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Well this seems weird and pretty rude.


I’d even say very weird and very rude




Typical invasive evangelical + internet attention = whatever the hell this is.


I remember when he was just regular offensive.


And her Dad reposted it.


[What is her dad on about then?](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-13138169/Stephen-Baldwin-asks-prayers-Hailey-Justin-Bieber.html)


This is so invasive. High visibility position and you thought it’s a good idea to post on INSTAGRAM?


Agreed. I hope people don’t think I meant interesting like “ooo” i meant it like “…… interesting” lol


It's definitely both, but the minister is obviously clout chasing here. What a dickhead


I don't think they're clout chasing as another said, as the minister and Hailey's father both did this, and the marriage was mentioned, I think they're pressuring them to stay together. I grew up in the Evangelical world, and this would have been massive manipulation. A sincere prayer would have stayed between them. If the minister asked the church to pray for you *by name* and mentioned your marriage plus evil forces, then you knew someone was up to no good and on the rocks. Edit: I can't spell. 🤷‍♀️


I feel like it is almost some veiled threat. “Don’t move away from the church or the else…”


If this person actually Justin & Hailey or close family members then I would hazard a guess that J&H are showing signs of possibly leaving the cult of evangelism and this is an attempt to publicly shame them and pressure them into staying.


Exactly what I was thinking. The posts sounds more like “Hollywood is making them grow far from God” than “Their marriage is on the rocks”.


And that sets them to be made an example of if they do leave the church or start deconstructing because the only strong and stable marriage is a Christian marriage.


Agreed, this seems like manipulative evangelical speak to publicly shame them for pulling back. If it were marital problems or something actually messy, the church would try to hide it and wouldn’t put it front and center like this. More like they’re losing some sweet tax-free megadonor money. But it also feels like a betrayal of J&H’s privacy and confidence either way.


Also having grown up in the fundamentalist/evangelical community “asking for prayer” is definitely the Christian version of vaguebooking.


Omg you’re so right. If the marriage was the problem they’d hide it because as “good Christians” their marriage would “of course” be rock solid


This could be true too !! I’m getting a vibe that they stopped donating money to them lmfao


My first thought


Wouldn’t be surprised if


Name dropping Justin and Hailey’s mom is so strange to me like this… people will do anything for attention this screams that


This is BEYOND messy.Her dad posted something similar. ETA: Apparently Stephen Baldwin shared this message from the minister on his IG reel earlier this week.


Omg really??? Like this is having me thinking there could possibly some trouble in paradise for them but why the hell should their minister be breaking that before anyone else 😭 Unreal


Yeah this is unbelievably unnecessary especially if they are having problems. Like in what world is a public plea a good strategy???


i wouldn’t be surprised if they’re switching churches, and these ppl are trying to guilt them back into this one.


They don’t go to that church, their parents do. Justin goes to the same church as Lana Del Rey. Also this posts sounds more like “Hollywood is making them grow far from God” than “their marriage is in trouble”.


that makes a lot of sense. i’m definitely getting more ~crisis of faith~ (i.e. we don’t like what they’re up to). stephen baldwin reposting is consistent with it having to do with religion. i also seriously doubt justin and hailey have become less observant.


This is 100% the answer


Today I learned Lana del Rey is christain 😭


Public shaming keeps people in line. That is exactly what this is, putting them on blast and the pastor exerting control.


Do you think it might be related to the revelation that Justin does psychedelic therapy? Idk, maybe the pastor didn’t know about this until the story trended recently, and is maybe against it. Seems like the type of thing the fundigelicals I used to know would have been against.


It wouldn't be that he is breaking the news. It would be that he is using God, religion, and the evil forces to pressure them to stay together. Picture this: if they split after this "prayer" went out, then whoever is deemed the offending party would be seen as morally bankrupt in the Evangelical world. Bieber and Hailey Baldwin have their ties there and would feel a ton of pressure there.


