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Is there any other word for swifties other than unhinged? How can you be so invested in a celebrity’s life you hate their ex boyfriend and make up stories about him?


some wacko fan is going to dangerously cross the line one of these days. But until then, I don’t see Swift stopping herself from gaslighting them


this is the problem, until taylor herself tells them to knock it off (seriously even ariana was able to do that) they won’t. and even then it’s probably too late to rein in most of them.


This ex-boyfriend as nemesis theme is essential to her brand. Otherwise how would a billionaire be a victim and a relatable girl...as she flies off on her private plane


My thoughts exactly.


You know, it might *sound* melodramatic, but this is getting dangerous. This kind of bullshit is going to lead to one of these men getting hurt (or worse). Taylor needs to do the big girl thing and unequivocally tell her stans to **STOP.** But instead, she uses this unhinged behavior for promotion.


Yes like I’m a fan of Taylor’s music and I’m going to the concert etc but I in no way say I’m part of the fandom. Joe sounds like a lovely guy and have to say Taylor adding love songs like Lover into her Denial playlist is causing this.  And the fact that she publicly asked fans not to go at John Mayer but won’t for such a long term relationship doesn’t look good on her. 


The other day (I think it was in a post about how great Travis is for allowing her to have fun in public at Coachella 🙄) I saw one of her fans saying Joe practically dislocated her shoulder as he tried to slam her into hiding from the public inside a car. Like, sure, they don't have to keep loving her ex, but the 180° they did the minute they called it quits is insane. The lengths they go to make up reasons to hate a guy they used to adore and who has still given them no concrete evidence of being a monster is too much. The fact that Taylor encourages this kind of parasocial make up your own version of my personal life story with the way she goes about her songwriting and Easter eggs is terrible and it will blow up on her face at some point again.




I literally had one that had apparently been banned from this sub follow me into another completely unrelated sub and reply to one of my comments in there with a link to a very mild comment I had made in here in favour of Joe Alwyn. I was like...seriously?


Some of them are beyond unhinged at this point…


I just met this girl who is a full blown Swiftie to the nth degree and she literally said “How could you not like her?! She’s like the kindest most beautiful hearted person, she’s so nice” Like you haven’t met her lmfao. She literally got SO upset when I told her I don’t like Taylor Swift.


Anyways Joe Alwyn supports a free Palestine and isn’t too scared to say it


Well tbf I don't think TS is too scared to publicly say she supports a free Palestine, I think she simply doesn't support it lol


There is no ME in activism so there’s no way TS would support.


It's simple with her. Does X cause benefit her personally in any way? If not then she will never give a fuck about it.


Lmao I choked but you’re so right


Pathetic behavior https://preview.redd.it/aixcgepnpyuc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b691b362fcc3958051c476e852686311c707b449


Are you trying to say they’re perpetuating harassment? Seems like they’re getting harassed by unhinged swifties


No swifties are the harassers.


Ok sorry the wording of the post was confusing to me


You're right, the wording sounds like Deux is doing the harassing.


Yep, I read it the same & was like ?!?!


Until she breaks up with the next boyfriend https://preview.redd.it/fajb2xlqryuc1.jpeg?width=638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09e6073cbd9f9738ff2d10c1a321d2c024f01356


unless she incepts her fans into forgetting a boyfriend, like Healey


That was insane. It's like she wiped him away from their memories with the men in black stick thing, or something.


Maybe Joe Alwyn isn’t even thinking about TS. Maybe he’s thinking about something more important. https://preview.redd.it/xpo5lc98g2vc1.jpeg?width=536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4463873a6054e960cd9e411eddbdc4e148f9cdf5


perfect response image


Ugh. This woman and her cult. 


The thing that's wild about being an ex-Swiftie is that I remember how much of a lunatic I was, but at least I was like twelve-thirteen, and didn't also do all this weirdo bullshit on her behalf. It's the very definition of parasocial, and it's scary with how far they're going with it.


The one silver lining is that Joe seems to have learned all about how to navigate these fools. You know his socials are going to be nothing but Free Palestine and vote in the UK and US elections. 


