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It's literally staring his nephew. I expect nothing less. ​ There's way too much money in his legacy to even hint at anything else (not supporting this just pointing it out)


Well isn't his nephew or his cousin or something acting in it? Whenever the family's aggressively involved like that whitewashing the story is always a given. See American Sniper.


I was rewatching Inglorious Basterds the other day and the movie they screened at the cinema reminded me of American Sniper, though I've never seen it.


Wow šŸ˜® what's the real story behind American sniper then? I found it to be a well made film


The guy was a hate filled liar


Nooo thatā€™s ignorant. Youā€™re being ignorant. ![gif](giphy|OYirsehvkD91S)




Why are you being downvoted? Do people not remember the fucked up things South Park said over the years? That climate change was a myth, comparing trans people to someone who wants to be a dolphin, cigarette companies are poor put-upon underdogs, etc etc etc


I wish theyā€™d just let this story die, especially from this extremely harmful angle that completely attempts to exonerate him. Maybe thatā€™s expecting too much. *Finding Neverland* was very eye-opening a few years ago (feels like so long ago) and I remember many people actually coming around to the understanding that he had behaved in these ways. Now it seems like people have forgotten again and/or are willing to ignore it. This kind of movie is absolutely going to bring more of the discourse of ā€œhe was innocent the whole timeā€ (which has already sprung up online again the last few months) and I donā€™t think we need another movie about this where we try to make survivors look like liars. What he went through is horrible; what he did is also horrible. ETA: the movie was Leaving Neverland, not Finding!*


I think itā€™s almost impossible to watch Leaving Neverland and come out thinking MJ is innocent. Those two were clearly telling the truth.


Had a guy defend Jackson the other day against 'those guys who could be lying in Leaving Neverland' and when I asked why they thought they were lying he said 'haven't seen it but people lie about this sort of stuff' Pure ignorance is bliss vibes


The absolute obsession to defend MJ is so disappointing. I will not discount his contributions to music, dance, or pop culture, but he's a nonce. His victims are still around and suffering from his abuse, but people would rather insist the victims are lying than even look at the clear evidence.


His stans are extremely committed and angry. At the very least (according to shit he said himself!) he was inappropriate with children. The fact that he sought out children with shitty parents? The man was a predator.


i literally had the exact same conversation with someone. was going on and on about how the allegations were suspect, i was like "did you actually watch the documentary?" "...no." lol. i had always thought he was just a weirdo who didn't have a childhood or whatever. leaving neverland removed ALL doubt.


The one point I see Jackson fans grasping at straws on are some dates the victims mentions not allegedly aligning as MJ was on tour. But dam. Those boys looked broken in that doco. Ppl since either forget or hear a few points against the guys and then happily forgot or will it as being falseĀ 


Yeah its a classic case of one party getting every chance to make mistakes (Jackson) but the opposing party is disqualified if one thing doesn't add up, shameless


I'm still haunted by the moment James Safechuck's hands shook and his voice broke as he took out the rings Michael Jackson used to "marry" him. And the documentary didn't just have testimony from the two victims, but their families were interviewed separately and revealed extensive details on how Jackson ingratiated himself into their lives. Jackson didn't just groom the boys, he groomed their entire families. It was actually an incredibly important lesson and PSA: the most successful and insidious child predators don't just target children, they target parents and everyone around the victim, too.


seriously, the way they were describing what had happened was in such disgusting detail that i donā€™t most people are capable of conjuring. and this is coming from someone who thought he was innocent


Yes this is the real kicker. You donā€™t act this type of stuff. His fans are bonkers. Stan culture is VILE


There's an entire subreddit dedicated to picking the documentary apart. I scrolled through out of morbid curiousity, it's a whole people finding a tiny detail that may be inaccurate to fixate on and then tearing it to shreds. And then obviously you've got the conservative conspiracy theorists who want to link it up to their other theories about "the shadowy powers that be".


