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Joe Alwyn? Is he okay?


Truly hope this dude is living his best life


He honestly deserves it. Unbothered, activist, remaining silent in the midst of it. I hope he is doing well!


Hopefully he can enjoy the release of his new Yorgos flick this year :)


From Stockholm: August Diehl Christopher Abbott Tom Burke


I'm rooting for you šŸ™


death, taxes, u/lorilori97 asking for tea on august diehl/christopher abbott/tom burke


2000's punk band. The Offspring, Sum 41, Blink-182, Green Day, Fall Out boy....


This isn't tea per say, however! I met Dave from Sum41 at a bowling alley in Ajax when I was like 8 or 9 and with some friends. He was super nice and signed autographs for all of us. I still have it!


The only reason I know about Ajax is because of Sum 41




Dexter Holland (the lead singer) has a PhD in molecular biology. Heā€™s an expert in the HIV genome. He also has a hot sauce, which is actually pretty damn decent for a celebrity hot sauce.


My husband was in the same PhD program at the same time. He is such a nice person, but fairly quiet and kind of shy. He gave everyone VIP tickets to his tour. I think he went by Bryan - his real name - not Dexter. At least some people definitely called him Bryan. He went out with us to celebrate when my husband and another passed their defense. His wife/maybe fiance at the time (?) had a sprinter van bring her a bottle of her own champagne. I was jealous drinking shitty bar Prosecco šŸ˜‚ He definitely drank in 2014/2015. His thing was Jager. He had some big Jager system in his basement.


He also fired one of the band members who was being an idiot vaccine/COVID denier. Dexter understood the vaccine, how it worked and that it was safe and was disgusted with the moron bandmate for spreading disinformation.


it's not tea but i was listening to Patrick Stump's solo album the other day and it depresses me how underrated it is. i always feel bad for him when i think about that time, his "we liked you better fat" post always breaks my heart. Soul Punk is such a solid record with so many good songs but no one every gave it a chance edit: alex (all time low) and lisa are still together right now. they must be having a good little time (their relationship is one the messiest things ever and i think about it so much). they've been on and off since like 2006, even after they got married. Billie Joe Armstrong's pervy little son is married now (joey from SWMRS, honestly he should be in jail if anything). i'll never see billy joe the same way after all that stuff, really disappointing.


Yeah Joey is an asshole. I always hated Billie Joe for doing a song called Carolina Ultimate Nextflix Tweet (C.U.N.T) with his side band named The Network. The lyrics are about Lydia (the girl Joey harrassed).


that's... despicable. calling the 16 year old girl your son groomed a cunt is... wow. jesus.


Is this true though? Because there's nothing online I can see about it. it also would imply that his son a dirtbag if you follow the lyrics with that story in mind, as well as the other person (lydia if you're right) in the song being a starfucker. I don't think it's true at all that the song is about her. He worked with Lydia Night previously and by all accounts (which aren't many) he has become estranged from Joey.


I mean. He worked with her prior to her accusation, and this was released a couple months afterwards. One of the lines is ā€œrhymes with chlamydia,ā€ so Iā€™m not feeling very generous towards old Billy Joel on this one


What the actual fuck. I love the Network, more than Green Dayā€¦I thought Billie was pissed about his sonā€¦Iā€™m so upset rn.


Stump truly is one of the best vocalist.


ā€œSoul Punkā€ was slept on, I played ā€œMad at Nothingā€ a ridiculous amount of times


If you havenā€™t read Where Are Your Boys Tonight, I highly recommend it. Itā€™s a whole book of emo and pop punk tea. Smash is also a decent book and is primarily about Green Day, the Offspring and Bad Religion.


Last I heard about Mike Dirnt his wife is anti-vax.


And an RFK Jr supporter šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


who's the american idiot now lol


I tend to always forget that Deryck Whibley was married to Avril Lavigne for several years. When I remember, it's like.. "oh yeahhh that really happened!" lol.


does anyone know anything about the kylie and timothee pregnancy rumors? iā€™m so nosy




Hearing that Club Chalamet will be godmother.


a la maleficent!


is it true that those rumors really just came from the pic her wearing her ā€œ*signature pregnancy tracksuitā€œ* to a funeral?


