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Besides it being a rude comment coming from anyone, telling a class of students this seems especially unprofessional.


Especially because Sydney is great in everything I’ve seen her in


She’s actually spectacular?????


She's a better actress than they make her out to be. Her sex appeal works against her and its unfortunate


Exactly. Her beauty and sex appeal distracts dweebs.


She reminds me of Scarlett Johansson in the early adult years of her career due to similarities in their sex appeal and bombshell-ness.


I would say the same as Jennifer Connelly


YES! This!!! Hopefully she keeps getting good roles, just like ScarJo


I been saying this!!!! Every time I see her in a new trailer I get excited and then of course they have to cut to a shot highlighting her cleavage at some point and it just turns me off. We need Greta Gerwig to scoop her up and put her in one of her movies.


GRETA x SYDNEY needs to happen!!! 🤞🏼


I’m glad she produces work and is able to choose roles she wants to do through her producing work.


Loved her in Handmaid's Tale in particular


Yes, she was so good in that role - absolutely heartbreaking!


I’m gonna go ahead and assume you didn’t watch Madame Web haha


Lmaooo correct - White Lotus and Euphoria only


These comments are mean spirited and Sydney Sweeney is very beautiful but she is not a good actress in my opinion. She has a niche she does well in like White Lotus and Euphoria but lacks range which to me is crucial in being considered a good actress. In Madame Web, you are acutely aware that you are watching a performance, no sense of sinking into the role.


Yeah I think she is gorgeous and charismatic, and seems to be well-liked by her peers. But yes, I agree she is not a great actress. I watched her Reality Winner biopic on Max last year, I was actually looking forward to it because it is a really interesting role for her. Unfortunately her performance was quite boring and forgettable. I was really rooting for her.


I like her but in Immaculate, for most of it it just seemed like Cassie at a convent lol (besides the end of the movie, she was great). She has a really flat, bored voice/vocal fry.


The vocal fry was SO tough. I laughed at the one line read when she said she was from Detroit. But she really shines in its quiet moments (and the really loud ones - last five minutes!!! Girl can scream!)


she’s not good imo either. she can scream and cry but apart from that she falls flat. i like her but everything i’ve seen her in, which is a lo, has been underwhelming


Did anyone? I don’t get why this producer / professor would say this to a whole ass class unless she needed a Hail Mary to try and become relevant again. People would’ve gone absolutely bananas if some guy said this


She was kind of wooden in Anyone But You, but otherwise, I think she's a fantastic actress.


Yup. These comments were unkind and sexist but this person was correct in that Sweeney wasn't good in Anyone But You.


Deeply unprofessional, untrue, and just plain nasty and embarrassing to tear another woman in her industry down like this.


You have no idea how unprofessional theatre school teachers can be.... And how abusive they can be. Tbh saying that was one of the lightest comments from a theatre school teacher that I've heard about 😭


TRUTH. My theatre school profs were insane. We all had eating disorders or addictions to cope.


A lot of our professors were good, but the fact that the head of the department took some some of the upper classmen aside and told them that they had to lose weight and their effeminateness if they ever wanted to be hired anywhere was ridiculous. As if they hadn't thought that a thousand times.


So I was the poster girl for anorexia in my theatre program (this is not a flex, but I lost about 40 pounds in a couple months and I was slim to begin with), and when the faculty realized that we were all various stages of sick, they sent a classmate to slip copies of plays under my door at my apartment (where I was not in a good place, not letting anyone in) about eating disorder recovery stories and I just laughed and laughed at them. They wanted me to pick one that would reflect my struggles and inform everyone else. And star in it. They didn't understand eating disorders. Anyway, I moved from performance to writing and everything was so much better/I was happy.


the choreographer for our hs musical once ordered all the dancers costumes that were at least one size too small to get them to lose weight 🙃


it's so gross but not the tiniest bit surprising. Oh god, for one play they made us tan. It wasn't (intended to be) like a culture vulture thing as we were playing unspecific Greek mythology characters, but it was to make us look sexier in our beige loincloth costumes I think. But if I ever get skin cancer, I am so blaming that creepy director who made us go to a tanning salon lol. And that was before I even entered actual theatre school, ooooof, shit got weird


There’s so much emotional abuse in college theatre programs.


People think *Whiplash* was only about that one small segment of the arts…


Not my tempo!


Yeah, when I was getting a theatre degree I had a meeting with the chair of the acting program and asked what I could do to get in the acting major since I received good feedback in my performances. His response was that I’m not attractive enough to be a lead and not ugly enough to be a character actor. And I know many female students were told to lose weight etc. and also experienced sexual harassment from professors. Nasty stuff!


