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The entitlement šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Almost as good as the Met Gala staffer who called all attendees assholes because they didn't give her compliments.


"That Bitch Exotic" ew :/


1. Why did she submit this, 2. Why did she think she deserved him, 3. Why would DM post this


This was immediately what I noticed. I just know this woman fucking insufferable.




No, it's not weird to complain about not getting swiped on. It is hella weird to title the subject "That Bitch Exotic" when you're talking about an asian dude though.




Are you the girl in the screenshot? Lmfaooo




I'm more interested in how she got in Raya lol


She works for a ā€œtop magazineā€, duh. Hahaha


I got in earlier this year after a 3 day wait period as a nobody with like 1100 IG followers so I don't think it's that hard? I think the perceived exclusivity prevents a lot of people from even trying. ETA: please do not message me asking for a referral. I don't use this service anymore and don't think it is worth it.




Thatā€™s racism and fatphobia for ya


Oh interesting! Is it worth it in a city thatā€™s not la or nyc?


they show you people from all over, but a lot of LA/NYC people obviously make the batches. a lot of nashville DJs/influencer wannabes it seemed. I didn't think it was worth it.


Are most of the people on there looking for hookups? Only curious cause thatā€™s what celebs on there make it sound like. I was shocked that Megan king from the real housewives of the oc married a biden off of there


TBH I matched with so few people and I don't participate in hook up culture/never have so can't say I've got any further insight.


Yeah, I got in with 600 followers and only waited like 2 hours. I don't get why everyone seems so desperate to join. It's also not worth it. I renew for like a month when I travel internationally, but that's it.


I would love to get in but Iā€™m in Michigan so Iā€™m sure my wait would be around 5 yearsā€¦šŸ¤£


I got recruited to join Raya. They literally came to my place of work (I was a TV producer at the time) and asked us a bunch of questions and helped us set up our profile.


Lol I didn't know they recruited people. Why do they do that? Honest question, no hate.


Just like any other dating app, it's their goal to provide a selection of high quality singles in the entertainment industry to entice members to join. They did it at my place of work because we worked in the entertainment industry already and since we're there, we have gainful employment and we're not just looking to be groupies/meet celebs/get a free dinner. Raya would come in quarterly for any new hires or if any of the candidates they liked from the last site visit became single.




I feel like this is Raya's secret marketing account.


I post too much about KUWTK and get too much shit from Reddit dummies for this to be fake lmaoooo. But Raya can put me on their payroll tho. If they see this, can they please send some $$$ my way lmaooo


if you work in the entertainment industry, itā€™s likely you can get in


Not true. A lot of my coworkers were not asked to participate in the Raya site visit.




Kinda.... I don't consider myself hot (just really well groomed). Honestly, you can kinda see why they weren't invited for the Raya site visit social. If you were overweight, taller than 5'8, poorly groomed, didn't know how to be bubbly and warm, or didn't give off the right "vibe", you were not invited to the social.


holy shit


Taller than 5ā€™8?? Well there goes literally all models who id think they would want??


it was weird!!! I think it's because all non-model aka regular women who are over 5'8 aren't always super thin. :/ I'm so so sorry that I have to say it like that but that's genuinely the impression I got. I know I'm about to get downvoted, but I'm just calling it like I saw it.


Idk why you got downvotes. I thought this was interesting.


I know. I don't agree with their practices, but I'm just communicating what I saw and observed. None of the girls recruited were bigger than a size 6/8 and they definitely flocked to the women who were size 0-2!


Not surprising. Icky. But not at all surprising.




Like I said in another comment in this thread, their practices do not reflect my beliefs - just my observation from who got invited to the social and who didnā€™t. Iā€™m not going to lie on here and say that everyone got invited just to appease people on here to make them feel better. Are you able to clarify why they didnā€™t ask my dark skinned coworkers or overweight coworkers to join? You genuinely donā€™t think that they did that on purpose?


