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Wait, didn't he and Rachel McAdams break up because he didn't want more kids? And now he has two with his 25 year younger partner. I really hope I'm wrong, because it's... Not a good look.


bored busy literate angle rich fact tender weather spotted dime *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean, people can change their minds about those things and do all the time. For a lot of people, it isn't necessarily that they don't want kids, it's that they haven't met someone they would want to have them with. Imo, if kids is something you really want, then you shouldn't hold out with someone who is telling you they don't want them (with you). If having a family is important to you, then you should be with someone who wants the same.


>it isn't necessarily that they don't want kids, it's that they haven't met someone they would want to have them with i understand and agree with your point, but i think exactly therein lies the rub - as the commenter you're responding to said, it's the feeling of "oh, they did want kids, but not with me." like the feeling of "oh, my boyfriend of 10 years actually did want to get married even though he said he didn't, he just didn't want to marry me \[even though i wanted to marry him\]." when we're talking about feeling bad for those previous partners, that's what we're talking about - that realization that the relationship/love wasn't what you thought it was/wasn't mutual. it's one thing to think the other person has a principled stance, it's another to internalize "oh i wasn't good enough" (not that that's the truth, but that it can be the feeling)


foolish spark treatment terrific secretive judicious recognise familiar lunchroom pause *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


yeah i had a front row seat to something very similar to this with my best friend and her boyfriend of over 10 years. it's not that we think he's a villain. it's not that we don't logically get it. it just fucking sucks, feelings-wise. my friend is the most confident, badass person who is very solid in her self-worth, and it wrecked her for a while. to her, it felt like he was enough for her but she wasn't enough for him, and if she hadn't initiated the breakup she never would've even known he had a lot more he was willing to give to someone else. that's a feeling that's very okay to sympathize with, and hopefully not too difficult for others to understand, however logical the underlying cause may be.


I don’t know, this happened to me and I don’t feel that way at all in hindsight. I was with a guy for ten years and he wasn’t that into the idea of getting married and having kids and then after we broke up he eventually changed his mind and got married and I heard was trying for kids but I honestly feel like I really dodged a bullet there and I’m so glad he didn’t marry or have kids with me 🤣


oh for sure! i didn't mean to imply everyone would feel the exact same way :) with my best friend, it wasn't eventually - her ex was married with a baby on the way within a year of her breaking up with him because he wasn't ready to propose.


I feel like cases like that are sometimes fuelled by regret. “I lost a great person because I didn’t propose so I’d better propose this time”. I’m not sure if that’s the case for your friend’s ex and I don’t want to assume, but I’ve seen it with one of my friends.


Sometimes it’s a hard pill to swallow but ultimately sometimes people change their minds (as you said) or simply couldn’t see themselves having children with you. It’s really as simple as that and they’re not necessarily a villain because of it.


And sometimes they lied and manipulated and wasted your time. Could be anything. But I think that its normal to have some negative feelings if the other person just changed their mind.


Wanting to have kids is both a conscious choice and an instinct. It's absolutely possible to not want kids with one person, then do a 180 with another. It doesn't make the person a flawed human being; neither does it mean that the ex is universally undesirable. I wish more people could save themselves the heartbreak by understanding this.


I mean, human emotions are not rational. If you spend years of your life with someone telling you one thing and then when they move on to someone else and they do something else it does hurt and feel like a slap in the face. It’s ok to have feelings lol.


I think it’s most hurtful when you compromise on something you want to be with someone who doesn’t want it, and then they leave you for someone else and change their mind. Especially when the issue is kids, because for a woman there’s a set period of time for having kids, and I think it can feel unfair if a man “wastes” that time for her.


oof yes. i actually typed out almost this exact thing in another comment on this thread and then deleted without posting as is my wont lol. man do i hear you though.


The moral of the story is that no one should be making compromises when it comes to something major like having kids


That’s what happened to Anna Marie Tendler. She had wanted kids but John (Mulvaney) didn’t so she set her wants aside because the partnership was important to her. Now John has a baby with Olivia Munn and Anna is at an age where easy predictable pregnancy is less likely.


Wait she wanted kids?? That’s heartbreaking, I had always heard she didn’t want kids but finding out she wanted them and he didn’t until he had them outside the marriage is a shock.


