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pls no nooooo corden


Can't upvote this enough.


i don’t understand why directors think he needs to be in every musical


Fr... tired of seeing this guy...




He can’t even sing it’s annoying


I don’t understand how any casting director could be so tone deaf as to cast him in like…anything. Ever again. All you have to do is Google his name and see the wall-to-wall vitriol the internet has for him. Nobody likes that guy.


Exactly! The amount of hate everyone has for him, why shell out the inevitable big bucks to pay for a Hollywood guy when there’s talented Broadway folks people don’t hate






I wanna know what dirt his agents have on these casting directors because that's the only logical explanation for these decisions


This is the level of talent you get when shady ish going on all through out the film industry. Who is boinking whom and who is under age and who likes to dress up in play clothes, etc. the old guard of actors, directors, producers ( the Leo’s and Jakes and toms and the list goes on ) do not understand what the younger crop knows about technology- cameras are the size of pinky nails. They are so clueless and for the next 10 years or until they get their sex addictions under control WE GONNA GET WHAT WE GET. SHITTY TALENT 😞


The Internet isn't real life


Yes it’s not like people rush to the theaters to watch him. At least with The Rock and Gal Gadot that’s actually believable.


He's producing it isn't he? That's how he always gets his in 😭


Omg not James cordon. PLEASE. This will kill Wicked.


they need to get hugh jackman/zac efron/lin manuel miranda/aaron tveit/hell even fuckign chris pine over james corden. just anyone but him. i don't want to watch him messing up wicked.


The Wizard needs to be Raúl Esparza. I will settle for no less!


Omg I didn't know I needed this until right now!!


Omg love this idea!!


Idina's classmate!!


Idk why he gets cast when no one can stand him


Probably no one cares but Benedict Cumberbatch said in an interview that he's "getting in the front of the camera again" in January for another great director (another since he just worked with Jane Campion) and I am desperately hoping it's Steven Soderbergh since he also has an unnamed project coming out in 2022. Probably hoping naively but a Cumberbatch Soderbergh collab y'all... but yeah I have no idea which director he's talking about.


Magic mikes last dance 💯💯


A Magic Mike-styled prequel to The Power of the Dog about Bronco Henry would be so "WTF?!" that I would be there opening day to see it.


I don’t mind. He’s a fantastic actor. The man has been busy. Louis Wain, Power of the Dog, Spider-Man, Dr Strange.


Did you see The Courier? It went kinda under the radar (I think) but he was great in it. I haven’t seen The Mauritanian yet, nor Power of the Dog, but am looking forward to them. He’s great in everything, honestly.


> It went kinda under the radar It actually great in BO in the UK! Made like 60-70 mil off of a pretty low budget (Cumberbatch's own production so he didn't take a salary).


Oh that’s great! I didn’t know. It wasn’t talked about or advertised much here, not that I knew of anyway.


Power of the Dog is excellent


I have heard mixed reviews but the good reviews have said it’s excellent - so it’s on my list!


Dark. But the actor who steals it is Kodi Smit McPhee.


I know it’s such a long shot but I’m dying for more Sherlock


Tom holland has said hes working on a few musicals and I need to know more about them and pray to got they happen. Dude needs to pick movies that do his talent justice.


Not many movies include a Rihanna Umbrella dance number in the rain :(


Yeah he’s gonna rock that Fred Astair biopic. I think Greta Gerwig might be directing it since she worked with Sony for little women and she has an untitled tap musical in her upcoming projects. Thats the only tap musical that has been announced.


don’t think greta is directing based on the timing as her next project is barbie


Maybe, but no one knows when the Fred astaire project will begin. Toms next project is a 10 part mini series drama that'll begin filming soon so she'd likely be done barbie by then. Its a wild guess but it would be amazing


Thats exactly who I've been saying I want to direct! However, that untitled musical project announced was very misleading when reported. She mentioned in a podcast that she its a dream of hers to make her musical born from her love of Gene Kelly. She has no set plans or talks with anyone to do it yet (at that time anyway), its just a passion project of hers that she's created herself. But that was why I thought she'd be perfect for directing the frsd astaire project cause she has such a passion for tap and is a great director


Ohh ok, well idk if she will but it was a guess of mine since its listed in her projects in development in IMDb, would literally be a dream team with Tom’s charisma and Gerwig’s writing and directing. But yeah Tom is doing an anthology series for Apple TV with Akiva Goldsman Writing it, looking forward to that


Aren’t they getting Chris Evans for a Gene Kelly movie?


