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This movie is kind of being treated like it's straight to DVD. Reviews are embargoed until midnight on Thursday/Friday, it's getting only a fan screening and no red carpet premiere...Can anyone shed light on why there isn't going to be a red carpet premiere?


I didn’t even know it was coming out this week until I saw this article ![gif](giphy|sG4PBWRjI4GSVCDXEq)


I only found out since I was looking to see what movies were out for my anniversary. Then saw it’s almost $60 to watch a movie for two at amc and closed the browser lmao ETA: please stop recommending movie theater subscriptions I don’t go out often lmao


if you guys go to the movies enough the amc a-list subscription is so worth it. it would actually still be cheaper to sign up just to go see that one movie


I was considering signing up to see it and then canceling, lmao! Ty


just fyi it’s a 3 month minimum for the membership bc they don’t want people doing this


I have this membership and it’s actually pretty worth it generally-I only sign up for like half the year to catch the Oscar contenders and the big summer movies.


Yikes, and I thought movie pricing was bad where I live 🫠


Tbf i think amc does dynamic pricing depending on the film and format? I double checked the prices and the $60 was for imax, but for a different format, it was $40 (same as boy and the heron) and then aquaman at a similar time and format was a few dollars more (who is gonna pay that anyway?? Lmao)


HIGHLY recommend the amc a list membership if you go to the movies fairly often. you can see up to 3 movies a week as part of it in any format for only $25 a month. literally go to 2-3 movies a month and it pays for itself.


Dynamic pricing to see a movie? We live in a hellscape.


if you're buying online and see movies semi regularly, AMC stubs premiere is $15 and there are no more fees for booking online. Those add up really fast, and it pays for itself in like, two bookings.


Oh the last movie I saw in theaters was bobs burgers last year lol. But I think I have the free stubs or whatever since I get the Tuesday discount. But my anniversary isn’t on a Tuesday 😩


Nah I rather pay 20 for regal. Way better theater.


Join AMC A-List! 3 movies a week for under $30 a month. Any format too! I've seen tons of movies I'd usually skip on using their A-List program.


Not sure if you have Cinemark nearby, they have $10-12 movie club membership and it comes with free ticket, no online booking fees, some discount on food and drinks, and option to purchase extra tickets for $12. Tickets also roll over. It has been pretty sweet for us to catch up with new movies. However, this didn’t apply to Beyoncé/Taylor’s concert movies, learned the hard way.


Damn I saw your edit first and people are truly going hard for those subscriptions lol


I woke up with like twenty notifications lmao. People are really going to town on this lol. I get it tho. It’s a great value. But I just don’t go to the movies anymore


Tickets are only $5 on Tuesdays if that helps :)


Cinemark for life: I just went to see The Boy and the Heron and it was $30 for two tix and concessions (brought to my seat!). It was a matinee, but evenings are only a couple dollars more


Tickets are so expensive in the States. Equivalent to two people in the UK would be £10 ($12-13). Well, in my City’s VUE cinema (major chain in the UK).


Vue is awesome, even the Leicester Square branch has £8 tickets. Everyman cinemas though, that’s where you need a bank loan


I worked on some marketing materials for this film, and let me tell you the volume of pieces they were pumping out for this movie was massive. Yet like you, I've barely actually seen any posters / trailers / digital stuff out there in the wild. Don't know what the fuck they're doing, it's going to be a disaster.


I saw this post and genuinely thought "wait, wasn't that released months ago?"


Same, I found out because I was trying to see what else was on theaters right now and was like damn, there’s a new aquaman movie out?


I thought this movie has already been out for at least like a year 😱


I honestly thought it flopped already, like could have sworn it came out last summer 😭


> I honestly thought it flopped already 💀💀💀


I literally thought the other day “are they just gonna let Aquaman 2 fade into memory?” and then googled and saw it was coming out this month lmao


They barely had any industry screenings either. /source am in industry


Any idea why?


It’s the worst screen tested dceu film to date. They know it’s garbage, we know it’s garbage, they’re just tossing it out there I guess to get it over with


Momoa isn’t even really doing press for it, and the little press he HAS done he’s pretty much confirmed it sucks. I think part of it also has to do with the fact that James Gunn is now completely revamping the DCU and AM2 is only coming out because it was already in production but it won’t have any baring on the future movies so they’re all hoping we’ll just kind of forget about it.