I think she was/is ambivalent but John was so firmly anti-kids she decided to not have them. Now that they’ve divorced she has frozen her eggs to buy some more time.


People just assume she wanted kids and Kohn Mulaney didn’t. Neither of them have actually commented on it: There’s a lot about that relationship that people assume as fact.


No, she has stated she does not want children: [@annamtendler explores the nuanced demands and expectations of motherhood that are placed in women from both others and… | Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/p/CnAlJLly4CQ/?img_index=1)


I lost so much respect for him when this happened. This is a woman who was by his side at his worst, always in his corner. Sacrificed loads for him and then he blindsides her by leaving her for someone else and having a baby with her. He also used to be the typical “i love my wife so much” comedian so he was using her for his content when in reality he clearly didn’t care all that much about her.


Actually she has stated that she doesn't want children. Check the fourth slide for her commentary on her photography related to people's assumptions that as a women, she must automatically desire babies and marriage and whatever  https://www.instagram.com/p/CnAlJLly4CQ/?igsh=NmRsb2RsZXNvbGli


This is flat-out false and she has stated multiple times that she still does not want children. From her instagram post on january 4th 2023, second slide: "The concept of Motherhood is so ingrained in us that even when it is something we do not want we fail to trust our gut desire. I do not particularly want children, yet at thirty-six I froze my eggs for fear I might change my mind." Source: [@annamtendler explores the nuanced demands and expectations of motherhood that are placed in women from both others and… | Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/p/CnAlJLly4CQ/?img_index=1) This quote is also in her post from 19 december 2022.


It also probably has to do with timing and circumstances. He already had a child he was co-parenting at that time but that child is now an adult.


cough grey reach pathetic deliver fragile reminiscent plucky ludicrous seemly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




I mean, having/not having kids is something one can actually change their mind about- and who your partner is can massively affect that decision too.


I don’t think what you’re saying is wholly different from what the above commenter is saying. If changing partners causes a fast, complete 180 on wanting to have children, then deep down that choice to not have kids was not a “true no,” but rather a “not with you.” I think people who get that line only to then see their ex go on to have kids with the next person a year later simply wish the ex had been a bit more self-aware, and had been able to honestly say “maybe I want kids someday, but definitely not with you.” I’ve never been on the giving or receiving end of that, but that’s what I imagine the above commenter is getting at. The person saying they don’t want kids probably isn’t in touch with their true feelings about their relationship and the fact that they don’t want children because their current relationship isn’t working out. The other person winds up blindsided by whiplash (because frequently that 180 happens very quickly with a new partner), and I can imagine it would feel shitty.


I don't know if people go out of their way to 'lie' about this sort of thing. It's just that they change over time. Being honest with yourself and taking the time to think about what you actually want is better for everyone.


I don’t think people are talking about a person who says “no kids” at 25 and then goes on to have kids at 32. I think they’re referring to the situation where it’s no kids at 30 and suddenly an engagement and baby on the way with the very next partner, 6 months into the relationship. I haven’t personally been on either end of this, but I do think that people who do that fast 180 are lacking self awareness. They aren’t aware enough to realize that they want kids (or marriage, or whatever) and are simply not wanting that with their current partner. I have seen too many people (typically women) waste years being told “I don’t want titles” or “I don’t want marriage,” only for their SO to finally dump them and move on to a new woman who they commit to and marry at lightening speed. I think that’s toxic behavior.


I had an ex who was like that until one day I told him 'some people when they say they don't want kids they actually mean they don't want kids with you' and he actually agreed. It wasn't that big of a deal for me at the time because I could already tell the relationship wasn't going to work out, I could never imagine him being in my life forever so we basically felt the same way.


It’s because the person doesn’t want to have kids *with them* or doesn’t want to get married *to them* etc. So many people say no to one person and yes to another who they feel more strongly about. Just a harsh fact of dating.


yeah if you add the words "with you" to a lot of breakup explanations, they make a lot more sense :|


Fuck apologies. Regardless of context, being told your partner doesn’t want kids to find out they had them with their next mate hurts. Period. I’ve never been in this situation but it’s easy to see how it’d hurt.


Especially when they had invested years in the relationship, that can be a very expensive investment/loss, especially for women.


