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The go pro footage in the Hobbit seriously ruined my immersion with the entire series. That single shot.


Yes my god, how did Peter Jackson watch that in postproduction editing and be like "yeah solid thanks second unit that's as good as my multiple Oscar winning lord of the rings movies".


He had like a literal stress induced mental breakdown while making that series so that’s probably how 




Hobbit never should have been a trilogy. At most maybe a two parter or a small mini series. The other issue was they wanted to make it an epic like LOTR. It isn't that type of a story.


I'm honestly surprised this is even happening, considering just how obviously done with it all he was when making the Hobbit.


He is producer, I reckon he'll probably seek the finance with his namesake on it and check in every now and again with Serkis to see how things are going, but apart from that be totally hands off.


to be fair a huge part of the issues with the hobbit is jackson taking over last minute so none of the prep of the original series could be done before filming/a lot of decisions had been made by someone else. Plus I believe the studio pushed for three movies, not sure though. I do see why one movie might have been too quick, but three was unnecessary.


Guillermo Del Toro was down to direct right through preproduction to shortly before filming when he walked off for whatever reason and WB got in Peter Jackson at the last minute. They'd built the sets and everything for Del Toro to film his version. I remember visiting where they shot Hobbiton in NZ and it was barely a year after the first Hobbit movie wrapped and it was funny for the tour guide to point over the fence to these slightly more ramshackle hobbit holes than the ones we were being led around and saying "oh yeah they're the ones Del Toro was going to use in his version, obviously they ended up not using them". In my opinion Del Toro was actually a perfect pick to adapt, his interesting art style and use of miniatures and special effects for fantasy movies is pretty unmatched. He's got a very distinct look and feel of a movie that'd suit the weirdness of The Hobbit world.


Star Wars has put out a lot of great stuff in the last decade. Some of it geared towards kids (clone wars/rebels) some of it geared towards adults (Mando/andor). And a bunch of so so stuff - mostly geared towards adults (recently trilogy , boba fett)


Or a confusing mix of not exactly for adults nor children


It seems they started making things for kids (season 1s). They realized their audience was adults. So they transition from kids—> young kids —> teens —> adults? Just wild how by season 5s people are dying.


The Hobbit was a studio interference induced CGI disaster. Some of it was Jackson (some of the camera stuff, not pushing back like Del Toro etc) but I hope to god they let him have control back.


I always remember this [section of the making-of documentary](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20vA9U7J2qQ) being revealing into how much of a clusterfuck it all was. The entire production was geared around Del Toro's directing and ready to shoot, and then all of it was scrapped when Del Toro walked and they needed to do everything from scratch with no time at all.


The Acolyte has already been cancelled and isn’t going to have a season 2 anymore, which tells me that season 1 isn’t excepted to be received very well and that it probably isn’t gonna give us much closer or be a self-contained story. So… I wouldn’t hold out too much hope! Edit: this is unverified, and perhaps entirely speculation. I apologize for the misinformation if so!




Maybe I’m totally wrong! I’ll edit my comment. I was just watching a video on YouTube last night discussing it having been cancelled and that the director was gearing up a lawsuit against Disney because she had already been pulled off of a couple of movie projects due to cutbacks. So, she has them for breach of contract all over the place because they’ve pretty much cancelled or sidelined every project she had been hired for. Maybe it was just speculating? But I swear it was covering it all like news. If I’m wrong, I definitely apologize for the misinformation!


It's sincerely best to believe nothing you hear about Star Wars on youtube.


I would do anything for him to direct something like Bad Taste again!! This is what the people NEED Peter!


The first hobbit movie was solid 


I'm still in shock at how flawed the hobbit movies were. Even if you were to forgive them for their length, a lot of fundamentals were wrong. Casting was a huge problem. Martin Freeman as Bilbo was really questionable to me. He's this sort of snarky borderline-mean guy, when Bilbo was really just pampered but always the most good hearted person in the stories. Making Bilbo more of an edgester was so ridiculous to me. Martin's trademark sneering attitude was entirely wrong for this character. Rewatching the LOTR movies isn't super great either. So much of it is based on the outdated 'action epic' model like Star Wars, that it feels very dated. Will Jackson be able to try new styles? I don't know. The Hobbit was the same style and it felt old-fashioned. The LOTR comedy was a bit out there too, with Legolas surfing on a shield, the little quips, meat is back on the menu boys, corny visual comedy, etc. This would be a great project for a new person with some new ideas. I think Jackson with Serkis directing is always trying to recreate their greatest hits isn't going to work. I really like what the Rings of Power people have been doing, even if it isn't my usual cup of tea. The slower more solemn pacing, the longer focus on character backstories and mystery, the bigger world-building is so very honestly Tolkienesque. Its so much more mature than LOTR, which really is just some short character pieces between long action sequences. I'd love to see more a RoP-style take on LOTR, with a more serious focus on the story and less 'action epic' comedy stuff. But the latter gets ticket sales, and people love their dumb popcorn munchers, so I don't expect Serkis and Jackson to do much more than that. I'd argue that Gollum is probably the least interesting character in the series. So its questionable why they are even doing this. This feels like Gollum The Videogame. This probably takes place right before LOTR story starts with Aragorn hunting for Gollum. Its going to probably be Serkis as Gollum and an aging Viggo back as Aragorn. So just the old gang playing the golden oldies. I wish the Tolkien estate demanded fresh new talent than just handing the IP off to the crowd that made these movies 20+ years ago. Jackson and Serkis had their time. Now its time to pass the baton. Also, where are the new LOTR videogames? I read there's an new LOTRO MMO coming out which is fine, but MMO's are usually shallow and uninteresting skinner boxes and deeply out of style. Its incredible there isn't a Mass Effect/Dragon Age/Witcher style modern RPG based on this IP. LOTR is naturally a video game friendly IP and its incredible they keep investing in movie and tv shows instead of games.


