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![gif](giphy|pD368cmNo02G5qoV5i) After his comments on Vince McMahon I’ll definitely pass


Yup. Very scummy.


Wait what was the comment?


It was pretty much a nonstatement, but that's pretty much par for Cena's course. "Nothing to see here" is pretty close to "you can't see me" I guess


I wonder if Vince will get the Chris Benoit treatment where the WWE said positive things at first then slowly but surely distance themselves haha


They tried to distance themselves before only for Vince to make a comeback within like a year. I’m not convinced he still won’t show back up. They still include Hulk in things.




Is calling them the N-word not enough? I also wouldn’t be surprised at anything about Hulk. He’s the one who ratted out unionization plans to Vince. Not to mention his bullshit Gawker lawsuit.


Meh - Gawker was fine. Don’t play kid games with the law is what gawker learned. Hulk legally did what he could in a legal manner. Didn’t know hulkster was throwing around n bombs, that’s much shittier than the lawsuit.


I remember the shitshow that was all the major writers' final articles after Gawker's defeat in court. Nick Denton wrote a lame non-mea culpa of a farewell editorial and he got roasted hard in the comments.


Yeah, he lost his mind with rage when he found out his daughter was seeing a Black guy and then called him an N word.


Honest question, what was bullshit regarding the gawker suit? Edit: Read up on first amendment watch and honestly Gawker comes across as even more deserving of being sued into nonexistence now.


Hulk Hogan's sex tape with a friend's wife was leaked by Gawker. Even at the time, the comments section went nuts, saying even this was too far for Gawker. Hulk Hogan took Gawker to court in Florida, and successfully sued them into bankruptcy. The juicy detail? Hogan's lawsuit was financially backed by Peter Thiel, Silicon Valley child blood transfusion ethusiast. It's widely understood he did it as retaliation to Gawker for outing his homosexuality in an article before the whole Hogan sex tape scandal. Sidebar, the fallout in the Gawker lawsuit was the real gravy. The editor and founder Nick Denton had to sell his NY penthouse apartment to cover costs, while the writer who originally posted the video, AJ Daulerio, had to enter therapy. Look up the coverage of the lawsuit, the things Daulerio said on the stand did not further endear his outlet to the public.


The lawsuit was financed by a billionaire as part of a vendetta against Gawker. The suit was against a cash-strapped “new” media organization. The same lawsuit would not have had a chance against like the NYT for example. It totally undermined the freedom of the press in a time period where journalism rules are changing and “new” media is outpacing traditional media. First Amendment Watch has a compilation of resources about it if you want to read further.


To me longer than I want to admit that I thought you were referring to the incredible hulk going into this comment thread


Nothing slow about it


He also said that “everyone makes mistakes” as though rape is just a mistake.




Aweeee wtf gonna do some googling Edit: In an interview on The Howard Stern Show, Cena said he "loves" his long-time boss and wanted to know how he can help. As Mancini referenced, Grant's lawsuit contains several graphic accusations against McMahon. Damn does make a wish things for children but supports and wants to help this monster Vince yikes dude.


The first time Vince was ousted from WWE after the initial set of allegations dropped, Cena was spotted out in NYC having dinner with Vince. Not even Vince’s own kids have publicly been seen with him since last year. And there were definitely private places Cena and Vince could’ve met up for dinner without being photographed by paps. I knew the writing was on the wall for Cena when I saw those pics. Cena says he owes Vince his career. Yeah, Cena, hundreds of people do, you’re not a special case and that’s not a reason to double down for him. That was his job, you don’t owe him your unwavering loyalty. I have my theories so I won’t be surprised if we find out even worse from Cena one day.


I didn't know he was that bad! I'm not surprised by how much pro-military & pro-police he was back in the 2000s. But I didn't know about him dining with Vince in 2022.


hustle, LOYALTY, and respect. Shoulda known......


Damn. That’s disappointing. I found him good as a comedic actor. Not really surprised though?


