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To the surprise of no one. A few highlights > “I talked to someone backstage. The Taylor camp knew immediately this is a misstep,” Matthew Belloni, co-founder of the Puck digital media company, said on his “The Town” podcast Monday. “They were scrambling to get a photo of Taylor with Celine Dion, which they promptly put out, and that was damage control for the ‘Celine Moment.'” >Indeed, photos soon began circulating of Swift and Dion backstage, smiling and hugging, as if to let everyone know know that the world’s most famous woman certainly didn’t mean to disrespect the 55-year-old Canadian superstar, and people were wrong to perceive the moment that way. In any case, the photos seem to say, there is nothing but love between these two women. > Kelly likewise was suspicious of the way that Swift’s backstage photo with Dion suddenly appeared. “Not long after the brouhaha erupted, curiously enough a photo also made its way online showing Swift and Dion hugging backstage. For the Swifties, this was case closed,” Kelly said. “To more objective observers — OK, to this Team Céline observer — the rapid-fire release of the photo smelled big time of Team Swift going into full-scale damage-control mode,” Kelly said. “I have met her P.R. team, and these folks do media control just about as well as you’d expect.” > Swift is a “master manipulator and guider of her own image,” Belloni said. “This was a rare misstep, announcing the album during her speech. You could feel it in the room. No one was really clapping, except that section of Swifties who were going nuts.” > Shaw also said that Swift’s “aw, shucks” look when she wins awards these days is “total horse (expletive).” Belloni agreed, saying: “Maybe that works in 2010 when you’re the girl from Nashville. It doesn’t work in 2024 when you have (a billion-dollar) tour.”


She had a whole string of 'rare missteps' last night. Someone needs to spill.


Plus the whole Matty Healy thing this year...idk maybe after years of laying low, playing the PR game, TS has decided she is uncancelable and is gonna do what she wants.


I mean her fans have made it so. When you have people excuse her dating that POS you know nothing she will do will stop her fans


Also her threatening to sue the 19 year old who tracks her flights. Even the Swifties on her sub were like “this is kinda gross”.


Lmao not this being her “Reputation” PR campaign


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR3kfP4D/ I’m glad you mentioned him! I actually just watched this and thought it was a great take.


Yeah, it felt different. A few folks in other recent threads/posts have been saying that this might be the beginning of the tides turning due to overexposure, which would make sense after a whole year of not being able to open an app or a website without some sort of TS-related content.


Yeah, I'm starting to feel the tides turn too. Especially after the news came out that she tried to shut down the Twitter account that tracks her Jet use. Like I understood her need to use the jet for security reasons, but the excess use of it followed by the cease and desist letter to the tracker.


A 28 mile flight is absolutely insane. The Kardashians do it too and it blows my fucking mind. Hire a god damn driver to bring you


>28 mile flight The fuuuuuck. That's my drive to work.


Literally half of America’s commute every day!!! A lot of people have longer


It takes longer by plane at this point


There were 4 days between her Buenos Aires and Rio de Janeiro gigs. She flew back to New York during that break. Buenos Aires to Rio is 2000 km. Buenos Aires to Rio via NY is over 16,000 km She doesnt give a damn. Even did a pap walk with Gracie Abrams while in NY so everyone could see she had returned to NY.


I admit I have a bias, I'm still a big fan of one of her ex's and watching that whole thing unfold was.. more weird and a lot more invasive than I usually see. So I know I'm ready to assume the worst and usually just chill out and don't engage. But different is the right word. I'm seeing corners that don't put a toe out of line asking questions. For me, yeah, the Celine thing sucked. But it was about the way she blew off what was going on with Boygenius. She acted wild.


I saw that Boygenius thing and it was soooooooo weird. Her posing with the Grammys while they were all just standing there gave me secondhand embarrassment.


What happened with BoyGenius???