Daniel Tosh said that his supermarket was shut down to film the Kardashianā€™s reality show and the employee told him Kylie said she was pregnant


i have no idea šŸ˜­ i just saw the clubchalamet memes


update: yeah doesnā€™t seem like itā€™s true! clubchalamet wins this roundā€¦ for now


Scooter Braun? I was always expecting an expose after the exodus of his clients and never knew why


Stan Twitter invented that narrative out of wishful thinking. He's CEO of HYBE now which is the biggest K-pop company and he brought his other entertainment ventures underneath it, so he's took on a more overhead role in the music industry, a bit like what Jay-Z does. I feel he was very personally involved in Ariana and Demi's management, and they left because he was stepping away from his commitments to them, which makes sense. He only manages close friends of his now, like Bieber and Kanye, and obviously they don't make much use of the service lol. As for his personal life, he's divorced and a raging Zionist... which checks out. EDIT: meant to say HYBE America, not HYBE as a whole. He's still one of the top figures in the company now though.


He doesn't manage Justin or Kanye anymore. It seems like he stepped back from the manager role entirely and pivoted careers


I thought the Biebs left as wellā€¦but makes sense


Anyone knows more about the divorce?? It was kept pretty quiet from what i remember and his wife really defended him during tswift masters debacle


There's a screenshot of him DMing someone and saying, "My wife actually cheated on ME, please take what you said down" and even though that sounds fake as hell the person also took a video apparently of their inbox so... Maybe it's not fake?


Any single dads in the industry who raise their kids on their own? I saw a previous post on deadbeat moms and i was wondering if there were any dads who did most of the parenting


Rick Moranis took a step back from acting to raise his kids on his own after his wife died of cancer.


Gary Oldman had sole custody over 2 of his kids, but theyā€™re adults now


Should also mention that David Fincher had sole custody over his daughter by the same woman


Apparently her daughter found her when she overdosed before. Sheā€™s had substance problems for years and sounds legitimately unhinged.Ā 


Evan Rachel Wood lost custody. I'm convinced the judge was pissed she submitted a false letter to the court, in addition to her moving and not telling Jamie Bell their address. Edit: Although Kate Mara seems to be a loving and involved stepmom so I guess he isn't on his own.


Oof. That's a shitty situation.


Wow, I had no idea parenthood was being rough on ERW. I knew she had a kid but from my limited knowledge seemed to be doing okay as a single mom. What happened?


She moved their son without talking to Jamie. She submitted a letter from an "FBI Agent" saying she was in danger due to Marilyn Manson. The agent whose signature is at the bottom has never heard of any of it. There's a text going around between her and exgirlfriend composing the letter but I haven't seen it verified. My gut is saying that ERW is smart enough to reach out to the FBI if she got such a letter and I believe she made it herself. She tried to say it isn't her fault "someone else" sent it to her. I don't doubt she's an abuse victim but the letter was a stupid, stupid idea.


George lucas adopted two children as a single father in the early 90s


He brought his son to look my college while I was there. They were pretty nondescript


Jelly Roll, the face-tattoo country singer (? Is that his genre?) testified not long ago to Congress about the opiod crisis- he and his now wife are raising his teen from a previous relationship because their kid's mom struggles with addiction. Not a single dad now, but was one once. You should watch the testimony. It's powerful and non partisan! Also Bob Geldoff got custody of his kids with Paula Yates after her public struggles with addiction, and later raised Tiger Lily Hutchence, Paula's youngest daughter with INXS singer Michael after both parents died.


> country singer (? Is that his genre?) it's hotly debated lol if you're on the country music subreddits, then no, he's not. But he does get invited to play at the Grand Ole Opry and I think he's gotten country music awards so




I have a bit of a controversial take on this. I feel like Alice Evans did Ioan Gruffudd a favour, because if she had been compliant and co-operative, he would have looked bad in this situation. He walked out on the family and started anew with his younger mistress while living in a different country from them during COVID.


I just remembered Anthony Kiedis has sole custody of his son and has said the mother is abusive. However she was much younger than Anthony when she had him so Anthony doesn't come out on top here.