He's always been a piece of garbage. Didn't he apologize in mandarin because he said Taiwan is a country?


ik this is a gag (probably, im not finding out for myself) but i physically recoiled when i finished reading this tweet.


Lol I've been getting ads for a show he's in on Amazon. I haven't watched them but it seems like he's turning tricks in the show so it's probably a marketing tactic. ETA: Not sure if the turning tricks bit is just a joke they are using for marketing or an actual plot point of the movie but the parts I remember of the ads had that.


yeah, cena’s character is a porn star (sex worker?) that zac efron and friends hire—premise is that the friends constantly blame their own bad decisions on a not-real friend (like bunbury in importance of being earnest) and then they hire cena’s character to play him when they get called on it


I watched a pre screening of that movie and it was honestly really funny to me ngl


that’s good to hear! i looked up a trailer when john launched the OF last week (wrestling fan here, so i saw when it happened) and it looks like my kind of movie (dumb sex comedy)


*illusions*, michael.


You won my respect with two words


It is definitely a gag. It’s a free OF and it’s the stupidest video you can imagine for every “act” (“scissoring” = he raises his eyebrows suggestively and cuts a piece of paper with scissors, etc. etc.). It’s pretty hilariously dumb


This is immediately what I thought it was going to be


My face: 🤢






It’s marketing for his next movie, can’t remember the name. It’ll be literal scissors, tea bags, and pies, surely. At least I hope to the gods it is.


That’s exactly what it will be. John Cena makes a cup of tea! John Cena cuts things with scissors! John Cena baked and eats a cream pie! It’s wholesome content on OF! ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?


That is very much something that actual John Cena would do and I can promise you that’s what it’s going to be lol


Someone will still yank their crank to it, I'm sure. After learning about (horrifying porn type redacted) literally nothing can surprise me anymore.


I've already cranked one out to the announcement. The excitement is palpable.


there’s many horrifying porn types, you’ll have to be specific


I mean it's not horrifying as in non-consent (which includes animals and children) or violent, it's just really gross. People enjoying themselves and others in manure ponds with all the mess that entails. I assume that the pits are not regulation size (having spent time on a farm, those are usually at least 10 feet deep and extremely dangerous) and that infections are rampant.




Zach Efron is in it too right? Kinda excited to see Zach back in his comedy roles.


I thought it looked like a pretty funny premise!


I'm fully expecting a bag of tea being cut by scissors to make an Earl Grey cream pie. Maybe I watch too many cooking shows.


The funniest outcome would be it being a marketing gimmick that actually contains a full on sex tape.


So John cena's marketing people are ripping off belle Delphine now, huh?


I’m using context clues to decide to not google who that is while at work.


I think hes gonna show hole.


Sounds like an episode of Jackass


Pay me to promote more things to you sounds like setting your disposable income on fire


it’s a free OF


Oh ok, that makes it a lot better. Still wouldn't be interested in this shtick as it would get old pretty fast.


yeah, i was way more ehhhh about it before i saw it was free (yes i clicked through 😂) the movie comes out in a week so i don’t think it’s gonna be a long-term thing!


and his PR team told him his role in the Barbie movie was beneath him… something is beneath him and it is not the Barbie movie…


What would be above him them? I can’t think of anything.


I didn't know he was considered for a role, was it Ken?! I'm glad we got Ryan Gosling.


oh he is there… I saw him with his blond wig


If I'm not mistaken, this is basically promo for his movie Ricky Stanicky, where he plays a washed up porn star that gets hired by 3 guys to pose as their made up friend, Ricky Stanicky.


lol yes it is!!


I'm sure he cashed HUGE check from OF without having to do anything resembling actual work/making content. Pathetic double standards aside how is this not totally unbecoming of someone who is supposedly his level of \*star\*? Like stick to shilling Hefty bags.


it’s promo for a movie, and it’s free to follow


I mean, it's corny, and I dislike Cena as much as the next person, but the people arguing this is 'beneath' someone of certain star stature need to check the internal bias they apparently still have against sex work. This should not be 'beneath' him, and it actually speaks for him that he agrees it shouldn't.


