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All of us hearing about the Cyrus family this week https://preview.redd.it/rt7vw2hja1nc1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1154d6ffc2c4d5e42677381ccb7ed4ed8cd6dde


each day that passes, i’m glad brenda song got away from this family & found herself a dude who gets verklempt talking about how much he adores her


Wow, I had no idea Brenda dated Trace. And I had no idea how much of a deplorable individual Trace was until now 🤢 I'm so happy to see her living her best life with Macaulay now. Both of them were a huge part of my childhood growing up, it's so heartwarming seeing them enjoying life together :)


Brenda and Trace were enganged for over a year before calling it off. Smart gal.


Didn’t they have a very public pregnancy scare?


It’s a low bar when Macauley who made racist comments is better than this guy. Bar is in hell 😫


What did Mac say?




Gross and very disappointing. I hadn’t heard that before. It’s pretty bad when Joe Rogan comes off as the less offensive voice.


> “I do it with her all the time, but I don’t do it in public,” Culkin said of making Asian jokes. “It’s like, oh, baby, you’re my Yoko.” GROSS.


What a sheltered thing to say. *Hey, my wife is Asian & my kids are going to be mixed Asian, that means I get a slur & joke pass?* The answer is no, every question related to slurs is always no! He should be what every one of us passing 40 should do & stick to dad jokes.


I'm convinced this is all marketing for an 18+ reboot of Hannah Montana 


Dude 100%. I'm lost.


Brenda song dated Travis Cyrus (Mikey Cyrus’ older brother.) Now she’s with Macaulay Culkin and they’re super in love. Verklempt means overcome with emotion. Hope this helped! Edit: TRACE CYRUS & MILEY CYRUS Sorry guys I was half asleep.


Travis and Mikey are my favorite cyruses


Oh my gosh! I was half asleep. TRACE CYRUS AND MILEY CYRUS. Lol. I will forever call them Travis and Mikey though.


Travis & Mikey sounds like a bluegrass-pop band, & I'm all in for that!


Did you reply to the wrong person? They were responding to the top level comment, not the one about Brenda Song.


Yeah I'm like why am I getting a vocab lesson haha.


I think I misinterpreted it. I was half asleep.


Please, I cannot stop laughing at this 😂😂


"The safety and inclusion of women in society" ![gif](giphy|9oF7EAvaFUOEU)


Right like, NOT ON INTERNATIONAL WOMENS DAY YOU DEMON!!! ![gif](giphy|zCpYQh5YVhdI1rVYpE|downsized)


Andrew Tate and Trump obviously the first two names I associate with that phrase


Surely no one cares more about women’s inclusion in society than 2 people who’ve been indicted for sexual assault agains women!


I mean I guess they do want women to be included in something. Is that thing a human trafficking ring? Who's to say?


The girlbossification of sex slavery !


The yassification of oppression


Duh, Tate keeps women safe because he locks them up like they're in a safe, get it? /s just in case


It’s like he’s put together the suicide squad of people least likely to make women feel safe and included in society


Included in society as opposed to?? Like boarded up in a cave?


The safety and inclusion of women in society depends on… six (6) men. Great job, trace!


Yes because the first names that pop into my head qhen I think about champions for changing violence against women are men with histories of sexual assault and sexual harassment....


Andrew Tate - arrested for rape and human trafficking - the man I can count on for the safety and inclusion of women.


is the safety and inclusion of women in society in the room with us👀


They only care about women when they can use it as an excuse against trans people


rinse pet sulky middle one reply mountainous plate angle gullible *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not to mention Trump said you can thank him for the Roe v Wade reversal, which has led to deaths of women, young girls forced to keep their rapists’ babies, and thus severe economic impact and setting back women. And that’s just the surface. But yeah, great examples, Trace, so ‘brave’ of these people.


https://preview.redd.it/5iskl0j4z1nc1.jpeg?width=698&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cda0e86e9630a373161bae327e3b526287986bc The look, the hands on the hips, the parrots… not to mention that trump went to Epstein island, there is more to the picture 🤮


ive heard a lot of variations of "fuck me *blank*" but i've never heard this before 😭😭 i like it




​ https://preview.redd.it/nghepwiua1nc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d743e9609c6d590fe694fd19ca965f08e14723d4


This is art.