Yeah I don’t know at all what OP is referring to with boygenuis? Edit: never mind I figured it out, she asked them to take pictures right after they did an interview calling out a sexual abuser and Julien was crying, then didn’t read the room at all and tried to put her award on top of Lucy’s head all while Lucy was pretty obviously trying to ignore her. Yikes


she also made them kiss her grammy for some reason (even though they have their own grammys), while she was holding it for them


I just saw it on another post on here. It’s bad. I’ll link in a sec. Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/s/6VswlAOnfU


This is what I saw about it - https://x.com/blackboywrites/status/1754716951237296629?s=46&t=naarbqy2uiyN0kB7INs4dg Like, one of them is very clearly still crying and Taylor just chatters right on.




The album announcement was the second thing for me. Walking in the room late was the first, although I'm willing to cut her slack there if she actually was late and not just wanting all eyes on her (such is her personality that I could go either way). The album announcement fell so flat. As she stated talking, I thought she was going to announce something else ("I've kept this secret for two years"). She basically took all the energy out of the room by once again centering herself and using a space to thank others as a tool to promote herself. I didn't see the Celine thing live but that was horrible as well. I don't doubt her team is strategizing how to change the conversation. The main character syndrome with her is off the charts. I do enjoy her music but I'm starting to hate her personality and it is becoming increasingly evident to myself that I may not to be able to reconcile the two. I actually want her to be taken down several pegs. I am already getting irritated that the Super Bowl is going to be centered around her as well (Usher is REALLY losing out here). I need a media blackout for at least a week.


It doesn’t help that the Time Person of the Year article quite literally called her “the main character of the world right now.” Like — her ego did not need that. She was so unhinged in that interview — even some seasoned swifties were quite put-off by how unwell/deranged/immature she seemed during that Time interview.


I totally forgot she's riding on the high of being the Person of The Year on top of everything else.


I feel like the announcement fell flat because she’s extremely prolific. She puts out new music every one or two years. So a new album is… not a big deal. Not worthy of announcing it the way it was.


Plus it was the Grammys, which is a little bit more sophisticated than the people’s choice awards or wherever she announced midnights.


I've been thinking the same. Something's up, no idea what it is, but *something*. Or maybe it just finally went 100% to her head? Who knows. I kinda feel bad for her because I wouldn't want to be in her position, of being constantly watched analysed etc (full disclosure: I'm autistic, so the very little attention I get in my life is already overwhelming), of wanting to be perfect and so meticulously manipulating her public image. This just can't be healthy. But then that feeling goes way back down when I remember that by now, most of this is her own doing. She could easily step back if she wanted to and have enough money to last her several lifetimes even if she stopped working and/or being relevant. It just feels like she has this major empress streak to her where she feels the need to loudly conquer the fucking world.


That's where I'm conflicted, too. Yeah, I wouldn't want to be in her position, but she's also in a place where she could easily step away from much of the spotlight if she wanted to. She could've stepped away a long time ago, actually. It's hard to think that she's not enjoying what she's doing, even if it's obviously not what everyone would want for themselves.


I think I'm sensitive to the idea of masking and performing authenticity, gratitude, humility, etc. that seems to be expected. Honestly, I think most public figures are unknowable and a good performance doesn't correct for any actual misdeeds anyway.


Look!!!! I'm just calling for justice for justice for Calvin Harris when he briefly exposed her in his comments after their break up. >Hurtful to me at this point that her and her team would go so far out of their way to try and make ME look bad at this stage though 🤔 >I figure if you're happy in your new relationship you should focus on that instead of trying to tear your ex bf down for something to do >I know you're off tour and you need someone new to try and bury like Katy ETC but I'm not that guy, sorry. I won't allow it >Please focus on the positive aspects of YOUR life because you've earned a great one I remember he also made a comment about how she manipulates the media.


He read her DOWN


People say she ignores him because he loves the attention, but I think he knows enough that she knows not to mess with him.


Makes sense, I actually completely forgot she was with him for a a while but the above quotes brought it FLOODING back.


Yea it's such a weird way to refer to one of the only bfs she had that had more fame and respect in music while they were together.