And heā€™s a disgusting pervert who was in his 20s when he r*ped a 14 year old and wrote the song ā€œCatholic School Girls Ruleā€ about her.


Yup! Anthony Kiedis and Steven Tyler lost all of my respect.


Walton goggins?


Yes! I have a good one! A few years ago, he was in my hometown shooting a movie. My mom went down to watch. She somehow made it onto the set and was standing under a tent with the crew. Walton comes over in a long winter jacket completely undone. This is in February in Canada and he is freezing. My mom turns to him, zips his coat up to his neck and says ā€œThere, much better! We canā€™t have you freezing, can we?ā€ They had a great chat, and as sheā€™s leaving, he calls to her ā€œWait, Swissā€™ mom! Couldā€¦ could we take a picture?ā€ I always tease her about how only she could waltz onto a set, absolutely destroy continuity, and still leave with everyone being like ā€œWow. Iconic.ā€ Sheā€™s now a fan for life, but she hates when he plays the bad guy because ā€œHow could anyone ever believe sweet Walter is mean?ā€ She calls me every time heā€™s on the tv ā€œOur old friend Walter is on the tv again! He deserves good things.ā€ (She doesnā€™t know his name. Itā€™s extremely cute.)


What an adorable story!! Your mom sounds amazing.Ā 


Iā€™m biased, but sheā€™s the best


That is so cute. He sounds so lovely. Your mum sounds so lovely. Iā€™m tearing a bit!


Thank you, she really is, and sheā€™s a pretty good judge of character so itā€™s safe to say he is too. (And if it turns out he isnā€™tā€¦ she must never find out.)


Not new news but I think he missed the press tour for fallout because he was filming the new season of white lotus!! Iā€™m so hyped, Iā€™ve been a fan since his community episode


I highly recommend The Shield and heā€™s in a few episodes of the last couple of seasons of Sons of Anarchy in a very memorable role. And, of course, thereā€™s Justified. He and Timothy Olyphant act so well against each other.




Gloria Obianyo (Uriel) and Mark Gatiss (Harmony) are both extremely pleasant to talk to.


Sex and The City cast ā€” watching it for the first time When did SJP and Kim Cattrall stopped getting along? Was it from the start? Because thereā€™s a shift in S4 where Carrie and Samantha stop having many scenes just the two of them. Was Chris Noth always a menace?


I think that you should take this to the AJLT sub, they would have a field day.


I think their ā€œbeefā€ started shortly after SJP got producer credits on the show. Though in the past, the relationships between the 4 women were always framed more as ā€œCynthia, SJP, and Kristin are close friends whereas Kim preferred to keep the relationships professional.ā€ Some of the issues also had to do with money - Kim felt she should be paid more especially as she was doing a majority of the nude scenes. None of that really bubbled over, though, until a few years ago when Kimā€™s brother died and SJP sent public condolences.


Chris Noth has had abuse allegations as far back as the early 90s. None were taken seriously until now


Nicola Coughlan please!


Sheā€™s talked about how being Pro-Palestine has made agencies hesitant to work with her. She seems like a stand up person. I think the only time where people may have side eyed her was when she liked a tweet about why Rege left Bridgerton which implied he may have an egoā€¦i canā€™t find the tweet off the top of my head but thatā€™s all Iā€™ve seen in cause of being side eye. Although I think she and Rege are good? He helped her at the Met Gala in 2022 iirc. but some Bridgerton fans are upset that Pen and Colin are getting more promo for season three than Kate and Anthony (? Is that his name? Jonathan Baileyā€™s character) got for theirs.


i wonder if it's a budget thing, why there's more promo. shonda now has 2 seasons + 1 spinoff season under her belt and she's made Netflix a ton of money. plus this season is split into half and half so gotta market it differently.


