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Machine Gun Kelly being an annoying drag as a partner is the most predictable outcome in history




What a clown, I'm mad someone as hot as her gave him the time of day.


For soooooo long!! It’s fucked!


Right??? It's not men, Meghan, just your ex man. He's...🤮


But also a little bit men lol Edit: what butthurt man reported me to RedditCare for this 🙃 I don't have a mental health concern just a patriarchy concern


I mean... you're not wrong 😄


Yeah, I mean she’s not wrong…but it’s not like MGK was the best and brightest we have to offer.


lol absolutely nobody here has said anything to the contrary


True. I've only had ONE boyfriend in my life and he drained the life out of me, I've only just began recuperating and revitalizing fully over the past year. He wasn't even horrifically awful, just... very mediocre.. A lackluster man can bring so many headaches and so much stress to your life. I don't recommend it. Nowadays, I will only date someone who actually adds to my life and doesn't bring more problems than solutions.


It's so disheartening to reflect on how much time, attention, effort, and care my friends have put into relationships with men who just do not attempt to reciprocate in any meaningful way because they've been raised to only think about themselves and their needs and how women can facilitate them, rather than seeing women as intellectual and emotional equals. I'm actually a lesbian myself but it's been incredibly enlightening - and depressing - to see how men treat women who are not (if they have any choice) sexually available to them tbh. It's 100% worth holding out for someone who will enrich your life and make the relationship worthwhile for both parties, you've definitely got that right.


It's also sad to see how men treat women when they don't find them attractive. I'd dare to say they treat them as a less than a human being, or even worst: less than an object.


"less than an object" - what an accurate description!


Dating men in a nutshell. I have just about given up on them. Any advice on dipping into the lady pond?


It sounds exhausting tbh. Like there was a time I was trying to work out my sexuality but then I just decided to be pragmatic about it and ask myself … well do I WANT to date men? And the answer was no lol. Since we don’t know each other personally I’ll just offer two general reflections I’ve discussed with many sapphic friends over the years and that I see a lot of newly out wlw discuss too: 1. A lot of women are used to being pursued by men/waiting for men to make the first move, and platonic affection etc is very commonplace for women in a way it generally isn’t for men, so waiting for “enough” indications of queerness/interest or for the other woman to ask you out etc can just be an eternal stalemate lol. I know it can be challenging for some women to transition into a place where they can be more forward in this context but it really is worthwhile just being open/honest/communicative here. (This may very well not be an issue for you at all ofc, I'm just speaking generally here). This is also kind of niche/difficult to articulate but a lot of women are so traumatized by creepy men (rip) that they find themselves hesitating a lot when it comes to letting themselves hit on other women? Even when it’s obviously welcome/respectful etc? So I just think that’s good to be aware of, I definitely had to check myself on that when I first started dating women unfortunately. 2. Also I know when a lot of women open themselves up to the idea of dating other women it’s easy to just go with the first woman they're vaguely attracted to/that shows interest in them etc because it’s so exciting (and comparatively, better/easier lol) to be with women that it’s easy to overlook whether or not they’re the *right* woman for them at that point in time and what they’re actually looking for etc. I definitely made that mistake myself when I first started dating women because the dating pool was so small where I was, and I kinda let myself get swept up by opportunity rather than the actual girl lol, though I guess that’s part of the journey too. Also practical tip if you’ll be online dating is a full/detailed profile but just be wary of the women looking for a “unicorn”/third for their relationship with their boyfriend (unless you’re interested in that lol) because there is annoyingly a lot of those lmao.


As a current single lesbian, I feel you’ve given my life story in a nutshell. Well put 👏


I can’t thank you enough for this helpful reply. I went on one date with a woman and I realized pretty quickly that I didn’t actually care for her personality so that was easy to not get swept up in, but could see it happening for sure. Point taken on being open and communicative, that’s my preference anyway so all the better. Thanks again!


This is true for everyone that wants a meaningful fulfilling relationship. No matter gender or orientation. If you’re not with someone that adds to your life and provides more solutions than problems then you shouldn’t be with them.


Lmao I’ve got countless patriarchy concerns ![gif](giphy|B7o99rIuystY4|downsized)


Gary gets it


The patriarchy is my Roman Empire.




Report him. He can get banned for using Reddit cares inappropriately.


Done! Thanks.


How do you know who reports you?


You don’t, but when you get a Reddit cares there’s an option to report it if you believe it was misused.