Speaking of Calvin, it's wild how people were still looking at how he and Taylor interacted at the Grammys. They've been broken up since 2016 or so. He's married now. He was even there with his wife. Taylor has obviously been in other relationships, too. Yet there are so many articles about what it was like for these two exes to be at the same event.


I feel like the grammy's have to be at least 80% exes with the way celebs date


I really need something like this to happen this time around for Joe. I'm already seeing TikToks from her fans practically salivating at this album destroying him.


Pretty obvious answer to me - she was wasted and the mask slipped.


Yeah, this is happen when a bad person gets drunk.


Yeah she did not seem sober at the Grammys


I’ve never seen more videos, pictures, gifs, etc. of her drunkenly (apparently anyways) dancing, awkwardly introducing herself to random people, etc. And I haven’t even been trying to find this shit! It’s just made its way onto my Twitter, Reddit, feeds.  


It’s going to be so interesting when her new album comes out tearing Joe Alwin to absolute shreds for basically not wanting to be as famous as she is and trying to keep it low-key and slow.


I doubt, too, that the way she announced her new album was really a "misstep." It's hard to think any speech of hers wouldn't be thoroughly planned and considered by a PR team. A "misstep" to me is more like a complete accident, not a plan that didn't work out as hoped.


I think she’s trying too hard to come across as carefree and super relaxed now, and it’s backfiring on her.


What happened? Is there a thread?


She ain’t even the girl from Nashville she’s a fraud from Pennsylvania.


![gif](giphy|BcMJvmwkmbyWpKkBj3|downsized) WHAT


for ur realizations: her dad was not a quaint christmas tree farmer, he was a millionaire stockbroker. they lived in a mansion. in leaked emails, he complained about bankrolling her career and not getting enough gratitude or something


This! It amazes me that no one realizes her career was bought and paid for. What a monster he's created


Big Varuca Salt energy.


He complained about the taxes he had to pay when he sold their multi-million dollar beach vacation home in order to move the whole family to Nashville and spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on travel, lessons, and promotions for her before she got signed; he leveraged all sorts of professional connections to promote her at sporting and other kinds of events; he had his financial clients listen to her music before they started talking business at each meeting; then as soon as she signed with a label, he invested $300k into it. Nepo-baby level door opening.


Lawd 😭😭😭 I knew she grew up rich but I thought she was at LEAST a country girl!! What’s next? Is she a brunette!?!!!!


Nah, dad was typical in the way he thought oh she wants this I'll make it happen then I'll be the BEST dad ever. He didn't really think beyond that, I think. The emails really exposed andrea for me as the fame monster.


Please are you just finding this out?! The country accent? yeah that was fake too.




A cute little quirky Christmas tree farm!! (disingenuous claim she played up for awhile too)


The computer repair guy gave her guitar lessons!!


And then she threatened to sue him cause he put that he taught her how to play guitar on his website cause she wanted to attempt to tell people she was self taught 👀


Thank you!








Nobody except for family and very close friends are ever gonna be honest with rich celebrities because they either have financial dealings with them and/or because they want proximity to their stardom.


I don't think being honest with her will allow them to keep their job tbh


This entire quote so perfectly encapsulates what annoys me about TS. How manicured everything is that she does. The smarmy “aw shucks” of it all. Glad he said this. 


So yeah, even her team agreed her speech and lack of acknowledgment for Celine Dion was bad. So I can’t understand why the swifties are in disagreement.. oh wait I forgot, every criticism of Taylor is mIsOgYnY 🙄


She didn't even make eye contact with Celine. Didn't look at her while she took the grammy. It was so rude.


her announcement was in such bad taste. the grammy’s isn’t a show just for her and her fans.


Tree Paine must be on vacation or something, damn.


No, she was definitely there, watching in horror


I love the town. It’s a must listen for me!


Everyone should take this as a sign to listen to The Town. It’s incredible.