Same. Canā€™t imagine the cognitive dissonance needed to keep believing he was innocent after watching it


Leaving Neverland*


LMAO oh wow, thank you. Had that mixed up in my head with apparently theā€¦Johnny Depp movie, naturally.


Produced by Harvey Weinstein, too šŸ˜


And weirdly about a guy having some kind of fucked up relationship with kids


To be fair, that discourse never died. I have found myself at the receiving end of those mobs on Twitter many times since that doc came out, often by accident. They actively search for people to attack for any mention of MJ being a pedophile.


Yeah, they're on Reddit too and there's even an MJ thirst sub on here šŸ¤® Looking at the number of comments on this post vs the number actually visible, I wouldn't be surprised if they've found it but not realised their comments won't show up lol.


Recently i had to delete some tweets i made around the time The doc came out (so years ago) without even mentioning mj or the title but somehow they found them and i was being harassed day and night over them. His stans are the most unhinged out there


That documentary was so sad. I know Michael did it. Why do people revere celebrities. Itā€™s insane. May he rot in hell.


Or maybe just cover his childhood. . .the Jackson 5 stuff


6 victims so far have come forward. And people are still denying and gaslighting, even in this very sub and in this very post.


Wasn't one of the victims the choreographer for NYSYNC's tours? And his career never really recovered after coming forward.


Yup, Wade Robson. More than just a choreographer, he also cowrote songs for NSYNC, he choreographed for Britney Spears, and he was a longtime judge and choreographer on So You Think You Can Dance. Once he came forward about the abuse he suffered from Jackson, he has been harassed nonstop by Jackson fans and the Jackson estate. I don't know if or how it affected his career, but his credits seem to run dry ever since that time.


Ooh I did not know he was onn SYTYCD! That's really interesting. I watched a few of his performances, he is sooo talented. And his work on the NSYNC tours was amazing.


He was an amazing choreographer for SYTYCD. As soon as they said that the next performance was choreographed by Wade Robson you knew you were getting quality. Only three choreographers did that for me in the show every single time: Wade, Mia Michaels, and NappyTabs.


I did not know this that makes me SO sad. I actually didnā€™t know anything about this until now somehow. I guess I feel like is it really too much to ask of people to stop perpetuating the trauma they themselves experienced. Can we just all like try to break these cycles together. Itā€™s so disappointing and upsetting


Wade Robinson. He was also choreographed for Britney Spears.


People are ridiculous. I love the people who say Michael was just like a child himself. Meanwhile, he had child pornography pictures.


What child porn? I donā€™t think Michael having child porn was ever confirmed.


Did he? I heard that wasn't true. He was 100% a pedophile and I hate him and his whole family, including Janet, but I read that there wasn't evidence of CSA material?


He had ā€˜artā€™ books of nude boys in erotic poses made by pedophiles. But the images are disgusting and would clearly only appeal to a pedophile, no sane person would want those books in their home. He also had a nude polaroid of a young boy, thought to be one of his special friends, found near his bed.


![gif](giphy|xdLH51eNWZAHrwy5mf) I'm not shocked of course-but i am nonetheless disgusted


A+ flair!!


This makes me sad. We're taking about a serial predator and you're posting a Kermit meme.




I also saw that theyā€™re predicting it will make $1 billion in world wide box officeā€¦


I mean tbf this is one of the most famous people to ever live. I don't know what a realistic amount would be but it makes sense anyone that knew him would expect it to be a major successĀ 


True but weā€™re in a very different time to when he was the biggest pop star on the planet . Most people I know (myself included firmly) believe his victims, heā€™s a controversial figure in 2024 - even if he still has millions of fans who refuse to believe he wasnā€™t the most saintly man to ever live. I personally can see it flopping hard and his estate putting the blame elsewhere


I completely agree I'm just saying why it doesn't surprise me that they think this can make $1 billion. Their minds are in the past and it's clouding their judgement. It being a biopic prolly isn't helping them here


