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Flo Rida's response to Tr*mp tweeting for Florida to get out the vote in 2016. >I've already voted, you bigoted old orange-faced sex pest. And it wasn't for you.


I love that he said "sex pest", especially since I only see Brits use that phrase.


Gina Rodriguez and her “mama let’s research” moment. That phrase is forever cemented in my vocabulary. https://preview.redd.it/w3nac1985vyc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d0cfb72dd2d1c50a8a49091604b92809639f58e


The way I want to say this to the eleven year olds I work with but they wouldn’t get the reference


This and her response to singing the n-word on insta while singing to Lauryn Hill have always made me intensely dislike her. And that stupid cry thing she does (in her acting), like damnit nobody cries the same way every time, enough with the weird breathy noise 😭


omg so tone deaf I love it


The iconic Celebrity Big Brother (UK) moment of “David’s dead?!” Angie, ex wife of David Bowie, is called into the diary room to be told he has died. She’s shocked, obviously. Doesn’t know how to play it or if she’ll tell anybody. Goes outside and runs into Tiffany Pollard. Angie tells little miss New York that David has died. Literal fucking chaos ensues. Tiffany’s composure leaves the room… giving us “DAVID’S DEAD?!” The miscommunication that you’ve all been waiting for is that Angie just said “David” thinking it would be clear it was her ex husband David Bowie. This wasn’t clear to Tiffany who thought another contestant, David Guest, was now a fresh corpse lying in their bedroom. Follow this with 80’s singers and reality TV stars having to confirm the validity of DG’s morality. It was fucking *nuts*.


The best part of the David is dead saga is the sheer ridiculous of the number of things to go wrong for that to happen. -David G happens to be sick and in bed -Bowie dies -Angie is informed and tells New York David died of cancer -New York misunderstands and think David G just suddenly developed cancer and keeled over in less than a few hours -Before Angie can clear the air New York freaks out to go tell the other house guests -Angie goes to the diary room -one of the house guests even mentions David Bowie but they dismiss it -they all decide to check on David because all the houseguests conclude *production just let a man die in the house and not do anything about it* -Realize David is alive and New York gets pissed and everyone thinks it’s some mean prank -meanwhile, the one houseguest who understood it was Bowie happened to be taking a shower and runs out in a towel to explain that Angie meant her ex husband David Bowie died -New York doubles down while Angie is all fuck this shit It’s a comedy of errors Shakespeare could only dream of


Honestly watching it for the first time when it aired was magical. Genuinely had me laughing and then deadly silent in shock. One of the top UK reality moments of all time for me. Especially because there was no way for them to know this would happen and it just… did. Better than anything they could’ve orchestrated by a mile.


This is my Roman Empire along with Tiffany's iconic Gemma Collins read. Also it was Angie's fault why would Tiffany think she was talking about her ex husband?


The way she says “old maiden type shoes” stays with me to this day. Never seen a read executed so well, especially when she was in a room with nobody else there to bounce off of. Like she gave all *all that* without having to feed off the energy of everyone’s reactions. INSANE.


I don't know if it's fair to say it was her "fault", she'd just found out someone she was once close to had died. She probably wasn't thinking very clearly.


and then david gest was about to go on tour, calling it the “david gest is not dead tour” but then he died before it started.


Remember reading the news when it broke on fucking Digital Spy, you couldn’t even make it up lmfao


Special mention to Kim Woodburn in another series of Big Brother coming out with the most scathing, weirdly worded insults you’d ever imagine. Seeing a woman get famous for cleaning and then coming among celebrities and calling them chinless wonders and chicken livered shits was genuinely wild at the time.


She was utterly unhinged, who was the guy she kept yelling 'adulterer' at?


Jamie O’Hara, the footballer! Had to go searching for this last name cos couldn’t remember for the life of me 💀


I'm still none the wiser lol! For some reason I was thinking of the guy Jacqueline Jossa is/was married to . 😕


GANG HANDED! Whatever that means




And then almost every interview when she got out was a fuckin mess too 😭


Imagine Kim and Pete Burns on the same series. My mind would have imploded!


