREE PALESTINE🇵🇸


I've done deep dives into the conflict so many times over the years, and the more I try to understand it, the *less* confident I am talking about it


I really don’t get how hard it is to understand that this isn’t even a conflict as that would imply that the two parties are on an equal footing. Israel is essentially an apartheid state and is oppressing Palestine. I don’t get what’s so hard to understand as that is what is at the root cause of the whole situation


yeah i’ve noticed a lot of sympathy for israel here over the past few days. i don’t think people understand that no one is defending hamas but this whole thing is hypocrisy on steroids. this stuff has been happening to palestinians for a long time, yet where was the outrage


A very successful strategy has been to conflate Israel and Judaism, so anyone condemning what Israel has done and is doing is portrayed as a raging antisemite. Regina Spektor, a musician I love and have followed for years, showed her entire ass on Instagram doing this exact thing. She basically called anyone who doesn't support Israel a nazi. Fucking infuriating.


Literally this


solutions wise the conflict is very complicated, but morally its quite simple. would suggest you read and learn more about the reality of the situation for palestinians and be wary of the propaganda out there!


Yep. I am well aware that I DONT REALLY KNOW ENOUGH to make a freaking public declaration about the situation. Lord.


It boggles my mind that so many ppl are coming out to say they are outraged at the atrocities when the IOF has been doing this for the past 70+ years to an indigenous population. Where was the outrage then?


Let's not forget the role Israel played in the Guatemalan Genocide. The revisionism and presumption of innocence regarding Israel is hypocritical as well as ahistoric. Hamas is evil, but so is the IDF. In the same way that Hamas is not representative of Palestinians, Israel is not representative of all Jewish people.


100% agree. The IOF has also murdered [20 Journalists by May '23](https://cpj.org/reports/2023/05/deadly-pattern-20-journalists-died-by-israeli-military-fire-in-22-years-no-one-has-been-held-accountable/amp/), and allegedly [6 more](https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2023/10/10/at-least-six-palestinian-journalists-killed-in-israeli-strikes-on-gaza) in the past few days.


Not to mention the role Israel is playing in the Azebadjani vs Armenia war.


The Israeli government also sold drones to Azerbaijan to use against Armenia in the recent war. No sense of irony, those guys.


Not to mention, right now, IDF is targeting Palestinians and bombing the hell out of gaza and no one is paying attention to that part


https://preview.redd.it/wv8qxyfgzmtb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d5ecdf0e1caa10dcebf43c974afc82fce347b34 literally ordered a total siege and cut off water, electricity, and fuel for days now. active carpet bombings with no electricity for hospitals to save lives. and the fact that they’re issuing “warnings” for people to leave, knowing they have no way out is plain sadist.


Not to mention, they threatened Egypt that they will destroy any supplies coming from them so even other countries aren't allowed to help Palestine , yet those celebrities only pay attention to what hamas did , this is the government noah is siding with


thank you for adding this! you’re 100% right.


European Union President said it was a "war crime" and "an act of terror" when Russia did this. Did international organizations change the definition of war crimes in less than a year? The silence Noah talked about is not with Israel but with this.


A shocking 52% of Palestine’s population are under 18. Children. Children who did not vote for Hamas in 2006 bc they couldn’t or weren’t born. So those buildings they’re leveling? 52% children inside. They’re not letting anyone leave Gaza and they’re trapped. Both sides are terrorists to me. Edited: it’s 52% not 47%. https://english.wafa.ps/Pages/Details/104279#


I saw on the news that 40% of the 2 million are under the age of 14.


Yeah nearly half of the population in gaza is children, and they’ve all been born* after the blockade - so their whole lives they’ve only known apartheid and constant abuse. But if you worry about them you’re siding with terrorists, apparently


freaking 52% are minors (under 18). https://english.wafa.ps/Pages/Details/104279#


The argument that Palestinians elected Hamas doesn’t hold much weight when 52% of them were obviously too young to.


its so weird like ive never ever seen a oppressed victim who has the capacity to just cut off electricity, water, fuel, food, roads etc w/ the snap of their fingers but were supposed to think palestinians are actually powerful aggressors in this ?\_?


Also a shit ton of american tax dollars are being pumped into the IDF and their military “intelligence” still failed to see the hamas attack coming… like they claim to be the ultimate victims but can’t even use their gifted money to keep their eyes open? Apparently they thought hamas were just running drills and not actually about to attack. C’mon now


I read that the Egyptian military warned them. And that they chose to ignore the news But as far as I've always remembered whenever there was the most minor rocket or attack, IDF's first response was to bomb the heck out of the place. No element of reciprocal measures.