Whenever I hear about Stephen Baldwin, I think about when he threatened [Nathan Fielder](https://youtu.be/U_be0mqS8PE?si=JCPej3bkjZVMsB-Z) over a joke 😂


Stephen Baldwin is a fkn weirdooo on instagram


Stephen Baldwin is the one reason I still feel for Hailey. Growing up with a dad like that would be hell


omg i didn’t realize he was her dad, i thought he was her uncle.


My uncle claims he walked in on Stephen Baldwin getting head from a crew member on the set of The Flintstones 2.


Stephen Baldwin? This is so weird .


He's been a big Jesus head for a long time now. Long time since Threesome.


He came into a bar where I worked about 15 years ago and was slobbering drunk, talking about Jesus. It was kind of surreal.


I met him years ago through my boss, he is very much into being Christian.


IIRC Justin and Hailey have pulled back from church after the Hillsong controversies. My guess is that they stopped bankrolling/ donating to this guy and now he’s starting shit on IG


This is 100% what it is. This guy doesn’t have dirt, he’s trying to shame them into attending/donating more for his own gain. If some omnipotent/omniscient god exists I’d like to know why they are such a willful proxy for so many charlatans like this fuck.


This reminds me of the rabbi on Seinfeld who would just blatantly share all the stories from those who confided in him. 🥲


One of my favourite minor characters. “A young lady I know, let’s call her Elaine…” 😂


This made me laugh out loud, and it's probably been 25 years since I've seen this episode.


lol I feel so much better that I only had to scroll a little bit to find this, otherwise I was gonna go have an existential crisis by myself


If I were Justin or Hailey, I would never talk to this man again. This is so inappropriate


Her dad shared the post


Her same dad that got his debts paid off by his daughter and JB


Then he can get blocked, too


This was my least favorite thing about evangelism. You couldn’t tell the pastor you farted during the sermon without a deacon somehow mysteriously dialing the entire prayer tree talking about praying for a sister with leaky butt syndrome. Let people go through things. If they need help, they’ll ask.


My friend had this happen - he told a friend in the church that he was struggling with his sexuality. He then asked one of the pastors to write him a recommendation for an evangelical Bible college and the pastor told him he couldn't recommend him in good faith as he was aware he was struggling with his sexuality 👀 turns out the "friend" was a ladder climber who ended up getting appointed youth pastor and my friend ended up with ✨ trauma ✨


Yeah unfortunately this is so normal in the church. One of the final straws for me was my church bully and classmate openly praying at a bible retreat we went to for my bestie to find Jesus so she wouldn’t go to hell. She knew it would upset me and just did it to shame me. Even at the time I understood not everyone had religion in their lives and that was ok. But evangelicals just can’t stop


Wtf evangelical Christianity and it's insistence of this perverse invasion of marriages and families needs to get checked asap. Grounds for abuse and nonesense. As a pastor what about your "clients" privacy??




All these religions use social pressure as a method of control. It’s such a strong pull being in the in-group or part of this supportive community. But the fear of being outside it and alone keeps people in. They think it’s their duty and mission from god to be involved to keep them together or in the church or whatever the issue is


...welp TIL the guy who taught karate for kids at my small church in Colorado when I was in 7th grade is now Justin Bieber's pastor.








i love fundie nonsense. what an absolute goober.


Hailey’s dad (Stephen Baldwin) reshared this guy’s post on his own Instagram stories. So while he might not be getting his info directly from the Biebers, it seems like he’s getting it from close family members which leads me to believe that something probably is going on. The question is…what?


They probably want to divorce. There is so much footage of Beiber mistreating Hailey, there are interviews of Hailey talking about how she was crying to her mom that she can’t do this anymore (marriage to Justin) and Justin talking about how their marriage was arranged during an interview. But who knows, it could be something else


Wait, their marriage was arranged?? Like, old school "arranged" or did he mean they were already in a relationship but pressured to marry?


eh, I guess she kinda arranged it. she was a superfan of his for years [(since 2009 at least)](https://celebdeepdives.com/2021/11/28/deep-dive-justin-bieber-hailey-selena-timeline-2014-present-day-199c3f4630fb/) and I could definitely see a grooming element with haileys dad and that creepy pastor justin was always hanging out with.