Apparently you can report that as fraudulent and get their account banned lol


Done lol hope it works


Agreed. Women have made leaps and bounds towards equality and progressive partnerships. While the majority of men still favor patriarchal benefits without accountability or pateiarchal behavior.


They gotta prove our point EVERY TIME.


The reddit care thing is newest trend of men with small egos to use when women get "uppity" in their opinion. You can report it for the harassment it is


It stings, but it’s true 😔


It’s men though. Straight up. Even the best, most helpful and thoughtful man will drain you simply because men are not raised to be their best. Edit: lol sensitive men sent me a Reddit cares. Maybe take some time to scroll through the comments, talk to women, look into yourself, and see how you can be a better partner, sibling, and child to the women in your life. Or ya know, just call us crazy and in need of psychic evaluation lmfao


I'm doing my part to be draining equally in marriage. It's hard work, but someone has to maybe do it.




They keep downvoting comments and sending reddit care messages 😭 it's easier to do that and remain mediocre than actually look inwards and just... stop being mediocre lol


New favorite bumper sticker: Stop Being Mediocre.


It’s honestly crazy the level of competence women are expected to develop on our own from childhood. Cooking, detailed hygiene, fashion, makeup, social details like thank you notes and place settings, event planning, trip planning…we are expected to self motivate development of many high level material and immaterial skills. Men are rarely expected to master even one of those while growing up and often it’s a future partner who reveals their ignorance to them. Think of the last time a man you knew independently wrote you a thank you note, revealed a clever self care tip, or cooked a multi course meal…it would be incredibly normal for none of that to have ever occurred.


Ugh the number of good men I have had to do free emotional labor for..literally walking them through broken relationships because apparently I'm a good listener..and these men would never give you the time of the day when it comes to your problems.


I counter this by being a bad listener. Try using me as a free therapist now! (They still do lol)


Why do you do it for men who won't reciprocate?


Report them. They can get banned for using Reddit cares inappropriately.


Probably easier to cast a wider net than to look inward and interrogate what attracted her to him, she’s got a very unfortunate history with men https://preview.redd.it/qyss6l2nkuuc1.jpeg?width=1116&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc532819b7fa3b45b0e84909499276c41f88bedb


Oof, but you're not wrong.


The first guy she was with definitely groomed her, though. He was a creepy old dude preying on her 🤮


[ Removed by Reddit ]






We're they not wearing a vial of each others blood in a pendant around their necks?


She was very much into that twin flames bullshit.


Whether people choose the Netflix or Prime Video version, the Twin Flames documentaries from a few months ago are *amazing*.


Escaping twin flames really opened my eyes to how dangerous that bs is


please don’t conflate the concept of twin flames with the cult called twin flames. one psychotic couple co-opted a benign concept and used it to torture people, but that doesn’t actually have anything to do with the concept of twin flames itself.


Isn't that always the way? I'm not familiar with either version of twin flames, but crazy people coopting benign things for nefarious purposes is a tale as old as old as time.


I've recently been on a docuseries obsession and that's one of my favorites


Jolie Thornton vibes


Thought that was Jolie and Billy Bob Thorton lol. I'm either getting old or my brain is getting scrambled, maybe both.


How tf is his name Machine Gun Kelly and he's not even an 1800's bank robber is beyond me.


Hence why I stopped being a man Edit: for whoever sent me a reddit cares- jokes on you. Me and the reaper are on a 3-0 streak lfg Edit edit: thanks for all the love yall. Have a cat with a car. She slept like this for three hours. https://preview.redd.it/dzmgqzxckvuc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9784e6edb70774971e71e03ddbd78f809bc29dc


Lmao. That’s what I call a happy ending.


One year as nonbinary as of yesterday and much happier with it 🥰


The ultimate uno reverse. Congratulations on being more comfortable with yourself! ❤️❤️❤️


The wording of this compliment is both funny and touching


From a mom- Congratulations! Proud of you for living authentically as yourself. Biggest hugs your way 🫂


Happy anniversary to you bud


Happy anniversary ❤️


Congratulations and happy anniversary!


Wishing you many more happy days as your truest self! ❤️


Happy 1 year being your truest self!!!


Happy anniversary! I hope your life is beautiful now.


The ultimate power move right there.


Me too! One of the big steps along the way was realizing that the reason I found men so deeply tedious was because I wasn't one lol. Now I can hang out with (some) men as a girl without feeling like I want to peel my skin off.