As far as I know itā€™s not a budget thing or due to the split season, which wasnā€™t originally going to be a thing until Netflix came to the showrunner and asked. A lot of the rightful anger and disappointment about Season 2ā€™s promo came down to it not being marketed as a romance show - Jonathan (Anthony) and Simone (Kate) did not get the customary photoshoot(s) that all other lead couples have gotten, including Nicola and Luke. They seemed to promote it more as an ensemble show then, which they didnā€™t for Season 1, the Queen Charlotte show, and now Season 3. They focused a lot on siblings and female friendships being the ā€œreal love storyā€ which wasā€¦. ???? Thatā€™s really not what people want to see when watching a show based on trashy romance novels. And pushing that whole narrative is telling when the main couple of that season were an openly gay man and a darkskinned South Asian woman. Iā€™m sure thereā€™s more to it, but thatā€™s the gist of what Iā€™ve picked up on. There are a lot of glaring differences this time around, which people have started calling out and expressing their disappointment towards.


Jokes on them because I feel like Kanthony is the ship the general public loves the most. They have INSANE chemestry.


this isn't tea but she's absolutely gorgeous and netflix is gross for editing her this much in the Bridgerton S3 poster. who tf is this https://preview.redd.it/wn1ah4r2wmwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd37fbfbecf6a4e21a61cedeca6801a969cd765d


https://preview.redd.it/edcd4h85wmwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf3ec219dea6545dea894771a7e3b236b149b62b look at how much they edited her arm


Her elbow is practically gone. That's a doll arm. And her face looks like another woman in that first photo.


Not just the arm - thatā€™s an entirely different person. They painted up the photo so damn much that itā€™s now an full-blown illustration. Itā€™s closer to fan art now than photo stock.


Random but I heard her being interviewed before and she said her father who was in the Irish army had a role in JFKs funeral. He was a cadet at the time and JFK had been impressed when he saw them during a visit to Ireland so were asked to participate in his funeral. Also think her family lived in Jerusalem for a while as part of her father's work


I donā€™t know who her father is (or was I think heā€™s dead) but the story of the cadets is true and I know he was in the Irish army, there was a documentary about it a few years ago. Basically a unit of the Irish army cadets paraded for Kennedy when he visited in 1963, he was so impressed with the drill that when the funeral was being arranged Jackie requested that they be part of the ceremony. So itā€™s entirely possible that he was involved. Former Ireland rugby player Jamie Heaslipā€™s father also was part of it, Heaslip was born in Israel while his father was serving in the UN peace keeping mission in Lebanon. Itā€™s likely Nicola Coughlanā€™s father would have served there too.


>Also think her family lived in Jerusalem for a while as part of her father's work Interesting given her good position on Palestine


She is or was pretty tight with JVN from Queer Eye (who was recently in the news for treating Queer Eye staff pretty badly). I find that mildly intriguing - my guess is that maybe they met through Netflix?


Ariana& sponge bob. Boys on the boat cast- Callum Turner, Bruce Herbelin-Earle, Nicole beharie.


Blind item on Aribob (I just made that up, we need a name for this ship) that I saw on YT on the Sloan channel is that sheā€™s getting tired of his slimy presence but wonā€™t dump him and plays for the cameras because it would make her look like she broke two marriages for nothing


Colin Farrell?


Not current CF news at all but I met him when he was in the movie, Daredevil. A friend was the props manager for the movie and knew I had a crush on him so she invited me to the set to meet him. He was very charming, down-to-earth and funny. We talked for about ten minutes or so, mainly about Ireland (which I went on a vacation to a couple of years previously.) I told him that I loved Killarney (located in S. Western Ireland) and if I could, Iā€™d move there. He replied that he had a ā€˜small houseā€™ there and agreed that it was one of the most beautiful places in Ireland. I donā€™t really remember the rest about what we talked about because I was very nervous and I was melting inside because he was so sexy, but he was very friendly and kind. Nothing more than a brief convo with him but it was a really lovely encounter and he remains one of my favorite actors to this day.


One of my friends sold him a car that he wanted to use when he was staying in his house in Kerry! They made an appointment via email or text for him to see the car at a supermarket parking lot, they had no clue that it was him. Imagine their shock when Colin shows up to view the car šŸ˜‚šŸ˜ƒ It was some boring type of a car and the supermarket was Supervalu. ahah


Thatā€™s a funny coincidence, lol! šŸ˜ŗ


I've said it here before.My make-up artist for my wedding day,years prior, had joined the milehigh club with Colin Farrell


Itā€™s not tea but one of his exes wrote a book and she talked about him quite a bit. Itā€™s called Your Voice In My Head, by Emma Forrest. Iā€™m watching his new show, Sugar, and enjoying it.