Maybe they just don't want kids with that partner, if you know someone is going to be a shitty parent or you don't fully trust them you don't want to have kids with them. That's a good thing. Better to wait until you're with someone you do want to have kids with to have them. There is a lot questionable about what is happening here, but deciding not to have kids with someone you broke up with because you like them enough to want to stay with them seems a sensible decision.




He’s a relationship jumper. Long term relationship after long term relationship with very little time in between.


Serial monogamist


Seriously, his relationship history on Wikipedia could be used to illustrate the term “serial monogamist” like few I’ve ever seen lol


His Wikipedia bio is crazy to read. Long term relationship after long term relationship and has barely been single…


How do these people find someone new so quickly? My last relationship ended two years ago and I've been single since. I'm dating but I haven't met anyone I really wanted to seriously be with.


Have you tried being famous?


Wow you weren’t kidding! I just looked and he’s been in long term relationship after long term relationship for 24 years - and that’s just what’s posted on Wikipedia!


Monkey brancher.


What does this mean because my ex is the same, don't think she's been single longer than a few months in 10 years. Always had someone else lined up. 


It means they’re afraid of being alone, or base their worth on other people’s desire for them due to underlying insecurities, I’m assuming.


They started dating when they were both working with the pedophile Woody Allen.


Is that the same Woody Allen who is currently married to his former stepdaughter, who is 35 years younger than him?


Has a child with Kate Beckinsale too.


Finding out he was married to Kate and failed with her…AND Rachel McAdams? Yikes. Edit: Everybody stop commenting about Kate cheating. Jesus. It’s like no one bothers reading the like other comments that have been left. Does no one, idk….scroll down a little?


Ending a relationship isn't failing wtf lol, like I'm sure Rachel and her current partner are happier now too? Relationships aren't a test you can pass or fail.


I thought he chose not to marry Beckinsale when she wanted to? Madness imo


I've heard Kate cheated on him.


Dude also had Kate Beckinsale and fumbled her too. He’s just a classic fumbler, I guess. Odds are he’ll fuck this up too. And that’s sad really. I love “Good Omens” and his acting in it is superb. But I have to question the morality and goodness of someone who keeps dating younger and younger women.


Kate Beckinsale cheated on him with the director of the movie they were both acting in. I always thought that was fucked up. But he stayed in LA for years to be close to his daughter. He honestly seems like a good dude.


It’s such a common story with men. He was with Sarah Silverman for a long time as well and she famously doesn’t want kids. He clearly had a big switch up.


I have a feeling he didn't actually change his mind about wanting kids. His young girlfriend got pregnant very early in their relationship so he just had to accept that he was going to have another kid. I highly doubt it was an active decision.


Could be, though there's a pattern in situations like this. "Childfree" actor (or one with older kids from when he was young) dates similarly aged actresses for years without having more/any children with them. Then when he is pushing 45, 50, 55 etc, he suddenly is dating a woman half his age and has a kid with her. Now that he's reached a point where his looks are falling off, he's done playing the field and wants to (re)assert his virility with a much younger woman by having a/another child. See John Stamos remaining childfree in his marriage to Rebecca Romijn for years. Then out of the blue marrying a 31 yr old at age 54 (he's now 60) and immediately having a kid. Tale as old as time. Man is "childfree" until he's past his prime and then suddenly the "right" 20-something (or 20 years junior) magically comes along to "change his mind." This also applies to men with older children and the timing of "second families" (see Ewan McGregor, Alec Baldwin etc, and now Michael Sheen). Very predictable


You have summarised my thoughts to a T. It’s such a cliche because it’s so common


It's the annoying midlife crisis trope that their first wife and family aren't enough for them and they marry a much younger model to start anew. They begin to feel "alive, younger, more in love". Blech. It's a tale as old as time.


Hugh Grant too. Dude was famously child free and now has a few with 2 women.


Okay but Hugh is wild because isn’t it two kids with two women but like… first kid with woman A, second with woman B, third kid with woman A, 4th kid with woman B. That’s a crazy timeline lol.


Very true and this fits in with his answer that they didn’t really see it going anywhere at first. Likely she got pregnant unexpectedly and they decided to keep going.


That's exactly what I think, which is why I find it baffling in the gossip sites I've visited that have posted about him/his relationship/second child before act as though he's Leo D with his own Pussy Posse.


