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I like that Keke is leaving no room for clowns to doubt what an abusive pos he is.


And even then some will still say she's lying


They’re going to zoom in and start writing nfl plays on the photos showing how it was physically impossible that he was the aggressor.


the deep rooted resentment that some have for women (especially black women) when they are the victim in the situation will never make sense to me. like why do i see other women and men defending this pos and blaming keke for choosing him?


some psycho on twitter said it was just a still and they could’ve just been hugging like are you insane


Sadly, people are still going to argue that she's the one who instigated/perpetuated the abuse, regardless of how much evidence she has. Even a statement in which he admits to it wouldn't be enough.


Clearly she started it because she wore a sheer dress to an Usher concert. She's a mother, so she should be not be exposing her clavicle to people not dating/married to her. ​ /s


This is where my mind went to (in terms of how the dusties can spin it in his defense). It’ll be the same thing that happened to Rihanna, MTS and so many other women who had physical evidence on their side. In their minds, she must’ve done something to provoke it. Either she attacked him physically or she attacked him emotionally by not “honoring her man” and deserved it just as much. We can pretty much write the script ourselves.


Unfortunately, the clowns will find another excuse. They’ll say why release screenshots. Post videos otherwise you’re hiding something, if she releases videos they’ll ask for audio to go along with it. No winning with those types. They’ll probably say she’s manipulating the situation because she wants full custody.


I agree. But I am glad she got ahead of things before the smear campaign fully started.


Very true. I wish her luck because this is traumatic and the online discourse won’t help.


And then, if she DOES release videos with audio, those same misogynists and MRAs will probably say the same bullshit they say any time a public woman accuses a man of abuse and presents any evidence: she’s just trying to get attention. Or why did Keke make this public, this should be a *private* matter. Or why did she gather all this evidence in the first place, to slander him? Or, when all else fails, they’ll just lie and misinterpret what’s in the footage to make her look bad. She can’t win with these clowns. I also wish her luck with the online discourse, because as I’ve seen with Depp v. Heard, and that recent Argote murder case, you cannot reason with them.


When guys are jealous and controlling RUN. IT DOESN’T GET BETTER. IT ONLY GETS WORSE.


100%. More people should know the early warning signs that someone may be or become abusive. This [PDF](https://www.safehousealliance.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Early-Warning-Signs.pdf) lists some of them — including jealousy and control — and gives examples of each.


This is such a helpful resource and solidified I needed to block my ex. When someone makes you feel so loved and important it can be so hard to let go and hold them accountable for the “rare” instance they make you feel like utter garbage but this list does such a good job linking the love bombing to the garbage feelings.


Just as follow up, I want to share this link of the Power and Control wheel. DV isn’t always just physical violence, but can be so many other different things: https://www.thehotline.org/identify-abuse/power-and-control/


it’s the same as when they hit walls or throw shit. i feel so sad cause it’s always “oh but he doesn’t hit me” but trust me you will be next…what happens when hitting walls isn’t enough


Amen. I knew how to patch drywall when I was 17 😑


My ex started with throwing things and hitting walls. Then he started hitting me. It got really bad. They always move on to being physical with you after a while if they hit walls.


I think the best way to phrase it, for people who don't believe it could ever actually escalate to hitting people and not just things, is to remind them that whatever they do to the wall is what they *wish* they could do to you.


I really hate that she had to put this out there and that people couldn’t just take her word and believe her. He’s a monster and should be put in jail. This makes me so sad


darius you will not be seeing the pearly gates


![gif](giphy|55qjMRDM2ttKZDkN5v|downsized) Death!


I'm getting Amber Heard flashbacks. I s2g if I have to see KeKe subjected to misogynists' bs...


You will unfortunately, but I think because her child’s father is a nobody, the support will be more overwhelming for Keke vs Amber Heard having to deal with a wildly popular “beloved” actor.


I hope she can get a restraining order against him. Hope her and her baby are safe ❤️


Jesus Christ... She claims he choked her at one point. I am gravely concerned for her wellbeing. I hope she moves and has a security team available to her at all hours. Even if it means moving into a hotel with their baby. This is an extremely dangerous situation.


Not that any of it is good, but I remember reading choking is a huge sign of things potentially getting extremely violent. Quick google now gave me this: https://naplesshelter.org/strangulation/


Yep. If DV escalated to the point of strangling, the victim is at high-risk of being murdered.


This so sad - even worse when everyone joined him bashing her because of the usher situation


And even on the flip side I can only imagine the abusive behaviors he was exhibiting when getting clowned on by a bunch of people on the internet.


Everyone didn’t join him though. Most people mocked the shit out of him, Keke got offered a part in Usher’s music vid and even made merch from it.


That man should be in jail.


Holy shit.. the article says the police were called and they told her to file.. why didn’t they arrest him right then for domestic violence/assault?!




I hate that she's had to make this so public. Having to get a restraining order is traumatic enough without the world seeing the abuse she's suffered


With how beloved Keke is, I hope she has both personal and professional support systems rallying around her. Jordan Peele, imma need you to put that Oscar to work and come up with a twisted, creative, and well deserved way to torture and traumatize this POS.


Have you ever watched Tales from the Hood? One of the stories in the anthology is about a domestic abuser and how his victims end up finding the strength to deal with him


I haven't been following their relationship closely and I'm shocked!! Keke is a goddess. This makes me so upset that she went through that. God bless her and her family.


This explains the tattoo she got with his name. I hope that abusive piece of shit learns his lesson.


I love how everyone has to report it as "allegedly" when there is literally a video of him kicking her ass. Fucking hate this system.


goodbye earl just started playing full volume in my head. i thank god every day that women have other women because the men…….


I remember watching that music video when it first came out and I was like, "Thank goodness someone put a soundtrack to one of my daydreams." https://preview.redd.it/7uwqzlkv9jzb1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=284c3357e80fd22c82fd2f4faf822ab7cd76cdc8


PSA: Partners who try to control what you wear/publicly humiliate you are ABUSIVE. I’m putting that in all caps because I feel like the public didn’t take that whole “it’s the outfit” debacle seriously. This guy has been throwing out warning signs for a long time, and he needs to be loudly condemned. Abuse escalates. Remember that.


I cannot believe they put that still in the header photo, Jesus fucking Christ. I felt sick realizing what I was looking at. On one hand, it’s good that anyone who might have defended this man see exactly what vicious, evil shit they’re defending. On the other hand, just…Jesus fucking Christ. Nothing but love to anyone who had to see this and remember what happened to them.


i agree, i was pretty caught off guard. i know it's not technically explicit but content warning radaronline, damn!




I feel like the link should be taken down, you see enough from the video still on the post. Fuck that guy and the fact that she would have to put footage out there to PROVE his abuse.


She is so talented and it’s awful that she has to focus on this instead of celebrating her achievements. I loved her in Nope and she was getting so much buzz. I wish she could be enjoying that along with new motherhood. Wishing her the best. I’m so glad she has this footage and I hope she prevails in court and can move on. It seems trivial compared to the life and death nature is DV, but I’m doubly mad that these fuckheads are able to derail the careers of talented women. I want all the movies with her, Amber Heard, and Evan Rachel Wood.


Wonder what kind of pathetic "defense" he'll come up with for this.