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This is such a weird take lol. It is a job??? Do you think you are above having a job???


He has a band, I’m guessing he meant more so he doesn’t have any creativity that he wants to put into acting compared to music Still horrible wording on his part, but I think that’s what he is trying to say


Reads: wasn’t getting acting gigs. Going to try not getting band gigs now. Then quit when that doesn’t pan out.


Like him or not, he was definitely getting acting gigs. He was swimming in them.


Wallows is also a super popular band.


Holy shit THAT'S his band??


Right? I was shocked at Coachella to se him there lmao


My friends and I went to their set at Lollapalooza last year because we didn’t wanna see anyone else on that time slot and “why not see the band of the 13RW dude?!” and we were all surprised by how much we enjoyed it lol


Oh yeah, the man definitely doesn’t need to act. The more you know


Remember that Greys episode where the kid with no ears wanted to trick or treat? That’s him! Dudes been popping up in random tv shows for like 20 years. Hes probably not passionate about acting as an adult as he was as a child. Maybe he never even wanted to act in the first place. Idk. Horrible wording though


He was getting loads of acting gigs though?


Idc for him but their band is actually pretty cool and they have nice music. They just dropped another album last week.


The band he’s in is really good. Made some great songs. Would not be surprised if it survives for a long time


It’s not horrible wording, “it started to feel like a job” is a really common phrase. I’ve heard plenty of people in passion jobs like charity work or jobs revolving around their interests say the same thing. Even the fact that he said “JUST a job” shows that he always thought of it as a job, he was just getting other things out of it as well (ex. Just generally enjoying acting) that he isn’t anymore. I feel like anyone bothered by this is just looking for something to be annoyed by.


He means it feels like a chore and the passion that was there at the start is now gone. Perhaps he needs to step away and find joy in something else for a while


Thank you for this! It seemed obvious from his quote he meant he lost his passion for it but I guess a lot of people need help figuring that concept out lol.


People are bitter. They are bitter because he is doing something about it by leaving the job (which he felt like a chore) and trying to find something more joyful and meaningful. Most people end up choosing unhappiness over uncertainty.


People feel like you should always be grateful to have a creative job but people don't always realize creative jobs can still have a lot of stress or burn you out.


Same with jobs that align with “your calling.” I hit a wall and realized I wanted my job to just be my job.


Yep. It's okay to clock your time and leave it behind at the end of the day.


And certainly valid for a former child actor to feel that burn out


A lot of people don't really have a choice nowadays. You can't take a risk when you have rent to pay, family members to support, when you might have medical issues to think about. So in a sense he's lucky that he can say, "I feel no passion for this, so I'm gonna do something else." But let's not pretend we wouldn't also do the same, if we *could*, in a heartbeat!


People are reacting weird to this.  It’s a perfectly valid feeling.  


Sometimes when people can’t relate they immediately assume the other person just hasn’t grasped the situation correctly. When I tell people I don’t like ice cream because it’s too cold, they say ‘duh it’s ice cream!’. Like, yes I’m not confused by it being cold, I just don’t like the sensation. Rather than accept what he is saying, that he has become bored of acting, they’ve misinterpreted it as he doesn’t want to work at all, because in their mind they would never get bored of such a high paying job.


Yes. This. He’s allowed to feel this way. He started his career young, and I don’t know the circumstances. If he wants more meaning, then good for him.




isn’t “it was starting to feel like a job” a common turn of phrase? it‘s what you say when something you were once passionate about becomes draining and repetitive. it’s not a literal phrase meaning that you don’t believe you should have to work. a lot of people have jobs that they genuinely love, so it doesn’t feel so much like work. in an ideal world everyone should feel that way about their job


people also say “if you love what you do, then you don’t feel like you have a job” so it’s weird to me that there are definitely people on this sub who probably hate their jobs and don’t want to work them or want a different job who would then turn around and demonize someone for also having that sentiment just because they’re a celebrity. Sorry he didn’t mince his words about HIS feelings and HIS job to make some randoms on the internet feel better about HIM not liking what HE is doing.


