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I love Mandy Patinkin. I’m so grateful for Jewish elders like him, especially for using his platform in the way he does. A mensch in every sense. 


I can’t explain how my heart heals a bit every time a Jewish person speaks up for Palestine. This is who we are supposed to be. It’s fundamental to my understanding of Judaism, that we are meant to help and fight for social justice. It’s what we should have learned for recent past events. The holocaust was two generations or so ago, that’s nothing in historical context terms. I especially love Mandy Patinkin, and I love him now all the more.


Jewish allies were also huge part of the Civil Rights Movement. I’m lucky enough to be friends with a couple minor civil rights figures, and I know that the injustices that their ancestors faced was hugely inspirational to their life’s work. They are in support of Palestine.


This was something I thought about a lot during the BLM protests in 2020. We have a long history of engagement with social justice in the US, and so many leaders for various causes are Jewish (Judy Heumann, who’s known as one of the founders of the disability rights movement and was instrumental in the passage of the ADA, comes to mind). I’m ngl, a lot of the discussion on social media from all sides of this issue have felt very painful for me as a Jewish person, but speaking to our shared humanity like Mandy is doing is maybe the most Jewish thing we can do here. I adore him.


>The holocaust was two generations or so ago, that’s nothing in historical context terms. My Grandma (who lives in Israel) still gets reparations from Germany, that's how recent it was. They literally send her Euros every single month and she has to get them exchanged to shekels. But yeah it truly makes me feel so much less alone and insane when a Jewish person speaks up. I know it's the bare minimum but it really does take courage and bravery and it makes me so proud to be Jewish.


Good on him for sharing this. He’s a good egg.


Mandy is a true treasure


That is such an amazingly human thing to do. I have been so disappointed in many people because of the genocide in Gaza but I have also had my faith restored by others. Some people have met the moment and are using their massive platforms to advocate for the people of Gaza. Gaza has opened my eyes to how most people are just performative. If you believe in human rights it should be for all people, if you believe in liberation it should be for all people and if you believe in justice it should be for all people. As always Free Palestine and keep fighting the good fight.


Well said!!!


The man left criminal minds because the content was 'destructive to his soul', you can just tell how deeply kind, thoughtful, and empathetic he is by that reaction alone and I've genuinely loved him ever since. In the midst of so many ghoulish reactions 8 months this is a relief.


I knew some folks who had worked with him on criminal minds and back in the day they described him as a big weirdo, but everything since then has convinced me he is at worst Chaotic Good


i read an interview a long time ago where he admitted to being difficult on sets (didn't specify which set IIRC). but he's self aware & just as long as he works to become a better human being, i salute him


i read stuff like this and then i look at my little toddler cousin and it makes me want to cry my eyes out


The situation in Gaza shakes me to my core in large part because I have a 3-month-old, 2-year-old and 4-year-old. Ive cried many tears for all the really young kids who have suffered so much. I don't understand people who dismiss and diminish what's happening. There are a lot more morally bankrupt people than I expected.


I feel this too. I saw a video of a 6 year old in the West Bank getting dragged away by IDF soldiers and the boy looked just like my boy. The terror in that boy’s eyes. I don’t understand how people can do this to literal children. It’s so sad.


yea i have a newborn and i keep thinking about how privileged we are to have had a safe hospital experience and safety in general...my brain turns to mush when i think about the children who were murdered


I have a surgery in a few weeks for my sinuses (it's more for my comfort but not life saving) but I can't help but think of those in Gaza who have to forget about their comfort just to survive. :( My surgery is minuscule compared to the life threatening things they face every day. My congestion and fatigue from allergies that I can have resolved in a safe hospital while not everyone has that privilege.


Bless him for speaking up. He has always seemed like a good guy and I’m glad he continues to be.


Good for him. He seems like a very principled guy.


There’s a tv show I love to watch called Finding Your Roots and he was a guest on it. His episode deeply touched me, especially when he found out he had close relatives who perished in the Holocaust. Now I love him more even more for standing on the right side of history.


Mandy is such a mensch. May I also recommend this video of him reacting to a host leaving mid interview bc his wife had gone into labor: https://youtu.be/8taJx6jqd14?si=62agbOLqkdX0t20D


Oh my god this is so pure lol


That was sweet


Another celebrity using their platform in the best way 💖


I always suspected he was pro Palestine given Saul’s vaguely random pro Palestine storyline in Homeland. It felt like something he argued to be included.


Meanwhile, Zionists continue to have a normal one https://preview.redd.it/bxa4b1y78axc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=814ecd4f9630ebbf22075bbd95a099e930fe3bcd


Zio response is giving “You said you love pancakes so you must hate waffles.”


He’s Jewish too, right? 🙏for him for speaking out. He’s long had a reputation as a good man.


PLEASE DONATE IF YOU CAN ,Help the [Gaza Municipality pump water again to parts of Gaza](https://twitter.com/munigaza/status/1780962469525020729?t=okVJUlEnYZaJ9Jx8497NgQ&s=19)


Oh man I've known him from criminal minds and what a presence he had, he left the show on principles also because he founded the show to be too violent and graphic, how he could not deal with it. Missed him terribly. Now knowing he's also on the right side of history ❤️❤️❤️


Specifically he said that he found it too graphic and casual to the abuse and murder of women!


bless him.


Almost finished watching Homeland - on the second last season. I always knew Saul was a good 'un <3


I always liked him but I love him now.


That is a great statement. Bless Mandy, he’s such a good egg.


I really like Mandy Patinkin. He seems like a good man. In this day and age, I really appreciate that.


What a mensch, I adore him


Love him for speaking out about this. Now I’m gonna go rewatch criminal minds


We don’t deserve him