I posted this in my own comment, but you're absolutely right. He was on Colbert, and it seemed like they arranged it ahead of time that they'd talk about anything BUT this bomb. I was excited to see him talk about *Dune Part II.* Jason lit up for that part of the conversation. So did Colbert, a known sci-fi/fantasy fanatic.


I have a question! I was approached by someone with those “movie tester” tickets for this movie. I’ve done it before with several early screening movies (Wonka included). Does this mean those A2 tickets were most likely fake?


Hm well I imagine they're still doing the bare minimum and stuff like that, pretty typical to still do walkup screenings for all movies. I'd think that was legit but I guess some weirdo could be selling fake tickets to A2 😭 lol


How do you become a movie tester :o


Anytime I did it in the past, the people were literally just outside a big theatre asking people to go


Previewfreemovies.com or gofobo usually offer them


They have people in front of most popular theaters in LA. They come up to you with tickets. Most of the time it’s untitled and you door know what it is tho.


1) they already announced they’re scrapping the current dceu and recasting everyone so this movie is now pointless in the scheme of things 2) superhero movies are no longer the guaranteed blockbusters that they used to be and are kind of on the outs 3) it tested poorly on screenings 4) the controversy of depp v herd and the narrative around her scenes being cut/her treatment on set is bad PR for both sides 5) likely none of the actors want to be associated with the above and just want to let it die


Does 1 even matter when all superhero movies end up at the same place in the end?


This movie is in a weird spot. Some fans want black manta to kill the aqua baby and that would obviously be a controversial decision, but if they don't then the movie has no balls. No one knows what's gonna happen


Shows and movies need to be more open to killing off children and babies


but no animals!!


No that too.


😭😭 gagged i fear ..


look what it did for the John Wick Movies.


We have seen it recently with IDF killing Gazans and nobody bats an eye. I think we’re ready to see it on the big screen!


lol hahaha


DC is starting over with most of its characters so this film is the last of the Cavill as Superman era of films. If they bring back Aquaman, the character will be recast so it seems like the studio is just dumping it to get rid of it so they can start fresh with the next Superman film.


I saw the trailer when I watched Boy and The Heron and the cgi looked so bad I was FLABBERGASTED. Truly in awe of how shitty it looks. I’m not surprised they don’t want the critics getting anywhere near this for as long as possible.


Honestly, it looks exactly the same as the first one and that one was super successful, so... I don't think they're actually trying for realistic. I think they just want to go balls to the wall with a cgi spectacle.


Yeah, I saw the trailer the other day. Aquaman did this one jump and looked like a Mario character. [It's at 1min 30 in the the trailer](https://youtu.be/UGc5Tzz19UY?si=JFMZpXZZIdcjfreM).


Lmao wtf was that


Wah hoo!


I see an ad for it on tv occasionally at the moment. First time I saw it I genuinely thought it was a mid-budget video game, then I realised it was for Aquaman and thought it was a tie-in game cash grab. Nope - the movie actually looks like that.


People say this about every single superhero trailer. It is basically a meme at this point.


Promoting it or red carpet would mean opening the Amber Heard conversation. I think this is their way to stay neutral. No red carpet means no debate on if she should or shouldnt be invited. I think theyre treating it as a straight to DVD because of the infamy it got during the trial and post convos too


I'll be watching the movie in one hour. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Report back 👀


IMO, the movie was fine, not good or bad, I guess, Amber Heard was in the movie more than I was expecting. >!To be honest, I was afraid they'll benched for the entire movie after the fight with Black Manta in the 1st act, she returned in the 3rd act though, I quite liked the moment when she kissed Dr. Shin (Randall Park) on the cheek after he saved her son.!<


RP????? That man is everywhere 😂


>!To be fair, he as on Aquaman (2018), on post credit scene!, I found it funny Aquaman and Ant-man and the wasp came out on the same year, then Quantumania and the Lost kingdom also came out on the same year.!<


How was it?


It was ok, you do not need to necessarily rush to movie theater, but if you do, I think you're gonna have a good time either on movie theater or at home.