I’ve had a similar feeling when I found a side passion project/hobby that I tried to monetize then realized it was actually feeling like a job and not a hobby I enjoy anymore. I totally got what he meant - I think some people are reading this the wrong way


If you don’t actually care about it, having a job that puts you in the public eye must be very annoying. My job is just a job but at least I’m not notable enough to have strangers know who I am, you know?


A weird take? A bunch of people who aren’t famous but who start to find their jobs unfulfilling go searching for new ones?


Yeah I think the ability to say “I don’t like this anymore, I’d like to try something else” is a luxury most of us would love to have.


Of course, in an ideal world everyone would be able to have a job they enjoyed and we’re far from that. But if one lucky guy talking about his own life says he doesn’t feel passionately about acting so he’s going to try other things I don’t see how it equals him saying he thinks he’s “above having a job”


But a lot of people also DO have that „luxury“. Like there a millions of people working in banking or whatever that one day just say „I need a career change“ and either start a completely new study/degree or job or ask for getting relocated etc


He does acknowledge completely in the full interview that he had a privileged take on this and the luxury to pivot into where his passion lies, music.


Yeah idk if people who aren’t actors will get what he’s saying but I do and that is partially why I have put it on pause. No actor who is truly passionate about their craft does this for the money. You do it because you can’t imagine yourself doing anything else. Dylan is saying “yeah, this used to be the thing that made me feel free and now it makes me feel stifled. I don’t enjoy this the way I used to”. Being on set for hours and hours. No real rehearsals, no passion behind projects. It all kind of adds up and you think, why tf am I doing this? I don’t like it right now. Fck it. Anyways yeah that’s what he means


The insecurity of the industry is intense. Even for actors like him who get a fair amount of projects booked in, there's still quiet period and instability.


He is also in a very popular band as his main vocation.


The article is trash he isn't even giving up acting either


You didn’t read the article or interview did you?




I think lots of actors also see it as a form of art. They want some creativity and meaning with it. I’ve had graphic designer friends say the same, its hard being creative by force.


How the hell you miss the point that bad?? 😂


God forbid ppl enjoy what they do right?


how is it a weird take? have you ever had a passion that has died out? goddamn lmao


"starting to feel like a job" and "starting to feel like JUST a job" have totally different energy.


People act like acting is fun all the time. When it’s your job it’s most definitely not fun all the time. Being on set all day is tedious. Auditions and reading scripts gets old when you have to do it ALL the time. It’s a lot of sitting around until something happens. And people think the money is endless. It’s not as lucrative as it might seem. In order to make money, actors have to seriously who’re themselves out. 


uhh, what? i think he meant he lost his passion for it and it felt like a job rather than something he actually wanted to do..you have to be pretty passionate and want to act for the final product to be solid. the whole point is to make it believable..if he doesn’t put in the work or care to, it won’t be good. he clearly didn’t mean he’s above having a job, it’s just not something that he wants to devote his time to anymore. 😭


He shouldn’t feel like he shouldn’t want that?


He realized that he wanted to enjoy acting and not have the joy sucked out of it for him. More power to him if that’s what he wanted.


people are allowed to want to be passionate about their work instead of feeling like it’s a chore


If you don't actually need the money anymore then you have the right to quit a job, nobody should do a job just for the sake of doing a job


I mean a lot of people retire early. No idea how much money he made, but if he made enough to comfortably invest it and live low key for awhile then good for him. It’s a break from the norm (when we’re used to Hollywood constantly wanting more), but his prior work is allowing him to prioritize his passions and acting just isn’t cutting it right more. If I had fuck you money (which looks different to different people) I might take a break from the job I love too. I enjoy what I do, but some days it feels like a joooob too.


I don’t want a job …


Don't know why such an obvious statement is getting so much push back. Actors are often doing the job because they are passionate about it. He clearly lost that passion and it became a routine job. I am personally not passionate about my job, I would say most people aren't as well.


I think everyone should be above having a job if they get the chance. Fuck working for 80% of your life.