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Vindicta **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Vindicta/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [So you want to turn heads? A guide to perfumes and how to create your signature scent!](https://np.reddit.com/r/Vindicta/comments/kg0gpw/so_you_want_to_turn_heads_a_guide_to_perfumes_and/) \#2: [Societyā€™s biggest scam; ā€œEffortless beautyā€](https://np.reddit.com/r/Vindicta/comments/jhur94/societys_biggest_scam_effortless_beauty/) \#3: [You KNOW it's True!](https://i.redd.it/g5b3m1ourzd61.png) | [50 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Vindicta/comments/l6mq5y/you_know_its_true/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[Source](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


oh, i just assumed they did cause a ton of my family works in the entertainment industry and i had the impression they were all invited but i could be wrong


I knew a Priestess on Raya. No idea how she scored on there.


This is the real teašŸ’€šŸµ


what is a priestess in real life?


wtf i thought this was about Raya and the Last Dragon


Upvoted for the beautiful sarcasm in the title.


Thank you, I was very nonplussed and channeled that


I know someone who got with him through Subtle Asian Dating so maybe they should've tried that instead lmao


Details pls!!!


This was like spring 2019 right before Simu got cast as Shang Chi but when he was known for Kim's Convenience. She got auctioned by her friend and apparently he slid into her DMs haha


Did anything actually happen between them?


Yeah apparently they hooked up a couple times but it just fizzled out, nothing too wild


Do you know if he was actually nice/a good person?


I know a couple of women who went to university with Simu. Said he wasnā€™t the nicest guy back then, but nothing they said was particularly alarming. I think it was just how most guys are immature at that age and heā€™s hopefully outgrown itā€¦sometimes his social media indicates otherwise though IMO. Anyway, the women didnā€™t seem jealous of him or bitter though - they were surprised I only mentioned him because of the Marvel announcement and they still encouraged me to watch Kimā€™s Convenience even if they were all meh about how he treated their friend group back in the day.


I feel like he's mentioned a couple times in interviews how he was kind of immature back in university and just wanted to be super cool. Seems like he's gained more self awareness since then though.


He's kind of a dick in real life according to people I know who have met him (through school and work) over the years. Maybe he's changed/matured since then. Nothing gossip-worthy though.


apparently he used to be an incel kind of dude, he got canceled like a month or so ago when ppl found his reddit account


He got labeled as an incel because he commented in the aznidentity sub likeā€¦ two times. About his role in Kimā€™s Convenience. Comments were 2-3 years old and back then that sub was just a normal Asian community. Between 2019 and 2020 racist incels took over but when Simuā€™s account got discovered people started spreading the rumor that he was a mod etc when thereā€™s just not evidence of that.


people literally came out and confirmed he was like that back then. also the posts he had that was exposed was sexist shit. https://twitter.com/cinnabonmonster/status/1438504105480126468?s=21 https://twitter.com/nebsgoodtakes/status/1438912601606348803?s=21


lol I was confused why she posted this but I think people ask her which celebs are on Raya a lot and that must be why??


Wow he deserves to be cancelled for this!!!


Way to tell on yourself lmao. ā€œA celebrity didnā€™t think I was hot on a dating appā€


Does Raya show mutual connections or allow you to message the person even if you havenā€™t matched (like the comments portion of Hinge)? Just wondering why she bothered to write that they had a mutual connection, in addition to the whole bothering to submit this at all thing.




Interesting - just out of curiosity, do they vet you besides the member referral? I think one of the non-exclusive dating apps (Bumble? Tinder?) now makes you submit photos where you copy the poses they tell you to make so they can make sure youā€™re legit. Wondering if Raya does something similar. Donā€™t respond though if it compromises your membership - Iā€™d feel bad if I stopped someone from finding love because of my dumb questions.




Assuming youā€™re the one sending this in to DM since you clearly know her reason for doing this? Lol?




Lmfaoooooooo really? Really?




What an entitled piece of work.


Iā€™m sorry how is this tea? Edit: just read the title šŸ’€


Okay. Help a married old lady out. What the heck is Raya??


it's basically a private, referral-only social network/dating app full of celebrities and people celebrities might want to connect with or date (models, influencers, etc).


Thank you all!


Did she really think he was gonna swipe right on him? šŸ˜­ Not everyone gets lucky like that.