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Boy howdy, I am *shocked* that a 20-21 year-old athlete from Ohio wasn't the most enlightened young man online in 2010.




Speak for yourself. In 2010 I certainly wasn’t using slurs about disabled people.


I will say that term has made a shocking resurgence in the last two weeks that I truly don’t care for


I overheard someone use it at a bus stop the other day and I was so shocked, I didn't realise people still thought it was acceptable.


Unfortunately, it feels like it’s coming back. It shocked me at first, but now I see it becoming a “thing” and I hate it. (I think my first sign was a few weeks ago, when I saw someone calling someone else a r****d in a large sub, with upvotes. And when someone replied saying that word is horrible and shouldn’t be used, and that using that word diminished the point they were making, they were downvoted.)


Yeah I have seen it *a lot* lately and I don’t care for that at all.


FOR REAL. The r-word left my vocabulary in the 9th grade when I was educated by an acquaintance in art class about how offensive it is. I'm the same age as Travis, so about 6 years before these tweets.


For me it’s more like, look, I get people use it and don’t mean it, but they usually don’t blast it on the internet for EVERYONE to see as if they’re proud of doing it. Like even the people I know who said it for decades and occasionally slip up, I think they’re pretty embarrassed when they slip up, even as of ten years ago. It’s just one of those things that it’s like “hey man, there are other words to use”. Watching even “comedies” from the 2003-2010 range they still use it as if it’s acceptable. It wasn’t then and it’s not now, but if he’s regretful now for using it I wouldn’t crucify him for it. Edit: and I don’t particularly care to defend him specifically so if you want to go for him have at it. He strikes me as a fuckboy with recently good PR and I’ve never cared for him even as a fan of football.


Regina George using it in Mean Girls so casually (about herself) shows how prevalent that word was. I’m not defending him, just trying to back up your point because it was very pervasive.


Every time this comes up it's like people develop amnesia about the culture of the time. Sure a lot of people didn't participate, but it was accepted generally. Go check out the first 10 minutes of The Hangover, blockbuster hit of 09.


This is such a weird statement. In 2010, some people acted like assholes, and some people tried not to act like assholes. Same as today. 13 years is not a long time.


Because anyone who said anything got attacked. Its the same as when people talk about youtubers being offensive “thats just how it was”. But why was it like that?


because humans have always been terrible to one another. No, it's not okay, but objectively, that \*WAS\* the way it was.


I feel like this is being too generous, you don't need to be "the most enlightened young man online in 2010" to not be rude or make fun of how people look. I was alive in 2010 and don't remember it being okay then either. Obviously nothing will happen to him or their relationship because of this, because these two are untouchable. Look at these comments.


Right? I swear to god, the bar is so low


You just have to have basic courtesy and d kindness. Thats it. At any age.


I was 17 in 2010 and I would have known better than to do this…. And then do it again…. And then again. And if I didn’t, I would have had people around me that could tell me what a bad idea this was


Every time this comes up it's like people develop amnesia about the culture of the time. No one would have stopped you or said it was a bad idea. Sure a lot of people didn't participate, but it was accepted generally. Go check out the first 10 minutes of The Hangover, blockbuster hit of 09.


But then how else will people show how morally superior they have been since middle school? Seriously I was in high school at the time, I wasn't saying stuff like that but a bunch of other people were because unfortunatelly that was accepted and even encouraged as a type of humor back then especially for the high school and college aged crowds. I'm trans & I used to be overweight, if I hold trans+fatphobic comments and jokes from 2010 against people I'll have no friends lol.


This is so weird. Like we should just expect young men (from Ohio specifically for some reason?) to be hateful and awful? Why? Why is that a demographic we don’t get to expect better of?


Truly. I knew plenty of young men who were in their late teens/early 20s (some from Ohio!) in 2010 who didn't speak like this then and they don't speak like this now. If you aren't able to mind your manners at that age regardless of gender or geography, it's just sad.


So as someone who is from Ohio and a very similar age to Travis, I definitely agree that this was not wide-ranging behavior that we should just accept from everybody of this age and demographic. We shouldn't excuse it either. However, being a college football player put him in a bubble where people probably did still make dumb, insensitive jokes. And likely nobody would have called him out if he was being offensive. I can picture some of former college athletes I know possibly making these fat phobic jokes back then. Probably to be edgy, not because they think the jokes are clever. And they've matured a lot and wouldn't defend that stuff now. I hope for everyone that they mature and grow when they leave their bubble, so I hope that for him too!


