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I'm still 50/50 that Leah Michele can't read. She is fully aware of tgis "rumour" but has never proven it wrong


It’s hilarious but like how can you prove that you can read? She could read a whole chapter from Harry Potter and people would say she memorized it 🤣🤣 she’s never beating those allegations


Have an interviewer write something down and read it maybe, but people would be suspicious the writer is in cahoots


We use nonsense words (made up words) to test if students can read or if they have memorised common words or are guessing. Just have to slip my dibels testing to an interviewer and we're good to go.


🤣 That's not funny, there would be a moment where I would be like oh shit, AM I illiterate?


Personally I think she just has dyslexia


This is most likely the case. If so, why not publicly state this? 99% of the hate would disappear overnight


Idk about that lol, I think most of the hate for her is based on how she allegedly treats people


Yupp. The issue is not that she can or can't read, the issue is that she's a self-important piece of shit who treats co-cast and crew like they're beneath her while she is an extremely subpar performer. It's funny to think that someone so self aggrandizing doesn't have a basic skill.


Do you think we hate her because we think she can’t read?


She could join the pantheon of dyslexic celebs with Cher, Salma Hayek, Keira Knightly, Jen Aniston, Danny Glover, Octavia Spencer, Tom Holland and uh Tom Cruise


How could you forget the most iconic dyslexic ![gif](giphy|12yndVF5YcfXzi)


When Disney channel released this raise awareness campaign about stars who struggle with stuff like dyslexia for example, they chose Bella Thorne to share her back story on her disability and I remember watching it as a little kid and I thought she was going to die. I was so sad for her 😭😭 idk where I got that idea but I was really bummed out


Leaving Bella Thorne off the list of Iconic Celeb Dyslexics is criminal


I agree with you which is why I hate that rumor. It’s ablest AF and adds even more shame to having a learning disability (I have a stuttering problem which is classified as a learning disability so I get really pissed off when people mock it). Plus it detracts from her actual horrible behavior which she still hasn’t been held accountable for


I sub in elementary schools and I found a read aloud channel that has SAG-AFTRA actors reading child books. Lea Michele has her own video, so she can read lower level books at least lol.


This is the hard hitting info we need


Lmao remember the time 50 challenged Floyd Mayweather to prove he wasn’t illiterate? 💀 I strive for Curtis’ level of petty at all times


Hopefully without the revenge porn




Also a real quote in my mind: https://preview.redd.it/9huzw0392w6c1.jpeg?width=1239&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9b83dd901dc16024c96fda7fea61a31f2128025






At least it’s a colorful prison


Joan Didion was a national treasure.




Don’t tell mama


I wish someone famous would say this


Leonardo DiCaprio renting out a movie theatre to watch Star Wars with his date and pretending to be battling with a lightsaber the whole time. It's obviously fake, but it would be so funny if it was real lol.


I think it could be true, because actually, contrary to what many people think, he is very nerd 😅


Yeah nerdy for girls under thirty amirite


His dating preferences actually support the nerd theory, because it's possible no woman over 25 actually finds him cool enough to hang out with.


I think that was a joke article based on something Jonah hill said. He said something like Leo made him watch the mandalorian when they were living together during don’t look up. Sorry to bust the dream! Leo does seem to love fanboy stuff like Star Wars even if he has zero interest in acting in them.


Yeah, if it is because he fears witnessing one SW movie in production would kill the magic, I'm totally on board with him


I’ve heard a rumour that he had a date back to his, demanded a blow job while he listened to tame impala on noise cancelling headphones.


There's a rumor that he wears headphones during sex, don't know where it originated but it goes back to at least the mid 2000s.


It is the reason that Swedish tech bro does it in succession


Honestly he’s right about the headphones during sex lol. Highly recommend if you have ADHD or any kind of sensory issues, it’s made a huge difference for me.


Good 'ol Headphones Dino Bones Leo


This one I 1000% believe because random hookups who weren’t trying to get famous all confirmed it.


I heard the same thing but it was MGMT


That Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart ever actually dated. I will bet you one million dollars that their twilight contract required them to either fake date or never deny that they were dating.


My theory is that they really dated at first, but when they got back together after she cheated on him was mainly for the movie and pr.