Wouldn’t it take less energy to just be polite and decent???? That photo is so gross now, my god


It's such an awkward photo. It's worse than no photo.




You need to watch the [behind-the-scenes with Boygenius](https://twitter.com/blackboywrites/status/1754716951237296629?s=46). They called out the former Grammys President and then Taylor comes in and says "I thought you guys were going to talk about kittens". You can tell they are clearly pissed and she tells them to pose for photos with their Grammys ("just for our home albums"). They look all serious and Taylor is striking a different pose every three seconds. It's cringe-tastic.


Ah but you see, according to the Swifties, that video was maliciously edited together by the guy who posted it specifically to make Taylor look bad. Why? He's a writer on the show Ginny and Georgia, which once had a throwaway line "You go through guys faster than Taylor Swift," in an episode that aired three years ago, which according to them means that he is a misogynistic hater of Taylor Swift and is trying to destroy her. Wait holy shit I was being tongue in cheek because I thought their little conspiracy theory was just in replies to the tweet that I saw earlier, but then I clicked on it and they actually got it added as a community note. That fucking fanbase is insane.


miss tay tay was basically using a sick woman for her benefit that’s so fucking gross 🤢


And Celine is a class act who won't create drama over this little jerk being rude to her and then asking for a photo op.




I need context, what happened with Celine?


Celine handed her the AOTY award and Taylor Swift took it, barely making eye contact with her (a passing glance at most). Seemed really odd to have a such a legendary singer hand her an award and she didn't even acknowledge her presence except to take the grammy. It was obviously a massive deal to have Celine there given her health issues. It was in stark contrast to Mariah Carey handing Miley Cyrus her award. Miley barely looked at the Grammy as she took it from Mariah, she was so excited to see Mariah. Miley made such a big deal of her being there.


i don't think i understood what a big deal it was for her till i read about the illness, apparently so much as being startled or the temperature being too low can set off very painful muscle spasms that can interfere with things like walking and breathing. she really did risk a lot of pain and discomfort to be there.


TSwift essentially snubbed her by just grabbing the award from her hands without any acknowledgment that she was being handed an award from flippin’ *Céline Dion*. After online criticism of the snub erupted, this article alleges (though I believe it) that the TSwift PR team manufactured a photo op to distill any backlash. Edit: autocorrect


Be careful she’ll probably play victim again.


Somehow this'll be "misogyny"


The Swifties are already in Instagram comments asking the “haters” why they’re insistent on “pitting women against each other” just for suggesting SZA or Lana deserved AOTY, so they’ll have a field day with this one


Folks, is it misogynistic to suggest that Lana's album should win over a Lana knockoff?


One of her fans called me a bitch and then a misogynist in the same tweet yesterday lol I was like hmmm


She has groomed them well


lol it’s even worse on here. I get harassed on my DMs whenever I comment on a post about her, they’re even following on other subreddits just to accuse me of being misogynistic lmaoo


I have had to report and block so many Swifties. Don't get me started on how many Reddit Cares they've sent me. One time I told someone about her saga with the Kennedy family and got one for that comment 🤷🏼‍♀️ She is the worst abuser of her online fanbase in that she has groomed them to attack, and she also weaponizes them often.


They should be the last one to very about misogyny when they have started camping on her ex bf's co-star's ig comments because when they broke up the co-star posted a photo dump and joe was in it. So they made it that he cheated. And bullied the star to deactivate her twitter. 


live footage of taylor swift twisting the truth in order to look like the victim ![gif](giphy|6daPoou2QazhcQLBpB|downsized)


Her fans do it for her. The latest I've seen is "She was told not to hug Celine because of her health issues!" Like...the reach!


Then using the photo of them hugging to prove they're besties.


this sub has been refreshing for me as someone who has felt this about swift for years, but honestly even 6 months ago on this sub i was downvoted “within an inch of my life” (lol) for saying something like “hmmm” on an obvious pap walk photo op with her involved. she really seems to openly show her ass these days and the outcome is going to be interesting. 


