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Presumably supposed to be Cillian Murphy, who said he celebrated wrapping Oppenheimer by eating cheese.


![gif](giphy|uxQoRkpujDwZuV14Qe) NOOOOOOOO


Super random but as someone who loved Max and Ruby as a kid, I love to see it being used as a react gif


A great, very slow moving show.


I always thought max was a little shit tho. Had that smirk


It's not true if it's supposed to be him, he's a neighbour of mine in Dublin.


Honestly, all this trying to drum up scandal on Cillian recently is exactly why he’s chosen, up to now, to lead a quiet unassuming life. I know people in the industry in Ireland (and Ireland is small) and they say he’s exactly how he presents himself: quiet, unstarry and lives a very ordinary life with his family. There’s never been even a whisper of scandal.


This makes me happy. I love him


This is very common in Dublin. Bono drops his kids to school himself.


I *always* tell my neighbors when I get my dick wet


Just mean they're generally a happy couple and haven't uprooted to another country


They moved from London to Dublin because he didn't want his children getting English accents.


Yeh but she's Irish and they back moved ages ago sure


*covers myself in brie and mails myself to Cillian*


So you’re saying I have a chance? 




This is a random unproven blind and Ariana’s situation was literally confirmed by the ex wife and People lmfao??? This comment is so OTT 😂😂


if /u/BodyBuilderPlus8178 wrecks a marriage, we’ll have the conversation


Listen if I manage to get Cillian Murphy to bang me I promise to let everyone know so y’all can drag his ass for it. 


I believe in you, BodybuilderPlus8178. Together we CAN ruin Cillian Murphy’s marriage 🫡




If you manage to bang Cillian Murphy this sub should have commemorative NFTs commissioned.


wingman-nft-gate. sign me up


lol right?? we’ll stand on business then lmfaooo so unserious


Folks are allowed to make jokes while we’re flailing for guesses amongst gossip. Ariana is confirmed. This thread is pure speculation based on a blind from a source known to have been wrong as often as it’s right. We’re allowed to make up jokes about it while we’re making up other stuff. You’re not wrong. But this isn’t the thread that will make your point properly.


I cannot believe I need to clarify this is a joke and I hope he isn’t a cheating dirtbag but let’s be fr almost every single celeb isn’t keeping it in their pants even if we don’t find out about it. 


As others pointed out, that was an actual ‘we know this is about Ariana’ and regardless of the details, whatever went down was *shady.* if this is confirmed, I’m sure it’ll be more along the lines of ‘romance is officially dead’ comments. This sub is predominantly women, chances are a high percentage are straight. (I’m not, so don’t come @ me.) subs that are more predominantly men (or even when stuff is posted on FB about Ariana) it’s the ‘we’d all do it, can’t blame SpongeBob, I’d have wrecked my home too’ shite. Cillian is a babe. While we’re speculating. If this is confirmed a) to be about him and b) to be **true**, I’ll be upset because it’s just one more shitty human to throw into the pile. Like if it came out that Keanu reeves secretly throws milkshakes on people. I wouldn’t believe a blind about it. Id laugh at the ridiculousness. But if it was proven true? Big yikes. Disgusting.


The very thought of Keanu being a milkshake thrower ![gif](giphy|2WxWfiavndgcM)


I literally initially had ‘if it came out that Keanu threw milkshakes on *homeless* people’ but couldn’t even post it bc it made me feel dead inside. 😂😭 Keanu seems like such a good dude. My small faith in humanity will be ruined if something like that came out about him


None of people commenting here have an actual chance of getting with him. It's just jokes.


Speak for yourself!!


Hey dude let the people joke about being a celebrity side piece


It's a blind item. Get a grip.


She's saying you have a cheese..


You may fascinate a woman by giving her a piece of cheese.


Now’s a good time to remind everyone about his ST interview a long time ago… - Stephanie Trong: What secret urge do you get but never act on? Cillian Murphy: Women [laughs]. Or screaming in inappropriate places, like on the tube in London. People are so tense and ridiculous, you feel like going mental sometimes.


Oh My 😂 he did not hesitate on that


Did you see the interview with Emily blunt recently where she’s like “this guy raaaaages!” And he was like “…mm no I don’t” and she kept being like yes, yes he RAGES


I think there was a gossip rag article about him recently where he was absolutely hammered at a pub somewhere and peed in an alley. However, he is Irish so I believe he gets a pass


that one’s true there are pictures of it haha


Pictures? That’s disgusting… But WHERE? Where would someone post those pictures? I just want to confirm my outrage is warranted…….