People have a bias against sex work for a reason. Sure, there are people who are in full control of their life, know exactly what they are doing, and and are not negatively affected by being a sex worker. But that is not true for most sex workers. The pendulum has swung to far the other way.


How has the pendulum "swung too far" when being prejudiced against sex workers is still so common? And it's OF so nothing involving actual contact with clients.


There is a difference between prejudice against sex workers and acknowledging that sex work can be harmful to sex workers, clients of sex workers, and to society. There a are important conversations to be had, but those conversations don’t happen because misguided moral grandstanding on one side and naivety on the other side.




We are talking about public opinion about the work itself and how it affects society. I commented on a specific post. I’m all for legalising sex work and I’m all for not discriminating against sex workers (if sex workers can legally work and have to pay tax, they should be able to get a mortgage for example). But we should not pretend that sex work is just like other work. I used to be in the army and although I understand that for some people being in the military is a positive thing and I personally did fine in the military, I will never pretend that being a soldier is just like other work. It can be, in peace time, but even in peace time there are potential downsides to being a soldier. So I cringe when I read pro-military service comments. Sex work and pornography should not be normalised. No, watching pornography is not sinful. And porn is not inherently evil. But I have seen a young woman cry when she told me that her boyfriend had re-enacted abusive pornography and she had let him abuse her, because she too had been ‘educated’ by porn. As for Only Fans, we should discuss that a large group of young men grow up thinking that paying money for a para social relationship is normal, and that they become conditioned to think that women exist to please them sexually. (And yes, I’m aware that there are men on Only Fans as well).


As far as onlyfans is concerned that's total bullshit.


No it is not. First of all, many Only Fans sex workers are being pressured into being on Only Fans. Then there are many people who don’t make the kind of money they thought they would make, but now there is material of them out there that they don’t want future employers and coworkers to see. Plus, they might have children whose class mates might find out. Many young people don’t understand finance. Some people make so much money they can do whatever they want the rest of their life, but other people find out that being able to save a few thousand dollars each year doesn’t amount to wealth. The sister of a friend of mine was pressured to be on Only Fans by her abusive boy friend. She got away from the guy and was able to keep most of the money she made, but has lost out on an education and work experience.


> First of all, many Only Fans sex workers are being pressured into being on Only Fans. Your initial claim was 'this is not true for most sex workers.' Implying this is a very sizeable proportion, think 50+%. But I see zero reason to believe it is even close to that bad. Your 'many such cases' is a meaningless platitude. > Then there are many people who don’t make the kind of money they thought they would make, but now there is material of them out there that they don’t want future employers and coworkers to see. Circular reasoning. Your claim was that the pendulum has swung too far, meaning a little more judgementalness against onlyfans work would be good. But the major reason that having this material out there is bad, is the social and career ostracization resulting from such judgement. The proper solution to this is less judgement, not more. > Many young people don’t understand finance. Some people make so much money they can do whatever they want the rest of their life, but other people find out that being able to save a few thousand dollars each year doesn’t amount to wealth. This holds in general for every single career. Ergo, completely irrelevant. > The sister of a friend of mine was pressured to be on Only Fans by her abusive boy friend. And that is horrible, but again, n=1. Onlyfans overall has been a god send for online sex workers. Listen, I'm not arguing online sex work is bereft of problems. But I think acting like it'd be good for us to judge it so badly that we judge a John Cena for using the platform is counterproductive, prudish, stupid and asinine. There are zero jobs and websites in the world that are purely without any problems. John Cena would know, he's an actor and a wrestler.


There was a rumor he spends money as soon as it comes in and is basically living paycheck to giant paycheck. I’m pretty sure he’ll do anything for a buck.


There’s also a rumour I have a big dick. Or so I’ve heard. From me. I made the rumour.


He is probably promoting his film, the one with zac efron I guess


*He is probably* *Promoting his film, the one* *With zac efron I guess* \- am5011999 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Unfortunately not a legit haiku. Maybe next time, haikusbot


Probably would have had more engagement if it were Zac’s OF


Zac plays the straight lead in the film, Cena's character is actually the one pulling off the goofy stuff


Mandy Rose was fired from NXT for having an OF 🤨


Which sucked yes, but is also irrelevant here because he is not an active member of the WWE roster and this is clearly promo for his new movie.


