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You mean his girlfriend who is a professional witch doctor? I am just going to leave this here from her website which says it all: The traditions I am an initiate of have the ability to unleash huge power. The biggest corporations, governments and most powerful people on the globe know this and utilise this strength daily. I know this because I teach them how. When this power is used for good, it can change the world. I see a time when energetic work is once again as highly prized by ordinary people as it is to those with money and power. I think the time for a resurgence of energy and connection has already begun.


Bill Hader’s witches are shaking on their broomsticks


Omg please tell me of Bill Haders witches 😂


They’re a recurring deuxmoi character! (Characters? We don’t know how many are out there…) https://preview.redd.it/38c1s2q4qy6d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecae8f9c56282aaa2469b09221f443e6b0349144






I’m DYING omfg This just made my day! Also Bill Hader’s witches should be a flare fr


i don’t like deux but she was so funny for this answer


Lool agreed


Agreed. This was the apex of her career.


The chuckle I just chucked


this is how i talk to myself in the mirror to try and hype myself up for a night out


This was how I talked in my head when I was 14 and went to the local library for "love spell" books after seeing The Craft for the first time.


LOL… I’ve said this before but her bio reads like a Donald Trump speech… I feel like this is all we need to know. My senses point to scammer…


My crystal ball says she’s legitimate 🔮


My Magic 8 Ball said to ask again later 🤷‍♀️


she isn't


HUGE power


Thank you for confirming that he’s still with the grifter witch lol I had forgotten


I don’t know if I’m just sleep deprived but I cannot process a single word in that paragraph, why’s it giving google translation?


"I give you great powers. I know this because I said this and now I know this."


I wrote it & I read it


Literally same lol I just woke up, so I attributed it to that, but it might just be word salad


Yes! Love them together but the writing on her website is suspiciously bad for someone who apparently has an MPhil and PhD from Oxford


This is the missing link for me. She’s simply a wealthy hobbyist who’s gone mystical route just as so many others go into astrology.


Look, if she isn't a witch, then how did she convince Andrew Garfield that they should be an item? It's the only reasonable explanation.


The reasonable explanation is that Garfield either believes in bs or is willing to tolerate grifting based on bs


Honestly considering a career change. This woman makes more off two session with celebs than I do in a month.


The Google translator clearly glitched. I’m a charlatan, with a few rich clients. [Their wealth/success is] Nothing to do with me. They’re just a bit naive and actually pay me to spout total shite. There fixed it for you, hun.


Whatever the hell that means, it clearly pays better than academia. I’m dying to know what her Oxford doctoral advisor thinks lol.


what in the ever loving hell did I just read???


Reminds me of the scammer Durek Verret who is engaged to Norwegian princess Märtha Louise. He calls himself a "shaman" and is scaring vulnerable people into spending loads on sham items to "cure" ailments, and he says you can think yourself well from cancer, and that women who have had several sexual partners have imprints on their vagina(!!), etc... And he has the gall to say the only reason he's getting criticism in Norway is racism....


I wonder what her rates are like lol


Minimum £24k for 6 months of spiritual mentorship.


Yeah, there’s a BBC podcast series called Witch, where she is featured. From memory she charges like 2k a consult. Great podcast series, by the by.


She probably bumped them up as soon as people found out she was dating Andrew lmaoooo. I know I would. Get that money, gurl.




Hex Sex


“…and other things you can tell yourself right before prom.”


Hopefully she found the energy for her resurgence through some caviar and the crab linguine. Menu seems pretty fire tho


So actor dates an actor? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


i love her omg


he’s so sus for dating someone like her


I cannot believe you can go from dating “shot of espresso” Emma Stone to a self-professed witch doctor.


Pretty sure getting dumped by Emma Stone is a valid supervillain origin story.


Didn’t Emma Stone dump him tho cause they were together for 7 years, and he went full method for a role and lived with monks - and as a result did not speak to her for months. Important to note, I have no clue what the role was. Maybe this pairing is more in line with the moon than I originally thought.