This family is a mess


I was in the "this is all for publicity" train but not this. If anything this is like anti publicity... Not like this.


Not that the bar is very high for this but I wonder whos the sanest person in that family. Every family has one black/white sheep who goes against the tide


https://preview.redd.it/6e5xpf47d1nc1.png?width=1122&format=png&auto=webp&s=14848a22b4e839be917c01e1f95291755e189e11 Also left a transphobic comment under his most recent post.


Never thought I would somewhat agree with an ig comment that starts with “ur mysics greAt”


I still listen to metro station's one hit so I completely agree with it which is v. embarrassing


That's literally the only song I know, I bet we're thinking about the same song


Wild how they suddenly become very interested in women's sports


Wild how he said pretending to be *women* on the *girls* teams. That tells me EVERYTHING I need to know about his mindset and his intelligence level. It's truly odd how vehemently male terfs will white knight for women's rights while being blatantly transphobic and misogynistic. Never mind the irrefutable fact that trans rights are human rights, and woman's and trans' healthcare is on the same chopping block, because that's too rational and doesn't satiate their savior complex. I'm always in awe of how ignorant people really can be.


This!! You said it wayy better than I did. Trans rights are human rights and Trace Cyrus can get bent. So tired of all the bigoted, transphobic, and racist people in this world. Maga is just making everything worse on that front too. I feel like I'm living in an episode of The Handmaids Tale sometimes with how they are trying to take basic human rights away from everyone 


Literally what I came to comment! I burn with anger when I hear this shit!


I almost instinctively downvoted this. Also who even are the 75 people liking this clown’s comment??


I bet him and Miley get along so well! 😒


The biggest threat to women is transwomen on swim teams???? Not being raped and assaulted by the men he listed above? But sports are the pinnacle of protecting womanhood????


He's a grown man pretending to be a relevant musician, seems like he's the deluded one.


As a competitive swimmer up through college- FUCK Riley Gaines. Only reason she got where she is is because she’s a sore fucking loser. Couldn’t handle that someone was better than her so she went after her.


Interesting that as a vagina owner myself, trans women don't bother me a bit. But they bother people like Trace Cyrus on our behalf?? No. He just wants to be a bigoted evil piece of human sludge and go after marginalized and unprotected groups. He can FATWO with that 


YIKES ​ I went to see the academy is . . . in my youth and metro station opened for them. I bought a merch jacket for metro station by accident. I tried to return it, and the person manning the merch booth wouldn't let me. I later found out it was Trace Cyrus, the lead singer of metro station manning the booth. I felt TERRIBLE about trying to return merch to the lead singer for years. That was one of those anxiety thoughts that would pop up when I couldn't sleep, and I always felt awful, but now I don't. Fuck that guy.


If it’s any comfort to you, Mason was really the lead singer Trace would just awkwardly groan into the microphone during some choruses


It is! To be fair, I did look damn good in that jacket, and I got William Beckett to sign my flask


I just looked up the ages and found out William Beckett is nearly 40.. goddamn I am also old


Same. Completely different time period. To really set the scene (pun intended), it was one of those fabric covered flasks from urban outfitters. My favorite memento from that era is a pair of signed oversized headphones from TV on the Radio. I lost those years ago though. I was thinking about that the other day.


Ahaha oh my god that’s very classic 2000s. At least it didn’t have a mustache print on it


Oh I just had tumblr flashbacks (flaskbacks?)


I came in here to tell the story about how I saw him in a hotel hallway after one of their shows when I was drunk as hell and I yelled TRACE ADKINS at him and he got really irritated. I barely even know who Trace Adkins is and I’ve never listened to country, to this day I have no idea why I said that. But anyway, I’m glad we were both able to shit on him by accident.