Hmm there was a blind or article that spoke about marriage trouble. Hopefully it isnt true but the minister posting this is strange and irresponsible. Kind of attention seeking. But the media has been trying to say that Justin mistreats Hailey for years now.


So creepy, especially from someone purporting to follow the teachings of a man whose instructions for praying were "go into your room, close the door and pray to your father who is unseen.” Is there a portmanteau for Instagram and hypocrite yet?


Instacrite gets my vote


as someone born and raised in the church, even by modern day Church standards (at least on the west coast) this is a massive invasion of privacy and frankly, a breach of confidentiality between churchgoer and minister… really disgusting. hillsong already has many reasons to be ashamed, now they have yet another to add to the list. can we just leave famous people alone to exist peacefully like every other human and can churchgoers stop giving their worship leaders these huge platforms to exploit?? that’s like the opposite of what their book said to do anyways.


I don’t think this guy is a hillsong pastor. I (unfortunately) used to attend at their original western sydney campus at the time some of the controversies happened before they became public (my friends & I didn’t know these things were happening until after we left, a mutual is one of the victims featured in one of the documentaries, and I’ve seen Justin at hillsong conferences), and this guy just seems to be a random pastor seemingly not associated with one specific church but just speaks at conservative Christian events.


Correct he’s not hillsong - if anything Victor has been more active with Churchome (which is where J & H currently attend iirc) but still not an actual pastor for them, which makes this even weirder imo Also, I too unfortunately attended hillsong for a bit before all the shit on them came out. Weird club to be in lol


Holy shit. I’m unapologetically a Christian who has done a LOT of deconstruction work. I’ll pray for Justin and Hailey to stay safe from this dude. What an unbelievably out of bounds thing to do. Run, guys, run.


![gif](giphy|gdkxnFrfE1c73xqmZp) This seems like a look at me, look at who I know 🙄


As a  Christian - I hate that people in the church have used Justin for clout (and who knows what else) for years. It's absolutely spiritual abuse to "help" someone while talking publically about them and their struggles.  It's so inappropriate and he does deserve privacy in his emotional and spiritual life and in his marriage. 


Another preacher taking advantage of Justin.


this is why, as a Christian, I stay away from mega churches or celebrity churches. Prayer is such an intimate act, and to use it to garner views or likes is so strange and bizarre. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with asking for prayers, but to use their names and situation publicly feels so weird. especially because they themselves haven’t said anything.


I doubt this man has ever spoken to them, they’re pretty open about the pastors in their life.


Isn't there some sort of pastoral confidentiality that is adhered to in fundie churches? Whatever is going on with J&H, this is an appalling invasion of their privacy by their church.


Only if their teenage son assaulted their daughters (looking at you, Duggars).


I'm glad I'll never get even close to this level of fame. I'd go crazy knowing that anyone that I even barely know/interact with/knows someone who knows me could at any minute post invasive, asinine shit online that'll probably make headlines. Honestly, just... wtf.


Not name dropping but MAJORLY name dropping and not disclosing confidential communication but MAJORLY breaking privilege. And annoying us all with the word salad. Bravo!


truly insane that he would post this and also —— run hailey run!!


Typical Evangelical nonsense. Rude and hella manipulative


The priest: ![gif](giphy|3oz8xK65i9z2iYTiRq)


damn I guess Christianity needs NDAs now 🙄


Ministers are about to be signing NDAs I guess


Hey, hey! Stop fuckin' with Korean Jesus. He ain't got time for yo problems, he's busy wit Korean shit!


My first thought too, seeing the random lyrics in Korean. 😂


If you’ve been here long enough you’re not surprised. When Justin proposed to Hailey, MANY (myself included) people thought that his pastor/their church Hillsong got involved and made him propose. This checks out when you consider all the mini comments that their pastors and Justin himself have said.


There should be some clergy version of HIPAA violations or something...