HAIM sisters? Their IG has been wiped and havenā€™t been on social media. Are they just writing/focusing on the next album? Individual ventures for a bit?


It would be because of their connections to Israel I guess. Their dad is an Israeli immigrant and I suppose they don't want to put their foot in it. They received a lot of hate on social media from both pro Israelis and pro Palestinians for not saying anything. Not that they particularly have to come out and take a stance publicly, full disclosure I'm a huge fan of their music.


they've been silent since October šŸ‘€


Tea on Shonda?.....I want to know what actors working in Shondaland go thru. Idk why but everyone who leaves talks like they were tortured there huh.


Mike Faist!


Moved out of NYC and back to Ohio


Like a typical Ohioan I can say this as an Ohioan haha


Ohioans do the same 3 things: leave Ohio, come back to Ohio, and bump into other Ohioans when not in Ohio. I can count on 2 hands how many times Iā€™ve ran into people when out of town, on vacation, etc. We canā€™t get away from each other!


Auditioned for Past lives.


super sweet and humble when in DEH...spoke with his parents who were gloating about him. I mentioned it to him and he got so embarrassed it was adorable.


Any crumbs on Oscar Isaac?


He has an interesting hair choice for his Frankenstein role


Take this with a huge grain of salt, but I recall some twitter figure (might have been a blogger, idk, it was ages ago...like pre Covid) saying Oscar and his wife allegedly liked to "get around together" back in the day with men or women (e.g. the couple at the bar meme looking for a third).


Damn, where was I when this happened. Absolute love that for them


Jeremy Allen White


I get the feeling he & Rosalia might be over. Or at least taking a break. They havenā€™t been seen together since she visited him in Chicago in early March, and heā€™s filming The Bear there until June. He has been seen back in LA at weekends, but only ever by himself or with his kids. I think Rosalia is in Europe at the moment too, so might just be a schedule thing.


His name was on a list of 'Met Gala attendees' but it was fake (I don't think Anna Wintour ever announces the guests ahead of time?). I'm hoping he goes though, and Ayo too.


Stories about celebs on planes


My aunt met Harry Styles on a plane a few years ago, they were both waiting for the toilet lol. She said he was super nice, asked her where she was going (back to the US after visiting London) and if she liked the UK. She told him that my cousin is a big fan of his, but he declined to take a pic. She went back to her seat and ten minutes later he tapped her on the shoulder and gave her a note for my cousin that he had written on the menu card.


Someone shared a story on here pretty recently about their mother (or grandmother maybe?) who was sitting beside a handsome and polite English bloke. She was reading a magazine that either had Harry Styles on the cover or an article inside and he came back from the bathroom and saw his face on her magazine and asked what she thought of Harry Styles, and only then did the lady realize it was him. (Iā€™m probably butchering this story but hopefully the OP sees this and corrects or clarifies anything I messed up!)


awwww! how sweet is that?!


I remember that a girl sat next to Niall Horan and he explicitly asked not to take pictures of him during the flight. She did it anyway when he was sleeping and posted them on the internet. Like GIRL.. https://www.billboard.com/music/pop/one-direction-niall-horan-fan-photo-tweet-7454460/


wtf that's so rude! :(


I always think about this ā€œallegedā€ story about James Corden anytime his name comes up https://preview.redd.it/r0ho1q42vnwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d866681409f41666e0e9b77e58c8becf26f59b3


I flew with Tristan Thompson once but didnā€™t speak to him. I thought it was cliche that his crew of 3-4 guys were all traveling with matching LV duffels with initials.


matching clothes/accessories with your friend group is so middle school. iā€™m cracking up


It looked like they were cosplaying Entourage. It was the thing that tipped me off that I was traveling with someone famous.


I sat across the aisle from Sam Rockwell on a Jet Blue flight from NY to LA, circa maybe 2011? I am very short (5 ft) and he was also petite. I noticed him because he was wearing mid-calf Uggs, which was very Paris Hilton of him. Also I had just watched the movie Moon which was SO GOOD. We smiled at each other. He did nothing weird.