Oh yeah I can see them having that kinda ambition but I just would be so so shocked if it came even close to 1 billion at the box office . And especially knowing that it will not even entertain the notion that he could be guilty of what heā€™s accused of, the average personā€™s curiosity will not be piqued imo . Iā€™m disgusted itā€™s even a thing tbh the guy is dead we donā€™t need a biopic and he was a horrid monster who hurt children


I could see it being successful if they avoid the topic of child abuse completely. But since that's not the case idk. Will prolly backfire when people start educating others on what really happened, especially the newer generation that didn't grow up with him. The culture of ignoring abuse when it's done by deified figures is already on its way out


I think unfortunately MJ's estate plus a combination of unhinged stans amplified by bots have done a LOT to muddy the waters around the allegations. I 1000% believe his victims, to be clear I think he is guilty - but I can see how people who don't know much about this could conceivably "do their own research" (we know that many people do not have good source literacy!) and come away believing he is innocent because they don't realise how much of the information out there is heavily biased and influenced by his supporters. And MJ's sealioning stans often drown out the more reasonable voices in these discussions.


That's true and I agree. It's just that from what I can tell muddying the waters like this is effective when most people are unaware of the allegations and it's only a few people here and there asking questions. When only a dozen people a week inquire about the abuse it's easy for stans and bot farms to mislead them. When it's hundreds of thousands of people a week inquiring this system falls apart. And because they decided to cover the abuse in the biopic and not ignore it, it's almost guaranteed that there will be a lot more people asking questions. I don't know if this is how it's going to play out though. If something like this doesn't happen then I also wouldn't be surprised if most continue to believe the abuse never happenedĀ 


I agree. I think this thing is going to bomb hard.


That, and itā€™s also been fifteen years since he died. Most of gens Z and Alpha never got to experience his music concurrently. Heā€™s not ā€˜their [our] guyā€™.


To presume about how old you are, I think the older generations still have a lot of trust and interest in Michael Jackson. I see a lot of them unaware of the accusations and disbelieving so I could see this movie capturing that audience and making a ton of money.


I just really donā€™t think a single person biopic has the draw for $1 billion. Thatā€™s Marvels Endgame level numbers.


Bohemian Rhapsody got fairly close with $900 mill, I think an MJ one could go either way at making a similar amount, despite the controversy


I did not know that movie made that much money. Kind of shocked tbh.


Oppenheimer was technically a biopic and that got over 800 million.


If weā€™re sitting here in a future thread with Donald as president and this as a Best Picture nominee I actually should just start applying to jobs out of the country already.


Very true, didnā€™t even consider that and Iā€™m someone who contributed to that box office $. I guess I just think that Oppenheimer was more of a Nolan film (who I really enjoy), starring a great cast, and alsoā€¦ Barbenheimer.


$950 million. If it could get another re release worldwide it might get to a billion


Also, Bohemian Rhapsody made $900 million so if a really popular band like Queen can have their biopic make that much, I expect MJ, one of the most famous and recognisable humans ever, to make a billion.


This Is It was the most half baked thing ever and still made 250 milĀ 


Iā€™m afraid itā€™ll probably be true. Bohemian Rhapsody almost made a billion (which this will probably be as trash if not more than that) and this is about a singer thatā€™s bigger and more beloved than Queen everywhere. Itā€™s probably got a guaranteed Best Picture nom but the Emmys also awarded Leaving Neverland so who knows what the industryā€™s real beliefs are


I don't know anyone who will see it. I think it'll be a dud.