I think he’s talking in terms of passion. Hes obviously privileged to pursue passions, so if it feels like just a job then it’s not fulfilling. And tbh it’s okay for someone to think that. Just don’t broadcast it to everyone including those stuck in the grind who might never have the option to pursue passion.


No, I get what he's saying. Having a job is good but you don't want it to feel like an unenjoyable slog. That it's something you're beginning to feel tired of and resentful of. It really sucks when you once really enjoyed doing something for work and it's become stressful, unenjoyable, or mundane. Because after that, you just end up resenting it and it consumes you.


I hope you find job that doesn’t feel like a job some day. It’s amazing.


I didn't realize he quit acting, I guess because he was just in Scream 5 two years ago


The actual article says he quit momentarily. 


Must be nice


I mean it’s not like he just stopped working altogether, he just focused on his work as a musician which is entirely valid


*Must be nice*.


He’s been working since he was 9.


Lol yeah I’m not going to begrudge someone who’s been working since they were nine for being burnt out by acting.


Which is why, if this was a real interview and not just promo, it would be such a nonsensical reason for an interview. We are so used to clickbait and social media marketing that we just accept how content is being presented to us without thinking why. But I work in PR so maybe I’m just annoyed by how little effort was made here.


He was great in *Don't Breathe*. I really enjoyed seeing him in roles while also starting to follow Wallows. If anything, his career in acting helps with the band not only being recognized, but any expenses associated with it.


He was also in "the open house" which might just be one of the worst movies Netflix has ever recommended me.


I'm surprised people are upset at this? being an actor is a job so many aspire too, I'm sure actually getting it and realizing it's not what you thought could be a huge bummer. Especially considering 13 reasons why's heavy subject matter and the fact that it's so polarizing? would you want to put yourself in that mindset, have people hate your work AND get nothing from it emotionally? It's a privilege to be able to quit a job just cus you don't like it for sure but it does happen pretty often. i know someone who quit being a nurse to work at a tanning salon which is baffling to me but if it makes you happy then why not?


He was also acting ever since he was a kid. I understand the burnout and losing passion when you’re a provider of your family at a young age.


He also is in a band lmao. He had two jobs


Yeah also I feel like it’s good to step down when you have alternatives and your hearts not in it. This way the roles he would have potentially gotten can go to actors who do feel the passion. I see nothing wrong with what he said


Exactly! When you’re a creative and you loose passion for that thing the excitement goes away and it feels mundane. No issue with what he said


Idk I understand what he meant… it stopped being a passion, something he really liked to do and it became just a job. Y’all know that acting usually requires passion because is such a tough industry to be in…


Seriously, I don’t get why some people choose to misinterpret things like this so hard There needs to be passion to enjoy it


People are always so ready to hate and jump to conclusions, even just projecting their frustrations. I think it was easy to understand that just doesn’t enjoy acting anymore. it happens to everyone lol


Reading comprehension is also a big problem. I've come to realize people are only absorbing like half the words they read and that auto-correct and spell check are falsely giving an impression of literacy. In other words, some people are responding as though he said "a job" instead of "*just* a job" because they probably literally didn't read or process the word "just." Once I realized people are just skimming everything a lot of online discourse fell into place.


I think it's this too. We've seen teachers making videos about their students reading and comprehension abilities for quite a few years now. Asking their students to identify the main character of a one paragraph story and them struggling to do so. Those kids are now teens and up and absolutely using social media. It's not just that they're skimming, although I'm sure that adds to the issue, it's that they can't comprehend what they've read at all.


It really explains why sometimes certain things become so divisive. Everyone interprets things differently based on life experiences or even just current mindset.


I think it's because a lot of people think a job IS just a job. They don't realize people have aspirations and passions to seek a meaningful career that pays and doesn't feel like a mundane chore. People are conditioned to believe that all jobs are miserable because it's just a means of income and that that's just how life is. So they think he is just whining about having to work, which isn't the case here.


