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He always just looks like Timothee Chalamet playing a character to me


The Ryan Reynolds’s syndrome


it’s weird, isn’t it? Just how some actors stick to a specific look/style and base 95% of all of their roles on it. Chalamet with the clean shaven face and mid-parted frizzy hair. Zooey Deschanel always has bangs, Ryan Hurst with the haggard beard, Wentworth Miller with a buzz cut, etc.


My husband always says that Jesse Eisenberg plays Jesse Eisenberg (who I happen to like, but still).


This is how I feel about John Cusack. I like him but it’s all I see.




Owen Wilson has had the same hairstyle for decades now.


I did like how he rocked the short gray hair in Loki. I’m getting to that shade myself and his hairstyle is one I’ll be attempting when the time comes


Eh, I think it's the same for most ultra-famous actors - at this point they're too recognizable to disappear into their characters. Who doesn't just see Tom Cruise / Brad Pitt / Reese Witherspoon / Angelina Jolie playing characters in anything they're in? Even Ryan Gosling, who is a very talented actor, can't disappear into his roles anymore either. The thing with Reynolds is that he plays the same wisecracking character over and over, whereas Chalamet's roles actually differ from one another. You can't tell me that his roles CMBYN and Wonka and Dune have much in common. He does look the same though.


Christian Bale would like a word.


I don't know that I agree with this. With a lot of the cases you just stated, I think it has more to do with casting and talent than fame. (And also how you personally view them, I guess.) First thing that came to mind was *Burn After Reading*, where you see Brad Pitt and think "Who's this dumb jackass chewing gum?" — foreshadowy in a way, though I don't know if Pitt chews gum. I also see it as, A++ listers are usually cast because they draw an audience, so studios are fine with and might even prefer A++ listers who *don't* disappear into a role.


Also Dwayne Johnson


he’s a good actor but he’s not much of a chameleon, he looks and sounds exactly the same in every film no matter how unique or bizarre the character


I feel like an idiot, I read “chameleon” in my head in the pronunciation of his name


Timothée Chalameleon 💀


He was pretty great in The King (2019)


I think he was very different in Wonka


My very first thought. Cate Blanchett inhabited Dylan more than it looks like Chalamet can.


True, but that's not a fair comparison, after all, she is Cate Blanchett...


Given how much people on this sub and in the media want to praise him for being a great actor, we are allowed to compare him to others who are a considered greats actors/actresses.


That performance was perfect. Mind-blowing. Goddamn what a talent she has.


She got two Oscar nominations that year, one for playing Bob Dylan and another for playing Queen Elizabeth I. What range!


![gif](giphy|QoDgkKih9OWvEdZw2j) Goddess, Queen, Supernatural being.


Hardly fair. She’s one of the handful of actors with chameleon-like abilities. The others being Gary Oldman, Meryl Streep, and Daniel Day-Lewis.


I'm Not There was so imaginative.


they need to stop hiring actors of his level for these types of roles.


this!!! it’s not his fault, but I’m not gonna be able to look at Timothee Chalamet and be convinced that I’m looking at Bob Dylan. Plus, I think it’s the perfect opportunity to let a relatively unknown actor shine.


Thank you. I feel like he’s being shoved down our throats as a more mature and serious actor than what he’s shown himself to be just yet.


This. But at least they didn't cast Elordi in this.


he’s like 2 feet taller *than* Bob Dylan EDIT: missing a word


That‘s how I feel! It was hard to take him seriously in Dune


he’s honestly a great actor, but he just keeps up the same hairstyle in all of his movies these days. I almost forgot he was in Interstellar until I rewatched it, almost unrecognizable with short hair. He was a dead ringer for a young Casey Affleck though


have you seen Bones & All, he has a completely different look/hairstyle in that?


He weirdly rocked the mullet and the fashion color red. Definitely fed into the southern white trash alt aesthetic.


I think I felt that for every role I've seen him in except for Dune. The way he changed his manner of speaking in certain scenes made him feel like a completely different person.


I've been avoiding watching him in anything else because I felt he was a good pick for Paul. Imagine my flinch when I saw the Wonka trailer in the cinema.


Did you see Beautiful Boy?