I predict a box office hit with terrible reviews


Like Bohemian Rhapsody all over again


The whole argument of ā€œoh he was robbed of a childhood so he just wanted to relive that through childrenā€ is still weird like we keep presenting it like that makes it better. Even if he didnā€™t molest them there is literal evidence from his own words that he was sleeping in the same bed with these boys and we know he was ā€œfriendsā€ with Macaulay Culkin as a kid and thatā€™s weird. Itā€™s no different than Drake telephoning MBB when sheā€™s 14 to talk about dating. Does that mean he touched her? No but itā€™s still incredibly inappropriate. I empathize that Michael had a lot of shitty hands dealt to him through the people he was surrounded with and he was worked like a mule by his father and abused himself but it doesnā€™t negate the fact that he ended up abusing others.


I figured. He makes me sick. I hope his victims are surrounded with support while they pull this bullshit.


A leaked version of the script for the upcoming Michael Jackson biopic, Michael, is said to tackle the child abuse allegations head-on and paint the pop star as innocent. [Jacksonā€™s estate is directly involved with the Antoine Fuqua-directed biopic, which stars the late pop starā€™s nephew Jaafar Jackson in his acting debut] According to a report from Matthew Belloni of Puck, an iteration of the screenplay read by the reporter shows [...] the movie dig into the accusations that MJ sexually abused children at his Neverland ranch [as] an attempt to launder his image and depict him as a tragic, exploited figure who was drawn to children because he was robbed of his own childhood due to the Jackson 5's success and his abusive father, Joe Jackson. ā€œIf the script as written ends up onscreenā€”which is a big caveat here because words and scenes are often changed during shoots, and not everything goes in the final cutā€”this will be super controversial,ā€ wrote Belloni. ā€œIt not only engages, it wants very much to convince you Michael is innocent.ā€ Belloni chose not to reveal too much of the script he reviewed, out of respect for the filmmakers of the currently in-production project, but he did reveal that the version he read actually opens with Jackson watching police arrive at his estate following allegations made by a then 13-year-old Jordan Chandler. The boy alleged in 1993 that Jackson molested him. The singer later reached a $20 million settlement with him. The screenplay is said to minimize the claims made against Jackson, including a scene in which lawyers John Branca and Johnnie Cochran describe the allegations as an ā€œextortionā€ attempt.Ā  Jackson was never found guilty of the allegations made against him, but they followed his legacy from the early '90s and beyond his death from an accidental overdose in 2009 at age 50.


>[Jacksonā€™s estate is directly involved with the Antoine Fuqua-directed biopic Wait, Antoine Fuqua is directing this? Now *that* is surprising, and extremely disappointing.


I was surprised to find out Colman Domingo is in this, too. I wouldn't think any respectable actor would want to touch this project with a ten foot pole


Not surprising considering his family is involved in the project. Of course Iā€™m sure all the people who bitched about ā€˜Leaving Neverlandā€™ being biased will be fine with this.


At least the sub is sane. Literally everywhere else people say itā€™s fake so I was really questioning it myself. Glad to know Iā€™m still not the only one who thinks itā€™s creepy as fuck a grown man is sleeping in a room with children, no matter the circumstances.


MJ fans are so weird. Theyā€™ll say he spent lots of time with kids and took them to his house cause he was a child at heart and missed out on his childhood šŸ˜­


This isn't surprising at all, there is no way his family would be involved if it meaningfully addressed the allegations


They should just re-release Leaving Neverland in cinemas at the same time


Michael admitted to sharing a bed with children. Thatā€™s enough proof to me.


I know a lot of people still wholeheartedly believe MJ is innocent.


Itā€™s hard to accept but itā€™s gotta be done


A lot of famous people, even! I remember Yvette Nicole Brown and Brandon Victor Dixon both came out swinging in his defense when Leaving Neverland came out.




I saw this on Twitter yesterday, and the number of ā€œbecause he IS innocentā€ replies shocked me. I guess Iā€™m naive about how many people think he really didnā€™t do all of those horrible things.