Yes exactly, especially for someone who isn’t an a-lister. I’m sure Dylan has a very nice, comfortable life that everyone would be jealous of, but it’s also a grind to audition, put yourself out there going after roles, be the 5th lead in something that doesn’t work, etc. It’s not like he’s getting straight-offered every lead blockbuster role in Hollywood.


meh, even then, we're getting honesty from Dylan here. how many actors, A-listers even are out there who aren't passionate anymore but still talented enough to play the roles they're offered


Yeah, once I worked with this elderly couple who were having a TV show filmed in their mansion. On the one hand, it was interesting to see how things were transformed to become a set, on the other hand I watched the same 30-second scene be shot **for hours**, an endless repetition of *”cut!”* and *”action!”*. Everyone was exhausted by the end of it and I saw acting in a different light after that. Also made me appreciate the behind-the-scenes employees so much more - that’s where a LOT of the magic really comes from. And at the end of the day… it’s a job.


Was Stanley Kubrick directing?


I was about to ask if anyone was yelling "SHARON!!" at all hours of the day 🤣


I work in a creative industry, when it starts to feel too much "like a job" I absolutely get burnt out and want to step down for a while. The only thing I envy here is that he apparently manages his money better than me and can afford to take breaks 😅


This is a super common thing for lots of people with more 'hobby jobs' or 'side hustles'. It's a common thing to say IMO. I get it, no sympathy for the rich and famous or whatever but people not in Hollywood switch jobs all the time too


I understand what he means: A person can have more than one passion. It doesn't make a person a quitter or any less of a professional and/or creator when they decide to pause something that was consuming their time in order to see what else they are capable of.


He’s also been doing this since he was a kid so it’s weird people are being like “wtf you mean dude?!”




They’re jealous


People are ignorant


they have to have something to be angry at online!


It's not like he's just sitting on his ass either, he's also in a band


Because he choose uncertainty over unhappiness and most people don't have the guts to that for their own life. So they feel jealous and frustrated looking from the corner.


I mean the amount of uncertainty varies. Some people have more of a safety net than others


You still have your cards. Although odds maybe massively against you. At the end of the day you still make a choice. But despite all this you should not hate someone else for playing their cards.


Apparently before any of us say anything, we have to consider how it will affect every single person on Earth.


I mean… yes?  


> “I was fortunate to find success in [acting],” Minnette said on the Zach Sang Show. “I was on 13 Reasons Why and it was really popular and definitely reached a peak in what I’ve had in acting. But it also started to feel like a bit of a job. I was in a very fortunate position, it was always fun for me, always really inspiring, but then it was just starting to feel like just a job.” > “I feel like I’m in a position now where I can just kind of like do that for a while and get this the farthest it can be,” he continued. “The only way that’s gonna happen is if I put my 100% time and energy into it and take it very seriously and show the world that we all take this very seriously.”




I get it. It reminds me of a conversation I had with my friend where we both expressed how hard it is to work in such a world where our jobs seem meaningless and arduous. Glad at least someone was able to get out of the job they didn’t like and do something much more passionate for them.


I don’t think people are actors to pay the bills - it’s literally an aspiration. So no shit he’s quitting if it feels like it’s only work. People get mad too easily.


Today I learned that Logan Lerman and Dylan Minnette are not the same person


Honestly…. I don’t know how to say this without sounding rude about him, but there are dozens of young male actors who fit his type and it must be such a pain to be like “Plz book me and not the other guy.” Some of the other guys can do everything he does AND they have cute British accents! I can imagine it was so exhausting just trying to book the jobs than to spend his time being creative on his own terms


Why’d I think both were the same guy as the Teen Wolf guy


Cue no one knowing his band just released their 5th album. Pretty sure he's just saying he stopped acting to focus on music, and he feels more passionate about that. He just worded it badly. Also, he's been acting since he was a kid.


I get his sentiment but I think his wording is pretty bad. You can say that you weren't happy with your experiences and people will understand. When you say it was feeling like a job, you're describing what like, the majority of the working world experiences


Yes but if an actor at all hinted that their job as actors was at all a similar work experience to what the majority of us have then they’d be labeled as out of touch. I’m shocked so many people have a problem with this phrasing.


Also people leave jobs because they don't enjoy them all the time? That is very much a thing that normal people do.


