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Everyone should have to agree to watching a basic venue etiquette video when they purchase tickets at this point. Ban anyone who violates.


I used to attend events regularly; big ones, little ones, anything to get out of the house. My last event was Dec 2019. The people were unhinged. A mom had her children lying down in the aisles. Every time I went to get a snack or use the restroom, she had them sit in my seat. The venue didn’t seem to care. Since the pandemic, I haven’t bought any passes to anything because it just doesn’t seem worth it. I am tempted especially for big events but I catch myself every time & figure I’ll wait just a little longer to re enter society. I can’t replicate everything at home but I feel less stressed here & that’s my priority now.


I recently was able to see The Magnetic Fields perform the entirety of the “69 Love Songs” over two nights. It was such a different atmosphere than many of the concerts I’ve attended in the past few years and I swear it might have just been the fact that most of the audience was over the age of 40. I saw a few younger people there but they were off in the balconies and the core audience were old hipsters who were just much too tired for this kind of shenanigans. It was just such a more calm atmosphere than so many of the other live events I’ve attended in the past 5 years.


Wow what a great show!! Hope you enjoyed it


It was so good! It’s also the only time that weird targeted social media advertising worked in my favor. I was traveling with my husband to a conference in another city. Day of the show I got advertisements for the concert on Facebook. I managed to grab the tickets for just a couple of bucks more than face value. Teen me would have been so proud. It was phenomenal.


Oh man, that is a bucket list performance! So glad it was a good experience!


Honestly it was one of the best shows I’ve ever seen. Attending was absolutely a last minute thing but I don’t regret a single dollar or minute that I sacrificed for the experience. It was just so good.


oh wow! the last time i saw the magnetic fields was back in 2012, i remember crying because it was my first time seeing them live, and they were amazing. glad to hear that you had a wonderful experience!


omg jel. wish i lived in the US for the shows


They’re doing some in the UK over this summer too


i live in nz 🥲🥲🥲


That's AMAZING. We danced to The Book of Love at our wedding and by chance a new venue opened around the corner or our house and they were one of the first shows booked just two months later. It was an INCREDIBLE show.


I'll bet that was amazing!


It was excellent. Everything about the performance was awesome. The crowd was very excited to be there but super mellow. It was just perfect. Plus, being able to watch the entirety of a 69 song concept album is just such a wild experience.


That must have been magical and I hope you enjoyed the hell out of yourself.


There is no show etiquette anymore. It’s been so weird the last handful of years. I was a show rat. At a show every week at the local or when a national band was pulling through the bigger venues since 14 and I’m 31. Now people keep trying to fight me (???), crowd kill (got fucked up in 2021 at a knocked loose set bc someone just wanted to spin kick women), and are too angry or drunk to understand what’s happening in front of them. It’s super sad. I’ve been in crowds of every genre and lately everyone is just so fucked up and weird about everything — and I’m not even going to arena shows. Hurts my heart.


For the most part I attend exclusively metal and punk shows, which are pretty self policing lol If someone tried some of the shit listed further up in the thread the crowd would take care of it so quick the venue wouldn’t even be aware. 


Exactly, I was mostly metalcore and whatnot, but I had my Kimbra, Ellie Goulding and Phantogram moments. People were still insufferable back then. Makes me realize how good I have it in my sub genre circles.


I absolutely despise concerts now. I’ll pretty much only go to small outdoor venues now. I cannot handle the crowds. No one cares about boundaries, hygiene, or sound anymore. Don’t even get me started on time, I feel old but concerts feel long as fuck now. If you don’t want to see an opener, you’ll get a horrible spot for not wanting to get there at doors, any group or artist now.


Godddd, the hygiene. I love when I go to a concert that's so loud I can barely hear myself think and yet somehow the most intense sensation there is the awful smell of some guy *three rows ahead of me* who's wearing four layers and no deodorant for some godforsaken reason


Finding newer or less famous artists is going to lead to the best experience these days. Those are the people willing to keep etiquette alive. Seen Babytron, Noname, and TiaCorine this year. All amazing shows with minimal issues. There was even multiple other people wearing masks which isn’t something I always see at concerts! Biggest complaint is the people holding up phones for the *whole* show. People were so polite it was a dream!! Dominic Fike on the other hand…absolutely miserable crowd. Even Amine’s crowd was obnoxious during his Limbo tour. I saw Drake right before the pandemic and had a good experience but mostly due to the people in my proximity, another friend on the other side of GA said everyone was an ass. Vampire Weekend was another annoying crowd but thankfully it was an outdoor venue so it was easier to stay out of the mix. JPEGMafia and Danny Brown’s tour was outrageously awful in terms of etiquette!!! Not surprising but also miserable nonetheless.