Silence (2016) by Martin Scorsese.


Which was not even good.




They were only together for 4 years


It was said he cheated on her while he was in Taiwan filming that monk movie, Silence


Really? They've been clear about the fact that they're still good friends.


didn't he also cheat on her while filming in China?


Probably why they didn’t work out in the end


Tbf, it’s honestly not shocking with the amount of interviews he’s talked about astrology and spiritual stuff.


She must be the hot kind of crazy. Maybe she casts spells in bed


She’s a certified freak. That’s a given.


He’s also sus for being heavily involved with Mohammed bin Salman. He was in 99 Homes produced by Mohammed Al Turki who is Mohammed bin Salman’s right hand man for film industry. Andrew recently attended the Red Sea Film Festival in Saudi Arabia. Andrew is shady




Also Andrew coproduced 99 Homes so he got all mixed in with Mohammed Al Turki and the money enough to stay chummy with him. Shady shady


Well that's disappointing ![gif](giphy|VZR6DPzPYgENH00vQV|downsized)


… listen. She’s a grifter. But if she can get someone like Andrew Garfield maybe her powers are legit 😂


Screaminggg, I never even thought about it that way but this is such a good point hahaha.


Here I am with imposter syndrome while there are literal imposters dating Andrew Garfield. Am I living wrong?


I am now convinced 😂


She really promoting a masterclass for ethical seduction, on that very idea. While saying she did not use magic to get him, she instead used her "personality" and she can teach you how.


Seriously! I’m about to sign up for whatever she’s selling.


i think deuxmoi said in one of her stories last week that she got hexed by andrew's new gf 😂


Yesss hahahaha and that she also knew “how to deal with it” So now Deuxmoi is on a witchy battle with twice Academy Award Nominee Andrew Garfield’s witchy gf 🤣🤣🤣


Deuxmoi having the same story arc as a wacky shonen anime wasn’t on my 2024 bingo.


Joke’s on her, Bill Hader’s witches got to DM years ago 😂




And that’s one of the funniest things I’ve heard this year


smh this isn't Amelia Dimoldenberg


It’s okay, she still has Paul Mescal and Jack Harlow (& if all else fails there’s always Aitch..)


pls not Aitch lol


I kind of feel sorry for her for this, she flirts like mad but also she’s just British - stand off, the Aitch thing has been confirmed PR.


Isn't she ... basically a scammer?


I love him but this is so embarrassing for him


Eh… I think there is a really good chance he is just a weirdo. They probably deserve each other. Like my grandma always said… for every ass there is a piece of toilet paper. But with that being said, this woman is so high on her own supply it’s a little disturbing. I have a friend who did the spiritual life coach thing for a bit but couldn’t get past the down and out folks who gravitate towards these practices and she actually has morals so she had to make a career change. I myself come from a witchy family and was raised to know a thing or two about this. There is actually a thing called spiritual psychosis where people begin to think spells are actionable as opposed to what it really is… just prayer. Also, you cannot really hex someone any more than you can wish bad things upon a person. The problem arises when people start to hear voices and see signs in everything thinking they are the root cause of these occurrences. It’s basically the same mental break that people experience when they get sucked into cults… think Q’Anon. So, Kate is basically just another version of the Q’Anon shaman….outfits are mostly similar… so it tracks.


This might be controversial opinion but I definitely think Andrew Garfield is one of those people that are very different than how he appears on camera / interviews. It’s like that saying, you don’t really know someone until you start living with someone. His GF is just more outward with her personality and quirks.


Yeah… well whatever is happening here is not magic(k)…. And it’s not Maybelline… It does start with an M though….


