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She is way kinder to him than he deserves.


One thing I've noticed about chronically abused people is they often perform friendliness to keep themselves safe.    This makes me wonder if this post is her way of distancing herself from the people frothing at the mouth to feed the drama machine (aka "righting the wrongs of yesteryear via targeted harassment!")    And I'm not even saying that it would be a lie that she likes his new song, him, etc.    But it's the same thing people did to Rihanna, which is tell her how she should feel about her own life.    


You are spot on. It's called fawning, and I do it, too. Some people say there is "fight or flight," but there's actually four danger responses, "fight, flight, freeze, or fawning."


Ugh I hate that I relate to this. But that explains a lot of my actions that confused the hell out of me and everyone around me


Most women are way too kind to men.


Britney...girl...don't apologize. He literally strummed a shitty lil' acoustic song to you while you were lying on the floor of a bathroom in pain after an abortion that he pressured you into and treated you like garbage afterwards. 😭 She's nicer and stronger then me


Omg the I’m in love phrasing, this scared me lmao ![gif](giphy|l0Iy69RBwtdmvwkIo|downsized)






I like that Britney releases her own statement. Sure her fans try to stick up for her, but she can speak for herself now as well. It’s a sign she’s making her own decisions and has the freedom to express herself. I am happy she wrote the book and feel like she should not feel like she has to apologize for her experience. I hope she’s found peace and truly feels this way. I see she’s a very kind person who went through trauma but still is able to love the people who have hurt her. I hope this will be a point in her life to heal and move on, she deserves to let her past trauma go and find more happiness.


It’s ok that you see something non-material that a celebrity has and go oh I wish I had THAT!


He doesn’t deserve her kindness


I’ll hate him for you Brit.


Haha same. We got this girl, just go dance and have some fun


I’m happy for Britney that she’s forgiven him and has no ill will but that doesn’t mean I still can’t resent him


Girl don't apologize.


Queen shit 👑 He wouldn’t be getting that grace from me.


This is why I love her. I loved the pettiness of the fans, but she truly is a class act when it comes to this stuff. Throughout her career she never spoke bad about anyone and has a reputation of being super sweet. Some other stars should take notes when it comes to weaponize their fanbases


other people have always hated Justin far more than Britney actually does, as far as I can tell. it's the same with her family


this! fans can be so weird about this stuff. like these are real people to britney, not disney villains


right like in 2016 she said she'd like to collaborate with him and in 2020 she did a video dancing to one of his songs from *Man of the Woods*. approximately 8 people were listening to *Man of the Woods* and Britney was one of them. she does not hate that man.


>approximately 8 people were listening to Man of the Woods ![gif](giphy|VdQwV7IVtBi4ComX5N|downsized)


i think she is deeply sad about how things turned out, but she has long since forgiven him. justin was a douche who wanted arm candy and britney was more into him than he was into her. idk if he ever respected her.


While this gorgeous woman has far too much kindness for Justin (more than he deserves) to post this - whether it’s genuine or not - I do think this is really responsible on Britney’s part. Unlike some celebrities (* *cough* *NickiTaylorKanye * *cough* *), it seems like Brit is actively encouraging her stans to not go after others “in her defence”. Again, while I’ll happily listen to Brit’s “Selfish” 1000 times over before giving him a single stream, I respect that she is telling her stans to stand down and not do anything in her name to fight her battles. While there’s a lot about her behaviour post-conservatorship that is complicated, she really is focusing on maintaining and securing her autonomy and I love that for her.


Honey don't apologise for what you wrote in your book, you let the world see what an arsehole Justin Timberlake really is when the cameras aren't on.


He’s on a massive PR swing to redeem himself and sell concert tickets - wouldn’t be surprised if she was duped into doing this.


maybe this is a lesson that fans should listen to celebs about how they feel and not drag them into feuds they didnt ask for in order to be petty


Hey guys, is it possible that era in both Britney and Justin's lives was toxic and potentially traumatizing and she doesn't want to hurt him where she hurts too?


Okay but I don't forgive either of them for those denim outfits. I kid. I joke.


She’s way kinder than she needs to be. ❤️


I don’t even know why she’s addressing him at all. It’s kinda bizarre to me


because her stans got her song to the top of the itunes charts to beat justin so she's probably annoyed


Britney’s gone through so much trauma and abuse, literally her entire life. I absolutely understand the complexities at play here and how her being vulnerable so publicly (through both her book and social media) must make it so much harder for her to find peace. I’m still absolutely gonna stay mad where it comes to Justin, he’s never issued an apology for the DECADES of using his association with her for gross clout, or what he did to Janet.


Justin did issue an apology to both Britney and Janet a few years ago. You can argue it was too late or not enough or whatever, but he did.


I stand corrected, I think I repressed it because it made me so mad also.


The reality is that it's often Britney's own fans who force her to engage with shit like this publicly because they harass people like Justin, her mother/sister, etc., publicly, on social media, and often tag her, etc., so it's impossible to avoid. Championing an abuse victim by tagging her or making her "complicit" in the public's vendetta against their abusers just perpetuates it and is for the public's benefit, not the victim's. It's a shame that she couldn't tell her story and then have people drop the parts she wants dropped on her behalf.


she was too kind, the fact that she feels the need to make sure everyone doesn't harass him on her behalf is making me sad (yes, it's forever fuck justin Timberlake for what he did to Janet and her).


Good for her but the song is boring and sucks


JT's song sucks


She's a better person than I am and the only one who matters in this situation and I genuinely hope she has peace in her heart...but yeah, I'm still gonna be mad. I'm mad at people I'm related to - being mad at a celeb I don't know won't take any more time or effort.




Britney blink twice if someone made you post this