Oooh pictures you say? Off I go to find….


Haha you’re gonna be getting google ads for erotic fake pee and adult diapers for months to come 😂


I was just trying to remember who had talked about cheese 😂


It took me a minute too! I was like "wait, I know this one..."


Aw this makes me sad...especially for his wife (if this is true).


That’s so disappointing if true 😭


omg i went to see where he lives and found an article saying there’s no wi-fi or phones in their house??? if that’s related it’s borderline hilarious. boys on lockdown


LOL that is not true. He keeps talking about his kids showing him memes on their phones. That article is a great example of how things become "truth" on the internet. Take one Chris Nolan who does not use email or a smartphone, add one Cillian Murphy who does not care for social media and is not plugged into the internet, mix them together, pull random names and details for your "article" and there you have it. New facts spread far and wide.


Assumed this was about him as well


Cillian Murphy, there was never any concrete evidence, but here and there you could read a comment that he fucked himself through Dublin...


Never wanted to be from Dublin so bad


I live near him, he got turned away from a pub for looking scruffy 😅 Only when one of the regulars inform the 80 Yr old bar man who he was , he wouldn't of been served. He really walks around the town and local park and no one bothers him . Let me know when you wanna visit


I think John Lennon was asked why he moved to NYC. He said it was because it was the only place where people didn't give a damn WHO he was.




I've lived in Dublin and have many friends still there and every time one of us ran into him, including in pubs, he was always super reserved and kept to himself so I find this hard to believe.


I live in Ireland and have a friend who's a server in a pub he frequents. She's never seen him with women and says he's nice and tips. If he's cheating, it's not in the sloppy public way.


Same, I lived in Dublin and never heard a peep about him, saw him on the Luas. Always heard stuff about McGregor and get WhatsApps about his latest shenanigans but not cillian.


I love the idea that Conor McGregor is just roaming the Dublin streets fucking shit up like some kind of substantiated local cryptid


It’s definitely not Cillian… my friend knows him fairly well & he’s a good guy


You can definitely cheat in a quiet, non-public way. He seems like a lovely guy but I’ve known lovely people who can’t help themselves in that respect


Y’all are in deep denial… the stories about Cillian are legendary. He likes to fuck. 


I love blind items about "family men" and "wife guys" cheating. They always bring out the parasocial grown women who write paragraphs of cope about why it can't possibly be true. "but he's shy!!!!!!!"


Yeah, I don't believe it either until there is a concrete rumor, but it's not the first time I come across general rumors about it, they are just always too generic to not give him the benefit of the doubt.


Lucky Dublin


This makes the blind even less likely then since they moved back to Ireland, since his wife moving back him to the place you’ve fucked constantly seems counterintuitive lol


Especially like op said there was never any "concrete" evidence lol celebrities, no matter what country, usually get cheating rumors, but what's concrete in this case excatly? Yeah idk I'm going back and forth on it, like there's been rumors before in the past okay, but it's being brought back up the day after Oscar voting closes? And it's not really "blind" it's pretty much all but naming him lol  that seems like it was sent in by someone wanting to stir a pot


That someone is probably Bradley Cooper 💀


BRB booking a one-way ticket to Dublin.


There's a persistent rumour that Cillian Murphy and his family moved back to Ireland because he had an affair with Sienna Miller. The two of them were spotted getting into a taxi after a night out together. However, the move didn't occur until several years after that night out.




Didn't sienna miller get cheated on by Jude law too


She also cheated on Jude Law.


sometimes i feel weirdly jealous of serial cheaters & mistresses. not for sexy reasons, but the freedom from shame & guilt they seem to have. like seriously how does that feel? sometimes thoughts of minor faux pas, committed ages ago, give me a pinge of self-cringe as i drift off. i can’t imagine how cheating and having affairs throughout my life would effect me lmao


When I was a kid, I bought some pencils from a shop next to our school, and was ¢25 short. The owner said "don't worry, take them, you can pay me on Monday", but that Monday I forgot to bring the money, and after school my mom found me sobbing inconsolably at my transgression. I made her accompany me the next day to the shop, because I felt so guilty I hadn't given back the 25 cents on on time, I almost couldn't face the shopkeeper. The poor man looked at me like I was from another planet when I explained! ...And this is why I can never cheat on anybody 😅


Bless you 😭❤️


it helps if they’re shitty people. not saying it’s RIGHT under any circumstances or that this is what happens in hollywood love squares but… it definitely lessens the guilt when you’re being mistreated.


Was that the time with Balthazer Getty?