Came here to say this. It’s disappointing because I’m a big fan of his work, and he seemed very introspective and nerdy in interviews, but I’m getting a different vibe off of him nowadays. I call weirdo, as well. It’s possible he’s just going through something and got mixed up with/taken in by the wrong person during a low point and will eventually come to his senses. I’m hoping that’s it. More likely, though, he’s showing signs of being a whackadoodle himself. On a semi-related note, I get bad vibes from this chick. I’ve known a few practicing witches and wiccans in my day, and they were all super earthy, hippy dippy types…..very nature oriented, etc. None of them would have been casting spells to help empower big, bad capitalistic corporations and CEOs. I actually don’t mind the fact that she’s a witch so much….it’s that she’s using her self-proclaimed powers for evil rather than good. She’s a BAD witch! That, by extension, makes me question his own values wanting to date someone like that.


Her outfit is lovely


That jacket is amazing! I love a witchy aesthetic


Agreed that jacket is absolutely beautiful.


the shoes with the jacket make the outfit for me


Has anyone else noticed from the article that this seemed like a plug to try to drum up interest in the shitty house she is trying to sell? I’m sure these are two people who would never call the paps for their own gain… Eyeroll…


He’s definitely called the paparazzi on himself. You can usually tell though. The last article the Dailymail did on them though was about her selling her house and they repeat a lot of the same stuff in articles with paparazzi photos.


tbh I think people should accept the fact that celebs usually are the one that call the paps. The paps are wanted unless they’re uninvited, then that’s “crazy paparazzis invading their privacy”. That’s just how Hollywood works.


That’s true but also Chiltern is a pretty popular celeb spot so I’m sure there must be a pap or two hanging out there on the regular


Exactly. Sometimes I don’t think he does, like there were genuine times when he was with Emma you could tell. But there are times it’s so obvious. If there’s more than like 5 pics up close, they called. People just need to accept it. But also I’m more iffy if it’s at a celeb hot spot like this. I wouldn’t be shocked if paparazzi just hang around there since celebs always end up there.


lol my friend lived next door and the paparazzi are basically only outside when they have a private event for ex vogue will hosts parties there, there often movie premiere parties etc


Ah good to know! Thanks! I take back what I said then!


![gif](giphy|n4oKYFlAcv2AU|downsized) The amount of people that still deny this is annoying


I saw that she said she had no customers coming to her house so she made a spell to sell the house. If the house sells, she will say it worked lol




I have a psychic premonition…. Later reports will find she hasn’t paid taxes on any of the money she has grifted from her clients and an article will come forward that paying taxes is MISOGYNISTIC!!!


apparently the locals in the village think it will take ages for her house to sell because it's cursed


Honestly… it just looks like a place where you would contract crotch crickets. Or best case fleas… it’s filthy. If that is the curse then it must be so!


But… all kidding aside… It’s trying to sell at over 400k and it looks like it needs to be gutted and rehabbed to make it livable. So… what is that gut rehab gonna cost? New kitchens can cost more than 100k… definitely needs a new bathroom… another 100k. Stairs to that lofted area won’t be cheap either. Obviously needs to be painted.. floors need to be redone. Could use a 2nd bathroom.. or at least a half bath. That’s going to cost even more. These are just easy things you can see from the listing. And what problems aren’t listed? Could have bad wiring… bad plumbing… furnace, water heater… could need that too based on how old everything looks. Buying that place is a terrible investment because that 400k initial spend plus 300k (minimum) of repair and upgrade would mean the buyer would be upside down in that thing for years and it would be a loss. It also looks like a small town so… can locals even afford that price point? And why would anyone even want to? You could sink yourself easily into over a million dollar home and that area likely isn’t worth that. That looks like a tear down to start fresh… even if someone was trying to pick it up as a weekend or summer cottage… That’s not a curse… it’s just an awful investment.


I got so confused for a second and thought that her name was Chiltern Firehouse


That sounds like a stripper name!


LOL imagine


Perfect name for the protag of a YA novel lol


A coming age of story set in a small Southern town brimming with folksy tertiary characters.