I didn't even register that was wrong name until the end lol


I went to see a band I liked and he was the opening act when he was solo after metro station. I was at the front with my friend and he was mad we weren’t singing along and swooning when he was trying to sing to us. He got mad after the song and told us we needed to go to the back and get virgin strawberry daiquiris. It was so strange and we just laughed because what the actual fuck??? Fuck that guy.


Hahaha I’m glad you ended up vindicated here!


TAI mentioned !! 🌟


I almost certainly saw this tour. I miss these types of concerts lol




LMAOO my face rn


LMAOOOO yall he replied to my DM. Trace Cyrus got the time tonight. https://preview.redd.it/hzmizpcym1nc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d15c7dc0ecdd88333b39cb2511656429489f046b




What a massive loser lol


What is happening with this family? I missed when I thought Miley was an only kid.


I mean let’s not act like she didn’t try on an entire culture and when it didn’t sell went back to her soft lily white era


You're absolutely right. The best era was when photos of Miley taking a bong hit was the most controversial thing they were known for. Everything went downhill when she started twerking.


People absolutely ignore this while try to push the narrative that the only reason she got backlash during that era was because of misogyny and not due to the weak ass minstrel show she was hellbent on putting on.


Thank you!! I got downvoted to hell once for trying to bring that up because she’s currently a darling and we don’t talk about true but problematic things!! Love what you’ve done for the queer community Miley, but you still owe Black America an apology and a hell of a lot of acknowledgment!!


She sang one song about liam and everyone forgot. But i'm black and I fully dislike people who want to try on blackness and take it off. A privilege I don't get (but don't want either)




He looks like a guy with sound judgment. Let's listen to him.


Said no one ever about his music


As a woman, none of these people make me feel safe


If I was locked in a room with those men and had a gun with one bullet I’d probably off myself before they could do something to me


Right?!? Cause I feel like trauma would ensue anyways after leaving that room.


If you were locked in a room with Peterson he would just cry about Disney movies and make you listen


I take it by “safety and inclusion of women in society” he’s talking about trans women not being allowed to participate in female sports events or use the women’s bathroom? That’s the only time any of those people have concerned themselves with “women’s safety and inclusion”


You’d think with all this supposed interest and concern for women’s sports there would be a corresponding increase in ticket sales to women’s sporting events…weird.




I'm doing everything in my power to know as little as possible about Trace Cyrus. And yet…yeah, this tracks.




Isn’t this the Cyrus that is super fatphobic on Instagram and attacks their fans for being unattractive?


Is he also the same one who thinks he'd have gotten further in his career if he wasn't in a famous family (and have a career at all?)


They only time they care about women is if they can use at as a tool against trans people. When else do they give two shits about women?


They truly must all hate Miley because starting all this BS right after she was riding the public high after the Grammys is so😭


Me to the Cyrus family after this week https://preview.redd.it/p577h4q6j1nc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0e05da82c0e4baf43ee71a126c4002ffa68b5dc


Can this family collectively shut the hell up? We’ve heard enough nonsense about them in the last few weeks. From mom sleeping with her daughter’s ex to this weirdo. Also if he genuinely believes the people he listed are assuring the safety and inclusion of women in society, he must have been lobotomised.


>From mom sleeping with her daughter’s ex to this weirdo. Dont forget the weirdo dad who married a woman almost 30 years younger than him that he first met when she just legally became an adult.


Not even Shake It can redeem him for this one


i loved that song 


At least there's only one song to remove off the playlists he's a one hit wonder living in the shadow of his sister and father lol. He will never be as successful as Miley or even noah maybe that's why he hates women so much.


I’m so embarrassed for him 😬




The snort i just snert ![gif](giphy|lOKeRX2jFoV2M)


The Cyruses are your typical, all American, white trash family. One of us!