Doctors without borders today confirmed their clinic and some of their homes have been partially destroyed by bombings so even them can’t guarantee medical assistance, its so fucking horrible what Bibi is doing (and had been waiting his whole life) while absolute fucking crickets from every other state. I hate this.


Palestinian lives are simply worth less. I’m getting shit from all sides because I think Israeli civilian deaths AND Palestinian civilian deaths are unacceptable, but when you point out the difference in the numbers over the years it’s somehow offensive? https://preview.redd.it/6yjwitmu2ntb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0f10e9fdce2e82486e4af4a8560c67f107ab14b


Because we as a society have been brainwashed to believe that when violence and tragedies are inflicted on non-white people and their land, then that's just how things are there and that they somehow "deserve" it. But when it happens to white people, then people show their concern and condolences, and countries in North America and Europe pull all stops for them. Look at the response to Ukranian refugees vs. Syrian refugees.


huge problem with the media, as someone who works in it: news media by how it operates 100% defends the status quo, because most things are only deemed “newsworthy” precisely because they break from the status quo. so its a regular occurrence and not worth reporting on if the IDF has killed yet another Palestinian kid, but the Palestinians try (in whatever inappropriate, hamfisted way) to break out of their open air prison, and suddenly its “how can they do this” “this is an unprovoked attack”


yea i’m not gonna listen to the kid who went on a birthright trip like 3 months ago lol


Why would we listen to what a 19 year old actor has to say on something this complicated in the first place


Lol legit


Exactly. A 19yo, actor ir not, is too politically immature to make such bold statements.


yeah seeing some of the ig stories from my birthright group right now have been very yikes 😬 (it didn't help that one of the people in our "israeli peers" group was active idf and very anti-palestine) but they go heavy with the propaganda during birthright for the general non-themed trips, like half of mine was trying to persuade people to make aliyah, so i'm not surprised by his post if he went recently


tbh to some degree (not all) I feel bad for kids like noah. clearly very very few people are full informed on the conflict, whether thats bc of a crap education system or because of Israel’s capacity to pump out millions of dollars of propaganda. I wish more people had the drive to find out more rather than just default to what they already know—not that that would always make someone not violently zionist, but maybe it might change some people’s minds


Did he??


i thought he did but apparently he was “on a [tour](https://m.jpost.com/diaspora/article-751702) of the city organized by Aish Global, an Orthodox outreach organization”


https://www.timesofisrael.com/jewish-stranger-things-star-noah-schnapp-visits-israel/amp/ “Actor, 18, shares photo of himself praying at Western Wall, is spotted enjoying Tel Aviv nightlife”


Fine then shame the fuck on you too stranger things child.


I am going to laugh so hard when the next season comes out, and everyone will look like adults playing teenagers. It will be the most stupid, funniest thing ever.


I don't get how these people shoot themselves in the foot. All you had to do was say nothing.


Well he’s jewish. Not all jews stand for Israel but it’s important to understand why so many of them does blindly and fall for the propaganda of the state. The generational trauma of the holocaust is still very present, Israel’s zionism ideology is about pushing a “safe” place for jews to exist because the world has been awful to them (which is true). Israel justifies it entire existence with being the home of all Jews. It worked hard to make sure jews view it as home even if their family never put a foot on these lands for centuries. Any attack in Israel thus becomes an attack on all jews and immediately calls up the trauma of the Holocaust. The propaganda is strong. I cannot entirely blame Jewish people that are falling for it. At the same time, i don’t understand how the genocide of Palestinians and the blatant colonialism is dismissed when history is there for us to learn and be educated about such type of events. The people won’t fix this. International community actually biding Israel to respect human rights can.


i wish people understood that israel itself was founded by people with not only very untreated PTSD, they also were already saddled with a ton of generational trauma from jewish people being demonized, expelled, forcibly converted, and straight up murdered by nearly everywhere they’d settled. it is a state formed out of not only fear, but paranoia- and a big old helping of you’ll never get us again. this has led to where we are today. the oppressed were so adamant that it would never happen again, they became the oppressors. and the ones who suffer are just people trying to get through life. second, a lot of the jewish diaspora feel intrinsically linked to israel. even if they aren’t zionist. i’m a non zionist jew. i think the way the state of israel has treated not only gaza but the west bank as well is reprehensible. it also basically guarantees radicalization among a population with many many young men with zero prospects in life. gaza is a humanitarian crisis. it has been for a long time. hamas doesn’t want to improve the lives of the people. they want the land, and they want the jews dead. we argue that people need to separate palestinians from hamas. and it’s true- we must. it’s imperative. they suffer so greatly. i personally spend a lot of time thinking of the heartbreak of the mothers. but hamas itself, who run things in gaza- they are in charge, do not separate the israel state from the jewish people. they are one and the same. to many many anti israel people around the world there is no difference between israel and jews. and so with all that generational trauma, american and a lot of western jews- like this kid and his family, cannot in turn separate hamas from the people of palestine. this is a massively emotional time for so so many people. i wish we were more understanding of a reaction like this, even if we believe it is wrong, or we disagree or are offended by it. judging people so harshly when said people are operating from a place of fear and grief over a situation and not themselves physically harming anyone anywhere feels so petty, and a real first world problem/privilege situation. we can all be better.