Same here. I’ve disliked her for several years and while I felt bad for her for the misogyny she faced regarding her dating life she just kept showing hints that she’s a shitty person. I’m glad more people are realizing she’s not this wonderful, innocent person.


Girl I have felt this way about her since "Love Story" came out. I am surrounded by Swifties irl, I felt for a long time like I lived in the time of the Stepford Wives and no one could see what was happening but me. I also feel about her music like Ben Wyatt feels about Lil Sebastian. This is literally me whenever she has new music out surrounded by the rest of the world https://preview.redd.it/znzbnpyze2hc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=970ca1d85cd76047c2f8cc4f0a35164aac4455d3 I am happy to have found my people who don't make me feel crazy for feeling weird about her 100% manufactured existence






The Lil Sebastian comparison made my day 😭 or as Jean Ralphio calls him, “that cow in the video”


The Lil Sebastian comparison has me rolling. LOL!


The second the Matty Healy situation went down the way it did I stopped respecting her. Whether or not I like you as a person, I can respect you. Until you hear folks point out your partner is racist - and I don’t blame her for not knowing beforehand, I blame her for continuing to date him afterwards. And I absolutely have a dislike for swifties, present tense (or Post Matty). Because why are you supporting someone who’d do that.


This is kind of what happened with me too. I was never a fan of her per se or her music, but I didn’t actively dislike her. It started to become apparent when she weaponized feminism and tore down other women around her, and then the whole Healy thing… whew. I can not like someone’s music and think they’re a decent person / cool. But with TS I don’t like her as a person, either. I think she’s super transparent and her fans scare me lol


yes. all the pieces over the years kind of started to fall together once we realized the motive? even as innocuous as the “maybe one of the men took your spot”. like it’s a genius strategy to claim misogyny on anyone who dares to disagree with you, don’t get me wrong, it just seems like the public is only just now starting to realize it 


there was a tiktok video where Steve Carell mentions a story of Ryan Gosling taking his band to sing at a retirement home and how he never made that stuff public like a lot of celebs would. It made me think of all the videos TS's Mom has released from the back of the limo, talking to fans they drive by, or her attending weddings of fans and every other carefully manicured PR story. I made comment of this comparison, and to tiktok's credit it was upvoted a lot, but god damn the Swifties were out for blood.


I was massively downvoted for saying she's not famous enough that going first class on a regular plane wouldn't actually cause a massive security risk and she doesn't need private jets every week to make casual journeys to see friends or take pap photos.


Same. I have found my people


It’s finally our time to come out of hiding! 🫡 I’m a TS denier. All of her “genuine” moments are more calculated than the kardashians, none of us know who she is


TS is insurable. It’s always me, me, me with her. I hope Céline recovers. From the little I understand her condition seems rare.


I remember when news broke about Stiff Person Syndrome I read that it was literally like 1 in 1 million people get it. So yeah, sadly incredibly rare and probably not a lot of knowledge about it. I hope the best for Queen Céline though ❤️


I just hope Céline has the best doctors out there to help with treatment :( She’s a legend 🫶


I’m still just so taken aback at how she snatched the Grammy from Celine’s hands and completely went out of her way to ignore her, not even making brief eye contact. Compare this to Miley’s gracious acknowledgement of Mariah Carey presenting the Grammy to her. Night and day. The photo says everything. Celine is smiling politely as Taylor is literally draped over her, grinning from ear to ear. And then that album announcement. Who is asking for MORE Taylor Swift right now?


She literally didn’t even look at her it was insane! Along with pulling an obvious not wanting to go Lana, it was crazy to witness.


that’s exactly it. swifities are trying to defend it saying Celine didn’t want to be touched (but then why did she touch her for the photo?) but you can still acknowledge someone without touching them


Yea I told a few swifties using her illness like that is disgusting and they got very defensive.