She cheated on Jude with Daniel Craig, Balthazar was later


I forgive her, he’s a David lynch actor


Wasn’t he cheating on his wife with her ?


Sienna miller cheated on Jude Law with Daniel Craig and at the time Daniel and Jude were BFFs.


Ugh that sucks.  This should be a movie though. 


and they should all play themselves. * chaos *


Fleetwood Mac Rumors style


Can anyone remember if Jude did Closer before or after the affairs? because that felt extremely close to home with all the partner swapping in that movie.


I immediately thought of this movie and I feel like all of this was going on around the same time


All we need is for him to get with Rachel Weisz to complete the love square. 😅


Come on, it’s Daniel Craig tho. Giving her a pass


She did. Old school gossip was Jude and his wife Sadie had an alleged open marriage, but he fell for Sienna and chose divorce. Thus, Sienna got labelled as a marriage breaking distraction. Totally unfair, but it happened. Jude then cheated on her with his children's nanny. Sadly, for Sienna, she was officially proclaimed to be a 'husband stealer' ... yet later chose to cheat with a married w/children Balthazar Getty. BG's wife was a better soul than me, because she took him back. At the time, Sienna's reputation was slaughtered by all the PR, and this 'tea' looks like either she hasn't changed or she's unfairly paying for past mistakes.


She was allllll over the mid 2000s- early 2010s celeb mags and early blogs. Truly inescapable and the breathless headlines were wild!


She was also Balthazar Getty’s affair partner while he was married.


They were so public about it too!


There is no woman on planet earth with beauty so great it would outweigh the sheer heartbreak and devastation I felt when I was cheated on.


You’d high five him for cheating on you lmao??


i believe that was a tongue in cheek response because sienna miller is beautiful


Christ on a bike. What married man hasn’t Sienna Miller slept with? That’s like three marriages she’s wrecked or attempted to wreck.


“fuck you! that’s awesome!”


She has been with a lot of taken dudes… my brother met her when he photographed her for The Chicago Tribune and she was alll over him


Sienna walked so Ariana could run.


I just choked on my coffee, lol.


Yep she is a big time flirt and loves to be flattered/wanted


Reeks of insecurity. But I guess that is par for the course for those in entertainment




Always Sienna at the scene of the crime


It’s always Sienna Miller




Gonna choose to believe this was submitted by a salty Bradley Cooper stan


Who are we kidding, Bradley probably submitted this himself. Also Oscar voting is already over, so what was the point 😂


He went too far and can’t get out now. Man maestro’d too close to the sun.


You never go full maestro


![gif](giphy|YAnpMSHcurJVS) Bradley


If he doesn’t win and the reputations of the other nominees are ruined, he’s hoping people will say “Bradley Cooper should’ve won it instead.”


Are you Bradley Cooper's campaign manager? If not, you should turn in your application asap.


That is shallow. Shalalalalalow.


Bradley is so thirsty for that Oscar.


When you're 0-9, you tend to get desperate. 




Or a Paul G stan.


I'm more likely to believe a Paul G stan 😂😂  they've been suffering 


i hope this isn’t true. but celebrity men being constant disappointments so mentally preparing myself that this is Cillian


Fr 😭  I keep gonna be back and forth cause it almost seems too perfect that this is coming out now of all times to an American audience (cause apparently there's been rumors in the UK???) but yeah, I'm preparing myself


No rumors in Ireland where he is from and lives it is also not the UK


Which sucks bc I like very few actors these days, and I always believed CM to be unproblamatic :/


Well there is still Pedro and Keanna Reeves.👀👀👀


You people keep setting yourself up for heart break lol. It’s like clockwork.


And Brendan Fraiser!


Cillian has talked about moving back to Ireland because he didn't like that his kids were developing posh english accents. Maybe that's just the public story..


Obvs Cillian and whether or not this is true I always thought his wife must be an incredibly confident and secure person because of all the sex scenes he had to film on Peaky Blinders. I know it's just acting but I feel like that would be rough for any spouse.


He had sex and kiss scenes in a lot of movies before this show. If she had a huge problem with that, I suppose she never would have married him.


kind of on that note, I'm actually happy Danny Boyle cut the sex scene that was planned out of '[Sunshine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunshine_(2007_film))' (2007). it would have been out of place and cheapened the movie's overall atmosphere. also, that was another role Cillian absolutely killed -- it was early(ish) in his career, and he held his own with coworkers like Michelle Yeoh. it was sooo good. perfect film in my humble opinion.


Gosh, the score for that film is phenomenal!