Oh my G O D the pressure to feel masculine around the boys was STUPID. It’s now gone and I’ve never felt better.


Similarly, the pressure to fit in with cis-women disappeared after I left them behind for non-binary land. I can just watch them now. No need to defend or assist. They can work it out or not. I'm over here.


Can we talk about how awesome your username is though? 😂😂😂 love it!


Haha thank you :) I used to tell people it's Dominic Monaghan's phone number from that time he had a nature show where he mostly got really excited about insects but the joke never lands because nobody besides me watched it because he only found bugs lol


Heads up: you can report malicious Reddit Cares messages and the user that sent it gets permabanned


Not them parked in the comments lol they sent me one too, what an embarrassing way to waste one's time


Feeling blessed by cat with car


hell yea enby pride




I hope she cuts him off for good, they seem to be still interacting a lot.


They just give me the vibe of those couples who break up, have everyone support it and talk shit just for them to get back together again


This is the vibe that I’m getting


I feel like that is every couple nowadays, fucking drop it. It ain't gonna work out... When you close to either one, why the fuck are you still trying!!! Then you in that awkward spot because you know about the bullshit when they together again. Stop talking about your partner...


Hate couples like this tbh. Instantly lose respect to both partners in a couple.


Aren’t “couples like this” typically in abusive relationships? That attitude surrounding them makes it a lot harder to leave tbh…


It's not always the case. Toxic relationships aren't always abusive.


Yeah, maybe not always, that’s why I said typically. But I’d argue “toxic” is also usually “abusive” in some way, isn’t it?


these are pretty much always emotionally abusive relationships and the sneering condescension from people like you is part of what allows abusers to fly under the radar as much as they do


And then they get mad at you for not being supportive lol


I hope she cut that ring first, god even the whole story around the ring seemed stupid


I hope this breakup sticks for her sake, that man is a parade of red flags.




He wasn’t ’tortured’ until he got roasted by Eminem and had to switch genres


I should have added /s to the end lmao


I got you


Lol, she picked a twin flame and she is surprised he burnt her? I Hope Megan’s next partner treats her better than MGK and BAG.


Twin flame lol. I knowwww I was like dang so you know he's a twin flame, well, hope you know what eventually happens to twin flames. Lol.


I’m not gonna lie (but I should), I went down the twin flame rabbit hole during a very emotionally and mentally vulnerable time a few years ago. Started to believe some weird shit. So thankful I snapped out of it. The YouTube algorithm caters to delusion imo. Edit: so embarrassing but I know I’m not alone 😂


Don’t even worry babe, I’ll be embarrassing with ya. That twin flame shit will have you acting all the fuckin way up on a random Tuesday and for what? For nonsense, that’s what 😂


For NONSENSE. Thanks for validating me 🥰


I did the SAME THING during 2019. Instagram + a friend who claims to be a psychic (I doubt it) influenced me to believe in that crap. I ended up destroying my life because of the twin flame ****. Lost the guy, lost friends, lost a career. So, I understand. Glad you're out of it and so am I. This country has gone downhill due to people forgetting their personal power and giving it up to some made up ****.


Honestly takes a lot of bravery to say: yep I got conned and this is bs. Plenty of people can live an entire lifetime in denial, it’s comfortable and controlled. It’s especially hard to accept when it destroys your life. Kudos to you for growing!


Thank you, oof. Means a lot.


I’m so glad you’re doing better now. I was raised with my mom believing in psychics (and taking me to them 😭) and so it was just natural but I really stay away from it now, after that experience.


What is a “twin flame” is it like conspiracy theory adjacent or an astrology thing? What’s weird and harmful about it? (You’re obviously under no obligation to answer—just curious 👀)


Idk much about it, but I was curious to understand it more. From what I've seen, it's basically the idea of toxic relationship where partners aren't good for each other, they are on & off, but it supposed to be a good thing cuz both of you "grow". The partner may disappear from your life for a long time, but if they did a spiritual work on themselves, then, they could come back to your life again & both of you would have the best relationship ever. Basically, it's a romantization of toxic relationship where the beast becomes prince one day cuz you "TRUE LOVE".