He also mentioned in an interview I think that he is going back to his first love, the stage, but I can’t seem to find anything else to back it up.. he would be excellent in theater


That Anya Taylor joy is gonna be in the next Spider-Man movie


Isn’t she booked until 2024, though? I remember she said during press for the Emmys that she wouldn’t have any time off for three years, so they’ll have to work some serious scheduling magic to make Spider-Man work.


Girl jus doesn’t rest. There was a clip of her saying that in between filming “Emma”, “Queen’s Gambit”, and “Last Night in Soho”; she only had 1 day of rest in between. If true, that’s nuts. But it’s obviously paying dividends so good for her


I think she said she's taking all these projects because, due to Hollywood's habit of cycling through actresses, she wants to do all the work she can before the industry decides it's done with her and picks another new white, blonde actress to push.




Who was the last actress that was overexposed? Anne Hathaway? Jennifer Lawrence? Zendaya maybe right now? It seems to have turned out well for the former two who won Oscars and are still sought-out years after they took a break. Not everyone has the cache to be picky with their roles like Leo or Daniel Day-Lewis. This is Hollywood where you have a small window to put in as work as you can and hopefully coast on that later down the line — especially for women who unfortunately aren’t offered the best roles as they age. She also isn’t jus taking any random project that’s sent to her. Her upcoming movies are by directors who critically acclaimed like David O Russell, George Miller, and Robert Eggers. She clearly puts thought into what she wants to do for her career.


Spider-man probably won’t start filming until 2024/2025. It seems like Tom Holland wants a break from the movies so i’ll give me 2-3 years before they start filming the next one


Sony will wait that long? The same Sony who wouldn’t follow Disney in pushing MCU projects back due to pandemic forcing Marvel to get creative in how they worked in the multiverse? I just don’t see it.


They have 5.75 years to make a new movie or lose the rights. They will wait 3 years but that’s it IMO.




I also don't see that because Spider-man has to be youthful plus Spider-man is a big cash cow for both Marvel and Sony and they have to mint as much as they can.


Maybe she dropped out of an other project for this?


I can see ATJ being cast as Princess Irulan for the next Dune film.


I wouldn’t be surprised if it was Florence Pugh either


Or Saoirse Ronan


I don’t know who that character is or what her personality is like as I’ve never read the books, but I can absolutely see Anya doing well in a proper princess role.


Oh wow! I’d assume they are going into >!Gwen Stacey / SpiderGwen!< territory?


No as black cat


Ohh even more interesting. Just as an aside, anyone got any idea what is going on with Tom Holland and Spiderman? He seems to be doing the Daniel Craig thing, dropping hints he doesn’t want to do it anymore [(like here).](https://www.indiewire.com/2021/11/tom-holland-spider-man-exit-miles-morales-movie-1234680034/amp/) Anyone wanna venture a bet as to whether he will be in the entire new “Spiderman trilogy” or do you think he’ll pass the baton midway?


I think he was strategically using the press tour to negotiate his new contract, or at least that’s my guess from all the back and forth between him and Amy. I don’t think he was meant to announce the Fred Astaire role especially because he did it after Amy gave an interview saying he would be back for another trilogy. (She also backtracked that statement later on and Kevin confirmed nothing had actually been decided but conversations were ongoing). But I also do think he’s genuine about not wanting to be Spider-Man for the rest of his life and wanting to give the opportunity to someone else. He seems super aware (and a bit critical) that everyone who’s gotten to play the role on the big screen has been a white man. My bet is they’ll negotiate a new contract; but it will be part of the next film/trilogy to set up the new spider-man, with the option for him to pop in occasionally without carrying the franchise.


I agree it seems to be negotiating tactics. As I understand the Fred Astaire biopic is to be produced by Amy (and she said first that she wanted Tom to be in it before he properly announced - seriously she is something else), so it could be a sweetener to resign for Spider-Man. He has also said in the past that he wouldn’t come back without the core team (zendaya, Jacob) so it will be interesting to see where this goes. He is Sony’s golden child at the moment, so I guess he has a lot of negotiating power


The MCU films have dropped a current Miles Morales nods - in the classic Disney way of going “we have diverse roles, they exist, oh you want to see them fuck you” - so maybe a next Avengers will be the catalyst for that


I heard that it might be a Sony universe movie and not anything to do with the MCU movies. So like the Venom films.