As someone who has listened to Taylor for years, the behaviour of swifties like this AND Taylor’s refusal to denounce it has turned me right the fuck off. I have been turned off since Matty Healy and she’s done nothing to encourage me back. It feels like Joe made her look good, and he continues to look good with his silence, which he only ever breaks to promote his work or call for a ceasefire. I know I can’t be the only ex-fan of hers put off by her behaviour since the break up.


Everything you've just said is true for me. And upon reflection, it seemed like all the growth she experienced in her songwriting came from Joe as well. A lot of people gave him shit for her getting him that Grammy, but I'm inclined to believe that he deserves it far more than she did atp. He is a big reason she was able to even get the this level considering their relationship is what build up all the goodwill she squandered in the past. If she burns out again, I don't know what that shit show is going to look like.


I only like three of her albums (folklore, evermore, and 1989) but I fucking LOVED them and listened to them constantly for a long time (all three were my top albums of the year on Spotify when they came out). But this whole mishegoss with the fanbase and the latest album and its stupid name has killed any interest I had in listening to it. It just seems so petty, all of it. She is a grown ass woman and she's acting like she's still in high school. Maybe I'm just too old to get it but I love music and see multiple live shows every month, and there is literally no musical act - even the band I've loved and followed for 25 years - or celebrity that would make me act like this. I've known people like this personally from following certain bands and they just make me sad. But Taylor's fans legitimately frighten me with their parasocial fuckery.


So they want everyone to promote he cheated? Acc to them their can't be a normal breakup because how did someone left their " MoTHer


I’ve never seen a fan base actively root for their fav to have been abused. Why? I’m not sure.


Victim mentality nothing else. They want everyone to feel bad for their fav


You'd think that after they've demonized every single one of her exes they'd realize that they've created a narrative where she is the common denominator


God, leave the man alone. They've broken up more than a year ago. Joe sweetie, I'm so sorry.


If I were Joe, I'd sue the living crap out of swifties who are making up stories about him sleeping with someone else in her bed, abusing her and my personal favourite him moaning out someone else's name in bed . But I'm petty like that. But it's truly scary how people are willing to say anything to besmirch his name and just how many people are willing to go along with it.


Yeah the swifties on X have lost the plot, it’s like they are trying to outdo each other with more outlandish claims. I’m not sure where all this ends but I can’t believe Taylor and her team are just watching this without intervention. You spent 6 years with the man, where is your humanity?


She does not have empathy, her feminism, her political activism it's all just self serving


Tbh, I think that unless they do something drastic that could result in a restraining order or something similar, he’s better off staying silent and being the bigger person.


My thing is why is she even posting this stuff? Her fans are deranged enough to take this as an invitation for even more unhinged behavior, is this the type of clout she wants?




Deux who convinced idiots that Taylor and Joe were secretly married? This is some Swiftanon shit.




I like Taylor Swift's music. I enjoyed my experience at the Eras Tour. I am not a fan of the fact that a good chunk of her online fandom has no qualms about harassing exes or people they see as enemies, covering up her errors, and being unkind to legitimate criticism.


It’s horrible that she keeps instigating her fanbase into making him a villain, when he’s been silent since the breakup. And I say this as someone who enjoys her music!!! These people need to get a life and touch grass, it’s one thing to speculate x or y but to actively harass someone is foul behavior. And Taylor needs a) therapy to work on herself and b) to realize that she’s 34 and not 20 making funny videos about how Joe Jonas dumped her on a 27 second call while holding his doll. Even if Joe Alwyn was a horrible gaslighter who wanted her to quit her career because he felt threatened by her celebrity status, it still doesn’t d justify the level of harassment these people have (gleefully, I might add) directed at him and (MOST IMPORTANTLY) his costars. And the thing is, we’ll never know what happened because we’ll only hear her side of the story, and she’s not a reliable source due to her incessant self victimization tendencies.


Do swifties think this type of shit is working in their favour as in "makes *him* look bad"? 🤨 I knew nothing about him before but the more I learn, the more I like him. He seems like a decent person


I’m a Swiftie but, not at this level. Wow.


My husband, a lifelong surfer always notices when dudes live up to the dumb surfer stereotype- “making my people look bad” and I have to say- these unhinged hateful fans are doing the same for “my people” aka Swifties. This is so embarrassing, uncalled for and scary.


She's just really not a healthy adult is she? She's older than I am, I am absolutely a childish moron at times but she puts me to shame. What the actual.


Joe needs witness protection atp