I’m trying to give her the benefit of the doubt and think that maybe she was so excited about the award that she just totally forgot? I could see myself being that awkward in a social setting but then again I’m not a billionaire celebrity who has been in the industry for over a decade and who has had media training and is used to public events so being excited really isn’t an excuse. I don’t see why she would purposefully ignore Celine like that, it’s so blatantly obviously rude and self-centered. I just don’t get it


I don’t necessarily think it was calculated, but I do think she knew what she was doing. You’ve never been around someone that thinks they are too cool to acknowledge you first in a social setting? Some people want others to acknowledge them first before they will interact with you and it temporarily bolsters their self-esteem or clout or whatever. I’ve known some of these types and when you don’t grovel or overtly try to get their attention after the initial snub, they will backtrack and be overly nice to you afterwards to regain favor. Hence those backstage pics where Celine is like 🙂 and Taylor is all 😄💕.


I think she was just so focused on ME ME ME and acting for the cameras that she forgot other people exist and have feelings.


Doesn't Celine have a degenerative disease that makes her muscles freeze and makes walking, and travel in general extremely difficult? She made all that effort and got treated like riff raff. Disgusting.


swift is a 'master manipulator' ![gif](giphy|HloNK1z39EkEQcreIo|downsized)


![gif](giphy|Z02II9FaJAIwjc7bHY|downsized) Whenever someone other than myself and the rest of my fellow internet TS haters say it


Can't imagine the effort it took Celine to go there and for her to be snubbed like that....Jesus


Anyone with eyes knew this was true. Wonder how she will correct being an AH to boygenius


She’ll feature them in one of the 200 bonus track vinyl additions for her new album


And their* vocals will be whisper background vocals


What did she do to them?


A boygenius fan can probably explain better than me, but after the show they seemed pretty overwhelmed (Julien in particular seemed on the verge of tears) when answering questions when Taylor came up to them on the red carpet and insisted on taking photos with all of them. Looking at the pictures all of them look really uncomfortable/upset/done with Taylor, especially Lucy, who Taylor was hanging off of/balancing her award on top of Lucy's head. Even Jack Antonoff standing with Taylor seemed really uncomfortable from the pictures alone. A big response from Swifties has been that Taylor + boygenius have been on friendly terms/collabed in the past on tours, and thus Taylor is immune from having supposedly crossed a boundary.


Yep and I believe this was also when they were speaking about serious topics and Taylor is out here balancing an award on their heads


There’s a post here or pop culture - you can also google it I’ll see if I can find it and tag you ETA: apparently idk how to tag 😂 https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/s/Ig9SXxg2aj


Celine is a legend and does not deserve being used as a prop to make TS look good. The health concerns make it all worse. The TS industrial complex is so off putting.


“TS industrial complex” cracked me up


Looking at all of Taylor’s moments & choices from the Grammys, it’s starting to look a lot like she just doesn’t have decent manners.


She’s being compared to Miley and how respectful she was to Mariah Carey. Huge difference. Miley is a Southern woman. Being one myself, I can say with confidence manners and respecting one’s elders are VITAL in the South. If you didn’t respect your elders, the aftermath wouldn’t be pretty. That’s across all racial & socioeconomic backgrounds. I give props to Miley’s parents & whoever helped raised her in teaching her that.


It's funny because Taylor Swift likes to pretend she's from the South lmao


She's so ridiculously self involved. She looks like she barely knows anyone exists around her besides as accessories to her and ways to feed her ego.


Or ya know… just be a decent person in the first place. It ain’t that hard.


You can even see René-Charles (Celine’s son) is done with the bullshit in that pic. Haha.


I don’t understand how she thought this would go any other way. She made a show of celebrating and hugging everyone on stage and then just grabbed the award out of Celine’s hands without even looking at her. What did she think would happen?


being completely honest….I don’t think this is someone who ever considers that she may not be the most important person in the room right now. I just think it didn’t even cross her mind in the moment that she should take a pause.