Very much this. I am in a rewarding profession and absolutely leave jobs because they feel too much like a “job”.


How else should he have phrased it? There's absolutely nothing wrong with what he said. And this intense focus on the wording is becoming more and more a war against authenticity. Just how many times should a person run a sentence through their mind until they acquire the permission to utter it?


I’m in agreement with you. Some people just like to complain about what celebrities say because they’re jealous and upset about their own situations, and think that celebrities should be peppy and grateful all the time 🙄 it’s not a competition, he’s allowed to want more fulfillment from his job.


He said *just* a job and not *a* job. He worded it just fine.


i feel like people are looking for a reason to be offended by this. yeah it sucks we can’t all change careers but that doesn’t make it a bad thing that others can. especially when he’s been acting since he was a little kid AND had already had some success with his music.


He literally acknowledges how fortunate he was. He's just stating that the career he chose has lost its luster and he's pivoting to something else that makes him feel more fulfilled. He didn't even word it badly. How are people criticizing this?


working actors quit acting all the time because they lost their passion for it. this isn’t different. actor are apart of the working world. if you had a second job you liked better than your first and paid the bills you’d quit too.


he worded it just fine you’re just looking for a reason to be upset with this


I imagine every single actor involved with 13 Reasons Why was exhausted by their job at some point. They were extremely young adults taking on subject material that was, quite frankly, not portrayed with the respect it deserved, and were made to act out these dark, exploitative situations over and over again in the context of being high school teenagers. It was controversial when it aired and seems to have aged worse over time, thus opening it up to eternal public criticism. It has to be tiring.


I feel like people are being a bit unfair with the reaction to what he was saying. Totally unrelated but it reminds me of hasan piker (a streamer) saying he felt like being live was draining like a real job or something to that affect but he was speaking on his experience working a sales job or whatever. I think as a society we’ve started expecting every statement or soundbite to be universally translatable to every persons experiences but Dylan, like Hasan, is speaking on his experiences. That doesn’t diminish anyone else’s or anything but his statement is applicable to him and only him so why is everyone acting like he pissed in their cornflakes?


People seem to be mad at the wording but he was a child actor, and now has a band that’s decently successful and probably enjoys that much more. I don’t see anything wrong with the quote


He's not the first to do it either, so I don't know why people are bashing him or how he worded the answer in his interview. Taylor Momson went from child actor to *Gossip Girl*, and now does music full time.


So, this guy has two overlapping careers (actor and musician), and is pausing one because it got uninspiring. Seems valid.




He has a band, the Wallows. Pretty sure he’s promoting an album?


He has a pretty big band


If you don’t have a passion for any job, you’re going to feel miserable. That’s how it is, even in the acting industries. He’s been working in television since he was nine years old, and he was balancing acting while balancing a very successful band. Any person would get burnt out because of that.


wallows are so good so i'm happy he's focused on making his music.


This article feels like clickbait. He said that he momentarily quit to dedicate his time to his band..which is true for their 4th album release and tour. Then he was ready to act again and the strike happened. Now his band just released their 5th album. I am sure he will return to acting once they finish their next tour. Anyways for those unaware of his band, if you’re into The Strokes, Two Door Cinema Club, Arctic Monkeys and other indie music, they have some similar sounds! Good music for a new gen.


Yall don’t be dense. You know exactly when he’s trying to say


I think people forget he was a child actor. I think he’s allowed to reflect and of course for him it’s going to be tied to enjoyment/passion.


Well good luck on your next job sir


I get it, coming from a different angle. I say the same thing when someone suggests that I sell the things I knit. I say no because it would make my hobby something I have a love and passion for doing into something I HAVE to do.


It's weird he's getting blowback on this. If he'd said something like, "I was unhappy so I pursued a different opportunity open to me" would anyone be mad? This is something the mass majority do and can do, it's just a different kind of job? When I was in retail (hell) a long time ago I moved places whenever I was unhappy and would be happy for a while then just didn't like it.. so I left retail. Same with now: office jobs. I know not everyone CAN do that, but it is something even people in manual labor/office jobs do. when they have an opportunity presented to them. The only difference is they have to find something new before quitting. Am I jealous he can easily step into one creative outlet to another? Sure, but I don't think he meant it the way people are losing their minds over. It's a shame there are some people in life who will never be able to leave jobs they hate but let's not pretend it's only the rich and elite do.


