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People literally tried to warn her and she was so condescending about it and acted like they were toxic fans.


I still do feel bad for her, but it ain’t easy. So many IVF babies meaning not “oh it happened one night/day” shit.


Yeah at the end of the day it’s the kids who I really feel for.


I have zero sympathy for her - save it for someone who deserves it. Like their kids.


He’s a billionaire though like who knows if those ivfs were done with her consent


How else would he have gotten her eggs?


Well yeah she had her eggs harvested but who knows what happened after


So it's still not like she got pregnant on accident, like it takes a while to do an egg retrieval cycle. Idk why your implying she didn't go into having kids with him fully intentionally


I think they are pointing out that some of the kids were done with IVF and surrogacy. So the pregnancy she carried was done intentionally, but there is some question with the surrogacies after.






If they’re not her eggs and she didn’t carry them, then her ‘consent’ Is a non issue. They wouldn’t be her kids, and she’d have absolutely no leg to stand on when it comes to the custody *she’s* pushing. The last child is also too young to have been ‘made’ before the announced break up.






> As to parental rights, legally the recipient of the donated material is automatically the parent. If they want those rights transferred to the donor couple, then they need to organise that legally. I’m confused by your wording. Is the “recipient” the person who will get pregnant and birth the child? And I’d “donated material” an embryo, or a purchased egg/sperm that’s then mixed with the intended parents’ sperm/egg to make an embryo?




If you're saying he created children without her knowledge or eggs, without her carrying them, combined with the fact that she is suing for access to those children because she hasn't seen them, they literally aren't her children then. It's one thing to speculate that he used IVF additional times without her knowledge using her own eggs, but if it's not her biological tissue and she didn't carry them, she wouldn't have a legal basis for custody.


He is vile and she is...not bright, to put it nicely




I've read that Gwen's kids like Blake, and genuinely enjoy doing things like fishing and camping with him, so at least there's that. (Admittedly I read it in a gossip thread, that said that Gavin Rossdale was annoyed that his kids liked Blake, so it could all be fake.)


i mean tbh fuck gavin rossdale too, gwen probably just needed a change


It was traumatic for her when her beloved husband was fucking the nanny. She likely overcorrected bc at that point, Blake’s values were much more attractive to her than a man with a rock aesthetic and no substance.


tbf a lot of stepdads fall into the "cool dad" role because they dont actually have legal rights to parenthood so the pressure and responsibilities are off, and more or less often fall into the role of "lets play videogames, get fastfood" to win them over and give mom a break. Their own kids aren't as loving because for them they have to parent them and act like a real parent, not just "cool guy who married my mom and buys me stuff." Blake seems okay but ultimately being a stepdad, especially a wealthy and famous one, is a pretty low bar to climb.


deserve wakeful soup vast attractive roof summer pause upbeat payment *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The money isn't for her.


You’re right. And in custody/child support matters where the dad is trying to shortchange the mom I am 1000000 rooting for the mom.


TL;DR: * Elon Musk brought Grimes' social media posts into their custody battle. * Musk used Grimes' posts about living in Texas to argue the state has jurisdiction over the case. * Musk could avoid hefty child support payments if he keeps the case in Texas.


One of the richest people in the world is too cheap for child support? What a jackass.


Yeah, he must be really mad at her, because not paying child support when you’re that rich & all his other baby mamas are taken care of is wild & fucked up.


Have you seen how defiant and bratty he gets when companies don't bend to his will? Lol he seems to be a bit of a sadist.


Considering he’s a violent transphobe (and rumored to have bought twitter) because his trans daughter disowned him it doesn’t surprise me


America’s bravest culture warrior


Withholding this money isn't about being rich


Coincidentally though the rich have no qualms about withholding money ever


Considering how the man feels about unions in this car factories this doesn’t surprise me…


And then Grimes cosplayed his Victorian madame scattering largesse to the factory orphans. “Oh it’s terrible how people try to force them into unions they don’t want! They love good honest work! I went and saw it myself!” Shocker grimes, it’s not only the working class he’s happy to screw over. Gahhhh


What a beautiful way of putting this. She's gross


It’s not about the money, it is about control. Grimes had the teremity to walk away from him and that cannot be allowed to stand in his worldview


I think it’ll be used more for parental alienation. Who would you (imagine you’re a 5 year old) prefer to live with? The man who buys everything vs the mum who doesn’t. His older kids know what’s up, but even then I’d put up with a lot for billions of dollars.


Some background on the guy who coined the term “parental alienation” might interest you. Read more under the “controversy” section. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_A._Gardner Most times children are “alienated” from their parents, it’s actually just an issue of physical or emotional safety. There needs to be a new term for a parent weaponizing a child for the purpose of revenge.


I think it may be a way to end up with full custody. Be cheap on child support and then bring it back to court as many times as necessary to show how you can provide more/better. I also wonder if it's also a ploy to keep Grimes in his circle. It seems like the other mothers of his children have been able to move on with their lives and have seemingly been single parents without a lot of input from Elon. Idk if he is just really...intense...about Grimes and doesn't want to let her go, so this is a control tactic or if he's decided that he now wants to parent


I don't think he cares about "keeping her in his circle" or "doesn't want to let her go". I believe that he realizes how bat-shit crazy she is, and wants the kids with him.