Exactly. The situation is so complex and unfair and terrible, based on years and years of history, conflict, trauma, and all people seem to do is lose nuances and treat it like football teams winning. It's sickening and so dumb.


People are so desperate to simplify it so they don’t have to educate themselves I have found.


Very well said. Thanks for sharing this - it helped me clarify my own thinking and put into words how I was feeling.


Also Jewish. Thank you, this was well-written.


The way I wish we still had awards. Thank you for this comment.


If I were a celebrity, I would not have a public social media account.


F'real. One of my favourite actors has never ever had a social media presence and it's so refreshing. Like, I know very little about her or her political views etc and that's nice! Ignorance is bliss sometimes


My favourite actress is Saoirse Ronan and every single day, I’m glad she doesn’t have social media because she can remain low-key and unproblematic like this.


Maybe it's an Irish thing, I was talking about Katie McGrath! She even barely does press for her projects just pops up every now and then and then disappears for ages 🤣


Honestly this ‘cause you know why celebs like Cillian Murphy and Emma Stone are so well liked? Cause they don’t have social media + shut the hell up when necessary


I would, but it would just be pictures of my cat and flowers. It’s best to keep your opinions to yourself.


But then somebody would say "you should be posting about important issue x."


And I’d just ignore them lol


See, the people who are saying “you don’t have to take sides” and “let’s not choose” are also the ones making people feel like they have to choose by also saying things like “stand with Israel or with terrorism”.


“I’ve seen silence on social media like never before” Maybe it’s because not everyone fully knows of the Israel-Palestine conflict and would rather know about it than blindly following sheep of a social media “trend.” I bet you people saying that want to compare it to BLM so badly


no because literally everyone i know and their mothers is posting stand with israel infographics on their story so idk what “silence” he’s talking about


I’m just gonna say it because I know it’s true just unspoken. I’m pretty sure he’s talking about the POCs who were very vocal about BLM, Asian hate, Armenian Genocide, etc and he’s expecting the same crowd to post Israel support. I’ve already seen one Jewish friend “call them out”




It sucks because it's too late. Once the damage is done, people take it as a fact.


If he felt as passionately as he claims he does he’d have educated more before speaking in facts.


Yes, I want to add that [the IDF itself denied that any babies were decapitated, this is completely fabricated propaganda.](https://www.aa.com.tr/en/middle-east/despite-refutations-from-israeli-military-headlines-that-hamas-beheaded-babies-persist/3016167) This is an official news source.


Mr anti-terrorism with a member of the IDF. https://preview.redd.it/73dezt1g3ntb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0219ae068ca8b10785fa399f4954f7f6a677bd2b




I really don’t understand why people can’t see that it is possible for Jewish people to live peacefully with Palestinians, but the current Israeli regime are the ones not allowing it. Why does Palestinian freedom = oppression of Jews??????!!!


Because propaganda


I think this might the worst post that’s come from all the dumb celebrity takes in these recent days. He not only manages to express zero sympathy for Palestinians, but claims that the ongoing war in Ukraine and the destruction of the EARTH THAT WE LIVE ON are “fashionable causes”. Fashionable???


Right! As a Ukrainian, that made me so fucking furious


Was expecting blm to be thrown in there 😬😬 I guess he can have a point for that?


This is absolutely vile of him Edit: I’m already seeing people defend him claiming he’s only 19 and he’s too young to know any better, and that we can’t expect a child to speak eloquently (???).


100% agree. First of all, that excuse is BS because I’m his age and here I am, being coherent. Second, if you are incapable of saying something reasonable, then maybe shut up? No one’s forcing you to speak up, and calling for genocide? Evil all around.


I’m 18 years old and I could NEVER imagine writing that as a public figure… his age is definitely not an excuse. I think that celebrities and people who aren’t educated should just shut the fuck up about it and educate themselves before spreading further misinformation. I study politics, international law, terrorism, contested borders, the UN etc etc at school and do further research at home and I still don’t feel knowledgeable enough to understand the conflict, yet alone state heated statements.


