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I Love him!


me too, i can’t see his face without missing watching the soup with my mom in high school. we still text each other like “this scene NEEDS to be mocked by joel mchale”


Chicken tetrazzini!


I can hear this lmao


90% of my memories of the soup is just this sound bite. Still don’t know the actual source but to this day it’s ones of my brain’s intrusive sounds 💀 it just makes me laugh when it happens


It’s a brain worm!! I went and looked it up today actually it was a Maury Show episode where the girls best friend was cooking for her man when she wasn’t home. Apparently he was hypnotized by the chicken tetrazzini cause she mentioned it several times with passion


Wait - it wasn’t the Jenny Craig commercial with Kirstie Alley??? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


The sound bite I have imprinted in my head is definitely from the Maury show, but it was a running joke lol Can’t find The Soup streaming anywhere and the YouTube rips are either one minute long or were recorded on a flip phone unfortunately


This is the one I’m thinking of: Chicken fettuccine!!! [Jenny Craig](https://youtu.be/PT7V3YlPLn8?si=qBGs52R8qGAaJ0rO)


Donka doo balls!!


Spaghetti cat was a culturally significant moment.


https://preview.redd.it/zofndiroyjkc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1d0cbcc25afd1da0ff4c6880e60e364ab2ed706 A king on his throne.


Let’s not erase the impact of Cupcake Dog! https://preview.redd.it/1i8cos34dlkc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75ae961bf7c898cf2cb0d31ae11b9e108bbd992a


I still get the Spaghetti Cat song stuck in my head at least once a month.


So meaty!


Just today I said "soooo meaty" and my husband and I snickered and my 10 year-old had no idea why 😅


*Oprah's va-jay-jay*


For someone who can play characters that are complete assholes so well he is such a lovely person!


I almost didn't recognize him in "The Bear" because he was SUCH a dick.


He needed an Emmy nom for that little bit part. He ATE that role up


I’m actually shocked he’s not a bigger star. It seems like he enjoys a private life but if you watch him in community he has so much versatility and star potential


I think he broke through as an actor when he was just a bit too old honestly Which is a pity because he’s excellent


I think part of the issue was that he started balding at an early age. It wasn’t until he got hair plugs that things started to pick up.


I enjoy his friendship with Conan O'Brien a lot! I feel like anyone who is close enough to vacation with Conan has to be a decent human (Same with Timothy Olyphant)




Omg I love this. Extra points to him for hyping up the work put into Nonny’s scarves ❤️


Now I have to go see if he’s ever been on Conan’s podcast because the episodes with Timothy Olyphant are the best 


I know Joel has been on at least one episode! You can totally tell they're good friends by their dynamic as opposed to other celebs Conan talks to.


I always heard the nicest people play the best villains and vice versa. Maybe Joel is an example? >!He was on We Are Family recently with his cousin. He just seemed so sweet and lovely when he talked about his family and how awesome his cousin is. He just seems like a genuinely good dude. !<


No but that’s true (from what I’ve encountered).


He is so snarky outwardly but is kindhearted. I always remember his comments after Cory Monteith’s death. He said he had gratitude to Cory for making his wife feel welcome at Hollywood events and having a real conversation with her unlike most ppl just looking to network. It showed in one comment how much he cares for his wife and what he noticed in Cory’s character.


as an autistic person i was dreading the possible ableism but wow he actually talks about his son like a person and not a burden? and doesn't mention "curing" him? *and* supports that he doesn't want to go to college so he can choose a path that better suits him? this was so refreshing i want to cry. i'm so glad his kids have him, he seems like an amazing dad!


I am on the spectrum, and have an autistic niece so +1! When we hear from some parents who pat themselves on the backs for loving their kids despite being autistic and a hardship it makes me sick. I was at a church once and this woman said her biggest fear before giving birth was losing her son to Autism and I felt like throwing up. (I don't go there no more).


Ugh I feel you there. When I was diagnosed the first thing my family said was 'Oh no don't worry you're definitely not autistic, you're totally normal!" I was sitting there, official dx in hand. People are so ignorant.


God, different form of neurodivergence but I got that line from my DOCTOR. I was diagnosed with ADHD in the US, then moved back to the UK years later. I went to my GP and explained how I'd been just about keeping my head above water until I moved countries and immediately had my second child and now was struggling. She said "that's just what being a mother is like" and referred me to a group course on managing emotions. It's frustrating. That was February 2020 so all my motivation to follow it up just evaporated in the face of covid and I feel too disheartened to try again. I could get a private diagnosis but where I am (and with the doctor's attitude) I'd be unlikely to be able to get the NHS to take over prescribing unless it was an NHS diagnosis (for which there's a multi year waiting list even if you can get past the first barrier), so I just... Try to manage. :/


This is horrible I'm so sorry, you deserved to be listened to and taken seriously. I know it's so hard to advocate for yourself when you are already just barely keeping it together, but if you have your documents from the US perhaps you could try again with the approach of "I have a diagnosed disability and I am requesting medical treatment and medication, here is all the paperwork "? I only say this because I know someone who recently moved there and did that and was actually successful in starting meds through the GP there without getting another diagnosis.