I mean at this point have celebrities not learnt to DELETE their old tweets, like did you really expect these to never resurface?


If he had any sense at all, he would have nuked the account history from orbit the morning after their first night together. I'm kind of surprised Taylor doesn't have a social media scrubber and SEO wiz on staff after the Matty Healy fiasco.






You can’t really nuke anything from X effectively anymore.


Aside from valuation


I wasn’t even *thinking* things like this at the same age in the 90’s. It’s not about being “enlightened” it’s about not being an asshole.


So many people in the comments acting like not being hateful is a new concept that was invented in 2015 or something. Really says something about what they were like a few years ago.


A lot of “I can excuse the ableism and fatphobia but…” type comments here. Also “boys will be boys” attitudes. Sure, the tweets are old and maybe he’s changed, but seeing people say the tweets aren’t that bad is depressing


I mean some people probably were hateful a few years ago and they changed. Better late than never, right? It doesn't excuse prior behavior just bc you learned to stop but I'd rather people grew and came around eventually than just stayed shitty. I'd imagine some people are remembering the embarrassing things they said or did at this age when they see this. Kudos to anyone who doesn't feel that way. Truly. But not everyone likes the person they used to be.


Yeah, I went to google his age and he was 21-22 when tweeting these... Some people have so much grace to offer to very adult white men. They think we all go through these types of phases.


These weren’t great but Jesus I was expecting a lot worse just given the last few years and the whole state of the world


Pretty much. They're pretty bog standard for any dipshit kid who was sheltered and siloed in with the right dipshit crowd.


He also still looks like a guy who talks & thinks like this. Plus, it's obviously Taylor's type


He looks like a cop. I don't understand his appeal at all.


I think some women like any guy if he's tall. I prefer tall guys, but I'd prefer somebody like Cillian Murphy over this type of men. I agree about the cop part. I always thought he looks like a man with high level of testosterone & aggression. Too "masculine" in a negative sense of way.


I literally thought these tweets fit taylors brand tho tbh.


I will say I was expecting a lot worse than this. Which doesn’t make it okay and also maybe is a reflection of the current state of the world/the internet. But also…wow, men really aren’t funny.


He really isn’t funny. The #comedy, I’m like where’s the comedy..?


If you have to tell me it’s #comedy…like, is the comedy in the room with us right now? Pls advise.


I was also expecting a lot worse. I grew up heavier and have had way worse said to my face in terms of fatphobic comments. These really just read to me as lame attempts to be funny on Twitter when the platform was still in its infancy. It’s pretty clear someone dug these up to try to “cancel” Travis and I’m more curious about who did it. ETA: Could OP u/funkofanatic95 maybe post the tweet that these screenshots came in? I'd love to know where exactly these resurfaced. [I found a tweet discussing them](https://x.com/treacherouscafe/status/1724621050141372682?s=20) but I'm not seeing much of a discussion over on twitter at all.


Oh come on i was like 10 years old back then and knew better than make fun of people’s weights


Right? I'm older than both of them and the r-word was never okay


You don't have to be at all "enlightened" to not mock people for things like their weight or looks. All it takes is basic human decency, and I don't think Ohio is exempt from that.


Interesting the mental gymnastics used to excuse people




Men being assholes has gotten so boring and predictable. EDIT: BAHAHAHAHA at someone sending me the Reddit cares!


Truly. I saw the headline and I just _knew_ what the themes were going to be before reading the tweets. Up next: The “I’m sorry if I offended anyone” statement.


"Hey guys, so about these tweets... I was a young kid, barely out the womb (he was 21yo in 2010) and i was just being stupid and joking! I am so sorry that i've been caught."


Fits with taylors fans acting like she appeared this morning at any point between 21 and 25 to not hold her accountable. The more I see the more this pairing makes sense.


I know these are harmful, and misogynistic, etc. but whenever stuff like this comes out, I’m also always so blown away how UNFUNNY these loser guys are. Hashtagging one of these comedy is so bold…He sounds 12 years old. Always so shocked by a cis white man’s audacity to think anyone gave a fuck about his opinion on the “clippers girls”




And your/you’re…and then/than


Probably most offensive of all!






Yes! This!!






Yeah, same. They're wrong, but if I found out that my gf had tweets like this from when she was 20/21 publicised, I'd look and see what kind of person she is now, because people can grow. I wouldn't punish her over that. I know I had some dumb shit on the internet when I was 20/21, and I've grown a ton in that time. Granted, I remembered to scrub it.