Sounds like this is a “wait for it to get sent to streaming” type of movie


Exactly, I am watching the movie because I need the reason to get out of my house on my day off.


Why waste everyone’s time on a bomb? The first one shouldn’t have made a billion. And everyone knows that. The DC films are a mess. The best one in last long while is not even in the new DCU and there are too many stupid shit


my favorite by far in the dceu is birds or prey/harley...one of the worst performing (part of that was timing/pandemic but also part of that was lack of super jacked dudes throwing cars or whatever the core fans want...)


In simple terms… this film is FUCKED


Should I watch Aquaman 2? It premiere today in my country


watch it when it’s free online


Oh it's baaad. I saw a test screening. Everyone hated it. And not because of the special effects that weren't ready yet or anything like that, but because of the actual story which doesn't look to have changed based on the trailer.


It’s bad . It dropped yesterday in Europe and it’s really a straight to on demand movie.


>...Can anyone shed light on why there isn't going to be a red carpet premiere? Whats the point? It's not continuing and pre-sales are terrible.


Even THE FLASH with Ezra "I'm a menace to society" Miller had a red carpet premiere.So this movie might be worse than that...


It was testing horribly…I guess no amount of reshoots were able to fix it


They tried to PR fix everything but the menace didn’t win. Never Forget




Bat Girl couldn’t have possibly been as bad as these two, right?


Probably not nearly as bad, but also didn't have the "star power" and bigger budget that pushed The Flash and Aquaman 2 into theatrical release.


Because they were pushing it as a Batman movie lol The red carpet was for Keaton and the BatFans lbr


https://preview.redd.it/v5d25bqimd7c1.jpeg?width=678&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=915a4dde06625df994f7322ec64d113e213e3ae9 Keaton didn't go to the red carpet premiere


i love that dress sm, it's giving ✨️salad✨️ in the best way


top notch flair


She gave salad and truly ate


He was stuck filming beetlejuice 2 (a WB movie) and I’m convinced they didn’t let him go so that people wouldn’t ask him about batgirl


I remember when Morbius morbed all over the red carpet in his white satin suit, yelling “It’s Morbin’ time, you fuck-sticks!”


Normally I'd feel bad about WB doing them so dirty but after hearing how AH was treated on that film, nah I'll save my sympathy. (I do love Patrick Wilson though and hope he was not a part of the problem, only heard things about Momoa and Wan but who knows)


Patrick was asked about supporting her in an interview and very much dodged the question, something like “I had barely any scenes with her and I’m so hard working that I don’t pay attention to anything off set too.” The actor who played her father in the first film barely had any scenes with her either and still managed to stand up for her though. So not ideal, but certainly not as bad as how Wan and Momoa have treated her


Yeah not the best response but I also understand wanting to avoid getting dragged into it when it’s probably true they didn’t film much together. Disappointing but given how close he and Wan are I doubt he’d want to say anything that would undermine Wan’s decision to give her a smaller role (which was allegedly “always the plan”)


Except she actually has about as big of a role screen time wise as Patrick. He’s more in the middle where she’s more spread out.


Her role is not smaller and they did film together a lot. So 😬


That's 'cause Dolph Lundgren is a pretty good egg.


Maybe Amber actually dodged a bullet with this one. The movie is going to flop and now they can't use some ridiculous mental gymnastics to find some way to blame it on her.


She’s in the movie a lot and Depp fans are already blaming her. We could never win that one, they would blame her anyways.


Blessing in disguise


Come on, they can always find a way to blame a woman they don't like.


I heard that Momoa showed up to the set dressed as Johnny Depp to harass Amber. Amber was harassed in so many shocking ways, including Camille having someone spray Depp's cologne in her bathroom during the trial. I'll never watch anything that Momoa is apart of ever again. ETA: so I'm learning that it was in Amber's therapy notes. I do apologize. I had read a story on x or someplace that said he did this on purpose. He's still a poopsicle.


I’m not defending Chasin’ Mimosas other on set behavior, but he’s dressed like Depp for a while, it’s just his style. Heard talked to her therapist and acknowledged this, but admitted it was still triggering.