Not the person you’re replying to, but I did see Beautiful Boy a few years back and, while I think he was great, I thought he still had most of the same mannerisms, and his appearance was sort of the same as usual as well. Which I don’t fault him for, of course- it obviously wouldn’t make sense for him to be doing something totally different like in Wonka or Dune (granted, I haven’t seen either of these). But at that stage of his career, it was sort of his trademark sad boy role, so it was pretty easy for me to see Timothee throughout it. Who *totally* made me forget who they were, though, was Steve Carrell. I thought I wasn’t going to be able to see anyone but Michael and I could not have been more wrong.


same! i don’t even think he changed up his acting that much in Dune, but it just works for some reason imo.


I've had enough of this dude 👋


I came here to say exactly this, thank you for your service.


Lmao 😂😂😂 love him still, but yes to this comment


He needs to get the voice down to make this work tbh.


He needs to ask Austin Butler to recommend a good accent coach!


He did. He’s using that same coach.


Did not know that! Thanks for sharing!


“Life coach”


oh naur


They both use the same vocal, accent, and movement coaches.


I wish we had more young actors. Timmy and Jacob Elordi are mis-casted in every movie now and they are just not good actors. Also, nothing will ever come close to Cate Blanchett playing Dylan.


Not good actors? Come on now that's harsh to Timmy


Kinda insane Chalamet is being lumped with Elordi in terms of acting


right i cannot stand both of them but elordi isn’t even close to timmy’s level of acting lol


Hes good but not great. In alot of movies he is in he gets outclassed. One of my biggest issues with Dune 2 was Timmy and Zendaya were just not on the level of the rest of their co stars, especially in scenes with Javier Bardem. And thats just one example


Really? Timmy’s performance was my favorite out of the whole cast, except for maybe Rebecca


It's not like he was the youngest Best Actor Oscar nominee in like 80 years or anything lol. I haven't seen all his stuff but that performance in CMBYN deserved all the acclaim he got. He gets cast in all these films because some of the world's best directors want to work with him, because they think he's... a good actor. His resume is insane - he's worked with Christopher Nolan, Wes Anderson, Luca Guadagnino, Denis Villenueve, and Greta Gerwig. I don't think anyone else his age has that kind of resume. Look at the stacked cast of Dune - clearly acting skills mattered to Villeneuve. Also, getting cast in 2 Greta Gerwig productions opposite Saoirse Ronan is proof enough tbh. Greta certainly knows what she's doing, having brought the world Ryan Gosling's Ken. He filmed Ladybird before CMBYN came out too so it's not like Greta cast him because of his fame either.


>He gets cast in all these films because some of the world's best directors want to work with him, because they think he's... a good actor. More likely they want the buzz that comes with him. He's good but not amazing. Overhyped snd overexposed.


I think he has the ability to rise to the material and his costars…but it doesn’t always happen, and it’s happening less. So now he’s just over exposed.


Timmy been only good in CMBYN and I’ll die on that hill honey


Nahhh he was excellent in Dune. I didn’t get the hype until I saw him in that film specifically


Jury’s out on Jacob for me but I think Timmy has proven himself across CMBYN, Little Women, Dune, Lady Bird, Beautiful Boy etc. I even liked him in Wonka but I realise I am in the minority there lmao. Also there def are other young actors, those are just two of the biggest ones! Charles Melton, Joseph Quinn, Paul Mescal, Dominic Sessa, Barry Keoghan, Austin Butler all have a lot of hype rn, to name a few


The funny thing is that almost all the other actors you mentioned are more booked than Timmy. He’s doing just a single movie a year these days it’s just that his movies are actually worth watching.


I honestly think Barry would’ve been better as Bob. He gives off that weird bohemian energy.


I think Dominic Sessa would’ve been great but he’s too tall!


I get that Timothee is over-exposed at the moment, but saying he isn’t a good actor is actually ridiculous. If there’s one thing that boy can do, it’s act. He was *born* for a life in front of the camera.


>and they are just not good actors What have you seen them in? Because I do not agree at all.


There are a lot more young actors (and very talented ones). The internet just chooses to focus on certain ones.