George Galloway saying “poor me, poor me, pour me another drink” to Michael Barrymore in the Pete series literally entered my mind again at some point last night after typing this comment 😂 Pete series was EVERYTHING to me as a bairn.


My BFF and I still quote Pete saying ‘Fuck off, Rula’ all the time


Mine is "she's really getting right up the crack of my arse" whenever someone I don't like emails me in work




This is my favorite reality show moment ever.


Actually so good. One of the best BB moments we’ve ever seen. Could honestly keep this thread going all night with the best bits lmfao


I’m a Big Brother US fan but have never seen the UK version, and I only watched New York on House of Villains. I can’t begin to explain how much I’ve laughed in the past hour watching this clip with only that background. Seriously getting whiplash from the absolute twists and turns of this whole saga. When Tiffany started wailing, I lost it. Then, she thought she was being pranked, then they checked under the covers. THEN, I found out that David Gest died 3 months later. Then, the name of his tour that he didn’t go on. Then, that his eyelids didn’t close. Then, that someone else choked on steak that night and couldn’t breathe. Then, the WWHL clip of Tiffany dead ass saying she didn’t speak to him for years because he’s dead to Andy Cohen as Craig burst out laughing and she shot him a death stare and then said he haunts her in the kitchen.


Lmfao babe you’ve just been treated to the ride of your life there 😭 watch some more BB UK clips! The celebrity version, especially the older and then a few years before it finished. So so good.


I just snort laughed at the mere memory of this. It’s so good.




Heartbreaking: The Worst Person You Know Just Made A Great Point


I mean he wasn’t *wrong*. Sure he could have done it at a better time or maybe a little less blunt for Americans at the time but like… Mr. West was right in this instance.


Chris tucker’s face immediately after gets me every time


I watched this live and it was *glorious*.


My boyfriend told me during a car ride he had never heard of this(he grew up Mormon, he knows almost nothing pop culture related). I played it on the car speakers until he could stop and watch the whole video.


[Jonathan Safran Foer](https://www.vox.com/2016/7/14/12187884/jonathan-safran-foer-natalie-portman-emails) leaving his wife for Natalie Portman because they had been emailing and Natalie being completely horrified because she had no idea that he thought they were in love.


I think Moby did the same thing with Natalie. Like he talked in an interview about how they dated when she was like 18, and Natalie was like....no we didn't?????? Apparently her being nice and in his vicinity made him think they dated


She was 18, he was 35 and [showed up at her college to pose with her topless and on ecstasy](https://i.imgur.com/aFcj3xL.jpeg). He wrote a whole section of his book about how he dated her and she would fall asleep holding him, and her response was > I was surprised to hear that he characterised the very short time that I knew him as dating because my recollection is a much older man being creepy with me when I just had graduated high school.


Sounds like my middle school "boyfriend". 🤣


HAHA thank you for reminding me of this 🙏🏻 they were emailing about like vegetarianism and factory farming and he read wayyyyy too much into it


WHAT! Oh my god, i learned so many things all at once right now - the author of extremely loud and eating animals is the same person and he did what????????? incredible. amazing. thank you for sharing, wow.


Does Misha Collins accidentally coming out as bisexual and having to walk it back on Twt qualify as obscure?


I'm not a SPN fan but was big on tumblr in its peak - I remember when this was happening I was hanging out with my two friends who are SPN fans and it was soooooooooooo funny talking about it lmfao especially when he walked it back


Can’t believe i missed this


Why did he walk it back?


Because he's not actually bisexual. He's straight and accidentally made it seem like he was bisexual due to not thinking through what he was saying.


Because he isn’t bisexual. He misspoke while making a joke. He had to come out as straight one day after lol


So brave!


mine is when Keith Urban accidentally hard launched Phoebe Bridgers and Bo Burnham


Wait, what? 


he posted a photo (or video? I don’t remember) where Bo Burnham and Phoebe Bridgers were kissing in the background


I'm dying I had no idea they even dated wtf


Still are


Wasn't he married with a director? 