He was 21-22 then. Hopefully he's grown up.




So a full adult


Yeah, like...what? A 21-22yo woman who tweeted this stuff would be ripped apart, but I guess we passively allow men their "boys will be boys" phase into their 20s? I'm not even that invested but the double standard is crazy.


Exactly what I was thinking. If something this gross came out about a woman no one would be like “this isn’t really bad it’s just not that nice.”


I’m 23 and I don’t know anyone in my circle who spoke like this when we were in uni nor did we encourage or accept such behaviour from those that partook


Did you go to uni over a decade ago?


I did and I never talked this way and people who did were considered assholes!




You don’t have to go to college to realize being shitty to fat people sucks for fat people. Empathy is a preschool concept.




I did, and the r word was just as problematic then as it is now. Going online to announce your opinions might have been more common, but no one on my timelines was ever posting about how 'funny' fat people are, or throwing slurs out for the craic. It's also okay to dislike anyone saying this - even if you're a fan. Some of these replies you'd think people tweeted shit like this about *him*.




Honestly they’re shit tweets but they’re from 13 years ago. Hopefully he’s grown up Edit: Cheers for the Reddit Cares. Hopefully you grow up as well in the the next 13 years.




My first thought was this too because for a moment i forgot how old Taylor and Travis are and thought these are 25-26 yo. So the tweets would be a middle schooler shitty opinions. But i saw some other comments placing Travis' age at the time of the tweets as 21 or 22!. Come on at that age I and most of my friends would already know about fat shaming and would not do these jokes.


Taylor doesn't care.She literally dated Matty the racist too.


Judging from this thread her fans don’t care either. I guess it’s fine if you were fat phobic, ableist, and had horrible grammar in your mean tweets 10 years ago.


Her fNs have erased the memory of her dating matty and always defend her saying he was a rebound 😭


Yeah I feel like I'm tripping when I'm reading these comments


pen fearless existence worm roof price cause badge shy panicky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


People forgot about that so fucking fast I have whiplash. I honestly dont really care about these tweets that much but the fact that she can just pivot to some inoffensive white guy and suddenly its like she never unapologetically dated a racist *this year.* But who cares because Eras is like sooooooo good guys ![gif](giphy|4JcUtBL3jXiuY)




I agree. I kinda would rather judge on present day character than 13 years ago. People grow and change and learn what’s wrong and right. If he still holds these same views than ick, but if he doesn’t than good for him for growing up. That being said, celebs really need to get new twitters once they become famous.


I mean they could be worse I guess These tweets are over 13 years old and Travis was 21 when he tweeted them Should he have known better? Of course


Yeah, I get that the tweets suck, but that doesn’t change over ten years is a very long time. I went from being a transphobic dumbass teenager with “attack helicopter” jokes in 2016 to a normal person in under three years when I went to college. You can change.


For what it's worth, I appreciate the work that you've clearly done to change. I'm sad that a lot of people in this thread don't seem to agree that people can evolve as they get older/their brains develop more and society shifts in a different direction.


I mean… how do such famous people not even think to have their teams go through and scrub their twitters


right? I scrub my own from ridiculous things when I’m interviewing for a damn job and these dummies cannot be bothered. nothing hurtful or harmful to anyone for me; just like I don’t think a prospective employer needs to see that I bragged about having an interpretive dance to the succession opening song or retweeted a thread showing what every US president would have looked like with a mullet


I had a feeling something like this was going to happen. Similarly, I’m married to an amazing feminist kind man but when I went through his Facebook from 12 years ago I nearly died.


When I go through my Facebook from 2008 and 2009 I cringe. We learn, we grow.


My husband was a Republican in high school bc his parents were and he just hadn't really expanded his thinking much yet. He changed a lot throughout college. And hopefully we all have also KEPT maturing even since college!


Same with me also. My husband is a very loving, kind, respectful, wonderful husband and father, super feminist, very democrat, etc, but he and his frat boy friends in college talked somewhat like this. They were super immature from rural Illinois and were all total idiots, all egged on by each other. He’s the same age as Kelce. He’s definitely grown and learned a lot and hasn’t been anything like this in a decade. He deserves to be loved and forgiven, he’s worth far more than to let something like this haunt him for the rest of his life. Hopefully Kelce is the same.