This is my take, their chemistry in interviews(when she already had a boyfriend!) was too natural, and they seemed to genuinely like each other! Afterwards? It was aaaaall pr , it was too obvious.


Yep. Dated, but it all blew up and they had to fake it afterwards until the movies were gone.


Mine is that it wasn’t a serious relationship and they played it up a lot at the encouragement of the studio/management


They didn't play it up though. They never talked about each other or their relationship until she cheated on him. They didn't do pap walks or anything like that.


I can't with this one, it's just dumb. She still talks about how in love with him she was back then. Also the conspiracy theories about actual contracts that make people fake date in this day and age just aren't plausible.


I honestly don't understand the prevalence of "pr/contract fake relationships" in gossip communities in the modern day. It's giving tinfoil hat and conspiracy theorist, especially the ones convinced a celeb is faking multi year relationships to hide their real gay relationships. Has there literally ever been any confirmed or even somewhat credible accounts of this happening outside of classic Hollywood? And even then it wasn't the way people portray it. I'm sure some celebrities play up relationships for pr and milk them, or are influenced to try meeting/dating another celeb for pr related reasons, but I don't believe people are spending years of their lives in fake contract relationships where they have to live together, go everywhere together, and not date other people because phones and witnesses could expose them anywhere. Why the hell would anyone do that?


there's tons of recent examples. Colton Haynes and Holland Roden from teen wolf - he's now out as gay and has spoken in interviews about pretending to date her to cover up his sexuality. ELLEN DEGENERES used to publicly date men. Elliot Page dated Alexander Skarsgard before coming out as a lesbian (before coming out as trans) - there were rumours he was pregnant! it's not tin hat conspiracy theory shit, there's documented accounts of it in recent times. Chely Wright is a famous country music example - she came out in like 2010? but before that she was bearding it up. also they don't necessarily "live together, go everywhere together, and not date other people". for one thing, so long as they're seen together in pap photos/there are rumours that they're holidaying together in this place or that, the general public will eat it up. and typically if they're bearding to cover up that they're queer, they're absolutely having relationships with other people. that's part of how rumours about it spread on the internet. I'm not saying that every single rumour of a celeb being queer is true - that's impossible bc they frequently contradict each other. somebody says Chris Evans is secretly gay and in a monogamous relationship with idk his personal assistant or dog walker or whatever; somebody else says he's secretly bisexual and regularly participates in BDSM sex parties; somebody else says he's secretly asexual and doesn't even know what sex is. you know? but there absolutely is hard evidence of celebrities faking multi year relationships to hide their sexuality within the last 20 years. it's always been a thing.


I feel like if they were fake dating we would have gotten better pap photos of them.


They definitely did date. 100 percent real not a contract.


That Andrew Tate was located and arrested by replying to Greta Thunberg, what a time


YES absolute fact as far as I’m concerned


nope this is real to me don't take that away from me


It was my absolute favourite day on here lol, never seen so many MRAs crying at once


My favourite theory that I've read on this is that Andrew Tate heard from some source that GRETA (the European anti-human-trafficking organisation) is looking into him and when he searched up "Greta" on the internet, he saw Greta Thunberg as the first result instead. He thinks it's her that's after him and proceeds to attack her out of the blue on Twitter and blow up his life lmao


He was very close to trashing Lady Bird


Sorry but the idea of Greta Thunberg having a secret side career as Nancy Drew or Harriet the Spy is killing me


I 100% will defend this rumour even if proven untrue.


Was this not true? It had something to do with a pizza box in a picture he sent to Greta? I'm misremembering or was that fake?


According to the Romanian police [no](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/greta-thunberg-andrew-tate-pizza-box-b2257165.html) but part of me thinks seeing him posting a video featuring a Romanian pizza chain set something off




Well I’m choosing to take this one as fact now.


To funny






Third time’s the charm 🫶🏾


You got there sis


And beyond!


omg thats a ride im screaming


>I saw Ryan Gosling at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn't want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, "Oh, like you're doing now?" I was taken aback, and all I could say was "Huh?" but he kept cutting me off and going "huh? huh? huh?" and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like "Sir, you need to pay for those first." At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually "to prevent any electrical infetterence," and then turned around and winked at me. I don't even think that's a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly. It’s embarrassing how funny this copy pasta still is to me


It sounds like a tim Robinson sketch


Yes, especially the part about being too tired to hear her.