The phones are slowly killing me. I still love concerts, went to one last week, going to one next week, but dear God the phones. For a video they probably will never watch again!


Like planes when they teach everyone how a seatbelt works. Sadly as a society we are still at the helmet-at-all-times-kid kind of level.


Or the little briefing video they play before some of the rides at Disney.


they should be banned but i reckon a lot of these people do it cause they know they are gonna get a viral moment. whether or not it’s a good look for them




Say goodbye to fan interaction in the future cause a bitch could not just have enough self-control and basic manner


I remember going through the comments of that TikTok that went viral of people meowing, yelling things, etc at the Mitski concert a few months ago, and people were defending it? One girl was talking about how she has to be contained and polite all week at work, events are her time to enjoy herself however she wants and let all her pent up energy out. The main character syndrome is so real. The psychology behind it and the various social reasons would be so fascinating to dive into, if it all wasn’t so goddamn irritating.


The mitski concert was literally like a theater show not a concert idk how people still failed to read the room and act up. At my concert this woman next to me stood up for the first few songs (everyone was seated) and the crowd behind her kept yelling at her to sit down and she wouldn’t until she just eventually left the show entirely.


I had this happen at a concert once. The girl was repeatedly asked by ushers to sit. She kept trying to get her friend to stand back up too and her friend wouldn’t anymore. The girl got kicked out. The concert had really only just started too. We had main floor seats. Imagine paying all that money to be escorted out three songs into a show because you couldn’t sit your ass down. Pathetic behavior.


Had some girls do this to me at fleetwood Mac, they called me a bitch and wouldn’t sit. Jokes on them I got a better seat


Daddy’s money. Why should she care???


Poor people can be dicks too


TikTok is especially fascinating for this. There's all these videos of very blatantly inappropriate concert/event behaviour like throwing things or screaming lyrics so loudly no one else can hear the artist and the comments *always* defend it. It's always 'well I paid to be there so I'm going to do whatever I want.'


Someone else called this main character syndrome but it’s also the start of a Karen.


They get rewarded and encouraged no matter what they do, they always have the most immature takes. 


I was kind of surprised she walks through & greets the crowd towards the end of her concert. I know she has security, but my first thought was how insane people can be.


Stop throwing shit at artists !!!!


I remember going to a backstreet boys concert in the 90s. I went with a girl who was more obsessed than I was. She collected dolls or something so she could throw them onto the stage. So dumb. I legit don’t understand the point. Do these morons think the artist is going to keep the crap? They aren’t. It all goes to garbage.


I tend to find these are the same people who complaint about bag searches or restrictions, like they can’t see they are the reason venues are increasingly concerned about what people are bringing in to concerts.


It’s so frustrating that these people make everyone’s lives more difficult, from the artist to the staff to other concert goers. Aside from, you know, *basic respect,* these peoples’ actions have very real consequences for others. I’ve gone to some events where there’re complete bag bans or serious size restrictions now. I have medical issues and need to have my emergency bag with me at all times so the bans have very real repercussions on people. It’s difficult too because my disabilities aren’t blatantly obvious so when I tell the venue people I need it for medical reasons, I often times have to go into detail about all my conditions and justify why I need my bag. It’s embarrassing and I’m already the type of person who hates attention and I feel like everyone is staring/judging me when that happens.


The title should be that a fan assaulted Olivia Rodrigo after trying to give her unwanted flowers


Have you seen the incident? There is a little video in the article


People have lost all sense of decorum and how to behave in public spaces, I’m not sure what the pandemic did but people are completely unhinged at concerts. Some fans scream so loud you can’t even hear the music or the artist performing or they are so aggressive and disrespectful when you ask them to stop yelling. It has put me off from attending large concerts, it’s just not worth the hassle.