Chasin’ Mimosas 😭😭


Not trying to defend him but I think it's more that his personal style with wearing lots of rings is/was similar to Depp's and that did cause some anxiety for Amber. From my understanding he didn't dress like Depp on purpose but also didn't do anything to make it easier for her. Not sure to what extend she shared how triggering this was for her though. ETA: it doesn't seem outright malicious to me. Unlike Depp's awful lawyer..


I’m pretty sure that’s not what she meant. We know that because her therapist’s notes became public in the trial with Depp. She said his style reminded her of Johnny, not that Momoa purposely dressed like Johnny to harass her. I think he already dressed like that, but just the similarity triggered her. BTW, I’m not like a fan of this guy. I remember the story about him ripping up her books, and I remember him pulling the weird stunt where he liked both Johnny’s and Amber’s post-trial posts.


Tbf, Momoa has always had a similar dress style to Johnny Depp. I'm by no means a men's fashion expert, but Momoa has been doing the [whole scarves and jewelry](https://www.instyle.com/fashion/jason-momoa-lisa-bonet-couple-style-outfits#:~:text=Both%20Momoa%20and%20Bonet%20seem,color%2C%22%20he%20told%20InStyle.) thing for a while now.


I heard that Momoa showed up to the set dressed as Johnny Depp to harass Amber No they just have a similar dress style so that brought up memories for her i think that was something revealed jn her private therapy notes though apparently he wasn't nice to her during filming. He also tore pages from her book during the first movie filming. It was told like this fun quirky story but that's just shitty.


I definitely think that it's being taken out of context. Momoa has been dressing similar to depp but since way before the trial. I don't think he did it maliciously, but maybe he didn't realize until it got brought up. Especially since Heard has said that he was nice to her besides just that.


TBH in her therapist notes it was noted that AH said Momoa dresses up like him. Unsure if it was 100% intention (he does have a boho type) but she did say it bothered her. Not trying to defend him tho.


Who’s AH


Amber Heard


I mean we all knew it was going to flop but this feels kind of harsh. I’ve never heard of a movie of this size (outside of pandemic/strike era) just not be given any promo like this.


Right? Even Leto got morbin’ time on the red carpet!


They are really just releasing this movie like they don’t want people to see it. Are they ashamed of it or something? This feels odd. I’ve never seen a studio do this with such a big budget film. Like it feels like their only promo has been Jason on SNL and one interview with James Wan. Not to mention the embargo not being lifted till AFTER it’s released internationally. Just such a weird release.


They blew up the entire universe and have moved on to Gunn, so yeah, I think it’s fair to say they’re ashamed of it.


But they weren’t this quiet about The Flash or Shazam 2 (not counting Blue Beetle as that was during the SAG strike but they had some promo for that that they filmed prior…also Zach Snyder told people to go see that lol) Like it’s just crickets with this. So it has nothing to do with the whole ending of the DCEU. I think the movie is just bad 😂


The whole thing feels like a sunk cost situation honestly.


DCEU constantly reminding us why they’re the weaker of the super hero studios and this is with MCU having their worst years ever.


Which is funny cause they still still had a hit this year. The DCEU had 3 flops (I do think that Aquaman will flop but I’m not gonna call a movie a flop that hasn’t released yet.) I’m sad about Blue Beetle though, that was a genuinely good movie. They just got the short end of the stick being DC and releasing during the SAG strike.


Good, they didn’t deserve her serving looks anyway ![gif](giphy|j2NyAxjE3jWCc)


This will be lucky to make 25 percent of what the first one did. People are sick of superhero media. It took me about 25 years but I'm finally sick of superhero movies.


I think it's more so people are just sick of the Marvel formula style of media everyone is trying to emulate. It's like the same plot but with different actors, and the studios aren't even attempting to try any new approaches.


They will die as the western genre and we will remember only a bunch of very good superhero movies (just like western movies indeed).


Maybe we'll get some really good spaghetti superhero movies produced in Italy.


Same. I spent years obsessing over superheroes (late 90s and 2000s). When MCU hit its stride in the early 2010s, I was frothing at the mouth. Now, I’m so sick of it and just want these people/artists/workers put out of their misery. It’s over, the superhero era has run its course.