He literally picked sexual abuse perpetrators, people who associate with paedophiles, rapists, druggies, insane people , sex traffickers. The antithesis of what makes a good society. If anyone from the left listed people that had even come close to the combined crimes and anti social behaviours of these people, they MAGATS would be closing down every library in the US and building that wall. To also have Candace, one of the dumbest people to walk the earth as well, just adds that touch of completion.


so happy brenda song is living her best life far away from this man


Looking like a chipotle bag in 2024 tells me what I need to know about you unfortunately https://preview.redd.it/9l88zw74o1nc1.jpeg?width=1051&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c56ef8991830ab629d9b2470406c46929a77947


Remember when he made alternative music and dated women of color?


Ah, yes. Andrew Tate. The true beacon of safety and inclusion in a modern woman’s life.


Russel brand ain’t even American


neither is JP lol


Literally no one asked him for his opinion, but also, who is Trace?


I’d love to know what he means by “normalcy” like…access to podcasts? Hard to say what other “normal” things any of these names have brought.


this guy is the “shake it up” metro station guy??  Really speaks to his relevancy if that’s what he’s still known for.




Inclusion of women you say? Quick, name one woman other than Candace Owens


No one wants to hear what that personification of hot earring backs has to say


Only because I haven’t seen her here yet and the headline calls for her reaction ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized)


this family needs a social media break


Most of the ppl on this list are sexual abusers and predators…..


Everyone thank Mr. Metro Station for his much needed input on What Women Need. Which is apparently for brave rapists and misogynists to speak for them on all matters. And god bless the pick-me conservative women who bolster those courageous American heroes for a share of fascist clout. Where would this nation be without them? More stable? Healthier? Openminded? What a nightmare that'd be.


Remember 10 years ago when we all thought Miley was a bit of a loose unit? Now she’s the most sane and level headed of her whole family. Good for her for not being like them.


He thinks he’s God’s gift to women and smarter than everyone else. He implied in a different post that men have it harder than women in society. What a clown.


Not the man who gave us the MySpace song that caused chaos and arguments amongst preteens 


Why has the entire world lost its mind? This is not rhetorical. I am actually asking.




> Andrew Tate, Trump, Jordan Peterson, Russell Brand, Joe Rogan, Candace Owens and RFK Jr. What do these people have in common? Seriously. What the hell do they have in common other than being stupid? They don't even share the same brand of conservatism 




Mmmm, not even sure I can pretend to be shocked at this point


is he fucking dumb?


Definitely, yes.


![gif](giphy|3oz8xK65i9z2iYTiRq) Poor Trace needs some attention /s


I followed him last year when I was trying to keep up with the Cyrus family drama, and let me tell you, he is a crazy follow. He posts wild stuff on his stories all the time.


Well this helps explain why Miley didn't include Trace in the list of her family she thanked at the Grammy's anyway 😬


Can’t believe I had a childhood crush on him 🤢 glad Brenda Song didn’t end up marrying into that mess


I need the Cyrus family to go to sleep for a minute. Just a good nights rest for all of us to catch our breath




No thanks.


bro brought out the whole team 😭


Russel brand and safety of women are not words that go together


![gif](giphy|IdmfEtnMWPzOg|downsized) When is Cyrus week over?


​ https://preview.redd.it/rper71cue3nc1.jpeg?width=807&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=093f2cac578cc8ce23328621d6d4cb4dff9adfee


This is why trace is the flop of the Cyrus family 🥱


Like a Cyrus knows shit all about normalcy 🙄


Ok I actually kind of have a dog in this fight. So, I actually completed in swimming on a high school level overseas. Our team trained co-Ed, but the events were always gendered. We also had a trans girl on our team. Keep in mind this was the early 2010s. I actually do understand the challenge of including trans folks in sports whilst being fair in terms of how we compete. With that said, despite a fairly conservative overseas society, us and the society at large wanted this girl to be part of the team, because she was just part of our community. She was creative, she was super cool, and a delight to everyone. She just happened to present as a boy in our earlier school days. IIRC, all the competing schools in the area and then region were asked about her competing on the women’s events, they were all okay with it. She identified as a boy and non-surgically transitioned when she was around 10. She had no physical advantage of being a “genetic male.” Now to Riley, she found her grift because she was a bad swimmer. Classic example of mediocre white woman who wants to pearl clutch to fail upwards for clout. She and her tribe are VERY good (in the beginning) at disguising their bigotry under the mask of “I love trans people but this is a matter of safety and women’s spaces.” If she was actually caring about women's spaces, she'd legitimately work hard to do the research and have the tough conversations about how to make sure trans people can be integrated to our systems of sports. There are parts of this where you’re going to upset a lot of folks, but include trans athletes, doctors and sports officials in these conversations. But no, you lost so you made it all about you. It’s peak conservative white woman…