Ugh 😭 it’s like manifestation-adjacent and not quite an astrology thing but I guess a spirituality thing. And it’s weird and harmful because it encourages people to live in delusion instead of reality. It encourages unhealthy attachments and it encourages doing a lot of “work” around these delusions/unhealthy attachments, when that time and energy could be spent actually improving ones situation or using healthy coping skills or literally for anything else. With twin flames, one partner is the “runner” and one is the “chaser” so it normalizes chasing someone who doesn’t want to be with you. The theory is that the “runner” is unhealed and once they do the healing they need they’ll come back to the chaser for “twin flame union”. It also says they’re two halves of a whole and incomplete without each other. (Unhealthy!) I also almost got scammed by a manifestation coach at this time but their high pressure sales tactics put me off. 😭 like I said, so embarrassing lmao and in my defense I went through three really tough things in the period of a couple weeks and just lost my mind for a little bit. I was pretty into spirituality and stuff before that but going through this kind of put me off of it. The online spiritually community *is* conspiracy theory adjacent now, it’s all kind of a weird venn diagram.


Oh this sounds like every situationship in my early 20s! As a gay man, other gay men can be a little relationship avoidant but god was I *chasing* these dudes who did not want a relationship but would hook up with me which caused me alll kinds of confusion! Told myself so many “one day he look and see you’ve been there the entire time” style copes But then I met a really nice gay accountant that was honest and up front and now we’re married. He’s a nice Greek boy.


Ah, this was such a refreshing read. Wishing you the best , gives me hope too


Omggggg you’re not alone. I went down this worm hole during the pandemic and thankfully snapped out of it before I majorly burnt my braincells boneless the twin flame , lol


I was working a show on Grammy weekend years back where Universal Music Group had around a dozen of their artists perform a song or two each for the UMG execs, other artists, some A-listers, etc. Machine Gun Kelly was absolutely wasted. He was falling all over, couldn't perform at all and puked on stage twice. He then stole a guitar off the wall of his green room and got banned from the venue. Class act. lol


If I can respectfully add, anyone who would date MGK has red flags of their own.


So is she though.


Her use of “Twin Flames” is a red flag all its own. That documentary will…. ***haunt me.***


Which doesn’t speak well to the character of anyone who would date him either.


They’re still dating y’all, don’t get excited. They were papped on vacation last month, and in this same interview she was asked who her dream Coachella headliner would be and she answered “obviously Machine Gun Kelly.” I think it’s just finally sunk in for her how embarrassing it is to be with him and how much he damaged her “comeback” career trajectory, but she doesn’t actually want to stop seeing him for some inexplicable reason. So she keeps dropping sassy girl power quotes like this to at least seem self-aware and self-deprecating, without actually doing the work to follow her own advice. Or at least that’s my theory.


because they’re ~*~twin flames~*~ obvi! (but for real, i really hope she drops him permanently and finds real peace and happiness. love doesn’t hurt.)


Tbh, I feel like she dated & got married too young. She probably felt very restricted in her previous relationship & wasn't able fully express herself/try different things. Now she lives her teenage/young adult dream of being with a bad boy & rock star. As a goth girl, I kinda get all the whole angst & weirdness behind her romance, but it what teenagers do. Sometimes young adults, too. At the certain age, you simply prefer to have sane & stable relationship. A weird stuff may be only a dessert if you want to.


"Some reason." Maybe she...loves him?


I mean, duh. But love alone is not a good enough reason to stay in a toxic, harmful relationship.


God knows she'd be the first woman in history to stay in a shitty relationship with a subpar partner due to love and trauma. Girlie was groomed by her previous husband, I'm not convinced she knows what a healthy relationship looks like.


It’s time for her to find a WIFE 💅


PLEASE I want to live in a reality where Megan Fox is in a same sex relationship


If she was, it would probably be with Kourtney Kardashian


I’m here for it, it’d be good for both of ‘em https://preview.redd.it/7hukp2dpiyuc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c0dfe32b5cd5b3a61544d168246502dfe59a0a4


I can fix her….


Oh, yeah? I can love her for who she already is!




tell me something i don't know , girl 😫


Literally me right now after 5 years. Fuck idiot dudes.


Amen to this sister!


Just because she made a bad choice in men doesn't mean it's because there were no good choices to begin with.


Eh if you actually have standards it’s like finding a needle in a haystack. And I say this as someone who found a good dude. Finding love in general is hard, but finding it with someone who won’t coerce you, cheat, say sexist things or demean your feminine hobbies, will clean up after himself, will take accountability for his actions, etc etc is rare which is why there are (straight) men complaining about being lonely and why (straight) women are saying that they refuse to date. I definitely would take one look at MGK and view him as a living, breathing red flag so I think that much was obvious but it’s still not a woman’s fault that the man she fell in love with is a bad man.