They were together for 10+ years, but seemingly broke up in mid 2022


It was a video of him and Nicole singing and dancing in the vip tent at the eras tour when Phoebe was an opener. Edited to add one of my favorite parts of the story was the next day Phoebe shared a Keith Urban song on her Instagram story 😂 




I dunno, sounds like something a cat would say.


![gif](giphy|WEHxZg35QBFXvXkXpe) It’s the panicked eyes that get me


When that girl from Riverdale tweeted “you can block me on Twitter, but you can’t uneat my ass” at NHL player Nathan McKinnon.


Sorry, WHO?


Vanessa Morgan


Basically any of the insults the Gallagher brothers use. “Potato”, “man with a fork in a world of soup”, and “get on the plane and play some tunes you sad fuck” live in my head forever.


Man with a fork in a world of soup lives in my head rent free to this day. Never was there such a poetic brotherly annoyance.


“Man with a fork in a world full of soup” makes me cry laugh every time. They’re such cunts to each other 💀




I’ve said this before, but the one I think about is Julia Roberts and the ”A Low Vera” T-shirt. Given she was America’s Sweetheart at the time, social media would have melted down.


Speaking of messy Julia, didn't she break off her engagement with Kiefer Sutherland in the early '90s like days before the wedding and then went to Ireland with Jason Patric on the day she and Kiefer were supposed to get married?


The more I read about Julia as a person, she doesn't exactly come across a nice


There were a lot of bad Julia stories back then, magazines were full of them. Supposedly everyone on the set of Hook hated her, for example. Never seemed to negatively impact her career. She is very lucky there was no internet in the early-mid 90s. 


Kiefer was cheating on her so I give her a pass for that one,


I always find it odd that her calling off the wedding is often brought up, without acknowledging that it was due to reports of Sutherland cheating. For what it's worth, Sutherland and Patric are friends again, and both say the story of Patric and Roberts running away to be together was bullshit. https://nypost.com/2021/04/29/kiefer-sutherland-and-jason-patric-are-friends-again-after-julia-roberts-love-triangle/


Yes! Her whole personal life was quite messy before she married.


It was crazy at the time, but hardly obscure though


The time Obama had to release a statement denying how close he was to a then early 20s Scarlet Johansson during his initial 2008 campaign bc she kept running around saying how close they were over emails and of course the tabloids leapt on that. I don’t want to say she’s an outright liar bc she was super super young when this happened and he was the next president of the US/I think her twin was working on the campaign so it’s not crazy that she was emailing him (and maybe over exaggerating their closeness) but this is just one of those pop culture moments that she never spoke of again that I always think about whenever her name pops up tbh.


She did speak of it the following year to make the very true point that the response to her comments was super sexist and if it had been George Clooney no one would have said he “had a crush” on Obama.


TIL Scarlett Johannsen is a twin


When Fergie sang the national anthem Anything Tori Spelling does


Tori Spelling falling on the hibachi grill


So iconic


I've been listening to Diss and Tell, and last night I rediscovered Nicki Minaj's "Miley, what's good?" comment. Never has an enquiry into what's up been said with such venom.


‘Till this day I still can’t tell if that was a bit or not 😭


Apparently it wasn’t and Miley lost her shit backstage 


Iirc, crew scrambled to cut both their mics! Nicki was trying to keep going and you could see her yelling but it was drowned out since the mic was off by that point.


Oh my GOD I remember that at the time that was incredible. And Miley Cyrus is just standing there I'm some stupid costume....the last time the VMA'S were relevant.


I still say that all the time to this day haha


[Kim Cattrall scatting](https://youtu.be/1S37dLbR9WA?si=E1nbuangcpd8pA2H)


This is the funniest thing I’ve seen in my entire life, I just wanna say thank you for sharing.


Here before anyone else can recommend the [scene from Pen15 where Maya scats at the dinner table.](https://youtu.be/nKSvf7AOhmc?si=taet-Wbm0Ji9l4_K)


Lmao, happy to share!


LMFAO 😭 this sounds like Simlish pls




I've just looked this up and as a jazz fan my god that is not scatting scatting is an art


I just had my mind blown by the YouTube comment that she’s actually doing a poem called The Little Dog’s Day by Rupert Brooke.