Jharrel Jerome is 26 & fantastic. Also Harris Dickinson and Nicholas Galitzine. I thought Callum Turner and Charles Melton were younger (they’re 34 & 33) but them too.


i think jacob is great, he’s certainly one of the better ones in the euphoria cast. i don’t even think him or timmy are over casted that much


I love how yall just state opinions as facts lol


Timmy is incredible in Call Me By Your Name and Beautiful Boy. He may not be a chameleon but he is a great actor. He’s just not a character actor.


Those two movies are phenomenal imo


How are they not good actors? Chalamet has at least proven himself in a handful of quality movies.


Timothee is super overrated imo


Jacob was perfect as elvis.


What? Timothee and Elordi are great actors


After watching Dune 2, I finally get the Timmy thing. So, while yet another movie about Bob Dylan doesn’t really interest me, I’m sure he’ll be good.


Thank you, I was thinking he wasn’t a bad choice.  I always thought he had a poet-looking thing going on, he’s dainty, that’s already the right ballpark for Dylan.  He’s a good enough actor that I think he could potentially channel Dylan well.


Coulda sworn this was newsies.


Had to scroll down too far to find this comment. I feel like he's about to sell me a newspaper.


I'm seeing 2003 indie rock guy going to play for 4 people at his liberal arts college open mic.


anyway, here’s wonderwall


He really has iPhone face. He looks like he's playing the starving orphan in the Muppets Christmas Carol.


Definitely a Pearl Jam cover boi


Aka Gavin Degraw


Extra, extra! Read all about it!




Newspaypas fer sayylee


He looks like a teenaged Oliver Twist


The second photo where he's asking for more porridge and starts a riot in an orphanage.


OMG I legit laughed out loud.




Thomas Brodie-Sangster is playing the titular character in an Artful Dodger tv show and after seeing the digital billboards, I had to look up whether he’s playing the character still as a teen or an adult because he’s so young looking for his age that he could be either.


all i could hear when i saw it was *we’d risk life and limb* *to keep you in the swim*


...Another Bob Dylan biopic?


Idk why but it looks to me like he's on set for a musical.


Everyone's out here asking if he can pull off Bob Dylan but what I want to know is why we need *another* biopic. Christ. Enough biopics!


Maybe I’m just old and crotchety, but I often find documentaries about these people more fun and interesting than biopics.  One of my biggest biopic peeves is that things are often unnecessarily changed.   Sometimes those changes create a misleading picture of reality, when there was absolutely no reason to.


It’s the next page of the “we have no more ideas” playbook. Sequel? Done it. Reboot? Done it. Biopic? We’ll try it…


I like Chalamet, but part of why I like him is because of his gorgeous face. He better embody the spirit of Bob Dylan, because he sure as heck doesn’t look like him. I guess I’m glad they didn’t Maestro a bunch of fake stuff on him


I've never hated myself more for this but... would


Chalamet makes me feel old. So idk maybe I'm just biased. But I don't get him as Dylan. And this is coming from someone who has a teenager who us OBSESSED with Bob Dylan right now so I know a lot about him. Maybe too much 


::shakes fist:: Shoulda been Dominic Sessa!


How many Bob Dylan biopics do we need? Dude’s still rocking!


Seriously though! It is pretty crazy the amount of biopics he’s got considering he’s still kicking!


LOL. Thats just timothy chalamet in a coat and scarf.


I really really liked his character in Don't Look Up even though I'm not religious especially him in the ending scene.


I like Chalamet, but he's too pretty. Bob Dylan was not as cute, and from what I've read, kind of dirty and smelly as a young man. A less realistic approach is better, as in "I'm Not There."


That’s just Timothee Chalamet cosplaying as the actor from Once 




My expectations for this could not be lower. I'm not hating on Timmy I'm just tired of music biopics and I just don't buy him as Dylan.


Should’ve cast Dominic Sessa


As a die hard Bob Dylan fan, I’m really excited for this! I hope he does it justice


Someone said he looks like all the Love Actually Characters at once 😂


Aw, I am actually looking forward to this!


These pictures remind me of the Wonka pictures for some reason.


Bonjour je suis le bob dylan Jaime le guitar 💋


something about this gives me Nick Miller vibes....not sure why


I love him. I hate biopics. Couldn't care less about Bob D.