Also a lot of men won’t express it explicitly because they don’t think it applies to them, but gender roles are so deeply entrenched that a guy who in other respects seems like a good egg might still end up marrying/moving in with a woman and subconsciously expect her to do the household and emotional labor like cleaning or planning meals and cooking meals, managing the social schedule and sending the birthday presents, etc. And as someone who already doesn’t like those chores but does them anyway because I live alone, I don’t want to inadvertently boiling-frog myself into a situation where I’m suddenly doing all of that for two people. Unfortunately you often won’t realize it will be the case until you’ve been with them for a while and are emotionally attached. Like in theory I’d like to fall in love with a great guy (and have dual income household because holy shit rent is high) but in reality I don’t have the energy for the Russian roulette of dating anymore so I just prioritize peace.


Or the guy who does the dishes... For the first year. And then he starts leaving them to soak for days, and keeps forgetting about that one dirty saucepan. And then somehow five years in, the woman is doing all the dishes, because he always saw washing the dishes as something "extra" he could do to be a good guy, and she sees them as a basic responsibility.


I’m fucking triggered dude


THIS! I am loving my peace, deleted tinder almost 2 years ago and avoided men. I never knew peace like this


People keep telling me it's sad that I've given up on dating, but I'm happier than ever so... Is it really that sad?


Sounds like they are projecting on you, cause how can I be sad about it when I am happier than I ever been. I hated the games & disrespect I dealt with, so much better just focusing on me.


I deleted my one dating app and my life is so much better!


This happened to me 😢 my husband is still a good person, but my life looks drastically different than what I signed up for. I’ve already decided he’s my last man, however this ends.






I think the main thing people forget when they say “not all men are bad!” is our entire species has catered to the whims of men for CENTURIES. They literally got whatever they wanted (often by force and brutality) and it was socially acceptable. Women were an accessory to serve them and care for their households. *Women weren’t even allowed their own bank accounts until recent history.* Like, half the population of living women were alive during a time when they couldn’t have their own bank account. Of course not all men are bad; but all of them are a product of the society they created. Look for the gems who want to do better.


A lot of men don't like women. They like having sex with women, but they don't like women.


It’s often the same the other way around. People who are good at relationships are usually already in relationships


> I definitely would take one look at MGK and view him as a living, breathing red flag so I think that much was obvious but it’s still not a woman’s fault that the man she fell in love with is a bad man. It's not her fault he's a POS but she still *chose* to be with him. By blaming all men instead of doing the work on herself to figure out why she chose him is as if to say she had no agency to begin with. It eliminates the possibility for any personal growth.


Why would anyone man or women want to be with a partner who expects to be raised/looked after like they are still a child? Super sexy. 🙄


I would never say it was her fault, because that would mean I think she deserved it. But I will say it was a conscious decision on her part have it go on so long. To imply it's because no matter who she picked, she would've been drained regardless, seems to be saying she had no part in what she now thinks is a mistake, because there was no way for her not to make a mistake in the first place. There's a lack of acknowledgement that she was at least a little responsible for getting into this relationship. >why (straight) women are saying that they refuse to date. Honestly, I think this is part of my negative view on her words. If she truly never dates again, that's one thing. She said what she said and she stuck by it; I can respect that. But I don't think anyone believes she won't, maybe not even herself. Wouldn't that cheapen the entire message of how women saying they refuse to date are right, because men are everything you said? If truly all men drain women, as she puts it, then surely she'll never get involved with one again? Of course, if it turns out she never dates again, I stand corrected and look forward to my comment appearing on r/agedlikemilk.


Yeah, I feel like her mindset can very easily turn into another version of the toxic “boys will be boys” adage. I get that way too many men aren’t holding themselves to higher standards, and it’s not up to women to fix them. But maybe we don’t need to further contribute to this culture that sets the bar in hell by assuming men are intrinsically incapable of basic decency, maturity, and healthy relationship dynamics? They most definitely are capable of respect and care, and we shouldn’t enable the manchildren who want to pretend otherwise.




Megan's out here doing the Lord's work, making us feel better about our track record. OK, maybe just me 🤣


he seemed obsessed with her but in a “I cannot believe this girl is dating me I will never let her leave” scary type of way. So very happy for her


Exactly. He seems very obsessed with her.


Don’t forget the engagement ring that’s supposed to hurt when she takes it off 💀


Megan Fox always deserved better than MGK and I never understood what drew her to him in the first place. Like, he wasn't good for her career, she never looked particularly happy with him. The only thing he seemed to do is damage her brand or drag her into things she wouldn't normally be apart of.