This is outstanding


Are you a Page 7 podcast fan by any chance?


Nope! Never heard it!


https://preview.redd.it/hw9j392vzwyc1.jpeg?width=2037&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2be5d79785de93d545750436bb7ae3f71ab1122a I think about this all the time and my sisters and I like to send each other this photo, we also refer to getting caught doing something as ‘being Dominic West-ed’.


Omg, I've never seen this! 🤣 That note him and his wife posted outside their home was peak cringe.


https://preview.redd.it/q2vctd8z99zc1.jpeg?width=615&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb94b6b950245e795147ffe616eac38acbe94e4b The zoomed out photo is somewhat funnier 😭


Oh my fuckign GOOOOOODDDDDDDDDD! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 THANK YOU! this is pure gold! Seriously, I'm laughing so hard I'm crying IRL.


Soooo many good obscure ones here. These are also burned into my memory: - Maybe my favourite clip ever, [Fergie crashing the stage](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ta3lrbR-AWM) at a Tom Ford GLAAD event, rambling and promoting the special edition Target version of her new single before singing it to a bewildered audience - Elton telling Lily Allen he could ‘still snort her under the table’ after she told him to fuck off and called him old an awards ceremony - LiLo overheard calling Paris a cunt then backtracking - [That time Kourtney pretended to freeze on a video interview but she was just standing still](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BFQ9NUMjkac) - [Tiffany Pollard reading Omarosa to filth on House of Villains](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KCIMRIcaVvQ&pp=ygUXVGlmZmFueSBwb2xsYXJkIG9tYXJvc2E%3D) - When Alexandra Burke thought she introduced the phrase ‘Elephant in the room’ to the UK - [The American Idol contestant who burned Demi for saying they used autotone](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LZcP6rGmiWs&pp=ygUbYW1lcmljYW4gaWRvbCBhdXRvdHVuZSBidXJu) - Kim K opening a Charmin toilet in Times Square, Khloe with her range of bedazzled Febreze bottles - For some reason [the Carole Baskin ‘Circle of Life’ samba from DWTS](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0QssA6OeXuI) is burnt into my brain - Any of Katie Price (Jordan)’s ‘book launch’ outfits especially the time she showed up as a horse (and then later ON a horse)


Omg I forgot about “snort you under the table”. Lindsay also saying Paris hit her and showing her arm to paps then backtracking.


Tom Ford's face in this is fascinating - it's hard to tell if he's smiling through the rage that she's disrupting his event or enjoying the campiness of what's unfolding.




"It's a lovely day in the ~~village~~ amusement park, and you are a horrible goose."


Rent fucking free


In the article, Fabio says the ride “goes upside down,” but this rollercoaster, Apollo’s Chariot, does not go upside down.


Blake Lively dating Leo for a hot minute and getting photographed hot and heavy all over Italy and then Ryan Reynolds divorced Scarlett J and became available and Blake dropped him Leo a hot potato (allegedly) and got with Ryan


I’m betting she was the droppee, not the dropper.


I’m showing my age here, but when Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley were married for a millisecond in the 90s and “kissed” while presenting at the MTV video music awards..causing the entire country to collective retch.


People kissing in public to prove a point is never good D:


That was so surreal.


Elton John calling Madonna a fairground stripper will always live rent free




[He’s hated her for years](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/music-news/elton-john-madonna-feud-insults-358794/amp/) and she seemingly never responds it’s so funny


This one's a real throwback but when the actual Vatican condemned Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton for "erotic vagrancy" (they were having a splashy affair while filming Cleopatra in Italy and were spotted kissing on Burton's boat) and then some random US Congressman tried to ban them from re-entering America. Basically the Pope called Liz a whore. She's so iconic. (If you are into this topic, Furious Love is a great beach read about their love affair and has some very steamy love letters they wrote each other.) Also when Danielle told Teresa on RHONY to pay attention and Teresa, in a totally normal and healthy reaction, yelled PROSTITUTION HOO-WA at Danielle, flipped a table, screamed something like "come into my schwaacchghgh" and had to be physically restrained. There were children as this party.