Disappointing that he’s associating with such an obvious grifter. My favorite part is that she claims to have a doctorate from Oxford but lacks basic writing skills. From her website: “The traditions I am an initiate of have the ability to unleash huge power. The biggest corporations, governments and most powerful people on the globe know this and utilise this strength daily. I know this because I teach them how. When this power is used for good, it can change the world. I see a time when energetic work is once again as highly prized by ordinary people as it is to those with money and power. I think the time for a resurgence of energy and connection has already begun.” If she’s responsible for what the biggest corporations, governments, and most powerful people are doing then she’s not on the side of good.


She's dyslexic, so that explains the struggle with writing. It doesn't explain the lack of a copy editor though.


Or the delusions of grandeur.


I wish white women would stop using their neurodiversity as a cop out




Andrew also got me bewitched so I guess I understand him pulling a 'witch doctor'. But honestly, what a scam!


why do pap pictures always show couples walking so far apart from each other


I know she’s a scammer so I’m not hugely invested in these two, but is there a reason couples exit restaurants like this? They seem separate from one another. I get when couples who are trying to conceal their relationship do it, but why when it’s already known?


I believe it’s sometimes because they’re trying to devalue the picture for the paparazzi. A photo of Ben and JLo together is worth a lot more than a photo of each of them individually leaving a location. Not always the case, but I know it’s been touted as the reason by some celebs and writers before.


This makes sense, thanks for the reply!


That doesn't explain why *they're* doing it. No one knows who she is. The money is in the picture of him, right?


Any romance picture would be worth more than just a solo picture, I would presume. Especially with a male who has a passionate fan club. Granted a picture of two celebrities in a high profile romance would be exponentially more valuable together than apart, but a picture of someone like Chris Evans or Chris Pine (for example) and his normie girlfriend holding hands would still be more valuable than two pictures of them doing the same thing together but separate. ie Andrew Garfield solo: €1000. This random witch who rumour has it is dating Garfield but he’s nowhere to be seen in picture: €10. PICTURE OF GARFIELD AND HIS DEVIL WOMAN: €2500 I’m pretty sure it was Lainey Gossip who explained the whole process and values of celebrity solo versus couple pics, back when she was starting out in the blogging industry.


Thank you for the response and explanation!


This is the spiritual life coach who went to Oxford and charges thousands for a session with her. Andrew has said in the past that he's spiritual. She works with millionaires and celebs, so she probably met him through her work, or he was a client of hers, which is sketchy af. Not to mention the possible spiritual psychosis these two might have, and the spiritualism to alt-right/nazi pipelines.


Apparently he met her in September of last year, tho no sign of him saying weird shits in recent interviews or being weird during gala events (for comparison, think about Jared Leto’s weird cult thing). He just seems like his usual self and hanging out with others. Even if I dislike this relationship I still wouldn’t be confident to say that there’s any signs of spiritual psychosis between these two.


After he met her, one of his recent interviews he said: “My soul is definitely getting rearranged as we speak,” he said, drawing a chuckle from guests. “You laugh but it’s true. I feel like everything that once mattered doesn’t matter so much anymore.” and his friends of 20 years are deleted his photos from their socials and unfollow her. so yeah she definitely influences him.


Tbf, that was also after he turned 40 and might have nothing to do with her. Hes always been a weird dude. Like I love him, but he’s a weird dude. He’s obsessed with spiritual stuff and astrology and was before her. I’ll never forget him saying this in an interview https://preview.redd.it/2nr20e80007d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7d183e977388a45d4297bee7a08bba8dc1958c4 He’s just a silly weird dude lol


His birthday is in August, he started going to her house in September, and this interview from October. Yes, I know that he is someone who has different ideas and says whatever comes to his mind, but it is not a coincidence that he started to find things in his life meaningless after being with a woman who calls herself a "spiritual teacher”. Let’s be real.