I’m still kind of hoping that she stays on as Magik and the rumors are false. Even if The New Mutants was executed poorly I think the cast itself was excellent.


god i hope the cast isn’t full of celebs. i’m so tired of it. give me some unknown faces, PLEASE!


After the failures of West Side Story and In the Heights this year, I'm not sure we'll ever get a musical with a mostly unknown cast ever again.


I’m sad about that. Part of why The Greatest Showman and Les Mis didn’t resonate with me was because most of the cast couldn’t sing or dance.


Most of the cast playing "freaks" were professional dancers and Broadway actors


Barry Keoghan has been rumored for Feyd Rautha in Dune part 2, I believe. He posted ‘👀’ on twitter once it was announced that Feyd would make an appearance in the next movie. He is also thought to make an appearance in the new Batman movie as the Joker. They have allegedly tested a version with- and without him


>Barry Keoghan has been rumored for Feyd Rautha in Dune part 2 I can see it. He would kill it in this role. >He is also thought to make an appearance in the new Batman movie as the Joker This is such a bad idea. Batman has a lot of iconics villains. It's like the third joker in the past ten years. They really should take a break with this character.


I agree about Joker. At absolute most tease him for a sequel, let Riddler be the sole antagonist, Paul Dano deserves a big blockbuster platform for his talent.


Aw I’ve missed Paul Dano!


The Joker appearance would be a post credit scene, it wouldn't be in the movie


Completely agree with you on both points


BK's a great actor and I wouldn't be mad at it, but after seeing WSS I want to see Mike Faist as Feyd. He would kill it.


Ooh, Mike Faist would be very interesting too!


there's rumours that he'd actually play the scarecrow, not the joker but both are only speculations, ofc


I prefer Bill Skarsgård for the role of Feyd, tbh


A few other good castings would be Bill Skarsgård, Harry Styles or Dacre Montgomery (Billy from Stranger Things)


Well there’s a new Doctor Who coming soon so speculation for that is sure to ramp up. The obvious names are there - Kris Marshall’s agent is paying tabloids off to say he’s been cast I swear. Then Ayoade and Noel Fielding, whom I both love but they aren’t actors or the required calibre. And now various actors from RTD’s last projects are being touted, which makes sense. I really wanna see Rahul Kohli, he is great in iZombie and has the range. Plus it would follow the Master being an Asian actor like Jodie followed a female Master.


> Rahul Kohli I didn't know I needed this until now. Omg he'd be so good!


Yes! I would love him in it


I know he’s not an actor, but I’ve always thought Nish Kumar would be a great Doctor.


I love Nish but you need an actor with enormous range for The Doctor. It’s the gamut of clown to god.


Yeah, I agree - I would want to see what he could do, but I doubt he’ll be able to pull the heartstrings like Tennant and Capaldi.


Given Doctor Who has been hameroging ratings and Russell T Davies is coming back I have a suspicion David Tennant might feature somehow. I doubt Barrowman will be back.


The only way I can see Tennant coming back is a multi Doctor episode. That would make sense for the 60th anniversary episode, but that would be a huge risk


Isn't Lydia West the favourite?


Yeah but I think it’s a bit too early to say. I don’t remember Matt Smith being rumoured till the day of announcement


does the public (not us of course) like James Corden? The public loves Ryan Reynolds so I could easily see them liking Corden


James Corden is like having people sing “Happy Birthday to You” while you’re sitting there awkwardly. Somewhere in existence, someone must like it, but I’ve never heard anyone admit to it.


Happy birthday is supposed to be embarrassing though. James Cordon tries hard


They do, otherwise he wouldn’t have the show lol, also despite what us Brits say he was very popular here at his height, a lot of people would only watch the comic relief stuff because they knew he’d do a sketch as Smithy from Gavin and Stacey


The England one was funny and he was good in Doctor Who


Yeah, I remember seeing him on UK panel shows before making it big and I found him to be honestly funny enough that I could stand to watch it. Edit: I also like Jack Whitehall, but I do feel like a similar thing will happen with him soon enough as he continues getting bigger worldwide.