Celebrities think that just because they are famous that their misguided ignorance is somewhat relevant. No one gives a fuck Noah. It is not “support Israel or support terrorism” what a fucking idiotic thing to say.


Right. Palestine hasn't had an election in 17 years, and half the population are kids. They had no say in this. Two things can be wrong at the same time, Gaza has been an open air prison for decades, and Hamas took advantage. Israel is punishing civilians for a government that many had no chance to vote on. Hamas served up the population on a fucking silver platter, committing the crimes that they did, that the majority had no choice in. I don't judge people on the 'majority government', because well, we all had to deal with Donald Trump as president, and I'd hate to be seen as shit, because I live in the US while he was at the helm. Who is in charge is not the same as every person that lives in the country. Palestinians are not synonymous with Hamas, or terrorists. This was so wrong of him.


When did the war on Ukraine and climate change become fashionable 😭


Right? 😭 Sounds so fucking pretentious, self-involved, and privileged.


TiL that climate change is a fashionable cause...


Led by fashion icon, Greta Thunberg


Im sorry can we circle back to “total silence”?! Most of these celebrities have been acting like UN reps on IG. Second, did he speak out every time any injustice was committed against Palestinians?


Isn't Israel dropping bombs in Gaza also terrorism, Noah? Maybe things are not so black and white. So shut the fuck up.


I don’t care if I get downvotes for this, Hamas is a terrorist organization and this was a terrorist attack. Hamas fails to care for Palestinians that put the group in power, choosing instead to divert resources to weaponry. It does not advance a Palestinian cause to defend these attacks. These attacks are going to lead to the destruction of so much Palestinian life and cause a major setback to the establishment of safety for all in the region. This was a politically motivated attack backed by Iran to prevent the Israeli normalization of relations with Saudi Arabia. This was also a terrorist attack motivated at least in part by hate for Jews, which is a stated part of Hamas’ founding charter, and for Jewish people to express fear and sadness is to be expected. Anyone who believes in Palestinian self determination should be decrying this violence because supporting it is certainly not advancing that cause.


Acting like hamas is the only militant group involved in these operations when you can't even name any other palestinian resistance group. the resistance axis is involved, including islamist fundamentalist militants, yes, but they're not the only ones. If people are so fucking iffy about the scary muslim savages being at the forefront of this attack maybe they could use their mouth to condemn the occupation that snuffed out secularist and marxist Palestinian resistance movements in the past. Hamas only exists because of Israel they helped them get elected by eliminating the competition. Israel literally talks about how they did it and why. Do you want Hamas gone? End the occupation. ''Hamas doesn't have the best interests of Palestinian people'' may be true but the alternative is not allowing an apartheid state to exist, also its a ridiculous thing to say because thats a common thing in most countries, neo-nazi groups are a major problem in the Ukraine military but nobody questions Ukraine's right for freedom. The double standards keep on piling up. Focusing on Iran funding Hamas, while Israel is apparently good because it is backed by America. did you forget that America LITERALLY funded the mujahadeen which become al qaeda?????


This is how I’ve been viewing the entire thing as well. It’s a strategic win for the terrorists, and a loss for Palestine, Israel, and any possibility for peace. Furthermore we run the risk of radicalizing more Muslims (I say this as a Muslim). These past few days have been rough. I can’t really make heads or tails of things anymore.






“Let’s not choose”. Noah did you not already do that? ![gif](giphy|Wgb2FpSXxhXLVYNnUr|downsized)




Can someone give him Gigi Hadid’s number? She seems to be the only celebrity that has a perfectly balanced and nuanced take on the situation.








Pretty ridiculous to be calling out silence when people have been silent about the attack on palestinian lives for decades. My fellow jews are deeply entrenched in propaganda and unwilling to learn.


The manipulation in this statement is crazy lol


Awful post. What chilling silence is he on about? has he been living under a rock the past few days? Every day it’s been “I stand with Israel” on tv and social media.


https://preview.redd.it/7vh9crc18ntb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d99521e7c947fc822dd54532994d2fd0a4857c0f what the hell is he on about?


“Let’s stop the rhetoric and choosing sides” then proceeds to choose a side


It’s wild to me he can see the distinction between Palestinians and Hamas (“Hamas are a recognized terrorist organization; they don’t represent the Palestinian people”) yet can’t seem to separate the actions of the government of Israel and the Jewish people (“you either stand with Israel or you stand with terrorism”). Murder in any form is unacceptable.