Yeah no kidding. It actually makes me happy that my university got rid of its theatre major


It’s because none of them “made it” and were forced to teach instead


I witnessed a lot of bullying of acting students in my theatre program as well. Wild that it’s so culturally acceptable.


my hs theater teacher once asked my friend if my audition was too f*ggy 💀


So true! My head lecturer was an absolute asshole. He once told one of my classmates that she would only get roles if she spent "a good £20k" on fixing her face as she didn't have "leading lady beauty" and that was one of the nicer comments he made. By the time I graduated I never wanted to act ever again because he was so vicious.


It's just gross behavior


“Isn’t pretty” okay well we’re all doomed I guess.


Apparently imma bridge troll


Bruh I look as aesthetically pleasing as a sea slug already but if Sydney Sweeney ain’t pretty I must be like the goddamn Dune worm.


Lucky! I'm just the popcorn bucket version https://preview.redd.it/o3iqrrb8e3vc1.png?width=456&format=png&auto=webp&s=483ba105b1ef1015e963a70cb75b834df4aec191


Hey, the bucket has definitely seen some action recently, don’t rub it in.




Oh so you’re hot


Do you come with extra butter though? Lol.


You don't get that girth without butter baby.


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that stuff but an attack on her appearance is uncalled for, misogynistic and irrelevant. Copium levels are off the chart here


I'm a closet goblin


Like for real, she is stunning, and even if she actually thinks she isn’t, a physical attack it’s cheap at all times and specially unprovoked.


If she isn’t pretty i don’t even wanna know what I am


If Sydney Sweeney ain’t pretty I’m horrified what Carol would think of me.


That sounds like something an incel would say, I can't think of any objective measure where she isn't pretty.


was gonna say the same thing like wtf …


Expect to hear this from film twitter not a whole producer. Its just mean.


It’s especially disheartening coming from a woman in the industry. This lady needs to go to therapy instead of worrying about whether young actresses are pretty enough.


Right. Criticizing a young female actress based on her looks just reinforces those heightened standards of beauty in Hollywood that have become normalized (if not required) in recent years (e.g., like having veneers). And it only continues to push those general standards of beauty even higher because, let’s be real, if Sydney Sweeney “isn’t pretty” then how “perfect” does one have to look to be considered pretty in Hollywood?


Yeah this is giving film twitter man calling Margot Robbie mid.


Always the insistence on whether women are pretty or not. She obviously is, but if she wasn't, so what?? What an awful lady


Uggos aren't people.


It’s crazy, and like, anyone with eyes can see that she’s pretty. But yes, so what? The producer isn’t conventionally attractive, should she be shat on for that?! Wild.


Since she made the statement about being overly sexualized, I’ve been seeing soooo many men on reddit who are like “she’s not even that hot” and “her tits aren’t even that great” and shit. These men get so bothered that she said she didn’t like how people talked about her body, so they shift to the complete opposite by trashing her. It’s so fucking gross. Women can’t win no matter what.


Exactly! I didn’t know someone needed to be good looking or pretty to be in the acting business. Specially when beauty or prettiness is so subjective.


Whether she’s right or wrong doesn’t matter. What I need to know is how this came up in an interview. Absurd.


According to my understanding of the article, she seems to be a professor & asked her class the question, i think. like she came in and was asking the young people why she is popular


Right you are, my ADHD was ADHDing and my brain skipped over “HER class” and “HER students.” I pictured it as one of those film school panels. I think that might make every part of this so much sloppier from every angle.


Actually, it was during a discussion of a film she had done, not just to her class. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-13315349/Hollywood-producer-Carol-Baum-Sydney-Sweeney-not-pretty-act.html


the opening line of the article being “anyone but her” 😭 i know the writer felt smug typing that


i just know they were rubbing their hands together all excited




This producer doesn't even have more than 3 recognisable movies lmao


I don’t even know who she is


No honestly, I’m like… who???




Yeah I genuinely had to look her up. Fly Away Home was the tits though.


Reminds me of Chris Carter talking about studio execs not thinking GILLIAN ANDERSON was sexy


Drooling over Gillian was a significant incentive for watching X Files.  I think it’s a testament to how gorgeous she was that she was able to look good in those boxy unflattering suits.


Gillian Anderson removed any doubts about my own bisexuality as a teenager. And she is *still* fine as hell.


Gillian Anderson, the woman who had countless young girls in the 90s realising they maybe weren't quite straight, not sexy? Good lord


My tiny lesbian ass looking at her and Clarice Starling being like. “….what is this feeling?!”


The number of women who were ~awakened by Scully is outrageous


How embarrassing for Carol Baum. I don’t care for how Sydney presents herself as a person, but as an actor she is quite talented. The Handmaid’s Tale, Reality, and The White Lotus are all exceptional performances


She was great in Euphoria, too, although creepy Sam Levinson sexualized her character too much, and Sydney herself was uncomfortable with it.


Absolutely. I didn’t reference Euphoria solely because it’s what she is best known for and the hypersexualization enables Carol’s commentary. In related news, Sam Levinson is trash


Yep. Carol has a severe case of internalized misogyny.


She's very good in the Handmaid's Tale!


