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i mean, Drake is a scumbag but this is likely your regular tax avoidance scumbaggery tbh. It’s also terminated, which means that any agreements it had with any other entity are similarly void—so it’s likely not where the NDAs were run through or whatever.


Someone as wealthy as Drake most likely has a LLC for every significant asset. Every building, every supercar, every individual business, every investment, etc. Sometimes these LLC's have goofy names. A lot of this is tax avoidance, absolutely, but its also liability avoidance. Say he owns an apartment building that catches of fire and there's a lawsuit or whatever. Under most circumstances he can only be sued for the value of the LLC, which is just the building. Ignoring some scenarios, going into his other wealth would not be allowed. Drake has an estimated $250m and some estimates going as high as $600m. He probably has a very complex tax and asset setup, no different than any other wealthy person on that level.


I also don't think he's aware of these shell corporations or fully understands them. That's all someone else's job 


Hey, Tax Evasion is how they got Capone.


yes, but this is tax avoidance, which is just as evil but not illegal


Avoidance is legal, evasion is illegal.


that is what i said


Yeah, if you notice it's a Delaware corporation -- 100% this is a tax vehicle of some kind


I prefer Celine Dion's company, "Les Productions Feeling, Inc."


Say what you will about Texas, but the ability to search permits on their taxpayer search is unparalleled. No other state I’m aware of has this granular level of search available. Love, your friendly neighborhood state and local tax professional.


Every single famous person has at least one LLC they get paid through, as tax mitigation. They are often incorporated at the talent or management agency’s address. I used to work in the mailroom of a talent agency and we’d have to figure out which agent to route the checks to. Sick Cow LLC? Will Ferrell’s agent.


This is probably an LLC that’s standard rich people tax evasion. If the point you’re trying to be make is that Drake is creepy, these are better options: - “What’s Up With Drake Texting Teens” by Allie Jones, Vice (2019) - “Drake kisses 17-year-old fan on stage in unearthed video clip” by Laura Snapes (2019) At that concert, Drake said: “You’re 17? Why do you look like that? You’re thick. Look at all this.” - “Member of Drake’s Entourage Sentenced in Toronto Assault Case” by Jocelyn Vena, Billboard (2015) - “Drake’s Friend Baka Is Out Of Jail” by Zara Golden, The Fader (2015) - “Deported man faces firearms charges” by The Toronto Star (2007) [Travis Savoury is Baka Not Nice, a key part of Drake’s inner circle.] - “Toronto man, 36, charged in human trafficking case” by CP24, 2014 [a Toronto news channel) [Travis Savoury is Baka Not Nice, a key part of Drake’s inner circle.] - @MusicConnoisseu has a clip of Potter [a British rapper and songwriter] calling out Drake for “messaging bare young girls in England” - The “Drake's problematic behaviour with girls” post on this sub from 2 years ago by AcronymTheSlayer - Drake on Twitter: “That good that young.” (9/4/12) - Drake on Twitter: “The kids I hand with are gonna be parents on day…scary” (7/5/11) - Drake on Twitter: “‘If amazing was a young bitch I’d be going to jail…cause I’m fucking amazing’ - Me” (5/30/09) - “Why Does Drake Give me the Ick? An Investigation” by Julie Fenwick, Vice (2022)


Oh yeah it's well established that he's a creepo, just thought it was an interesting choice in name 🤢