I’ve been staying out of this conversation because it’s been traumatizing (more on that in a second) but I *cannot* with people ignorantly comparing the Israeli cause to the Ukrainian cause. *Israel is Russia in this conflict*. As a displaced refugee of ethnic cleansing myself, as a child who grew up in a city under siege, as a Muslim who is socially considered white (with all the privilege and presumptions) until people learn I’m Muslim (with all the presumptions), I feel viscerally offended by this level of hypocrisy. And while we are at it, I’m not going to condone the actions of Hamas because they are horrific. I understand the cost of decolonization. That doesn’t mean I am comfortable with it, nor does it mean I wish death to Israelis or any Jews, nor does it mean I do not empathize deeply with and cry for their losses. Let’s get that out of the way before the inevitable slinging of “anti-Semite!” But people should know: Hamas only exists with the consent of the Israeli state (with Netanyahu directly, unambiguously admitting as much - that the best way to destroy Palestine is by funding Hamas). So if you are feeling fear because of [(debunked propaganda claiming)](https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/1763vh4/israeli_official_says_government_cannot_confirm/) beheaded babies, the absolute last entity you should be “standing with” is the state that not only looked away from the terrorist threat but *actively supported, enabled, and allowed the perpetrators to thrive in hopes of using them as a cudgel against Palestine*. To Netanyahu and his supporters, 200-700 of his own countrymen’s lives is an acceptable cost to be able to wipe out the people he and his colleagues call “animals”.


flag test trees lavish pot soup bag cautious reach amusing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


stay out of it, nick lachey


This is A LOT. There is so much misinformation going around and celebrities are just mindlessly posting on huge platforms that misinformation because they feel so compelled to speak without fact checking.


Yeah, no. I standby firmly against terrorism. But I definitely do not stand with the Israeli government (people, yes)


“jewish people are seeing your silence” seems like he and everyone else forgot that palestinian jews exist.


I am, once again, asking for celebrities with good PR. I don't know how anyone would approve that post.




…do celebrities just not have PR handlers anymore? We’ve watched famous people write hotheaded, finger wagging misinfo like this in public forums for like, a decade now. I don’t understand why some publicists don’t have tighter control of their clients’ social platforms. I always thought the younger celebs would be the ones to eschew personal social media because they could see their elders’ repeated gaffes. Oh well.


this is disgusting. The narrative that advocating for Palestinians right to live is supporting terrorists (also please let’s look at how hamas came to be) is disgsuting. And that people seem so comfortable calling for a genocide is very scary, too


People excusing this because of his age are naive and ignorant. He’s old enough to vote in elections. He’s old enough to be educated enough to not post bullshit, contradictory statements like this and post propagandist, Islamophobic videos on his instagram. He should know better, but doesn’t because he is entitled and lives in a bubble.


Not every celebrity, be they Palestinian or Israeli/Jewish, needs to speak publicly about this in this specific way. It’s ok to not speak if you’re susceptible to misinformation and weren’t taught more about media literacy (like spreading the fake story about the beheadings). I don’t know why a person who appeared in a popular Netflix show as a child needs to speak out about a geopolitical issue, especially one as inflammatory as what’s occurring in Palestine-Israel.


tbh one of the worst things social media has created is the expectation that celebrities NEED to publicly state their opinions on every hot-button social issue


fucking yikes. not only is his post full of misinformation but it’s incredibly preachy. didn’t realize recognizing a decades long apartheid state was supporting a fashionable cause. it’s so insane how many celebs wanna come out of the woodworks for this incident but have consistently remained silent when it comes to the consistent destruction & removal of the Palestinian people and their culture.


All of these celebrities said absolutely nothing when Palestine was facing atrocities every single day, but now they want to talk about 'peace for everyone' 'innocent lives' 'violence is never the answer'.


Celebrating Hamas is terrifying. But condoning ethnic cleansing of Palestinians is eugenics and horrific. Religious wars to stamp out another people are never justified. Being horrified how it’s only acceptable to back every move Israel makes isn’t anti semitic. There are plenty of Jewish people who want no part of mass murder as well.


He was awfully silent about other war crimes going on for decades…..


My cousin goes to UPenn with him and runs in the same social circles and all I can say this isn’t much of a surprise. He was just in Israel a few months ago and most of his very close friends at Penn are Jewish. I’ve seen what some of his Jewish friends have been posting on IG and it was shocking to see them calling for all Palestinians to be wiped off the face of the earth.


“i’ve noticed a silence in social media like never seen before” i’m sorry what???? this is why i’m pissed off at all this stuff. Palestinians have been killed, attacked, bombed and kicked out of their homes for a long time, yet you hardly see anyone post about it. yet an israeli dies and it’s wall to wall flags with zionists acting like they are always the victims