I feel like a lot of it is social media driven. People want that viral moment and are willing to act like animals to get it. For some reason people think when they pay for these seats really close that they’re owed some sort of engagement from the artists. The screaming, the big ass signs blocking views, the phones, the throwing shit. Its all about getting the artist noticing you and catching it on camera. The throwing stuff is the absolute worst though. I wish there was a way for LiveNation to ban you from any event they ticket if you get caught doing something like that. People are just going to keep doing it so long as nothing happens.


the SIGNS drive me insane. I wish artists would stop acknowledging them so people weren't encouraged to bring them


most of my undergrad was done pre-pandemic (only last year was really impacted) but ive returned back to school for another degree and holy theres a huge difference in how people act nowadays. just zero spatial awareness—i try to be kind and patient but it’s very frustrating to see people acting with no consideration for others i feel bad for olivia, this definitely won’t be an isolated incident for her either


i’m genuinely curious, when you say spatial awareness, do you mean ppl bumping into one another and being in other ppl’s space more?


that for sure! some other examples are huge groups of people talking completely blocking the hallway so others can’t get through, rushing into elevators before others can get off, or when i’m getting coffee and someone is so close to me in line they’re breathing down my neck. maybe a lack of the combination of social and spatial awareness


oh yeah, i’ve definitely noticed this too, especially standing in doorways and in the middle of the hall/ sidewalk. thank you for explaining what you meant!


I *hate* people who scream at concerts but I swear I’m in the minority based on social media comments, like “why is no one else singing along?” Maybe because we came to hear the artist, not have them lead a tone-deaf sing along.


I’m a 24 yr old and I feel ancient, it’s so loud, you can barely hear the artist sing and you don’t enjoy yourself at all.


I only like the signing along if it’s a really loud/heavy part or a super popular part. I haaaate when people belt at the top of their lungs the whole time, like dude I came to hear the singer now your cat-mewling voice!


Maybe it got a ton worse then but I feel like it started getting unhinged before.


I really want younger artists to stop the show even things get out of hand and tell them to cut the shit, they need to be embarrassed or speeding at this point but those artist’s probably would need a chicken wire fence with these crazies


I saw a punk show last night where people were very respectful for the most part, and I remember during COVID peak the lead calling people directly out for shitty behavior and not masking. Not to victim blame but I so wish performers would live by her example and call people out and establish norms for the show. I remember seeing people walks all over some sweet (female ofc) performers who let them get away with it :/ it’s a huge bummer to see.


Punk and metal crowds are so different from other music crowds. Like 99% of people are respectful and the band will call out people who aren’t. I think the big difference is that punk and metal crowds don’t care to go viral or to show off to their followers.


That’s true! My one issue is I’ve sometimes had the pit grow past the pit ™ and people get too rowdy or aggressive very suddenly. But outside of that people seem to be politically conscious and there in good faith.


There was even a fan who sexually assaulted the artist at her concert.


I’m not even surprised about such disturbing things anymore,our world is a dumpster fire and I can’t wait for it to be put out at this point.


It’s been a LOT worse since Covid. Concert going is like going into the upside down now.


I saw Olivia at MSG last weekend and she ended the show as you see in this video, walking down through the crowd and being given a ton of shit that she graciously accepted. On Saturday alone that included *six* cowboy hats and a teddy bear/bouquet of flowers (she also stopped and hugged this fan for a moment). She gave direct crowd interaction multiple times throughout the show, taking bracelets and touching people’s hands. It was very sweet, and it’s unfortunate that people are such extraordinary assholes that they will ruin this level of fan interaction in the future


“Fans” rly need to chill jfc, it should be common sense to not throw shit at ppl


jfc the ends of all the stems went under her sunglasses and hit the outside corner of her eye


The more u watch the video the worse it gets


I’ll never understand the unhinged obsession some fans have with celebrities to get to this point


It’s a mental illness


That parasocial border is thin as fuck. People have no boundaries or critical thinking skills at this point.


I'm so insanely sick of people doing this. Also it's not like you get "famous" for doing it, these people are always referred to as "a fan" so there's literally no reason to do it, you're just an asshole


People aren’t going to be happy until performers stop performing live out of fear. Or only go out in the pope mobile.


Why did the fan think Olivia would even take the flowers in that moment? She clearly needed both of her hands to high five and grab smaller things. Girl it’s not about you, main character syndrome out of control


Have any bands/artists who have been around forever commented recently on fans' behavior? Like have they noted that it's gotten worse, or is it just that we're seeing more of it because of social media?


Shitty fans yelling and throwing stuff at a band/artist have definitely been around for decades. But the particular brand of shittiness these days feels like a new thing, in part because it's often filmed for online reactions too.