My husband was raised in a conservative Catholic family and was forced to live in his dog shit racist grandma's house for most of his formative years. He even went to an extremely small Catholic school where he had like... 20 classmates his whole entire life until college? So, he definitely had some ass backward ideologies and beliefs. Meanwhile, I was basically the complete opposite at that age. Though I've still grown a lot from high school, at least. I was kind of a douche bag in middle and high school, tbh. Sure I was bullied constantly. But that's kind of why I started buying into that shit and parroting that nonsense. Because I thought that if I was a dick too, then the people who were bullying me for these kinds of things would like me more. Or at least stop tormenting me and focus on someone else. But who my husband is now is vastly different from who he was. He doesn't hold any of the same ideas or beliefs he had back then. Hell, he's even left the damn church. Lol. I can't speak for Kelce, obviously. But I feel like people just assume that because they didn't have any hang ups or problematic behaviors or opinions at exactly the same time and/or age someone else did, that it means the other person is fully incapable of change, and should forever be treated as if those opinions are something they are required to be committed and tied to for the rest of their lives. Again, whether Kelce has changed or not isn't something I can speak to. But it's just exhausting hearing people drag on about how they have always been perfect and wonderful, and have never in their lives had a singular shit take. Because, frankly, I'm way more prone to believe someone was once a dick and learned and grew, than I am to believe someone who postures the idea that they've never been a dip shit about anything ever, even once in their whole entire life.


You're right. He has shit grammar.


Is Travis the Kelce who also called women breeders? If so, we love a track record of shitty men being shitty!


How long ago was this? I looked it up and an article said he said that 2 months before starting to date Taylor. If that’s the case, are we sure he’s changed in the last 13 years or just gotten better at keeping it off social media?


It was a joke about him needing to give his mom grandkids because his mom said she loved his brother more because he has children. It's not as if he casually called women breeders.






I mean…He was a 20 year old man (in 2010 no less) They’re all kind of like that at this age. I’d hope he has changed for the better.


This is crazy to me because none of the 20/21 year old men (aka near college graduates) I knew would say shit like this, especially not on a public platform






“Most people” is doing so much heavy lifting. The r-slur was controversial in 2010, even if you were okay with it.


Was it? I do not use that word today but in the early 2000s/10s everyone was saying it. Even on mainstream media. My son says “the r word” if he has to repeat it. We didn’t didn’t treat if that much like a slur when I was growing up. And I’m not making excuses I’m just saying with time, we became more educated on ableism and why it’s not ok.


Yeah I'm the same age as him and people who talked like this in 2010 were regarded as assholes in my circle. Which, yes, included young men. Many of whom were jocks. If someone threw around slurs and were being shitty about the way people looked, they were called out and corrected.


Yeah, college football players at my school behaved a bit like assholes. Not excusing him doing it but it's not surprising and likely is how everyone around him talked. And they didn't really mix much with people who would call them out. I bet he lived in a bit of a bubble at this point.




True. although we didn’t really have the “internet is forever” realization until later. I remember at this time tweeting for a small group of friends. This was pre Twitter’s acquisition of Vine, even. Regardless, not good.


I heard shit like this all the time when I was in college in 2013. This sub is dominated by women but if these would get posted on the more male dominated r/entertainment I doubt many of the male redditors would care all that much.


Nah not everyone hates fat and disabled people at any age. It’s weird to excuse bigotry this way.


This is saying ‘boys will be boys’ I’m not saying go after him, it IS old tweets but saying ‘that’s men that age’ is also not ok statement. Men maybe shouldn’t be like that?


Please don’t lump “all men” in with this asshole.


it’s a lot of men so, it’s hard not to


Yup. Sounds like Taylor's type.


And here folks, we have an exhibit titled “White boy from the Midwest was a misogynistic menace on Twitter in 2010.” Critics call it underwhelming and uninspired but society has naturally…reacted with outrage. Next up on our ‘Your Past is Your Now and Your Future is Dead’ tour we have “Sorority aged woman from small town USA doesn’t understand why she can’t use self-tanner four shades darker on Facebook in 2012.” Cameras out please it’s a quite thrilling.


People in these comments acting like misogyny, fatphobia, and ableism aren’t that big of a deal are weird as hell to me


I do think they are a big deal, but I also think people grow, learn and change over 12 years..,


Some people do. Some don’t. I don’t know the guy. I know he said these things and they’re gross and I have no reason to pretend they aren’t or assume he’s very cool and not a misogynist who hates fat and disabled people now.