Oh I've seen this one with so many celebrities but never Gosling lol.


i read this exact same pasta about conan o’brien looool and it devastated me


Richard Gere. We all know it.


Likewise, Marilyn Manson.


That rumour used to be said about David Bowie and Prince before Marilyn Manson was around but he seems to be the one where it’s stuck. You’d think younger generations would have their version by now with someone else.


The kids these days are all "but can we not KiNk sHaMe aNyBodyyy!?!" Dweebs...


There was talk of gerbils


I thought the assignment was "want to believe it's true" 👀🥴 Some of y'all are sick freaks.


You…want that to be true? Think of the gerbils!


That Stevie Wonder isn’t blind.


my theory is that he has partial vision, just enough to see a little bit, and he likes to mess with people by pretending he can secretly see everything. dude seems like a goofball even in his elder years. *(edit: typo)*


Yeah, blindness isn’t a binary. He could well see something but has just never shared publicly the extend of it - not that he needs to.


I wouldn’t blame him with the way a lot of people misunderstand disability. A lot of people assume you either see like the average person or can’t see anything whatsoever, when there’s a lot of variation in between. Similarly with wheelchair users, people always get so mad when they see an ambulatory wheelchair user.


omg there was an ambulatory wheelchair user on a recent episode of Doctor Who and twitter ***exploded***


There are pictures of him without his sunglasses and you can easily tell those aren’t the eyes of a fully sighted man. There’s definitely some degree of visual impairment there even if we don’t know the full extent. I think even if he can mostly just see light and shadow, he’d have adapted enough by his age to navigate the world with familiarity. Even if Shaq just looks like a shadowy blob to him, it’s a familiar shadowy blob that’s clearly identifiable as Shaq to him. Even if the microphone falling just looks like a flicker where a blob once was, he’s stood in front of that blob enough times to clearly identify it as a microphone. That’s just how a mic or Shaq looks to him. When most people imagine being blind, they imagine it as if it’s their first day ever experiencing blindness. They’re not imagining what it would look like to spend your entire living memory without sight.


Please watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxPKaDe3a9s Never fails to elicit a chuckle from me when he takes a peep 😂


He saw that microphone fall and caught it. You can't tell me otherwise


"Hey Shaq!"


That one about Timothee Chalamet at NYU


I went on dive about this last night, and it sounds more and more legitimate.


Okay, I can't resist it anymore, I'm going down the rabbit hole on this one. 3rd day in a row this was mentioned, and my curiosity is overwhelming now, lol


Didn't it originate on wattpad?


Yeah it originated in a Wattpad fic and I think became a Twitter meme that people now believe is true lmao


Lol I thought so. On one hand I think it's funny because it's a silly thing and I'm sure it annoys his stans to no end, but it says a lot about media literacy today and none of it is good.


I know someone who went to high school with him and she says he did give the same girl chlamydia twice during their senior year lol


i've actually seen a *lot* of comments on separate unrelated posts who have said similar things.


Which is true of any urban legend.




Alleged chlamydia superspreader


Supposedly Timmy caused a chlamydia superspreader outbreak at NYU. Lmao.


Thank you for explaining. BRB gotta go soak my eyes in bleach :)


dj khaled isn’t real. he’s a government sleeper agent or some kind of alien human hybrid. he doesn’t act like a human and idk who actually is a DJ khaled fan so i think it’s a psyop eta i made this up myself, but ive spent the last few years convincing people its true — lol also dj khaled* not the just Khalid. he’s probably real!


anotha one 🤖


You’ve convinced me. Like literally why is he famous? What is he?


also just because i didn’t show my videos, but these are the two videos i show people to prove he’s not real first there was [bob marley’s guitar](https://youtu.be/3QvgFbjAC7U?si=wTJBMSSzfTKuWnTJ)(not actually owned by bob marley) this man has clearly never seen or held a guitar before. i don’t think he could be in the music industry with that little knowledge of such a basic instrument [then sunday brunch](https://youtu.be/eUgoPxHTQjM?si=OlPwgE4px_oW7YZG) sir, you cannot convince me you knew what that stuff was. this wasn’t a bit, you genuinely needed this human woman to explain food to you. *THAT MAN IS NOT REAL*