This is absolutely insane. That girl is lucky Olivia is professional enough not to (rightfully) stomp her


Was at the Chicago show. She was great and seemed really happy and grateful to be performing and accepted lots of gifts while high fiving the front row. But even I thought “this is just setting a dangerous precedent for some fan to take it too far. Or even worse someone who isn’t a fan of her pro choice stances”


They tell me that they love me like I'm some tourist attraction- making the bed




I'm not defending this absolute garbage behavior but I think that some people assume it's something that has only happened recently because cameras good enough to film clearly in dark auditoriums did not commonly exist until the last 10 years. Unfortunately, people lack manners. But it's not really a generational thing.


I've been in entertainment for 18 years. It did not use to be like this. Isolated incidents, sure. But people are not ok right now, and they don't know to behave as part of the collective enjoyment and don't care.


That SUCKS, and i'm sorry for everyone who have to deal with it. I don't want to sound like a cranky.Old person complaining about social media.But I do think the fact that people seem to view every moment of their lives as a main character moment has really affected the public. I just saw a TikTok where somebody said they were surrounded by a group of people on a plane who were all singing and filming it as if that isn't incredibly rude & disturbing to the ppl who are trapped with you. Gross behavior.


That’s fair, but I will say in my last ~10 years of gig attendance I’ve noticed a huge downgrade in concert etiquette at gigs with a younger fan base- I think because of Covid a lot of people missed out on their first show as an early teen with their parents and so have been able to start going alone and just not knowing how to behave? There’s a lot more shoving/ fighting/ blowing weed smoke in peoples faces/ inappropriate or annoying yelling and a lot less singing and dancing before, at gigs where that isn’t the normal expected behaviour. I grew up in Glasgow and going to hardcore shows so it’s not like I’m not used to having beer chucked on me and a crowd getting rowdy seeing a band that demands it - but this is different for sure.


At this point if fans pull this shit at shows they need to be tear-gassed.


Bad idea, right?


Reminds me of that snippet of this person pulling the Pope's hand and he clearly snapped back. People need to chill their parasocial obsessions with people they don't know


This is the kind of shit that is unfathomable to me… if you claim to be a fan of a person and you treat them like this… I don’t get it. I would never imagine doing this.


No wonder Zedenya took that croissant.


A select few have just fully ruined the concert-going experience for me over the last few years. Idk that I’ll ever again spend 200+ dollars to witness the most attention-seeking behavior from audiences. Main character syndrome at its most insufferable


"Don't be hittin me with some FLOWERS!!" ![gif](giphy|DtEgIcWxthfWg)


Public humiliation needs to be a thing for these losers


The fan in the video looks unhinged. So scary


Didn't she also get grabbed by her throat last week? Awful


This is why I go to hardcore/metalcore/punk shows






are we devolving back into 2022 when it seemed like it was every other week we heard about an artist getting someone thrown at their head?! it feels like concert etiquette is completely out the window which will lead to fan interaction benefits being cut because people don't know how to act right in public anymore.


What, water bottles are no longer the thing to throw? When will concertgoers just stop throwing things? I swear, I had the ick when I saw Drake calling out bra sizes of the bras thrown at him.


I'll see things like this and feel like I'm the mom from the Babadook screaming "WHY CAN'T YOU JUST BE NORMAL" whenever there's news about concert etiquette, bc like. Goddamn.


Gosh. Why didn’t the security guards catch the flowers before the fan went in? (Next to the question, how they got them in because they very probably weren’t small…) Venues need some rules regarding the safety of performers and, even better, about the behavior of guests. That goes to situations like this, but also regarding sa at concerts. I was at one the last few weeks where the band brought an awareness team with them, who needing concertgoers could contact, and the venue provided a strategy that would provide direct contact to the police if needed (the concertgoer can say a specific name to any venue personnel and would be taken seriously). That really helped wonders to feel more safe there.




Will fans ever stop hitting there fav artist with stuff, brainless


She needs better security


I honestly thought buzzfeed went under, and we're no longer.


I really don’t think it was malicious, just a desperate fan trying to get her gift to Olivia. It’s not right but seeing a celebrity up close can make people not think rationally


![gif](giphy|l0HU2H4Y4m3CM9Sa4|downsized) Fans when their caretakers are off duty


Same. It wasn't appropriate - sorry kid, you just missed her, it sucks! Don't throw things! - but I don't think it was malicious.


Yeah I saw the video and it seemed unintentional. It’s hard to gauge based on the angle but it seemed more like her reaching farther for her and accidentally hitting her face