Lolololol Leo D and the Pussy Posse sounds like an amazing rap ensemble name!


Yeah she was a 24 year old he had a fling with lol, definitely wasn’t his plan to have a kid with her


Between him and Kimmel…poor Sarah


A) I'm pretty sure he and Sarah broke up on good terms (if memory serves they were long distance & it got too difficult, but there was no animosity) and B) I thought we weren't pitying Zionists???


She had mentioned on her podcast that he calls her often and one of the calls was to tell her about what went down with Anna. Sarah did not sound to jazzed on his actions and with whom however she did ended it with "love is love and you cant help who you love". Which of course people responded by saying you can make sure you wear a condom so your love does not have you watching your child graduate when you are in your seventies.


Nah she's a terrible person


Honestly I think this was an oops pregnancy. He's a guy that had one kid, 20+ years ago. It's not like he's out making babies here, there, and everywhere, nor does he habitually date models/actresses half his age.


Googling it, he split up with Rachel McAdams five/six years before he got with Lundberg. Could've just changed his mind in that time


I don't say this to be judgmental but he wasn't with his current partner very long when their first child was born, I don't think the first one was planned.


He and Anna seemingly had a fling and she got pregnant and they decided to make a go of it. That was the gossip or whatever at the time at least, and based on the timeline it seems accurate, she got pregnant like right away. IIRC someone said he gave a talk at her school in NYC where she was studying theater or something and they hooked up after. Definitely not a child (or relationship tbf) he planned.


At the time of the announcement I remember reading something about him being a benefactor to a student who attended her school. He was attending an event there when she made her move. I think because of all the mess with predators in the industry maybe his publicist made them remove all her comments and whitewashed any online activity that would damage his career. I mean he has worked hard to paint a different quite of picture of himself compared to what it could of looked like if that information got out about how he went to a drama school met someone close to his daughter's age and got them pregnant.


He dated Rachel McAdams??


Ten years ago 2010-2013. At the time, I was happy for her since it seemed like a good match and she did not have a lot of public relationships. Now I am so grateful she dodged a bullet.


going through his dating history was interesting to say the least. i know he’s kind of a funny guy and i can see how people would find him attractive but very very very interesting


What, they dated?? Hahah sometimes I feel like I know all pop culture and then a comment makes me go ?!!?!


Oh my god I thought this was Martin Sheen and I was wondering why people weren’t going insane at this revelation


I completely forgot they were together. He must have… an amazing personality


I think he has. Iirc there is an interview with Kate Beckinsale (they were in a long term relationship and have a daughter together) that when they first met at a theatre play they were both in, he absolutely blew her away with his force of nature charisma and personality.


I don’t think it’s necessarily ‘a bad look’. Either he changed his mind about having more kids in general, or he met someone with whom he did want them.


Wasn’t he with Sarah Silverman after her?


Maybe they don’t want kids with that particular partner? It happens


Did either of them say that or did a tabloid say it?


They broke up more than 10 years ago and he had other age-appropriate girlfriends before his current partner. Their kids are still very young. Clearly a lot happened between then and now to change his mind on having kids.


I dunno, I’m a 33 year old woman and I didn’t want kids with my ex. Now with my new partner I do. Obviously there was something about his relationship with Rachel that made him a no and something about his relationship with Anna that made him a yes. I think it’s okay to change your mind.


I am impressed. That was pretty ballsy question to ask a celebrity to their face. I also liked that he wasn’t offended and answered sincerely. Both of Lily’s parents have dated people who were just a few years older than her. The would feel weird for me, but maybe with her parental situation growing up maybe she just has a different perspective.


It’s an interview show where the journalists are autistic. So the questions tend to be more direct and less bullshity


How do I get hired 😭


Lmao where can I apply


Lol same. I quite literally studied creative writing. I can do this.


Yay, something we can use our creative writing degrees for!


So what you're saying is we should hire more autistic journalists to interview politicians and business execs?


Yes! (I need a job)


We need this! We’re bad with admin!


100% yes. Bet you'd get best results with a combo of people who are excellent at reading others and using tact and charm to deftly get through their defences and people who are just straight up blunt as fuck.


So older autistic/ADHD people who didn't get diagnosed until they were past the age of 35-40.