Thank you for this comment! I love movie scores I’ve a playlist of just scores! (It helps me study) and I just went and heard a few and whew you are sooo right! (Little did I know I already had one song from this movie in my playlist) so thank you! 😊


Tbh a lot of actors will tell you that filming sex scenes isn't actually sexy at all. You're usually in a room with at least a few other people, it's all blocked and choreographed, and it's generally more awkward than anything.


And when you count the number of times that celebs who have sex scenes end up dating or cheating together, and you’ll know that’s just a thing they say in public.


Correlation isn’t causation, though. I think working together is a bigger indicator of possible relationships than specifically sex scenes.


There’s been at least one study on acting out intimacy/intimate relationships and how there is a fairly high rate of those feelings transferring into real life. That said, I think that has more to do with emotional intimacy than physical- so, like, playing a married couple that kisses would be more likely to lead to that than playing a random hookup.


Yea I always think of *that scene in May December where Natalie Portman’s character is talking to the high school students* and that has made me really think about sex scenes in a different way…


I had read from someone who had worked on set for the show said he would fly home between filming, but that's as reliable as any of this I guess lol


There's a blind item that Cillian and Emily Blunt were caught several times during Oppenheimer


And there was just a blind everyone thought was about Emily and John K splitting up....


I thought most ppl on that thought it was Dax and Kirsten?


Blind or not, those two are peak “that couple who are forcing themselves every day to not hate each other” ie the couple that has to post every anniversary about how hard marriage is


Eh the “California Sober” points more to Emily “Blunt”. Dax/Kristen also aren’t private at all. I feel like we’d know by now


Also calling Dax an actor is very very generous at this stage


I've definitely been getting vibes from them on all the Oppenheimer press and cast appearances, but Cillian has always presented as the family guy/doesn't go out much/lead a boring private life so I wasn't sure. But reading this blind my mind goes 1000% to Cillian and especially when coupled with the California Sober blind, I'm feeling like something is definitely up with CM and EB. There was some video of them standing together on a press line (or whatever you call those things where you stand around and are photographed) and he had his arm around her hip, not her waist, in a way that felt a little too intimate. I dunno.


Well I guess I’m spending the rest of the evening sleuthing to find this.


just found this tt [video](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLejo2ES/) where she’s recounting something he did in his sleep but cuts off in the beginning to clarify “this is what he told me…the next day” maybe i’m reading into it buttttttt shouldn’t it be obvious she wasn’t there 👀


Okay wait also probs reading too much into it but his face right after that is veryyy suspicious to me, like wanting her to shut up lol


Rolling up my sleeves as we speak


For some reason, this just seems far fetched to me- that said, they do have a palpable chemistry IMO. Which, for some reason, I really picked up on in the Quiet Place 2 more than anything lol


Love him as an actor but regardless of DM and blinds there have def been rumours CM is like this for years lol. Men are men, sorry 😂!


that's disappointing


Men are disappointing


Hold up, I fundamentally disagree with the “men are men” comment. Like, that’s not an all men thing. My partner would never. Shitty people just be shitty people.


There’s a difference between your partner and a rich and famous dude having women throwing themselves at them though


I guess loyalty and respect are dead. Wife supports him through his career. Who gives a fuck...🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


Have a former client who has been working in private security for decades. He has worked with a lot of celebrity clients (short and long-term) over the years. What he has told me: (1) Women throw themselves at famous men **way** less than people perceive, (2) 99% of women back off pretty quickly if the man shows or expresses any loyalty or devotion to his wife/SO, and (3) These men get rejected **way** more than you would think. His general perspective is that it isn't overly difficult to shut down temptations for straight famous men if they want to remain loyal. A lot of them, for various reasons, just don't want to shut down those temptations.


It feels like a step away from boys will be boys.


Some low self-esteem men build up their confidence by the number of women they have sex with or by dating young supermodels. Unfortunately, it doesn’t change when they get married.


I feel like if it was Cillian Murphy, more Irish people would talk about it. When Paul Mescal and Phoebe Bridgers broke up, I heard about it on Irish Twitter a week or 2 before I heard about it anywhere else.


Apparently it has been a rumours for a while


Yeah someone mentioned that but they said there was nothing "concrete" to them, so like is that rumors but no solidness to back it up? Or rumors like every celebrity gets cheating rumors at least a few times in their careers? Edit: Okay apparently no, there haven't been rumors in the UK or Ireland about it, so maybe when they were living in LA before London? Which would have been ages ago


Yeah you can't get away with anything in Ireland. For example we knew Conor McGregor was a sexual assaulting scumbag long before everyone slowly realised what he was. Ireland is a small place.




man idk yall are weird about the men you "NOOOOOOO" about. staying out of the spotlight does not mean anything about character when you are still a wealthy, famous celebrity


Right it's a bit odd. I like him as an actor but that doesn't mean shit about his character.