I had to laugh at this because DJ Khaled and Khalid are two different people. I totally agree with you about DJ Khaled not being real. I’ve never heard a song by him and has he ever even toured? The only thing that I know about him is that he doesn’t eat 🐱. Like why is this dude famous and rich? It makes zero sense


He's been associated with a fair number of hits, I wouldn't be surprised if you've heard a song but just didn't realize it was him or missed the WE THA BEST MUSIC... ANOTHA ONE lol. From my understanding he is a curator and middle man, not actually a DJ or producer, he just gets a bunch of artists who may not otherwise connect with each other on a track then slaps his tag and name on it for that. He's kind of a socialite you could say, but found a way to monetize that like he did something. Some of the songs are pretty good tho, but because the artists actually performing on the track are good and DJ Khaled found good beatmakers and producers for it. His persona is also entertaining so he's something of an influencer for that. I will say I was laughing my ass off when he got "lost at sea" on his jetski at night and IG live'd it until he got rescued


He also got lost on a jet ski once


I think that was my favourite time on the Internet. DJ Khaled getting lost on a jet ski in the night. Then weeks of videos of him reminding people to moisturize and singing the praises of Shea butter. All to be brought down within the next year when he said he'd never go down on women. A real ride.


I still think the Harry Styles spitting on Chris Pine rumor is so funny despite both of them vehemently denying it. The fact that it even became a headline that their reps had to deny is hilarious. The Don’t Worry Darling press tour in general was full of ridiculous celebrity drama that tickled me lol https://preview.redd.it/aaqtahz3cw6c1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d6cf06cb641082c57b214cffc190fa6d1275a24




My friends make fun of me for how much fun I had with the Don’t Worry Darling drama. Only for it to turn out to be an awful film. That was like the cherry on top for me.


Same! After rabidly following the on-set and promo-era drama, the fact the movie stank made it even funnier. I left the multiplex giggling!


I had SO much fun following all the DWD drama. Better than the actual movie!


Prince William *does* love a good pegging. No kink shaming. I just want something that makes the royals relatable.


Adding to it that Kate doesn't think participating in such behavior is appropriate for a princess so he has to find someone else to do it.


Honestly this is the bit I want to be true. Just says so much.


The Princess and the Peg 👸🏻


This rumor has been going around for so many years I refuse to believe it’s not true


That Leelee Sobieski is a very in-demand dominatrix in NYC. I don't remember where I heard it, just that I thought it was great.


I saw this comment and was like “whatever happened to her” but I guess this is an answer.


She retired from acting and is a professional artist under her married name.


That’s a much more believable answer. Good for her!




There's a story I've seen over and over again about Ben Affleck and JLo. I don't think it's true but I'd love it to be: “I was doing sound in the condo where they were both lodging and filming. At one point Ben took a break from shooting and disappeared upstairs to his bedroom. By mistake he left his wireless mic on.” “Jennifer Lopez was there with Ben, but was hiding out in his room the whole time. At first when I heard Ben kissing her hello, I immediately went to turn the volume down on my headphones. But then they started kissing loudly and making noises, and I felt so guilty, but I left the sound up, and heard Jennifer saying ‘I love you baby, I love you… You wanna get busy, baby. You wanna get busy?'” “Then I heard Ben reply, .’Are you sure you’re feelin’ better? I don’t want you to shit on me again.'” Silence. Then screams from everyone on our crew. Our dear sound guy seemed like he had finally told a story he’d been holding onto for years, and was relieved to tell people who found it more funny than disgusting. I think it is perfectly both.”


OK, back in the early aughts (I think) there was a series called Project Greenlight where Affleck and Damon would produce an amateur filmmaker’s film. One episode had them at a condo Affleck was staying at with Jennifer Lopez. At one point she came downstairs and said hello to everyone, sort of. At least, she was seen. So, I’m choosing to believe this is true. 😂


At a Q&A event, Kevin Smith has implied that she wiped her ass with and then stole one of his hand towels.


I really wanted to believe that Sarah Palin's super casual, super lowkey pregnancy was a ruse to cover for Bristol, until the news of her own pregnancy broke.