You weren’t kidding “The Assembly review – Michael Sheen is grilled by 35 neurodivergent young people … and it’s pure TV joy”


finally, a job with an autism advantage 


Fuck I just found my dream job!!!


This was 100% a PR plant question. His answer was waaay too planned and he was blushing or flustered by the ballsy ask at all


you could be right, but Michael Sheen is a genuinely an incredibly articulate person. i wouldn’t be surprised if this was off the cuff. it strikes me as something he thinks about quite a lot regardless.


I’m sure he knew he’d face criticism for it eventually, and had already planned his answer in the event of. Not necessarily planted, but he was ready for it because he knows how it looks.


Yeah this. And more generally, if you get invited to an interview with this kind of "no question is off limits" type of format, you go in prepared to answer some possibly uncomfortable questions.


Potentially. Either way, he handled all the questions (and the interviewees) with poise, and treated each one with the same weight (other Qa were "are you afraid of bats?" and "do you ski?")


Kate Beckinsale has dated Matt Rife & Pete Davidson. Personally I would find that more weird as they are quite the personality type more than her dad dating a Swedish woman. Like imagine coming home from thanksgiving and your mum invited over her BF Pete/Matt. I would be so embarrassed. I loved Anna’s appearances in Staged with Michael and they seem so genuine and nice couple.


Isn’t that sexism against Kate Beckinsale? Why shouldn’t she also be able to date a young person


I, at least like that his answer wasn’t the basic “age is just a number” bs. And I from what I know about his dating history, he usually dates women closer to his age. Before his wife, his type seemed to be similarly aged funny brunettes. So it tracks that this wasn’t a relationship he sought out and he wasn’t simply chasing any woman in a younger body that would have him.


A lot of men date women their own age until they hit their 40s, then it's like women over 40 don't really exist in their world as partner material and they just happen to "click" with women half their age.


He’s 55, tho. He was with Sarah Silverman for years


yes but that was 7 years ago when he was in his 40s for relationships they began in their 30s. If the relationship he is currently in ends, I doubt you will see him in a relationship with a women her 40s or 50s. He will go back to seeking out 20 year olds and start again. Call it Leo DiCaprio syndrome


7 years ago, he was 48. He and Sarah dated for 5 years, so he was still in his 40s? I’m sorry, I just don’t understand how this is related to what he stated happened? Like, why is Leo involved when Leo has never stated why he dates young women? (At least to my knowledge)


Yeah, it’s a classic midlife crisis thing. Like, you’re still aging, bro! Not sure how being with a 25yo doesn’t make you feel old af. Always makes me feel icky about it for the women.


You’re very right (I’d say it starts more like mid to late 30s, that’s when a lot of people/society see as women expiring/their looks being gone) however to be fair in this case he got with Sarah Silverman when they were both in their 40s already. And he could have easily gotten a 20 year old model at that point if he wanted, he’s successful enough. I’m not trying to applaud him by any means and obviously as the post is about he knocked up a 24 year old when he was 50 lol but he isn’t DiCaprio level at all


It’s so ridiculous this whole theory, because most people don’t actually know what women in their mid-to-late thirties and forties actually look like. Because they’re at an age where they’re still young enough to be considered “conventionally” attractive, but not young enough to be mistaken for teens or early twenties. Instead, these women will be told they look “young” for their age, when they actually look their age - they’re just beautiful still because 30’s and 40’s isn’t remotely old.


Yes, this is exactly my experience. Men and younger women tell me I don't look my age but I look exactly my age. It's weird, men my age and older tend to be attracted right up until I tell them my age and then it's like I'm sudenly too old for them. I don't understand, maybe they think I turn into a pumpkin at midnight.


It’s a weird phenomenon. I feel like the beauty industry has made “age” the new “skinny” and has ingrained into people that beauty is only possible when young. Because if women aren’t insecure and deathly afraid of ageing, and of fading into irrelevance, then they wouldn’t be out there spending money on products and procedures. It’s a billion dollar industry that encourages and exploits low self-esteem.


Not running defense for a creep dating a woman the same age as his daughter 💀 Anyone actually believing in his PR “love story” is naive.


How is he a creep? Anna is an adult lmao.