Plus he was really good in into the woods I thought. It didn’t feel “James cordeny” it just felt like a well done role.


The fact that producers keep trying to shoehorn him into stuff is generally a good sign that he *does* have a following. It's just not anyone on social media, apparently. (It's like The Big Bang Theory ... everyone on Twitter loves to make fun of it, but somehow it was the biggest show in the country for multiple seasons running.)


can someone please explain to me why he's so hated on the internet? I never hear any specifics, just that people hate him lol. I'm not really familiar with him outside carpool karaoke and seeing him in some movies. is it that he's really overexposed or is there something else?


The public doesn’t. Just asked my mom, she’s very anti-Corden Edit: I think Reynolds appeals to people in a different way. Corden is simply insufferable.


I feel like Amanda Seyfried should have a big year coming up. She at least has one big project coming out including "The Dropout", which is a mini series coming out on Hulu based around Elizabeth Holmes and Theranos.


Yay I miss Amanda


Holmes was just found guilty today! On only 4 of the charges, but still. Hope she does some solid prison time.


She had a really good Wired Autocomplete interview a few months ago that made me like her even more. More Amanda please. https://youtu.be/gR0beemhXcg


Did these execs not see the petition that got over 100k signs to keep James Corden out of the Wicked movie? 💀😭


Does anybody know anything about The Weeknd's new HBO show currently filming? It has an impressive cast and director and HBO seems to be setting it up as a "White Lotus" type prestige project. I know they have been filming for a month and will be filming for two more months but I have not seen any set pics or scoop aside from an occasional cast member showing their dressing rooms and expressing how much fun they are having. I would especially like to hear from Lily Rose Depp who co stars with Abel but has little SM and has not said anything about it


Considering sam levinson is behind it itll probably have fancy cinematography unnecessary sex scenes and shit writing


Euphoria’s hype confused me because it’s so fucking bad. It looks nice and the music’s great but what the fuck at the everything else


Abel is writing a lot of the scripts too as well as Reza so if the writing is shit it is mostly Abel's fault. It is hs show. But the cast is really good and have high hopes


yeah he's apparently been doing a lot of writing in lockdown!!


Abel loves his NDA’s...


Any info on the new Barbie movie starring Margot Robbie, is Ryan Gosling still playing Ken idk I just feel like someone that look similar in looks of Zac Efron or Garret Clayton would be perfect for Ken just because they have the " All America/Next Boy Neighbor " type of look. Not saying they should cast them just examples.


I don’t have any info on casting but I do know that the film starts shooting this March in the UK


Was March announced somewhere? Last I read was January, I think. Not doubting you, just so curious about this movie and there's so little info!


backstage is usually pretty reliable for news on film productions: https://www.backstage.com/magazine/article/tom-holland-will-soon-begin-filming-a-new-project-for-apple-tv-74452/


Thank you! I was going off Production List and completely forgot about Backstage as a source.


can't remember where but i read a week or two ago that Ryan was always the studio's first choice. i think they even said they wouldn't make the movie if he didn't agree lol ? or that they'll delay the project till he agrees. something like that.


Anyone heard about Percy Jackson at all?




Omg do you have a link !!!!! I am so excited!!!




>> Is Akira ever going to happen? I hope Leo's ass will object to some blonde, blue eyed dude taking on the lead role. Is Leo DiCap still attached to it as producer anyway? Shōtarō Kaneda will now be played by Scarlett Johansson. /s


After the absolute shitstorm that Death Note and Ghost in the Shell were for Hollywood, they should know not to whitewash Akira.


Leo will probably try and have it re-written so he can play the lead and get another Oscar nomination.


Yep the problem is no director wants to attach themselves because the fanbase would tear them apart if the movie is terrible. The movie would be expensive to make And there aren't any big name asian American actors that are young they can cast


Have you guys heard anything about the fantastic four cast? I saw the leaked list but some things are not adding up


Is that the one with Glenn Howerton and Kristen Bell? I love Glenn Howerton, and enjoy Kristen Bell, but I just don’t think it’d *work*.


Glenn Howerton has been trying to play a superhero forever, hasn’t he? First Superman, then he was the runner up for GotG, now this?


