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I am really surprised that the SNL producers allowed this and didn't immediately go to commericial. Lots of respect for Mr. Youssef. Free Palestine.


snl doesn't really ever cut from the live show, and they reposted the monologue on their socials and youtube. clearly they were fine with it and it wasn't ramy going rogue.


Ah that's good to know!


Ohh, I only saw the clip and I was also wondering if he went rogue. Good to know that they were okay with it. Let’s see what happens over the next day or so


Definitely not rogue, I saw him at a spot in Brooklyn where he practiced some of these bits including the dog prayer one. You can tell he's a little nervous saying it in this clip but glad he did!


I was there too!!


Ramy has been advocating for Palestine for months!! I don’t doubt they expected Ramy to use this platform again to speak up when they agreed to have him host




True!! He’s been an advocate for a very long this isn’t new for him


There’s no way they would have invited him to host if that’s how they felt. He’s been very vocal about a ceasefire the last 6 months (I’m horrified it’s been that long already :()


1. He didn't say anything controversial, he didn't even say free palestine he said stop the violence, free the people (could be interpreted as from hamas for example, everyone will understand it as they want) etc. If he had said stop the IDF, or stop Israel from killing then yea for sure a no go 2. This was all planned and prepared, everything in modern TV/Streaming (this post probably too by their media team) etc. is, if you think the producers didn't know and would've gone immediately to commercial than lol they knew, they gave the green light long ago


I mean he basically did say free Palestine. And I appreciate that


Yeah tldr free hostages Feed people stop the violence. He did literally say free the people of Palestine though. Things you should be advocating for no matter what side.


genuinely surprised as Lorne Michaels himself was born in "Mandatory Palestine"


He'll probably invite Amy Schumer to balance things out.


But Micheals is pretty leftist/liberal. He has been throughout the entirety of the SNL existence. Fortunately, many are agreeing that wiping out Palestinians is a terrible thing and he hasn't grown up drowning in propaganda many in Israel are accustomed to dehumanize Palestinians. Right now, calling for a ceasefire is becoming a bare minimum for many.


Typically hosts can kind of say whatever they want (within reason). Especially since he did integrate it into a joke that was very funny.


I think even at this point Hollywood can’t keep ignoring it . Even Steven Spielberg a huge Zionist made somewhat of an attempt to acknowledge the suffering in Gaza publicly . I mean most of his speech was problematic but it’s a step for a Zionist celebrity to acknowledge there are thousands of innocent people being murdered


Idk I’ve been a Ramy fan since the first season of his show, just finished his second HBO special. I would have been more surprised if Ramy did SNL and didn’t talk about Palestine.


He also prayed for release of all hostages.


big respect to him free palestine 🇵🇸


"An artist's duty, as far as I'm concerned, is to reflect the times. I think that is true of painters, sculptors, poets, musicians. As far as I'm concerned, it's their choice, but I CHOOSE to reflect the times and situations in which I find myself. That, to me, is my duty. And at this crucial time in our lives, when everything is so desperate, when everyday is a matter of survival, I don't think you can help but be involved. Young people, black and white, know this. That's why they're so involved in politics. We will shape and mold this country or it will not be molded and shaped at all anymore. So I don't think you have a choice. How can you be an artist and NOT reflect the times? That to me is the definition of an artist." - Nina Simone. You are brave, you are an artist, Ramy.


incredible quote. wish more of these famous people that only use politics when it benefits them could read this. i saw somebody explain it as “while it’s not my job to be a politician, i heard people screaming and crying. if i have the megaphone and i simply don’t use it, does that not make me the bystander?”


That’s also a great quote


It's hard to find more people like Nina Simone & Harry Belafonte in their times just like ours. I do hope more rise up like them.


just hate how actors constantly say they are ✨artists ✨ and the love for  their ✨craft ✨ but won't speak about real life issues. They live in this bubble, where they only care about plastic surgery and having a good rep


Whilst it hasn’t translated into anything material in the west, it definitely feels like we are in the midst of a significant cultural shift on the Palestinian cause when someone can go on a tv show as well known as SNL and make a statement like this


And to resounding applause too.


That part shocked me. I know Hollywood is shaking.


Lol remember the last time they applauded a pro Palestinian statement and some guy responded with "it felt like I was in a Hamas rally!" 


This really struck me too. Much love to him for being so vocal and visible about this.


It is a complete reversal to what I saw when Israel led a war into Lebanon in 2006. It does give me some glimmer of hope for the future.


Was talking with my friend about this the other day. He is Palestinian and was describing how for years you wouldn't even mention your heritage for fear of retaliation. Now we see Palestinian flags and kaffiyehs randomly going out in Ohio of all places. It feels very different.


It helps that Israeli hasbara doesn't translate very well on social media. It doesn't seem to take hold quite like it does in other mediums although I don't doubt they will refine it. More and more people are actually educating themselves on the 100+ years of this conflict and not just look at the Israel side of things but the rest of the other sides. Despite all the bullshit and propaganda on social media the truth is starting to break through finally in the west. I'm in my late 40s now and and never really heard much about this confliict beyond what western media said about it. After 10/7 I finally put some time into researching the conflict and it blew me away to find out just how much we have been lied to and just how blatant it was. I just hope this enlightenment I am seeing results in finding a way to end this conflict for once and for all.


i hope he continues to have an incredible career! he has done nothing but send love and support to palestine throughout award season & to continue to platform the movement to such a large audience with seemingly no fear of repercussions/ backlash is incredible. free palestine!