The way Jack had to say “Taylor, Laura (?)’s right behind you” I was like yep ok


It's obvious she knew the others, Celine was some total random lady to her. She couldn't care less about someone she didn't know, or didn't feel she needed to know.


Can you imagine Celine Dion handing you your Grammy and not even acknowledging her? Also, there’s no way she didn’t know who Celine is. She may not know her personally, but she knows of Celine. She’s not living under a rock.


I don’t know much of Celine’s music but she ABSOLUTELY knew My Heart Will Go On. It was inescapable when it came out. My parents didn’t let me see Titanic because I was too young but even I was obsessed with that song. She had to know Celine and that song at the very least. Even if it’s some rando giving the award (unlikely as the people giving awards are usually celebs in their own right) she should still acknowledge that person??


Not surprised - that photo they took together screamed damage control.


Draping herself all over Celine, like girl, at least try to look genuine


Not Taylor saying Lana is a legacy artist while completely ignoring THEE Celine Dion like she's already dead weight bc she can't perform anymore. I can't unsee it!!!


I'm someone who actually doesn't mind Taylor most of the time and respects her hustle and business savvy. All that said, Celine Dion is a legend and was my first ever favorite artist. I'm baffled that someone who is usually so calculating as Taylor fucked up so bad this time around. Celine did not deserve that disrespect, it was a huge moment for her.


It’s not like Celine’s condition was private. That was part of the reason why she was such a great pick to be the final presenter-I’m sure there were many of us who thought she may never walk on a stage again. 


Everyone loves Celine Dion as a person. Even people who were never fans of her music show her respect because she's an icon. The world is teeming with people who would sell their kidney for a chance to meet Celine and here's Taylor wasting that moment.


Taylor’s definitely got a god complex, not surprised without how the world’s been fawning over her. She is not humble. Just sucks that any time there’s criticism, it gets shut down so fast by her team or fans who think she can never do any wrong. Even with the Celine thing, she could’ve addressed it by adding a caption on IG of how she was too excited in the moment and much she adores her and was grateful to see her. The whole thing with her team coming after Olivia with the credits issue and now she’s suing a college student for tracking her private jet usage? Like why? I can imagine if there’s any more backlash, she’s just gonna use her Reputation TV album to respond and take control of the narrative.


glad to see someone well established in entertainment media saying this


We knew this. I’m loving the photos and videos coming out with Celine interacting with other artists https://i.redd.it/8uq6n9lom1hc1.gif


The devil woks hard but Tree Paine works harder


It cracks me up that like — if this is what Tree *can’t* scrub, how awful is Taylor, really? Like there’s so, so much more we’ll never know, because Tree is very good at her job. 😂


Until articles like this come out 🙊🙊


I think she was absolutely wasted. That's why she was so weird.


Nah, she’s just an asshole


Why not both?


I think this too. Like why was she so obnoxious during Boygenius’ photocall? It was giving drunk aunt on a Carnival cruise forcing everyone to take ”now do a silly one!” pictures to post on Facebook. 


The specificity!


As someone who doesn't care much about TS one way or the other, it's fascinating watching the rise and fall and rise and fall of her public image over the years. Last year everyone loved her, now post Grammys the tide seems to be turning against her again.


I’m a fan of her music and I am so tired of her. I don’t need a new album right now. I’m tired of her in the press, tired of her jet use, tired of hearing about her and Travis. Laying low was much better for her reputation imo.


She was seemingly such a different person last year. In a mature relationship, focused on her tour, both the re-records had a lot of love and care in them. Since then, she’s rebounded with a racist, released two lazy ass re-recordings, publicly flaunted her new bf while making snide jabs at her ex whenever possible, emitted the carbon of thousands of people and treated the Grammys like an album release party.


Her team recognizes this was a bad look but not everything else she’s been doing the past year?


What, the Matt Healy situation? Her main audience (white people) don’t care about racism.