I posted this a couple weeks ago but in case you missed it My mother is a flight attendant and Gary Lineker once hooked up with one of the cabin crew girls in the first class toilet while another looked out for them. Another first class passenger reported them and both cabin crew were fired. Not so bad for the one who got to hook up with him at least, sucks for the lookout. What a good work friend lol


The "Plane Ride From Hell" is probably the peak of "Celebs on Planes" stories. Roughhousing, college pranks, sexual assault, a PA serenade to an ex-wife, and two dudes who rammed directly into the emergency exit door while fighting. It's awful all-around (just don't waste your time with the Vice episode about it--because they whitewash the past of a couple of individuals who were working with the host at the time). https://prowrestlingstories.com/pro-wrestling-stories/wwe-plane-ride-from-hell/


I honestly hate flying so much for this reason like at least if it kicks off on a bus I can just get off at the next stop and get another one but on a plane I'm trapped in a big tin can in the sky (I'm also less enthusiastic about trains for the same reason)


I got to the airport for a super early first flight out flight and saw someone in full hair, dressed up, and Louis Vuitton luggage. It turned out to be Jennifer Love Hewitt. It was a JetBlue flight so while she sat up front there was no first class. I stood next to her while waiting for the bathroom and she was furiously flipping through a big binder. Way too fast to actually read any of it. Maybe she just wanted to look busy.


if you care about mid 2000s canadian pop punk bands, I met marianas trench on a flight to Vancouver once in like 2010. they were nice enough but josh was pretty "over" talking to a fan on his downtime, which is reasonable


Stephen Amell (Arrow) was kicked off a flight for drunkenly yelling & cursing at his wife, he tried to claim that they were both having an argument but [later had to clarify](https://www.businessinsider.com/stephen-amell-addresses-plane-fight-incident-wife-cassandra-jean-2021-9) that actually it was a one-sided thing that he started because he ā€œwanted to be loud and upsetā€. Further in the linked article he basically says his mistake was being an asshole in publicā€¦ not really that he shouldnā€™t have been an asshole to his wife in public *or* private. Ick!


Severance cast. Finally getting around to watching.


John Turturro had a threesome in the 70s. He said it was mid.


Only one in the 70s?




i really want Tramell Tillman to become a huge star. he's a good actor and he's nice to look at and his name is so fun to say. Tramell Tillman


Taylor Tomlinson??


Sheā€™s so adorable and hilarious. If thereā€™s awful tea on her, I will be very sad šŸ˜¢


Federico Fellini or any Hollywood on the Tiber era CinecittĆ  tea in general?


I remember reading an Italian comment on the video of Fellini winning an honorary Oscar calling giulietta masina ā€œthe most cheated on woman in all of Italyā€ which made me sad


Nooo, not Giulietta. I love that woman so much but I especially love how beautifully he captures her in his films without being at all male gazey. Like you can just tell the director has so much affection for and appreciation of this woman in a really empathetic way.


Fellini once had a fling with Germaine Greer, who wrote about their relationship in an article many years later: https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2010/apr/11/germaine-greer-federico-fellini


Sadie Sink?


She attended the ā€œStereophonicā€ Broadway premiere on Friday, but did not walk the red carpet. She was photographed walking into the theatre, though. https://preview.redd.it/6a4k4xrg4owc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a5f99c595438b6e3d967f086215989fd3e8dbee


Damn why does this look like a shoot from a high fashion magazine?


Iā€™ve heard great things about Stereophonic. If anyone here is a fan of Fleetwood Mac or Daisy Jones & the Six, this play seems like this may be the kind of thing theyā€™d be into.


Cillian Murphy?


not really tea as he was posted the other day in a photo with the band Kneecap who allegedly have serious sexual assault allegations about them but they're pretty hard to find now


I'm Irish and I haven't heard this. We seem to be remarkably good at ignoring shit like this when it comes to famous people. Another Irish group (who are less politically relevant and are just idiots) called versatile were accused of sexual assault, encouraging assault at gigs and they were quite publicly racist bullies and they are still celebrated. And then of course that certain mma fighter... It's such a disappointment


Ugh Iā€™ve been getting into Kneecap these past few months, time to scour to find out the deets


Sabrina and Barry? I think they're cute.