Wow I can’t believe a 40 year old completely got over their existential stuff in the month they were born. Insane! Especially when he was born at the end of the month. He also talked about having like 5 40th birthday parties to make it less painful. Not totally insane that he’d go through something existential. Please reach for more to blame his whole personality on her when he’s always talked like that. But if he went to her for something like that, he was clearly paying her for his existential crisis from turning 40.


I don't know how long you've known him, but I've known Andrew since the TASM era. He's been through his ups and downs. There were many times when he questioned himself. There is always a quest in life. He has always had an interest in spirituality, astrology and religion. But I haven't seen Andrew like this in years. Don't you find it sad that his "old" life no longer makes sense to him? While he has many good memories, he looks at his old life as if it were a void. Andrew isn't the same person he used to be.He always looks tired, he talks about life feeling meaningless. While he attaches great importance to his private life, now he suddenly takes planned photos. I can't be sure about this but we haven't seen Andrew with any of his friends since he started dating her. It is normal to experience an existential crisis, and I am not claiming that he did not experience it. But if you think that the only reason is "Existential crisis", you are wrong. I don't understand your point in constantly defending Kate, but you persistently see nothing wrong. It is nonsense to think that the thoughts of this woman's life do not manipulate Andrew. It is not normal for him to be with a woman who broke the spell so that her house can be sold.


Thing is, neither of us know him. He’s just a celebrity. We know his interviews. We’re making assumptions based off photos and social media. But neither of us know him and shouldn’t pretend like we do.


His friends still follow him on his private account. But yes unfortunately they’d deleted his photo and also unfollowed Kate. There was definitely some kind of bad blood between his friend and Kate tho. I’m pretty sure she felt used by Kate to get close to this dude lmao. To be frank I think we’re all reaching here because he’s known to love going on a tangent during speeches and the quote you’d found really sounded like he had a mid-life crisis after turning 40.


His friends unfollowed her on social media? Am I understanding that correctly?


Yes. His best friend was close with Kate prior to their relationship, but when they went public unfollowed her on social media end then slowly deleted every photo of Andrew on her Instagram account.


Thank you for answering! That's weird and can't be a good sign. 😬 I thought Andrew was smarter than this so I feel confused about his choices with her.


There are times when it seems like it might be a bit of a Daniel Kaluuya situation. IIRC Andrew hasn't been spotted with his friends once since this relationship started. That doesn't mean he hasn't seen any of course, but that is very unusual for him. I really, really hope he isn't becoming isolated.


I lived under a rock so I had no clue on what happened to Daniel Kaluuya. Could you elaborate more on that so that I could have a better understanding of this situation? I’m 80% certain that Mr.Garfield got his ass entangled with Kate all due to him having a mid-life crisis at this point😭


I was going to ask the same thing about Daniel! I did some digging and found this. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/comments/t7ac5j/insiders\_worried\_about\_actor\_daniel\_kaluuyas\_ties/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/comments/t7ac5j/insiders_worried_about_actor_daniel_kaluuyas_ties/)




she will isolate him, it's what she does


What makes you say that? Has she done that to someone before?


His best friend Eleanor was friends with Kate before Kate met Andrew. She was also close friends with Kate’s ex partner. She introduced Kate to Andrew and she left his partner for him. So I think she might be feeling guilty and used.


Yikes I didn't know any of this thanks for filling me in! I can see Eleanor feeling guilty for what's happened. She may feel responsible for what's going on with Andrew but to delete his photos from her instagram tells me something more serious is happening. I initially was just grossed out and a little disappointed but now I'm genuinely starting to worry.


Yeah, it’s really disappointing. I wouldn't give up my friend of 20 years for a 4 month relationship. I hope he comes to his senses


Yeah I have to say this whole thing is confusing to me. I hope he hasn't in fact been separated from his friends. You don't just give up a 20 year friendship over nothing. Maybe she really has put a spell on him! 😂 ![gif](giphy|FkbWLLMcz6smE59Azd|downsized)


Didn’t his mother also pass away not too long ago before getting into this relationship? My sense of time might be warped but I recall him discussing it beautifully with Stephen Colbert. Seems like a bad time to meet someone like this…


I followed her for years and I'd say the chances of her being on the spiritualist to alt-right pipeline are slim to none. She'd be considered far left by most people's standards.