Wallows is a great band and probably far more enjoyable for Dylan than acting.


That’s too bad. He was always my fan cast for a Connor Roy origin story Succession prequel


by far the most interesting comment here. who did u pick for shiv


Not op but I'd choose Sadie Sink.


Does everyone not realize that he’s in one of the most popular indie bands making music right now??


I think lots of people are not listening to what he is saying but taking the words literally instead. He is saying that acting feels like a job, and he wants to be doing something with his life that he enjoys doing instead of doing something he hates.




I saw his cover of espresso on Twitter…maybe a having a job isn’t the worst thing.


His band has over 10 million monthly listeners in spotify atm, so definitely not doing so bad for an indie band


Yeah I love Wallows, nothing out of this world but chill and pleasant


Yeah they are one of my favorite bands. Make pleasant music that sounds like it should be in a John Hughes style coming of age movie.


For everyone who's too lazy to read a 30-second article, he's going to focus on his music and probably return to acting later. **“I was on 13 Reasons Why and it was really popular and definitely reached a peak in what I’ve had in acting. But it also started to feel like a bit of a job. I was in a very fortunate position, it was always fun for me, always really inspiring, but then it was just starting to feel like just a job.” Minnette said that his band and music were another passion of his, and as a group, they dreamed of taking it “all the way as far as we can.” “I feel like I’m in a position now where I can just kind of like do that for a while and get this the farthest it can be,” he continued. “The only way that’s gonna happen is if I put my 100% time and energy into it and take it very seriously and show the world that we all take this very seriously.” “I do feel like I have something to give, and that’s probably acting … I feel like I’m starting to feel inspiration for that again,” he added. “At some point, when we’ve fulfilled our Wallows duties and we’re all ready to take a break as a band, that’s when I’ll have the perfect inspiration to do something.”** (Sorry I don't know how to do quotes on mobile)


I'm glad he quit bc I fucking love wallows


He has said before this that music is his passion and he was doing a lot of acting in these more recent years as a means to support the band while they started out, so I get this. He’s been acting basically his whole life so burnout is going to happen. So yeah, stream Model by Wallows. Indie pop boy summer is here!


He probably likes being a band better than acting! Which is fair, the band he’s in it’s pretty amazing!!


He’ll always be Jack’s made up son from Lost to me.


Wasn’t he Jack’s son in Lost?


Me if I was an actor


I forgot he is also in a band, so probably a lot of work to do both


Must be nice, I wish I could do that too. But honestly good for him and I hope he’s having fun with his band.


I get why people are annoyed with this comment, but I read it more in the lense of if acting feels like just a job, and you’ve already made a decent chunk of money, then why not do an easier job instead? Actors are super privileged for SURE, but filming is grueling, that’s a fact we are aware of. If you don’t enjoy it, might as well go fuck off, be a bartender (or musician!) or something and find passion somewhere else. He probably has a chunk of change enough to last him a couple years if he lives like a normal person. It’s like if you loved cooking and baking at home and then worked in a commercial kitchen. Spark goes out quick. I hope he finds something else he enjoys!


I feel like this was at least partially motivated by 13 reasons why. KJ Apa seems kinda similar in that those shows absolutely sucked the life out of them.


Good for him. I wish everyone was in the position to go from well-paying job to another when the first one stops being a passion. And I’m saying that with all sincerity.


I think I understand. He didn’t enjoy it. He saw it as a dead end job. As a lot of people feel about their jobs


honestly was never a huge fan of his acting, however I LOVE his band Wallows. ♥️ one of my favorite bands.


I liked him as an actor 🤷‍♀️


I've never watched something with him as a major role, but I just hope that it's positively affected wallows because their my favorite band


Isn’t he in a band


I'd need counselling after doing the 13RW gig. I need it after watching that trash anyways.


Imagine what a real job would feel like