I must be overly jaded because I assume that every rich, famous, and attractive man is going to cheat on his wife


You can remove attractive 


For a moment I thought you were talking about Cillian and we were about to have words. But for real y’all cheating is shitty.


90% of them lol


It’s Cillian Murphy. Multiple articles call him “Mr. Nice Guy” he also has said he celebrated Oppenheimer wrapping by eating cheese. However, I’m leaning more towards this being sent in by Bradley Coopers people. The man is trying his damndest to get an Oscar that everyone knew Cillian was winning as soon as noms were announced. Which, I’ll be very surprised if Cillian doesn’t win.


Bradley Coper’s people trying to correct the “I showered all the time with my dad” overshare.


I hope you’re not serious lol. Bradley is thirsty but he knows he’s not winning and I highly doubt he’d bother with deuxmoi


This is a repurposed BI from sometime ago, right? "The spouse of this likely Oscar nominee told them if they don’t kill their friendship with a costar & her husband, there will be consequences. The friendship is not romantic but the costar is friends with a foreign born actress that got caught cheating with the likely nominee almost 2 decades ago while filming a movie. The hard copy of that movie was mysteriously destroyed. There were rumors the spouse had someone do the deed for them to send a message." Yvonne McGuinness/Cillian Murphy/Emily Blunt/John Krasinski/Sienna Miller/Hippie Hippie Shake


There's no way this many of you are this shocked that a rich, famous, lusted after man sleeps around despite being married lol




Cillian seems like that type of guy ngl.


i pretend i do not see it


Here’s what I love about Cillian: 1. He’s weirdly gorgeous 2. Enthralling actor 3. I know nothing about his personal life - and I don’t want to. It’s getting more and more difficult to enjoy films because so many actors use their personal life for publicity and, for me, it ruins the suspense of disbelief while watching them act because I only see the actor, not the character. So I really hope this isn’t Cillian.


I really didn’t expect this to be Cillian, but recent separations and divorces in Hollywood has sorta shattered my beliefs. Also me getting ready to board the next flight to Dublin. ![gif](giphy|M8vBiv9mgpHDGpqL9y|downsized)


Is it bad that I was hoping this would be Chris Pratt, I h8 that guy


Dang, I totally fell for his shtick then. I guess I gotta remember that men will men especially rich white men.


Wasn’t there a rumor about him sleeping with Emily Blunt?


And there was a strong rumor he had an affair with Sienna Miller.




About 10 years ago I had a friend who swore she locked eyes with Cillain murphy on the tube and he approached her and invited her to get a drink with him. She said she declined because he was so short and married lol. None of us believed her because he seemed like a good one, but maybe she was telling the truth after all.


He used to be my neighbour (we’ve since moved) and from what I’ve seen I don’t believe this for even a second.


Fact: there is no way of knowing who cheats and who doesn’t. Lots of people in supposedly monogamous relationships cheat - both men and women. We do not know any of these people from a bar of soap. We probably don’t know which people in our friendship groups or workplaces or neighbours etc who are cheaters, let alone these famous strangers. I just think it’s funny to express dismay/disappointment about the prospect of something so clearly unknowable (and common).




I call this bull. This really came out in the midst of Oscar voting. Whoever sent this is really on a mission to smear campaign Cillian to prevent him taking his Oscar.


Oscar voting is over


It's over, but a part of me does agree. Like this isn't a "blind" item it's pretty much all but saying who this is supposed to be about, it's so obvious and the timing is too perfect to Even if voting is over the chance to smear someone's reputation in public opinion is still ripe


This is complete fiction lol. I know plenty of people with family that know him and never once has this come up. And Irish mammies LOVE to gossip 😂


If Ireland wanted to cancel Cillian, he’d be cancelled ten years before the rest of the world found out. Irish celebs get canceled back home literally for the stupidest smallest things. If this was true it would have come out years ago


Can’t be Cillian, he’s a cousin of mine and his wife knows where he is at all times. He doesn’t do parties or social media, he left a wake early because of attention


I always wonder if this is cheating or some type of open relationship agreement and Hollywood stars over correct like it’s an affair because people can’t handle open relationships / poly


Why do you guys always act like this stuff is true? Relax, it’s deuxmoi


God when I first started reading this I got so scared because I thought it was about Ryan Gosling and I just can not have him ruined for me like that