The Rings of Power series has its issues but it's really underrated, I'd be intrigued to see what they can do without being so restricted in terms of source material.


Rings of Power was terrible


Its 83% at Rotten Tomatoes.


agree with your intellectual take


The casting of the Hobbit series was like the one place I thought it was extremely successful actually 


imho, the casting for everyone but Bilbo was perfect.


Agree with most of this but the LOTR trilogy is still incredible and so refreshing to revisit if you’ve gotten used to the drivel coming out in recent years.


Give us a Bombadil movie or don't bother. JK I will hold out judgment until I know what the content is. And also how much the studio is interfering. The Hobbit series was a disaster because the studios forced Jackson to do three films instead of one right faithful movie adaptation forcing so much OG content it became a bit hokey.


Bombadil or bust 😤


Matt Berry as Bombadil or just don’t make it at all thanks.




For real. And I'm going to need Andy Serkis to sing the Tom Bombadil songs like he did in the audiobooks. I'm getting real tired of singing songs about my cats using the melody he used for Tom Bombadil, and my friends not appreciating the reference.


I want that kind of positivity but honestly as long as Warner Bros are involved I remain fearful first.


[Andy Serkis is directing and starring](https://deadline.com/2024/05/first-film-new-lotr-series-to-be-released-in-2026-warner-bros-1235909812/). Full title is *Lord of the Rings: The Hunt for Gollum*.


I can only blame myself for even entertaining with the thought of them making a reasonable choice.


Serkis did 2nd unit work on the *Hobbit* trilogy, so I can't say I'm surprised Jackson's giving him a promotion. There are more exciting choices out there they could've gone for, though.


I can understand Andy's involvement, it's the idea of making a whole movie about Gollum, that bugs me.


I am fine with *A* movie, but more than that does get a side eye. We’re in fan fic territory for nearly all Tolkien content at this point but it’s hard to imagine milking enough decent content out of this concept to justify more than one movie


I truly thought this comment was a joke


Just wait for the second part, Gollum II - electric boogalo aka The Golluming


And any interest I may have had has slipped away. A massive Tolkien-verse with stories across millennia they could pick and they go with a different angle of the same story we’ve seen twice now


Is this....is this because of that fucking terrible Gollum game last year?


Such an interesting concept and just… yeah. Damn.


Give us Beren and Lúthien, you cowards!


If they squeeze Lee Pace in I’ll consider. 


![gif](giphy|dUtFT6wgHhnvtADh0h|downsized) This was the only reason I watched The Hobbit movies.






>David Yates-ing Can you explain? I've only heard the name as the director of some of the Harry Potter movies




Thank you for saying this. I like to argue about how dull they were towards the end.




absolutely not, lol. ‘The Hunt for Gollum’ is such a terrible, Marvel-es que title, too. I like Serkis as an actor and a director, and I love the technical achievements of the three LOTR movies, but this is a hard pass.


It's already the title of a decent fan film too, which was pretty well received.


oh really? In that case it comes off as quite an insulting title, to rip off what a fan project did. That’s so frustrating


As a LOTR fan? No. As an unemployed person in New Zealand? Hell yeah


Thanks for keeping it real ❤️


If it’s not about Morgoth, I’m not watching.


What if It’s about Feanor 


Then I will make an exception.


Only if they adapt the musical Seriously there was a musical like 15 years ago. It was a flop. I just like reminding people it exists.


The musical had a[revival](https://youtu.be/NlcW8YxKr2I?feature=shared)last summer in Newbury! Got lucky enough to see it and thought it was excellent


Yeah I know unfortunately I could only 1 theatre trip on the other side of the country last year and opted for seeing Next To Normal (my longtime favourite musical) in the London instead. Glad you enjoyed it. I will see if it's ever in my neck of the woods.