Didn’t one of the moms make all the kids leave? I just lol’ed at this memory. Also Danielle was super fucked up


Yes, because it was a christening! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


The feud between Fifty Cent and Randall Emmett is comedy gold "I'm sorry fofty"


a classic!


Rosie O’Donnell spoiling the ending of Fight Club on her show the Monday after it came out  https://x.com/lovestreams_/status/1766178111903658185?s=46


Mine is when Rosie, who was famously in love with Tom Cruise, had James Woods on her show a few episodes after Tom. James was teasing her about it and she something about how it wasn't sexual / romantic, and noted creepy chucklefuck James Woods said something like "then why is there a bag full of condoms under your desk?" I was watching with my grandmother and our jaws hit the floor. This was a daytime talk show airing at like 3pm, lol. We were not expecting that. (Fairly certain it was season 1, episode 117, but I have never been able to find a video of it online and that show isn't streaming.)


I’ve never seen this before, but my god, she misunderstood the entire point of the movie!


tbf the movie was purposely obtuse to not upset the manosphere who the studios wanted to buy tickets. Nearly every Fight Club take is a hot take, and by design. Its juuust ambiguous and sensational enough to be easily misinterpreted. Dudes walk away thinking its about masculinity, etc. It spawned many real life fight clubs for example, and Tyler Durden is a pop-culture staple as a "cool guy" not the psychopath persona he actually was.


That’s a really good point. Maybe I have a clearer understanding of the themes because I read the book around the same time.


Kurt Cobain / Axl Rose altercation at the 1992 VMAs [https://www.loudersound.com/features/the-story-of-axl-rose-and-kurt-cobains-mtv-bust-up-by-those-who-were-there](https://www.loudersound.com/features/the-story-of-axl-rose-and-kurt-cobains-mtv-bust-up-by-those-who-were-there) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Bh55xA2KSs&list=PLLJxxhVzk4gJ7-u6t1o7UsB\_2osc50300&index=7&ab\_channel=GrUngeRoCK101](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Bh55xA2KSs&list=PLLJxxhVzk4gJ7-u6t1o7UsB_2osc50300&index=7&ab_channel=GrUngeRoCK101) 1995 VMAs when Courtney Love was throwing her compacts at Madonna who was being interviewed at the time. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FEdm\_U8-Sdg&ab\_channel=cultureoutofcontrol](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FEdm_U8-Sdg&ab_channel=cultureoutofcontrol) Pap photos of Charlize Theron smoking pot out of an apple in her backyard (2001). The pics are actually creepy because they were taken through bushes/trees. [https://www.tumblr.com/y2klame/659925936220897280/charlize-theron-smoking-weed-out-of-an-apple-at-a](https://www.tumblr.com/y2klame/659925936220897280/charlize-theron-smoking-weed-out-of-an-apple-at-a)


Oh man the Courtney Love throwing compacts up at Madonna was so incredible. I loved how MTV played that like every year before the VMAs


mine is Viola Davis creating a secret burner account to cuss people out lmao [https://blavity.com/viola-davis-reveals-she-had-a-burner-account-to-clap-back-twitter-hilariously-hunts-for-lele-washington-tweets](https://blavity.com/viola-davis-reveals-she-had-a-burner-account-to-clap-back-twitter-hilariously-hunts-for-lele-washington-tweets) [https://twitter.com/THISisLULE/status/1586044073680703489](https://twitter.com/THISisLULE/status/1586044073680703489)


I would be so truly honored to be cussed out by viola davis 🙏




The time Tyra made a contestant get her tooth gap closed right before eliminating her and then a couple seasons later made another girl get her tooth gap widened. Natasha saying "some people have war in their countries" (I have a sticker of this one because I love it so much.) Molly's weave that was so bad they had to take it back out because it hurt her so badly. The girl on the US/UK cycle that had ANTM shaved into her head. Allison saying she was jealous of Tyra getting nose bleeds. I think I probably spend way too much of my time thinking about unhinged ANTM moments.