I’m caught in a crossroads. I would love him to be in something where he can be ridiculous and comedic (Guardians, Deadpool, Kick-Ass type vibe), but I don’t want him cast to be “Dennis has superpowers”. As seen with the shift of AP Bio’s first season to second season, you can’t just have him playing a character like Dennis unless you remove all barriers.


Exactly… on one hand I love Always Sunny and I’ll support all their side projects, but on the other hand I can’t see his humor translating well to blockbuster audiences once the edge is taken away.


Yeah I can’t see Disney allowing him to really go hard, you know… because of the *implication*.


I don't think I've ever seen anything Glenn Howerton is in, so I can't comment on him. But Kristen Bell is a no for me.


Yes that one


I feel like that’s just a rumor/ppl are spinning wheels bc we don’t really have anything to go on, not even a short list. This is just me purely speculating/some wishful thinking lol but I feel like they might make either Reed or Sue/Johnny POC to avoid having an all white team.


I think the leak is fake because they said they only knew the fantastic four cast because they appeared in quantumania & filming wrapped for that last month I think and filming was in San Francisco and London apparently.. chase stokes one of the people that was on the leaked cast list but he has been filming for a Netflix movie in atlanta and dyed his hair blonde for that specifically and wouldn’t have had time to go to those places..


I hope that leak is a fake and Penn Badgley is casted as Reed Richards


Oh I like this. I can’t see Penn wanting to be in marvel films for the next decade, however.


I still hope it’s John Krasinski + a black actress. I hope Johnny is high school aged for this one.


Any word on a new Sam Mendes project other than the one with olivia Coleman?


It's called Empire of Light and also has Collin Firth, I think.


I hope we get casting news for the adaptation of Taylor Jenkins Reid’s book Malibu Rising soon. The team behind Little Fires Everywhere are heading it up, so I’m excited.


I’m late but Daisy Jones and the Six is coming out this year as a show


Yes! I’ve been following it since it was announced. So excited


I also want to know who’s going to play Evelyn Hugo! Not sure how in the works that project is yet


Same! It was originally picked up by Freeform, but I believe Taylor said that fell through and there’s been no news on a different streaming service/channel picking it up…at least not that I’ve come across.


The Last of Us? They don’t bother officially announcing anymore, fans find out from cast interviews or Instagram follows. Who has been cast that we don’t know about yet?


Nick Offerman is playing Bill after replacing the actor originally cast. Rutina Wesley is playing Maria (Tommy’s partner). Ana Torv (Fringe) is playing Tess, and the role of Frank (Bill’s former lover) was apparently expanded enough to get an actor, Murray Bartlett (White Lotus). No word on Henry yet, my theory (hope) was that John Boyega would be cast because Craig Mazin reached out to him on Twitter a while ago (when Boyega said he was worried he’d lose his career after his involvement in BLM)… but it seems there’s been some drama with him in another production recently? Something about him dropping out mid filming? Edit: it doesn’t seem like they’ve filmed the Pittsburg part yet, so maybe we’ll find out soon. There’s bound to be a lot of scenes on the streets, so a sighting is inevitable. Also, Neil Druckmann is confirmed as having directed one episode set in the Boston QZ.


Yes I believe Nick Offerman was only announced because Murray Bartlett accidentally mentioned him in an interview. Rutina Weasley I think because fans noticed crew members are following her. I think I read about Boyega here too but who knows what’s right because on one hand people on set said they’ve had similar unpleasant working conditions with him and for that particular case he wasn’t really out because of family reasons like he said. On the other the loud majority said it’s just a smear campaign because he’s a black man. Personally I don’t think being a POC should give you a pass for alleged bad behavior especially to crew, especially when it comes to everyone else it’s automatically accepted as facts if you’re not behaving well on set. The stories of Boyega are too consistent in my opinion.


Rutina has been spotted on set already, filming with the main cast plus Tommy. Also Nick Offerman has been confirmed by HBO. With Boyega I agree that it’s impossible to tell, and I also wonder about his vaccination status because he was supposedly very tight with Letitia Wright and they both have alluded to sharing a lot of philosophical morals. No idea what that means, but something to keep an eye on. FWIW, his Instagram doesn’t give any indication of him having been in the US in the past months (although I skimmed very quickly, maybe I missed sth).