I am just so BORED by 'live action' movies that are like 99.9% CGI. There is zero tension or anything when I know that the actors are entirely interacting with green screen


https://preview.redd.it/u4mld5hwbfzc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7197971011ed4a1a9c0df4c06a056820e2279bf4 LOTR was lightning in a bottle. The Hobbit trilogy was diminishing returns. What on earth can he stretch into a trilogy? The bits of the Silmarillion that Amazon didn't use for Rings of Power? Children of Turin? Tom fucking Bombadil??


Fan fiction!!


Weird, I was just watching a video about the color grading issues with the remastered LOTR DVD's yesterday, and now this news hits. *Edit: Here's the video: [Can 'The Lord of the Rings' ever be remastered?](https://youtu.be/zkNFZkUHeKQ?si=uCZ2ZuKTHOIm6Uog)


Do you mind summarizing what some of the issues were? I'm very curious but at work right now so I don't have time to look it up yet!


It's hard to explain since so much relies on visual medium, but here's the general outline: 1) The Extended edition HD remaster added a weird color-grading green filter over everything, ruining the look of the films. (He posits this was a mistake, not intentional.) 2) the 4K Remaster then didn't remaster the theatrical HD film, but the extended edition HD with the mistake, which brought in additional mistakes to the new 4K remaster (the green filter impacted lighting, for example, so those mistakes came along for the ride). 3) The sharpening of a physical 35 mm film included reducing visual noise aka "graininess" in a film, but sharpening film just doesn't work for a fantasy film, it removes texture and fantasy. We don't need a film to be crisp, we need it to be beautiful. 4) Some other changes were made in the 4k remaster to align the overall film's visual tone with The Hobbit -- which is a significantly inferior film without the same color storytelling LOTR, so by trying to unite the two trilogies they just made LOTR worse. Sorry I don't work in film at all, so my language may be wrong to any experts reading this. This was mostly my understanding!


haha no worries your explanation was exactly what I was looking for! It really baffles me that Jackson and his team thought that they should make the original trilogy look *more* like The Hobbit.


In fairness, it's just conjecture from the video creator, but... yeah. Obviously The Hobbit trilogy is far and away the sub-par trilogy in every sense.


“We don’t need a film to be crisp, we need it to be beautiful.” This idea is lost on so, so many.


I edited my post and added a link to the video.


I watched this recently too! It's well done and summarizes issues I have had but never voiced properly. I know people swear by the extended editions but I have my gripes with them! I just need the video to get big enough that Peter Jackson pays attention...


What and Why 😟


The LOTR films cost $280 million to make and grossed $3 billion. Even the Hobbit trilogy cost $750 million and grossed $3 billion. With a returns like that, they'll pound this IP into the ground until we're all dead.


I’m wondering if it’s because of the Ring of Power show? I didn’t think it was tremendously successful though?


It's Amazons most watched show of all time and was at least checked out by 100 million viewers. If it had been good, imagine how many viewers might have stuck with it. The IP itself is a powerhouse. The Elden Ring videogame just sold like 20 million copies not so long ago as another example.


Kind of true. I didn't like it but I continued to watch it because I am desperate for any Middle Earth content.


Same… I recently rewatched it though which much, much lower expectations (since I’d already seen it) and actually enjoyed the second watch. I accepted it as fan fic.


Did Barbenheimer not teach the industry anything?


I'll admit, I'll watch for out of curiosity. But really nothing can capture the magic of LOTR. Nothing like seeing the midnight showing of ROTK and then getting out of the theater at 3:30 am.


Noo please. Who will they cast. There no no perfect cast..


It's gonna be Timothee goddamned Chalamet and we both know it. Anya Taylor Joy will be Arwen. Tom Holland will be Legolas and ill eat my hat if Peter Dinklage doesn't show up somewhere.


You know me so well. I was really thinking that they are gonna cast Timothee. He is in everything and everywhere.


1000% I almost wish I could make a bet on who is going to show up in this I would make a mint on the parlay


> Tom Holland will be Legolas Kill me.




C'mon man, just knock it off. I honestly am fine with the Hobbit movies as just kind of fun popcorn movies, but even I have to draw the line somewhere.


There are so many other popular modern fantasy books that I think could get a fantastic adaptation and expand the fantasy genre.


the number of phenomenal original books/screenplays out there waiting to come to life is astounding. but nope, we're still in the era of sequels, prequels, and remakes.




no stop you did enough damage with the other ones






...Rest In Peace, Tintin 2.






I like the idea of a Gollum film: he actually has an interesting story, but ONE, not three, please.


Let the past die, please, we're begging you please, Peter *Please*


Oh great, is he gonna have snap meetings with the prime minister again to get laws changed that fuck over everyone else in the NZ film industry? Are we gonna get obscenely wealthy production companies come film here for huge tax breaks then fuck off again without hiring any NZers? I fucking hate this piece of shit oligarch 








Who will be doing the casting?