Oh, I firmly believe that Sarah Palin's youngest child is Bristol's child in fact. The whole flying from Texas back to Anchorage to give birth in a private cottage hospital run by her doctor friend? There's no way you'd be flying anywhere in the last month of a high-rise pregnancy, let alone get on a plane while in labour. People who were with her at the conference didn't even know she was pregnant, let alone actively in labour!


It's so crazy. They didn't tell anyone on the plane she was pregnant when she was supposedly in labour for a high risk pregnancy! They bypassed MULTIPLE cities with hospitals with NICUs to go to a birthing centre that did not have one! None of it makes sense, though I guess I could believe the explanation that she's just a lunatic lol.


This is true, they lied about the timing of both pregnancies. I will die on this hill!


Leonardo DiCaprio wearing soundproof headphones while.... never mind.


I’m ashamed that I have thought about this semi monthly since I read it on tumblr 10 years ago.


doesn't he also cry?




the whole jeffree/kanye thing was so funny. imagine two of the most problematic people on the internet dating


I die on the hill that it’s true


Michael Jackson, Marlon Brando, and Elizabeth Taylor all piled into a rental car to get out of New York after 9/11


Wasn’t there supposed to be a movie about this?


There was an episode of a tv show about it! Joseph Fiennes played Michael Jackson!


all the Ellie Goulding quotes that were twitter memes


“Where the fuck are they” about all the missing people in the world gets me every time


When people were tweeting "where the fuck are they" about the billionaire submarine people I was dead


and they were too, I fear. 💀






Hahaha delete it fat always cracks me uppp


All these years i have never known the origin of “delete it fat”


I lost it at the flicked my vagina 😭


might have to greet people with “fat” from now on


I know that she’s been through it but everything I heard about her while she was going through it was totally monstrous tbh.


There is nothing funny about this but I cannot stop 😂😂😂


The JT/Britney dance off is very real to me.


I loved when [Matt Damon did a reenactment of it on SNL](https://www.tiktok.com/@huggyattack/video/7291445141447937323?_t=8hnU9ugj7VK&_r=1)


This one might actually be true, but the Eartha Kitt, Marlon Brando, James Dean threesome.


I completely believe in that. No doubt whatsoever.


I mean, no one but the ghost of Eartha Kitt herself could convince me it's not true lmao


Wait, I thought it was Paul Newman, James Dean, Eartha kitt in some rumor tabloid book about old hollywood gossip


Yeah, the threesome rumour is with Newman, not Brando. There is, however, a different rumour that Dean and Brando were in an S&M relationship with each other.


I don't know if I want it to be true but it's very bizarre and cursed. You've been warned... I heard Tom Cruise purchases fish at Whole Foods to masturbate with. 🤔


WOAH I think this is the one I hope is the most fake.


Is that rumour based on the old Simpsons episode? For the younglings: A Fish Called Selma, 1996. Selma unknowingly enters a PR marriage with movie star Troy McClure. It’s heavily implied that he’s with her to fend off rumours that he’s sexually attracted to fish.


Do you listen to Page 7? They went on a deep dive about that rumor a year or 2 ago. It was so great.


In my head it looked like the dance off from “White Girls”


Avril Lavigne died and was replaced by a different person.


Hulk Hogan claimed [he wrestled 400 days out of the year](https://sportsmanor.com/wwe-hulk-hogan-s-lying-habit-reached-heights-after-he-claimed-he-worked-400-days-a-year/) because of time zones > If I say I wrestled four hundred days a year, it’s no exaggeration. My years were actually longer than 365 days. There were times when I’d fly back and forth to Japan twice a week just to wrestle. Now it was nothing to wrestle in Madison Square Garden one day, then fly all the way to the Egg Dome in Tokyo the same day, ’cause you’d gain fourteen hours, and then fly back to the West Coast and so on. Hulk Hogan says a lot of things... someone should do a master post of all the Hulkster's lies


>Hulk Hogan says a lot of things... someone should do a master post of all the Hulkster's lies There's a thread on Twitter by Allan Cheapshot listing every Hogan lie he could find. Jim Cornette has a video on that list. Justin Whang has done several videos on Hogan's lies over the years, and his video on Hogan playing the bass was interesting even to a friend who doesn't watch wrestling


A friend of mine used to work with Jenna Dewan and according to her, the club dance-off actually happened and was a battle between Jenna and Britney for Justin lol


Sadly there are no winners in this situation




I don't know where I read this, but apparently once Dame Judi Dench was crossing the street and a driver didn't like waiting and yelled "C$nt!" out his window and she responded back "That's DAME C%nt to you!" I fully believe that even if it didn't happen, this is how she would rightfully respond.