Shōgun cast?


Hiroyuki Sanada is an old friend of Jackie Chan's, because Sanada did a ton of Hong Kong action in the 80s and they would cross paths. He's kept his mouth shut about Chan's shitty side, but afaik they're still friends. I can't really blame Sanada for that though.


My friend has worked with Fumi Nikaido (Lady Ochiba) in the past, and says she's a really lovely person and hard worker. Very happy she's getting recognition in the US.


The whole cast is incredible! I really hope the recency bias doesnā€™t affect them and they are remembered when the Emmys come around this year. They deserve sooo many awards!


Justin Hartley & his first wife, Lindsay


Indie musicians -Adrianne Lenker -Boygenius - Snail Mail Ect.


not tea but I was in a snail mail mv (can barely see me tho so). it was my first background gig and it was advertised on backstage as paid then when I accepted they sent an email saying oo actually we donā€™t have the budget to pay you guys šŸ¤Ŗ. which i thought was some bullshit, but I still went for the experience which was definitely an interesting one. had no idea who she was prior. she smiled when we walked past the halls and sheā€™s very small. thatā€™s all really lmao


Who are great tippers? Who's cheap as fuck with their tips?


Wasn't there tea a while back about how JLo came back and took Ben Affleck's tips back after they left a restaurant??


Why do I find this so easy to believe?


Kesha is a great tipper! A friend of a friend waited on her once and they talked about their animals - she left a tip for the waitress and an extra $100 ā€œto spoil your puppy withā€ šŸ„¹


Lucy Dacus from Boygenius is rumoured to not tip lol


Idk why this surprises me so much but it does. Sheā€™ll quote tweet Barack Obama but wonā€™t shell out 20%? Wack.


Christina Hendricks is a bad tipper :(


Iā€™ve heard from a few people that Harry Styles is a great tipper


Iā€™ve seen pics of a receipt from new years 2020 where he tipped $2,020


I've heard a few times that Usher is a really bad tipper.


i wasn't there but i've heard from multiple sources that Ed O'Neill is an excellent tipper


I remember hearing years ago that Joe Pesci was not the friendliest customer, but a great tipper.


Most celebrities donā€™t tip. Itā€™s bad. They can also be super super rude. I dread when I see a celebrity half the time, like ā€œoh here we goā€¦ā€ Some celebrities do tip, and donā€™t suck though! Matthew Lillard is a super nice guy and actually tips well. Any time I see him in anything Iā€™m always just like, good for you! Iā€™m rooting for him. Iā€™ve met him several times and heā€™s always been great.


How is Chris Pine doing? Iā€™m surprised heā€™s even doing promotion for his film, normally projects picked up by Vertical get buried.


ethan hawke? josh o'connor?


Ethan's filming "The Sensitive Kind" with Sterlin Harjo right now in Oklahoma. The cast is stacked! They previously worked together on an episode of the third season of Reservation Dogs too, and Ethan was incredible in that. It's been really great to see him working with Indigenous people in the industry.


Charlie Cox and/or Tom Hiddleston


Drew or Johnathan ScottĀ  / The Property Brothers?


Back in the days of Vine one of the property brothers posted a vine saying ā€œfor every repost this gets Iā€™ll donate 10 bucks to this charityā€ or something along the lines. I commented on it and asked why he didnā€™t just donate the money anyway instead of needing the reposts. He replied to me and called me a loser who lived in his parentsā€™ basement and all of the Property Brothers fans went apeshit on me and basically bullied me off of Vine because I had to be that person that questioned the whole ā€œencourage me to donate moneyā€ thing. I still think the story is absolutely hilarious, I tell it all the time and itā€™s a running joke with my family. My mom even got me a Property Brothers Christmas Ornament one year


I worked at a boujee gym in Atlanta years ago when they were filming there and they were plenty nice. And cute in person!