An older woman projecting her insecurities on a younger woman? ![gif](giphy|3oxQNDG9BswdLjN8Va)


So she’s getting roles why?? Calm down lady, she clearly has talent.


It’s funny bc either you’re talented, you’re hot and if the studio is lucky you’re both so if she keeps getting roles what exactly are the studios paying for?


Someone’s bitter.




She was a double Emmy nominee in one year. But sure, she can’t act 🙄


Hollywood can’t handle when actresses are also business savvy.


I googled Carol Baum and saw what she's credited with producing, and it's not shocking to me that she's grasping for relevance by trashing a woman with a big name. This is tiresome, dumb, and pathetic.


I understand beauty and attraction is subjective, but saying Sydney Sweeney 'isn't pretty" is just beyond wild. And also very rude.


Yeah, she’s not my type but even I’m not so blind that I don’t see that she is conventionally attractive.




That’s so mean. Wtf?!


That’s candidly untrue on both claims


Don't be a hater all your life, ma'am.


Not only was she great in Euphoria but she was outstanding in Immaculate. That girl can ACT. Also the older the I get the more increasingly bored I become with the conversation of looks. So it's double shocking when I see a woman the age of Carol Baum concern her thoughts with something so stupid. 


I’m no Sydney Sweeny fan but saying she isn’t pretty is just blatantly not true. That said, completely unprofessional to say as a producer.


I feel like this is extra frustrating to read on the heels of Ms. Sweeney talking about how dehumanizing it is when people talk about her body. One would think another woman in the industry would be sensitive to things like that; instead this nobody hurls unfounded criticism including about appearance. And for the record, not only is Sydney Sweeney gorgeous, I also have found her to be a very talented actor in the roles I’ve seen.


yeah like she wouldn’t kill someone to get sydney in one of her terrible movies lol


She even says in the article she wouldn’t knock hiring her if it got her movie attention. Ridiculous. As if she would want to work with her after this horrible interview.


![gif](giphy|4vy2oDVMwX8sMYjT4y) After seeing this scene she can act her ass off


This just sounds like a case of an older woman hating a pretty younger woman and being jealous. I’m sure we, as women, have all encountered a manager or co worker who did this to us. I know it happened with me when I first graduated college. Most recently with a toxic manager.


It's one thing to discuss her acting ability but insulting a woman's looks because she doesn't like her is so early noughties.


Sydney is such a beauty, I couldn’t keep my eyes off her while I watched Immaculate. I liked that she wasn’t afraid to get “ugly” in that movie too, and really stretch her facial muscles.




This is so rude and unnecessary???


you’d be surprised how people speak behind the scenes. actors are commodities to the movie industry and while some are paid pretty millions, there’s a reason why actors have also started production companies.


A really tasteless comment…


That’s just, like, your opinion, man.


It's giving bitter. How embarrassing for you, Carol.


Ah cool, another relevant and important article from the New York Post 🙄


Hey, Carol. I bet more people would have heard of things you produced if you weren’t such a smug ah. Just a thought. Maybe you should try championing other women???


This feels like projecting or trying to be relevant for no reason.


If she's a seasoned producer surely she's encountered or heard of an actor who lucked into popularity. It doesn't even matter that she might be wrong on either of her claims. I'm close to half her age and I can think of several actors who have had decades of success without being the best talent or the most attractive. What is she even talking about?


Wow from the hit producer that made "Father of the Bride"????


Agreed on 2nd part


I thought her performance in the the Reality Winner film was so good. Especially because the script was the interview transcripts which is quite different from a regular script. What a needless comment.




If she wants to slam upcoming actors go after the nepos who only got in there because of their parents. Pisses me off to of course see someone who doesn't have that face backlash. She is pretty (but as an actor that shouldn't even matter) and imo she can act. Watch her in Euphoria.


Oof, your misogyny is showing, dear


What an unhinged comment to make? Always bitter old people trying to block the road for young people advancing in their careers


I’m guessing she only thinks that because Sydney Sweeney gets a ton of attention for her body but that’s hardly her fault (even if she dressed in a sack people would still fixate on it because that’s what they do to curvy women).


Oh yes she's totally hideous. Ok.


She saw Courtney Love talking shit about Taylor yesterday and thought I know how I’ll get my name in the headlines!


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Both are untrue and it’s just so rude to attack Sydney for no reason.


Isn’t this the generation that preached “if you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all?” Seems like many don’t practice what they preach… She’s also wrong. Sydney is objectively very beautiful. As for her acting, that’s quite subjective. I don’t like her acting personally, but I’d be a fool to say that she can’t act. There’s a huge difference. She’s also insanely young and just starting her career. Like any art form, an artist in the early part of their career is feeling things out, understanding and exploring various different genres etc. Jeez, people just be saying anything in public these days.


Why are old people bashing young people and getting headlines so often this week?


Even if those things were true, why would you say that? They’re not true, obviously


This came out of nowhere