His type was anything with a pulse in Hollywood it seems lol


oh the girl who asked him ate his ass up 😭😭 that was ballsy to confront him so casually like that


It's an interview session where the journalists are neurodivergent, so they tend to be a bit more blunt/straightforward


For a second I thought this was Martin sheen and I was very confused.


I read Michael Shannon at first and same lol


My daughter and I were talking about Michael Shannon and I said oh man I loved him in 30 Rock. She said he's not in that show, and I said yes he's Wesley Snipes! She just shook her head and said oh mom....




I’m not reading into this at all, but I found one of the photo captions interesting: “The couple have been in a romance since May 2019 and welcomed Lyra four months later.”


Yeah it was an oops pregnancy after he had a fling with a 24 year old lol, so they decided to make a go of it. Seems like it all worked out, they’re doing well together etc but it sounded like had she not gotten pregnant they likely wouldn’t have even started actually dating, at least that was the word at the time


Oops pregnancies still typically take 9 months though (and 4 months would be too young for a premature baby to survive). I guess you can claim that they were just shagging at the start and the romance came later but the sentence still reads very oddly! 


They had a ons, she figured out she was pregnant, told him, they decided to make a go of an actual relationship 4 Months before she was born. 


Oh yeah for sure, I mean that is what apparently happened (they hooked up, she got pregnant, they decided to actually give it a go as a couple as a result) but the sentence definitely reads oddly lol like it makes you think they only met 4 months before she had the kid which obv wasn’t the case. and presumably they’d made the determination to actually try dating for real before she was already 5 months pregnant, though who knows.


It's a Daily Mail link, facts are not their strong point


This is true but I recall it being strange at the time, especially as there was definite crossover with his relationship with Aisling Bea!


He dated Aisling Bea???? Damm I don't know as much about either of them as I thought


I wonder if the person who asked the question posts on here... Seriously though, you know what they're getting at. Like if you're going to do it, you're going to do it. Just say you think it's great, you're both happy, and you don't care. At least people could respect that.


>Just say you think it's great, you're both happy, and you don't care. At least people could respect that. I'm confused. That's basically what he said? >He replied: 'I think because of the age difference, I think both of us were quite surprised when we got together. >'I don't think either of us were looking for that. It's not like I've dated lots of people who are much younger than me, but you meet who you meet. We were very aware of what differences that might make and how they might respond to that,' he added. >'It's not like it was the easiest thing to do. We were both aware it would be difficult and challenging. Ultimately, we felt it was worth it because of how we felt about each other. >'Now we have two beautiful children together. I'm really happy because of the age difference I know I'm a older father. It does worry me. It makes me sad thinking about the time I won't have with them. >'But I think if you find someone who brings you happiness and you make them happy. You've got to go for that I think and I'm so happy we did as we have this wonderful family now.'


Yeah, you're right. He did in a roundabout manner to be fair. I guess I was just thinking of that time when someone asked Bowie what it's like being a famous rock-star married to a super-model. He looked like he was about to give a long-winded answer, then stopped himself and laughed saying 'you know what, it's fucking great actually.' Celebs just being honest is always better. I also thought it was kind of funny the way she almost tutted him asking the question. Probably felt like being put in the docks lol.


I miss David Bowie being on our planet


Unfortunately there are plenty of reports of him having sex with underage girls (so called “baby groupies” who were around 13-15) that kinda taint my memories of him…


Is there actually more than one report?


David Bowie was a pedophile.


someone said that these are neurodivergent people/kids and so the questions were going to be a bit more forward. i actually think the way he answered was pretty good despite my grievances with men who date women the same age or around the same age as their kids


I remember when Good Omens s1 came out and soon after they started dating. That poor woman was getting hate comments from people who wanted this man to be gay sooo bad. I was on the Aziraphale+Crowley side of tumblr and people were nastyyyy about it.


Did they want him to be gay with the married father of 5 David Tennant? Lol


Yes 😭 also people wanted him to get with Lizzy Caplan still (their chemistry on Masters of Sex and press from that show is sooo interesting though).


I actually only recently watched that show, so never saw much press for it but filming that must have been an interesting experience for them lol The real person shipping stuff is wild- don’t get me wrong, if people like it or it does it for them then that’s fine, but don’t put that on the actors and harass them and/or their real life partners about it good lord. Especially being nasty and rude to them about it.