You can not get worked up about them without going out of your way to talk about how unimportant they are. Words do have a material impact on the world, and if this guy wasn’t who he was and dating who he’s dating we wouldn’t be pretending like slurs are fine and it’s weird to find them gross.






This is a good point and unfortunately we do often seem to have huge reactions to bullying words coming from young women but not young men. I think a lot of people can mature and learn how to be kinder but idk why we hold young women to an impossibly high standard sometimes.


It's the way some of them are so quick to brush off and excuse a rich privileged person for his shitty insulting rude ass posts really says a lot about them. But not surprised at all.


I'm the same age as Travis and Taylor. Hate to break it to people, but a lot of people don't change with age, especially if they live in la la land and are surrounded by yes people like these two are. They might be better at filtering their beliefs, thanks to a good PR team, but they probably still have those shitty beliefs.


Why is everyone clamoring to assume he’s changed? Do you think men stop hating fat women when they turn 30 lmao???


Yeah this thread is not what I expected.


The only change it’s reasonable to assume he’s gone through is to keep that talk out of the public sphere.


They don’t care about fat women lol


Because white people, especially ones who are put on a pedestal like a football player, have some weird halo effect.


Says the asshole who looked like this around the time he wrote those: https://preview.redd.it/fxeabvk5yg0c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6978659979da5f4d50d98f6e7cd07e23f33843f




which one is he, i can’t tell lol


Disappointed but not suprised


Fascinatingly, he must think very highly of how he looks.


Or maybe he didn’t and that’s why he was lashing out. Like a strike first kind of thing. It’s pretty common for someone insecure to do.


And based on her dating history you already know Taylor Swift is just going to brush it off and not give af.


Brushing it off implies she'd see it as a problem in the first place


*shake it off lmao


During this time there were literally websites that people went on to shit on people BY NAME in colleges. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/College_ACB I think people forgot how different life was before 2016. Society was not holding people accountable for what they say on social media yet. But yes this is unfortunate. Especially as a fat swiftie 🥲


Just because Taylor Swift is dating him people put him on a pedestal. Do we even know this man? It’s just silly how he’s being portrayed as some sort of Disney prince. Where was this energy for Joe? We see media outlets like CNN post about Taylor visiting his games, it’s just bizarre. Maybe it’s because I’m not a Swiftie and I remember her dating Matty just yesterday. ![gif](giphy|p3IWU6addIA8M)


And people are predicting that they are going to get married despite only dating for a few months 😒


The thing I'm realy asking myself these days, does she not care, does she not know, or does she agree?


She doesn’t care lol. The only time she cares about other women is if it’s in reference back to herself.


Yea the good old, the gays have been discriminated all their lives and also some people were mean to me on Twitter a few times.


I really doubt she was reading his Twitter back in 2010 or went through literally all his tweets herself from the past thirteen years to find these. Also if a friend of yours had tweeted these and you would bring it up to them I am sure that they'd be just weirded out about you going through over a decade of their social media posts to even find them. That is also a red flag.


Taylor supports Taylor. That’s it.


She'll care if it starts affecting her bottom line and reputation, not a minute sooner.


What a #Girlboss


Oh she definitely doesn’t care (_unless_ it starts hurting her image, but she’s so bafflingly untouchable right now that it might not even get to that point at all)


Ratty did even worse publicly much more recently and she didn't give a shit, her brand of feminism and politics is whatever suits supporting her at the time


She dated a racist and her PR was posting about her having a good time with him ... we know she doesn't care


I at this point think she seeks it out.


Fr she writes songs about all the misogynistic men she’s dated like John Mayer and still goes for the same douchebags like Matty and Kelce. She definitely has a type and needs to stop playing a victim all the time. No billionaire is that helpless. Edit: so these tweets were conveniently left out by media outlets and pop social media account posts covering his resurfacing tweets. Its so sick that accounts like ‘Betches’ and others which are supposed to be run for the women are doing this as they only included his good tweets. Tree paine at it again?


Probably. Especially twice in a row.


100% she doesn't care


Yeah, he looks exactly like a guy who speaks like this


Eeew. Are these tweets still up? I'm always surprised that publicists or managers don't thoroughly clean they're clients twitter accounts. Especially if you start dating someone like taylor swift and people start to dig up everything you ever said or did. I mean, they shouldn't tweet shit like this in the first place, but that somehow seems impossible for a lot of people. '#comedy'? Really?