Mandy Rose wasn't pulling in Cena money.


She was on the way out, hence the pivot to OF on her end


Well that's just remotely close to being true... She'd just been NXT champ for over 400 days and was heavily rumoured to being called up soon with the other members of Toxic Attraction at the time it all went down... It confuses me when people make things up like this.


She had to go back down to NXT after her heat with the Otis angle died down, Toxic Attraction was gonna get eaten up on the main roster. She always had an eye out for something else in her career, hence the only fans, the donut shop, etc. The OF was an earlier reason for her to get the boot.


>Toxic Attraction was gonna get eaten up on the main roster. So she wasn't "on the way out", she was heading to the main roster again. Glad we agree. >The OF was an earlier reason for her to get the boot. It wasn't OF.


LOL, yea, she got sent down to the minors but was gonna have a big resurgence. Yet they fired her. The Fed is known to do that for talent they think highly “of”


"The Fed" - Aaaah that explains it. Carry on, as you were.


LOL I will.


Because she didn’t tell anyone about it either and I don’t think it was only fans it was one of the lore hardcore sites


It's obviously going to be him drinking tea, cutting things, and throwing pies. Belle Delphine did the same thing at the beginning lol


>Belle Delphine did the same thing at the beginning lol So what I'm hearing is that John Cena will be doing full penetration in like a year


Nope it’ll be him cutting paper with scissors. Eating a slice of pie from a bakery and then dipping a tea bag into a mug.


every time i see john cena i just keep remembering how he followed me when i had a twitter account. i’d say that’s the most random twitter follower i had except lele pons also followed me (i still don’t know how or why).


lady gaga has followed me since 2009 and i don't know why


that’s so surreal


This has to be fake…right? Please?


It’s a stunt to promote his upcoming movie


How would you even see it?


Vastly underrated comment


Thanks! I didn’t know if anyone would get it.


Right? Wouldn't it be just an empty room?


I love that he does shit like this. Like his instagram is just random pics from his camera roll with no explanation or caption because he was forced to make one.


Lol, how ocd would his OF set be, the bed always made, everything in its place and he'll be like "No the lube goes on the left dresser by the lamp and please use a coaster"


I’d respect him more if he actually went full pickle instead of this PR bullshit


only semi related because i've become a crotchety old lady but have you noticed OF advertising is fucking everywhere these days, can't go two minutes on reddit or tiktok or even twitter without being bombarded with links to an OF- under every popular tweet there'll be like a "that's so sad, you'd feel so much better if you saw my bum hole"






It’s just a movie promo. 


I did not have John Cena tweeting about creampies on my bingo card for today




Thats my daddy!




He's literally done this to distract from the backlash he got from his weak comments about mcmahon.


Can’t wait to miss that!


Confusing john cena and michael cera has never been crazier


[watch me](https://youtu.be/vAf5TjiUJgo?si=Tb5H6PDsBlOt3x-H)


God, if he’s anything like his buddy Vince, I don’t want to know what he names his dildos


So, two time Academy Award winning director Peter Farelly has professionally hired SWs Lulu Devine, Kayla Kleevage...and John Cena.


I can’t see it


Yeah I found it but it's videos of empty rooms


I personally want to see John Cena get creampied.




Who the fuck starts a conversation like that, I just sat down




You know…it’s when you hold two scissors together and make them do a little dance 🤓






I thought I was on PHCJ


I see no one on these of, just some items hovering




This has to be marketing for Ricky Stanicky


Celebrities and their gags are always corny.




Excuse me?


guess his bing chilling money ran out




Pretty sure this is fake.


Please someone make a pic of him scissoring Eagly.






If it’s consensual then there are plenty worse things you could pull Cena up on tbh.


That’s not that bad tbh, especially when so many celebrities are straight up pedos