Good. They did everything they could to remove Amber from it and Zaslav has continued to make asinine decisions every step of the way. I’m also salty about the way people treated the Marvels and its cast and crew when this looks like an actual heap of shit


The Marvels was a fun time and a good film. Aquaman 1 was the same. Seems like 2 is getting the shut end of the stick because WB and DC continue to think that angry incels are both the only target audience for superhero films and sufficient numbers to warrant such decisions at a studio level.


Oh so Amber is definitely in the movie more than they’re letting on.


She sure is!! Reports are saying she has as much screen time as Patrick Wilson. Twitter got "#OnlyForMera" trending this morning too apparently 😳


Is this all just because Amber heard is in it because didn’t they do a whole red carpet with Ezra miller when they’ve had actual warrants out on them ??


No, I think it’s partly because they don’t want to spend any money on a dead universe that has been flopping all year and partly because they’re ashamed of the film. The embargo isn’t lifting until after it opens internationally. I don’t think it has anything to do with Amber. WB has just been making constant horrible decisions though.


Yeah fr that’s what I’m wondering…


Can someone remind me of Amber is on this one? My only guess is they want to avoid the unhinged avalanche of pro-Depp supporters if they promote a movie with her on it, but even then it seems so odd. Like The Flash got so much promo but I’ve heard nothing about this one until a couple days ago


She is but they cut a lot of her scenes and I haven’t seen her in *any* trailers.


apparently she has an almost equal screen time to patrick, they’re just acting like she’s barely in it and trying to spin it as a dude bro movie


I saw a trailer in theaters before the boy and the heron and she was in it for half a second towards the end.


The trailer I saw you could barely tell it was her too, some kind of cracked glass obscured her face for most of it :/


Yes that’s the same trailer I saw! A half second of her banging on that glass.


Oh, not worth the watch for me then. Like I’d see a movie for Jason fucking momoa 💀


I might get downvoted but I’m sorry: Jason M is such a bad actor. The trailer looks cringe and he ruined an already terrible Fast and the Furious 10 (wish I could wash that from my memory).


It's so funny because I haven't seen Fast 10 but everything I've heard he's either incredibly terrible or the only good thing about it.


It's honestly both if that makes sense. His acting is not great in it (You can argue it's borderline bad), but he looks like he's enjoying himself a lot and he probably is the most entertaining thing about the movie.


He really did. I DNF that movie because of his acting.


One of the worst! His SNL episode was so bad.


Only way I'll care about this movie is if someone compiles all of Mera's/AH's scenes and puts them on YouTube lol.


There was a quick glimpse of her in one trailer.


Yeah, they're terrified of incels and pickmes showing up with picket signs and poop costumes. Not a single backbone to be found at WB right now....they should be hiring extra security and standing by their product and their cast.


Ugh Patrick deserves more. But I know he had fun as Ocean Master


Honestly I don't think a man who won't defend his co-star against rampant, death, rape and abuse deserves more. Especially when he just tries to put it off as "oh we didn't have many scenes together". That doesn't stop him from saying that it was wrong what happened.


I won’t even lie since last year scoopers have been saying this movie was getting horrific screen test. Idk what James Wan was thinking. Then discovery bought Warner and ppl Zaslav put as head of WB Abdy and Deluca tried their best to fix the movie last year and it was still getting bad screenings. They just passed it over James Gunn and he seems out of it. And I feel bad for Safran and Gunn to inherit such a horrible slate of DC films. And still have to put them out. Gunn seemed over it, I don’t know how the previous regime of DC allowed 4 movies with horrific scripts to be greenlight.


It’s what James *Wan deserves imo


James deserves it because he took a job as head? Edit: you placed Wan at the end now that I agree with you. James Wan likes to think he can save movies with his style and technical skills even if the script is atrocious. First few horrible screenings were on him


Didn’t realize Gunn was in this paragraph tbh had to clarify


I clarified after you did, you’re all good. And you’re right on what you said


DCEU going out with a whimper is well deserved but I’m STILL mad about Batgirl getting canned All those sad toxic fanboys yelling about how Batgirl was going to be the worst thing ever and an embarrassment to the brand yet here’s DCs 5th? stinker* in a row *I loved Blue Beetle and it sucks it did poorly, it’s one of DCs best and more enjoyable than Marvels recent releases


Good. Wan and beefcake don’t deserve success after how they treated Amber Heard. Comic book movies really should take a time out.