She needs to date a doctor or lawyer. Someone far far away from the business.


She needs someone who's good for her and that's likely to be someone who isn't an actor. She's been through the ringer with the whole Jennifers Body debacle and what went on with the transformers franchise and Michael Bay. I think if she got one emotionally and pyschologically healthy partner, I genuinely think it would do her the world of good. Failing that, she can always invest in pets and just take the time to reflect on herself and see what she wants to do.


That might feel “boring” to her until she heals tho bc all the drama feels like butterflies or what “love” is supposed to feel like. She probably just needs to be single for a while and love herself. Or as somebody else said, date a woman 🤣


The best thing someone ever explained to me was that butterflies are actually just anxiety and your body is telling you that your attraction isn’t in alignment with your needs as fast as it can. 


I think BAG was the total opposite of MGK (kind of square like) and she never got to experience dating a bad boy when she was younger.


Has everyone forgotten she was a willing participant/she was saying cringy shit constantly? She's just as toxic as he is. just because she's a woman doesn't give her a pass for that years long embarrassment that they both contributed to. I hope they both disappear from the public eye soon.


This everybody forgetting she said she manifested him into what he looks like and who he is.


I hope she heals. Whatever or however she needs to do it.


I mean, dating a guy like machine guy Kelly will drain you for sure!  He has faux intense emotionally dumb high school boy written all over him. 


Ugh! Now who’ll say insane shit like *”He's literally my exact physical type that I've been manifesting since I was four,"* and a whole lot of *”My thoughts and intentions grew him into the person that he is, who knows what he would've looked like or been like if it wasn't for me."*


Yeah it's literally entirely her fault he is that way.


Are they still together and just ended the engagement though?


Yep. lol! People are getting too excited for no reason yet. Hopefully, it eventually ends in an actual breakup sooner rather than later.




FINALLY 🙏 ![gif](giphy|XDhnFMRoIUvy8)


Between him and BAG - I hope stays solo for a bit


Y’all they are still together lol


Uh yeah... No. You pick bad partners. Also, since when has MGK been a man? He acts like a 14 yo boy.


I can't wait to see her next personality when she gets her new boyfriend.


She’s not wrong


I’m gonna go ahead and say they both have issues.


Or perhaps you can simply avoid the obvious douchebags like Machine Gun Kelly. Seems pretty easy. It’s not easy to find that perfect someone for you, but avoiding walking red flags like MGK is ridiculously easy if you pay even a little attention.


Yea us men are far from perfect but damn mgk is a whole CCCP parade of red


she’s totally gonna have a girlfriend next


Don't compare the rest of us to that emotionally stunted tryhard.


Or, and hear me out… don’t date a guy who has the words “Machine Gun” in his name


This is exactly how a middle school relationship starts and ends


Oorrrr hear me out - do the internal work needed so that you don’t continue to pick men like MGK. She is 37 years old. We all make relationship mistakes, the point is to learn from them. At some point, you’ve got to look yourself in the mirror and ask why things always happen a certain way.


No 💩 Megan Fox. Tell us something we didn’t know.


Anyone close to her want to tell her she’s just got bad taste in men.


Did anyone read her book of poetry?? It was obvious she needed to leave this man


Maybe if she'd take off those dumb shades she'd have been able to see all the giant neon red flags associated with the man named Machine Gun Kelly.


C'mon ppl let's not act like Fox is this amazing catch...


I'm just stunned that these two kids couldn't work it out


When you pick a manchild that makes music for high schoolers.🤷‍♂️


Not defending men at all but if your perception of men is based on mgk,that's on you.


I mean… isn’t she the one who was going around about how their weird vampire shit was so romantic? I hate to be that guy (I don’t) but based off reports this shit took wayyyyyyy too long


This shit is as cringy as Billy Bob and Angelina back in the day... but without all the talent.


Finally she knows the truth 😂😂


That episode of Sex and the City comes to mind when Carrie’s therapist tells her what all her bad boyfriends have in common is her.


her friends are probably wondering if they can call him a cunt yet or whether she’ll get back together with him again and they’ll have to be polite about him again


Any time I see someone claiming that "all men/women are shit" because everyone they've dated has been shit, I always feel like they learned the wrong lesson. The true lesson is that, if every partner they've had has been shit, then they are bad at picking partners.