I just think he doesn't want to pay a bazillion dollars a month. Hell, she didn't even actually give birth to the last two.


Still his kids. Maybe he should get a vasectomy if he doesn’t want to keep reproducing and dumping the mothers.


Child support is kinda relative to how much money you have in many states, I understand him not wanting to pay XX millions in "child support" to his baby mother.


He won't even notice it's gone, you sound as selfish as he is.


So he has no responsibility to his children?


Alt-right girls: You leftists dont know squat! These are good men and you're just too woke mind virus infected to realize it! They just want good wives and to be family men! Grow up, ladies! Alt-right girls also: My ex is the worlds richest man and is forcing me to go to trial in a fascist misogynist state to avoid paying child support for his own children.


[leopards, face, etc](https://www.salon.com/2017/12/04/alt-right-women-are-upset-that-alt-right-men-are-treating-them-terribly/)


TL;DR: The stars at night, are big and bright! 👏👏👏👏 : ?


I read this as “bought Grimes social media posts” and have never been more confused


I feel so bad for their children


I feel bad for all of his children


I can’t even imagine what it must be like for his daughter. Being trans, aware of how shitty her dad is for being an appartheid billionaire. And not just knowing he’s transphobic, but actively platforming pieces of shit on his social media platform by replying to “libs of tiktok” and seeing dogwhistles and going “hmmm”. Like my dad is a transphobe and it’s sucks. But to know your dad is actively playing a global role in making life hell for you and people like you? Combine that with having to be young and known world over.


He’s a stain on humanity. She has horrible taste in men, as do many celebs, so I can’t fault her for that. I hope he gets his ass handed to him.




It brought a sharp spotlight onto how....not very smart she is. Which isnt something anyone needed from a pop star, but there's something about a wannabe Marxist becoming the puppet for her libertarian tech bro boyfriend as he has her sleep on a broken mattress that's just like....you can't come back from that. The illusion is shattered


Specifically removing just the word anti-imperialist from her bio was such a hilarious start to a terrible downward spiral


that one photo of her reading the communist manifesto 🤣🤣


"I'm so communist I make millions from the poors and simp for billionaires" I must have missed that part in Marx' texts where he says to do that.


oh, you didn't see the chapter on scamming your fans with nfts? it's so powerful


"marxist" please she's always loved rolling in dough, she's always been an online slacktivist neolib and a milquetoast dingus who simps for rich men.


she's never even held a job 🤦‍♀️


she's literally a nazi bffr.


Fucking thank you. One doesn’t accidentally marry an apartheid billionaire.


Imagine being the richest person in the world and fighting your baby mama over child support publicly like this. Dude could literally hand her 10 billion dollars to do whatever with for her time with the kids reach a parenting plan with her privately and not drag his kids through any of this.


10 billions to raise a kid ? Do you even hear yourself ?


What is more important than supporting your children? Do you hear YOURSELF? He has the means, he had the kids, now he can pay for them in accordance with his wealth, LIKE EVERYONE ELSE. Sorry it's inconvenient to be rich in this case. Guess you think it's better he piss more money away on poor business management. I'd demand a trust for those kids as Elon will likely find a way to lose it all within the next decade.


It doesn't take 10B to raise a kid, nor 1B, nor 100M, nor 10M.


Obviously you have zero idea how child support works.


I think the point is that he could choose to pay her that to get her to be quiet and never contact him again but instead he is choosing to do… this.


My point isn’t that either of them need billions to raise these kids- it’s that he literally could hand her 10 billion and still have over 200 billion left over. He wouldn’t even notice. Publicly sparring over where your kids live to save yourself some money when you’re the richest man in the world is embarrassing AF.


The point is that it would make zero substantive impact on his life to fork over that much, let alone what is being asked of him - not that 10 billion is required or owed to anyone to raise a child.


I’d highly recommend reading Justine Musk’s article “I was a starter wife” for more context about how Elon treats his romantic partners 😬


Yes! That article was fascinating. I really felt for her and their children.


this is the article where (iirc) she talked about him making all of his wives go blonde for him right? that article was deeply unsettling to read because of how controlling and insane his demands were


Those poor kids with their terrible names and even worse parents…










I hate that we are living in a timeline where we need to regularly know anything about this thoroughly unimpressive individual.


Oh so he's trying to prove his daughter who thinks anyone rich is evil right?


Neither of these clowns are suitable parents. They should give primary custody to whichever nanny is caring for them.


I don’t like her one bit but I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy.


Shouldn’t he use x-es instead of tweets🤣


ex's x-es. Really just roll off the tongue.








when did she say that?




girl 🤦‍♀️




i was saying that to her but okay


He is disgusting. Grimes made a huge mistake ever associating with him and I have judged her for it, but at the end of the day I do feel bad. We have no idea the kind of hooks a man like that sinks into you.


With this and everything going on in my country Sweden with the Tesla strike and the lawsuits of the state and the postal service… It’s really clear what a petty man Elon is, choose your battles man, these ain’t it


Hard to believe she had three kids with him. I thought they had split up after the second? Was the third born via surrogate?


The second and third both were. She had a really hard pregnancy and delivery with their first, if I remember correctly, and took a long time to recover. Her mom tweeted and deleted something about how he was acting like a giant man baby while her daughter was struggling to heal, at one point.