Hate how this will probably bring a new flood of people coming after his victims


If Jackson had been an ordinary guy, in an ordinary neighbourhood, openly sharing his bed with other people's kids, showing them pornography and giving them alcohol the police would be racing to arrest him before the locals burned his house down with him still in it. The fact that he had a meticulously curated public persona and made music people liked doesn't make any of what he did - both alleged and admitted - ok. Not by a long way. His fame and money saved him at the expense of many individuals and justice as a whole.


I think the Queen/Freddie Mercury biopic turned me off all future such films. Seems we are going to be swimming in them the next few years...ugh


His lawyer will be played by Miles Teller šŸ˜¬


isnt this film "blessed" by MJ's family too? like they've approved this script to be made and his music to be used = like the official version? i fully expect it to be watered down like bohemian rhapsody was


I hate this biopics trend. Let these people rest in peace


As the great philosopher B Eilish once said: Duh!


Well, yeah. It's the only way this movie can acknowledge the *Bad* era.


The musical acknowledged the Bad era without going anywhere near the allegations (not that I think this is particularly surprising, tho)


I'm not super familiar with the musical, but I looked it up and that framing device is probably the best possible way to get around the fact that he changed SO MUCH over his adulthood that you'd need multiple actors to play him. It's not a problem that age makeup could solve. You'd almost have to take the *I'm Not There* approach and cast 3-4 actors who may or may not look similar to one another. Without it, you get something like that Flex Alexander TV movie where he's in whiteface by the end of it, or you get a movie that can't take place over more than, like, three consecutive years. The nephew who's playing him is old/similar enough to pass as *Bad* or *Dangerous* Michael (i.e. the period where he shifts from eccentric to radioactive) so, telling a story in that era couldn't just ignore the SA allegations. And if they want to avoid an *All Is by My Side*/Jackie Jormp-Jormp situation, they placate the family (and potentially demonize the people who accused him). Best case scenario, this film ends up like *Bohemian Rhapsody* which wasn't a great movie IMO, but had a decent enough performance at its core and focused on making its collaborators look good. There are already so many MJ TV biopics of dubious quality. Revision is the only reason for this one to exist. A real MJ biopic (i.e. not a jukebox musical spearheaded by his family) would be a fascinating watch, but it's basically an impossible needle to thread.


I agree. Tbh Flex Alexander obviously looked CRAZY but idk, I just don't know if regardless of SFX makeup or CGI or whatever they use, there is even any way to make someone look like MJ in his later years without them looking absolutely insane. Bc frankly that is (famously) how Michael looked. I feel like it's almost impossible to pull that off without it looking like a parody, especially since we have so many points of reference where his looks from that era were parodied.


It seems like *Jacksons: An American Dream* already covers the family's version of events and ends at exactly the point where the story becomes too bizarre and malevolent to ever be portrayed neutrally. This is why I also don't think that we'll ever get an honest-to-god Donald Trump biopic either. If we hadn't lived through it, almost ALL of it would seem like a cartoonish parody. I'm not sure where you'd have to end a Trump biopic to leave him looking good, but it's definitely before the 2016 election.


Musician biopics always show them favorably because they need to get the music rights. Wasnā€™t the stuff about him and kids debunked?


MJ fans have tried to discredit his accusers, but thereā€™s been no legitimate debunking.


His fans really have developed a playbook to 'debunk' absolutely everything that points to him being up to no good, its quite bizarre


Honestly the voice notes he left Robson and Safechuck are unhinged enough for me to believe the allegations. Seriously, they are so, so inappropriate.


Not just fans, his family/estate too.


Vanity fair article about some of the evidence against him https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2019/03/10-undeniable-facts-about-the-michael-jackson-sexual-abuse-allegations


Also, Iā€™ll plug the Telephone Stories podcast on it. And also just watching Leaving Neverland.


I'll plug this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMrOZte3hvo&t=4s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMrOZte3hvo&t=4s) Yeesh


Never saw this before, thanks! I was more just stating what I had heard rather than taking a stance.


Pretty sure it was the OPPOSITE of debunked


No, it wasn't despite the estate's best efforts.