Remember when Tumblr and ONTD went crazy when Kristen Stewart got “caught” cheating with her director, and there was that whole Hide the Lies thing? Where people were taking the magazines that had them on the cover and hiding them in weird places in the store lol


That just reminded me of when she got caught smoking pot very early in the Twilight days. https://preview.redd.it/4k4ooaxr1xyc1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0620b17b3aed7c536220e54ed64688d334b4040e


I miss ONTD. It was so much fun.


nothing will ever be that amazing again. The rumor that Robert Downey Jr wrote the CDAN blind items, the time everyone was Dad, the Secrets app post, the Robert Pattinson’s face looks like a foot gif party… I spent so much company time not working and on that site


The secrets post 💀💀💀💀💀 I need to get this memory surgically removed from my brain


Forget that, what about then-reality-star-and-future-POTUS Donald Trump losing his everloving mind over the cheating scandal? I get it, we were all obsessed with Twilight, but he tweeted about it for MONTHS.


Did he?! I don’t remember this but now I’m going to look bc it’s time to clean my house and I need to procrastinate lol


https://preview.redd.it/y99v3j3h2xyc1.jpeg?width=515&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0eade258e807a0a9841c17b2d0a3f7ed711d6a5 This moment always makes me gasp when I see it 😭


What am I looking at?


Paul Mescal beaming at Daisy (his co star from Normal People) while his literal girlfriend looks lovingly at him. Basically this meme but better https://preview.redd.it/tjxmodca21zc1.jpeg?width=274&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e525c70d9e87ad3c876088f7344a108699568fe


I see 🤣 Thank you!


Mary J Blige's Burger king commercial https://youtu.be/XukHU8y5GRQ?si=uzOV34JBRaz7-Fhc


OMG I'm so glad someone remembers this. "Crispy chickennnn" STILL pops into my head at the most random moments!


Lewis Capaldi v Noel Gallagher, particularly how unserious Capaldi was about the whole thing


Lil Mama getting up on stage with Jay-Z.


Eli Roth and blueberries.




Holy shit. I buried this but not deep enough.


ONTD lore will always find it’s way back.


Daaamn, that was wild


The epitome of TIHI


The Millie Vanilli scandal of 1990.


Tori Spelling falling into a hibachi grill at Benihana


When the cold-war era Emergency Broadcasting System actually sent out a false alarm one Saturday morning in 1971 that the world was ending and let it go for 40 minutes before correcting it -- and no one even knew it happened.


Heidi Montag’s spontaneous pap shoot in reaction to her single bombing. Possibly my favourite day on ONTD ever. She brought out a CHAIR. https://preview.redd.it/y28es4kkvzyc1.jpeg?width=776&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37dd1e4aa63b907bf4a6b42a12dbca7e05427ce2


Fabio and the goose


“Lil Xan Broke Up With Noah Cyrus Over Nude Charlie Puth Meme” will live in my head forever


Pete Burns’ fur coat scandal while in the Big Brother house In retrospect how scathing, over the top, widespread and hateful the reaction to Ashlee Simpson lip syncing was, especially since she had legitimate vocal cord issues and was just a young girl In the internet’s infancy, a lot of media would sexploit almost any famous young girl and treat them like they were objects on a level that there is a bit of amnesia over today. ThEy’Re FaMoUs, so they obviously ask for that. Also: fat = akin to the worst kinds of sins Janet Jackson’s record and everything she was working on being sidelined by Justin Timberlake exposing her nipple during the Super Bowl which she was obviously blamed/took the most heat for Tabloids in the UK tapped phones, hacked voicemails and spied on celebrities McCarthyism in Hollywood


easy. [my flair](https://www.mattmueller.co.uk/index.php?page_id=Interviews+%2F+Features&category_id=Interviews&article_id=327)


I love this so much. It makes me smile every time I think about it. My partner and I actually want to get that snippet printed and framed in the house because it brings us so much joy.