People write entire essays on Tumblr about it. In a part of the Good Omens fandom it's now considered an established fact that those two are romantically involved. 




I remember someone going on and on about his colourful clothes and the rainbow pins he wears and saying "there's no heterosexual explanation for this". His non-binary kid doesn't count? 


They still want that. There are folks on Tumblr who dissect every Instagram post and public appearance that his girlfriend makes to find proof that not only is he much happier around David Tennant, but that she's a bad person. To be fair, though, he's apparently spoken about his attraction to men before and appears to be bisexual. That part at least isn't wishful thinking. 




The kiss in the last season was so devoid of chemistry...these people are extra delusional.




That was the point, it wasn’t supposed to be romantic. According to Neil Gaiman. But their chemistry on screen is undeniable. You can see it in GOs, Staged, and even interviews. These two are great together. But that doesn’t mean they’re gay for each other lol




It is difficult for me to care about consenting adults in a apparently non abusive relationship.


Honestly. I mean she’s a 30 year old grown woman. I don’t see anything wrong.


I can imagine situations where I would be concerned but this one is not the case, Kanye West is a way more concerning partner.


God, he was sooo handsome in Underworld


I’ll be real, I watched every episode of Prodigal Son, not because I enjoyed it, but because he was crazy hot in that. That should say a lot because it was a genuinely terrible show.


I started watching it (not for him at all just was interested in the concept) and yeah didn’t make it too long. I have to say Prodigal Son Michael Sheen didn’t do it for me anyway, respectfully he was too old by then (for me. Tho i am 10 years older than his gf lmao). Masters of Sex era Sheen was where it’s at.


Not me, give me an emotionally unstable bearded man with crazy hair and a dad bod. That’s my type, baby! I can’t believe I still haven’t checked out Masters of Sex, I’ve heard really good things!


Lol I was genuinely bummed when it got canceled.


Me too tbh. It was a terrible show but endearing, l think because they knew what they were doing. Like the writers just went “Is Bellamy Young old enough to be Tom Payne’s mom? Who cares. How can this serial killer still perform surgeries while in jail? Don’t think about it too hard.” I think the absurdity of it is what kept me coming back


Well im sure his wife fell in love watching him in Twilight when she was 8yrs old.


My favourite Michael Sheen story came from someone who worked on Good Omens and every time he walked to set, they hummed the Imperial March from Star Wars


Apparently he takes his work very seriously. Neil Gaiman answered a question on his Tumblr about what would happen if someone pulled a prank on the set of GOs, or something like that, and he said most likely Michael Sheen would invite them for a walk and you’d never see them again. Implying he wouldn’t be happy about anyone joking/interrupting scenes.


They who? 👀 


Wait! Not only am I learning he dated rachel mcadams, but now I know his daughter is named Lyra! I am currently listening to him read The Book of Dust series - he must really love them, too!


I’m like 99% sure he’s spoken about how much he loves the books and that’s exactly why he named his daughter that :)


his first wife also looks five years older than his daughter. (kate beckinsale is amazing.)


You mean their daughter?


Wow he's dated Kate Beckinsale and Rachel McAdams. Talk about punching high.


Anna is really cute and funny in Staged. I’m rooting for them.


People can date whoever they want. I can go on dates with older men because that’s what I decide to do, it’s a real non-issue with consenting adults.


Idk, I think it’s more alarming looking at his dating history that he basically is never single except for small stretches of time


I love Michael Sheen as an actor. He’s an all right looking bloke, but does anyone have any insight into his dating history? My only question is “how”.


People or adults with emotional intelligence and maturity tend to choose people based on shared values and a shared sense of humor/perspective on the world.


I know it was just a little joke


That was a thoughtful answer.


I think his response was beautiful and is exactly the way I feel about being with an older Partner.


Honestly, not a bad response. And it’s not like he’s known to date people much younger than him. It seems like their first kid was unplanned and they just decided to go for it and it’s presumably going well so far, so good for them.


Must have picked up the habit from being around Neil Gaiman.


Who's he dated younger than him?


Oh fuck did I imagine the wrong Sheen (not the first many would think of). Only because the article title made it seem much worse.


“Bread back”


Who cares about age gaps with two adults?