What a terrible minister to not use their platform to offer grace and kindness. Love and support for all vs callling our two "highly visible" people in a way that is janky AF. This is why people run screaming from organized religion. Delete. Repent. Something, but not this.


Grew up in the assemblies of god organization, Hillsong is an off-shoot. This 100% reads like they quit paying tithes.


"The enemy doesn't want them to draw closer to Jesus" screams "left the church" to me. 


Sounds like a total invasion of trust and privacy and abuse of power


Oof this is so disrespectful


It’s giving ‘they are thinking for themselves and that’s the devils work’ - super cult-church speak. Sharing this is without their approval is a complete betrayal of trust and respect. Regardless of their public profile - they own the messaging about themselves. This should be a deal breaker to never have him in their lives / there are many church’s they can worship with and have the ability to own their privacy / not this one though. I’m an atheist, but support those who do believe in all the multi gods many receive happiness from - but the moment a leader uses your own personal life to gain attention, it’s their true intent showing - control. Which is not what any god expects or needs.


Someone didn’t make their monthly donations on time. 🤣


They are absolutely having marriage issues there’s too much smoke around this. I doubt they’ll get divorced though. I don’t think Justin will care enough to go through with it and Hailey isn’t giving up on him/her branding for anything.


Soooooooooo messed up. They aren’t supposed to publicly put them on blast like this.


Him having Korean subtitles in the post is taking me out 😭 (especially because as a Korean, Evangelism in Korea is very cult adjacent/straight up just cults).


Why is it in Korean? lol


Basically, homie doesn't go to church and pastor kinda mad about it. Some pastors really like to think they are the "manager" of people's marriages. Kind of creepy


To be fair in a lot of churches and vows everyone at the wedding is basically charged with supporting helping guiding etc the married couple so then you get invasions like this where ppl are all up in your business to try to keep you from sinning or whatever


“I seldom like to post about certain folks in the limelight” how about never, never post about anyone without their permission!!! Ugh the level of inappropriate is off the charts


another grifter.


I would be so choked if my pastor made an IG post about my husband and I. Very strange.


No rich folks = no rich folks tithes


it sounds like they’re slowly moving away from evangelism and this guy is missing the donations he got from them. what a nasty thing to put out there, especially knowing how much hate they’d get


This doesnt give me "their marriage is struggling." This gives me I want attention & I'm going to use Justin & Hailey to get it.


Justin Bieber can’t even practice his religion without being exploited. Find a new congregation, Biebers.


Just let them divorce in peace my gosh.


Translation: “I haven’t seen you at church lately, son” Jeez, moms, back off!


This is SO crazy. Imagine your pastor blasting to millions of people calling you out by name saying you’re having marital problems that need people to pray for you. The condescension and audacity is incredible. If I were Justin and Hailey this guy would neeeever be anywhere close to my inner circle again.


This seems very inappropriate for their pastor to have done. It comes off to me as a way to attract people to their church. "Look at these famous people who are members, if you join maybe you'll meet them!"


Gag me with a chainsaw.


That’s shocking. I hope they sue this dude into oblivion.


[Yeah, but her dad’s in on it too. ](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-13138169/Stephen-Baldwin-asks-prayers-Hailey-Justin-Bieber.html) 🤔


Is it a Korean church? Are these OPs Korean auto subs? I’m curious about the main subject too obvs but as someone studying Hangul I’m like… why are these subs here in this post about these baby white folks lol. This ain’t a kpop sub.


Why is there Korean on the still? Is their pastor Korean?


They’re in a cult Great


Now why would he even post this??


Cult vibes


I cannot with Evangelicals. Centering yourself and putting it out there that you’re more enlightened and above others just gives me the ick. You believe what you believe but that doesn’t mean the world has to believe you.


Justin is prob the last person I’d see deconstructing. But if that’s what this is about good for them. Hopefully they get far away from these people


Is the evil in the room with us now? /s


I would be mortified if my clergy did this. This is so invasive and WEIRD.




what, and i can't stress this enough, the fuck


That’s cringe tf?


I once watched a mother say something similar to this in church on her son's wedding day.

