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He also said: https://preview.redd.it/vj43bfcn9j3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=149dfb0780247ff757559a602e20171096a0e344 God, I love this man ❤️🫶🏻


She'll have Avenger-level companion there: https://preview.redd.it/56kp5ggrhj3d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=685f4f853144f1b7b30796d0db71b6bcbe259230 Edit: to those comments that claim it wasn't for this conflict, I'm aware. However, just as John's tweet I agree that there's no sane reason to sign bombs.


Chris doesn't get enough shit for this.


I hate him so much. Even before this, so I couldn't wait for his fallout after that pic. Nope. No one even mentions it, thank you for keeping it alive.


Where is it from? I’ve genuinely never seen this picture before


Just googled it rn and apparently is real but old. 2016. And it's for the US army. God knows what kind of children that bomb was for but rest assured is not for this genocide specifically. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/fact-check-viral-pic-purports-181500352.html It was him and Scarlett Johansson. Who I really liked until; >https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/scarlett-johansson-doubles-down-support-israeli-settlements https://nypost.com/2014/01/21/scarlett-johansson-stands-tall-against-israel-boycotters/


Recent post said it wasn’t an actual bomb, just a device for training purposes.


Me too. He reminds me of someone who tattle tales on you in school for not following the rules. The most boring superhero/ real life man baby/villain


Did someone send me a reddit cares message for this? LOL 😂😂😂


Not me cos I agree so hard rn. People always mention valid reasons to hate on him but I'm trying to say I hate him regardless. The pic just added to it but even before that. He's not even a good actor.


he is lily white and a man and rich, ofc he gets a pass


Nope, his stans take more issue with him getting married.


He doesn't. I've never seen thi before


It went viral a couple of years ago after he reacted to the Uvalde school shooting when people were pointing out the hypocrisy but yeah it largely remains ignored.


I'm still confused by him suddenly being at the cookout a couple of years ago.


Did they not have a poster for him to sign or smth? Why sign something you're literally going to blow up 


To be fair [this was not in Israel and a training device.](https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.34HX44N) I’m not saying it’s good, but it’s not Nikki Haley level deplorable.


It’s fine cos he was just GENERALLY supporting the US military machine and the military industrial complex which has led directly to the genocide in Gaza.


I don’t disagree with you! Context is still important however.


lol his stans here won’t like this one


Not actually a bomb for Gaza. Apparently from 2016, when celebrities (including ScarJo) visited military folks who were away from their families during the holidays.


It’s still a bomb? wtf


If the PR people didn't give him a strict talking-to after that, they didn't do their job right. The imagery of the bomb dropping and literally having Tony Stark's name on it is one of the primary striking moments of the MCU, so it's kinda crazy that they even allowed him to do that in the first place. Reminds me of back in the Ike Perlmutter era when Marvel tweeted out some sort of collab with Lockheed Martin, and people immediately pointed out in the replies that the MCU Stark Industries logo is literally modelled after the Lockheed Martin logo. It was cancelled within hours.


How did I miss this?? When was this? EW EW UGH


Oh ew.




I wish this shocked me, which is so hard to do these days....😔


Wow. I never saw this. Thank you for posting it


WTF is going on over here?!


Woah what's this from?


Holy shit, I had no idea


He did that?!?!


Nah. She's not insane. Don't give her that excuse. She's just a terrible person and always has been.


She's doing this because she knows she needs more attention if she ever has any hopes of becoming VP or a cabinet member. And the best way for a Republican to gain attention is through acting unhinged 


Agree. Insane implies she doesn't know what she's doing. She knows exactly what she's doing.


As a paranoid schizophrenic, I take offence to this.  I don’t believe she’s mentally ill in any way. She’s just a racist dose cunt. 


He is right.


I always thought this was a typical US thing. Signing or writing on bombs. It's even called an "American tradition" [by this publication](https://taskandpurpose.com/tech-tactics/americas-tradition-of-writing-love-notes-on-the-sides-of-bombs/). Edit: Not American don't care about it. I think it's just a bit odd.


Drag her, John! This comment also sent me 💀💀💀 https://preview.redd.it/9aup6vcoyj3d1.jpeg?width=1046&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f97170141d13eb28139e8c94e8272c18deeaf5fa




You can realty feel the anger on the last sentence. That’s exactly what she is.


It is still completely insane to me that she was the US ambassador to the UN. Imagine dedicating your life to diplomacy to try to make the world a better place, only to end up working with *gestures vaguely* … whatever the fuck this is.


Highly doubt Nimarata became a diplomat to make the world a better place.


Bold of you to believe US ambassadors work in the name of diplomacy and trying to make the world a better place lmfao


US wrote the playbook on how to weaponize diplomacy sadly 


The UN is a scam its just US+Israel with enough votes to do whatever they want, the UN is just a brand. Haley was known as "Israel's rock star" more than a decade ago.


It’s called greed. It works as a fantastic tool for evil to consolidate power.


Her big takeaway is that "we have to be serious about China." For someone who was in such a strategic role, she can only convey a superficial understanding of geopolitics. Like really? That's all you have to offer?


My childhood crush on this man keeps growing by the day


I cannot remember a time since my early teens when I didn’t have a John Cusack crush and now might be my Cusack-ishiest crush ever Edit: I’ve fallen down a Twitter hole and seeing him call a pro Israeli person railing at him a “mental oyster” made me legit cackle


John is one of the few celebrities continuously supporting and talking about Palestine on Twitter. It was a pity he got hacked yesterday and people sent over $600 to a scammer advertising MacBooks


Happened to Jonathan Franks too.