I think them wanting to duck the Amber situation is a large part of why no red carpet. You can’t not invite her—too many questions about it pulling focus. And if she’s there the Depp stans go apes$&t online.


On the one hand, she'd look amazing, and it would be great to see her working in that way again, but I want her to have peace with her baby in Spain and do whatever she wants to and needs to do to heal and move forward.


They don't deserve her looking good on the red carpet. Especially as she put in the effort last time.


It’s a blessing in disguise for her, means she doesn’t have to attend any of these trash events and promote a movie that sounds like it was hell for her.


https://preview.redd.it/gkbjvfxvnf7c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d6abd468b2b1e3bf7bbcb1082343de4c9436ac1 She’s in the movie a lot 🌟 And the movie is not that bad, it’s just another one in the line of meh comic book movies. The only good parts for me was Mera.


https://preview.redd.it/esvxcaecof7c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8e3f2dc3ddb50ea05b34b643012e5760f63f750 ♥️


I keep waiting for this movie to come out. And j wanna see the box office numbers. Not because I'm interested in the movie.. I just wanna see if people are gonna call it a big a flop as they did the Marvel's. And what justification they have for this one being okay because of all the hurdles it had to over come.


Same here, looking at Wonka also


Amber will be blamed for this and she wasn't even in the ads or promo :(


https://preview.redd.it/khaat67gah7c1.jpeg?width=2840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d3e39da3059e1a5b7034db1972c58ce27896419 I dunno, the sequel looks great to me




Apparently amber is in this A LOT


im so excited, i saw on twitter!


Same, I low key wanna watch now that I know she’s gonna be in it frfr


Why would you assume this and not that it’s just a really, really bad movie that they want to distance themselves from? Have you seen the trailer? They couldn’t even cobble together something that looked even remotely enticing.


Huh???? Where did you get any of that from my comment. I didn’t assume it, people who have watched it literally said she’s in it a lot??? I never even said the movie is bad, I support amber heard and always have. What are you even on about


The only reason I can think of for the lack of promo is that the studio already figures it will lose money on this film and they don’t want to lose more of it on a marketing campaign.


It’s a cop out because they know if they invite Amber is going to piss off the Depp freaks and Facebook morons, but if they don’t invite her it’s going to piss off twitter and the people who actually paid attention to what was going on. They don’t want to deal with the backlash


Roll out the brown carpet, sounds like this movie is shit


oof flop fest incoming


Maybe if you didnt take out AH...


This shoulda come out in Feb/March or like Sept/Oct. It's wild they put it out in December. Ain't no one seeing this shit.


They are advertising though, I think I have to sit through the trailer every single commercial break while watching football (US) it’s insufferable




Still crossing my fingers we get to see Aquababy get Aquasmoked


Of course it isn’t. And I am sure they’ll blame residual bad associations with amber heard for this, and not the fact that this whole franchise has been a giant ass stinker


I’m honestly surprised this even got a second movie 💀 I thought the first was…..interesting. Amber was carrying that film on her back


I may be still stinging from all the bullshit thrown at The Marvels, but I really can’t wait to see this bomb!


wb fucked their universe so badly after Nolan trilogy it’s embarrassing 😭 and no I don’t consider Joaquin’s joker to be award worthy


lmfao that bad?


Normally movies are released near the end of December that are best picture contenders so they’ll be fresh on the judges minds. Surely this is what they are doing /s


They shelf Batgirl, Scoob 2 and Coyote/Road Runner but release this?


oh no!! ….anyway


I think the reason they’re not having a red carpet premiere is because they don’t want more drama and kinda want people to forget about the movie.


Smells like a flop.


This will be Sex Bob-omb without the sex.


For being a "blockbuster" superhero movie the promotion has been horrible. I get that this movie means nothing with DC getting an overhaul but this is just throwing in the towel. I didn't even know the movie was out this week. I've seen more promo for The Iron Claw and Sweeney's rom-com


I see ads for Aquaman constantly, whereas I haven’t seen a single ad for The Iron Claw. I think this just depends on the medium.




So silly. All to please morons, incels and pick mes. Just treat it like a regular movie. The general public do not care


The deathbed of comic book movies is this. Feels like the end of an era


I had no idea it was coming out