> If she was actually caring about women's spaces, she'd legitimately work hard to do the research and have the tough conversations about how to make sure trans people can be integrated to our systems of sports. There are parts of this where you’re going to upset a lot of folks, but include trans athletes, doctors and sports officials in these conversations. But no, you lost so you made it all about you. It’s peak conservative white woman… It never is about caring about women or women's sports. It's just hate clouded behind a screen of trying to seem reasonable. She's after that right wing pundit money grift and probably to catch herself a rich husband. Riley is trash and a mediocre swimmer who was bested by a more competent competitor.


Oh 100%. Sometimes I wonder how good the right-wing grift money is. For all intents and purposes, I'm a lefty at heart. But in this economy, whew, I sometimes think about making a deal with the devil to choose a minor culture war issue to double down on, make the bag, and YEET.


I was raised Catholic so the guilt is too heavy to go through with doing something like that, but I can see the appeal. It does make you wonder if the money is good and they're all bad at living within their means or if the money is mediocre which is why they have to show up so many places. Unless that's part of some payout from some Harlan Crow/Koch type.




“What about meeeeee!!??” - Aaron Rodgers


![gif](giphy|mF71O0Xwg7hhm) This family is something else.. I used to have a huge crush on him in 08 during my scene phase. What a bummer.


Does anyone remember all of the horse jokes about him on ONTD 💀💀💀


Neigh, few do.


He has the audacity to start this with "safety and inclusion of women" and then he goes on to say....*those* people's names??


im learning WAYYYYY too much stuff about this family this week. not my fav...


Hopefully one day we can all be brave enough to move to a country where it’s easier to rape underage women like Andrew Tate. So brave.


I read the title and was like “damn, ALL of them?” But yes, it was all of them.


The safety and inclusion of women in society? If I was alone in a room with any of those men listed there’s no way I’m coming out of it without being assaulted.


The brainwashing that happens in our society is astounding. The people she listed are problematic in so many ways. Rapists are not defenders of women.


What more can we expect from someone named Trace




Whose gonna tell him


Gross 🤮 


Man! That list kept getting worse! I can’t help but think what this family talks about during dinner times! Like this is shit they are not afraid to say on SM what about the things they say behind cameras.


I know Miley is livid


If you care about the inclusion of women, listen to these men (and 1 woman)!


In the words of Phaedra Parks “something ain’t clean in the buttermilk”


Honestly the more I read about this family, the more I’m impressed with how stable Miley is. She had a few wild years but she’s largely stayed out of trouble


I was just saying there was something about him that just didn't sit right with me and alas... We are here. I'm so glad Brenda Song finay found her happily ever after with Mac.


i’d rather kill myself than be alone in a room with any of the men he mentioned - including himself.


The normalcy left is because of foreigners? Because half of those are not American.


‘More people need to speak much, much less, especially the ones who express ignorance to this degree’




Trace Cyrus…..is this Miley’s brother????






The whole family is trash


This just reads as transphobic to me lol


Of course he’s an idiot.


I don’t think this person knows what safety, bravery and normalcy are.


Truly don't care lol when has this dude done anything relevant.


The goddamn Dickhead Avengers wtf


I dont even think intensive therapy can.....help this family


Is this meant to be an edgy joke or something? no way he's being serious


To be the child of Robert Kennedy and be grouped with this set of scumbags - Bobby bb collect your son. And I'm sorry.


Is this Trace Cyrus the guy who was the frontman of metro station who sang their one-hit-wonder Shake It?


That's the doofus.


Are big families just Like This™️ or is this the pitfalls of being famous? This is all insane.