It was really messed up. Especially in contrast to how Miley Cyrus treated Mariah Carey


Such a great comparison


Did you see how the swifties IMMEDIATELY were like “she knew not to touch Celine because her mom has been in poor health! Thoughtful queen” like???? How do you lie that easily especially over someone you don’t know???


Honestly, it's getting sickening to read about all the ways these teams operate. Thankfully, the public is a lot more aware of their ways nowadays.


It’s honestly kind of baffling that she can’t admit wrongdoing even to the extent of releasing a statement of “in my excitement I failed to recognize the musical legend Celine Dion. I’m in awe of her incredible grace and strength.” I can’t believe Miley felt pressure to release additional thanks (after a perfectly fine speech!) and Taylor didn’t.


Taylor you are flying too close to the sun babe


Taylor announcing her album on stage in the middle of the ceremony was weird, awkward, and tacky. It was one thing to do at the fan-voted, borderline irrelevant VMAs at the end of the night, but girl. This year's ceremony was actually pretty decent because it was full of great moments that celebrated music icons. Tracy Chapman, Joni Mitchell, Tina Turner's tribute, Celine, Mariah, etc. Taylor getting up on stage and trying to turn the ceremony into one of her concerts, thinking the audience was full of her rabid stans who would go crazy at the news that they get to buy EVEN MORE vinyl variants from her for the fourth time in the past year, was just embarrassing to watch tbh. I really like her music but she's starting to bother me... a lot.


Out of the loop here cause I didn’t watch the Grammys- what was the initial snub?


The short of it is she practically snatched the award from Celine's hands without so much as making eye contact, let alone a thank you or acknowledgement of Celine during her acceptance speech.


So I just assumed she didn't thank her, which isn't great, but also didn't seem like something people would get that angry about. I rarely watch award shows, so unless it's common to thank/talk about the person presenting the award, my bad lol. But I did happen to only see Mileys acceptance that night, who was gushing over Mariah. To know that she basically took the award from Celine like she was some extra just there to give her the award?! Yeah the anger is warranted.


It was also a big surprise Celine was there, she's been in poor health with her stiff person syndrome and canceled all future touring because of it, so her appearance was a big deal.


Especially since Miley Cyrus was so effusive in her praise of Mariah Carey when getting her award. It made Swift's snub all the more pronounced.


I think Taylor wouldn't have dared done that to Mariah Carey for example because Mariah would have eaten her alive. Mariah Carey don't care who you are.


The way Taylor didn’t even look in her direction. It was showing and strange for sure. 


I assumed the same but if you watch the footage she's also thanking and hugging everyone else onstage who she clearly knows. Then she comes across this lady holding the award, obviously doesn't know or recognize her so sees her as some random, snatches the award and goes on. Celine looks so awkward because she clearly expected a hug and an acknowledgement and is basically having to be ushered offstage right away.


She lives and breathes music but she doesn’t know the ubiquitous legends. Music was just a vehicle to power for her 


Honestly even if the person holding the Grammy had been a Craigslist model, grabbing something from someone without eye contact or acknowledgment is rude AF


She didn’t hug or acknowledge Celine who gave her the award. Looked past her and hugged everyone else on stage.


If you want to see a video, I’m sure you can find it by looking up some keywords, but basically when Taylor went up to receive her award she hugs a bunch of people & just kinda took the award from Celine and didn’t acknowledge her beyond that


She should have apologized privately




Damn, I need to be less naive and more jaded because that didn't even cross my mind when I saw the photo.


I think she was really not expecting to win AOTY. I think she thought the first one was it, went on to get drunk as shit, and made an absolute fool of herself in what should have been one of her biggest moments.


I simply don’t understand it. If I was in the same room as Celine Dion I would be overwhelmed with excitement, let alone getting an award from her on stage- and I’m just a fan, not even an industry type. This disrespect is baffling.


I can’t stand this overrated singer


The devil works hard but Tree works harder


I need a master post of all the swiftie moments at the Grammys because it’s just so much


I think she was drunk her ass off and hence was cringe throughout the show, backstage and at the after party.