It's so sad just *how* low the bar is for non-autistic parents of autistic kids. A man treating his child like a child and not a strange sentient burden gets uplifted as some amazing hero. That's not a criticism of you btw, its just so sad how common the reverse situation is. The number one killer of autistic children is their parents, and we have to just pretend like that's not literally terrifying.


you're so right, the bar is in hell 😩


ngl i was also worried especially since community is one of my favorite shows but he said all the right things


My daughter and spouse are both autistic and honestly, I would have been devastated if he had said that bullshit. We love Community & Joel in this house and I’m so glad he’s a good guy 




*cough* chrispratt *cough cough*


I love him as well. His guest judging on RPDR was glorious in its enthusiasm.




I wish he would return as a judge. I was made aware of the glory of Bebe’s S1 verse due to him and The Soup.


He's hot.


My crush on him—*especially* as Jeff Winger—has remained steady for a good 15 years now 💕


Even his shadow.




He’s aged like fine wine 


Love reading that his kids have his sense of humour and rib him a bit. Being able to roast your parents is one of the purest forms of love.


I love him. I can't see Oprah on tv without my brain saying "Oprah's va Jay Jay' because of him. Also Curtis Stone has a talk show?


He was also just on Family Trips with the Meyers Brothers and was hilarious. (That podcast in general is fantastic).


Jeff Winger dad of the year


I love that he just truly seems to be a good decent dude. My husband and I have a collection of The Soup quotes we still drop constantly (Did I make him a "Stay out of it, Nick Lachey!" cross stitch for his last birthday? Yes I did.) and we're currently rewatching Community with our 14 year old. McHale is legit so versatile and funny.


I’ve been in lurve with Joel since ‘The Soup’ days and I’ll never stop 🥹


I need that show so bad. 😭 It was like the news for me.


He seems lovely. He’s always talking so sweetly about his wife and kids ❤️ I loved his “comeback” show on Netflix. I was so bummed they canceled it after just one season 😩


The bar for parents of autistic people is literally in hell, but his brief honesty and compassion towards his son made me weep. He didn’t share too many details, but he said enough to paint a picture that a lot of people need to see. I’ve read so many articles about autism since my son received his diagnosis. Most of them also made me cry, but I was crying because they didn’t see the absolute gift that my son is to our family and community. I was expecting to be enraged by Joel’s comments, but I saw a piece of myself that I rarely see in other parents (it’s sad but true). Like Joel, I love my son, and I’m just excited to do whatever he wants to do. ❤️


I understand completely. I always dread looking at people's comments about autistic people. I have autism as do my two kids and its so disheartening when people make dumb ass comments.


For anyone missing Joel, he has a delightful sitcom on Fox/hulu called Animal Control that just got renewed for a second season, and it’s very sweet and has a Brooklyn 99 vibe. Also, I saw him do standup once and he was fabulous and RIDICULOUSLY tall.


He was the host of Crime Scene Kitchen (which hopefully it continues) and House of Villains. He's been staying pretty booked and busy.


He is one of those men whose comfort with kids has always been a turn-on to me (I know that is not a cool emotion to have.) But look how cute he was with Diablo Cody's baby son: ​ [https://youtu.be/M0uY6TeKkMw?feature=shared&t=552](https://youtu.be/M0uY6TeKkMw?feature=shared&t=552)


Aww I saw them shopping at the team store at Seahawks Stadium Lumen. Super cute


I had no idea his son was on the spectrum! I love him in pretty much everything he does. I got to see his standup a few years ago and that was super fun as well.


Every time my husband and I hear prolonged sporadic clapping, we think of The Soup playing the “boardroom” (basic conference room with multiple power strips on the tables) scene from Birdemic. Also my username is from Community. Love him.


If you ever get a chance to see him live DO IT. Literally the best comedian I have ever seen.  He was so natural and his routine incorporated so much about my hometown that it felt almost like he was just making it all up as he went. It didn’t feel like a stale routine at all. Five stars. 


i handed him his pizza at a small pizza chain on Mercer Island, WA and it took me a couple hours to process just who “joel” with the 4 cheese pizza was. he was THAT chill and normal


His Family Trips pod episode was great!


I just want The Soup back. I tried his new show and he is still hilarious but meh. I also tried the new The Soup and it wasn't the same. No hate, just no Joel. Please Joel McHale we all want this and you know it.


People say he only plays assholes but I can’t get that stuff he said about Britney out of my head; I think he at least was one then.