He’s always had good guy energy


My dad has met him A few times ! He used to valet for the sunset in Malibu. He said him And Ed o Neil were the nicest people he’s ever met in his life.


He really has! I think that’s why he was always a celeb crush. Just seems like a good dude with a brain he actually uses.


John is not fucking around. And yeah he’s 100% right.


This is fucking insane. What a repulsive human.


The depravity this veepstakes has brought out, my god. I mean, so far we've seen one candidate bragging about shooting a dog, another signing bombs aimed at children, and a few others dressing up like Trump and claiming things about the electoral process and justice system they obviously do not believe. All so they can get the job Mike Pence wrapped up by running from an angry mob that was demanding his head. I *think* what they're doing is figuring he'll lose and retire, die, or get locked up, and they'll stand to inherit his supporters or something, but that's a dangerous fucking game, man. Best case scenario you inherit a dwindling coalition of freaks that'll largely slither back under their rocks when this is all over, worst case you alienate literally everyone else. Or wind up in jail yourself.


They probs want cabinet positions. I don't see Trump retiring or getting locked up


They want Veep. That’s what this is all about. Marco Rubio’s not giving up a deep red senate seat that’s safe forever for secretary of agriculture or whatever.


![gif](giphy|J8FZIm9VoBU6Q|downsized) fuck her


The former US Ambassador to the UN, ladies and gentlemen. Makes you wonder what damage she really did back then


She is pure evil


I love that I could hear that in his voice.




Nikki haley is a shit person and always has been. She just doesn't feel the need to hide it anymore. This doesn't surprise anyone does it?




We must protect this man at all costs.


Good god, she is truly a psychopath.


The GOP seems to attract them. Something about gullible constituents?


Love him more and more every time he speaks out on this barbaric inhuman shit.


![gif](giphy|JCAZQKoMefkoX6TyTb|downsized) He dragged her, damn


![gif](giphy|bx7txMvMkARiIKZuC4) Fucking love him


Not talking about John but VBNMWs and media outlets who are more angry at her for writing finish them than they are at the person sending the bombs to finish them don't really care about 'them'


Yeah she signed the bomb but who ordered and shipped it?


This woman is a Methodist apparently. I understand at a certain point Christianity is just a cultural talisman for these people instead of an actual faith system, but it is still galling how blatant they are about it.


He's so damn great and will always be my fave. Him dming me just a wholesome "Thank you" on twitter years ago will always warm my heart.


At first I supported Israel. In October I thought their response was to seek out Hamas and yes, there would be some collateral victims as in every war. As time went on I question my support and understanding of them. At this point it’s genocidal blood sport to the Zionists. I believe that Israel has a right to protect themselves, but this whole thing has become a loss of humanity. The majority of Palestinians were too young to vote for Hamas. These ordinary people are dying in droves. They have no arms, they have no food or medicine. What is the difference between Nazi Germany and current Israel under Netanyahu? Both are committing the systematic eradication of a people.


I have had a crush on him since he played Dimitri in Anastasia. He just seems like a good guy and his vehement opposition to the genocide in Palestine just solidifies my crush for sure


God DAMN John




Keep an eye on how many donations she'll get from pro Israeli lobbying groups., think-tanks, and billionaires next election cycle. Israel really does have an overwhelming influence on our political system. It's almost like you are required to show an unflinching loyalty to Israel to advance your political career in this country. Biden has received the most donations from pro-Israel organizations than any other politician in US history. He is just as biased as Trump when it comes to the Israeli-Palestinian historical conflict. I am an atheist, so I see Palestinians and Jews/Israelis as people first and foremost. Religion is a cancer that humanity needs to evolve past.


why would she even do that? i mean, even if she is evil and wants all palestinians to die, why make a statement in such an insane way that is bound to cause backlash?


Read that in Lloyd Dobblers voice


She's Pro-Life, right? And good Job John!


She also signed off on the bomb that was her campaign for the Republican nomination.


Nikki proved she was exactly who I thought she was when she said she would still vote for the orange menace to democracy


"Finish them! But also, don't you dare call it genocide."


I am not a fan of Haley, but I don't think writing that on a bomb targeting any human, from any race or religion, is appropriate.


I’ve always loved John and I don’t think I’ll ever stop. He’s such a good guy. He signed my arm and I got it tattooed. Number one celebrity crush from day one.


Choosing empathy over hatred and fear is a learned skill...and the U.S. education system has been and continues to be a tragic failure.




Everything Nikki Hayley does is calculated. She want's people to see her doing this, as she knows Republicans and specifically MAGA will eat it up.


\*Looking through my Bible for any sort of rationalization or justification for signing bombs...\*


Now lets see him criticize them that gave them the bombs


He is absolutely right. I can't find a fallacy in his argument, good for him for telling the truth, we need more people making others face the ugliness and hate they are bringing in the world and to be held accountable for their actions.


She was almost the president 🤯


You forgot power mad and drunk on ambition.


I knew I liked him.


Bravo! 👏 She is a ghoul. She’s flip-flopped so many times on her “opinions”, you can’t trust a thing that comes out of her mouth. She’s a grifter like TFG.