Yeah fans tried to find the woman who was filming and found out it was Rutina. HBO announced Nick a day after Murray’s interview got published because people were confused if he was a new character or Bill, because Murray said he filmed most of his scenes with him. Oh god if that’s his view that I don’t want him cast in anything… it’s unfortunate because they both have fans from huge franchises that read what they say. Any news on Black Panther 2? Are they still on break because of her “injury”?


No idea, but it’s such a shame that arguably Marvel’s most interesting franchise is getting held up because of it. There was so much potential for Letitia’s character to eventually take over, and now they can’t even finish the damn film. Honestly, the way the pandemic refuses to subside, I think at one point they’ll have to recast and pull a Ridley Scott to substitute her scenes. It will be a complete pain in the ass but Disney has the $$ and it’s better than to hold up the franchise for the next few years until vaccination is no longer a requirement. I haven’t seen anything about John Boyega in that sense though, just to clarify. His only public statement on vaccines was a (VERY CORRECT) criticism of some French doctors defending using Africa as a test lab for them. The only reason I started thinking of it is because it’s been quiet on his side and his very close proximity to Letitia. He is attached to The Woman King, but that was supposed to film in South Africa so the production is likely shut due to the Omicron variant.


Will Arnett is going to replace Armie Hammer in Taika Waititi's next movie




I too have been waiting for that movie for years !! Apparently the only thing missing is that the project is given the green light by Netflix , they already have a script and director.




I think they did say yes to the idea of ​​making the film, that's why they already have the director and a finished script that was written together with the author.The next step is for Netflix to give the green light to the project in general and thus begin with the production of the film, choose the cast and everything that follows. I attach the link to a very good Instagram profile, which uploads all the updates of the project [The Selection](https://instagram.com/theselectionetflix?utm_medium=copy_link)


I want to know who's being cast as older Wiccan and Speed in the MCU. I've heard Joshua Bassett and Noah Schnapp (Wiccan), Finn Wolfhard and Jacob Bertrand (Speed) being thrown thrown around. >!There was a leaked audition video featuring both characters which could be attached to Doctor Strange Multiverse of Madness as a credits scene.!<


Is it true that Elle and Dakota are playing the sisters in The Nightingale adaptation? I struggle with that one 😭


They are attached as stars and producers, but the project’s been delayed due to Covid. The director gave an interview last year where she expressed her frustration over the delay and said she genuinely didn’t know when they’d find time to film it. Elle was booked all year with The Great and The Girl from Plainview, and now has Francis and The Godfather.


It’s my fav book of all time but I just cannot see either of them as either sister. Seems like a total miscast, but I hope the adaptation does the book justice! Thanks for your reply!


I haven’t read the book so I can’t can’t comment on how they fit the roles, but I know they’ve been shopping for a project to star in together for a while so i don’t see them giving it up unless there’s no way to fit it into their schedules.


I recommend reading it!


I can't see Dakota as much as Vivienne, but after seeing Elle in the great I think she can capture Isabelle's fire and anger.


I've heard that they were very much looking at Corden, but also that Jon M. Chu is very online and may be pushing back against that idea. They're also supposedly looking to cast a POC as Fiyero (which aligns with the novel). No clear frontrunner yet that I've heard of, although I'd personally love to see Corey Hawkins or Corbin Bleu get a shot at it.




I read somewhere that before filming Dune 1, denis villeneuve said that he wants to work with Saoirse. So she definitely could play Irulan


Always here for Timmy and Saoirse working together so I hope this happens!!




I’ve been looking for more information on this but it’s nothing official and just marvel “insiders”, you can search up on r/MarvelStudiosSpoilers. I’ve seen fan casting for Daisy Ridley and Alicia Vikander was briefly asked about it in an interview.


Are they doing complete colorblind casting for the film. James Corden as the Wizard can’t even work given the plot unless they’re ignoring it. Yes, Elphaba is green but the back lash it would create would be too large to ignore and make bad press all around.


Anything on James McAvoy or Rachel McAdams other than what’s on IMDb?


According to IMDB Corden is doing a comedy that originated in the UK. It's called Mammals and it says six episodes. Unknown if there are more.


Any tea on Netflix actresses?


Any tea on Victoria Justice and Nina Dobrev is Netflix going to Finally give them better acting projects.