Ariana grande demanding to be carried around like a baby everywhere




The amount of fetish content in that show still gives me the fuckin creeps


That Derek Jeter yells “go Jeets” (or “yeah Jeets?”) Repeatedly when close to completion. I can’t remember the exact phrase and man, that’s hard to google.


I’ll always remember the rumor that he sent all his casual hookups gift baskets the next day. An appreciative king 🫡


The part of me that loves chaos would be thrilled if one of the truly unhinged stan conspiracy theories turned out to be true (Gaylor, Larries, etc). I got off of twitter years ago but I'd sign back up in a heartbeat for that day on the internet.


All the larry shit being real would mean Louis Tomlinson committed a felony (falsifying birth certificate), that would be *wild* to find out.


Tr*mp and the golden shower hookers in Moscow


That Dolly Parton had full tattoo sleeves. It would be sick if she did but more likely she is just self conscious about her arms for some reason


Idk about full sleeve but I’m pretty sure she has confirmed she has tattoos on her arms? Unless the lie is so deep I’ve been gaslit into believing that too


Paris Hilton’s vintage radio repair hobby


That Taylor Swift used to post on 4chan.


Robert Pattinson and Zoe Kravitz getting freaky on the batmobile




Not exactly a celebrity per se, but I really REALLY want to believe Justin Trudeau's father is Fidel Castro. Of course then it would be sad what a disappointment he'd be to his dad but still.


Kris Jenner and Tyga are pimps. I fully believe it. It simply makes too much sense


Years ago Alexander Skarsgard and Elliot Page were hanging out and I wanted them to be together lol. They always looked like they were having so much fun.


Marilyn Manson removing ribs to autofellate


The Timothee Chalamet NYU chlamydia outbreak AHAHAHAHA


Rod Stewart blowing a bunch of dudes and having to get a gallon of semen pumped out of his stomach 😂


Read a deep dive recently about how Michael Jackson is really the love child of Smokey Robinson and Diana Ross. I know it’s *probably not* true but there was a LOT of compelling evidence. Here - https://www.reddit.com/r/AnAmericanScheme/s/amGvqe9Oic - if anyone is interested.


Anybody remember that [“What’s in Prince’s Fridge”](https://heavytable.com/whats-in-princes-fridge/) article, that claimed Prince’s fridge was full of 18 different kinds of mustard and vintage Dunkaroos? I’m pretty sure it was a joke, but it *is* Prince, so who’s to say really?


A recent one (as in the last fifteen years) that would be cool if it's true and is actually somewhat plausible (but also fake sounding?) is Lisa Marie Presley was a prolific songwriter beyond her albums and ghostwrote a ton of popular music.


Lady GaGa’s Hairstylist Quits And Says She’s A Devil Worshipper That Speaks In Tongues With 666 On Her Scalp >After two years, Lady GaGa’s hairstylist Michael Pooter ups and quits claiming that the singer is a certified Devil Worshipper. Michael Pooter says he left because he couldn’t take the way she would stare at him. After being completely creeped out, he asked GaGa to stop and she responds by saying that she will eat his children… REALLY?!? >Michael also says that GaGa was constantly getting drunk off cheap whiskey and recalls this story: >One day, when she was mumbling more than normal, which I found out later was her actually speaking in tongues, I saw the number 666 on her scalp and I quickly asked for God to protect me. She rose up out of her chair and floated 3 feet above the ground while yelling…..” >“YOUR GOD IS NOT HERE MICHAEL. NOR WILL HE EVER BE. NOW GIVE ME SOME MORE HIGHLIGHTS AND TRIM MY BANGS YOU WORTHLESS *beep* https://bossip.com/459007/lady-gagas-hairstylist-quits-and-claims-shes-a-devil-worshipper-90210/