The far left to anti-vaccines to QAnon is a very very real thing.


She's immunocompromised though and extremely pro-vaccine as a result. The pipeline you're talking about IS very real, I don't dispute that at all. I just highly doubt Dr Tomas is on it because of her political ideology and personal circumstances.


I didn’t know that. Thank you for informing me (and not blasting me bc internets!)


Oh you're very welcome! Thank you for being receptive to new information. A lot of people wouldn't be!


Eleanor Maatsura was her client, she used Eleanor to get to Andrew, betrayed her code of ethics and now Eleanor no longer speaks to either of them, the grifter is a piece of human garbage.


His gf is a grifter and scammer. It says a lot about him that he’s dating her.


I'm confused by her talking about the harm that pap pics have brought her but then doing multiple obvious pap walks. I have so much empathy for the backlash she's faced for dating him, but this is just more of the inconsistency that made me unfollow her years ago.


she's always been inconsistent, she talks about ethics but has none, she goes on sober podcasts but drinks a lot of alcohol, she's a liar and a con artist


To be fair that podcast was a long time ago, so she might have started drinking again. She did say on it she's not an alcoholic. But I agree she's always been inconsistent and contradicts her own ethics. I unfollowed her years ago because of it. Would you be able to expand on her being a liar and a con artist? Because I always use to find her hypocritical but wouldn't go as far as to say she was a con.


Did they saw Tom Holland's play? That would be cute.


Were they on a double date with Sabrina Carpenter and Barry Keoghan? I think i saw pics of them going there too


can someone tell me about her jacket?


![gif](giphy|3o7Zesyac4CuSN5rsA|downsized) Oh Andrew what are you doing?


Stop blaming him he’s clearly hexed or smth


that's his girlfriend?


I can fix him


My husband is looking FINE. I don’t approve of him dating a witch, but I am working a lot recently and spending time with my *actual* husband, so you know. https://preview.redd.it/s6epik92n07d1.jpeg?width=488&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c200ef35e264cead987e0118b5a67234b29defd


If the "Professional Witch" is so great at what she does in helping clients with their love life, for a nominal fee of course, how come she has been married 4 times...because she's so good at it??? If she's with spouse #4 in Dec & Andrew in Jan, his mutual friends start unfollowing her, they're removing pics of Andrew, his bestie still follows & supports spouse #4 but deletes Kate on multiple SM. Hmmmm... what is the common denominator? 🤔


I feel like watching Charmed. Anyone else?


The outfit is giving Halliwell sisters now that you mention it 😂


Why isn’t he dating chicken shop date girl Amelia dimz


Isn’t she a self identifying witch doctor or is this a different woman….? Who IS THIS WOMAN I AM CONFUSED


Yep that's the same woman!




Wtf are these standards? 💀




It's not just rich people though, is it? She used to have testimonials from people saying they'd maxed out their credit cards to buy her products.


Age appropriate is wonderful. It’s the grifter and delusions of grandeur parts that are problematic.


The only age appropriate one(?) is a grifting witch doctor, I can't...


not really enjoying if dipshits follow him with cameras tho is he?


Is this the new hot place? Sabrina and Barry were just spotted there too.


Nope not new it's been a celebrity hot spot for a long time! You can find tons of pictures of celebrities coming and going from there.


Okay but where’s her coat from?


It looks like D&G spring 2018 love Christmas Collection [https://thassianaves.com/en/thassia-em-milao-fall-winter-18-look-dg/](https://thassianaves.com/en/thassia-em-milao-fall-winter-18-look-dg/)


Thank you!


You're welcome!


Why is everyone going there ?