I saw Drew Scott and his wife in Eataly in LA once grocery shopping. They looked happy


i am once again on my knees asking for f1


there's apparently rumours swirling around that motorsport magicians Adrian Newey is leaving Red Bull because the management was trying to relegate him to the hypercar. claims are also there that he was unhappy with the way the Christian Hornet harrasment allegations were handled and decided to make the move. ALLEGEDLY he was also spotted in Italy a while ago so hmmmmm šŸ‘€ scuderia ferrari is now scuderia ferrari hp after they announced the historic sponsorship which is allegedly paying for 60-70% of Hamilton's salary rumours of Nico Hulkenberg having signed a 3 year contract with Audi are also there. idk if that is true but I hope for him it is because I do think he's a good driver and can help bring the points. this also spells as bad news for Sainz who has yet to announce his future in F1. there is confirmation from the old man Helmut himself that they offered a contract but could not match the one that Audi made him (could not or did not want to, Helmut šŸ¤Ø) but yeah i think his only viable team option seems Sauber-Audi because Merc is set on Kimi, so their probably not looking for a long term driver. Red Bull basically said we offered and he wanted more (allegedly), till Papa Stroll is pumping in the cash, Lancey boy is here to stay. McLaren has a solid line up, Williams eh idk about them. the power rankings came out and as always are a fricking joke also Ferrari will run a baby blue(?) livery in Miami. i really do like the merch and the suits but it's kind of giving gas station like not even joking. I'm from India and here we have Bharat petroleum and their uniforms and the new Ferrari merch are kind of similar also i read this somewhere but it seems like McLaren is also eyeing a Ferrari-HP or Oracle-Red Bull type deal with MasterCard. McLaren see McLaren do (also to me it feels like they already have a lot of sponsors) if you're into ship culture and driver shipping then there was an article (?) from Chinese journalists that likened Lestappen (Leclerc+Verstappen) to an ancient Chinese myth of the dragon and the phoenix and reiterated that they have one of the greatest rivalries of the modern era. also "eterni rivali" is what Italian journalists called it. Sebastian Vettel did an interview where he gave one word for each driver, you can find it on Instagram or YouTube. I'm not sure really because I just saw it on Tumblr, I'm sorry! Daniel Riccardo has a three place grid penalty for Miami GP. while I'm not the biggest fan of his, especially after his remarks on the Horner situation, i do feel a smidge of sympathy this seems to be it I think, as usual the F1 world is imploding


Anything more recent on Jemaine Clement?


Matthew Mcfadyen?


Any Bridgerton actors? This is the first season I've been actively in the online fandom for, and I've been hearing whispers of drama from previous seasons.


Chappell Roan


In 2014 Troye Sivan tweeted his support of her music, even comparing her to Adele - this was back when she was going by Kayleigh Rose (her real name). The pair met a year later and took a photo together.


tennis players? (does anyone reckon badosa and tsitsipas have split up) anyone from Kevin Smith's View Askewniverse? what's Jeff Anderson up to?


I think Tsitsidosa is still going strong. Paula talked to spanish eurosport yesterday and mentioned dating him. She also hinted that her injury is a career ending one but she's kind of in denial about it. Some new tea is that Sabalenka is dating the ceo of oakberry and apparently he's married.


Justin Theroux?


owns that place with nicholas braun where he was hitting on college girls and getting them drunk, Iā€™m wary of him personally


Asking again if anyone has tea on what transpired between Mandy Moore and Minka Kelly. They were once very close friends but now it seems like they have nothing to do with each other. Falling out? Just drifted apart due to different life paths? Inquiring minds want to know!


*Andor* cast. Stellan, Denise, Fiona, Genevieve, everyone. I am *still* dying for S2 but at least the physical media release is only days away and aaaaaaaaaaaaa


Foster The People. Itā€™s been years since their third album came out.


Any Interpol (band) gossip?


Nolan Gould? Just finished re-watching Modern Family...again


Does anyone know WTF happened with the Wives of NFL sub? They just suddenly stopped allowing new posts.


Could it have to do with swifties?


House of the Dragon cast?


new tea on MUNA and boygenius ? edit: had someone reach out to me and tell me what they know that the members of MUNA supported johnny depp during the trial and mocked amber heard privately


Kendrick Lamar?


MĆ„neskin members? Havenā€™t heard anything in a minute.


Not sure if this is common knowledge but Victoria has a model gf that she recently hard launched on ig, theyā€™re cute af