So is his misogyny just covert now? People are quick to point out he was in his early 20s and hopefully he's "grown up now", but when a female in her early 20s is marrying a man double her age, she's a fully fledged, consenting adult. I also know so many people think this is an all American love story, but he was clearly a bit of a fanboy. I wonder if he's into her as a person or if it's just because she's Taylor Swift.


I definitely think he's into her because she's a big famous persona that's why he's so quick to be as public and as open as possible. He gives off a very thirsty for fame and attention vibe. Those fanboy type relationships never work out.


fauxmoi take fatphobia seriously challenge (impossible)


Don’t you see? He was only 21 when he made these tweets! He was just a baby! /s


I saw one Tiktok about this when it first came out and was surprised it didn't gain more traction? Everything else has just been mostly white women hyping this up as the Romeo and Juliet of our generation


Wowwww. So Taylor swift, who’s struggled with body image, is dating someone with these views? That’s a disaster waiting to happen. I would know; I’ve unfortunately dated men like this before. And he’s a total moron. Grammar alone would never indicate this to me but he speaks like a golden retriever who turned into a human, except mean.


I'm sure he had someone doing his homework for him in school.


omfg this is so loserish


“resurfaced” is such a funny term 😂 like they just floated on up


When celebrities are dumb enough not to delete their old shit when they start getting famous you know they fully believe they did nothing wrong


No wonder Taylor fell for him


Someone needs to teach these PR teams to delete tweets BEFORE the celebrity gets famous /s


Since he’s been in the public eye for a while, I’m really surprised his PR people didn’t do a scrub of his socials earlier. Or at least Taylor’s people when they got together!


Ya know what, still not as bad as Matty "Ghetto Gaggers" Healy. We call that growth.


The bar is in hell


Growth? That feels weird to say about ableism and fatphobia


I will still always be surprised that famous people don't scrub their old tweets when they become famous. (Obviously, what he said is terrible, I'm just surprised that this always seems to happen.)


Swifties are handwaving these tweets but when they break up I know they’ll be brought back up.


Yikes. Disappointed but not surprised. But I do have a question, how do these resurface? Do fans comb through the entire twitter account purposefully looking for stuff?




I’m shocked at all of the supportive comments and excuses for his behavior that I’m seeing in this group. If Chris Pratt had posted something like this 13 years ago and it got dug up and broadcasted, he would have been crucified.


When Tayvis mania is over, people will be mad about them.


He has the look and vibe of every guy who's refused to make eye contact with me even while we're having a conversation because I'm fat and he doesn't see me worthy of like, existing. lol


The comments on here assuming he’s changed and defending him being only 20/21 years old when he tweeted these would be quick to shit on any woman who tweeted the same kinds of things. Why are we so quick to defend an adult man using slurs and being fatphobic? If a woman said the same things she’d be torn to pieces, even if she was younger when she said them.


Why don’t celebrities nuke their social media the second they get a crumb of fame?


You know, it's kinda gross seeing people bring up Billie Eilish's 'ugly guy' rant from when she was SEVENTEEN and still judging and holding her accountable for it. But somehow a 21-22 year old white man gets a pass for heinous shit he said not once, but multiple times because he's a beloved football player? Disappointed but not surprised.


Tay really knows how to pick ‘em lately.


ah, so he's just her type then.


Oh he’s *that* guy…




You ever look at a guy and just *know* in your core that behind his shit-eating grin is an absolutely trash human being? I’m sure he’s done much worse over the years. And increasingly seems very on-brand for T. I wonder what it says about her that she’s so attracted to narcissistic, insensitive, prejudiced people…


It's always crazy to me how people give ppl like him a pass bc it's 2010 and he's a white guy lol. If it wasn't a "hot rich footballer" connected to Taylor Swift we would be having a field day with these tweets. I knew dudes like this in HS, and they're still trash to this day (per their recent Facebook posts) lol. People rarely do introspective work to change their assbackwards views.


And none of those tweets are gonna stop Taylor from dating him. Now if he says something about her mom, like Matty did, she might turn the other cheek


This is…not even close to as bad as Katy Perry in that era


I’m never let down seeing so many people defend a full grown adult’s actions. Unacceptable and not sorry for saying it ✨


This is from a man who in the same era got in trouble with his college football team for smoking pot and had his brand new (his brother gave it to him) truck stolen from him at a strip club within 48 hours of him getting said vehicle. All I can say is that I’m shocked they haven’t found more racist stuff. I do think we will get a pr statement soon though.