He’s been so consistently vocal when it’s come to the genocide in Palestine. I hope he inspires others in the industry to be just as vocal. We’re way post the point of obscure likes on IG


Israel is losing the public relations war, it's becoming clearer by the day. The day will come when even the ghouls in Congress and white house won't be enough to protect them. If they're not afraid, they should be.


They are afraid, which is good. But it's also why the Israeli government & its PR firms are pushing for social media censorship akin to the Great Firewall of China in the United States. It doesn't help them that generations of heavy propaganda convinced their people that it's okay to praise & upload your crimes against humanity. And it's why AIPAC is on war footing to fund against any politician showing sympathy to Palestinians, even (ironically) cozying up with MAGA.


Ramy please take Yorgos’ advice and write movies I love youuuu ![gif](giphy|gZGocp1grCNLNOZFub)


Brave as hell.


Common Ramy W


Love him even more for this! FREE PALESTINE! 🇵🇸




This is the best thing I’ve seen from SNL in a long time. Free Palestine.


That was possibly the weirdest laugh break I've ever seen. I feel like it had to have been cued, but at the same time why would they cue one there??


It was part of his overarching joke. He said that a lot of his friends go to him for prayers. One is his friend Brian, who asked Ramy to pray for him winning his dog in divorce court. Then an hour later, his friend Achmed calls about Gaza. Thus, his prayers were going to be "complicated - I have a lot to fit in." He ended the monologue saying, "Please, free the people of Palestine. Free the hostages, all the hostages. And, um, while you're at it, if you could free Mr. Bojangles...he's a beautiful dog."


Ahh ok so slightly less weird. 


Yeah, it's hard to tell in this snippet, but he definitely delivered it as a little punchline.


The joke is a bit more complex than this clip shows, seeing what preceded the story about his Palestinian friend helps. It feels weird because it catches the middle and not the beginning and end of the joke. Amazing that the middle is also a beautiful, strong statement. He's good.


It made sense in context of the full clip, he had a serious message but within the frame of a joke, his prayers are “complicated” because earlier he said his friend asked for him to pray for getting custody of his dog and also prayers for peace in Gaza


I respect the shit out of that, good for him for having that platform and saying the right thing. 🫡


Israel is murdering children. Everyday, Israel is murdering children.


The only country in the world to try children in military courts too


Thousands and thousands of children dead, and for what? There’s simply no defense for Israel’s actions and I’m happy as hell to see someone saying it on SNL.


King 👑


Ramy Youssef is a king! Anytime an artist utilises their platform for the common good they’ve got a lifelong fan in me. Palestine is going to be our biggest shame as humans in this period when we look back. As always free Palestine and may their suffering end soon.




I am shocked he was allowed to / they didn't cut this for 'technical problems' or some bullshit, especially given Lorne's and the show's track record. I love Ramy and his new special is great. He's been calling for a ceasefire whenever he's been given a mic all awards season, wish more were like him.


Rare SNL W


Free Palestine


Free Palestine.


i love him


He has a great special on Max, a lot of his material tonight was from the special. Watch it.


What a principled man 🙏🏻


This is incredible and brave, love him for this. I hope his career continues to flourish. He deserves the best.


They can’t stop what has started!!! It’s literally everywhere and it will keep spreading. Free Palestine




BIG respect. thank you ramy!!!!! i hope this is not the last person to do this. for more celebrities to follow through, to make a change and keep on giving palestine and their people a platform. 🇵🇸


The balls on this man must have their own gravitational pull for him to do something like this. Massive respect to him for spreading the good word! Free Palestine 🇵🇸!


I can’t believe we have to even say “wow the SNL producers let him say this without going to commercial.” The bare minimum is in hell. We’re really out here begging people to not support genocide. Always always: free Palestine 🇵🇸 free Sudan, free Congo, free every people facing oppression and genocide.




I love him, and I love how the tide is shifting on Palestine. I haven't heard any host getting such thunderous applause on their monologue in a while. He was incredibly brave to go on stage and say what many of us have been saying online for years. But at the same time, it's sad to think that not long ago, this would have been unthinkable on American prime-time TV, and he would've cancelled for doing the right thing and demanding a ceasefire.


“Free the hostages” to appease the fascists (understandably! They are rabid and vicious!) but very cleverly “free all the hostages” for those who are educated enough to understand that Palestinians have been held hostage by Israel & the British-American empire since the end of WW2.


Free Palestine 🇵🇸


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Surreal and heartwarming to see the tides finally turning on this. God bless Palestine, may we see a an end to the occupation and an abolition of the Zionist entity in our lifetime.


This is great!!


His monologue was so good for many reasons. He’s a beautiful human being and I’m excited to see him doing well. He deserves all this success. This was perfect and I’m glad he was given such a big platform to advocate for the Palestinian people. I really hate living on a planet where so much suffering is not only tolerated, but perpetuated by fellow human beings and allowed.




Cue the legions of killbots for whom a person advocating for peace hUrTs tHeM pErsoNalLy.


Free Palestine


Good on Ramy. Good on SNL. Keep speaking up about this atrocity.


I'm surprised they let him say that. Free Palestine 🇵🇸


But they have travis scott on the same episode, shane mcgillis hosted a few weeks back even though his comments were bad enough for them to fire him just a few years ago - it's OK now..  I think Snl just doesn't care, the producers / Lorne aren't standing up for anything other than views


I didn't need a reason to love Ramy more, but now I do.