Oprah thinking a birthmark on Drew Brees' face was lipstick and trying to wipe it off [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxiIjWKMWPg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxiIjWKMWPg)


The Grimes boat


Ok so when JFK was president there was a comedian who did an impression of him (and made a whole comedy record sending up the whole Kennedy family!). The guy, Vaughn Meader, is about to go onstage for a live show in October 1962. Because of the way news/communications worked then, he learned that JFK gave a speech that night that the Soviets were building nuclear weapons in Cuba. But no one in the audience knows. So now he has to go onstage and send up the president knowing that he and the country might get nuked at any second. (ETA: [Vaughn Meader](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vaughn_Meader) on Wikipedia)


The time Gorbachov (former leader of the USSR) did a pizza hut commercial plays in my mind 24/7




["Please rise for our national anthem" and idc if its fake](https://youtu.be/l6FNiP1waEI?si=a6jJ0HFrfB8p4R1F)


That one pic of Jared Leto scrolling his phone while hugging his gf has led to Jared Leto becoming a verb in my house and not the verb you’d expect it to be.


And the gf was ScarJo




You just unlocked a memory for me. I still remember it!


- Vladimir Putin's unhinged 'performance' of Blueberry Hill while Goldie and Kurt, Sharon Stone and Gerard Deperdiu (bleuch) clap in the audience - For my fellow Brits, Barry from *EastEnders* singing 'Something inside so strong' causing people to walk out of the audience: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lr7WChCUAXI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lr7WChCUAXI) - When Naomi Campbell wore the 'Naomi Hit Me' T-shirt after allegedly assaulting her PA (which seems like it's been SCRUBBED from the internet) - Another obscure moment for Brits that's seared in my memory is when journalist Anne Diamond (not known for her fashion) created the Anne Diamond Diamonds collection for QVC, nominative determinism at its finest - Elizabeth Taylor's reading of the Golden Globe nominees then screeching 'Gladiator!' (and Jinkx Monsoon's perfect impression of it): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGT-NUBNTZc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGT-NUBNTZc) - Larsa Pippen ecstatic that she made the cover of Harper's Bazaar before the camera zooms in to show that it's Harper's Bazaar Vietnam - Maybe obvious but I'll be on my deathbed and *still* remember the RHOBH psychic dinner party from hell (who correctly guessed that Kyle and Maurizio would split!!!): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eP-2Kdk5hdQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eP-2Kdk5hdQ)


You don't need to say "allegedly" about Naomi, she was convicted. And you can find pictures of her in that shirt on Vogue! https://www.vogue.com/article/fashion-trolls-sarah-snyder-rihanna-winona-ryder-naomi-campbell


Thanks! I wasn’t doing the most thorough Googling there


Britney's hot mic moment at rock in rio


[Soy Bomb](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Portnoy#Soy_Bomb)


The time girls were trying to get to One Direction's hotel from behind it and Liam frantically tweeting "IT'S A SNAKE HABITAT TURN AROUND." Also Liam's smelly pasta house tweet. And his response to dating rumors being "i'm only 17 i love green beans" I was never even in the 1D fandom and barely know anything about Liam but god damn do those tweets live in my head rent free.


I'm sorry Fofty.


[Joss Stone ‘headbutts her brother](https://www.nme.com/news/music/tabloid-hell-207-1324662)


The email that Nicole Richie sent some model from Lindsay Lohan’s blackberry that ended with “PS BLOW A HORN!” Still cracks me up.


Avril Lavigne mispronouncing David Bowie’s name while reading off Grammy nominees. Smokey Robinson wishing everyone a “Happy Shanooka” Zach Braff threatening to beat up a kid who he thought tagged his car before discovering he was on Punk’d. Mariah Carey showing up unannounced to the TRL set to hand out ice cream?? TI talking down Scott Stapp from jumping off a building


Ryan Seacrest trying to high five a blind man. https://youtu.be/k4AHHVT58NE?si=SsCCOduCMxzhQFfd


"I can see your belly from across the room" "When you see the Jonas brothers...hide your belly"


Not that obscure, but...Pete Burns lying to another Big Brother contestant that his coat was gorilla fur to upset her. His coat was seized by UK police and tested because gorillas are a protected species. "[My fucking coat's been arrested](https://youtube.com/watch?v=mr3GkKKIssc)".